Rev. 0
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MOSFET. These pins also supply bias voltage for an internal
LDO regulator (the VIN LDO) that generates 3.5V at INTVCC.
The voltage on INTVCC in turn is used for internal chip bias
as well as gate drive for the bottom power MOSFETs. The
gate drive for the top power MOSFET is supplied by a float
ing supply (CBST) between the BOOST and SW pins, which
is charged by an internal synchronous diode from INTVCC.
In addition, an internal charge pump allows for 100% duty
cycle operation by maintaining the BOOST to SW voltage
when the top MOSFET is on continuously.
To improve efficiency and limit power dissipation in the
VIN LDO regulator, a second LDO regulator (the EXTVCC
LDO) allows the INTVCC voltage to be derived from the
lower-voltage EXTVCC pin. In most applications, the
EXTVCC pin is simply tied directly to the regulated output
voltage of the DC/DC converter to enable operation in a
high efficiency, bootstrapped configuration. In order to
ensure that the power dissipation on the internal VIN LDO
is limited to a safe level, the LT7101 incorporates a special
regulator timeout feature into the soft-start pin.
Start-Up and Shutdown (RUN, SS, OVLO Pins)
When the RUN pin is below 0.7V, the LT7101 enters a low
current shutdown state, reducing the DC supply current to
0.7µA. When the RUN pin is above 0.7V and the VIN pin is
above than the internal undervoltage threshold (VIN(UVLO))
of 4.55V, the INTVCC LDO regulators are enabled. However,
switching is inhibited until the RUN pin is greater than
VRUN(ON) = 1.21V. This allows the RUN pin to be used to
implement a VIN undervoltage lockout function so that the
power supply will not operate below a user-adjustable level.
In addition, switching is also inhibited if the voltage on
the OVLO pin exceeds VOV(R) = 1.21V. This feature can be
used to implement an input overvoltage lockout function
to prevent power supply operation during an overvoltage
condition on the input supply.
When appropriate voltages are present on the VIN, RUN
and OVLO pins, the LT7101 will begin switching and ini-
tiate a soft-start ramp of the output voltage. An internal
soft-start ramp of 1.2ms will limit the ramp rate of the
output voltage to prevent excessive input current dur-
ing start-up. If a longer ramp time is desired, a capacitor
can be placed from the SS pin to ground. The 10μA cur-
rent that is sourced from the SS pin will create a smooth
voltage ramp on the capacitor. If this external ramp rate
is slower than the internal 1.2ms soft-start, then the out-
put voltage will be limited by the ramp rate on the SS
pin instead. Once both the external and internal soft-start
ramps have exceeded 1V, the output voltage will be in
regulation. The internal and external soft-start functions
are reset during initial start-up and after an undervoltage
or overvoltage condition on the input supply.
The soft-start pin is also used to implement a regulator
timeout feature. This feature limits die temperature rise
due to power dissipation in the internal VIN LDO regulator
by disabling the top and bottom power MOSFETs after a
timeout, if EXTVCC voltage is not present. This is useful,
for example, if EXTVCC is tied to the output of the DC/DC
converter, but the converter output gets shorted to ground.
During start-up, a regulator timeout begins after both the
internal and external soft-start ramps have exceeded 1V,
and EXTVCC < 3V. If this condition persists for a period of
time (approximately 1.4 times the normal soft-start time),
then a regulator timeout fault occurs and all switching
stops. After a long restart delay (approximately 46 times
the normal soft-start time), a restart is initiated. If the
regulator timeout feature is not needed, the SS pin should
be tied to INTVCC through a 75k resistor. See Soft-Start
and LDO Regulator Timeout in the Applications Section
for more information.
Output Voltage Programming (VPRG1, VPRG2, VFB Pins)
The VPRG1 and VPRG2 pins provide a great deal of flex-
ibility in programming the output voltage of the power
supply. Floating both pins selects adjustable VOUT mode.
In this mode, the output is programmed using external
resistors on the VFB pin, and the VFB voltage is regu-
lated to the 1V reference. If one of the pins is tied either
to SGND or INTVCC, then fixed output voltage mode is
selected. In this mode, precision internal resistor dividers
are used to program the output voltage to one of eight
fixed voltage levels. See Output Voltage Programming in
the Applications Information Section.
Inductor Current Replication (RIND Pin)
The LT7101 contains a unique circuit that replicates the
inductor current immediately after the top switch turn-
on and combines this with the sensed switch currents