User's Manual 78K0/KC2 8-bit Single-Chip Microcontrollers PD78F0511 PD78F0512 PD78F0513 PD78F0514 PD78F0515 PD78F0513D PD78F0515D PD78F0511(A) PD78F0512(A) PD78F0513(A) PD78F0514(A) PD78F0515(A) PD78F0511(A2) PD78F0512(A2) PD78F0513(A2) PD78F0514(A2) PD78F0515(A2) The PD78F0513D and 78F0515D have on-chip debug functions. Do not use these products for mass production because its reliability cannot be guaranteed after the on-chip debug function has been used, due to issues with respect to the number of times the flash memory can be rewritten. NEC Electronics does not accept complaints concerning these products. Document No. U17336EJ5V0UD00 (5th edition) Date Published February 2007 N CP(K) 2005 Printed in Japan [MEMO] 2 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD NOTES FOR CMOS DEVICES 1 VOLTAGE APPLICATION WAVEFORM AT INPUT PIN Waveform distortion due to input noise or a reflected wave may cause malfunction. If the input of the CMOS device stays in the area between VIL (MAX) and VIH (MIN) due to noise, etc., the device may malfunction. Take care to prevent chattering noise from entering the device when the input level is fixed, and also in the transition period when the input level passes through the area between VIL (MAX) and VIH (MIN). 2 HANDLING OF UNUSED INPUT PINS Unconnected CMOS device inputs can be cause of malfunction. If an input pin is unconnected, it is possible that an internal input level may be generated due to noise, etc., causing malfunction. CMOS devices behave differently than Bipolar or NMOS devices. Input levels of CMOS devices must be fixed high or low by using pull-up or pull-down circuitry. Each unused pin should be connected to VDD or GND via a resistor if there is a possibility that it will be an output pin. All handling related to unused pins must be judged separately for each device and according to related specifications governing the device. 3 PRECAUTION AGAINST ESD A strong electric field, when exposed to a MOS device, can cause destruction of the gate oxide and ultimately degrade the device operation. Steps must be taken to stop generation of static electricity as much as possible, and quickly dissipate it when it has occurred. Environmental control must be adequate. When it is dry, a humidifier should be used. It is recommended to avoid using insulators that easily build up static electricity. Semiconductor devices must be stored and transported in an anti-static container, static shielding bag or conductive material. All test and measurement tools including work benches and floors should be grounded. The operator should be grounded using a wrist strap. Semiconductor devices must not be touched with bare hands. Similar precautions need to be taken for PW boards with mounted semiconductor devices. 4 STATUS BEFORE INITIALIZATION Power-on does not necessarily define the initial status of a MOS device. Immediately after the power source is turned ON, devices with reset functions have not yet been initialized. Hence, power-on does not guarantee output pin levels, I/O settings or contents of registers. A device is not initialized until the reset signal is received. A reset operation must be executed immediately after power-on for devices with reset functions. 5 POWER ON/OFF SEQUENCE In the case of a device that uses different power supplies for the internal operation and external interface, as a rule, switch on the external power supply after switching on the internal power supply. When switching the power supply off, as a rule, switch off the external power supply and then the internal power supply. Use of the reverse power on/off sequences may result in the application of an overvoltage to the internal elements of the device, causing malfunction and degradation of internal elements due to the passage of an abnormal current. The correct power on/off sequence must be judged separately for each device and according to related specifications governing the device. 6 INPUT OF SIGNAL DURING POWER OFF STATE Do not input signals or an I/O pull-up power supply while the device is not powered. The current injection that results from input of such a signal or I/O pull-up power supply may cause malfunction and the abnormal current that passes in the device at this time may cause degradation of internal elements. Input of signals during the power off state must be judged separately for each device and according to related specifications governing the device. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 3 EEPROM is a trademark of NEC Electronics Corporation. Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. PC/AT is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. HP9000 series 700 and HP-UX are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. SPARCstation is a trademark of SPARC International, Inc. Solaris and SunOS are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. SuperFlash is a registered trademark of Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. in several countries including the United States and Japan. 4 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Caution: This product uses SuperFlash(R) technology licensed from Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. * The information in this document is current as of December, 2006. The information is subject to change without notice. For actual design-in, refer to the latest publications of NEC Electronics data sheets or data books, etc., for the most up-to-date specifications of NEC Electronics products. Not all products and/or types are available in every country. Please check with an NEC Electronics sales representative for availability and additional information. * No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of NEC Electronics. NEC Electronics assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. * NEC Electronics does not assume any liability for infringement of patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of third parties by or arising from the use of NEC Electronics products listed in this document or any other liability arising from the use of such products. No license, express, implied or otherwise, is granted under any patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of NEC Electronics or others. * Descriptions of circuits, software and other related information in this document are provided for illustrative purposes in semiconductor product operation and application examples. The incorporation of these circuits, software and information in the design of a customer's equipment shall be done under the full responsibility of the customer. NEC Electronics assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of these circuits, software and information. * While NEC Electronics endeavors to enhance the quality, reliability and safety of NEC Electronics products, customers agree and acknowledge that the possibility of defects thereof cannot be eliminated entirely. To minimize risks of damage to property or injury (including death) to persons arising from defects in NEC Electronics products, customers must incorporate sufficient safety measures in their design, such as redundancy, fire-containment and anti-failure features. * NEC Electronics products are classified into the following three quality grades: "Standard", "Special" and "Specific". The "Specific" quality grade applies only to NEC Electronics products developed based on a customerdesignated "quality assurance program" for a specific application. The recommended applications of an NEC Electronics product depend on its quality grade, as indicated below. Customers must check the quality grade of each NEC Electronics product before using it in a particular application. "Standard": Computers, office equipment, communications equipment, test and measurement equipment, audio and visual equipment, home electronic appliances, machine tools, personal electronic equipment and industrial robots. "Special": Transportation equipment (automobiles, trains, ships, etc.), traffic control systems, anti-disaster systems, anti-crime systems, safety equipment and medical equipment (not specifically designed for life support). "Specific": Aircraft, aerospace equipment, submersible repeaters, nuclear reactor control systems, life support systems and medical equipment for life support, etc. The quality grade of NEC Electronics products is "Standard" unless otherwise expressly specified in NEC Electronics data sheets or data books, etc. If customers wish to use NEC Electronics products in applications not intended by NEC Electronics, they must contact an NEC Electronics sales representative in advance to determine NEC Electronics' willingness to support a given application. (Note) (1) "NEC Electronics" as used in this statement means NEC Electronics Corporation and also includes its majority-owned subsidiaries. (2) "NEC Electronics products" means any product developed or manufactured by or for NEC Electronics (as defined above). M8E 02. 11-1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 5 INTRODUCTION Readers This manual is intended for user engineers who wish to understand the functions of the 78K0/KC2 and design and develop application systems and programs for these devices. The target products are as follows. 78K0/KC2: PD78F0511, 78F0512, 78F0513, 78F0514, 78F0515, 78F0513D, 78F0515D, 78F0511(A), 78F0512(A), 78F0513(A), 78F0514(A), <R> 78F0515(A), 78F0511(A2), 78F0512(A2), 78F0513(A2), 78F0514(A2), <R> 78F0515(A2) Purpose This manual is intended to give users an understanding of the functions described in the Organization below. Organization The 78K0/KC2 manual is separated into two parts: this manual and the instructions edition (common to 78K0 microcontrollers). 78K0/KC2 78K/0 Series User's Manual User's Manual (This Manual) Instructions * Pin functions * CPU functions * Internal block functions * Instruction set * Interrupts * Explanation of each instruction * Other on-chip peripheral functions * Electrical specifications How to Read This Manual It is assumed that the readers of this manual have general knowledge of electrical engineering, logic circuits, and microcontrollers. * When using this manual as the manual for (A) grade products and (A2) grade <R> products: Only the quality grade differs between standard products, (A) grade products, and (A2) grade products. Read the part number as follows. * PD78F0511 PD78F0511(A), 78F0511(A2) * PD78F0512 PD78F0512(A), 78F0512(A2) * PD78F0513 PD78F0513(A), 78F0513(A2) * PD78F0514 PD78F0514(A), 78F0514(A2) * PD78F0515 PD78F0515(A), 78F0515(A2) * To gain a general understanding of functions: Read this manual in the order of the CONTENTS. The mark "<R>" shows major revised points. The revised points can be easily searched by copying an "<R>" in the PDF file and specifying it in the "Find what:" field. * How to interpret the register format: For a bit number enclosed in angle brackets, the bit name is defined as a reserved word in the RA78K0, and is defined as an sfr variable using the #pragma sfr directive in the CC78K0. 6 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD * To check the details of a register when you know the register name: See APPENDIX C REGISTER INDEX. * To know details of the 78K0 microcontroller instructions: Refer to the separate document 78K/0 Series Instructions User's Manual (U12326E). Conventions Data significance: Higher digits on the left and lower digits on the right Active low representations: xxx (overscore over pin and signal name) Note: Footnote for item marked with Note in the text Caution: Information requiring particular attention Remark: Supplementary information ... xxxx or xxxxB Numerical representations: Binary Related Documents Decimal ... xxxx Hexadecimal ... xxxxH The related documents indicated in this publication may include preliminary versions. However, preliminary versions are not marked as such. Documents Related to Devices Document Name Document No. 78K0/KC2 User's Manual This manual 78K/0 Series Instructions User's Manual U12326E 78K0/Kx2 Flash Memory Programming (Programmer) Application Note 78K0/Kx2 Flash Memory Self Programming User's Manual <R> 78K0/Kx2 EEPROM TM Emulation Application Note U17739E Note U17516E Note Note This document is under engineering management. U17517E For details, consult an NEC Electronics sales representative. Documents Related to Development Tools (Software) (User's Manuals) Document Name RA78K0 Ver. 3.80 Assembler Package CC78K0 Ver. 3.70 C Compiler SM+ System Simulator ID78K0-QB Ver. 2.90 Integrated Debugger Document No. Operation U17199E Language U17198E Structured Assembly Language U17197E Operation U17201E Language U17200E Operation U17246E User Open Interface U17247E Operation U17437E PM plus Ver. 5.20 U16934E Caution The related documents listed above are subject to change without notice. Be sure to use the latest version of each document when designing. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 7 Documents Related to Development Tools (Hardware) (User's Manuals) Document Name <R> Document No. QB-78K0KX2 In-Circuit Emulator U17341E QB-78K0MINI On-Chip Debug Emulator U17029E QB-MINI2 On-Chip Debug Emulator with Programming Function U18371E Documents Related to Flash Memory Programming (User's Manuals) Document Name Document No. PG-FP4 Flash Memory Programmer U15260E PG-FPL3 Flash Memory Programmer U17454E Other Documents Document Name Document No. SEMICONDUCTOR SELECTION GUIDE - Products and Packages - X13769X Semiconductor Device Mount Manual Note Quality Grades on NEC Semiconductor Devices C11531E NEC Semiconductor Device Reliability/Quality Control System C10983E Guide to Prevent Damage for Semiconductor Devices by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) C11892E Note See the "Semiconductor Device Mount Manual" website ( Caution The related documents listed above are subject to change without notice. Be sure to use the latest version of each document when designing. 8 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE ............................................................................................................................ 17 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Features .................................................................................................................................... 17 Applications ............................................................................................................................. 18 Ordering Information ............................................................................................................... 19 Pin Configuration (Top View).................................................................................................. 20 78K0/Kx2 Microcontroller Lineup........................................................................................... 26 Block Diagram.......................................................................................................................... 29 Outline of Functions ................................................................................................................ 30 CHAPTER 2 PIN FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................... 33 2.1 2.2 2.3 Pin Function List...................................................................................................................... 33 Description of Pin Functions .................................................................................................. 36 2.2.1 P00 and P01 (port 0)..................................................................................................................36 2.2.2 P10 to P17 (port 1).....................................................................................................................37 2.2.3 P20 to P27 (port 2).....................................................................................................................38 2.2.4 P30 to P33 (port 3).....................................................................................................................38 2.2.5 P40 and P41 (port 4) (44-pin and 48-pin products only) ............................................................39 2.2.6 P60 to P63 (port 6).....................................................................................................................39 2.2.7 P70 to P75 (port 7).....................................................................................................................40 2.2.8 P120 to P124 (port 12)...............................................................................................................40 2.2.9 P130 (port 13) (48-pin products only).........................................................................................41 2.2.10 P140 (port 14) (48-pin products only).........................................................................................41 2.2.11 AVREF ........................................................................................................................................42 2.2.12 AVSS ..........................................................................................................................................42 2.2.13 RESET .......................................................................................................................................42 2.2.14 REGC.........................................................................................................................................42 2.2.15 VDD ............................................................................................................................................42 2.2.16 VSS ............................................................................................................................................42 2.2.17 FLMD0 .......................................................................................................................................42 Pin I/O Circuits and Recommended Connection of Unused Pins....................................... 43 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE...................................................................................................... 47 3.1 3.2 3.3 Memory Space.......................................................................................................................... 47 3.1.1 Internal program memory space ................................................................................................56 3.1.2 Internal data memory space.......................................................................................................58 3.1.3 Special function register (SFR) area ..........................................................................................59 3.1.4 Data memory addressing ...........................................................................................................59 Processor Registers ................................................................................................................ 65 3.2.1 Control registers.........................................................................................................................65 3.2.2 General-purpose registers .........................................................................................................69 3.2.3 Special function registers (SFRs)...............................................................................................70 Instruction Address Addressing ............................................................................................ 75 3.3.1 Relative addressing....................................................................................................................75 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 9 3.4 3.3.2 Immediate addressing ............................................................................................................... 76 3.3.3 Table indirect addressing .......................................................................................................... 77 3.3.4 Register addressing .................................................................................................................. 77 Operand Address Addressing ................................................................................................ 78 3.4.1 Implied addressing .................................................................................................................... 78 3.4.2 Register addressing .................................................................................................................. 79 3.4.3 Direct addressing ...................................................................................................................... 80 3.4.4 Short direct addressing ............................................................................................................. 81 3.4.5 Special function register (SFR) addressing ............................................................................... 82 3.4.6 Register indirect addressing...................................................................................................... 83 3.4.7 Based addressing...................................................................................................................... 84 3.4.8 Based indexed addressing ........................................................................................................ 85 3.4.9 Stack addressing....................................................................................................................... 86 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS ........................................................................................................... 87 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Port Functions .......................................................................................................................... 87 Port Configuration ................................................................................................................... 89 4.2.1 Port 0......................................................................................................................................... 90 4.2.2 Port 1......................................................................................................................................... 92 4.2.3 Port 2......................................................................................................................................... 97 4.2.4 Port 3......................................................................................................................................... 99 4.2.5 Port 4 (44-pin and 48-pin products only) ..................................................................................102 4.2.6 Port 6........................................................................................................................................103 4.2.7 Port 7........................................................................................................................................105 4.2.8 Port 12......................................................................................................................................106 4.2.9 Port 13 (48-pin products only) ..................................................................................................109 4.2.10 Port 14 (48-pin products only) ..................................................................................................110 Registers Controlling Port Function .................................................................................... 111 Port Function Operations...................................................................................................... 116 4.4.1 Writing to I/O port .....................................................................................................................116 4.4.2 Reading from I/O port...............................................................................................................116 4.4.3 Operations on I/O port..............................................................................................................116 Settings of Port Mode Register and Output Latch When Using Alternate Function....... 117 Cautions on 1-bit Manipulation Instruction for Port Register n (Pn) ................................ 119 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR .................................................................................................... 120 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 10 Functions of Clock Generator............................................................................................... 120 Configuration of Clock Generator ........................................................................................ 121 Registers Controlling Clock Generator ............................................................................... 123 System Clock Oscillator ........................................................................................................ 132 5.4.1 X1 oscillator..............................................................................................................................132 5.4.2 XT1 oscillator ...........................................................................................................................132 5.4.3 When subsystem clock is not used ..........................................................................................135 5.4.4 Internal high-speed oscillator ...................................................................................................135 5.4.5 Internal low-speed oscillator.....................................................................................................135 5.4.6 Prescaler ..................................................................................................................................135 Clock Generator Operation ................................................................................................... 136 Controlling Clock ................................................................................................................... 140 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 5.6.1 Controlling high-speed system clock........................................................................................140 5.6.2 Example of controlling internal high-speed oscillation clock.....................................................143 5.6.3 Example of controlling subsystem clock...................................................................................145 5.6.4 Example of controlling internal low-speed oscillation clock ......................................................147 5.6.5 Clocks supplied to CPU and peripheral hardware....................................................................147 5.6.6 CPU clock status transition diagram ........................................................................................148 5.6.7 Condition before changing CPU clock and processing after changing CPU clock ...................153 5.6.8 Time required for switchover of CPU clock and main system clock .........................................154 5.6.9 Conditions before clock oscillation is stopped..........................................................................155 5.6.10 Peripheral hardware and source clocks ...................................................................................156 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00........................................................................... 157 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Functions of 16-bit Timer/Event Counter 00 ....................................................................... 157 Configuration of 16-bit Timer/Event Counter 00................................................................. 158 Registers Controlling 16-bit Timer/Event Counter 00 ........................................................ 163 Operation of 16-bit Timer/Event Counter 00 ....................................................................... 171 6.4.1 Interval timer operation ............................................................................................................171 6.4.2 Square wave output operation .................................................................................................174 6.4.3 External event counter operation .............................................................................................177 6.4.4 Operation in clear & start mode entered by TI000 pin valid edge input....................................180 6.4.5 Free-running timer operation....................................................................................................193 6.4.6 PPG output operation...............................................................................................................202 6.4.7 One-shot pulse output operation..............................................................................................205 6.4.8 Pulse width measurement operation ........................................................................................210 Special Use of TM00 .............................................................................................................. 218 6.5.1 Rewriting CR010 during TM00 operation .................................................................................218 6.5.2 Setting LVS00 and LVR00 .......................................................................................................218 Cautions for 16-bit Timer/Event Counter 00........................................................................ 220 CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 .......................................................... 224 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Functions of 8-bit Timer/Event Counters 50 and 51........................................................... 224 Configuration of 8-bit Timer/Event Counters 50 and 51 .................................................... 224 Registers Controlling 8-bit Timer/Event Counters 50 and 51............................................ 227 Operations of 8-bit Timer/Event Counters 50 and 51......................................................... 232 7.4.1 Operation as interval timer .......................................................................................................232 7.4.2 Operation as external event counter ........................................................................................234 7.4.3 Square-wave output operation .................................................................................................235 7.4.4 PWM output operation .............................................................................................................236 Cautions for 8-bit Timer/Event Counters 50 and 51 ........................................................... 240 CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 .......................................................................................... 241 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Functions of 8-bit Timers H0 and H1 ................................................................................... 241 Configuration of 8-bit Timers H0 and H1............................................................................. 241 Registers Controlling 8-bit Timers H0 and H1 .................................................................... 245 Operation of 8-bit Timers H0 and H1 ................................................................................... 251 8.4.1 Operation as interval timer/square-wave output.......................................................................251 8.4.2 Operation as PWM output........................................................................................................254 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 11 8.4.3 Carrier generator operation (8-bit timer H1 only)......................................................................260 CHAPTER 9 WATCH TIMER................................................................................................................ 267 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Functions of Watch Timer ..................................................................................................... 267 Configuration of Watch Timer............................................................................................... 268 Register Controlling Watch Timer ........................................................................................ 269 Watch Timer Operations........................................................................................................ 271 9.4.1 Watch timer operation ..............................................................................................................271 9.4.2 Interval timer operation.............................................................................................................271 Cautions for Watch Timer ..................................................................................................... 272 CHAPTER 10 WATCHDOG TIMER ..................................................................................................... 273 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Functions of Watchdog Timer .............................................................................................. 273 Configuration of Watchdog Timer ........................................................................................ 274 Register Controlling Watchdog Timer ................................................................................. 275 Operation of Watchdog Timer............................................................................................... 276 10.4.1 Controlling operation of watchdog timer ...................................................................................276 10.4.2 Setting overflow time of watchdog timer...................................................................................277 10.4.3 Setting window open period of watchdog timer ........................................................................278 CHAPTER 11 CLOCK OUTPUT CONTROLLER (48-PIN PRODUCTS ONLY) .............................. 280 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Functions of Clock Output Controller.................................................................................. 280 Configuration of Clock Output Controller ........................................................................... 281 Registers Controlling Clock Output Controller................................................................... 281 Operations of Clock Output Controller................................................................................ 283 CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER ......................................................................................................... 284 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 Function of A/D Converter .................................................................................................... 284 Configuration of A/D Converter ............................................................................................ 285 Registers Used in A/D Converter.......................................................................................... 287 A/D Converter Operations ..................................................................................................... 295 12.4.1 Basic operations of A/D converter ............................................................................................295 12.4.2 Input voltage and conversion results ........................................................................................297 12.4.3 A/D converter operation mode .................................................................................................298 How to Read A/D Converter Characteristics Table............................................................. 300 Cautions for A/D Converter................................................................................................... 302 CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 ...................................................................................... 306 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 12 Functions of Serial Interface UART0.................................................................................... 306 Configuration of Serial Interface UART0 ............................................................................. 307 Registers Controlling Serial Interface UART0..................................................................... 310 Operation of Serial Interface UART0.................................................................................... 315 13.4.1 Operation stop mode................................................................................................................315 13.4.2 Asynchronous serial interface (UART) mode ...........................................................................316 13.4.3 Dedicated baud rate generator.................................................................................................322 13.4.4 Calculation of baud rate ...........................................................................................................323 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 ...................................................................................... 327 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 Functions of Serial Interface UART6 ................................................................................... 327 Configuration of Serial Interface UART6 ............................................................................. 331 Registers Controlling Serial Interface UART6 .................................................................... 334 Operation of Serial Interface UART6.................................................................................... 343 14.4.1 Operation stop mode................................................................................................................343 14.4.2 Asynchronous serial interface (UART) mode ...........................................................................344 14.4.3 Dedicated baud rate generator ................................................................................................357 14.4.4 Calculation of baud rate ...........................................................................................................359 CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 ........................................................................................ 364 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 Functions of Serial Interface CSI10 ..................................................................................... 364 Configuration of Serial Interface CSI10 ............................................................................... 365 Registers Controlling Serial Interface CSI10 ...................................................................... 367 Operation of Serial Interface CSI10...................................................................................... 371 15.4.1 Operation stop mode................................................................................................................371 15.4.2 3-wire serial I/O mode ..............................................................................................................371 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 ........................................................................................... 382 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 Functions of Serial Interface IIC0......................................................................................... 382 Configuration of Serial Interface IIC0 .................................................................................. 385 Registers to Control Serial Interface IIC0............................................................................ 388 I2C Bus Mode Functions ........................................................................................................ 401 16.5 I2C Bus Definitions and Control Methods............................................................................ 402 16.4.1 16.6 Pin configuration ......................................................................................................................401 16.5.1 Start conditions ........................................................................................................................402 16.5.2 Addresses ................................................................................................................................403 16.5.3 Transfer direction specification ................................................................................................403 16.5.4 ACK..........................................................................................................................................404 16.5.5 Stop condition ..........................................................................................................................405 16.5.6 Wait..........................................................................................................................................406 16.5.7 Canceling wait..........................................................................................................................408 16.5.8 Interrupt request (INTIIC0) generation timing and wait control.................................................408 16.5.9 Address match detection method.............................................................................................409 16.5.10 Error detection .........................................................................................................................409 16.5.11 Extension code ........................................................................................................................410 16.5.12 Arbitration.................................................................................................................................411 16.5.13 Wakeup function ......................................................................................................................412 16.5.14 Communication reservation .....................................................................................................413 16.5.15 Cautions...................................................................................................................................416 16.5.16 Communication operations ......................................................................................................417 16.5.17 Timing of I2C interrupt request (INTIIC0) occurrence ...............................................................425 Timing Charts......................................................................................................................... 446 CHAPTER 17 MULTIPLIER/DIVIDER (PD78F0514, 78F0515, AND 78F0515D ONLY)............... 453 17.1 17.2 Functions of Multiplier/Divider ............................................................................................. 453 Configuration of Multiplier/Divider....................................................................................... 453 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 13 17.3 17.4 Register Controlling Multiplier/Divider ................................................................................ 457 Operations of Multiplier/Divider............................................................................................ 458 17.4.1 Multiplication operation.............................................................................................................458 17.4.2 Division operation.....................................................................................................................460 CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................ 462 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 Interrupt Function Types....................................................................................................... 462 Interrupt Sources and Configuration ................................................................................... 462 Registers Controlling Interrupt Functions .......................................................................... 466 Interrupt Servicing Operations ............................................................................................. 474 18.4.1 Maskable interrupt acknowledgment ........................................................................................474 18.4.2 Software interrupt request acknowledgment ............................................................................476 18.4.3 Multiple interrupt servicing........................................................................................................477 18.4.4 Interrupt request hold ...............................................................................................................480 CHAPTER 19 KEY INTERRUPT FUNCTION ..................................................................................... 481 19.1 19.2 19.3 Functions of Key Interrupt .................................................................................................... 481 Configuration of Key Interrupt.............................................................................................. 481 Register Controlling Key Interrupt ....................................................................................... 482 CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION .................................................................................................. 483 20.1 20.2 Standby Function and Configuration................................................................................... 483 20.1.1 Standby function.......................................................................................................................483 20.1.2 Registers controlling standby function......................................................................................483 Standby Function Operation................................................................................................. 486 20.2.1 HALT mode ..............................................................................................................................486 20.2.2 STOP mode .............................................................................................................................491 CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION........................................................................................................ 497 21.1 Register for Confirming Reset Source................................................................................. 505 CHAPTER 22 POWER-ON-CLEAR CIRCUIT...................................................................................... 506 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 Functions of Power-on-Clear Circuit ................................................................................... 506 Configuration of Power-on-Clear Circuit ............................................................................. 507 Operation of Power-on-Clear Circuit.................................................................................... 507 Cautions for Power-on-Clear Circuit .................................................................................... 510 CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR ....................................................................................... 512 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 14 Functions of Low-Voltage Detector...................................................................................... 512 Configuration of Low-Voltage Detector ............................................................................... 513 Registers Controlling Low-Voltage Detector ...................................................................... 513 Operation of Low-Voltage Detector...................................................................................... 516 23.4.1 When used as reset .................................................................................................................517 23.4.2 When used as interrupt ............................................................................................................522 Cautions for Low-Voltage Detector ...................................................................................... 527 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 24 OPTION BYTE............................................................................................................... 530 24.1 24.2 Functions of Option Bytes .................................................................................................... 530 Format of Option Byte ........................................................................................................... 532 CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY.......................................................................................................... 535 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 Internal Memory Size Switching Register ........................................................................... 535 Internal Expansion RAM Size Switching Register.............................................................. 536 Writing with Flash Memory Programmer............................................................................. 537 Programming Environment................................................................................................... 545 Communication Mode ........................................................................................................... 545 Handling of Pins on Board.................................................................................................... 547 25.6.1 25.7 FLMD0 pin ...............................................................................................................................547 25.6.2 Serial interface pins..................................................................................................................547 25.6.3 RESET pin ...............................................................................................................................549 25.6.4 Port pins...................................................................................................................................549 25.6.5 REGC pin.................................................................................................................................549 25.6.6 Other signal pins ......................................................................................................................549 25.6.7 Power supply ...........................................................................................................................550 Programming Method............................................................................................................ 551 25.7.1 Controlling flash memory .........................................................................................................551 25.7.2 Flash memory programming mode ..........................................................................................551 25.7.3 Selecting communication mode ...............................................................................................552 25.7.4 Communication commands......................................................................................................553 25.8 Security Settings.................................................................................................................... 554 25.9 Processing Time for Each Command When PG-FP4 Is Used (Reference) ...................... 556 25.10 Flash Memory Programming by Self Programming........................................................... 557 25.10.1 Boot swap function...................................................................................................................564 CHAPTER 26 ON-CHIP DEBUG FUNCTION (PD78F0513D AND 78F0515D ONLY)................... 566 26.1 26.2 Connecting QB-78K0MINI or QB-MINI2 to PD78F0513D and 78F0515D......................... 566 Reserved Area Used by QB-78K0MINI and QB-MINI2 ........................................................ 568 CHAPTER 27 INSTRUCTION SET ...................................................................................................... 569 27.1 27.2 27.3 Conventions Used in Operation List.................................................................................... 569 27.1.1 Operand identifiers and specification methods ........................................................................569 27.1.2 Description of operation column...............................................................................................570 27.1.3 Description of flag operation column ........................................................................................570 Operation List......................................................................................................................... 571 Instructions Listed by Addressing Type ............................................................................. 579 CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS)................................... 582 CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS).................................... 603 CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C)........................................................................................................ 622 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 15 CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C)........................................................................................................ 641 CHAPTER 32 PACKAGE DRAWINGS ................................................................................................ 660 CHAPTER 33 RECOMMENDED SOLDERING CONDITIONS........................................................... 665 CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT................................................................................................. 666 34.1 34.2 Cautions for Wait.................................................................................................................... 666 Peripheral Hardware That Generates Wait .......................................................................... 667 APPENDIX A DEVELOPMENT TOOLS............................................................................................... 668 A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 Software Package .................................................................................................................. 672 Language Processing Software............................................................................................ 672 Control Software .................................................................................................................... 673 Flash Memory Writing Tools ................................................................................................. 674 A.4.1 When using flash memory programmer PG-FP4, FL-PR4, PG-FPL3, and FP-LITE3 ..............674 A.4.2 When using on-chip debug emulator with programming function QB-MINI2 ............................674 Debugging Tools (Hardware) ................................................................................................ 675 A.5.1 When using in-circuit emulator QB-78K0KX2...........................................................................675 A.5.2 When using on-chip debug emulator QB-78K0MINI.................................................................676 A.5.3 When using on-chip debug emulator with programming function QB-MINI2 ............................676 Debugging Tools (Software) ................................................................................................. 677 APPENDIX B NOTES ON TARGET SYSTEM DESIGN ................................................................... 678 APPENDIX C REGISTER INDEX ......................................................................................................... 680 C.1 C.2 Register Index (In Alphabetical Order with Respect to Register Names) ........................ 680 Register Index (In Alphabetical Order with Respect to Register Symbol) ....................... 683 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS ..................................................................................................... 687 APPENDIX E REVISION HISTORY....................................................................................................... 713 E.1 E.2 16 Major Revisions in This Edition............................................................................................ 713 Revision History of Preceding Editions............................................................................... 719 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE 1.1 Features { Minimum instruction execution time can be changed from high speed (0.1 s: @ 20 MHz operation with highspeed system clock) to ultra low-speed (122 s: @ 32.768 kHz operation with subsystem clock) { General-purpose register: 8 bits x 32 registers (8 bits x 8 registers x 4 banks) { ROM, RAM capacities Item Program Memory (ROM) Part Number PD78F0511 Flash memory Note Data Memory Internal High-Speed RAM 16 KB 768 bytes PD78F0512 24 KB 1 KB PD78F0513, 78F0513D 32 KB Note Internal Expansion RAM Note - PD78F0514 48 KB 1 KB PD78F0515, 78F0515D 60 KB 2 KB Note The internal flash memory, internal high-speed RAM capacities, and internal expansion RAM capacities can be changed using the internal memory size switching register (IMS) and the internal expansion RAM size switching register (IXS). For IMS and IXS, see 25.1 Memory Size Switching Register and 25.2 Internal Expansion RAM Size Switching Register. { On-chip single-power-supply flash memory { Self-programming (with boot swap function) { On-chip debug function (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D only)Note { On-chip power-on-clear (POC) circuit and low-voltage detector (LVI) { On-chip watchdog timer (operable with the on-chip internal low-speed oscillation clock) { On-chip multiplier/divider (16 bits x 16 bits, 32 bits / 16 bits) (PD78F0514, 78F0515, and 78F0515D only) { On-chip key interrupt function { On-chip clock output controller { I/O ports: <R> 38-pin products: 31 (N-ch open drain: 4) 44-pin products: 37 (N-ch open drain: 4) 48-pin products: 41 (N-ch open drain: 4) Note The PD78F0513D and 78F0515D have on-chip debug functions. Do not use these products for mass production because its reliability cannot be guaranteed after the on-chip debug function has been used, due to issues with respect to the number of times the flash memory can be rewritten. NEC Electronics does not accept complaints concerning these products. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 17 CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE { Timer: 7 channels * 16-bit timer/event counter: 1 channel * 8-bit timer/event counter: 2 channels * 8-bit timer: 2 channels * Watch timer: 1 channel * Watchdog timer: 1 channel { Serial interface: 3 channels * UART (LIN (Local Interconnect Network)-bus supported: 1 channel * CSI/UARTNote: 1 channel * I2C: 1 channel { 10-bit resolution A/D converter (AVREF = 2.3 to 5.5 V): 8 channels (38-pin products: 6 channels) { Power supply voltage * Standard products, (A) grade products: VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V * (A2) grade products: <R> VDD = 2.7 to 5.5 V { Operating ambient temperature * Standard products, (A) grade products: TA = -40 to +85C * (A2) grade products: <R> TA = -40 to +110C, TA = -40 to +125C Note Select either of the functions of these alternate-function pins. 1.2 Applications { Automotive equipment (compatible with (A) and (A2) grade products) * System control for body electricals (power windows, keyless entry reception, etc.) * Sub-microcontrollers for control { Car audio { AV equipment, home audio { PC peripheral equipment (keyboards, etc.) { Household electrical appliances * Air conditioners * Microwave ovens, electric rice cookers { Industrial equipment * Pumps * Vending machines * FA (Factory Automation) 18 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE 1.3 Ordering Information * Flash memory version Part Number <R> <R> <R> <R> <R> <R> <R> <R> <R> <R> <R> <R> PD78F0511GA-8EU-A PD78F0511GB-UES-A PD78F0511MC-GAA-AXNote 1 PD78F0512GA-8EU-A PD78F0512GB-UES-A PD78F0512MC-GAA-AXNote 1 PD78F0513GA-8EU-A PD78F0513GB-UES-A PD78F0513MC-GAA-AXNote 1 PD78F0514GA-8EU-A PD78F0515GA-8EU-A PD78F0513DGB-UES-ANote 2 PD78F0513DMC-GAA-AXNotes 1, 2 PD78F0515DGA-8EU-ANote 2 PD78F0511GA(A)-GAM-AX PD78F0511GB(A)-GAF-AX PD78F0512GA(A)-GAM-AX PD78F0512GB(A)-GAF-AX PD78F0513GA(A)-GAM-AX PD78F0513GB(A)-GAF-AX PD78F0514GA(A)-GAM-AX PD78F0515GA(A)-GAM-AX PD78F0511GA(A2)-GAM-AX PD78F0511GB(A2)-GAF-AX PD78F0512GA(A2)-GAM-AX PD78F0512GB(A2)-GAF-AX PD78F0513GA(A2)-GAM-AX PD78F0513GB(A2)-GAF-AX PD78F0514GA(A2)-GAM-AX PD78F0515GA(A2)-GAM-AX Package 48-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (7 x 7) 44-pin plastic LQFP (10 x 10) 38-pin plastic SSOP (7.62 mm (300)) 48-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (7 x 7) 44-pin plastic LQFP (10 x 10) 38-pin plastic SSOP (7.62 mm (300)) 48-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (7 x 7) 44-pin plastic LQFP (10 x 10) 38-pin plastic SSOP (7.62 mm (300)) 48-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (7 x 7) 48-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (7 x 7) 44-pin plastic LQFP (10 x 10) 38-pin plastic SSOP (7.62 mm (300)) 48-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (7 x 7) 48-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (7 x 7) 44-pin plastic LQFP (10 x 10) 48-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (7 x 7) 44-pin plastic LQFP (10 x 10) 48-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (7 x 7) 44-pin plastic LQFP (10 x 10) 48-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (7 x 7) 48-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (7 x 7) 48-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (7 x 7) 44-pin plastic LQFP (10 x 10) 48-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (7 x 7) 44-pin plastic LQFP (10 x 10) 48-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (7 x 7) 44-pin plastic LQFP (10 x 10) 48-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (7 x 7) 48-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (7 x 7) Quality Grade Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Notes 1. Under development 2. The PD78F0513D and 78F0515D have on-chip debug functions. Do not use these products for mass production because its reliability cannot be guaranteed after the on-chip debug function has been used, due to issues with respect to the number of times the flash memory can be rewritten. NEC Electronics does not accept complaints concerning these products. Remark Products with -A and -AX at the end of the part number are lead-free products. Please refer to "Quality Grades on NEC Semiconductor Devices" (Document No. C11531E) published by NEC Electronics Corporation to know the specification of the quality grade on the device and its recommended applications. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 19 CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE 1.4 Pin Configuration (Top View) * 38-pin plastic SSOP (7.62 mm (300)) <R> ANI1/P21 1 38 ANI2/P22 ANI0/P20 2 37 ANI3/P23 P01/TI010/TO00 3 36 ANI4/P24 P00/TI000 4 35 ANI5/P25 P120/INTP0/EXLVI 5 34 AVSS RESET 6 33 AVREF P124/XT2/EXCLKS 7 32 P10/SCK10/TxD0 P123/XT1 8 31 P11/SI10/RxD0 FLMD0 9 30 P12/SO10 P122/X2/EXCLK/OCD0BNote 10 29 P13/TxD6 Note 11 28 P14/RxD6 REGC 12 27 P15/TOH0 VSS 13 26 P16/TOH1/INTP5 VDD 14 25 P17/TI50/TO50 P60/SCL0 15 24 P30/INTP1 P61/SDA0 16 23 P31/INTP2/OCD1ANote P62/EXSCL0 17 22 P32/INTP3/OCD1BNote P63 18 21 P70/KR0 P33/TI51/TO51/INTP4 19 20 P71/KR1 P121/X1/OCD0A Note PD78F0513D (product with on-chip debug function) only Cautions 1. Make AVSS the same potential as VSS. 2. Connect the REGC pin to VSS via a capacitor (0.47 to 1 F: recommended). 3. ANI0/P20 to ANI5/P25 are set in the analog input mode after release of reset. 20 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE Pin Identification ANI0 to ANI5: Analog input P70, P71: Port 7 AVREF: Analog reference voltage P120 to P124: Port 12 AVSS: Analog ground REGC: Regulator capacitance EXCLK: External clock input RESET: Reset (main system clock) RxD0, RxD6: Receive data EXCLKS: External clock input SCK10, SCL0: Serial clock input/output (subsystem clock) SDA0: Serial data input/output EXLVI: External potential input SI10: Serial data input Serial data output for low-voltage detector SO10: EXSCL0: External serial clock input TI000, TI010, FLMD0: Flash programming mode TI50, TI51: INTP0 to INTP5: External interrupt input TO00, Key return TO50, TO51, KR0, KR1: OCD0A Note OCD1A Note Note , Note : , OCD0B Timer input TOH0, TOH1: Timer output On-chip debug input/output TxD0, TxD6: Transmit data P00, P01: Port 0 VDD: Power supply P10 to P17: Port 1 VSS: Ground P20 to P25: Port 2 X1, X2: Crystal oscillator (main system P30 to P33: Port 3 P60 to P63: Port 6 , OCD1B clock) XT1, XT2: Crystal oscillator (subsystem clock) Note PD78F0513D (product with on-chip debug function) only User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 21 CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE ANI7/P27 ANI6/P26 ANI5/P25 ANI4/P24 ANI3/P23 ANI2/P22 ANI1/P21 ANI0/P20 P01/TI010/TO00 P00/TI000 P120/INTP0/EXLVI * 44-pin plastic LQFP (10 x 10) 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 P41 1 33 AVSS P40 2 32 AVREF RESET 3 31 P10/SCK10/TxD0 P124/XT2/EXCLKS 4 30 P11/SI10/RxD0 P123/XT1 5 29 P12/SO10 FLMD0 6 28 P13/TxD6 P122/X2/EXCLK/OCD0BNote 7 27 P14/RxD6 P121/X1/OCD0ANote 8 26 P15/TOH0 REGC 9 25 P16/TOH1/INTP5 VSS 10 24 P17/TI50/TO50 VDD 11 23 P30/INTP1 P31/INTP2/OCD1A Note P32/INTP3/OCD1BNote P70/KR0 P71/KR1 P72/KR2 P73/KR3 P33/TI51/TO51/INTP4 P63 P61/SDA0 P62/EXSCL0 P60/SCL0 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Note PD78F0513D (product with on-chip debug function) only Cautions 1. Make AVSS the same potential as VSS. 2. Connect the REGC pin to VSS via a capacitor (0.47 to 1 F: recommended). 3. ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 are set in the analog input mode after release of reset. 22 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE Pin Identification ANI0 to ANI7: Analog input P70 to P73: Port 7 AVREF: Analog reference voltage P120 to P124: Port 12 AVSS: Analog ground REGC: Regulator capacitance EXCLK: External clock input RESET: Reset (main system clock) RxD0, RxD6: Receive data EXCLKS: External clock input SCK10, SCL0: Serial clock input/output (subsystem clock) SDA0: Serial data input/output EXLVI: External potential input SI10: Serial data input Serial data output for low-voltage detector SO10: EXSCL0: External serial clock input TI000, TI010, FLMD0: Flash programming mode TI50, TI51: INTP0 to INTP5: External interrupt input TO00, Key return TO50, TO51, KR0 to KR3: OCD0A Note OCD1A Note Note , Note : , OCD0B Timer input TOH0, TOH1: Timer output On-chip debug input/output TxD0, TxD6: Transmit data P00, P01: Port 0 VDD: Power supply P10 to P17: Port 1 VSS: Ground , OCD1B P20 to P27: Port 2 X1, X2: Crystal oscillator (main system clock) P30 to P33: Port 3 XT1, XT2: Crystal oscillator (subsystem clock) P40, P41: Port 4 P60 to P63: Port 6 Note PD78F0513D (product with on-chip debug function) only User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 23 CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE VDD VSS REGC P121/X1/OCD0ANote P122/X2/EXCLK/OCD0BNote FLMD0 P123/XT1 P124/XT2/EXCLKS RESET P40 P41 P120/INTP0/EXLVI * 48-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (7 x 7) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 P140/PCL/INTP6 P00/TI000 P01/TI010/TO00 P130 P20/ANI0 ANI1/P21 ANI2/P22 ANI3/P23 ANI4/P24 ANI5/P25 ANI6/P26 ANI7/P27 P31/INTP2/OCD1ANote P30/INTP1 P17/TI50/TO50 P16/TOH1/INTP5 P15/TOH0 P14/RxD6 P13/TxD6 P12/SO10 P11/Sl10/RxD0 P10/SCK10/TxD0 AVREF AVSS P60/SCL0 P61/SDA0 P62/EXSCL0 P63 P33/TI51/TO51/INTP4 P75 P74 P73/KR3 P72/KR2 P71/KR1 P70/KR0 P32/INTP3/OCD1BNote Note PD78F0515D (product with on-chip debug function) only Cautions 1. Make AVSS the same potential as VSS. 2. Connect the REGC pin to VSS via a capacitor (0.47 to 1 F: recommended). 3. ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 are set in the analog input mode after release of reset. 24 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE Pin Identification ANI0 to ANI7: Analog input P70 to P75: Port 7 AVREF: Analog reference voltage P120 to P124: Port 12 AVSS: Analog ground P130: Port 13 EXCLK: External clock input P140: Port 14 (main system clock) PCL: Programmable clock output EXCLKS: External clock input REGC: Regulator capacitance (subsystem clock) RESET: Reset EXLVI: External potential input RxD0, RxD6: Receive data for low-voltage detector SCK10, SCL0: Serial clock input/output EXSCL0: External serial clock input SDA0: Serial data input/output FLMD0: Flash programming mode SI10: Serial data input INTP0 to INTP6: External interrupt input SO10: Serial data output KR0 to KR3: TI000, TI010, Key return OCD0ANote, Note OCD0B TI50, TI51: TO00, , OCD1ANote, Note Timer input TO50, TO51, On-chip debug input/output TOH0, TOH1: Timer output P00, P01: Port 0 TxD0, TxD6: Transmit data P10 to P17: Port 1 VDD: Power supply P20 to P27: Port 2 VSS: Ground P30 to P33: Port 3 X1, X2: Crystal oscillator (main system clock) P40, P41: Port 4 XT1, XT2: Crystal oscillator (subsystem clock) P60 to P63: Port 6 OCD1B : Note PD78F0515D (product with on-chip debug function) only User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 25 CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE 1.5 78K0/Kx2 Microcontroller Lineup ROM RAM 128 KB 7 KB 96 KB 60 KB 78K0/KB2 78K0/KC2 78K0/KD2 30/36 Pins 38/44 Pins 48 Pins - - - 5 KB - - 3 KB - - 78K0/KE2 52 Pins PD78F0527D 78K0/KF2 64 Pins Note PD78F0537D 80 Pins Note PD78F0547DNote PD78F0527 PD78F0537 PD78F0547 PD78F0526 PD78F0536 PD78F0546 PD78F0525 PD78F0535 PD78F0545 PD78F0514 PD78F0524 PD78F0534 PD78F0544 PD78F0513 PD78F0523 PD78F0533 - - - PD78F0515D Note PD78F0515 48 KB 32 KB 2 KB 1 KB - PD78F0503D - Note PD78F0503 PD78F0513D Note PD78F0513 1 KB PD78F0502 PD78F0512 PD78F0522 PD78F0532 16 KB 768 B PD78F0501 PD78F0511 PD78F0521 PD78F0531 - 8 KB PD78F0500 - - - - 24 KB 512 B Note Product with on-chip debug function 26 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE The list of functions of the 78K0/Kx2 microcontrollers is shown below. (1/2) Part Number 78K0/KB2 Item 30/36 Pins Flash memory (KB) RAM (KB) <R> 78K0/KC2 38/44 Pins 8 16 24 32 16 24 32 16 24 32 48 60 0.5 0.75 1 1 0.75 1 1 0.75 1 1 2 3 Bank (flash memory) - Power supply voltage * Standard products, (A) grade products: VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V * (A2) grade products: VDD = 2.7 to 5.5 V Regulator Provided 0.1 s (20 MHz: VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V)/0.2 s (10 MHz: VDD = 2.7 to 5.5 V)/ 0.4 s (5 MHz: VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V) Clock Main Minimum instruction execution time High-speed system 20 MHz: VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V/10 MHz: VDD = 2.7 to 5.5 V/5 MHz: VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V Internal high-speed oscillation 8 MHz (TYP.): VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V - Subsystem 32.768 kHz (TYP.): VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V Internal low-speed oscillation Timer Port <R> 240 kHz (TYP.): VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V Total 23 31 (38 Pins)/ 37 (44 Pins) 41 N-ch O.D. (6 V tolerance) 2 4 4 16 bits (TM0) 1 ch 8 bits (TM5) 2 ch 8 bits (TMH) 2 ch - Watch 1 ch Serial interface WDT 1 ch 3-wire CSI - Automatic transmit/ receive 3-wire CSI - UART/3-wire CSI Note 1 ch UART supporting LINbus 1 ch 2 I C bus 10-bit A/D Interrupt <R> <R> 1 ch 4 ch 6 ch (38 Pins)/ 8 ch (44 Pins) External 6 7 Internal 14 Key interrupt Reset POC LVI - 4 ch Provided 1.59 V 0.15 V (rise time to 1.8 V: 3.6 ms (MAX.)) The detection level of the supply voltage is selectable in 16 steps. Provided - Clock output/buzzer output Clock output only - Multiplier/divider Operating ambient temperature 8 2 ch (38 Pins)/ 4 ch (44 Pins) WDT On-chip debug function 8 ch 16 RESET pin <R> 48 Pins PD78F0503D only PD78F0513D only Provided PD78F0515D only * Standard products, (A) grade products: TA = -40 to +85C * (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C, TA = -40 to +125C Note Select either of the functions of these alternate-function pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 27 CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE (2/2) Part Number 78K0/KD2 Item 52 Pins Flash memory (KB) RAM (KB) 64 Pins 32 48 60 96 128 16 24 32 48 60 96 128 48 60 96 128 0.75 1 1 2 3 5 7 0.75 1 1 2 3 5 7 2 3 5 7 4 6 4 6 4 6 - - Provided 0.1 s (20 MHz: VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V)/0.2 s (10 MHz: VDD = 2.7 to 5.5 V)/ 0.4 s (5 MHz: VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V) Clock Main Minimum instruction execution time High-speed system 20 MHz: VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V/10 MHz: VDD = 2.7 to 5.5 V/5 MHz: VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V Internal high-speed oscillation 8 MHz (TYP.): VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V Subsystem 32.768 kHz (TYP.): VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V Port Internal low-speed oscillation 240 kHz (TYP.): VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V Total 45 55 71 N-ch O.D. (6 V tolerance) 4 4 4 Timer 16 bits (TM0) 1 ch 2 ch 8 bits (TM5) 2 ch 8 bits (TMH) 2 ch Watch 1 ch WDT 1 ch - Serial interface 3-wire CSI - Automatic transmit/ receive 3-wire CSI UART/3-wire CSI 1 ch 1 ch Note 1 ch UART supporting LINbus 1 ch 2 I C bus 1 ch 10-bit A/D Interrupt - * Standard products, (A) grade products: VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V * (A2) grade products: VDD = 2.7 to 5.5 V Regulator 8 ch External 8 Internal 9 16 19 Key interrupt Provided 1.59 V 0.15 V (rise time to 1.8 V: 3.6 ms (MAX.)) POC LVI The detection level of the supply voltage is selectable in 16 steps. WDT Provided Clock output/buzzer output Multiplier/divider On-chip debug function Operating ambient <R> temperature 20 8 ch RESET pin Reset 80 Pins 24 Power supply voltage Clock output only - Provided PD78F0527D only Provided - Provided PD78F0537D only PD78F0547D only * Standard products, (A) grade products: TA = -40 to +85C * (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C, TA = -40 to +125C Note Select either of the functions of these alternate-function pins. 28 78K0/KF2 16 Bank (flash memory) <R> 78K0/KE2 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE 1.6 Block Diagram TO00/TI010/P01 TI000/P00 RxD6/P14 (LINSEL) 16-bit timer/ event counter 00 TOH0/P15 Port 0 2 P00, P01 Port 1 8 P10 to P17 Port 2 8 P20 to P25, P26Note 1, P27Note 1 Port 3 4 P30 to P33 Port 4 2 P40Note 1, P41Note 1 Port 6 4 P60 to P63 Port 7 6 P70, P71, P72Note 1, P73Note 1, P74Note 2, P75Note 2 Port 12 5 P120 to P124 8-bit timer H0 TOH1/P16 8-bit timer H1 Internal low-speed oscillator Watchdog timer 8-bit timer/ event counter 50 TI50/TO50/P17 8-bit timer/ event counter 51 TI51/TO51/P33 Watch timer RxD0/P11 TxD0/P10 Serial interface UART0 RxD6/P14 TxD6/P13 Serial interface UART6 LINSEL SI10/P11 SO10/P12 SCK10/P10 Serial interface CSI10 EXSCL0/P62 SDA0/P61 SCL0/P60 ANI0/P20 to ANI5/P25, ANI6/P26Note 1, ANI7/P27Note 1 AVREF AVSS 78K/0 CPU core Flash memory P130Note 2 Port 14Note 2 P140Note 2 Clock output controlNote 2 Internal high-speed RAM Key return Internal expansion RAMNote 3 On-chip debugNote 4 8 A/D converter System control Interrupt control INTP5/P16 KR0/P70, KR1/P71, KR2/P72Note 1, KR3/P73Note 1 VDD VSS FLMD0 OCD0ANote 4/X1, OCD1ANote 4/P31 OCD0BNote 4/X2, OCD1BNote 4/P32 RESET X1/P121 X2/EXCLK/P122 XT1/P123 XT2/EXCLKS/P124 Internal high-speed oscillator Voltage regulator Notes 1. 