DATASHEET NEVO SERIES OP4 Patents pending OUTPUT 4 SPECIFICATIONS Parameter Output voltage range Rated current Average output power Peak output power Initial voltage accuracy Manual Voltage Adjust Load Regulation Line Regulation Cross Regulation Minimum Load Temperature coefficient Ripple and Noise Transient response Turn on rise time Turn on overshoot Turn on delay Details See table See graph, < 5 seconds 50% duty cycle Factory set units 11 turn potentiometer Measured at sense terminals Measured at sense terminals Measured at sense terminals 20MHz BW, pkpk 25% to 75% load transient at 0.25A/uS Recovery to within 10% of Vset Monotonic 10% to 90% Min 18 Typ 48 0.5 Units V A Watts 225 Watts 0.5 % V/turn mV %Vnom %Vnom Watts %/C 3.6 300 0.1 0.2 300 0.1 0.2 0 0.02 0.02 1.5 AC to PG En to PG 600 15 Current share accuracy Open sense offset Max 58 3.75 150 Open sense, voltage offset due to bias currents 1 %Vnom 3 V 100 uS 3.5 0.1 750 20 5 mS %Vset mS mS %Imax 2 %Vnom 50 250 V V 125 %rated 0 %rated Holdup voltage Isolation to ground Over current protection Reverse current protection % of rated current 105 % of rated current 6 Short circuit protection (Hiccup mode) Period Duty cycle Voltage threshold (Measured at sense terminals) 125 3 mS % 3.5 V Latching 66 V Over voltage protection Over Temperature protection Sense cable protection Each terminal Internally monitored. Latching Positive Negative Low threshold only ISIG=0.6+IOUT/(IRTD*1.25) ILMT = (VCTRL0.6)*IRTD*1.25 115 125 3 3 2 C V V %Vset %Irated %Irated Power Good threshold 90 Current output signal 0 110 Current limit control 0 110 Remote voltage VOUT=VSET((1.8VCTRL)/0.6) 0 300 %Vset control Bias supply 10mA max 4.5 5 5.2 V Reliability 40C 80% load 1 FPMH Warranty 2 Years Wire Size 20 18 10 AWG Weight 60 Grams Size 60mm x 35mm x 17mm Notes: All specifications are believed to be correct at time of publication and are subject to change without notice. Vox Power Ltd. reserves the right to change or improve any part of the specification, electrical or mechanical design or manufacturing process without notice. Please consult your local distributor or contact Vox Power to ensure that you have the latest specification before using your product. For other information relating to the use of the product please refer to the latest NEVO user manual. Vox Power reserves the right to make changes without notice to any of its products. Vox Power does not assume any liability arising out of the use or application of any of its products and of any information to the maximum extent permitted by law. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vox Power. VOX POWER DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS. IN PARTICULAR ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, CONDITION OR TERMS RELATING TO SUITABILITY, FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, MECHANTABILITY OR CONDITION OF THE PRODUCTS AND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BY STATURE OR COMMON LAW OR OTHERWISE ARE EXCLUDED. Document DOC6006 rev 01 Vox Power Ltd. Unit 9 Robinhood Business Park Robinhood Road, Ballymount Dublin 22, Ireland Tel: +353 1 426 4930, Fax: +353 1 633 5511 Web: Distributed By: