LM393, LM393E, LM293, LM2903, LM2903E, LM2903V, NCV2903
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 5.0 Vdc, Tlow ≤TA ≤ Thigh, unless otherwise noted.)
Characteristic Symbo
LM293, LM393, LM393E LM2903/E/V,
Min Typ Max Min Typ Max
Input Offset Voltage (Note 4) VIO mV
TA = 25°C − ±1.0 ±5.0 − ±2.0 ±7.0
Tlow ≤TA ≤ Thigh − − ±9.0 − ±9.0 ±15
Input Offset Current IIO nA
TA = 25°C − ±5.0 ±50 − ±5.0 ±50
Tlow ≤TA ≤ Thigh − − ±150 − ±50 ±200
Input Bias Current (Note 5) IIB nA
TA = 25°C − 20 250 − 20 250
Tlow ≤TA ≤ Thigh − − 400 − 20 500
Input Common Mode Voltage Range (Note 6) VICR V
TA = 25°C 0 − VCC −1.5 0 − VCC −1.5
Tlow ≤TA ≤ Thigh 0 − VCC −2.0 0 − VCC −2.0
Voltage Gain AVOL 50 200 − 25 200 − V/mV
RL ≥ 15 k, VCC = 15 Vdc, TA = 25°C
Large Signal Response Time − − 300 − − 300 − ns
Vin = TTL Logic Swing, Vref = 1.4 Vdc
VRL = 5.0 Vdc, RL = 5.1 k, TA = 25°C
Response Time (Note 7) tTLH − 1.3 − − 1.5 − s
VRL = 5.0 Vdc, RL = 5.1 k, TA = 25°C
Input Differential Voltage (Note 8) VID − − VCC − − VCC V
All Vin ≥ GND or V− Supply (if used)
Output Sink Current ISink 6.0 16 − 6.0 16 − mA
Vin ≥ 1.0 Vdc, Vin+ = 0 Vdc, VO ≤ 1.5 Vdc TA = 25°C
Output Saturation Voltage VOL mV
Vin ≥ 1.0 Vdc, Vin+ = 0, ISink ≤ 4.0 mA, TA = 25°C − 150 400 − − 400
Tlow ≤TA ≤ Thigh − − 700 − 200 700
Output Leakage Current IOL nA
Vin− = 0 V, Vin+ ≥ 1.0 Vdc, VO = 5.0 Vdc, TA = 25°C − 0.1 − − 0.1 −
Vin− = 0 V, Vin+ ≥ 1.0 Vdc, VO = 30 Vdc,
Tlow ≤TA ≤ Thigh − − 1000 − − 1000
Supply Current ICC mA
RL = ∞ Both Comparators, TA = 25°C − 0.4 1.0 − 0.4 1.0
RL = ∞ Both Comparators, VCC = 30 V − − 2.5 − − 2.5
Product parametric performance is indicated in the Electrical Characteristics for the listed test conditions, unless otherwise noted. Product
performance may not be indicated by the Electrical Characteristics if operated under different conditions.
LM293 Tlow = −25°C, Thigh = +85°C
LM393, LM393E Tlow = 0°C, Thigh = +70°C
LM2903, LM2903E Tlow = −40°C, Thigh = +105°C
LM2903V & NCV2903 Tlow = −40°C, Thigh = +125°C
NCV2903 is qualified for automotive use.
3. The maximum output current may be as high as 20 mA, independent of the magnitude of VCC, output short circuits to VCC can cause
excessive heating and eventual destruction.
4. At output switch point, VO]1.4 Vdc, RS = 0 with VCC from 5.0 Vdc to 30 Vdc, and over the full input common mode range
(0 V to VCC = −1.5 V).
5. Due to the PNP transistor inputs, bias current will flow out of the inputs. This current is essentially constant, independent of the output state,
therefore, no loading changes will exist on the input lines.
6. Input common mode of either input should not be permitted to go more than 0.3 V negative of ground or minus supply. The upper limit of
common mode range is VCC −1.5 V.
7. Response time is specified with a 100 mV step and 5.0 mV of overdrive. With larger magnitudes of overdrive faster response times are
8. The comparator will exhibit proper output state if one of the inputs becomes greater than VCC, the other input must remain within the common
mode range. The low input state must not be less than −0.3 V of ground or minus supply.