4 EXLVI/P120 Multiplier & dividerNote 3 INTP6/P140Note 2 <R> POC/LVI control Reset control Serial interface IIC0 4 PCL/P140Note 2 Power-on-clear/ low-voltage indicator RxD6/P14 (LINSEL) INTP0/P120 INTP1/P30 to INTP4/P33 Port 13Note 2 REGC Available only in the 44-pin and 48-pin products. 2 Available only in the 48-pin products. 3. Available only in the PD78F0514, 78F0515, and 78F0515D. 4. Available only in the PD78F0513D and 78F0515D. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 29 CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE 1.7 Outline of Functions (1/2) Item Internal Flash memory memory (self-programming Note (bytes) supported) Note High-speed RAM Expansion RAM PD78F0511 PD78F0512 PD78F0513 PD78F0513D PD78F0514 PD78F0515 PD78F0515D 16 K 24 K 32 K 48 K 60 K 768 1K 1K 2K - Note Memory space 64 KB Main X1 (crystal/ceramic) oscillation, external main system clock input (EXCLK) High-speed system system Standard 1 to 20 MHz: VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V, 1 to 10 MHz: VDD = 2.7 to 5.5 V, clock products, clock 1 to 5 MHz: VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V (oscillation (A) grade frequency) products (A2) grade products Internal highspeed oscillation clock Subsystem clock frequency) Standard 32.768 kHz (TYP.): VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V products, (A) grade products Internal low-speed (for TMH1, WDT) 8 MHz (TYP.): VDD = 2.7 to 5.5 V XT1 (crystal) oscillation, external subsystem clock input (EXCLKS) (A2) grade products oscillation clock Internal oscillation Standard 8 MHz (TYP.): VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V products, (A) grade products (A2) grade products (oscillation 1 to 20 MHz: VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V, 1 to 10 MHz: VDD = 2.7 to 5.5 V 32.768 kHz (TYP.): VDD = 2.7 to 5.5 V Internal oscillation Standard 240 kHz (TYP.): VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V products, (A) grade products (A2) grade products General-purpose registers 240 kHz (TYP.): VDD = 2.7 to 5.5 V 8 bits x 32 registers (8 bits x 8 registers x 4 banks) Minimum instruction execution 0.1 s (high-speed system clock: @ fXH = 20 MHz operation) time 0.25 s (internal high-speed oscillation clock: @ fRH = 8 MHz (TYP.) operation) 122 s (subsystem clock: @ fSUB = 32.768 kHz operation) Note The internal flash memory capacity, internal high-speed RAM capacity, and internal expansion RAM capacity can be changed using the internal memory size switching register (IMS) and the internal expansion RAM size switching register (IXS). 30 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE (2/2) Item Instruction set PD78F0511 * * * * I/O ports PD78F0512 PD78F0513 PD78F0513D PD78F0514 PD78F0515 PD78F0515D 8-/16-bit operation Multiply/divide (8 bits x 8 bits, 16 bits / 8 bits) Bit manipulate (set, reset, test, and Boolean operation) BCD adjust, etc. Total: 31 (38-pin products) 37 (44-pin products) 41 (48-pin products) CMOS I/O: 27 33 36 CMOS output: 0 0 1 (6 V tolerance): 4 4 4 * * * * * 1 channel 2 channels 2 channels 1 channel 1 channel N-ch open-drain I/O Timers Timer outputs Clock output (48-pin products only) 16-bit timer/event counter: 8-bit timer/event counter: 8-bit timer: Watch timer: Watchdog timer: 5 (PWM output: 4, PPG output: 1) * 156.25 kHz, 312.5 kHz, 625 kHz, 1.25 MHz, 2.5 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz (peripheral hardware clock: @ fPRS = 20 MHz operation) * 32.768 kHz (subsystem clock: @ fSUB = 32.768 kHz operation) A/D converter * 38-pin products: 10-bit resolution x 6 channels (AVREF = 2.3 to 5.5 V) * 44-pin, 48-pin products: 10-bit resolution x 8 channels (AVREF = 2.3 to 5.5 V) Serial interface * UART mode supporting LIN-bus: Note * 3-wire serial I/O mode/UART mode : 2 * I C bus mode: 1 channel 1 channel 1 channel * 16 bits x 16 bits = 32 bits (multiplication) * 32 bits / 16 bits = 32 bits remainder of 16 bits (division) - Multiplier/divider Vectored Internal interrupt sources External 16 Key interrupt Key interrupt (INTKR) occurs by detecting falling edge of key input pins (KR0 and KR1 (38-pin products), KR0 to KR3 (44-pin, 48-pin products)). Reset * * * * On-chip debug function 7 (38-pin, 44-pin products), 8 (48-pin products) Reset using RESET pin Internal reset by watchdog timer Internal reset by power-on-clear Internal reset by low-voltage detector - Provided Power supply voltage * Standard products, (A) grade products: VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V * (A2) grade products: VDD = 2.7 to 5.5 V <R> Operating ambient temperature * Standard products, (A) grade products: TA = -40 to +85C * (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C, TA = -40 to +125C <R> Package * 38-pin plastic SSOP (7.62 mm (300)) * 44-pin plastic LQFP (10 x 10) * 48-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (7 x 7) <R> - Provided Note Select either of the functions of these alternate-function pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 31 CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE An outline of the timer is shown below. 16-bit Timer/ Event Counter 00 Function Interval timer External event counter 2. 32 8-bit Timers H0 and H1 TM00 TM50 TM51 TMH0 1 channel 1 channel 1 channel 1 channel 1 channel 1 channel 1 channel - Watch Timer Watchdog Timer TMH1 - Note 1 1 channel 1 channel - - - PPG output 1 output - - - - - - PWM output - 1 output 1 output 1 output 1 output - - Pulse width measurement 2 inputs - - - - - - Square-wave output 1 output 1 output 1 output 1 output 1 output - - Carrier generator - - - - Watch timer - - - - - Watchdog timer - - - - - - 1 channel 2 1 1 1 1 1 - Interrupt source Notes 1. 8-bit Timer/ Event Counters 50 and 51 1 output Note 2 - - - Note 1 1 channel In the watch timer, the watch timer function and interval timer function can be used simultaneously. TM51 and TMH1 can be used in combination as a carrier generator mode. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 2 PIN FUNCTIONS 2.1 Pin Function List There are two types of pin I/O buffer power supplies: AVREF and VDD. The relationship between these power supplies and the pins is shown below. Table 2-1. Pin I/O Buffer Power Supplies Power Supply Corresponding Pins AVREF P20 to P27 VDD Pins other than P20 to P27 (1) Port functions (1/2) Function Name I/O I/O P00 Function Port 0. After Reset Input port 2-bit I/O port. P01 Alternate Function TI000 TI010/TO00 Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units. Use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by a software setting. I/O P10 Port 1. Input port 8-bit I/O port. P11 SI10/RxD0 Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units. P12 SO10 Use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by a software P13 SCK10/TxD0 TxD6 setting. P14 RxD6 P15 TOH0 P16 TOH1/INTP5 P17 TI50/TO50 P20 to P25 P26 Note 1 , P27 I/O Port 2. Analog input 8-bit I/O port. Note 1 ANI0 to ANI7 ANI6 Note 1 , ANI7 Note 1 Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units. P30 P31 P32 P33 <R> I/O Port 3. 4-bit I/O port. Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units. Use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by a software setting. Input port INTP1 INTP2/OCD1A Note 2 INTP3/OCD1B Note 2 TI51/TO51/INTP4 Notes 1. 44-pin and 48-pin products only For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 6 and 7 of PM2 to "1", and bits 6 and 7 of P2 to "0". 2. PD78F0513D and 78F0515D only User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 33 CHAPTER 2 PIN FUNCTIONS (1) Port functions (2/2) Function Name P40 Note 1 P41 Note 1 and I/O I/O Function Port 4. After Reset Alternate Function - Input port 2-bit I/O port. Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units. Use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by a software setting. P60 I/O Port 6. Input port 4-bit I/O port. P61 SDA0 Output of P60 to P63 is N-ch open-drain output (6 V tolerance). P62 SCL0 EXSCL0 Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units. - P63 P70, P71 P72 Note 1 P73 Note 1 P74 Note 2 P75 Note 2 I/O and Input port KR2 Note 1 Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units. KR3 Note 1 I/O Port 12. Input port 5-bit I/O port. Note 3 Note 3 X2/EXCLK/OCD0B Only for P120, use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be P123 INTP0/EXLVI X1/OCD0A Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units. P122 and - software setting. P121 XT1 specified by a software setting. P124 P130 KR0, KR1 6-bit I/O port. Use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by a and P120 Port 7. XT2/EXCLKS Note 2 Output Port 13. Output port - 1-bit output-only port. P140 Note 2 I/O Port 14. Input port Note 2 PCL/INTP6 1-bit I/O port. Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units. Use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by a software setting. <R> Notes 1. 44-pin and 48-pin products only For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 0 and 1 of PM4, bits 2 and 3 of PM7, bits 0 and 1 of P4, and bits 2 and 3 of P7 to "0". 2. 48-pin products only 3. PD78F0513D and 78F0515D only 34 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 2 PIN FUNCTIONS (2) Non-port functions (1/2) Function Name ANI0 to ANI5 ANI6 Note 1 , ANI7 I/O Input Function A/D converter analog input After Reset Analog input Note 1 Alternate Function P20 to P25 P26 Note 1 , P27 EXLVI Input Potential input for external low-voltage detection Input port P120/INTP0 EXSCL0 Input External clock input for serial interface. Input port P62 Note 1 To input an external clock, input a clock of 6.4 MHz. - FLMD0 INTP0 Input Flash memory programming mode setting External interrupt request input for which the valid edge (rising - Input port edge, falling edge, or both rising and falling edges) can be INTP1 - P120/EXLVI P30 specified P31/OCD1A Note 2 INTP3 P32/OCD1B Note 2 INTP4 P33/TI51/TO51 INTP5 P16/TOH1 INTP2 INTP6 Note 3 P140/PCL Input KR0, KR1 KR2 Note 1 KR3 Note 1 PCL Note 3 Key interrupt input Input port and Output Clock output (for trimming of high-speed system clock, Input port Note 3 P70, P71 P72 Note 1 P73 Note 1 and P140/INTP6 Note 3 subsystem clock) - REGC Connecting regulator output (2.5 V) stabilization capacitance - - - - for internal operation. Connect to VSS via a capacitor (0.47 to 1 F: recommended). RESET Input System reset input RxD0 Input Serial data input to asynchronous serial interface Input port RxD6 SCK10 P11/SI10 P14 I/O Clock input/output for serial interface Input port SCL0 P10/TxD0 P60 SDA0 I/O Serial data I/O for serial interface Input port P61 SI10 Input Serial data input to serial interface Input port P11/RxD0 SO10 Output Serial data output from serial interface Input port P12 TI000 Input External count clock input to 16-bit timer/event counter 00 Input port P00 Capture trigger input to capture registers (CR000, CR010) of 16-bit timer/event counter 00 Capture trigger input to capture register (CR000) of 16-bit TI010 P01/TO00 timer/event counter 00 TI50 Input TI51 TO00 <R> External count clock input to 8-bit timer/event counter 50 Input port External count clock input to 8-bit timer/event counter 51 Output 16-bit timer/event counter 00 output P17/TO50 P33/TO51/INTP4 Input port P01/TI010 Notes 1. 44-pin and 48-pin products only For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 6 and 7 of PM2 to "1", and bits 2 and 3 of PM7, bits 6 and 7 of P2, and bits 2 and 3 of P7 to "0". 2. PD78F0513D and 78F0515D only 3. 48-pin products only User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 35 CHAPTER 2 PIN FUNCTIONS (2) Non-port pins (2/2) Function Name TO50 I/O Output TO51 Function 8-bit timer/event counter 50 output After Reset Input port 8-bit timer/event counter 51 output Output TOH0 TOH1 8-bit timer H0 output Output Serial data output from asynchronous serial interface P17/TI50 P33/TI51/INTP4 Input port 8-bit timer H1 output TxD0 Alternate Function P15 P16/INTP5 Input port TxD6 P10/SCK10 P13 X1 Input X2 - Connecting resonator for main system clock Input port P121/OCD0A P122/EXCLK/ OCD0B EXCLK Input External clock input for main system clock Input port Input XT2 - EXCLKS Input - VDD AVREF Input Connecting resonator for subsystem clock External clock input for subsystem clock Note P122/X2/ OCD0B XT1 Note Note Input port P123 Input port P124/EXCLKS Input port P124/XT2 Positive power supply for pins other than P20 to P27 - - A/D converter reference voltage input and positive power - - supply for P20 to P27 and A/D converter VSS - Ground potential for pins other than P20 to P27 - - AVSS - A/D converter ground potential. Make the same potential as - - VSS. OCD0A Note OCD1A Note OCD0B Note OCD1B Note Input Connection for on-chip debug mode setting pins (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D only) - Input port P121/X1 P31/INTP2 P122/X2/EXCLK P32/INTP3 Note PD78F0513D and 78F0515D only 2.2 Description of Pin Functions 2.2.1 P00 and P01 (port 0) P00 and P01 function as a 2-bit I/O port. These pins also function as timer I/O. The following operation modes can be specified in 1-bit units. (1) Port mode P00 and P01 function as a 2-bit I/O port. P00 and P01 can be set to input or output port in 1-bit units using port mode register 0 (PM0). Use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by pull-up resistor option register 0 (PU0). (2) Control mode P00 and P01 function as timer I/O. (a) TI000 This is a pin for inputting an external count clock to 16-bit timer/event counter and is also for inputting a capture trigger signal to the capture registers (CR000, CR010) of 16-bit timer/event counter 00. 36 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 2 PIN FUNCTIONS (b) TI010 This is a pin for inputting a capture trigger signal to the capture register (CR000) of 16-bit timer/event counter 00. (c) TO00 This is a timer output pin of 16-bit timer/event counter 00. 2.2.2 P10 to P17 (port 1) P10 to P17 function as an 8-bit I/O port. These pins also function as pins for external interrupt request input, serial interface data I/O, clock I/O, and timer I/O. The following operation modes can be specified in 1-bit units. (1) Port mode P10 to P17 function as an 8-bit I/O port. P10 to P17 can be set to input or output port in 1-bit units using port mode register 1 (PM1). Use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by pull-up resistor option register 1 (PU1). (2) Control mode P10 to P17 function as external interrupt request input, serial interface data I/O, clock I/O, and timer I/O. (a) SI10 This is a serial data input pin of serial interface CSI10. (b) SO10 This is a serial data output pin of serial interface CSI10. (c) SCK10 This is a serial clock I/O pin of serial interface CSI10. (d) RxD0 This is a serial data input pin of serial interface UART0. (e) RxD6 This is a serial data input pin of serial interface UART6. (f) TxD0 This is a serial data output pin of serial interface UART0. (g) TxD6 This is a serial data output pin of serial interface UART6. (h) TI50 This is the pin for inputting an external count clock to 8-bit timer/event counter 50. (i) TO50 This is a timer output pin of 8-it timer/event counter 50. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 37 CHAPTER 2 PIN FUNCTIONS (j) TOH0, TOH1 These are the timer output pins of 8-bit timers H0 and H1. (k) INTP5 This is an external interrupt request input pin for which the valid edge (rising edge, falling edge, or both rising and falling edges) can be specified. 2.2.3 P20 to P27 (port 2) P20 to P27 function as an 8-bit I/O port. These pins also function as pins for A/D converter analog input. The following operation modes can be specified in 1-bit units. (1) Port mode P20 to P27 function as an 8-bit I/O port. P20 to P27 can be set to input or output port in 1-bit units using port mode register 2 (PM2). (2) Control mode P20 to P27 function as A/D converter analog input pins (ANI0 to ANI7). When using these pins as analog input pins, see (5) ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 in 12.6 Cautions for A/D Converter. <R> Cautions 1. For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 6 and 7 of PM2 to "1", and bits 6 and 7 of P2 to "0". 2. ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 are set in the analog input mode after release of reset. <R> Remark 38-pin products: ANI0/P20 to ANI5/P05 44-pin and 48-pin products: ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P07 2.2.4 P30 to P33 (port 3) P30 to P33 function as a 4-bit I/O port. These pins also function as pins for external interrupt request input and timer I/O. The following operation modes can be specified in 1-bit units. (1) Port mode P30 to P33 function as a 4-bit I/O port. P30 to P33 can be set to input or output port in 1-bit units using port mode register 3 (PM3). Use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by pull-up resistor option register 3 (PU3). (2) Control mode P30 to P33 function as external interrupt request input and timer I/O. (a) INTP1 to INTP4 These are the external interrupt request input pins for which the valid edge (rising edge, falling edge, or both rising and falling edges) can be specified. (b) TI51 This is an external count clock input pin to 8-bit timer/event counter 51. 38 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 2 PIN FUNCTIONS (c) TO51 This is a timer output pin from 8-bit timer/event counter 51. Cautions 1. In the products with an on-chip debug function (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D), be sure to pull the P31/INTP2/OCD1ANote pin down before a reset release, to prevent malfunction. <R> 2. For products without an on-chip debug function, with the flash memory of 48 KB or more (PD78F0514 and 78F0515), and having a product rank of "I", "K", or "E", and for the products with an on-chip debug function (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D), connect Note P31/INTP2/OCD1A as follows when writing the flash memory with a flash memory programmer. * P31/INTP2/OCD1ANote: Connect to VSS via a resistor (10 k: recommended). The above connection is not necessary when writing the flash memory by means of self programming. Note OCD1A is provided to the PD78F0513D and 78F0515D only. Remarks 1. For the product ranks, consult an NEC Electronics sales representative. 2. Only for the PD78F0513D and 78F0515D, P31 and P32 can be used as on-chip debug mode setting pins (OCD1A, OCD1B) when the on-chip debug function is used. For how to connect an in-circuit emulator supporting on-chip debugging (QB-78K0MINI or QB-MINI2), <R> see CHAPTER 26 ON-CHIP DEBUG FUNCTION (PD78F0513D AND 78F0515D ONLY). 2.2.5 P40 and P41 (port 4) (44-pin and 48-pin products only) P40 and P41 function as a 2-bit I/O port. P40 and P41 can be set to input or output port in 1-bit units using port mode register 4 (PM4). Use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by pull-up resistor option register 4 (PU4). <R> Caution For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 0 and 1 of PM4 and P4 to "0". 2.2.6 P60 to P63 (port 6) P60 to P63 function as a 4-bit I/O port. These pins also function as pins for serial interface data I/O, clock I/O, and external clock input. The following operation modes can be specified in 1-bit units. (1) Port mode P60 to P63 function as a 4-bit I/O port. P60 to P63 can be set to input port or output port in 1-bit units using port mode register 6 (PM6). Output of P60 to P63 is N-ch open-drain output (6 V tolerance). (2) Control mode P60 to P63 function as serial interface data I/O, clock I/O, and external clock input. (a) SDA0 This is a serial data I/O pin for serial interface IIC0. (b) SCL0 This is a serial clock I/O pin for serial interface IIC0. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 39 CHAPTER 2 PIN FUNCTIONS (c) EXSCL0 This is an external clock input pin to serial interface IIC0. To input an external clock, input a clock of 6.4 MHz. 2.2.7 P70 to P75 (port 7) P70 to P75 function as a 6-bit I/O port. P70 to P73 also function as key interrupt input pins. The following operation modes can be specified in 1-bit units. (1) Port mode P70 to P75 function as a 6-bit I/O port. P70 to P75 can be set to input or output port in 1-bit units using port mode register 7 (PM7). Use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by pull-up resistor option register 7 (PU7). (2) Control mode (P70 to P73 only) P70 to P73 function as key interrupt input pins. (a) KR0 to KR3 These are the key interrupt input pins. <R> Caution For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 2 and 3 of PM7 and P7 to "0". <R> Remark 38-pin products: P70/KR0, P71/KR1 44-pin products: P70/KR0 to P73/KR3 48-pin products: P70/KR0 to P73/KR3, P74, P75 2.2.8 P120 to P124 (port 12) P120 to P124 function as a 5-bit I/O port. These pins also function as pins for external interrupt request input, potential input for external low-voltage detection, connecting resonator for main system clock, connecting resonator for subsystem clock, external clock input for main system clock, and external clock input for subsystem clock. The following operation modes can be specified in 1-bit units. (1) Port mode P120 to P124 function as a 5-bit I/O port. P120 to P124 can be set to input or output port using port mode register 12 (PM12). Only for P120, use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by pull-up resistor option register 12 (PU12). (2) Control mode P120 to P124 function as pins for external interrupt request input, potential input for external low-voltage detection, connecting resonator for main system clock, connecting resonator for subsystem clock, external clock input for main system clock, and external clock input for subsystem clock. (a) INTP0 This functions as an external interrupt request input (INTP0) for which the valid edge (rising edge, falling edge, or both rising and falling edges) can be specified. (b) EXLVI This is a potential input pin for external low-voltage detection. 40 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 2 PIN FUNCTIONS (c) X1, X2 These are the pins for connecting a resonator for main system clock. (d) EXCLK This is an external clock input pin for main system clock. (e) XT1, XT2 These are the pins for connecting a resonator for subsystem clock. (f) EXCLKS This is an external clock input pin for subsystem clock. <R> Caution For products without an on-chip debug function, with the flash memory of 48 KB or more (PD78F0514 and 78F0515), and having a product rank of "I", "K", or "E", and for the product with an on-chip debug function (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D), connect P121/X1/OCD0ANote as follows when writing the flash memory with a flash memory programmer. * P121/X1/OCD0ANote: When using this pin as a port, connect it to VSS via a resistor (10 k: recommended) (in the input mode) or leave it open (in the output mode). The above connection is not necessary when writing the flash memory by means of self programming. Note OCD0A is provided to the PD78F0513D and 78F0515D only. Remarks 1. For the product ranks, consult an NEC Electronics sales representative. 2. Only for the PD78F0513D and 78F0515D, X1 and X2 can be used as on-chip debug mode setting pins (OCD0A, OCD0B) when the on-chip debug function is used. For how to connect an in-circuit emulator supporting on-chip debugging (QB-78K0MINI or QB-MINI2), see <R> CHAPTER 26 ON-CHIP DEBUG FUNCTION (PD78F0513D AND 78F0515D ONLY). 2.2.9 P130 (port 13) (48-pin products only) P130 functions as a 1-bit output-only port. Remark When the device is reset, P130 outputs a low level. Therefore, to output a high level from P130 before the device is reset, the output signal of P130 can be used as a pseudo reset signal of the CPU (see the figure for Remark in 4.2.9 Port 13 (48 pin products only)). 2.2.10 P140 (port 14) (48-pin products only) P140 functions as a 1-bit I/O port. This pin also functions as external interrupt request input, and clock output. The following operation modes can be specified in 1-bit units. (1) Port mode P140 functions as a 1-bit I/O port. P140 can be set to input or output port in 1-bit units using port mode register 14 (PM14). Use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by pull-up resistor option register 14 (PU14). (2) Control mode P140 functions as external interrupt request input, and clock output. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 41 CHAPTER 2 PIN FUNCTIONS (a) INTP6 This is an external interrupt request input pin for which the valid edge (rising edge, falling edge, or both rising and falling edges) can be specified. (b) PCL This is a clock output pin. 2.2.11 AVREF This is the A/D converter reference voltage input pin and the positive power supply pin of P20 to P27 and A/D converter. When the A/D converter is not used, connect this pin directly to VDDNote. Note Make the AVREF pin the same potential as the VDD pin when port 2 is used as a digital port. 2.2.12 AVSS This is the A/D converter ground potential pin. Even when the A/D converter is not used, always use this pin with the same potential as the VSS pin. 2.2.13 RESET This is the active-low system reset input pin. 2.2.14 REGC This is the pin for connecting regulator output (2.5 V) stabilization capacitance for internal operation. Connect this pin to VSS via a capacitor (0.47 to 1 F: recommended). REGC VSS Caution Keep the wiring length as short as possible for the broken-line part in the above figure. 2.2.15 VDD VDD is the positive power supply pin for pins other than P20 to P27. 2.2.16 VSS VSS is the ground potential pin for pins other than P20 to P27. 2.2.17 FLMD0 This is a pin for setting flash memory programming mode. Connect FLMD0 to VSS in the normal operation mode. In flash memory programming mode, connect this pin to the flash memory programmer. 42 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 2 PIN FUNCTIONS 2.3 Pin I/O Circuits and Recommended Connection of Unused Pins Table 2-2 shows the types of pin I/O circuits and the recommended connections of unused pins. See Figure 2-1 for the configuration of the I/O circuit of each type. Table 2-2. Pin I/O Circuit Types (1/2) Pin Name I/O Circuit Type P00/TI000 5-AH I/O I/O Recommended Connection of Unused Pins Input: Independently connect to VDD or VSS via a resistor. Output: Leave open. P01/TI010/TO00 P10/SCK10/TxD0 P11/SI10/RxD0 P12/SO10 5-AG P13/TxD6 P14/RxD6 5-AH P15/TOH0 5-AG P16/TOH1/INTP5 5-AH P17/TI50/TO50 Note 1 ANI0/P20 to ANI5/P25 11-G Connect to AVREF or AVSS. ANI6/P26, ANI7/P27 <Analog setting> <Digital setting> Notes 1, 2 Input: Independently connect to VDD or VSS via a resistor. Output: Leave open. P30/INTP1 5-AH P31/INTP2/OCD1A P32/INTP3/OCD1B Input: Independently connect to VDD or VSS via a resistor. Output: Leave open. Notes 3, 4 Note 4 P33/TI51/TO51/INTP4 P40 and P41 Note 2 P60/SCL0 5-AG 13-AD Connect to VSS. Output: Leave this pin open at low-level output after clearing P61/SDA0 the output latch of the port to 0. P62/EXSCL0 P63 Input: 13-P Notes 1. ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 are set to the analog input mode after a reset is released. <R> <R> 2. ANI6/P26, ANI7/P27, P40, and P41 are for 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 3. For products without an on-chip debug function, with the flash memory of 48 KB or more (PD78F0514 and 78F0515), and having a product rank of "I", "K", or "E", and for the products with an on-chip debug function (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D), connect P31/INTP2/OCD1ANote 4 as follows when writing the flash memory with a flash memory programmer. * P31/INTP2/OCD1ANote 4: Connect to VSS via a resistor (10 k: recommended). The above connection is not necessary when writing the flash memory by means of self programming. 4. OCD1A and OCD1B are provided to the PD78F0513D and 78F0515D only. Remark For the product ranks, consult an NEC Electronics sales representative. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 43 CHAPTER 2 PIN FUNCTIONS Table 2-2. Pin I/O Circuit Types (2/2) Pin Name I/O Circuit Type P70/KR0, P71/KR1 P72/KR0, P73/KR3 P74, P75 I/O I/O 5-AH Recommended Connection of Unused Pins Input: Note 1 Independently connect to VDD or VSS via a resistor. Output: Leave open. Note 2 P120/INTP0/EXLVI P121/X1/OCD0A Notes 3, 4, 7 Input: 37 P122/X2/EXCLK/ OCD0B Notes 3, 7 P123/XT1 Note 3 P124/XT2/EXCLKS P130 Independently connect to VDD or VSS via a resistor. Output: Leave open. Note 3 Note 2 P140/PCL/INTP6 Note 2 3-C Output Leave open. 5-AH I/O Input: Independently connect to VDD or VSS via a resistor. Output: Leave open. - AVREF - AVSS Note 5 . Connect directly to VSS. FLMD0 38 <R> RESET <R> Connect directly to VDD 2 - Input Note 6 Connect to VSS . Connect directly to VDD or via a resistor. Notes 1. P72/KR0 and P73/KR3 are for 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 2. P74, P75, P130, and P140/PCL/INTP6 are for 48-pin products only. 3. Use recommended connection above in I/O port mode (see Figure 5-2 Format of Clock Operation Mode Select Register (OSCCTL)) when these pins are not used. 4. For products without an on-chip debug function, with the flash memory of 48 KB or more (PD78F0514 <R> and 78F0515), and having a product rank of "I", "K", or "E", and for the product with an on-chip debug function (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D), connect P121/X1/OCD0ANote 7 as follows when writing the flash memory with a flash memory programmer. * P121/X1/OCD0ANote 7: When using this pin as a port, connect it to VSS via a resistor (10 k: recommended) (in the input mode) or leave it open (in the output mode). The above connection is not necessary when writing the flash memory by means of self programming. 5. Make the same potential as the VDD pin when port 2 is used as a digital port. 6. FLMD0 is a pin that is used to write data to the flash memory. To rewrite the data of the flash memory on-board, connect this pin to VSS via a resistor (10 k: recommended). The same applies when executing on-chip debugging with a product with an on-chip debug function (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D). 7. OCD0A and OCD0B are provided to the PD78F0513D and 78F0515D only. Remark 44 For the product ranks, consult an NEC Electronics sales representative. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 2 PIN FUNCTIONS Figure 2-1. Pin I/O Circuit List (1/2) Type 2 Type 5-AH VDD Pull-up enable P-ch VDD IN Data P-ch IN/OUT Schmitt-triggered input with hysteresis characteristics Output disable N-ch VSS Input enable Type 3-C Type 11-G AVREF Data P-ch VDD IN/OUT Output disable P-ch Data N-ch OUT AVSS P-ch Comparator + N-ch _ N-ch Series resistor string voltage VSS AVSS Input enable Type 5-AG Type 13-P VDD Pull-up enable P-ch IN/OUT Data VDD Data Output disable N-ch P-ch VSS IN/OUT Output disable N-ch Input enable VSS Input enable User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 45 CHAPTER 2 PIN FUNCTIONS Figure 2-1. Pin I/O Circuit List (2/2) Type 13-AD Type 38 IN/OUT Data Output disable IN N-ch VSS Input enable Input enable Type 37 VDD Data P-ch X2, XT2 Output disable N-ch RESET VSS Data P-ch VDD N-ch Input enable P-ch X1, XT1 Output disable N-ch RESET VSS Input enable 46 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE 3.1 Memory Space Products in the 78K0/KC2 can access a 64 KB memory space. Figures 3-1 to 3-7 show the memory maps. Caution Regardless of the internal memory capacity, the initial values of the internal memory size switching register (IMS) and internal expansion RAM size switching register (IXS) of all products in the 78K0/KC2 are fixed (IMS = CFH, IXS = 0CH). Therefore, set the value corresponding to each product as indicated below. Table 3-1. Set Values of Internal Memory Size Switching Register (IMS) and Internal Expansion RAM Size Switching Register (IXS) Flash Memory Version IMS IXS (78K0/KC2) PD78F0511 04H Internal High-Speed Internal Expansion RAM Capacity RAM Capacity - 16 KB 768 bytes C6H 24 KB 1 KB PD78F0513, 78F0513D C8H 32 KB PD78F0514 CCH 0AH 48 KB 1 KB CFH 08H 60 KB 2 KB PD78F0512 Note PD78F0515, 78F0515D Note <R> ROM Capacity 0CH Note The ROM and RAM capacities of the products with the on-chip debug function can be debugged by setting IMS and IXS, according to the debug target products. Set IMS and IXS according to the debug target products. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 47 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Figure 3-1. Memory Map (PD78F0511) FFFFH Special function registers (SFR) 256 x 8 bits FF00H FEFFH FEE0H FEDFH General-purpose registers 32 x 8 bits 3FFFH Program area 1FFFH Internal high-speed RAM 768 x 8 bits 1085H 1084H 1080H 107FH FC00H FBFFH Option byte areaNote 1 5 x 8 bits Boot cluster 1 Program area Data memory space 1000H 0FFFH CALLF entry area 2048 x 8 bits 0800H 07FFH Reserved Program area 1915 x 8 bits 0085H 0084H 0080H 007FH 4000H 3FFFH Program memory space Option byte areaNote 1 5 x 8 bits Boot cluster 0Note 2 CALLT table area 64 x 8 bits 0040H 003FH Flash memory 16384 x 8 bits Vector table area 64 x 8 bits 0000H 0000H Notes 1. When boot swap is not used: Set the option bytes to 0080H to 0084H. When boot swap is used: Set the option bytes to 0080H to 0084H and 1080H to 1084H. 2. Writing boot cluster 0 can be prohibited depending on the setting of security (see 25.8 Security Setting). Remark The flash memory is divided into blocks (one block = 1 KB). For the address values and block numbers, see Table 3-2 Correspondence Between Address Values and Block Numbers in Flash Memory. 3FFFH Block 0FH 3C00H 3BFFH 07FFH 0400H 03FFH 0000H 48 Block 01H Block 00H User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 1 KB CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Figure 3-2. Memory Map (PD78F0512) FFFFH Special function registers (SFR) 256 x 8 bits FF00H FEFFH FEE0H FEDFH General-purpose registers 32 x 8 bits 5FFFH Program area 1FFFH Internal high-speed RAM 1024 x 8 bits 1085H 1084H 1080H 107FH FB00H FAFFH Option byte areaNote 1 5 x 8 bits Boot cluster 1 Program area Data memory space 1000H 0FFFH CALLF entry area 2048 x 8 bits 0800H 07FFH Reserved Program area 1915 x 8 bits 0085H 0084H 0080H 007FH 6000H 5FFFH Program memory space Option byte areaNote 1 5 x 8 bits Boot cluster 0Note 2 CALLT table area 64 x 8 bits 0040H 003FH Flash memory 24576 x 8 bits Vector table area 64 x 8 bits 0000H 0000H Notes 1. When boot swap is not used: Set the option bytes to 0080H to 0084H. When boot swap is used: 2. Set the option bytes to 0080H to 0084H and 1080H to 1084H. Writing boot cluster 0 can be prohibited depending on the setting of security (see 25.8 Security Setting). Remark The flash memory is divided into blocks (one block = 1 KB). For the address values and block numbers, see Table 3-2 Correspondence Between Address Values and Block Numbers in Flash Memory. 5FFFH Block 17H 5C00H 5BFFH 07FFH 0400H 03FFH 0000H Block 01H Block 00H User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 1 KB 49 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Figure 3-3. Memory Map (PD78F0513) FFFFH Special function registers (SFR) 256 x 8 bits FF00H FEFFH FEE0H FEDFH General-purpose registers 32 x 8 bits 7FFFH Program area 1FFFH Internal high-speed RAM 1024 x 8 bits 1085H 1084H 1080H 107FH FB00H FAFFH Option byte areaNote 1 5 x 8 bits Boot cluster 1 Program area Data memory space 1000H 0FFFH CALLF entry area 2048 x 8 bits 0800H 07FFH Reserved Program area 1915 x 8 bits 0085H 0084H 0080H 007FH 8000H 7FFFH Program memory space Option byte areaNote 1 5 x 8 bits Boot cluster 0Note 2 CALLT table area 64 x 8 bits 0040H 003FH Flash memory 32768 x 8 bits Vector table area 64 x 8 bits 0000H 0000H Notes 1. When boot swap is not used: Set the option bytes to 0080H to 0084H. When boot swap is used: 2. Set the option bytes to 0080H to 0084H and 1080H to 1084H. Writing boot cluster 0 can be prohibited depending on the setting of security (see 25.8 Security Setting). Remark The flash memory is divided into blocks (one block = 1 KB). For the address values and block numbers, see Table 3-2 Correspondence Between Address Values and Block Numbers in Flash Memory. 7FFFH Block 1FH 7C00H 7BFFH 07FFH 0400H 03FFH 0000H 50 Block 01H Block 00H User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 1 KB CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Figure 3-4. Memory Map (PD78F0513D) FFFFH Special function registers (SFR) 256 x 8 bits FF00H FEFFH FEE0H FEDFH 7FFFH Program area 1FFFH General-purpose registers 32 x 8 bits 108FH 108EH 1085H 1084H 1080H 107FH Internal high-speed RAM 1024 x 8 bits Data memory space On-chip debug security ID setting areaNote 1 10 x 8 bits Option byte areaNote 1 5 x 8 bits Boot cluster 1 Program area 1000H 0FFFH FB00H FAFFH CALLF entry area 2048 x 8 bits 0800H 07FFH Program area 1905 x 8 bits 008FH 008EH Reserved On-chip debug security ID setting areaNote 1 10 x 8 bits 0085H 0084H Program memory space Option byte areaNote 1 5 x 8 bits 0080H 007FH 8000H 7FFFH Boot cluster 0Note 2 CALLT table area 64 x 8 bits 0040H 003FH Flash memory 32768 x 8 bits Vector table area 64 x 8 bits 0000H 0000H Notes 1. When boot swap is not used: Set the option bytes to 0080H to 0084H, and the on-chip debug security IDs to 0085H to 008EH. When boot swap is used: Set the option bytes to 0080H to 0084H and 1080H to 1084H, and the on-chip debug security IDs to 0085H to 008EH and 1085H to 108EH. 2. Writing boot cluster 0 can be prohibited depending on the setting of security (see 25.8 Security Setting). Remark The flash memory is divided into blocks (one block = 1 KB). For the address values and block numbers, see Table 3-2 Correspondence Between Address Values and Block Numbers in Flash Memory. 7FFFH Block 1FH 7C00H 7BFFH 07FFH 0400H 03FFH 0000H Block 01H Block 00H User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 1 KB 51 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Figure 3-5. Memory Map (PD78F0514) FFFFH Special function registers (SFR) 256 x 8 bits FF00H FEFFH FEE0H FEDFH FB00H FAFFH General-purpose registers 32 x 8 bits BFFFH Internal high-speed RAM 1024 x 8 bits Program area 1FFFH 1085H 1084H 1080H 107FH Option byte areaNote 1 5 x 8 bits Boot cluster 1 Reserved Program area Data memory space 1000H 0FFFH F800H F7FFH RAM space in which instruction can be fetched CALLF entry area 2048 x 8 bits Internal expansion RAM 1024 x 8 bits 0800H 07FFH Program area 1915 x 8 bits F400H F3FFH 0085H 0084H Reserved Option byte areaNote 1 5 x 8 bits 0080H 007FH C000H BFFFH Program memory space Boot cluster 0Note 2 CALLT table area 64 x 8 bits 0040H 003FH Flash memory 49152 x 8 bits Vector table area 64 x 8 bits 0000H 0000H Notes 1. When boot swap is not used: Set the option bytes to 0080H to 0084H. When boot swap is used: 2. Set the option bytes to 0080H to 0084H and 1080H to 1084H. Writing boot cluster 0 can be prohibited depending on the setting of security (see 25.8 Security Setting). Remark The flash memory is divided into blocks (one block = 1 KB). For the address values and block numbers, see Table 3-2 Correspondence Between Address Values and Block Numbers in Flash Memory. BFFFH Block 2FH BC00H BBFFH 07FFH 0400H 03FFH 0000H 52 Block 01H Block 00H User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 1 KB CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Figure 3-6. Memory Map (PD78F0515) FFFFH Special function registers (SFR) 256 x 8 bits FF00H FEFFH FEE0H FEDFH FB00H FAFFH General-purpose registers 32 x 8 bits EFFFH Internal high-speed RAM 1024 x 8 bits Program area 1FFFH 1085H 1084H 1080H 107FH Option byte areaNote 1 5 x 8 bits Boot cluster 1 Reserved Program area Data memory space 1000H 0FFFH F800H F7FFH CALLF entry area 2048 x 8 bits RAM space in which instruction can be fetched Internal expansion RAM 2048 x 8 bits 0800H 07FFH Program area 1915 x 8 bits F000H EFFFH 0085H 0084H Option byte areaNote 1 5 x 8 bits 0080H 007FH Program memory space Boot cluster 0Note 2 CALLT table area 64 x 8 bits Flash memory 61440 x 8 bits 0040H 003FH Vector table area 64 x 8 bits 0000H 0000H Notes 1. When boot swap is not used: Set the option bytes to 0080H to 0084H. When boot swap is used: Set the option bytes to 0080H to 0084H and 1080H to 1084H. 2. Writing boot cluster 0 can be prohibited depending on the setting of security (see 25.8 Security Setting). Remark The flash memory is divided into blocks (one block = 1 KB). For the address values and block numbers, see Table 3-2 Correspondence Between Address Values and Block Numbers in Flash Memory. EFFFH EC00H EBFFH Block 3BH 07FFH 0400H 03FFH 0000H Block 01H Block 00H User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 1 KB 53 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Figure 3-7. Memory Map (PD78F0515D) FFFFH Special function registers (SFR) 256 x 8 bits FF00H FEFFH FEE0H FEDFH EFFFH Program area 1FFFH General-purpose registers 32 x 8 bits 108FH 108EH 1085H 1084H 1080H 107FH Internal high-speed RAM 1024 x 8 bits Data memory space On-chip debug security ID setting areaNote 1 10 x 8 bits Option byte areaNote 1 5 x 8 bits FB00H FAFFH Boot cluster 1 Program area 1000H 0FFFH Reserved CALLF entry area 2048 x 8 bits F800H F7FFH RAM space in which instruction can be fetched 0800H 07FFH Program area 1905 x 8 bits Internal expansion RAM 2048 x 8 bits 008FH 008EH F000H EFFFH On-chip debug security ID setting areaNote1 10 x 8 bits 0085H 0084H Option byte areaNote 1 5 x 8 bits 0080H 007FH Program memory space Boot cluster 0Note 2 CALLT table area 64 x 8 bits Flash memory 61440 x 8 bits 0040H 003FH Vector table area 64 x 8 bits 0000H 0000H Notes 1. When boot swap is not used: Set the option bytes to 0080H to 0084H, and the on-chip debug security IDs to 0085H to 008EH. When boot swap is used: Set the option bytes to 0080H to 0084H and 1080H to 1084H, and the on-chip debug security IDs to 0085H to 008EH and 1085H to 108EH. 2. Writing boot cluster 0 can be prohibited depending on the setting of security (see 25.8 Security Setting). Remark The flash memory is divided into blocks (one block = 1 KB). For the address values and block numbers, see Table 3-2 Correspondence Between Address Values and Block Numbers in Flash Memory. EFFFH EC00H EBFFH Block 3BH 07FFH 0400H 03FFH 0000H 54 Block 01H Block 00H User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 1 KB CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Correspondence between the address values and block numbers in the flash memory are shown below. Table 3-2. Correspondence Between Address Values and Block Numbers in Flash Memory Address Value Block Address Value Block Address Value Block Address Value Block Number Number Number Number 0000H to 03FFH 00H 4000H to 43FFH 10H 8000H to 83FFH 20H C000H to C3FFH 30H 0400H to 07FFH 01H 4400H to 47FFH 11H 8400H to 87FFH 21H C400H to C7FFH 31H 0800H to 0BFFH 02H 4800H to 4BFFH 12H 8800H to 8BFFH 22H C800H to CBFFH 32H 0C00H to 0FFFH 03H 4C00H to 4FFFH 13H 8C00H to 8FFFH 23H CC00H to CFFFH 33H 1000H to 13FFH 04H 5000H to 53FFH 14H 9000H to 93FFH 24H D000H to D3FFH 34H 1400H to 17FFH 05H 5400H to 57FFH 15H 9400H to 97FFH 25H D400H to D7FFH 35H 1800H to 1BFFH 06H 5800H to 5BFFH 16H 9800H to 9BFFH 26H D800H to DBFFH 36H 1C00H to 1FFFH 07H 5C00H to 5FFFH 17H 9C00H to 9FFFH 27H DC00H to DFFFH 37H 2000H to 23FFH 08H 6000H to 63FFH 18H A000H to A3FFH 28H E000H to E3FFH 38H 2400H to 27FFH 09H 6400H to 67FFH 19H A400H to A7FFH 29H E400H to E7FFH 39H 2800H to 2BFFH 0AH 6800H to 6BFFH 1AH A800H to ABFFH 2AH E800H to EBFFH 3AH 2C00H to 2FFFH 0BH 6C00H to 6FFFH 1BH AC00H to AFFFH 2BH EC00H to EFFFH 3BH 3000H to 33FFH 0CH 7000H to 73FFH 1CH B000H to B3FFH 2CH 3400H to 37FFH 0DH 7400H to 77FFH 1DH B400H to B7FFH 2DH 3800H to 3BFFH 0EH 7800H to 7BFFH 1EH B800H to BBFFH 2EH 3C00H to 3FFFH 0FH 7C00H to 7FFFH 1FH BC00H to BFFFH 2FH Remark PD78F0511: PD78F0512: PD78F0513, 78F0513D: PD78F0514: PD78F0515, 78F0515D: Block numbers 00H to 0FH Block numbers 00H to 17H Block numbers 00H to 1FH Block numbers 00H to 2FH Block numbers 00H to 3BH User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 55 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE 3.1.1 Internal program memory space The internal program memory space stores the program and table data. Normally, it is addressed with the program counter (PC). 78K0/KC2 products incorporate internal ROM (flash memory), as shown below. Table 3-3. Internal ROM Capacity Part Number Internal ROM Structure PD78F0511 Capacity 16384 x 8 bits (0000H to 3FFFH) Flash memory PD78F0512 24576 x 8 bits (0000H to 5FFFH) PD78F0513, 78F0513D 32768 x 8 bits (0000H to 7FFFH) PD78F0514 49152 x 8 bits (0000H to BFFFH) PD78F0515, 78F0515D 61440 x 8 bits (0000H to EFFFH) The internal program memory space is divided into the following areas. (1) Vector table area The 64-byte area 0000H to 003FH is reserved as a vector table area. The program start addresses for branch upon reset or generation of each interrupt request are stored in the vector table area. Of the 16-bit address, the lower 8 bits are stored at even addresses and the higher 8 bits are stored at odd addresses. Table 3-4. Vector Table Vector Table Address Interrupt Source Vector Table Address 0000H RESET input, POC, LVI, WDT 001CH INTTMH0 0004H INTLVI 001EH INTTM50 0006H INTP0 0020H INTTM000 0008H INTP1 0022H INTTM010 000AH INTP2 0024H INTAD 000CH INTP3 0026H INTSR0 000EH INTP4 0028H INTWTI 0010H INTP5 002AH INTTM51 0012H INTSRE6 002CH INTKR 0014H INTSR6 002EH INTWT 0016H INTST6 0030H INTP6 0018H INTCSI10/INTST0 0034H INTIIC0/INTDMU 001AH INTTMH1 003EH BRK Notes 1. Available only in the 48-pin products. 2. Available only in the PD78F0514, 78F0515, and 78F0515D. 56 Interrupt Source User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Note 1 Note 2 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE (2) CALLT instruction table area The 64-byte area 0040H to 007FH can store the subroutine entry address of a 1-byte call instruction (CALLT). (3) Option byte area A 5-byte area of 0080H to 0084H and 1080H to 1084H can be used as an option byte area. Set the option byte at 0080H to 0084H when the boot swap is not used, and at 0080H to 0084H and 1080H to 1084H when the boot swap is used. For details, see CHAPTER 24 OPTION BYTE. (4) CALLF instruction entry area The area 0800H to 0FFFH can perform a direct subroutine call with a 2-byte call instruction (CALLF). (5) On-chip debug security ID setting area (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D only) A 10-byte area of 0085H to 008EH and 1085H to 108EH can be used as an on-chip debug security ID setting area. Set the on-chip debug security ID of 10 bytes at 0085H to 008EH when the boot swap is not used and at 0085H to 008EH and 1085H to 108EH when the boot swap is used. For details, see CHAPTER 26 ON-CHIP DEBUG FUNCTION (PD78F0513D AND 78F0515D ONLY). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 57 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE 3.1.2 Internal data memory space 78K0/KC2 products incorporate the following RAMs. (1) Internal high-speed RAM Table 3-5. Internal High-Speed RAM Capacity Part Number Internal High-Speed RAM PD78F0511 768 x 8 bits (FC00H to FEFFH) PD78F0512 1024 x 8 bits (FB00H to FEFFH) PD78F0513, 78F0513D PD78F0514 PD78F0515, 78F0515D The 32-byte area FEE0H to FEFFH is assigned to four general-purpose register banks consisting of eight 8-bit registers per bank. This area cannot be used as a program area in which instructions are written and executed. The internal high-speed RAM can also be used as a stack memory. (2) Internal expansion RAM Table 3-6. Internal Expansion RAM Capacity Part Number Internal Expansion RAM PD78F0511 - PD78F0512 PD78F0513, 78F0513D PD78F0514 1024 x 8 bits (F400H to F7FFH) PD78F0515, 78F0515D 2048 x 8 bits (F000H to F7FFH) The internal expansion RAM can also be used as a normal data area similar to the internal high-speed RAM, as well as a program area in which instructions can be written and executed. The internal expansion RAM cannot be used as a stack memory. 58 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE 3.1.3 Special function register (SFR) area On-chip peripheral hardware special function registers (SFRs) are allocated in the area FF00H to FFFFH (see Table 3-7 Special Function Register List in 3.2.3 Special function registers (SFRs)). Caution Do not access addresses to which SFRs are not assigned. 3.1.4 Data memory addressing Addressing refers to the method of specifying the address of the instruction to be executed next or the address of the register or memory relevant to the execution of instructions. Several addressing modes are provided for addressing the memory relevant to the execution of instructions for the 78K0/KC2, based on operability and other considerations. For areas containing data memory in particular, special addressing methods designed for the functions of special function registers (SFR) and general-purpose registers are available for use. Figures 3-8 to 3-14 show correspondence between data memory and addressing. For details of each addressing mode, see 3.4 Operand Address Addressing. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 59 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Figure 3-8. Correspondence Between Data Memory and Addressing (PD78F0511) FFFFH Special function registers (SFR) 256 x 8 bits SFR addressing FF20H FF1FH FF00H FEFFH FEE0H FEDFH General-purpose registers 32 x 8 bits Register addressing Short direct addressing Internal high-speed RAM 768 x 8 bits FE20H FE1FH Direct addressing FC00H FBFFH Register indirect addressing Based addressing Based indexed addressing Reserved 4000H 3FFFH Flash memory 16384 x 8 bits 0000H 60 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Figure 3-9. Correspondence Between Data Memory and Addressing (PD78F0512) FFFFH Special function registers (SFR) 256 x 8 bits SFR addressing FF20H FF1FH FF00H FEFFH FEE0H FEDFH General-purpose registers 32 x 8 bits Register addressing Short direct addressing Internal high-speed RAM 1024 x 8 bits FE20H FE1FH Direct addressing FB00H FAFFH Register indirect addressing Based addressing Based indexed addressing Reserved 6000H 5FFFH Flash memory 24576 x 8 bits 0000H User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 61 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Figure 3-10. Correspondence Between Data Memory and Addressing (PD78F0513 and 78F0513D) FFFFH Special function registers (SFR) 256 x 8 bits SFR addressing FF20H FF1FH FF00H FEFFH FEE0H FEDFH General-purpose registers 32 x 8 bits Register addressing Short direct addressing Internal high-speed RAM 1024 x 8 bits FE20H FE1FH Direct addressing FB00H FAFFH Register indirect addressing Based addressing Based indexed addressing Reserved 8000H 7FFFH Flash memory 32768 x 8 bits 0000H 62 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Figure 3-11 . Correspondence Between Data Memory and Addressing (PD78F0514) FFFFH Special function registers (SFR) 256 x 8 bits SFR addressing FF20H FF1FH FF00H FEFFH FEE0H FEDFH General-purpose registers 32 x 8 bits Register addressing Short direct addressing Internal high-speed RAM 1024 x 8 bits FE20H FE1FH FB00H FAFFH Reserved Direct addressing F800H F7FFH Register indirect addressing Based addressing Based indexed addressing Internal expansion RAM 1024 x 8 bits F400H F3FFH Reserved C000H BFFFH Flash memory 49152 x 8 bits 0000H User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 63 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Figure 3-12. Correspondence Between Data Memory and Addressing (PD78F0515 and 78F0515D) FFFFH Special function registers (SFR) 256 x 8 bits SFR addressing FF20H FF1FH FF00H FEFFH FEE0H FEDFH General-purpose registers 32 x 8 bits Register addressing Short direct addressing Internal high-speed RAM 1024 x 8 bits FE20H FE1FH FB00H FAFFH Reserved Direct addressing Register indirect addressing F800H F7FFH Based addressing Based indexed addressing Internal expansion RAM 2048 x 8 bits F000H EFFFH Flash memory 61440 x 8 bits 0000H 64 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE 3.2 Processor Registers The 78K0/KC2 products incorporate the following processor registers. 3.2.1 Control registers The control registers control the program sequence, statuses and stack memory. The control registers consist of a program counter (PC), a program status word (PSW) and a stack pointer (SP). (1) Program counter (PC) The program counter is a 16-bit register that holds the address information of the next program to be executed. In normal operation, PC is automatically incremented according to the number of bytes of the instruction to be fetched. When a branch instruction is executed, immediate data and register contents are set. Reset signal generation sets the reset vector table values at addresses 0000H and 0001H to the program counter. Figure 3-13. Format of Program Counter 0 15 PC PC15 PC14 PC13 PC12 PC11 PC10 PC9 PC8 PC7 PC6 PC5 PC4 PC3 PC2 PC1 PC0 (2) Program status word (PSW) The program status word is an 8-bit register consisting of various flags set/reset by instruction execution. Program status word contents are stored in the stack area upon interrupt request generation or PUSH PSW instruction execution and are restored upon execution of the RETB, RETI and POP PSW instructions. Reset signal generation sets PSW to 02H. Figure 3-14. Format of Program Status Word 7 PSW IE 0 Z RBS1 AC RBS0 0 ISP CY (a) Interrupt enable flag (IE) This flag controls the interrupt request acknowledge operations of the CPU. When 0, the IE flag is set to the interrupt disabled (DI) state, and all maskable interrupt requests are disabled. When 1, the IE flag is set to the interrupt enabled (EI) state and interrupt request acknowledgment is controlled with an in-service priority flag (ISP), an interrupt mask flag for various interrupt sources, and a priority specification flag. The IE flag is reset (0) upon DI instruction execution or interrupt acknowledgment and is set (1) upon EI instruction execution. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 65 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE (b) Zero flag (Z) When the operation result is zero, this flag is set (1). It is reset (0) in all other cases. (c) Register bank select flags (RBS0 and RBS1) These are 2-bit flags to select one of the four register banks. In these flags, the 2-bit information that indicates the register bank selected by SEL RBn instruction execution is stored. (d) Auxiliary carry flag (AC) If the operation result has a carry from bit 3 or a borrow at bit 3, this flag is set (1). It is reset (0) in all other cases. (e) In-service priority flag (ISP) This flag manages the priority of acknowledgeable maskable vectored interrupts. When this flag is 0, lowlevel vectored interrupt requests specified by a priority specification flag register (PR0L, PR0H, PR1L, PR1H) (see 18.3 (3) Priority specification flag registers (PR0L, PR0H, PR1L, PR1H)) can not be acknowledged. Actual request acknowledgment is controlled by the interrupt enable flag (IE). (f) Carry flag (CY) This flag stores overflow and underflow upon add/subtract instruction execution. It stores the shift-out value upon rotate instruction execution and functions as a bit accumulator during bit operation instruction execution. (3) Stack pointer (SP) This is a 16-bit register to hold the start address of the memory stack area. Only the internal high-speed RAM area can be set as the stack area. Figure 3-15. Format of Stack Pointer 0 15 SP SP15 SP14 SP13 SP12 SP11 SP10 SP9 SP8 SP7 SP6 SP5 SP4 SP3 SP2 SP1 SP0 The SP is decremented ahead of write (save) to the stack memory and is incremented after read (restored) from the stack memory. Each stack operation saves/restores data as shown in Figures 3-16 and 3-17. Caution Since reset signal generation makes the SP contents undefined, be sure to initialize the SP before using the stack. 66 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Figure 3-16. Data to Be Saved to Stack Memory (a) PUSH rp instruction (when SP = FEE0H) SP SP FEE0H FEDEH FEE0H FEDFH Register pair higher FEDEH Register pair lower (b) CALL, CALLF, CALLT instructions (when SP = FEE0H) SP SP FEE0H FEDEH FEE0H FEDFH PC15 to PC8 FEDEH PC7 to PC0 (c) Interrupt, BRK instructions (when SP = FEE0H) SP SP FEE0H FEDDH FEE0H FEDFH PSW FEDEH PC15 to PC8 FEDDH PC7 to PC0 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 67 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Figure 3-17. Data to Be Restored from Stack Memory (a) POP rp instruction (when SP = FEDEH) SP SP FEE0H FEDEH FEE0H FEDFH Register pair higher FEDEH Register pair lower (b) RET instruction (when SP = FEDEH) SP SP FEE0H FEDEH FEE0H FEDFH PC15 to PC8 FEDEH PC7 to PC0 (c) RETI, RETB instructions (when SP = FEDDH) SP SP 68 FEE0H FEDDH FEE0H FEDFH PSW FEDEH PC15 to PC8 FEDDH PC7 to PC0 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE 3.2.2 General-purpose registers General-purpose registers are mapped at particular addresses (FEE0H to FEFFH) of the data memory. The general-purpose registers consists of 4 banks, each bank consisting of eight 8-bit registers (X, A, C, B, E, D, L, and H). Each register can be used as an 8-bit register, and two 8-bit registers can also be used in a pair as a 16-bit register (AX, BC, DE, and HL). These registers can be described in terms of function names (X, A, C, B, E, D, L, H, AX, BC, DE, and HL) and absolute names (R0 to R7 and RP0 to RP3). Register banks to be used for instruction execution are set by the CPU control instruction (SEL RBn). Because of the 4-register bank configuration, an efficient program can be created by switching between a register for normal processing and a register for interrupts for each bank. Figure 3-18. Configuration of General-Purpose Registers (a) Function name 16-bit processing 8-bit processing FEFFH H Register bank 0 HL L FEF8H D Register bank 1 DE E FEF0H B BC Register bank 2 C FEE8H A AX Register bank 3 X FEE0H 15 0 7 0 (b) Absolute name 16-bit processing 8-bit processing FEFFH R7 Register bank 0 RP3 R6 FEF8H R5 Register bank 1 RP2 R4 FEF0H R3 RP1 Register bank 2 R2 FEE8H R1 RP0 Register bank 3 R0 FEE0H 15 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 0 7 0 69 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE 3.2.3 Special function registers (SFRs) Unlike a general-purpose register, each special function register has a special function. SFRs are allocated to the FF00H to FFFFH area. Special function registers can be manipulated like general-purpose registers, using operation, transfer, and bit manipulation instructions. The manipulatable bit units, 1, 8, and 16, depend on the special function register type. Each manipulation bit unit can be specified as follows. * 1-bit manipulation Describe the symbol reserved by the assembler for the 1-bit manipulation instruction operand (sfr.bit). This manipulation can also be specified with an address. * 8-bit manipulation Describe the symbol reserved by the assembler for the 8-bit manipulation instruction operand (sfr). This manipulation can also be specified with an address. * 16-bit manipulation Describe the symbol reserved by the assembler for the 16-bit manipulation instruction operand (sfrp). When specifying an address, describe an even address. Table 3-7 gives a list of the special function registers. The meanings of items in the table are as follows. * Symbol Symbol indicating the address of a special function register. It is a reserved word in the RA78K0, and is defined as an sfr variable using the #pragma sfr directive in the CC78K0. When using the RA78K0, ID78K0-QB, and SM+ for 78K0/KX2, symbols can be written as an instruction operand. * R/W Indicates whether the corresponding special function register can be read or written. R/W: Read/write enable R: Read only W: Write only * Manipulatable bit units Indicates the manipulatable bit unit (1, 8, or 16). "-" indicates a bit unit for which manipulation is not possible. * After reset Indicates each register status upon reset signal generation. 70 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Table 3-7. Special Function Register List (1/4) Address Special Function Register (SFR) Name Symbol R/W 1 Bit Manipulatable Bit Unit 8 Bits 16 Bits After Reset FF00H Port register 0 P0 R/W - 00H FF01H Port register 1 P1 R/W - 00H FF02H Port register 2 P2 R/W - 00H FF03H Port register 3 P3 R/W - 00H FF04H Port register 4 P4 R/W - 00H FF06H Port register 6 P6 R/W - 00H FF07H Port register 7 P7 R/W - 00H FF08H 10-bit A/D conversion result register ADCR R - - 0000H ADCRH R - - 00H RXB6 R - - FFH FF09H 8-bit A/D conversion result register FF0AH Receive buffer register 6 FF0BH Transmit buffer register 6 TXB6 R/W - - FFH FF0CH Port register 12 P12 R/W - 00H Port register 13 Note P13 R/W - 00H Port register 14 Note P14 R/W - 00H FF0DH FF0EH FF0FH Serial I/O shift register 10 SIO10 R - - 00H FF10H 16-bit timer counter 00 TM00 R - - 0000H 16-bit timer capture/compare register 000 CR000 R/W - - 0000H 16-bit timer capture/compare register 010 CR010 R/W - - 0000H FF16H 8-bit timer counter 50 TM50 R - - 00H FF17H 8-bit timer compare register 50 CR50 R/W - - 00H FF18H 8-bit timer H compare register 00 CMP00 R/W - - 00H FF19H 8-bit timer H compare register 10 CMP10 R/W - - 00H FF1AH 8-bit timer H compare register 01 CMP01 R/W - - 00H FF1BH 8-bit timer H compare register 11 CMP11 R/W - - 00H FF1FH 8-bit timer counter 51 TM51 R - - 00H FF20H Port mode register 0 PM0 R/W - FFH FF21H Port mode register 1 PM1 R/W - FFH FF22H Port mode register 2 PM2 R/W - FFH FF23H Port mode register 3 PM3 R/W - FFH FF24H Port mode register 4 PM4 R/W - FFH FF26H Port mode register 6 PM6 R/W - FFH FF27H Port mode register 7 PM7 R/W - FFH FF28H A/D converter mode register ADM R/W - 00H FF29H Analog input channel specification register ADS R/W - 00H FF2CH Port mode register 12 PM12 R/W - FFH PM14 R/W - FFH ADPC R/W - 00H FF11H FF12H FF13H FF14H FF15H Note FF2EH Port mode register 14 FF2FH A/D port configuration register Note Available only in the 48-pin products. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 71 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Table 3-7. Special Function Register List (2/4) Address Special Function Register (SFR) Name Symbol R/W 1 Bit Manipulatable Bit Unit 8 Bits 16 Bits After Reset FF30H Pull-up resistor option register 0 PU0 R/W - 00H FF31H Pull-up resistor option register 1 PU1 R/W - 00H FF33H Pull-up resistor option register 3 PU3 R/W - 00H FF34H Pull-up resistor option register 4 PU4 R/W - 00H FF37H Pull-up resistor option register 7 PU7 R/W - 00H FF3CH Pull-up resistor option register 12 PU12 R/W - 00H FF3EH Pull-up resistor option register 14 PU14 R/W - 00H FF40H Clock output selection register CKS R/W - 00H FF41H 8-bit timer compare register 51 CR51 R/W - - 00H FF43H 8-bit timer mode control register 51 TMC51 R/W - 00H FF48H External interrupt rising edge enable register EGP R/W - 00H FF49H External interrupt falling edge enable register EGN R/W - 00H FF4FH Input switch control register ISC R/W - 00H FF50H Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 ASIM6 R/W - 01H FF53H Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 6 ASIS6 R - - 00H FF55H Asynchronous serial interface transmission status register 6 ASIF6 R - - 00H FF56H Clock selection register 6 CKSR6 R/W - - 00H FF57H Baud rate generator control register 6 BRGC6 R/W - - FFH FF58H Asynchronous serial interface control register 6 ASICL6 R/W - 16H R - 00H - - - - - - - FF60H Note 1 Note 1 Remainder data register 0 Note 2 SDR0 SDR0L FF61H FF62H SDR0H Multiplication/division data register A0 Note 2 MDA0L MDA0LL FF63H MDA0LH FF64H MDA0H MDA0HL FF65H FF66H R/W R/W MDA0HH Multiplication/division data register B0 Note 2 MDB0 MDB0L FF67H R/W MDB0H Note 2 00H 00H 00H 00H 00H 00H DMUC0 R/W - 00H TMHMD0 R/W - 00H TCL50 R/W - 00H TMC50 R/W - 00H TMHMD1 R/W - 00H TMCYC1 R/W - 00H KRM R/W - 00H WTM R/W - 00H R/W - 01H FF68H Multiplier/divider control register 0 FF69H 8-bit timer H mode register 0 FF6AH Timer clock selection register 50 FF6BH 8-bit timer mode control register 50 FF6CH 8-bit timer H mode register 1 FF6DH 8-bit timer H carrier control register 1 FF6EH Key return mode register FF6FH Watch timer operation mode register FF70H Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 ASIM0 Notes 1. Available only in the 48-pin products. 2. Available only in the PD78F0514, 78F0515, and 78F0515D. 72 00H User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Table 3-7. Special Function Register List (3/4) Address Special Function Register (SFR) Name Symbol R/W 1 Bit Manipulatable Bit Unit 8 Bits 16 Bits After Reset R/W - - 1FH FF71H Baud rate generator control register 0 BRGC0 FF72H Receive buffer register 0 RXB0 R - - FFH FF73H Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 0 ASIS0 R - - 00H FF74H Transmit shift register 0 TXS0 W - - FFH FF80H Serial operation mode register 10 CSIM10 R/W - 00H FF81H Serial clock selection register 10 CSIC10 R/W - 00H FF84H Transmit buffer register 10 SOTB10 R/W - - 00H FF8CH Timer clock selection register 51 TCL51 R/W - 00H FF99H Watchdog timer enable register WDTE R/W - - 1AH/9AH FF9FH Clock operation mode select register OSCCTL R/W - 00H FFA0H Internal oscillation mode register RCM R/W - FFA1H Main clock mode register MCM R/W - 00H FFA2H Main OSC control register MOC R/W - 80H FFA3H Oscillation stabilization time counter status register OSTC R - 00H Note 1 Note 2 80H FFA4H Oscillation stabilization time select register OSTS R/W - - 05H FFA5H IIC shift register 0 IIC0 R/W - - 00H FFA6H IIC control register 0 IICC0 R/W - 00H FFA7H Slave address register 0 SVA0 R/W - - 00H FFA8H IIC clock selection register 0 IICCL0 R/W - 00H FFA9H IIC function expansion register 0 IICX0 R/W - 00H FFAAH IIC status register 0 IICS0 R - 00H FFABH IIC flag register 0 IICF0 R/W - 00H FFACH Reset control flag register RESF R - - FFBAH 16-bit timer mode control register 00 TMC00 R/W - 00H FFBBH Prescaler mode register 00 PRM00 R/W - 00H FFBCH Capture/compare control register 00 CRC00 R/W - 00H FFBDH 16-bit timer output control register 00 TOC00 R/W - FFBEH Low-voltage detection register LVIM R/W - 00H FFBFH Low-voltage detection level selection register LVIS R/W - 00H FFE0H Interrupt request flag register 0L IF0 IF0L R/W FFE1H Interrupt request flag register 0H IF0H R/W FFE2H Interrupt request flag register 1L IF1L R/W FFE3H Interrupt request flag register 1H IF1H R/W FFE4H Interrupt mask flag register 0L MK0L R/W FFE5H Interrupt mask flag register 0H MK0H R/W Notes 1. 2. IF1 MK0 Note 3 00H 00H Note 3 Note 3 00H 00H 00H 00H FFH FFH The reset value of WDTE is determined by setting of option byte. The value of this register is 00H immediately after a reset release but automatically changes to 80H after oscillation accuracy stabilization of high-speed internal oscillator has been waited. 3. The reset values of RESF, LVIM, and LVIS vary depending on the reset source. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 73 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Table 3-7. Special Function Register List (4/4) Address Special Function Register (SFR) Name FFE6H Interrupt mask flag register 1L FFE7H Interrupt mask flag register 1H FFE8H Priority specification flag register 0L FFE9H Priority specification flag register 0H FFEAH Priority specification flag register 1L FFEBH Priority specification flag register 1H Symbol MK1 PR0 PR1 R/W 1 Bit Manipulatable Bit Unit 8 Bits 16 Bits After Reset MK1L R/W FFH MK1H R/W PR0L R/W PR0H R/W PR1L R/W PR1H R/W FFH FFH FFH FFH FFH FFF0H Internal memory size switching register IMS R/W - - CFH FFF4H Internal expansion RAM size switching Note 1 register IXS R/W - - 0CH FFFBH Processor clock control register PCC R/W - 01H Note 1 Notes 1. Regardless of the internal memory capacity, the initial values of the internal memory size switching register (IMS) and internal expansion RAM size switching register (IXS) of all products in the 78K0/KC2 are fixed (IMS = CFH, IXS = 0CH). Therefore, set the value corresponding to each product as indicated below. Flash Memory Version IMS IXS (78K0/KC2) PD78F0511 04H Internal High-Speed Internal Expansion RAM Capacity RAM Capacity - 16 KB 768 bytes C6H 24 KB 1 KB PD78F0513, 78F0513D C8H 32 KB PD78F0514 CCH 0AH 48 KB 1 KB CFH 08H 60 KB 2 KB PD78F0512 Note 2 PD78F0515, 78F0515D Note 2 <R> ROM Capacity 0CH 2. The ROM and RAM capacities of the products with the on-chip debug function can be debugged by setting IMS and IXS, according to the debug target products. Set IMS and IXS according to the debug target products. 74 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE 3.3 Instruction Address Addressing An instruction address is determined by contents of the program counter (PC), and is normally incremented (+1 for each byte) automatically according to the number of bytes of an instruction to be fetched each time another instruction is executed. When a branch instruction is executed, the branch destination information is set to PC and branched by the following addressing (for details of instructions, refer to the 78K/0 Series Instructions User's Manual (U12326E)). 3.3.1 Relative addressing [Function] The value obtained by adding 8-bit immediate data (displacement value: jdisp8) of an instruction code to the start address of the following instruction is transferred to the program counter (PC) and branched. The displacement value is treated as signed two's complement data (-128 to +127) and bit 7 becomes a sign bit. In other words, relative addressing consists of relative branching from the start address of the following instruction to the -128 to +127 range. This function is carried out when the BR $addr16 instruction or a conditional branch instruction is executed. [Illustration] 15 0 ... PC indicates the start address of the instruction after the BR instruction. PC + 15 8 7 0 6 S jdisp8 15 0 PC When S = 0, all bits of are 0. When S = 1, all bits of are 1. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 75 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE 3.3.2 Immediate addressing [Function] Immediate data in the instruction word is transferred to the program counter (PC) and branched. This function is carried out when the CALL !addr16 or BR !addr16 or CALLF !addr11 instruction is executed. CALL !addr16 and BR !addr16 instructions can be branched to the entire memory space. The CALLF !addr11 instruction is branched to the 0800H to 0FFFH area. [Illustration] In the case of CALL !addr16 and BR !addr16 instructions 7 0 CALL or BR Low Addr. High Addr. 15 8 7 0 PC In the case of CALLF !addr11 instruction 7 6 4 3 0 CALLF fa10-8 fa7-0 15 PC 76 0 11 10 0 0 0 8 7 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 0 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE 3.3.3 Table indirect addressing [Function] Table contents (branch destination address) of the particular location to be addressed by bits 1 to 5 of the immediate data of an operation code are transferred to the program counter (PC) and branched. This function is carried out when the CALLT [addr5] instruction is executed. This instruction references the address stored in the memory table from 40H to 7FH, and allows branching to the entire memory space. [Illustration] 7 Operation code 6 1 5 1 1 ta4-0 1 15 Effective address 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Memory (Table) 8 7 6 0 0 1 1 0 5 0 0 Low Addr. High Addr. Effective address+1 8 15 7 0 PC 3.3.4 Register addressing [Function] Register pair (AX) contents to be specified with an instruction word are transferred to the program counter (PC) and branched. This function is carried out when the BR AX instruction is executed. [Illustration] 7 rp 0 7 A 15 0 X 8 7 0 PC User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 77 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE 3.4 Operand Address Addressing The following methods are available to specify the register and memory (addressing) to undergo manipulation during instruction execution. 3.4.1 Implied addressing [Function] The register that functions as an accumulator (A and AX) among the general-purpose registers is automatically (implicitly) addressed. Of the 78K0/KC2 instruction words, the following instructions employ implied addressing. Instruction Register to Be Specified by Implied Addressing MULU A register for multiplicand and AX register for product storage DIVUW AX register for dividend and quotient storage ADJBA/ADJBS A register for storage of numeric values that become decimal correction targets ROR4/ROL4 A register for storage of digit data that undergoes digit rotation [Operand format] Because implied addressing can be automatically determined with an instruction, no particular operand format is necessary. [Description example] In the case of MULU X With an 8-bit x 8-bit multiply instruction, the product of A register and X register is stored in AX. In this example, the A and AX registers are specified by implied addressing. 78 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE 3.4.2 Register addressing [Function] The general-purpose register to be specified is accessed as an operand with the register bank select flags (RBS0 to RBS1) and the register specify codes of an operation code. Register addressing is carried out when an instruction with the following operand format is executed. When an 8-bit register is specified, one of the eight registers is specified with 3 bits in the operation code. [Operand format] Identifier Description r X, A, C, B, E, D, L, H rp AX, BC, DE, HL `r' and `rp' can be described by absolute names (R0 to R7 and RP0 to RP3) as well as function names (X, A, C, B, E, D, L, H, AX, BC, DE, and HL). [Description example] MOV A, C; when selecting C register as r Operation code 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 Register specify code INCW DE; when selecting DE register pair as rp Operation code 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Register specify code User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 79 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE 3.4.3 Direct addressing [Function] The memory to be manipulated is directly addressed with immediate data in an instruction word becoming an operand address. [Operand format] Identifier Description addr16 Label or 16-bit immediate data [Description example] MOV A, !0FE00H; when setting !addr16 to FE00H Operation code 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 OP code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 FEH [Illustration] 7 0 OP code addr16 (lower) addr16 (upper) Memory 80 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE 3.4.4 Short direct addressing [Function] The memory to be manipulated in the fixed space is directly addressed with 8-bit data in an instruction word. This addressing is applied to the 256-byte space FE20H to FF1FH. Internal high-speed RAM and special function registers (SFRs) are mapped at FE20H to FEFFH and FF00H to FF1FH, respectively. The SFR area (FF00H to FF1FH) where short direct addressing is applied is a part of the overall SFR area. Ports that are frequently accessed in a program and compare and capture registers of the timer/event counter are mapped in this area, allowing SFRs to be manipulated with a small number of bytes and clocks. When 8-bit immediate data is at 20H to FFH, bit 8 of an effective address is set to 0. When it is at 00H to 1FH, bit 8 is set to 1. See the [Illustration] shown below. [Operand format] Identifier Description saddr Immediate data that indicate label or FE20H to FF1FH saddrp Immediate data that indicate label or FE20H to FF1FH (even address only) [Description example] LB1 EQU 0FE30H ; Defines FE30H by LB1. : MOV LB1, A ; When LB1 indicates FE30H of the saddr area and the value of register A is transferred to that address Operation code 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 OP code 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 30H (saddr-offset) [Illustration] 7 0 OP code saddr-offset Short direct memory 15 Effective address 1 8 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 When 8-bit immediate data is 20H to FFH, = 0 When 8-bit immediate data is 00H to 1FH, = 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 81 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE 3.4.5 Special function register (SFR) addressing [Function] A memory-mapped special function register (SFR) is addressed with 8-bit immediate data in an instruction word. This addressing is applied to the 240-byte spaces FF00H to FFCFH and FFE0H to FFFFH. However, the SFRs mapped at FF00H to FF1FH can be accessed with short direct addressing. [Operand format] Identifier Description sfr Special function register name sfrp 16-bit manipulatable special function register name (even address only) [Description example] MOV PM0, A; when selecting PM0 (FF20H) as sfr Operation code 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 OP code 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 20H (sfr-offset) [Illustration] 7 0 OP code sfr-offset SFR 15 Effective address 82 1 8 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 0 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE 3.4.6 Register indirect addressing [Function] Register pair contents specified by a register pair specify code in an instruction word and by a register bank select flag (RBS0 and RBS1) serve as an operand address for addressing the memory. [Operand format] Identifier Description - [DE], [HL] [Description example] MOV A, [DE]; when selecting [DE] as register pair Operation code 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 [Illustration] 16 8 7 E D DE 0 7 Memory 0 The memory address specified with the register pair DE The contents of the memory addressed are transferred. 7 0 A User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 83 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE 3.4.7 Based addressing [Function] 8-bit immediate data is added as offset data to the contents of the base register, that is, the HL register pair in the register bank specified by the register bank select flag (RBS0 and RBS1), and the sum is used to address the memory. Addition is performed by expanding the offset data as a positive number to 16 bits. A carry from the 16th bit is ignored. [Operand format] Identifier - Description [HL + byte] [Description example] MOV A, [HL + 10H]; when setting byte to 10H Operation code 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 [Illustration] 16 8 7 L H HL 0 7 Memory The contents of the memory addressed are transferred. 7 0 A 84 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 0 +10H CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE 3.4.8 Based indexed addressing [Function] The B or C register contents specified in an instruction word are added to the contents of the base register, that is, the HL register pair in the register bank specified by the register bank select flag (RBS0 and RBS1), and the sum is used to address the memory. Addition is performed by expanding the B or C register contents as a positive number to 16 bits. A carry from the 16th bit is ignored. [Operand format] Identifier - Description [HL + B], [HL + C] [Description example] MOV A, [HL +B]; when selecting B register Operation code 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 [Illustration] 16 8 7 0 L H HL + 7 0 B 7 Memory 0 The contents of the memory addressed are transferred. 7 0 A User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 85 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE 3.4.9 Stack addressing [Function] The stack area is indirectly addressed with the stack pointer (SP) contents. This addressing method is automatically employed when the PUSH, POP, subroutine call, and return instructions are executed or the register is saved/reset upon generation of an interrupt request. With stack addressing, only the internal high-speed RAM area can be accessed. [Description example] PUSH DE; when saving DE register Operation code 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 [Illustration] 7 SP SP 86 FEE0H FEDEH Memory FEE0H FEDFH D FEDEH E User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 0 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS 4.1 Port Functions There are two types of pin I/O buffer power supplies: AVREF and VDD. The relationship between these power supplies and the pins is shown below. Table 4-1. Pin I/O Buffer Power Supplies Power Supply Corresponding Pins AVREF P20 to P27 VDD Pins other than P20 to P27 78K0/KC2 products are provided with the ports shown in Figure 4-1, which enable variety of control operations. The functions of each port are shown in Table 4-2. In addition to the function as digital I/O ports, these ports have several alternate functions. For details of the alternate functions, see CHAPTER 2 PIN FUNCTIONS. Figure 4-1. Port Types P60 P00 P01 P63 P10 Port 6 Port 7 P70 P71 P72Note 1 P73Note 1 P74Note 2 P75Note 2 P17 P120 P20 Port 0 Port 1 Port 12 Port 2 P124 Port 13 P130Note 2 Port 14 P140Note 2 P26Note 1 P27Note 1 P30 Port 3 P33 P40Note 1 P41Note 1 <R> Notes 1. 2. Port 4 44-pin and 48-pin products only 48-pin products only User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 87 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS Table 4-2. Port Functions (1/2) Function Name P00 I/O I/O P01 P10 I/O P11 P12 P13 Function After Reset Port 0. 2-bit I/O port. Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units. Use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by a software setting. Input port Port 1. 8-bit I/O port. Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units. Use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by a software setting. Input port Alternate Function TI000 TI010/TO00 SCK10/TxD0 SI10/RxD0 SO10 TxD6 P14 RxD6 P15 TOH0 P16 TOH1/INTP5 P17 TI50/TO50 P20 to P25 Note 1 P26 I/O Analog input ANI6 Port 3. 4-bit I/O port. Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units. Use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by a software setting. Input port INTP1 I/O Port 4. 2-bit I/O port. Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units. Use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by a software setting. Input port I/O Port 6. 4-bit I/O port. Output of P60 to P63 is N-ch open-drain output (6 V tolerance). Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units. Input port and P27 I/O P30 P31 P32 P33 Note 1 P40 Note 1 and P41 P60 ANI0 to ANI5 Port 2. 8-bit I/O port. Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units. Note 1 P61 P62 Note 1 INTP2/OCD1A Note 2 INTP3/OCD1B Note 2 TI51/TO51/INTP4 - SCL0 SDA0 EXSCL0 - P63 I/O P70 and P71 Note 1 and P73 Note 3 and P75 P72 P74 Note 1 Note 3 I/O P120 P121 P122 P123 Port 7. 6-bit I/O port. Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units. Use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by a software setting. Input port Port 12. 5-bit I/O port. Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units. Only for P120, use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by a software setting. Input port KR0 and KR1 KR2 Note 1 and KR3 Note 1 - INTP0/EXLVI X1/OCD0A Note 2 Note 2 X2/EXCLK/OCD0B XT1 P124 P130 Note 1 and ANI7 XT2/EXCLKS Note 3 Output Port 13. 1-bit output-only port. Output port - <R> Notes 1. 44-pin and 48-pin products only For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 6 and 7 of PM2 to "1", and bits 0 and 1 of PM4, bits 2 and 3 of PM7, bits 6 and 7 of P2, bits 0 and 1 of P4, and bits 2 and 3 of P7 to "0". 2. PD78F0513D and 78F0515D only 3. 48-pin products only 88 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS Table 4-2. Port Functions (2/2) Function Name P140 Note I/O I/O Function After Reset Port 14. Input port Alternate Function PCL/INTP6 Note 1-bit I/O port. Input/output can be specified in 1-bit units. Use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by a software setting. Note 48-pin products only 4.2 Port Configuration Ports include the following hardware. Table 4-3. Port Configuration Item Control registers Configuration Port mode register (PM0 to PM4, PM6, PM7, PM12, PM14 Port register (P0 to P4, P6, P7, P12, P13 Note , P14 Note Note ) ) Pull-up resistor option register (PU0, PU1, PU3, PU4, PU7, PU12, PU14 Note ) A/D port configuration register (ADPC) <R> * 38-pin Port products Total: 31 (CMOS I/O: 27, CMOS output: 0, N-ch open drain I/O: 4) * 44-pin products Total: 37 (CMOS I/O: 33, CMOS output: 0, N-ch open drain I/O: 4) * 48-pin products Total: 41 (CMOS I/O: 36, CMOS output: 1, N-ch open drain I/O: 4) <R> Pull-up resistor Note * 38-pin products Total: 17 * 44-pin products Total: 21 * 48-pin products Total: 24 48-pin products only User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 89 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS 4.2.1 Port 0 Port 0 is a 2-bit I/O port with an output latch. Port 0 can be set to the input mode or output mode in 1-bit units using port mode register 0 (PM0). When the P00 and P01 pins are used as an input port, use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified in 1-bit units by pull-up resistor option register 0 (PU0). This port can also be used for timer I/O. Reset signal generation sets port 0 to input mode. Figures 4-2 and 4-3 show block diagrams of port 0. Figure 4-2. Block Diagram of P00 VDD WRPU PU0 PU00 P-ch Alternate function Selector Internal bus RD WRPORT P0 Output latch (P00) P00/TI000 WRPM PM0 PM00 P0: Port register 0 PU0: Pull-up resistor option register 0 PM0: Port mode register 0 RD: Read signal WRxx: Write signal 90 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS Figure 4-3. Block Diagram of P01 VDD WRPU PU0 PU01 P-ch Alternate function Selector Internal bus RD WRPORT P0 Output latch (P01) P01/TI010/TO00 WRPM PM0 PM01 Alternate function P0: Port register 0 PU0: Pull-up resistor option register 0 PM0: Port mode register 0 RD: Read signal WRxx: Write signal User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 91 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS 4.2.2 Port 1 Port 1 is an 8-bit I/O port with an output latch. Port 1 can be set to the input mode or output mode in 1-bit units using port mode register 1 (PM1). When the P10 to P17 pins are used as an input port, use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified in 1-bit units by pull-up resistor option register 1 (PU1). This port can also be used for external interrupt request input, serial interface data I/O, clock I/O, and timer I/O. Reset signal generation sets port 1 to input mode. Figures 4-4 to 4-8 show block diagrams of port 1. Caution To use P10/SCK10/TxD0 and P12/SO10 as general-purpose ports, set serial operation mode register 10 (CSIM10) and serial clock selection register 10 (CSIC10) to the default status (00H). Figure 4-4. Block Diagram of P10 VDD WRPU PU1 PU10 P-ch Alternate function Selector Internal bus RD WRPORT P1 Output latch (P10) P10/SCK10/TxD0 WRPM PM1 PM10 Alternate function P1: Port register 1 PU1: Pull-up resistor option register 1 PM1: Port mode register 1 RD: Read signal WRxx: Write signal 92 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS Figure 4-5. Block Diagram of P11 and P14 VDD WRPU PU1 PU11, PU14 P-ch Alternate function Selector Internal bus RD WRPORT P1 Output latch (P11, P14) P11/SI10/RxD0, P14/RxD6 WRPM PM1 PM11, PM14 P1: Port register 1 PU1: Pull-up resistor option register 1 PM1: Port mode register 1 RD: Read signal WRxx: Write signal User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 93 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS Figure 4-6. Block Diagram of P12 and P15 VDD WRPU PU1 PU12, PU15 P-ch Internal bus Selector RD WRPORT P1 Output latch (P12, P15) P12/SO10 P15/TOH0 WRPM PM1 PM12, PM15 Alternate function P1: Port register 1 PU1: Pull-up resistor option register 1 PM1: Port mode register 1 RD: Read signal WRxx: Write signal 94 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS Figure 4-7. Block Diagram of P13 VDD WRPU PU1 PU13 P-ch Selector Internal bus RD WRPORT P1 Output latch (P13) P13/TxD6 WRPM PM1 PM13 Alternate function P1: Port register 1 PU1: Pull-up resistor option register 1 PM1: Port mode register 1 RD: Read signal WRxx: Write signal User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 95 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS Figure 4-8. Block Diagram of P16 and P17 VDD WRPU PU1 PU16, PU17 P-ch Alternate function Selector Internal bus RD WRPORT P1 Output latch (P16, P17) P16/TOH1/INTP5, P17/TI50/TO50 WRPM PM1 PM16, PM17 Alternate function P1: Port register 1 PU1: Pull-up resistor option register 1 PM1: Port mode register 1 RD: Read signal WRxx: Write signal 96 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS 4.2.3 Port 2 Port 2 is an 8-bit I/O port with an output latch. Port 2 can be set to the input mode or output mode in 1-bit units using port mode register 2 (PM2). This port can also be used for A/D converter analog input. To use P20/ANI0 to P27/ANI7Note as digital input pins, set them in the digital I/O mode by using the A/D port configuration register (ADPC) and in the input mode by using PM2. Use these pins starting from the lower bit. To use P20/ANI0 to P27/ANI7Note as digital output pins, set them in the digital I/O mode by using ADPC and in the output mode by using PM2. Table 4-4. Setting Functions of P20/ANI0 to P27/ANI7Note Pins ADPC Digital I/O selection Analog input selection PM2 ADS P20/ANI0 to P27/ANI7 Input mode - Digital input Output mode - Digital output Input mode Output mode Note Pins Selects ANI. Analog input (to be converted) Does not select ANI. Analog input (not to be converted) Selects ANI. Setting prohibited Does not select ANI. All P20/ANI0 to P27/ANI7Note are set in the analog input mode when the reset signal is generated. Figure 4-9 shows a block diagram of port 2. <R> Note 38-pin products: P20/ANI0 to P25/ANI5 44-pin and 48-pin products: P20/ANI0 to P27/ANI7 Cautions 1. Make the AVREF pin the same potential as the VDD pin when port 2 is used as a digital port. <R> 2. For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 6 and 7 of PM2 to "1", and bits 6 and 7 of P2 to "0". User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 97 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS Figure 4-9. Block Diagram of P20 to P27 Internal bus Selector RD WRPORT P2 Output latch (P20 to P27) P20/ANI0 to P27/ANI7Note WRPM PM2 PM20 to PM27 A/D converter Note 38-pin products: <R> P20/ANI0 to P25/ANI5 44-pin and 48-pin products: P20/ANI0 to P27/ANI7 P2: Port register 2 PM2: Port mode register 2 RD: Read signal WRxx: Write signal 98 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS 4.2.4 Port 3 Port 3 is a 4-bit I/O port with an output latch. Port 3 can be set to the input mode or output mode in 1-bit units using port mode register 3 (PM3). When the P30 to P33 pins are used as an input port, use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified in 1-bit units by pull-up resistor option register 3 (PU3). This port can also be used for external interrupt request input and timer I/O. Reset signal generation sets port 3 to input mode. Figures 4-10 and 4-11 show block diagrams of port 3. Cautions 1. In the products with an on-chip debug function (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D), be sure to pull the P31/INTP2/OCD1ANote pin down before a reset release, to prevent malfunction. <R> 2. For products without an on-chip debug function, with the flash memory of 48 KB or more (PD78F0514 and 78F0515), and having a product rank of "I", "K", or "E", and for the products with an on-chip debug function (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D), connect P31/INTP2/OCD1ANote as follows when writing the flash memory with a flash memory programmer. * P31/INTP2/OCD1ANote: Connect to VSS via a resistor (10 k: recommended). The above connection is not necessary when writing the flash memory by means of self programming. Note OCD1A is provided to the PD78F0513D and 78F0515D only. Remarks 1. For the product ranks, consult an NEC Electronics sales representative. 2. Only for the PD78F0513D and 78F0515D, P31 and P32 can be used as on-chip debug mode setting pins (OCD1A, OCD1B) when the on-chip debug function is used. For how to connect an in<R> circuit emulator supporting on-chip debugging (QB-78K0MINI or QB-MINI2), see CHAPTER 26 ON-CHIP DEBUG FUNCTION (PD78F0513D AND 78F0515D ONLY). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 99 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS Figure 4-10. Block Diagram of P30 to P32 VDD WRPU PU3 PU30 to PU32 P-ch Alternate function Selector Internal bus RD WRPORT P3 Output latch (P30 to P32) P30/INTP1, P31/INTP2/OCD1ANote, P32/INTP3/OCD1BNote WRPM PM3 PM30 to PM32 Note PD78F0513D and 78F0515D only P3: Port register 3 PU3: Pull-up resistor option register 3 PM3: Port mode register 3 RD: Read signal WRxx: Write signal 100 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS Figure 4-11. Block Diagram of P33 VDD WRPU PU3 PU33 P-ch Alternate function Selector Internal bus RD WRPORT P3 Output latch (P33) P33/INTP4/TI51/TO51 WRPM PM3 PM33 Alternate function P3: Port register 3 PU3: Pull-up resistor option register 3 PM3: Port mode register 3 RD: Read signal WRxx: Write signal User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 101 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS 4.2.5 Port 4 (44-pin and 48-pin products only) Port 4 is a 2-bit I/O port with an output latch. Port 4 can be set to the input mode or output mode in 1-bit units using port mode register 4 (PM4). When the P40 and P41 pins are used as an input port, use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified in 1-bit units by pull-up resistor option register 4 (PU4). Reset signal generation sets port 4 to input mode. Figure 4-12 shows a block diagram of port 4. Caution For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 0 and 1 of PM4 and P4 to "0". Figure 4-12. Block Diagram of P40, P41 (44-Pin and 48-Pin Products Only) VDD WRPU PU4 PU40, PU41 P-ch RD Internal bus <R> Selector WRPORT P4 Output latch (P40, P41) WRPM P40, P41 PM4 PM40, PM41 P4: Port register 4 PU4: Pull-up resistor option register 4 PM4: Port mode register 4 RD: Read signal WRxx: Write signal 102 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS 4.2.6 Port 6 Port 6 is a 4-bit I/O port with an output latch. Port 6 can be set to the input mode or output mode in 1-bit units using port mode register 6 (PM6). The output of the P60 to P63 pins is N-ch open-drain output (6 V tolerance). This port can also be used for serial interface data I/O, clock I/O, and external clock input. Reset signal generation sets port 6 to input mode. Figures 4-13 to 4-15 show block diagrams of port 6. Remark When using P62/EXSCL0 as an external clock input pin of the serial interface, input a clock of 6.4 MHz to it. Figure 4-13. Block Diagram of P60 and P61 Alternate function Selector RD Internal bus WRPORT P6 Output latch (P60, P61) P60/SCL0, P61/SDA0 WRPM PM6 PM60, PM61 Alternate function P6: Port register 6 PM6: Port mode register 6 RD: Read signal WRxx: Write signal User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 103 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS Figure 4-14. Block Diagram of P62 Alternate function Internal bus Selector RD WRPORT P6 Output latch (P62) P62/EXSCL0 WRPM PM6 PM62 P6: Port register 6 PM6: Port mode register 6 RD: Read signal WRxx: Write signal Figure 4-15. Block Diagram of P63 Selector Internal bus RD WRPORT P6 Output latch (P63) WRPM PM6 PM63 P6: Port register 6 PM6: Port mode register 6 RD: Read signal WRxx: Write signal 104 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD P63 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS 4.2.7 Port 7 Port 7 is a 6-bit I/O port with an output latch. Port 7 can be set to the input mode or output mode in 1-bit units using port mode register 7 (PM7). When the P70 to P75Note pins are used as an input port, use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified in 1-bit units by pull-up resistor option register 7 (PU7). P70 to P73 can also be used for key return input. Reset signal generation sets port 7 to input mode. Figure 4-16 shows a block diagram of port 7. <R> Note 38-pin products: P70/KR0, P71/KR1 44-pin products: P70/KR0 to P73/KR3 48-pin products: P70/KR0 to P73/KR3, P74, P75 <R> Caution For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 2 and 3 of PM7 and P7 to "0". Figure 4-16. Block Diagram of P70 to P75 VDD WRPU PU7 PU70 to PU75Note 2 P-ch Alternate functionNote 3 Selector Internal bus RD WRPORT Output latch (P70 to P75Notes 2, 4) P70/KR0 to P73/KR3Note 1, P74Note 1, P75Note 1 WRPM PM7 PM70 to PM75Notes 2, 4 <R> Notes 1. 38-pin products: P70/KR0, P71/KR1 44-pin products: P70/KR0 to P73/KR3 48-pin products: P70/KR0 to P73/KR3, P74, P75 2. P74, P75, PM74, PM75, PU74, and PU75 are available only in the 48-pin products. 3. The alternate function is available only in the P70 to P73 pins. P7: Port register 7 PU7: Pull-up resistor option register 7 PM7: Port mode register 7 RD: Read signal WRxx: Write signal User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 105 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS 4.2.8 Port 12 Port 12 is a 5-bit I/O port with an output latch. Port 12 can be set to the input mode or output mode in 1-bit units using port mode register 12 (PM12). When used as an input port only for P120, use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified by pull-up resistor option register 12 (PU12). This port can also be used as pins for external interrupt request input, potential input for external low-voltage detection, connecting resonator for main system clock, connecting resonator for subsystem clock, external clock input for main system clock, and external clock input for subsystem clock. Reset signal generation sets port 12 to input mode. Figures 4-17 and 4-18 show block diagrams of port 12. Cautions 1. When using the P121 to P124 pins to connect a resonator for the main system clock (X1, X2) or subsystem clock (XT1, XT2), or to input an external clock for the main system clock (EXCLK) or subsystem clock (EXCLKS), the X1 oscillation mode, XT1 oscillation mode, or external clock input mode must be set by using the clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) (for details, see 5.3 (1) Clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) and (3) Setting of operation mode for subsystem clock pin). The reset value of OSCCTL is 00H (all of the P121 to P124 pins are I/O port pins). At this time, setting of the PM121 to PM124 and P121 to P124 pins is not necessary. <R> 2. For products without an on-chip debug function, with the flash memory of 48 KB or more (PD78F0514 and 78F0515), and having a product rank of "I", "K", or "E", and for the product with an on-chip debug function (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D), connect P121/X1/OCD0A Note as follows when writing the flash memory with a flash memory programmer. * P121/X1/OCD0ANote: When using this pin as a port, connect it to VSS via a resistor (10 k: recommended) (in the input mode) or leave it open (in the output mode). The above connection is not necessary when writing the flash memory by means of self programming. Note OCD0A is provided to the PD78F0513D and 78F0515D only. Remarks 1. For the product ranks, consult an NEC Electronics sales representative. 2. The X1 and X2 pins of the PD78F0513D and 78F0515D can be used as on-chip debug mode setting pins (OCD0A, OCD0B) when the on-chip debug function is used. For how to connect an in<R> circuit emulator supporting on-chip debugging (QB-78K0MINI or QB-MINI2), see CHAPTER 26 ONCHIP DEBUG FUNCTION (PD78F0513D AND 78F0515D ONLY). 106 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS Figure 4-17. Block Diagram of P120 VDD WRPU PU12 PU120 P-ch Alternate function Selector Internal bus RD WRPORT P12 Output latch (P120) P120/INTP0/EXLVI WRPM PM12 PM120 P12: Port register 12 PU12: Pull-up resistor option register 12 PM12: Port mode register 12 RD: Read signal WRxx: Write signal User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 107 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS Figure 4-18. Block Diagram of P121 to P124 OSCCTL OSCSEL/ OSCSELS Selector RD WRPORT P12 Output latch (P122/P124) P122/X2/EXCLK/OCD0BNote, P124/XT2/EXCLKS WRPM PM12 PM122/PM124 OSCCTL OSCSEL/ OSCSELS Internal bus OSCCTL EXCLK, OSCSEL/ EXCLKS, OSCSELS Selector RD WRPORT P12 Output latch (P121/P123) P121/X1/OCD0ANote, P123/XT1 WRPM PM12 PM121/PM123 OSCCTL OSCSEL/ OSCSELS Note PD78F0513D and 78F0515D only P12: Port register 12 PU12: Pull-up resistor option register 12 PM12: Port mode register 12 OSCCTL: Clock operation mode select register 108 RD: Read signal WRxx: Write signal User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS 4.2.9 Port 13 (48-pin products only) Port 13 is a 1-bit output-only port. Figure 4-19 shows a block diagram of port 13. Figure 4-19. Block Diagram of P130 (48-Pin Products Only) Internal bus RD WRPORT P13 Output latch (P130) P13: Port register 13 RD: Read signal P130 WRxx: Write signal Remark When reset is effected, P130 outputs a low level. If P130 is set to output a high level before reset is effected, the output signal of P130 can be dummy-output as the CPU reset signal. Reset signal P130 Set by software User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 109 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS 4.2.10 Port 14 (48-pin products only) Port 14 is a 1-bit I/O port with an output latch. Port 14 can be set to the input mode or output mode in 1-bit units using port mode register 14 (PM14). When the P140 pin is used as an input port, use of an on-chip pull-up resistor can be specified in 1-bit units by pull-up resistor option register 14 (PU14). This port can also be used for external interrupt request input and clock output. Reset signal generation sets port 14 to input mode. Figures 4-20 shows a block diagram of port 14. Figure 4-20. Block Diagram of P140 (48-Pin Products Only) VDD WRPU PU14 PU140 P-ch Alternate function Selector Internal bus RD WRPORT P14 Output latch (P140) P140/PCL/INTP6 WRPM PM14 PM140 Alternate function P14: Port register 14 PU14: Pull-up resistor option register 14 PM14: Port mode register 14 RD: Read signal WRxx: Write signal 110 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS 4.3 Registers Controlling Port Function Port functions are controlled by the following four types of registers. * Port mode registers (PM0 to PM4, PM6, PM7, PM12, PM14Note) * Port registers (P0 to P4, P6, P7, P12, P13Note, P14Note) * Pull-up resistor option registers (PU0, PU1, PU3, PU4, PU7, PU12, PU14Note) * A/D port configuration register (ADPC) Note 48-pin products only (1) Port mode registers (PM0 to PM4, PM6, PM7, PM12, and PM14Note) These registers specify input or output mode for the port in 1-bit units. These registers can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets these registers to FFH. When port pins are used as alternate-function pins, set the port mode register by referencing 4.5 Settings of Port Mode Register and Output Latch When Using Alternate Function. Note 48-pin products only User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 111 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS Figure 4-21. Format of Port Mode Register Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address After reset R/W PM0 1 1 1 1 1 1 PM01 PM00 FF20H FFH R/W PM1 PM17 PM16 PM15 PM14 PM13 PM12 PM11 PM10 FF21H FFH R/W PM2 PM27 PM26 PM25 PM24 PM23 PM22 PM21 PM20 FF22H FFH R/W PM3 1 1 1 1 PM33 PM32 PM31 PM30 FF23H FFH R/W PM4 1 1 1 1 1 1 PM41 PM40 FF24H FFH R/W PM6 1 1 1 1 PM63 PM62 PM61 PM60 FF26H FFH R/W PM7 1 1 PM73 PM72 PM71 PM70 FF27H FFH R/W PM12 1 1 1 PM124 PM123 PM122 PM121 PM120 FF2CH FFH R/W PM14Note 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PM140 FF2EH FFH R/W PM75Note PM74Note Pmn pin I/O mode selection PMmn (m = 0 to 4, 6, 7, 12, 14; n = 0 to 7) 0 Output mode (output buffer on) 1 Input mode (output buffer off) Note 48-pin products only Caution For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 2 to 7 of PM0, bits 6 and 7 of PM2, bits 4 to 7 <R> of PM3, bits 2 to 7 of PM4, bits 4 to 7 of PM6, bits 4 to 7 of PM7, and bits 5 to 7 of PM12 to "1". Also, be sure to set bits 0 and 1 of PM4, and bits 2 and 3 of PM7 to "0". For the 44-pin products, be sure to set bits 2 to 7 of PM0, bits 4 to 7 of PM3, bits 2 to 7 of PM4, bits 4 to 7 of PM6, bits 4 to 7 of PM7, and bits 5 to 7 of PM12 to "1". For the 48-pin products, be sure to set bits 2 to 7 of PM0, bits 4 to 7 of PM3, bits 2 to 7 of PM4, bits 4 to 7 of PM6, bits 6 and 7 of PM7, bits 5 to 7 of PM12, and bits 1 to 7 of PM14 to "1". 112 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS (2) Port registers (P0 to P4, P6, P7, P12, P13Note, and P14Note) These registers write the data that is output from the chip when data is output from a port. If the data is read in the input mode, the pin level is read. If it is read in the output mode, the value of the output latch is read. These registers can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets these registers to 00H. Note 48-pin products only Figure 4-22. Format of Port Register Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address After reset R/W P0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P01 P00 FF00H 00H (output latch) R/W P1 P17 P16 P15 P14 P13 P12 P11 P10 FF01H 00H (output latch) R/W P2 P27 P26 P25 P24 P23 P22 P21 P20 FF02H 00H (output latch) R/W P3 0 0 0 0 P33 P32 P31 P30 FF03H 00H (output latch) R/W P4 0 0 0 0 0 0 P41 P40 FF04H 00H (output latch) R/W P6 0 0 0 0 P63 P62 P61 P60 FF06H 00H (output latch) R/W P7 0 0 P75Note 1 P74Note 1 P73 P72 P71 P70 FF07H 00H (output latch) R/W P12 0 0 0 P120 FF0CH 00H (output latch) R/W P13Note 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P130Note 1 FF0DH 00H (output latch) R/W P14Note 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P140Note 1 FF0EH 00H (output latch) R/W P124Note 2 P123Note 2 P122Note 2 P121Note 2 Pmn m = 0 to 4, 6, 7, 12 to 14; n = 0 to 7 Output data control (in output mode) Input data read (in input mode) 0 Output 0 Input low level 1 Output 1 Input high level Notes 1. 2. 48-pin products only "0" is always read from the output latch of P121 to P124 if the pin is in the external clock input mode. <R> Caution For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 6 and 7 of P2, bits 0 and 1 of P4, and bits 2 and 3 of P7 to "0". User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 113 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS (3) Pull-up resistor option registers (PU0, PU1, PU3, PU4, PU7, PU12, and PU14Note) These registers specify whether the on-chip pull-up resistors of P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P40, P41, P70 to P73, P74Note, P75Note, P120, and P140Note are to be used or not. On-chip pull-up resistors can be used in 1-bit units only for the bits set to input mode of the pins to which the use of an on-chip pull-up resistor has been specified in PU0, PU1, PU3, PU4, PU7, PU12, and PU14Note. On-chip pull-up resistors cannot be connected to bits set to output mode and bits used as alternate-function output pins, regardless of the settings of PU0, PU1, PU3, PU4, PU7, PU12, and PU14Note. These registers can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets these registers to 00H. Note 48-pin products only Figure 4-23. Format of Pull-up Resistor Option Register Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address After reset R/W PU0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PU01 PU00 FF30H 00H R/W PU1 PU17 PU16 PU15 PU14 PU13 PU12 PU11 PU10 FF31H 00H R/W PU3 0 0 0 0 PU33 PU32 PU31 PU30 FF33H 00H R/W PU4 0 0 0 0 0 0 PU41 PU40 FF34H 00H R/W PU7 0 0 PU73 PU72 PU71 PU70 FF37H 00H R/W PU12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PU120 FF3CH 00H R/W PU14Note 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PU140 FF3EH 00H R/W PU75Note PU74Note Pmn pin on-chip pull-up resistor selection PUmn (m = 0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 12, 14; n = 0 to 7) 0 On-chip pull-up resistor not connected 1 On-chip pull-up resistor connected Note 114 48-pin products only User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS (4) A/D port configuration register (ADPC) This register switches the P20/ANI0 to P27/ANI7Note pins to digital I/O of port or analog input of A/D converter. ADPC can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to 00H. <R> Note 38-pin products: P20/ANI0 to P25/ANI5 pins 44-pin and 48-pin products: P20/ANI0 to P27/ANI7 pins Figure 4-24. Format of A/D Port Configuration Register (ADPC) Address: FF2FH After reset: 00H R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ADPC 0 0 0 0 ADPC3 ADPC2 ADPC1 ADPC0 ADPC3 ADPC2 ADPC1 ADPC0 Digital I/O (D)/analog input (A) switching P27/ P26/ P25/ P24/ P23/ P22/ P21/ P20/ ANI7 ANI6 ANI5 ANI4 ANI3 ANI2 ANI1 ANI0 0 0 0 0 A A A A A A A A 0 0 0 1 A A A A A A A D 0 0 1 0 A A A A A A D D 0 0 1 1 A A A A A D D D 0 1 0 0 A A A A D D D D 0 1 0 1 A A A D D D D D 0 1 1 0 A A D D D D D D 0 1 1 1 A D D D D D D D 1 0 0 0 D D D D D D D D Other than above Setting prohibited Cautions 1. Set the channel used for A/D conversion to the input mode by using port mode register 2 (PM2). 2. If data is written to ADPC, a wait cycle is generated. Do not write data to ADPC when the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. <R> 3. For the 38-pin products, setting ADPC3, ADPC2, ADPC1, ADPC0 to 0, 1, 1, 1 or 1, 0, 0, 0 is prohibited. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 115 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS 4.4 Port Function Operations Port operations differ depending on whether the input or output mode is set, as shown below. 4.4.1 Writing to I/O port (1) Output mode A value is written to the output latch by a transfer instruction, and the output latch contents are output from the pin. Once data is written to the output latch, it is retained until data is written to the output latch again. The data of the output latch is cleared when a reset signal is generated. (2) Input mode A value is written to the output latch by a transfer instruction, but since the output buffer is off, the pin status does not change. Once data is written to the output latch, it is retained until data is written to the output latch again. The data of the output latch is cleared when a reset signal is generated. 4.4.2 Reading from I/O port (1) Output mode The output latch contents are read by a transfer instruction. The output latch contents do not change. (2) Input mode The pin status is read by a transfer instruction. The output latch contents do not change. 4.4.3 Operations on I/O port (1) Output mode An operation is performed on the output latch contents, and the result is written to the output latch. The output latch contents are output from the pins. Once data is written to the output latch, it is retained until data is written to the output latch again. The data of the output latch is cleared when a reset signal is generated. (2) Input mode The pin level is read and an operation is performed on its contents. The result of the operation is written to the output latch, but since the output buffer is off, the pin status does not change. The data of the output latch is cleared when a reset signal is generated. 116 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS 4.5 Settings of Port Mode Register and Output Latch When Using Alternate Function To use the alternate function of a port pin, set the port mode register and output latch as shown in Table 4-5. Table 4-5. Settings of Port Mode Register and Output Latch When Using Alternate Function Pin Name Alternate Function Function Name PMxx Pxx I/O P00 TI000 Input 1 x P01 TI010 Input 1 x TO00 Output 0 0 P10 SCK10 Input 1 x Output 0 1 TxD0 Output 0 1 SI10 Input 1 x RxD0 Input 1 x P12 SO10 Output 0 0 P13 TxD6 Output 0 1 P14 RxD6 Input 1 x P15 TOH0 Output 0 0 P16 TOH1 Output 0 0 INTP5 Input 1 x TI50 Input 1 x TO50 Output 0 0 Input 1 x 1 x P11 P17 Notes 1, 2 Notes 1, 2 P20 to P27 ANI0 to ANI7 P30 to P32 INTP1 to INTP3 Input P33 INTP4 Input 1 x TI51 Input 1 x TO51 Output 0 0 P60 SCL0 I/O 0 0 P61 SDA0 I/O 0 0 Input 1 x P62 EXSCL0 P70 to P73 P120 Note 1 Input 1 x INTP0 Input 1 x EXLVI Input 1 x KR0 to KR3 Note 3 - x x Note 3 - x x x x P121 X1 P122 X2 EXCLK Note 3 x x - x x Input x x PCL Output 0 0 INTP6 Input 1 x XT1 P124 XT2 Note 3 EXCLKS P140 Input - P123 Note 3 Note 4 Note 1 Note 3 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 117 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS <R> Notes 1. 38-pin products: P20/ANI0 to P25/ANI5, P70/KR0, P71/KR1 44-pin and 48-pin products: P20/ANI0 to P27/ANI7, P70/KR0 to P73/KR3 2. The function of the ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 pins can be selected by using the A/D port configuration register (ADPC), the analog input channel specification register (ADS), and PM2. Table 4-6. Setting Functions of ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 Pins ADPC Analog input selection PM2 Input mode Output mode ADS ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 Pins Selects ANI. Analog input (to be converted) Does not select ANI. Analog input (not to be converted) Selects ANI. Setting prohibited Does not select ANI. Digital I/O selection 3. Input mode - Digital input Output mode - Digital output When using the P121 to P124 pins to connect a resonator for the main system clock (X1, X2) or subsystem clock (XT1, XT2), or to input an external clock for the main system clock (EXCLK) or subsystem clock (EXCLKS), the X1 oscillation mode, XT1 oscillation mode, or external clock input mode must be set by using the clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) (for details, see 5.3 (1) Clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) and (3) Setting of operation mode for subsystem clock pin). The reset value of OSCCTL is 00H (all of the P121 to P124 are I/O port pins). At this time, setting of PM121 to PM124 and P121 to P124 is not necessary. 4. 48-pin products only Remarks 1. x: Don't care PMxx: Port mode register Pxx: Port output latch 2. The X1, X2, P31, and P32 pins of the PD78F0513D and 78F0515D can be used as on-chip debug mode setting pins (OCD0A, OCD0B, OCD1A, OCD1B) when the on-chip debug function is used. For how to connect an in-circuit emulator supporting on-chip debugging (QB-78K0MINI or QB-MINI2), see CHAPTER 26 ON-CHIP DEBUG FUNCTION (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D ONLY). 118 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS 4.6 Cautions on 1-bit Manipulation Instruction for Port Register n (Pn) When a 1-bit manipulation instruction is executed on a port that provides both input and output functions, the output latch value of an input port that is not subject to manipulation may be written in addition to the targeted bit. Therefore, it is recommended to rewrite the output latch when switching a port from input mode to output mode. <Example> When P10 is an output port, P11 to P17 are input ports (all pin statuses are high level), and the port latch value of port 1 is 00H, if the output of output port P10 is changed from low level to high level via a 1-bit manipulation instruction, the output latch value of port 1 is FFH. Explanation: The targets of writing to and reading from the Pn register of a port whose PMnm bit is 1 are the output latch and pin status, respectively. A 1-bit manipulation instruction is executed in the following order in the 78K0/KC2. <1> The Pn register is read in 8-bit units. <2> The targeted one bit is manipulated. <3> The Pn register is written in 8-bit units. In step <1>, the output latch value (0) of P10, which is an output port, is read, while the pin statuses of P11 to P17, which are input ports, are read. If the pin statuses of P11 to P17 are high level at this time, the read value is FEH. The value is changed to FFH by the manipulation in <2>. FFH is written to the output latch by the manipulation in <3>. Figure 4-25. Bit Manipulation Instruction (P10) 1-bit manipulation instruction (set1 P1.0) is executed for P10 bit. P10 Low-level output P11 to P17 P10 High-level output P11 to P17 Pin status: High level Port 1 output latch 0 0 0 Pin status: High level Port 1 output latch 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-bit manipulation instruction for P10 bit <1> Port register 1 (P1) is read in 8-bit units. * In the case of P10, an output port, the value of the port output latch (0) is read. * In the case of P11 to P17, input ports, the pin status (1) is read. <2> Set the P10 bit to 1. <3> Write the results of <2> to the output latch of port register 1 (P1) in 8-bit units. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 119 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR 5.1 Functions of Clock Generator The clock generator generates the clock to be supplied to the CPU and peripheral hardware. The following three kinds of system clocks and clock oscillators are selectable. (1) Main system clock <1> X1 oscillator This circuit oscillates a clock of fX = 1 to 20 MHz by connecting a resonator to X1 and X2. Oscillation can be stopped by executing the STOP instruction or using the main OSC control register (MOC). <2> Internal high-speed oscillator This circuit oscillates a clock of fRH = 8 MHz (TYP.). After a reset release, the CPU always starts operating with this internal high-speed oscillation clock. Oscillation can be stopped by executing the STOP instruction or using the internal oscillation mode register (RCM). An external main system clock (fEXCLK = 1 to 20 MHz) can also be supplied from the EXCLK/X2/P122 pin. An external main system clock input can be disabled by executing the STOP instruction or using RCM. As the main system clock, a high-speed system clock (X1 clock or external main system clock) or internal highspeed oscillation clock can be selected by using the main clock mode register (MCM). (2) Subsystem clock * Subsystem clock oscillator This circuit oscillates at a frequency of fXT = 32.768 kHz by connecting a 32.768 kHz resonator across XT1 and XT2. Oscillation can be stopped by using the processor clock control register (PCC) and clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL). An external subsystem clock (fEXCLKS = 32.768 kHz) can also be supplied from the EXCLKS/XT2/P124 pin. An external subsystem clock input can be disabled by setting PCC and OSCCTL. Remarks 1. fX: 2. fRH: X1 clock oscillation frequency Internal high-speed oscillation clock frequency 3. fEXCLK: External main system clock frequency 4. fXT: XT1 clock oscillation frequency 5. fEXCLKS: External subsystem clock frequency 120 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR (3) Internal low-speed oscillation clock (clock for watchdog timer) * Internal low-speed oscillator This circuit oscillates a clock of fRL = 240 kHz (TYP.). After a reset release, the internal low-speed oscillation clock always starts operating. Oscillation can be stopped by using the internal oscillation mode register (RCM) when "internal low-speed oscillator can be stopped by software" is set by option byte. The internal low-speed oscillation clock cannot be used as the CPU clock. The following hardware operates with the internal low-speed oscillation clock. * Watchdog timer * TMH1 (when fRL, fRL/27, or fRL/29 is selected) Remark fRL: Internal low-speed oscillation clock frequency 5.2 Configuration of Clock Generator The clock generator includes the following hardware. Table 5-1. Configuration of Clock Generator Item Configuration Control registers Clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) Processor clock control register (PCC) Internal oscillation mode register (RCM) Main OSC control register (MOC) Main clock mode register (MCM) Oscillation stabilization time counter status register (OSTC) Oscillation stabilization time select register (OSTS) Oscillators X1 oscillator XT1 oscillator Internal high-speed oscillator Internal low-speed oscillator User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 121 122 Figure 5-1. Block Diagram of Clock Generator Internal bus Main OSC control register (MOC) Clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) AMPH EXCLK OSCSEL Main clock mode register (MCM) MCS MSTOP Main clock mode register (MCM) Oscillation stabilization time select register (OSTS) OSTS2 OSTS1 OSTS0 Processor clock control register (PCC) XTSTART CLS XSEL MCM0 CSS PCC2 PCC1 PCC0 3 4 STOP User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD X2/EXCLK/ P122 Oscillation stabilization MOST MOST MOST MOST MOST time counter 11 13 14 15 16 status register (OSTC) fXH Crystal/ceramic oscillation fX External input clock fEXCLK Peripheral hardware clock switch Controller Main system fXP clock switch Internal highfRH speed oscillator (8 MHz (TYP.)) Crystal oscillation XT2/EXCLKS/ P124 External input clock 1/2 fXT fSUB fXP 22 RSTS LSRSTOP RSTOP Internal oscillation mode register (RCM) Internal bus fXP 24 fSUB 2 fEXCLKS Clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) fXP 23 Internal lowspeed oscillator fRL (240 kHz (TYP.)) Watch timer, clock output XTSTART EXCLKS OSCSELS Processor clock control register (PCC) Prescaler fXP 2 Subsystem clock oscillator XT1/P123 Peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) Option byte 1: Cannot be stopped 0: Can be stopped CPU clock (fCPU) Watchdog timer, 8-bit timer H1 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR X1/P121 To subsystem clock oscillator Selector High-speed system clock oscillator X1 oscillation stabilization time counter CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR Remarks 1. fX: 2. fRH: X1 clock oscillation frequency Internal high-speed oscillation clock frequency 3. fEXCLK: External main system clock frequency 4. fXH: High-speed system clock frequency 5. fXP: Main system clock frequency 6. fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency 7. fCPU: CPU clock frequency 8. fXT: XT1 clock oscillation frequency 9. fEXCLKS: External subsystem clock frequency 10. fSUB: Subsystem clock frequency 11. fRL: Internal low-speed oscillation clock frequency 5.3 Registers Controlling Clock Generator The following seven registers are used to control the clock generator. * Clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) * Processor clock control register (PCC) * Internal oscillation mode register (RCM) * Main OSC control register (MOC) * Main clock mode register (MCM) * Oscillation stabilization time counter status register (OSTC) * Oscillation stabilization time select register (OSTS) (1) Clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) This register selects the operation modes of the high-speed system and subsystem clocks, and the gain of the on-chip oscillator. OSCCTL can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation clears this register to 00H. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 123 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR Figure 5-2. Format of Clock Operation Mode Select Register (OSCCTL) Address: FF9FH Symbol OSCCTL After reset: 00H <7> <6> R/W <5> <4> Note OSCSELS Note 3 2 1 <0> 0 0 0 AMPH EXCLK OSCSEL EXCLKS EXCLK OSCSEL High-speed system clock pin operation mode 0 0 I/O port mode I/O port 0 1 X1 oscillation mode Crystal/ceramic resonator connection 1 0 I/O port mode I/O port 1 1 External clock input mode I/O port AMPH Note P121/X1 pin P122/X2/EXCLK pin External clock input Operating frequency control 0 1 MHz fXH 10 MHz 1 10 MHz < fXH 20 MHz EXCLKS and OSCSELS are used in combination with XTSTART (bit 6 of the processor clock control register (PCC)). See (3) Setting of operation mode for subsystem clock pin. Cautions 1. Be sure to set AMPH to 1 if the high-speed system clock oscillation frequency exceeds 10 MHz. 2. Set AMPH before setting the peripheral functions after a reset release. The value of AMPH can be changed only once after a reset release. When the high-speed system clock (X1 oscillation) is selected as the CPU clock, supply of the CPU clock is stopped for 4.06 to 16.12 s after AMPH is set to 1. When the high- <R> speed system clock (external clock input) is selected as the CPU clock, supply of the CPU clock is stopped for the duration of 160 external clocks after AMPH is set to 1. 3. If the STOP instruction is executed when AMPH = 1, supply of the CPU clock is stopped for 4.06 to 16.12 s after the STOP mode is released when the internal <R> high-speed oscillation clock is selected as the CPU clock, or for the duration of 160 external clocks when the high-speed system clock (external clock input) is selected as the CPU clock. When the high-speed system clock (X1 oscillation) is selected as the CPU clock, the oscillation stabilization time is counted after the STOP mode is released. 4. To change the value of EXCLK and OSCSEL, be sure to confirm that bit 7 (MSTOP) of the main OSC control register (MOC) is 1 (the X1 oscillator stops or the external clock from the EXCLK pin is disabled). Remark fXH: High-speed system clock frequency 124 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR (2) Processor clock control register (PCC) This register is used to select the CPU clock, the division ratio, and operation mode for subsystem clock. PCC is set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets PCC to 01H. Figure 5-3. Format of Processor Clock Control Register (PCC) Address: FFFBH Symbol PCC After reset: 01H 7 R/W 6 XTSTART 0 Note2 Note 1 <5> <4> 3 2 1 0 CLS CSS 0 PCC2 PCC1 PCC0 CLS CPU clock status 0 Main system clock 1 Subsystem clock CSS PCC2 PCC1 PCC0 0 0 0 0 fXP 0 0 1 fXP/2 (default) 0 1 0 fXP/2 2 0 1 1 fXP/2 3 1 0 0 fXP/2 4 0 0 0 fSUB/2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 Other than above CPU clock (fCPU) selection Setting prohibited Notes 1. Bit 5 is read-only. 2. XTSTART is used in combination with EXCLKS and OSCSELS (bits 5 and 4 of the clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL)). See (3) Setting of operation mode for subsystem clock pin. Caution Be sure to clear bits 3 and 7 to "0". Remarks 1. fXP: Main system clock oscillation frequency 2. fSUB: Subsystem clock oscillation frequency The fastest instruction can be executed in 2 clocks of the CPU clock in the 78K0/KC2. Therefore, the relationship between the CPU clock (fCPU) and the minimum instruction execution time is as shown in Table 5-2. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 125 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR Table 5-2. Relationship Between CPU Clock and Minimum Instruction Execution Time CPU Clock (fCPU) Minimum Instruction Execution Time: 2/fCPU Main System Clock High-Speed System Clock At 10 MHz Operation Note At 20 MHz Operation Subsystem Clock Internal High-Speed Note Oscillation Clock At 8 MHz (TYP.) Operation At 32.768 kHz Operation fXP 0.2 s 0.1 s 0.25 s (TYP.) - fXP/2 0.4 s 0.2 s 0.5 s (TYP.) - fXP/2 2 0.8 s 0.4 s 1.0 s (TYP.) - fXP/2 3 1.6 s 0.8 s 2.0 s (TYP.) - fXP/2 4 3.2 s 1.6 s 4.0 s (TYP.) - fSUB/2 - 122.1 s - Note The main clock mode register (MCM) is used to set the main system clock supplied to CPU clock (highspeed system clock/internal high-speed oscillation clock) (see Figure 5-6). (3) Setting of operation mode for subsystem clock pin The operation mode for the subsystem clock pin can be set by using bit 6 (XTSTART) of the processor clock control register (PCC) and bits 5 and 4 (EXCLKS, OSCSELS) of the clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) in combination. Table 5-3. Setting of Operation Mode for Subsystem Clock Pin PCC OSCCTL Subsystem Clock Pin Operation Mode P123/XT1 Pin P124/XT2/EXCLKS Pin Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 XTSTART EXCLKS OSCSELS 0 0 0 I/O port mode I/O port 0 0 1 XT1 oscillation mode Crystal resonator connection 0 1 0 I/O port mode I/O port 0 1 1 External clock input mode I/O port 1 x x XT1 oscillation mode Crystal resonator connection Caution External clock input Confirm that bit 5 (CLS) of the processor clock control register (PCC) is 0 (CPU is operating with main system clock) when changing the current values of XTSTART, EXCLKS, and OSCSELS. Remark 126 x: don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR (4) Internal oscillation mode register (RCM) This register sets the operation mode of internal oscillator. RCM can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to 80HNote 1. Figure 5-4. Format of Internal Oscillation Mode Register (RCM) Address: FFA0H After reset: 80H Note 1 R/W Note 2 Symbol <7> 6 5 4 3 2 <1> <0> RCM RSTS 0 0 0 0 0 LSRSTOP RSTOP RSTS Status of internal high-speed oscillator 0 Waiting for accuracy stabilization of internal high-speed oscillator 1 Stability operating of internal high-speed oscillator LSRSTOP Internal low-speed oscillator oscillating/stopped 0 Internal low-speed oscillator oscillating 1 Internal low-speed oscillator stopped RSTOP Internal high-speed oscillator oscillating/stopped 0 Internal high-speed oscillator oscillating 1 Internal high-speed oscillator stopped Notes 1. The value of this register is 00H immediately after a reset release but automatically changes to 80H after internal high-speed oscillator has been stabilized. 2. Bit 7 is read-only. Caution When setting RSTOP to 1, be sure to confirm that the CPU operates with a clock other than the internal high-speed oscillation clock. Specifically, set under either of the following conditions. * When MCS = 1 (when CPU operates with the high-speed system clock) * When CLS = 1 (when CPU operates with the subsystem clock) In addition, stop peripheral hardware that is operating on the internal high-speed oscillation clock before setting RSTOP to 1. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 127 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR (5) Main OSC control register (MOC) This register selects the operation mode of the high-speed system clock. This register is used to stop the X1 oscillator or to disable an external clock input from the EXCLK pin when the CPU operates with a clock other than the high-speed system clock. MOC can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to 80H. Figure 5-5. Format of Main OSC Control Register (MOC) Address: FFA2H After reset: 80H R/W Symbol <7> 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MOC MSTOP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Control of high-speed system clock operation MSTOP X1 oscillation mode External clock input mode 0 X1 oscillator operating External clock from EXCLK pin is enabled 1 X1 oscillator stopped External clock from EXCLK pin is disabled Cautions 1. When setting MSTOP to 1, be sure to confirm that the CPU operates with a clock other than the high-speed system clock. Specifically, set under either of the following conditions. * When MCS = 0 (when CPU operates with the internal high-speed oscillation clock) * When CLS = 1 (when CPU operates with the subsystem clock) In addition, stop peripheral hardware that is operating on the high-speed system clock before setting MSTOP to 1. 2. Do not clear MSTOP to 0 while bit 6 (OSCSEL) of the clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) is 0 (I/O port mode). 3. The peripheral hardware cannot operate when the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. To resume the operation of the peripheral hardware after the peripheral hardware clock has been stopped, initialize the peripheral hardware. 128 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR (6) Main clock mode register (MCM) This register selects the main system clock supplied to CPU clock and clock supplied to peripheral hardware clock. MCM can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation clears this register to 00H. Figure 5-6. Format of Main Clock Mode Register (MCM) Address: FFA1H After reset: 00H R/W Note Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 <2> <1> <0> MCM 0 0 0 0 0 XSEL MCS MCM0 XSEL MCM0 Selection of clock supplied to main system clock and peripheral hardware Main system clock (fXP) 0 0 Peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) 0 Internal high-speed oscillation clock Internal high-speed oscillation clock 1 (fRH) (fRH) 1 0 1 1 MCS High-speed system clock (fXH) High-speed system clock (fXH) Main system clock status 0 Operates with internal high-speed oscillation clock 1 Operates with high-speed system clock Note Bit 1 is read-only. Cautions 1. XSEL can be changed only once after a reset release. 2. A clock other than fPRS is supplied to the following peripheral functions regardless of the setting of XSEL and MCM0. * Watchdog timer (operates with internal low-speed oscillation clock) * When "fRL", "fRL/27", or "fRL/29" is selected as the count clock for 8-bit timer H1 (operates with internal low-speed oscillation clock) * Peripheral hardware selects the external clock as the clock source (Except when the external count clock of TM00 is selected (TI000 pin valid edge)) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 129 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR (7) Oscillation stabilization time counter status register (OSTC) This is the register that indicates the count status of the X1 clock oscillation stabilization time counter. When X1 clock oscillation starts with the internal high-speed oscillation clock or subsystem clock used as the CPU clock, the X1 clock oscillation stabilization time can be checked. OSTC can be read by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. When reset is released (reset by RESET input, POC, LVI, and WDT), the STOP instruction and MSTOP (bit 7 of MOC register) = 1 clear OSTC to 00H. Figure 5-7. Format of Oscillation Stabilization Time Counter Status Register (OSTC) Address: FFA3H After reset: 00H R Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OSTC 0 0 0 MOST11 MOST13 MOST14 MOST15 MOST16 MOST11 MOST13 MOST14 MOST15 MOST16 Oscillation stabilization time status fX = 10 MHz 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 fX = 20 MHz 11 204.8 s min. 102.4 s min. 13 819.2 s min. 409.6 s min. 14 1.64 ms min. 819.2 s min. 15 3.27 ms min. 1.64 ms min. 16 6.55 ms min. 3.27 ms min. 2 /fX min. 2 /fX min. 2 /fX min. 1 1 1 1 0 2 /fX min. 1 1 1 1 1 2 /fX min. Cautions 1. After the above time has elapsed, the bits are set to 1 in order from MOST11 and remain 1. 2. The oscillation stabilization time counter counts up to the oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS. If the STOP mode is entered and then released while the internal high-speed oscillation clock is being used as the CPU clock, set the oscillation stabilization time as follows. * Desired OSTC oscillation stabilization time Oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS Note, therefore, that only the status up to the oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS is set to OSTC after STOP mode is released. 3. The X1 clock oscillation stabilization wait time does not include the time until clock oscillation starts ("a" below). STOP mode release X1 pin voltage waveform a Remark 130 fX: X1 clock oscillation frequency User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR (8) Oscillation stabilization time select register (OSTS) This register is used to select the X1 clock oscillation stabilization wait time when the STOP mode is released. When the X1 clock is selected as the CPU clock, the operation waits for the time set using OSTS after the STOP mode is released. When the internal high-speed oscillation clock is selected as the CPU clock, confirm with OSTC that the desired oscillation stabilization time has elapsed after the STOP mode is released. The oscillation stabilization time can be checked up to the time set using OSTC. OSTS can be set by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets OSTS to 05H. Figure 5-8. Format of Oscillation Stabilization Time Select Register (OSTS) Address: FFA4H After reset: 05H R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OSTS 0 0 0 0 0 OSTS2 OSTS1 OSTS0 OSTS2 OSTS1 OSTS0 Oscillation stabilization time selection fX = 10 MHz 0 0 0 1 1 204.8 s 102.4 s 13 819.2 s 409.6 s 2 /fX 0 2 /fX 14 1.64 ms 819.2 s 15 3.27 ms 1.64 ms 16 6.55 ms 3.27 ms 0 1 1 2 /fX 1 0 0 2 /fX 1 0 1 2 /fX Other than above fX = 20 MHz 11 Setting prohibited Cautions 1. To set the STOP mode when the X1 clock is used as the CPU clock, set OSTS before executing the STOP instruction. 2. Do not change the value of the OSTS register during the X1 clock oscillation stabilization time. 3. The oscillation stabilization time counter counts up to the oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS. If the STOP mode is entered and then released while the internal high-speed oscillation clock is being used as the CPU clock, set the oscillation stabilization time as follows. * Desired OSTC oscillation stabilization time Oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS Note, therefore, that only the status up to the oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS is set to OSTC after STOP mode is released. 4. The X1 clock oscillation stabilization wait time does not include the time until clock oscillation starts ("a" below). STOP mode release X1 pin voltage waveform a Remark fX: X1 clock oscillation frequency User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 131 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR 5.4 System Clock Oscillator 5.4.1 X1 oscillator The X1 oscillator oscillates with a crystal resonator or ceramic resonator (1 to 20 MHz) connected to the X1 and X2 pins. An external clock can also be input. In this case, input the clock signal to the EXCLK pin. Figure 5-9 shows an example of the external circuit of the X1 oscillator. Figure 5-9. Example of External Circuit of X1 Oscillator (a) Crystal or ceramic oscillation (b) External clock VSS X1 X2 External clock EXCLK Crystal resonator or ceramic resonator Cautions are listed on the next page. 5.4.2 XT1 oscillator The XT1 oscillator oscillates with a crystal resonator (standard: 32.768 kHz) connected to the XT1 and XT2 pins. An external clock can also be input. In this case, input the clock signal to the EXCLKS pin. Figure 5-10 shows an example of the external circuit of the XT1 oscillator. Figure 5-10. Example of External Circuit of XT1 Oscillator (a) Crystal oscillation (b) External clock VSS XT1 32.768 kHz XT2 External clock Cautions are listed on the next page. 132 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD EXCLKS CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR Caution 1. When using the X1 oscillator and XT1 oscillator, wire as follows in the area enclosed by the broken lines in the Figures 5-9 and 5-10 to avoid an adverse effect from wiring capacitance. * Keep the wiring length as short as possible. * Do not cross the wiring with the other signal lines. Do not route the wiring near a signal line through which a high fluctuating current flows. * Always make the ground point of the oscillator capacitor the same potential as VSS. Do not ground the capacitor to a ground pattern through which a high current flows. * Do not fetch signals from the oscillator. Note that the XT1 oscillator is designed as a low-amplitude circuit for reducing power consumption. Figure 5-11 shows examples of incorrect resonator connection. Figure 5-11. Examples of Incorrect Resonator Connection (1/2) (a) Too long wiring (b) Crossed signal line PORT VSS Remark X1 X2 VSS X1 X2 When using the subsystem clock, replace X1 and X2 with XT1 and XT2, respectively. Also, insert resistors in series on the XT2 side. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 133 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR Figure 5-11. Examples of Incorrect Resonator Connection (2/2) (c) Wiring near high alternating current (d) Current flowing through ground line of oscillator (potential at points A, B, and C fluctuates) VDD Pmn X1 X2 VSS High current VSS A X1 B X2 C High current (e) Signals are fetched VSS Remark X1 X2 When using the subsystem clock, replace X1 and X2 with XT1 and XT2, respectively. Also, insert resistors in series on the XT2 side. Caution 2. When X2 and XT1 are wired in parallel, the crosstalk noise of X2 may increase with XT1, resulting in malfunctioning. 134 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR 5.4.3 When subsystem clock is not used If it is not necessary to use the subsystem clock for low power consumption operations, or if not using the subsystem clock as an I/O port, set the XT1 and XT2 pins to I/O mode (OSCSELS = 0) and connect them as follows. Input (PM123/PM124 = 1): Independently connect to VDD or VSS via a resistor. Output (PM123/PM124 = 0): Leave open. Remark OSCSELS: Bit 4 of clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) PM123, PM124: Bits 3 and 4 of port mode register 12 (PM12) 5.4.4 Internal high-speed oscillator The internal high-speed oscillator is incorporated in the 78K0/KC2. Oscillation can be controlled by the internal oscillation mode register (RCM). After a reset release, the internal high-speed oscillator automatically starts oscillation (8 MHz (TYP.)). 5.4.5 Internal low-speed oscillator The internal low-speed oscillator is incorporated in the 78K0/KC2. The internal low-speed oscillation clock is only used as the watchdog timer and the clock of 8-bit timer H1. The internal low-speed oscillation clock cannot be used as the CPU clock. "Can be stopped by software" or "Cannot be stopped" can be selected by the option byte. When "Can be stopped by software" is set, oscillation can be controlled by the internal oscillation mode register (RCM). After a reset release, the internal low-speed oscillator automatically starts oscillation, and the watchdog timer is driven (240 kHz (TYP.)) if the watchdog timer operation is enabled using the option byte. 5.4.6 Prescaler The prescaler generates various clocks by dividing the main system clock when the main system clock is selected as the clock to be supplied to the CPU. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 135 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR 5.5 Clock Generator Operation The clock generator generates the following clocks and controls the operation modes of the CPU, such as standby mode (see Figure 5-1). * Main system clock fXP * High-speed system clock fXH X1 clock fX External main system clock fEXCLK * Internal high-speed oscillation clock fRH * Subsystem clock fSUB * XT1 clock fXT * External subsystem clock fEXCLKS * Internal low-speed oscillation clock fRL * CPU clock fCPU * Peripheral hardware clock fPRS The CPU starts operation when the internal high-speed oscillator starts outputting after a reset release in the 78K0/KC2, thus enabling the following. (1) Enhancement of security function When the X1 clock is set as the CPU clock by the default setting, the device cannot operate if the X1 clock is damaged or badly connected and therefore does not operate after reset is released. However, the start clock of the CPU is the internal high-speed oscillation clock, so the device can be started by the internal high-speed oscillation clock after a reset release. Consequently, the system can be safely shut down by performing a minimum operation, such as acknowledging a reset source by software or performing safety processing when there is a malfunction. (2) Improvement of performance Because the CPU can be started without waiting for the X1 clock oscillation stabilization time, the total performance can be improved. When the power supply voltage is turned on, the clock generator operation is shown in Figure 5-12. 136 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR Figure 5-12. Clock Generator Operation When Power Supply Voltage Is Turned On (When 1.59 V POC Mode Is Set (Option Byte: POCMODE = 0)) Power supply voltage (VDD) 1.8 VNotes 1, 2 1.59 V (TYP.) 0.5 V/ms (MIN.)Notes 1, 2 0V Internal reset signal <1> CPU clock Reset processing (11 to 45 s) <3> Waiting for voltage stabilization (1.93 to 5.39 ms) <5> Internal high-speed oscillation clock Switched by software High-speed system clock <5> Subsystem clock <2> Internal high-speed oscillation clock (fRH) High-speed system clock (fXH) (when X1 oscillation selected) Subsystem clock (fSUB) (when XT1 oscillation selected) Note 3 <4> X1 clock oscillation stabilization time: 11 2 /fX to 216/fXNote 4 Starting X1 oscillation <4> is set by software. Starting XT1 oscillation is set by software. <1> When the power is turned on, an internal reset signal is generated by the power-on-clear (POC) circuit. <2> When the power supply voltage exceeds 1.59 V (TYP.), the reset is released and the internal high-speed oscillator automatically starts oscillation. <3> When the power supply voltage rises with a slope of 0.5 V/ms (MIN.), the CPU starts operation on the internal high-speed oscillation clock after the reset is released and after the stabilization times for the voltage of the power supply and regulator have elapsed, and then reset processing is performed. <4> Set the start of oscillation of the X1 or XT1 clock via software (see (1) in 5.6.1 Example of controlling highspeed system clock and (1) in 5.6.3 Example of controlling subsystem clock). <5> When switching the CPU clock to the X1 or XT1 clock, wait for the clock oscillation to stabilize, and then set switching via software (see (3) in 5.6.1 Example of controlling high-speed system clock and (3) in 5.6.3 Example of controlling subsystem clock). <R> Notes 1. With standard and (A) grade products, if the voltage rises with a slope of less than 0.5 V/ms (MIN.) from power application until the voltage reaches 1.8 V, input a low level to the RESET pin from power application until the voltage reaches 1.8 V, or set the 2.7 V/1.59 V POC mode by using the option byte (POCMODE = 1) (see Figure 5-13). When a low level has been input to the RESET pin until the voltage reaches 1.8 V, the CPU operates with the same timing as <2> and thereafter in Figure 5-12, after the reset has been released by the RESET pin. <R> 2. With (A2) grade products, if the voltage rises with a slope of less than 0.75 V/ms (MIN.) from power application until the voltage reaches 2.7 V, input a low level to the RESET pin from power application until the voltage reaches 2.7 V. When a low level has been input to the RESET pin until the voltage reaches 2.7 V, the CPU operates with the same timing as <2> and thereafter in Figure 5-12, after the reset has been released by the RESET pin. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 137 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR Notes 3. The internal voltage stabilization time includes the oscillation accuracy stabilization time of the internal high-speed oscillation clock. 4. When releasing a reset (above figure) or releasing STOP mode while the CPU is operating on the internal high-speed oscillation clock, confirm the oscillation stabilization time for the X1 clock using the oscillation stabilization time counter status register (OSTC). If the CPU operates on the high-speed system clock (X1 oscillation), set the oscillation stabilization time when releasing STOP mode using the oscillation stabilization time select register (OSTS). Caution It is not necessary to wait for the oscillation stabilization time when an external clock input from the EXCLK and EXCLKS pins is used. Remark While the microcontroller is operating, a clock that is not used as the CPU clock can be stopped via software settings. The internal high-speed oscillation clock and high-speed system clock can be stopped by executing the STOP instruction (see (4) in 5.6.1 Example of controlling high-speed system clock, (3) in 5.6.2 Example of controlling internal high-speed oscillation clock, and (4) in 5.6.3 Example of controlling subsystem clock). Figure 5-13. Clock Generator Operation When Power Supply Voltage Is Turned On (When 2.7 V/1.59 V POC Mode Is Set (Option Byte: POCMODE = 1)) 2.7 V (TYP.) Power supply voltage (VDD) 0V Internal reset signal <1> <3> Reset processing (11 to 45 s) <5> Internal high-speed oscillation clock CPU clock Switched by software High-speed system clock <5> Subsystem clock <2> Internal high-speed oscillation clock (fRH) High-speed system clock (fXH) (when X1 oscillation selected) Subsystem clock (fSUB) (when XT1 oscillation selected) Waiting for oscillation accuracy <4> stabilization (86 to 361 s) X1 clock oscillation stabilization time: 211/fX to 216/fXNote Starting X1 oscillation <4> is set by software. Starting XT1 oscillation is set by software. <1> When the power is turned on, an internal reset signal is generated by the power-on-clear (POC) circuit. <2> When the power supply voltage exceeds 2.7 V (TYP.), the reset is released and the internal high-speed oscillator automatically starts oscillation. <3> After the reset is released and reset processing is performed, the CPU starts operation on the internal highspeed oscillation clock. <4> Set the start of oscillation of the X1 or XT1 clock via software (see (1) in 5.6.1 Example of controlling highspeed system clock and (1) in 5.6.3 Example of controlling subsystem clock). 138 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR <5> When switching the CPU clock to the X1 or XT1 clock, wait for the clock oscillation to stabilize, and then set switching via software (see (3) in 5.6.1 Example of controlling high-speed system clock and (3) in 5.6.3 Example of controlling subsystem clock). Note When releasing a reset (above figure) or releasing STOP mode while the CPU is operating on the internal high-speed oscillation clock, confirm the oscillation stabilization time for the X1 clock using the oscillation stabilization time counter status register (OSTC). If the CPU operates on the high-speed system clock (X1 oscillation), set the oscillation stabilization time when releasing STOP mode using the oscillation stabilization time select register (OSTS). Cautions 1. A voltage oscillation stabilization time of 1.93 to 5.39 ms is required after the supply voltage reaches 1.59 V (TYP.). If the supply voltage rises from 1.59 V (TYP.) to 2.7 V (TYP.) within 1.93 ms, the power supply oscillation stabilization time of 0 to 5.39 ms is automatically generated before reset processing. 2. It is not necessary to wait for the oscillation stabilization time when an external clock input from the EXCLK and EXCLKS pins is used. Remark While the microcontroller is operating, a clock that is not used as the CPU clock can be stopped via software settings. The internal high-speed oscillation clock and high-speed system clock can be stopped by executing the STOP instruction (see (4) in 5.6.1 Example of controlling high-speed system clock, (3) in 5.6.2 Example of controlling internal high-speed oscillation clock, and (4) in 5.6.3 Example of controlling subsystem clock). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 139 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR 5.6 Controlling Clock 5.6.1 Controlling high-speed system clock The following two types of high-speed system clocks are available. * X1 clock: Crystal/ceramic resonator is connected across the X1 and X2 pins. * External main system clock: External clock is input to the EXCLK pin. When the high-speed system clock is not used, the X1/P121 and X2/EXCLK/P122 pins can be used as I/O port pins. Caution The X1/P121 and X2/EXCLK/P122 pins are in the I/O port mode after a reset release. The following describes examples of setting procedures for the following cases. (1) When oscillating X1 clock (2) When using external main system clock (3) When using high-speed system clock as CPU clock and peripheral hardware clock (4) When stopping high-speed system clock (1) Example of setting procedure when oscillating the X1 clock <1> Setting frequency (OSCCTL register) Using AMPH, set the gain of the on-chip oscillator according to the frequency to be used. Note AMPH Operating Frequency Control 0 1 MHz f XH 10 MHz 1 10 MHz < f XH 20 MHz Note Set AMPH before setting the peripheral functions after a reset release. The value of AMPH can be changed only once after a reset release. When AMPH is set to 1, the clock supply to the CPU is stopped for 4.06 to 16.12 s. <R> Remark fXH: High-speed system clock frequency <2> Setting P121/X1 and P122/X2/EXCLK pins and selecting X1 clock or external clock (OSCCTL register) When EXCLK is cleared to 0 and OSCSEL is set to 1, the mode is switched from port mode to X1 oscillation mode. EXCLK OSCSEL Operation Mode of High- P121/X1 Pin P122/X2/EXCLK Pin Speed System Clock Pin 0 1 X1 oscillation mode Crystal/ceramic resonator connection <3> Controlling oscillation of X1 clock (MOC register) If MSTOP is cleared to 0, the X1 oscillator starts oscillating. <4> Waiting for the stabilization of the oscillation of X1 clock Check the OSTC register and wait for the necessary time. During the wait time, other software processing can be executed with the internal high-speed oscillation clock. 140 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR Cautions 1. Do not change the value of EXCLK and OSCSEL while the X1 clock is operating. 2. Set the X1 clock after the supply voltage has reached the operable voltage of the clock to be used (see CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) to CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C)). (2) Example of setting procedure when using the external main system clock <1> Setting frequency (OSCCTL register) Using AMPH, set the frequency to be used. Note AMPH Operating Frequency Control 0 1 MHz f XH 10 MHz 1 10 MHz < f XH 20 MHz Note Set AMPH before setting the peripheral functions after a reset release. The value of AMPH can be changed only once after a reset release. The clock supply to the CPU is stopped for the duration of 160 external clocks after AMPH is set to 1. Remark fXH: High-speed system clock frequency <2> Setting P121/X1 and P122/X2/EXCLK pins and selecting operation mode (OSCCTL register) When EXCLK and OSCSEL are set to 1, the mode is switched from port mode to external clock input mode. EXCLK OSCSEL Operation Mode of High- P121/X1 Pin P122/X2/EXCLK Pin Speed System Clock Pin 1 1 External clock input mode I/O port External clock input <3> Controlling external main system clock input (MOC register) When MSTOP is cleared to 0, the input of the external main system clock is enabled. Cautions 1. Do not change the value of EXCLK and OSCSEL while the external main system clock is operating. 2. Set the external main system clock after the supply voltage has reached the operable voltage of the clock to be used (see CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) to CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C)). (3) Example of setting procedure when using high-speed system clock as CPU clock and peripheral hardware clock <1> Setting high-speed system clock oscillationNote (See 5.6.1 (1) Example of setting procedure when oscillating the X1 clock and (2) Example of setting procedure when using the external main system clock.) Note The setting of <1> is not necessary when high-speed system clock is already operating. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 141 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR <2> Setting the high-speed system clock as the main system clock (MCM register) When XSEL and MCM0 are set to 1, the high-speed system clock is supplied as the main system clock and peripheral hardware clock. XSEL MCM0 Selection of Main System Clock and Clock Supplied to Peripheral Hardware Main System Clock (f XP ) 1 1 Peripheral Hardware Clock (f PRS ) High-speed system clock (f XH ) High-speed system clock (f XH ) Caution If the high-speed system clock is selected as the main system clock, a clock other than the high-speed system clock cannot be set as the peripheral hardware clock. <3> Setting the main system clock as the CPU clock and selecting the division ratio (PCC register) When CSS is cleared to 0, the main system clock is supplied to the CPU. To select the CPU clock division ratio, use PCC0, PCC1, and PCC2. CSS PCC2 PCC1 PCC0 0 0 0 0 fXP 0 0 1 fXP/2 (default) 0 1 0 fXP/2 2 0 1 1 fXP/2 3 1 0 0 fXP/2 4 Other than above CPU Clock (fCPU) Selection Setting prohibited (4) Example of setting procedure when stopping the high-speed system clock The high-speed system clock can be stopped in the following two ways. * Executing the STOP instruction and stopping the X1 oscillation (disabling clock input if the external clock is used) * Setting MSTOP to 1 and stopping the X1 oscillation (disabling clock input if the external clock is used) (a) To execute a STOP instruction <1> Setting to stop peripheral hardware Stop peripheral hardware that cannot be used in the STOP mode (for peripheral hardware that cannot be used in STOP mode, see CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION). <2> Setting the X1 clock oscillation stabilization time after standby release When the CPU is operating on the X1 clock, set the value of the OSTS register before the STOP instruction is executed. <3> Executing the STOP instruction When the STOP instruction is executed, the system is placed in the STOP mode and X1 oscillation is stopped (the input of the external clock is disabled). 142 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR (b) To stop X1 oscillation (disabling external clock input) by setting MSTOP to 1 <1> Confirming the CPU clock status (PCC and MCM registers) Confirm with CLS and MCS that the CPU is operating on a clock other than the high-speed system clock. When CLS = 0 and MCS = 1, the high-speed system clock is supplied to the CPU, so change the CPU clock to the subsystem clock or internal high-speed oscillation clock. CLS MCS CPU Clock Status 0 0 Internal high-speed oscillation clock 0 1 High-speed system clock 1 x Subsystem clock <2> Stopping the high-speed system clock (MOC register) When MSTOP is set to 1, X1 oscillation is stopped (the input of the external clock is disabled). Caution Be sure to confirm that MCS = 0 or CLS = 1 when setting MSTOP to 1. In addition, stop peripheral hardware that is operating on the high-speed system clock. 5.6.2 Example of controlling internal high-speed oscillation clock The following describes examples of clock setting procedures for the following cases. (1) When restarting oscillation of the internal high-speed oscillation clock (2) When using internal high-speed oscillation clock as CPU clock, and internal high-speed oscillation clock or high-speed system clock as peripheral hardware clock (3) When stopping the internal high-speed oscillation clock (1) Example of setting procedure when restarting oscillation of the internal high-speed oscillation clockNote 1 <1> Setting restart of oscillation of the internal high-speed oscillation clock (RCM register) When RSTOP is cleared to 0, the internal high-speed oscillation clock starts operating. <2> Waiting for the oscillation accuracy stabilization time of internal high-speed oscillation clock (RCM register) Wait until RSTS is set to 1Note 2. Notes 1. After a reset release, the internal high-speed oscillator automatically starts oscillating and the internal high-speed oscillation clock is selected as the CPU clock. 2. This wait time is not necessary if high accuracy is not necessary for the CPU clock and peripheral hardware clock. (2) Example of setting procedure when using internal high-speed oscillation clock as CPU clock, and internal high-speed oscillation clock or high-speed system clock as peripheral hardware clock <1> * Restarting oscillation of the internal high-speed oscillation clockNote (See 5.6.2 (1) Example of setting procedure when restarting internal high-speed oscillation clock). * Oscillating the high-speed system clockNote (This setting is required when using the high-speed system clock as the peripheral hardware clock. See 5.6.1 (1) Example of setting procedure when oscillating the X1 clock and (2) Example of setting procedure when using the external main system clock.) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 143 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR Note The setting of <1> is not necessary when the internal high-speed oscillation clock or highspeed system clock is already operating. <2> Selecting the clock supplied as the main system clock and peripheral hardware clock (MCM register) Set the main system clock and peripheral hardware clock using XSEL and MCM0. XSEL MCM0 Selection of Main System Clock and Clock Supplied to Peripheral Hardware Main System Clock (f XP ) 0 0 0 1 1 0 Peripheral Hardware Clock (f PRS ) Internal high-speed oscillation clock (f RH ) Internal high-speed oscillation clock (f RH ) High-speed system clock (f XH ) <3> Selecting the CPU clock division ratio (PCC register) When CSS is cleared to 0, the main system clock is supplied to the CPU. To select the CPU clock division ratio, use PCC0, PCC1, and PCC2. CSS PCC2 PCC1 PCC0 0 0 0 0 fXP 0 0 1 fXP/2 (default) 0 1 0 fXP/2 2 0 1 1 fXP/2 3 1 0 0 fXP/2 4 Other than above CPU Clock (fCPU) Selection Setting prohibited (3) Example of setting procedure when stopping the internal high-speed oscillation clock The internal high-speed oscillation clock can be stopped in the following two ways. * Executing the STOP instruction to set the STOP mode * Setting RSTOP to 1 and stopping the internal high-speed oscillation clock (a) To execute a STOP instruction <1> Setting of peripheral hardware Stop peripheral hardware that cannot be used in the STOP mode (for peripheral hardware that cannot be used in STOP mode, see CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION). <2> Setting the X1 clock oscillation stabilization time after standby release When the CPU is operating on the X1 clock, set the value of the OSTS register before the STOP instruction is executed. <3> Executing the STOP instruction When the STOP instruction is executed, the system is placed in the STOP mode and internal highspeed oscillation clock is stopped. 144 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR (b) To stop internal high-speed oscillation clock by setting RSTOP to 1 <1> Confirming the CPU clock status (PCC and MCM registers) Confirm with CLS and MCS that the CPU is operating on a clock other than the internal high-speed oscillation clock. When CLS = 0 and MCS = 0, the internal high-speed oscillation clock is supplied to the CPU, so change the CPU clock to the high-speed system clock or subsystem clock. CLS MCS CPU Clock Status 0 0 Internal high-speed oscillation clock 0 1 High-speed system clock 1 x Subsystem clock <2> Stopping the internal high-speed oscillation clock (RCM register) When RSTOP is set to 1, internal high-speed oscillation clock is stopped. Caution Be sure to confirm that MCS = 1 or CLS = 1 when setting RSTOP to 1. In addition, stop peripheral hardware that is operating on the internal high-speed oscillation clock. 5.6.3 Example of controlling subsystem clock The following two types of subsystem clocks are available. * XT1 clock: Crystal/ceramic resonator is connected across the XT1 and XT2 pins. * External subsystem clock: External clock is input to the EXCLKS pin. When the subsystem clock is not used, the XT1/P123 and XT2/EXCLKS/P124 pins can be used as I/O port pins. Caution The XT1/P123 and XT2/EXCLKS/P124 pins are in the I/O port mode after a reset release. The following describes examples of setting procedures for the following cases. (1) When oscillating XT1 clock (2) When using external subsystem clock (3) When using subsystem clock as CPU clock (4) When stopping subsystem clock (1) Example of setting procedure when oscillating the XT1 clock <1> Setting XT1 and XT2 pins and selecting operation mode (PCC and OSCCTL registers) When XTSTART, EXCLKS, and OSCSELS are set as any of the following, the mode is switched from port mode to XT1 oscillation mode. XTSTART EXCLKS OSCSELS Operation Mode of P123/XT1 Pin 0 0 1 1 x x Remark XT1 oscillation mode P124/XT2/ EXCLKS Pin Subsystem Clock Pin Crystal/ceramic resonator connection x: don't care <2> Waiting for the stabilization of the subsystem clock oscillation Wait for the oscillation stabilization time of the subsystem clock by software, using a timer function. Caution Do not change the value of XTSTART, EXCLKS, and OSCSELS while the subsystem clock is operating. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 145 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR (2) Example of setting procedure when using the external subsystem clock <1> Setting XT1 and XT2 pins, selecting XT1 clock/external clock and controlling oscillation (PCC and OSCCTL registers) When XTSTART is cleared to 0 and EXCLKS and OSCSELS are set to 1, the mode is switched from port mode to external clock input mode. In this case, input the external clock to the EXCLKS/XT2/P124 pins. XTSTART EXCLKS OSCSELS 0 1 1 Operation Mode of Subsystem Clock Pin External clock input mode P123/XT1 Pin I/O port P124/XT2/ EXCLKS Pin External clock input Caution Do not change the value of XTSTART, EXCLKS, and OSCSELS while the subsystem clock is operating. (3) Example of setting procedure when using the subsystem clock as the CPU clock <1> Setting subsystem clock oscillationNote (See 5.6.3 (1) Example of setting procedure when oscillating the XT1 clock and (2) Example of setting procedure when using the external subsystem clock.) Note The setting of <1> is not necessary when while the subsystem clock is operating. <2> Switching the CPU clock (PCC register) When CSS is set to 1, the subsystem clock is supplied to the CPU. CSS PCC2 PCC1 PCC0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 Other than above CPU Clock (fCPU) Selection fSUB/2 Setting prohibited (4) Example of setting procedure when stopping the subsystem clock <1> Confirming the CPU clock status (PCC and MCM registers) Confirm with CLS and MCS that the CPU is operating on a clock other than the subsystem clock. When CLS = 1, the subsystem clock is supplied to the CPU, so change the CPU clock to the internal high-speed oscillation clock or high-speed system clock. CLS MCS CPU Clock Status 0 0 Internal high-speed oscillation clock 0 1 High-speed system clock 1 x Subsystem clock <2> Stopping the subsystem clock (OSCCTL register) When OSCSELS is cleared to 0, XT1 oscillation is stopped (the input of the external clock is disabled). Cautions 1. Be sure to confirm that CLS = 0 when clearing OSCSELS to 0. In addition, stop the watch timer if it is operating on the subsystem clock. 2. The subsystem clock oscillation cannot be stopped using the STOP instruction. 146 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR 5.6.4 Example of controlling internal low-speed oscillation clock The internal low-speed oscillation clock cannot be used as the CPU clock. Only the following peripheral hardware can operate with this clock. * Watchdog timer * 8-bit timer H1 (if fRL is selected as the count clock) In addition, the following operation modes can be selected by the option byte. * Internal low-speed oscillator cannot be stopped * Internal low-speed oscillator can be stopped by software The internal low-speed oscillator automatically starts oscillation after a reset release, and the watchdog timer is driven (240 kHz (TYP.)) if the watchdog timer operation has been enabled by the option byte. (1) Example of setting procedure when stopping the internal low-speed oscillation clock <1> Setting LSRSTOP to 1 (RCM register) When LSRSTOP is set to 1, the internal low-speed oscillation clock is stopped. (2) Example of setting procedure when restarting oscillation of the internal low-speed oscillation clock <1> Clearing LSRSTOP to 0 (RCM register) When LSRSTOP is cleared to 0, the internal low-speed oscillation clock is restarted. Caution If "Internal low-speed oscillator cannot be stopped" is selected by the option byte, oscillation of the internal low-speed oscillation clock cannot be controlled. 5.6.5 Clocks supplied to CPU and peripheral hardware The following table shows the relation among the clocks supplied to the CPU and peripheral hardware, and setting of registers. Table 5-4. Clocks Supplied to CPU and Peripheral Hardware, and Register Setting Supplied Clock Clock Supplied to CPU XSEL CSS MCM0 EXCLK Clock Supplied to Peripheral Hardware 0 0 x x X1 clock 1 0 0 0 External main system clock 1 0 0 1 X1 clock 1 0 1 0 External main system clock 1 0 1 1 Internal high-speed oscillation clock 0 1 x x X1 clock 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 Internal high-speed oscillation clock Internal high-speed oscillation clock Subsystem clock External main system clock Remarks 1. XSEL: 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Bit 2 of the main clock mode register (MCM) 2. CSS: Bit 4 of the processor clock control register (PCC) 3. MCM0: Bit 0 of MCM 4. EXCLK: Bit 7 of the clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) 5. x: don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 147 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR 5.6.6 CPU clock status transition diagram Figure 5-14 shows the CPU clock status transition diagram of this product. Figure 5-14. CPU Clock Status Transition Diagram (When 1.59 V POC Mode Is Set (Option Byte: POCMODE = 0)) Internal low-speed oscillation: Woken up Internal high-speed oscillation: Woken up X1 oscillation/EXCLK input: Stops (I/O port mode) XT1 oscillation/EXCLKS input: Stops (I/O port mode) Power ON VDD < 1.59 V (TYP.) (A) VDD 1.59 V (TYP.) Reset release Internal low-speed oscillation: Operating Internal high-speed oscillation: Operating X1 oscillation/EXCLK input: Stops (I/O port mode) XT1 oscillation/EXCLKS input: Stops (I/O port mode) Internal low-speed oscillation: Operable Internal high-speed oscillation: Selectable by CPU X1 oscillation/EXCLK input: Selectable by CPU XT1 oscillation/EXCLKS input: Operating (D) Internal low-speed oscillation: Operable Internal high-speed oscillation: Operating X1 oscillation/EXCLK input: Selectable by CPU XT1 oscillation/EXCLKS input: Selectable by CPU CPU: Operating with internal highspeed oscillation (H) CPU: Internal highspeed oscillation STOP CPU: Operating with XT1 oscillation or EXCLKS input (E) CPU: Internal highspeed oscillation HALT (C) (G) CPU: XT1 oscillation/EXCLKS input HALT Internal low-speed oscillation: Operable Internal high-speed oscillation: Operable X1 oscillation/EXCLK input: Operable XT1 oscillation/EXCLKS input: Operating VDD 1.8 V (MIN.)Note (B) CPU: Operating with X1 oscillation or EXCLK input Internal low-speed oscillation: Operable Internal high-speed oscillation: Selectable by CPU X1 oscillation/EXCLK input: Operating XT1 oscillation/EXCLKS input: Selectable by CPU Internal low-speed oscillation: Operable Internal high-speed oscillation: Operating X1 oscillation/EXCLK input: Operable XT1 oscillation/EXCLKS input: Operable (I) CPU: X1 oscillation/EXCLK input STOP (F) CPU: X1 oscillation/EXCLK input HALT Internal low-speed oscillation: Operable Internal high-speed oscillation: Operable X1 oscillation/EXCLK input: Operating XT1 oscillation/EXCLKS input: Operable <R> Internal low-speed oscillation: Operable Internal high-speed oscillation: Stops X1 oscillation/EXCLK input: Stops XT1 oscillation/EXCLKS input: Operable Internal low-speed oscillation: Operable Internal high-speed oscillation: Stops X1 oscillation/EXCLK input: Stops XT1 oscillation: Operable Note 1.8 V (Standard and (A) grade products), 2.7 V ((A2) grade products) Remark In the 2.7 V/1.59 V POC mode (option byte: POCMODE = 1), the CPU clock status changes to (A) in the above figure when the supply voltage exceeds 2.7 V (TYP.), and to (B) after reset processing (11 to 45 s). 148 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR Table 5-5 shows transition of the CPU clock and examples of setting the SFR registers. Table 5-5. CPU Clock Transition and SFR Register Setting Examples (1/4) (1) CPU operating with internal high-speed oscillation clock (B) after reset release (A) Status Transition SFR Register Setting (A) (B) SFR registers do not have to be set (default status after reset release). (2) CPU operating with high-speed system clock (C) after reset release (A) (The CPU operates with the internal high-speed oscillation clock immediately after a reset release (B).) (Setting sequence of SFR registers) Setting Flag of SFR Register AMPH EXCLK OSCSEL MSTOP OSTC XSEL MCM0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Register Status Transition (A) (B) (C) (X1 clock: 1 MHz fXH 0 0 1 0 Must be checked 10 MHz) (A) (B) (C) (external main clock: 1 MHz 0 1 1 0 fXH 10 MHz) Must not be checked (A) (B) (C) (X1 clock: 10 MHz < fXH 1 0 1 0 20 MHz) Must be checked (A) (B) (C) (external main clock: 10 MHz < 1 1 1 0 fXH 20 MHz) Must not be checked Caution Set the clock after the supply voltage has reached the operable voltage of the clock to be set (see CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) to CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C)). (3) CPU operating with subsystem clock (D) after reset release (A) (The CPU operates with the internal high-speed oscillation clock immediately after a reset release (B).) (Setting sequence of SFR registers) Setting Flag of SFR Register XTSTART EXCLKS Waiting for OSCSELS CSS Oscillation Status Transition Stabilization (A) (B) (D) (XT1 clock) (A) (B) (D) (external subsystem clock) 0 0 1 1 x x 0 1 1 Necessary 1 Unnecessary 1 Remarks 1. (A) to (I) in Table 5-5 correspond to (A) to (I) in Figure 5-14. 2. EXCLK, OSCSEL, EXCLKS, OSCSELS, AMPH: Bits 7 to 4 and 0 of the clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) MSTOP: Bit 7 of the main OSC control register (MOC) XSEL, MCM0: Bits 2 and 0 of the main clock mode register (MCM) XTSTART, CSS: Bits 6 and 4 of the processor clock control register (PCC) x: Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 149 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR Table 5-5. CPU Clock Transition and SFR Register Setting Examples (2/4) (4) CPU clock changing from internal high-speed oscillation clock (B) to high-speed system clock (C) (Setting sequence of SFR registers) Setting Flag of SFR Register Note EXCLK AMPH OSCSEL OSTC MSTOP XSEL Note MCM0 Register Status Transition (B) (C) (X1 clock: 1 MHz fXH 10 MHz) 0 0 1 0 Must be 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 checked (B) (C) (external main clock: 1 MHz fXH 0 1 1 0 10 MHz) Must not be checked (B) (C) (X1 clock: 10 MHz < fXH 20 MHz) 1 0 1 0 Must be checked (B) (C) (external main clock: 10 MHz < fXH 1 1 1 0 20 MHz) Must not be checked Unnecessary if these registers Unnecessary if the are already set CPU is operating with the high-speed system clock Note The value of this flag can be changed only once after a reset release. This setting is not necessary if it has already been set. Caution Set the clock after the supply voltage has reached the operable voltage of the clock to be set (see CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) to CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C)). (5) CPU clock changing from internal high-speed oscillation clock (B) to subsystem clock (D) (Setting sequence of SFR registers) Setting Flag of SFR Register XTSTART EXCLKS Waiting for OSCSELS CSS Oscillation Status Transition Stabilization (B) (D) (XT1 clock) (B) (D) (external subsystem clock) 0 0 1 1 x x 0 1 1 Necessary 1 Unnecessary 1 Unnecessary if the CPU is operating with the subsystem clock Remarks 1. (A) to (I) in Table 5-5 correspond to (A) to (I) in Figure 5-14. 2. EXCLK, OSCSEL, EXCLKS, OSCSELS, AMPH: Bits 7 to 4 and 0 of the clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) MSTOP: Bit 7 of the main OSC control register (MOC) XSEL, MCM0: Bits 2 and 0 of the main clock mode register (MCM) XTSTART, CSS: Bits 6 and 4 of the processor clock control register (PCC) x: 150 Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR Table 5-5. CPU Clock Transition and SFR Register Setting Examples (3/4) (6) CPU clock changing from high-speed system clock (C) to internal high-speed oscillation clock (B) (Setting sequence of SFR registers) Setting Flag of SFR Register RSTOP RSTS MCM0 0 Confirm this flag is 1. 0 Status Transition (C) (B) Unnecessary if the CPU is operating with the internal high-speed oscillation clock (7) CPU clock changing from high-speed system clock (C) to subsystem clock (D) (Setting sequence of SFR registers) Setting Flag of SFR Register XTSTART EXCLKS Waiting for OSCSELS CSS Oscillation Stabilization Status Transition (C) (D) (XT1 clock) (C) (D) (external subsystem clock) 0 0 1 1 x x 0 1 1 Necessary 1 Unnecessary 1 Unnecessary if the CPU is operating with the subsystem clock (8) CPU clock changing from subsystem clock (D) to internal high-speed oscillation clock (B) (Setting sequence of SFR registers) Setting Flag of SFR Register RSTOP RSTS MCM0 CSS 0 Confirm this flag 0 0 Status Transition (D) (B) is 1. Unnecessary if the CPU is operating Unnecessary if with the internal high-speed XSEL is 0 oscillation clock Remarks 1. (A) to (I) in Table 5-5 correspond to (A) to (I) in Figure 5-14. 2. MCM0: Bit 0 of the main clock mode register (MCM) EXCLKS, OSCSELS: Bits 5 and 4 of the clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) RSTS, RSTOP: Bits 7 and 0 of the internal oscillation mode register (RCM) XTSTART, CSS: Bits 6 and 4 of the processor clock control register (PCC) x: Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 151 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR Table 5-5. CPU Clock Transition and SFR Register Setting Examples (4/4) (9) CPU clock changing from subsystem clock (D) to high-speed system clock (C) (Setting sequence of SFR registers) Note Setting Flag of SFR Register AMPH EXCLK OSCSEL OSTC MSTOP XSEL Note MCM0 CSS 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 Register Status Transition (D) (C) (X1 clock: 1 MHz fXH 0 0 1 Must be 0 10 MHz) checked (D) (C) (external main clock: 1 MHz 0 1 1 0 Must not be fXH 10 MHz checked (D) (C) (X1 clock: 10 MHz < fXH 1 0 1 Must be 0 20 MHz) checked (D) (C) (external main clock: 10 MHz < 1 1 1 0 Must not be fXH 20 MHz) checked Unnecessary if these registers Unnecessary if the Unnecessary if this register are already set CPU is operating is already set with the high-speed system clock Note The value of this flag can be changed only once after a reset release. This setting is not necessary if it has already been set. Caution Set the clock after the supply voltage has reached the operable voltage of the clock to be set (see CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) to CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C)). (10) * HALT mode (E) set while CPU is operating with internal high-speed oscillation clock (B) * HALT mode (F) set while CPU is operating with high-speed system clock (C) * HALT mode (G) set while CPU is operating with subsystem clock (D) Status Transition Setting (B) (E) Executing HALT instruction (C) (F) (D) (G) (11) * STOP mode (H) set while CPU is operating with internal high-speed oscillation clock (B) * STOP mode (I) set while CPU is operating with high-speed system clock (C) (Setting sequence) Status Transition Setting (B) (H) Stopping peripheral functions that (C) (I) cannot operate in STOP mode Executing STOP instruction Remarks 1. (A) to (I) in Table 5-5 correspond to (A) to (I) in Figure 5-14. 2. EXCLK, OSCSEL, AMPH: Bits 7, 6 and 0 of the clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) 152 MSTOP: Bit 7 of the main OSC control register (MOC) XSEL, MCM0: Bits 2 and 0 of the main clock mode register (MCM) CSS: Bit 4 of the processor clock control register (PCC) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR 5.6.7 Condition before changing CPU clock and processing after changing CPU clock Condition before changing the CPU clock and processing after changing the CPU clock are shown below. Table 5-6. Changing CPU Clock Condition Before Change CPU Clock Before Change Internal high- <R> Processing After Change After Change X1 clock Stabilization of X1 oscillation speed oscillation * MSTOP = 0, OSCSEL = 1, EXCLK = 0 clock * After elapse of oscillation stabilization time * Internal high-speed oscillator can be stopped (RSTOP = 1). * Clock supply to CPU is stopped for 4.06 to 16.12 s after AMPH has been set to 1. External main Enabling input of external clock from EXCLK system clock pin * Internal high-speed oscillator can be stopped (RSTOP = 1). * MSTOP = 0, OSCSEL = 1, EXCLK = 1 * Clock supply to CPU is stopped for the duration of 160 external clocks from the EXCLK pin after AMPH has been set to 1. X1 clock Internal high- Oscillation of internal high-speed oscillator X1 oscillation can be stopped (MSTOP = 1). External main speed oscillation * RSTOP = 0 External main system clock input can be system clock clock Internal high- XT1 clock speed oscillation disabled (MSTOP = 1). Stabilization of XT1 oscillation Operating current can be reduced by * XTSTART = 0, EXCLKS = 0, stopping internal high-speed oscillator OSCSELS = 1, or XTSTART = 1 clock * After elapse of oscillation stabilization time X1 clock (RSTOP = 1). X1 oscillation can be stopped (MSTOP = 1). External main External main system clock input can be system clock disabled (MSTOP = 1). Internal high- External Enabling input of external clock from Operating current can be reduced by speed oscillation subsystem clock EXCLKS pin stopping internal high-speed oscillator * XTSTART = 0, EXCLKS = 1, (RSTOP = 1). clock OSCSELS = 1 X1 clock X1 oscillation can be stopped (MSTOP = 1). External main External main system clock input can be system clock disabled (MSTOP = 1). XT1 clock, Internal high- Oscillation of internal high-speed oscillator XT1 oscillation can be stopped or external external speed oscillation and selection of internal high-speed subsystem clock input can be disabled subsystem clock clock oscillation clock as main system clock (OSCSELS = 0). * RSTOP = 0, MCS = 0 X1 clock Stabilization of X1 oscillation and selection of high-speed system clock as main system clock subsystem clock input can be disabled (OSCSELS = 0). * MSTOP = 0, OSCSEL = 1, EXCLK = 0 <R> * XT1 oscillation can be stopped or external * After elapse of oscillation stabilization time * Clock supply to CPU is stopped for 4.06 to 16.12 s after AMPH has been set to 1. * MCS = 1 External main Enabling input of external clock from EXCLK system clock pin and selection of high-speed system clock as main system clock * MSTOP = 0, OSCSEL = 1, EXCLK = 1 * MCS = 1 * XT1 oscillation can be stopped or external subsystem clock input can be disabled (OSCSELS = 0). * Clock supply to CPU is stopped for the duration of 160 external clocks from the EXCLK pin after AMPH has been set to 1. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 153 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR 5.6.8 Time required for switchover of CPU clock and main system clock By setting bits 0 to 2 (PCC0 to PCC2) and bit 4 (CSS) of the processor clock control register (PCC), the CPU clock can be switched (between the main system clock and the subsystem clock) and the division ratio of the main system clock can be changed. The actual switchover operation is not performed immediately after rewriting to PCC; operation continues on the pre-switchover clock for several clocks (see Table 5-7). Whether the CPU is operating on the main system clock or the subsystem clock can be ascertained using bit 5 (CLS) of the PCC register. Table 5-7. Time Required for Switchover of CPU Clock and Main System Clock Cycle Division Factor Set Value Before Set Value After Switchover Switchover CSS PCC2 PCC1 PCC0 CSS PCC2 PCC1 PCC0 CSS PCC2 PCC1 PCC0 CSS PCC2 PCC1 PCC0 CSS PCC2 PCC1 PCC0 CSS PCC2 PCC1 PCC0 CSS PCC2 PCC1 PCC0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 clocks 0 1 0 4 clocks 4 clocks 1 16 clocks 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 x x x 16 clocks 16 clocks 16 clocks 2fXP/fSUB clocks 8 clocks 8 clocks 8 clocks fXP/fSUB clocks 4 clocks 4 clocks fXP/2fSUB clocks 0 1 1 2 clocks 2 clocks 2 clocks 1 0 0 1 clock 1 clock 1 clock 1 clock 2 clocks x x x 2 clocks 2 clocks 2 clocks 2 clocks fXP/4fSUB clocks fXP/8fSUB clocks 2 clocks Caution Selection of the main system clock cycle division factor (PCC0 to PCC2) and switchover from the main system clock to the subsystem clock (changing CSS from 0 to 1) should not be set simultaneously. Simultaneous setting is possible, however, for selection of the main system clock cycle division factor (PCC0 to PCC2) and switchover from the subsystem clock to the main system clock (changing CSS from 1 to 0). Remarks 1. The number of clocks listed in Table 5-7 is the number of CPU clocks before switchover. 2. When switching the CPU clock from the main system clock to the subsystem clock, calculate the number of clocks by rounding up to the next clock and discarding the decimal portion, as shown below. Example When switching CPU clock from fXP/2 to fSUB/2 (@ oscillation with fXP = 10 MHz, fSUB = 32.768 kHz) fXP/fSUB = 10000/32.768 305.1 306 clocks By setting bit 0 (MCM0) of the main clock mode register (MCM), the main system clock can be switched (between the internal high-speed oscillation clock and the high-speed system clock). The actual switchover operation is not performed immediately after rewriting to MCM0; operation continues on the pre-switchover clock for several clocks (see Table 5-8). Whether the CPU is operating on the internal high-speed oscillation clock or the high-speed system clock can be ascertained using bit 1 (MCS) of MCM. 154 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR Table 5-8. Maximum Time Required for Main System Clock Switchover Set Value Before Switchover Set Value After Switchover MCM0 MCM0 0 0 1 1 + 2fRH/fXH clock 1 1 + 2fXH/fRH clock Caution When switching the internal high-speed oscillation clock to the high-speed system clock, bit 2 (XSEL) of MCM must be set to 1 in advance. The value of XSEL can be changed only once after a reset release. Remarks 1. The number of clocks listed in Table 5-8 is the number of main system clocks before switchover. 2. Calculate the number of clocks in Table 5-8 by removing the decimal portion. Example When switching the main system clock from the internal high-speed oscillation clock to the high-speed system clock (@ oscillation with fRH = 8 MHz, fXH = 10 MHz) 1 + 2fRH/fXH = 1 + 2 x 8/10 = 1 + 2 x 0.8 = 1 + 1.6 = 2.6 2 clocks 5.6.9 Conditions before clock oscillation is stopped The following lists the register flag settings for stopping the clock oscillation (disabling external clock input) and conditions before the clock oscillation is stopped. Table 5-9. Conditions Before the Clock Oscillation Is Stopped and Flag Settings Clock Conditions Before Clock Oscillation Is Stopped Flag Settings of SFR (External Clock Input Disabled) Register Internal high-speed MCS = 1 or CLS = 1 oscillation clock (The CPU is operating on a clock other than the internal high-speed RSTOP = 1 oscillation clock) X1 clock MCS = 0 or CLS = 1 External main system clock (The CPU is operating on a clock other than the high-speed system clock) XT1 clock CLS = 0 External subsystem clock (The CPU is operating on a clock other than the subsystem clock) MSTOP = 1 OSCSELS = 0 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 155 CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR 5.6.10 Peripheral hardware and source clocks The following lists peripheral hardware and source clocks incorporated in the 78K0/KC2. Table 5-10. Peripheral Hardware and Source Clocks Source Clock Peripheral Hardware Peripheral Hardware Clock (fPRS) Subsystem Clock (fSUB) Internal LowSpeed Oscillation Clock (fRL) TM50 Output Y N N N Y (TI000 pin) 16-bit timer/ event counter 00 External Clock from Peripheral Hardware Pins Note 1 8-bit timer/ event counter 50 Y N N N Y (TI50 pin) Note 1 51 Y N N N Y (TI51 pin) Note 1 8-bit timer H0 Y N N Y H1 Watch timer Watchdog timer Clock output Note 2 A/D converter Serial interface Notes 1. N Y N Y N N Y Y N N N N N Y N N Y Y N N N Y N N N N UART0 Y N N Y N UART6 Y N N Y N CSI10 Y N N N IIC0 Y N N N Note 1 Y (SCK10 pin) Y (EXSCL0, Note 1 SCL0 pin) When the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the internal high-speed oscillation clock has been stopped, do not start operation of these functions on the external clock input from peripheral hardware pins. 2. Remark 156 48-pin products only Y: Can be selected, N: Cannot be selected User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 6.1 Functions of 16-bit Timer/Event Counter 00 16-bit timer/event counter 00 has the following functions. (1) Interval timer 16-bit timer/event counter 00 generates an interrupt request at the preset time interval. (2) Square-wave output 16-bit timer/event counter 00 can output a square wave with any selected frequency. (3) External event counter 16-bit timer/event counter 00 can measure the number of pulses of an externally input signal. (4) One-shot pulse output 16-bit timer event counter 00 can output a one-shot pulse whose output pulse width can be set freely. (5) PPG output 16-bit timer/event counter 00 can output a rectangular wave whose frequency and output pulse width can be set freely. (6) Pulse width measurement 16-bit timer/event counter 00 can measure the pulse width of an externally input signal. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 157 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 6.2 Configuration of 16-bit Timer/Event Counter 00 16-bit timer/event counter 00 includes the following hardware. Table 6-1. Configuration of 16-bit Timer/Event Counter 00 Item Configuration Time/counter 16-bit timer counter 00 (TM00) Register 16-bit timer capture/compare registers 000, 010 (CR000, CR010) Timer input TI000, TI010 pins Timer output TO00 pin, output controller Control registers 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) 16-bit timer capture/compare control register 00 (CRC00) 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00) Prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00) Port mode register 0 (PM0) Port register 0 (P0) Figures 6-1 shows the block diagram. Figure 6-1. Block Diagram of 16-bit Timer/Event Counter 00 <R> Internal bus Capture/compare control register 00 (CRC00) Selector CRC002CRC001 CRC000 Noise eliminator TI010/TO00/P01 Selector To CR010 16-bit timer capture/compare register 000 (CR000) INTTM000 Match 16-bit timer counter 00 (TM00) Clear Output controller TO00 output TO00/TI010/ P01 Match Noise eliminator 2 Output latch (P01) Noise eliminator TI000/P00 PM01 16-bit timer capture/compare register 010 (CR010) Selector fPRS Selector fPRS fPRS/22 fPRS/28 INTTM010 CRC002 PRM001 PRM000 Prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00) Caution TMC003 TMC002 TMC001 OVF00 OSPT00 OSPE00 TOC004 LVS00 LVR00 TOC001 TOE00 16-bit timer output 16-bit timer mode control register 00 control register 00 (TOC00) (TMC00) Internal bus 1. The valid edge of TI010 and timer output (TO00) cannot be used for the P01 pin at the same time. Select either of the functions. 158 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Cautions 2. If clearing of bits 3 and 2 (TMC003 and TMC002) of 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) to 00 and input of the capture trigger conflict, then the captured data is undefined. 3. To change the mode from the capture mode to the comparison mode, first clear the TMC003 and TMC002 bits to 00, and then change the setting. A value that has been once captured remains stored in CR000 unless the device is reset. If the mode has been changed to the comparison mode, be sure to set a comparison value. (1) 16-bit timer counter 00 (TM00) TM00 is a 16-bit read-only register that counts count pulses. The counter is incremented in synchronization with the rising edge of the count clock. If the count value is read during operation, then input of the count clock is temporarily stopped, and the count value at that point is read. Figure 6-2. Format of 16-bit Timer Counter 00 (TM00) Address: FF10H, FF11H After reset: 0000H R FF11H 15 14 13 12 FF10H 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TM00 The count value of TM00 can be read by reading TM00 when the value of bits 3 and 2 (TMC003 and TMC002) of 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) is other than 00. The value of TM00 is 0000H if it is read when TMC003 and TMC002 = 00. The count value is reset to 0000H in the following cases. * At reset signal generation * If TMC003 and TMC002 are cleared to 00 * If the valid edge of the TI000 pin is input in the mode in which the clear & start occurs when inputting the valid edge to the TI000 pin * If TM00 and CR000 match in the mode in which the clear & start occurs when TM00 and CR000 match * OSPT00 is set to 1 in one-shot pulse output mode or the valid edge is input to the TI000 pin Caution Even if TM00 is read, the value is not captured by CR010. (2) 16-bit timer capture/compare register 000 (CR000), 16-bit timer capture/compare register 010 (CR010) CR000 and CR010 are 16-bit registers that are used with a capture function or comparison function selected by using CRC00. Change the value of CR000 while the timer is stopped (TMC003 and TMC002 = 00). The value of CR010 can be changed during operation if the value has been set in a specific way. For details, see 6.5.1 Rewriting CR010 during TM00 operation. These registers can be read or written in 16-bit units. Reset signal generation sets these registers to 0000H. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 159 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-3. Format of 16-bit Timer Capture/Compare Register 000 (CR000) Address: FF12H, FF13H After reset: 0000H R/W FF13H 15 14 13 12 FF12H 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CR000 (i) When CR000 is used as a compare register The value set in CR000 is constantly compared with the TM00 count value, and an interrupt request signal (INTTM000) is generated if they match. The value is held until CR000 is rewritten. Caution CR000 does not perform the capture operation when it is set in the comparison mode, even if a capture trigger is input to it. (ii) When CR000 is used as a capture register The count value of TM00 is captured to CR000 when a capture trigger is input. As the capture trigger, an edge of a phase reverse to that of the TI000 pin or the valid edge of the TI010 pin can be selected by using CRC00 or PRM00. Figure 6-4. Format of 16-bit Timer Capture/Compare Register 010 (CR010) Address: FF14H, FF15H After reset: 0000H R/W FF15H 15 14 13 12 FF14H 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CR010 (i) When CR010 is used as a compare register The value set in CR010 is constantly compared with the TM00 count value, and an interrupt request signal (INTTM010) is generated if they match. Caution CR010 does not perform the capture operation when it is set in the comparison mode, even if a capture trigger is input to it. (ii) When CR010 is used as a capture register The count value of TM00 is captured to CR010 when a capture trigger is input. It is possible to select the valid edge of the TI000 pin as the capture trigger. The TI000 pin valid edge is set by PRM00. 160 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 (iii) Setting range when CR000 or CR010 is used as a compare register When CR000 or CR010 is used as a compare register, set it as shown below. Operation CR000 Register Setting Range 0000H < N FFFFH Operation as interval timer CR010 Register Setting Range 0000H Note M FFFFH Normally, this setting is not used. Mask the Operation as square-wave output match interrupt signal (INTTM010). Operation as external event counter Operation in the clear & start mode 0000H Note N FFFFH Note M FFFFH Note M<N Note M FFFFH (M N) 0000H entered by TI000 pin valid edge input Operation as free-running timer M < N FFFFH Operation as PPG output Note Operation as one-shot pulse output 0000H 0000H N FFFFH (N M) 0000H Note When 0000H is set, a match interrupt immediately after the timer operation does not occur and timer output is not changed, and the first match timing is as follows. A match interrupt occurs at the timing when the timer counter (TM00 register) is changed from 0000H to 0001H. * When the timer counter is cleared due to overflow * When the timer counter is cleared due to TI000 pin valid edge (when clear & start mode is entered by TI000 pin valid edge input) * When the timer counter is cleared due to compare match (when clear & start mode is entered by match between TM00 and CR000 (CR000 = other than 0000H, CR010 = 0000H)) Timer counter clear TM00 register Compare register set value (0000H) Operation Timer operation enable bit disabled (00) (TMC003, TMC002) Operation enabled (other than 00) Interrupt request signal Interrupt signal is not generated Interrupt signal is generated Remarks 1. N: CR000 register set value, M: CR010 register set value 2. For details of TMC003 and TMC002, see 6.3 (1) 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 161 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Table 6-2. Capture Operation of CR000 and CR010 External Input Signal TI000 Pin Input TI010 Pin Input Capture Operation Capture operation of CRC001 = 1 Set values of ES001 and CRC001 bit = 0 Set values of ES101 and CR000 TI000 pin input ES000 TI010 pin input ES100 (reverse phase) Position of edge to be Position of edge to be captured captured 01: Rising 01: Rising 00: Falling 00: Falling 11: Both edges 11: Both edges (cannot be captured) INTTM000 signal is not Interrupt signal Capture operation of TI000 pin input CR010 Note Interrupt signal INTTM000 signal is generated even if value generated each time is captured. value is captured. Set values of ES001 and ES000 Position of edge to be captured 01: Rising 00: Falling 11: Both edges Interrupt signal INTTM010 signal is generated each time value is captured. Note The capture operation of CR010 is not affected by the setting of the CRC001 bit. Caution To capture the count value of the TM00 register to the CR000 register by using the phase reverse to that input to the TI000 pin, the interrupt request signal (INTTM000) is not generated after the value has been captured. If the valid edge is detected on the TI010 pin during this operation, the capture operation is not performed but the INTTM000 signal is generated as an external interrupt signal. To not use the external interrupt, mask the INTTM000 signal. Remark CRC001: See 6.3 (2) Capture/compare control register 00 (CRC00). ES101, ES100, ES001, ES000: See 6.3 (4) Prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00). 162 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 6.3 Registers Controlling 16-bit Timer/Event Counter 00 Registers used to control 16-bit timer/event counter 00 are shown below. * 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) * Capture/compare control register 00 (CRC00) * 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00) * Prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00) * Port mode register 0 (PM0) * Port register 0 (P0) (1) 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) TMC00 is an 8-bit register that sets the 16-bit timer/event counter 00 operation mode, TM00 clear mode, and output timing, and detects an overflow. Rewriting TMC00 is prohibited during operation (when TMC003 and TMC002 = other than 00). However, it can be changed when TMC003 and TMC002 are cleared to 00 (stopping operation) and when OVF00 is cleared to 0. TMC00 can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets TMC00 to 00H. Caution 16-bit timer/event counter 00 starts operation at the moment TMC002 and TMC003 are set to values other than 00 (operation stop mode), respectively. Set TMC002 and TMC003 to 00 to stop the operation. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 163 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-5. Format of 16-bit Timer Mode Control Register 00 (TMC00) Address: FFBAH After reset: 00H R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 <0> TMC00 0 0 0 0 TMC003 TMC002 TMC001 OVF00 TMC003 TMC002 0 0 Operation enable of 16-bit timer/event counter 00 Disables 16-bit timer/event counter 00 operation. Stops supplying operating clock. Clears 16-bit timer counter 00 (TM00). 0 1 Free-running timer mode 1 0 Clear & start mode entered by TI000 pin valid edge input 1 1 Clear & start mode entered upon a match between TM00 and CR000 TMC001 Note Condition to reverse timer output (TO00) 0 * Match between TM00 and CR000 or match between TM00 and CR010 1 * Match between TM00 and CR000 or match between TM00 and CR010 * Trigger input of TI000 pin valid edge OVF00 Clear (0) Set (1) TM00 overflow flag Clears OVF00 to 0 or TMC003 and TMC002 = 00 Overflow occurs. OVF00 is set to 1 when the value of TM00 changes from FFFFH to 0000H in all the operation modes (free-running timer mode, clear & start mode entered by TI000 pin valid edge input, and clear & start mode entered upon a match between TM00 and CR000). It can also be set to 1 by writing 1 to OVF00. Note The TI000 pin valid edge is set by bits 5 and 4 (ES001, ES000) of prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00). 164 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 (2) Capture/compare control register 00 (CRC00) CRC00 is the register that controls the operation of CR000 and CR010. Changing the value of CRC00 is prohibited during operation (when TMC003 and TMC002 = other than 00). CRC00 can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation clears CRC00 to 00H. Figure 6-6. Format of Capture/Compare Control Register 00 (CRC00) Address: FFBCH After reset: 00H R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CRC00 0 0 0 0 0 CRC002 CRC001 CRC000 CRC002 CR010 operating mode selection 0 Operates as compare register 1 Operates as capture register CRC001 CR000 capture trigger selection 0 Captures on valid edge of TI010 pin 1 Captures on valid edge of TI000 pin by reverse phase Note The valid edge of the TI010 and TI000 pin is set by PRM00. If ES001 and ES000 are set to 11 (both edges) when CRC001 is 1, the valid edge of the TI000 pin cannot be detected. CRC000 CR000 operating mode selection 0 Operates as compare register 1 Operates as capture register If TMC003 and TMC002 are set to 11 (clear & start mode entered upon a match between TM00 and CR000), be sure to set CRC000 to 0. Note When the valid edge is detected from the TI010 pin, the capture operation is not performed but the INTTM000 signal is generated as an external interrupt signal. Caution To ensure that the capture operation is performed properly, the capture trigger requires a pulse two cycles longer than the count clock selected by prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 165 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-7. Example of CR010 Capture Operation (When Rising Edge Is Specified) Valid edge Count clock TM00 N-3 N-2 N-1 N N+1 TI000 Rising edge detection CR010 N INTTM010 (3) 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00) <R> TOC00 is an 8-bit register that controls TO00 output. TOC00 can be rewritten while only OSPT00 is operating (when TMC003 and TMC002 = other than 00). Rewriting the other bits is prohibited during operation. However, TOC004 can be rewritten during timer operation as a means to rewrite CR010 (see 6.5.1 Rewriting CR010 during TM00 operation). TOC00 can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation clears TOC00 to 00H. Caution Be sure to set TOC00 using the following procedure. <1> Set TOC004 and TOC001 to 1. <2> Set only TOE00 to 1. <3> Set either of LVS00 or LVR00 to 1. 166 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-8. Format of 16-bit Timer Output Control Register 00 (TOC00) Address: FFBDH After reset: 00H R/W Symbol 7 <6> <5> 4 <3> <2> 1 <0> TOC00 0 OSPT00 OSPE00 TOC004 LVS00 LVR00 TOC001 TOE00 OSPT00 One-shot pulse output trigger via software 0 - 1 One-shot pulse output The value of this bit is always "0" when it is read. Do not set this bit to 1 in a mode other than the oneshot pulse output mode. If it is set to 1, TM00 is cleared and started. OSPE00 One-shot pulse output operation control 0 Successive pulse output 1 One-shot pulse output One-shot pulse output operates correctly in the free-running timer mode or clear & start mode entered by TI000 pin valid edge input. The one-shot pulse cannot be output in the clear & start mode entered upon a match between TM00 and CR000. TOC004 TO00 output control on match between CR010 and TM00 0 Disables inversion operation 1 Enables inversion operation The interrupt signal (INTTM010) is generated even when TOC004 = 0. <R> LVS00 LVR00 Setting of TO00 output status 0 0 No change 0 1 Initial value of TO00 output is low level (TO00 output is cleared to 0). 1 0 Initial value of TO00 output is high level (TO00 output is set to 1). 1 1 Setting prohibited * LVS00 and LVR00 can be used to set the initial value of the TO00 output level. If the initial value does not have to be set, leave LVS00 and LVR00 as 00. * Be sure to set LVS00 and LVR00 when TOE00 = 1. LVS00, LVR00, and TOE00 being simultaneously set to 1 is prohibited. * LVS00 and LVR00 are trigger bits. By setting these bits to 1, the initial value of the TO00 output level can be set. Even if these bits are cleared to 0, TO00 output is not affected. * The values of LVS00 and LVR00 are always 0 when they are read. * For how to set LVS00 and LVR00, see 6.5.2 Setting LVS00 and LVR00. * The actual TO00/TI010/P01 pin output is determined depending on PM01 and P01, besides TO00 output. TOC001 TO00 output control on match between CR000 and TM00 0 Disables inversion operation 1 Enables inversion operation The interrupt signal (INTTM000) is generated even when TOC001 = 0. TOE00 TO00 output control 0 Disables output (TO00 output fixed to low level) 1 Enables output User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 167 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 (4) Prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00) PRM00 is the register that sets the TM00 count clock and TI000 and TI010 pin input valid edges. Rewriting PRM00 is prohibited during operation (when TMC003 and TMC002 = other than 00). PRM00 can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation clears PRM00 to 00H. Cautions 1. Do not apply the following setting when setting the PRM001 and PRM000 bits to 11 (to specify the valid edge of the TI000 pin as a count clock). * Clear & start mode entered by the TI000 pin valid edge * Setting the TI000 pin as a capture trigger 2. If the operation of the 16-bit timer/event counter 00 is enabled when the TI000 or TI010 pin is at high level and when the valid edge of the TI000 or TI010 pin is specified to be the rising edge or both edges, the high level of the TI000 or TI010 pin is detected as a rising edge. Note this when the TI000 or TI010 pin is pulled up. However, the rising edge is not detected when the timer operation has been once stopped and then is enabled again. 3. The valid edge of TI010 and timer output (TO00) cannot be used for the P01 pin at the same time. Select either of the functions. 168 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-9. Format of Prescaler Mode Register 00 (PRM00) Address: FFBBH After reset: 00H R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PRM00 ES101 ES100 ES001 ES000 0 0 PRM001 PRM000 ES101 ES100 0 0 Falling edge 0 1 Rising edge 1 0 Setting prohibited 1 1 Both falling and rising edges ES001 ES000 TI010 pin valid edge selection TI000 pin valid edge selection 0 0 Falling edge 0 1 Rising edge 1 0 Setting prohibited 1 1 Both falling and rising edges PRM001 PRM000 Note 1 Count clock selection fPRS = 2 MHz 0 0 1 1 <R> Notes 1. 0 1 0 1 fPRS Note 2 fPRS = 5 MHz fPRS = 10 MHz fPRS = 20 MHz 2 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz fPRS/2 2 500 kHz 1.25 MHz 2.5 MHz 5 MHz fPRS/2 8 7.81 kHz 19.53 kHz 39.06 kHz 78.12 kHz TI000 valid edge Note 3 If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the high-speed system clock (fXH) (XSEL = 1), the fPRS operating frequency varies depending on the supply voltage. * VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V: fPRS 20 MHz * VDD = 2.7 to 4.0 V: fPRS 10 MHz * VDD = 1.8 to 2.7 V: fPRS 5 MHz (Standard and (A) grade products only) <R> 2. If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the internal high-speed oscillation clock (fRH) (XSEL = 0), when 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V, the setting of PRM001 = PRM000 = 0 (count clock: fPRS) is prohibited. <R> 3. The external clock from the TI000 pin requires a pulse longer than twice the cycle of the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS). Remark fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 169 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 (5) Port mode register 0 (PM0) This register sets port 0 input/output in 1-bit units. When using the P01/TO00/TI010 pin for timer output, set PM01 and the output latches of P01 to 0. When using the P00/TI000 and P01/TO00/TI010 pins for timer input, set PM00 and PM01 to 1. At this time, the output latches of P00 and P01 may be 0 or 1. PM0 can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets PM0 to FFH. Figure 6-10. Format of Port Mode Register 0 (PM0) Address: FF20H R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 PM0 1 1 1 1 1 1 PM0n 170 After reset: FFH 1 PM01 PM00 P0n pin I/O mode selection (n = 0, 1) 0 Output mode (output buffer on) 1 Input mode (output buffer off) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 0 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 6.4 Operation of 16-bit Timer/Event Counter 00 6.4.1 Interval timer operation If bits 3 and 2 (TMC003 and TMC002) of the 16-bit timer mode control register (TMC00) are set to 11 (clear & start mode entered upon a match between TM00 and CR000), the count operation is started in synchronization with the count clock. When the value of TM00 later matches the value of CR000, TM00 is cleared to 0000H and a match interrupt signal (INTTM000) is generated. This INTTM000 signal enables TM00 to operate as an interval timer. Remarks 1. For the setting of I/O pins, see 6.3 (5) Port mode register 0 (PM0). 2. For how to enable the INTTM000 interrupt, see CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS. Figure 6-11. Block Diagram of Interval Timer Operation Clear Count clock 16-bit counter (TM00) Match signal INTTM000 signal Operable bits TMC003, TMC002 CR000 register Figure 6-12. Basic Timing Example of Interval Timer Operation N N N N Interval (N + 1) Interval (N + 1) TM00 register 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 00 11 Compare register (CR000) N Compare match interrupt (INTTM000) Interval (N + 1) Interval (N + 1) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 171 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-13. Example of Register Settings for Interval Timer Operation (a) 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) TMC003 TMC002 TMC001 0 0 0 0 1 1 OVF00 0 0 Clears and starts on match between TM00 and CR000. (b) Capture/compare control register 00 (CRC00) CRC002 CRC001 CRC000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CR000 used as compare register (c) 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00) OSPT00 OSPE00 TOC004 0 0 0 LVS00 LVR00 TOC001 TOE00 0 0 0 0 0 (d) Prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00) ES101 ES100 ES001 ES000 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 PRM001 PRM000 0/1 0/1 Selects count clock (e) 16-bit timer counter 00 (TM00) By reading TM00, the count value can be read. (f) 16-bit capture/compare register 000 (CR000) If M is set to CR000, the interval time is as follows. * Interval time = (M + 1) x Count clock cycle Setting CR000 to 0000H is prohibited. (g) 16-bit capture/compare register 010 (CR010) Usually, CR010 is not used for the interval timer function. However, a compare match interrupt (INTTM010) is generated when the set value of CR010 matches the value of TM00. Therefore, mask the interrupt request by using the interrupt mask flag (TMMK010). 172 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-14. Example of Software Processing for Interval Timer Function N N N TM00 register 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 00 11 CR000 register N INTTM000 signal <1> <2> <1> Count operation start flow START Register initial setting PRM00 register, CRC00 register, CR000 register, port setting TMC003, TMC002 bits = 11 Initial setting of these registers is performed before setting the TMC003 and TMC002 bits to 11. Starts count operation <2> Count operation stop flow TMC003, TMC002 bits = 00 The counter is initialized and counting is stopped by clearing the TMC003 and TMC002 bits to 00. STOP User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 173 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 6.4.2 Square wave output operation When 16-bit timer/event counter 00 operates as an interval timer (see 6.4.1), a square wave can be output from the TO00 pin by setting the 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00) to 03H. When TMC003 and TMC002 are set to 11 (count clear & start mode entered upon a match between TM00 and CR000), the counting operation is started in synchronization with the count clock. When the value of TM00 later matches the value of CR000, TM00 is cleared to 0000H, an interrupt signal <R> (INTTM000) is generated, and TO00 output is inverted. This TO00 output that is inverted at fixed intervals enables TO00 to output a square wave. Remarks 1. For the setting of I/O pins, see 6.3 (5) Port mode register 0 (PM0). 2. For how to enable the INTTM000 signal interrupt, see CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS. Figure 6-15. Block Diagram of Square Wave Output Operation <R> Clear Count clock Output controller 16-bit counter (TM00) Match signal TO00 output INTTM000 signal Operable bits TMC003, TMC002 CR000 register Figure 6-16. Basic Timing Example of Square Wave Output Operation <R> N N N N Interval (N + 1) Interval (N + 1) TM00 register 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 00 11 Compare register (CR000) N TO00 output Compare match interrupt (INTTM000) Interval (N + 1) 174 Interval (N + 1) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD TO00 pin CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-17. Example of Register Settings for Square Wave Output Operation (a) 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) TMC003 TMC002 TMC001 0 0 0 0 1 1 OVF00 0 0 Clears and starts on match between TM00 and CR000. (b) Capture/compare control register 00 (CRC00) CRC002 CRC001 CRC000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CR000 used as compare register <R> (c) 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00) OSPT00 OSPE00 TOC004 0 0 0 0 LVS00 LVR00 TOC001 TOE00 0/1 0/1 1 1 Enables TO00 output. Inverts TO00 output on match between TM00 and CR000. Specifies initial value of TO00 output F/F (d) Prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00) ES101 ES100 ES001 ES000 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 PRM001 PRM000 0/1 0/1 Selects count clock (e) 16-bit timer counter 00 (TM00) By reading TM00, the count value can be read. (f) 16-bit capture/compare register 000 (CR000) If M is set to CR000, the interval time is as follows. * Square wave frequency = 1 / [2 x (M + 1) x Count clock cycle] Setting CR000 to 0000H is prohibited. (g) 16-bit capture/compare register 010 (CR010) Usually, CR010 is not used for the square wave output function. However, a compare match interrupt (INTTM010) is generated when the set value of CR010 matches the value of TM00. Therefore, mask the interrupt request by using the interrupt mask flag (TMMK010). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 175 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 <R> Figure 6-18. Example of Software Processing for Square Wave Output Function N N N TM00 register 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 00 11 00 N CR000 register TO00 output INTTM000 signal TO00 output control bit (TOC001, TOE00) <1> <2> <1> Count operation start flow START Register initial setting PRM00 register, CRC00 register, TOC00 registerNote, CR000 register, port setting TMC003, TMC002 bits = 11 Initial setting of these registers is performed before setting the TMC003 and TMC002 bits to 11. Starts count operation <2> Count operation stop flow TMC003, TMC002 bits = 00 The counter is initialized and counting is stopped by clearing the TMC003 and TMC002 bits to 00. STOP Note Care must be exercised when setting TOC00. For details, see 6.3 (3) 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00). 176 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 6.4.3 External event counter operation When bits 1 and 0 (PRM001 and PRM000) of the prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00) are set to 11 (for counting up with the valid edge of the TI000 pin) and bits 3 and 2 (TMC003 and TMC002) of 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) are set to 11, the valid edge of an external event input is counted, and a match interrupt signal indicating matching between TM00 and CR000 (INTTM000) is generated. To input the external event, the TI000 pin is used. Therefore, the timer/event counter cannot be used as an external event counter in the clear & start mode entered by the TI000 pin valid edge input (when TMC003 and TMC002 = 10). The INTTM000 signal is generated with the following timing. * Timing of generation of INTTM000 signal (second time or later) = Number of times of detection of valid edge of external event x (Set value of CR000 + 1) However, the first match interrupt immediately after the timer/event counter has started operating is generated with the following timing. * Timing of generation of INTTM000 signal (first time only) = Number of times of detection of valid edge of external event input x (Set value of CR000 + 2) To detect the valid edge, the signal input to the TI000 pin is sampled during the clock cycle of fPRS. The valid edge is not detected until it is detected two times in a row. Therefore, a noise with a short pulse width can be eliminated. Remarks 1. For the setting of I/O pins, see 6.3 (5) Port mode register 0 (PM0). 2. For how to enable the INTTM000 signal interrupt, see CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS. <R> Figure 6-19. Block Diagram of External Event Counter Operation fPRS Clear TI000 pin Edge detection 16-bit counter (TM00) Match signal Operable bits TMC003, TMC002 Output controller TO00 output TO00 pin INTTM000 signal CR000 register User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 177 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-20. Example of Register Settings in External Event Counter Mode (1/2) (a) 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) TMC003 TMC002 TMC001 0 0 0 0 1 1 OVF00 0 0 Clears and starts on match between TM00 and CR000. (b) Capture/compare control register 00 (CRC00) CRC002 CRC001 CRC000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CR000 used as compare register (c) 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00) OSPT00 OSPE00 TOC004 0 0 0 0/1 LVS00 LVR00 TOC001 TOE00 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0: Disables TO00 output 1: Enables TO00 output Specifies initial value of TO00 output F/F 00: Does not invert TO00 output on match between TM00 and CR000/CR010. 01: Inverts TO00 output on match between TM00 and CR000. 10: Inverts TO00 output on match between TM00 and CR010. 11: Inverts TO00 output on match between TM00 and CR000/CR010. (d) Prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00) ES101 ES100 ES001 ES000 3 2 0 0 0/1 0/1 0 0 PRM001 PRM000 1 1 Selects count clock (specifies valid edge of TI000). 00: Falling edge detection 01: Rising edge detection 10: Setting prohibited 11: Both edges detection (e) 16-bit timer counter 00 (TM00) By reading TM00, the count value can be read. (f) 16-bit capture/compare register 000 (CR000) If M is set to CR000, the interrupt signal (INTTM000) is generated when the number of external events reaches (M + 1). Setting CR000 to 0000H is prohibited. 178 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-20. Example of Register Settings in External Event Counter Mode (2/2) (g) 16-bit capture/compare register 010 (CR010) Usually, CR010 is not used in the external event counter mode. However, a compare match interrupt (INTTM010) is generated when the set value of CR010 matches the value of TM00. Therefore, mask the interrupt request by using the interrupt mask flag (TMMK010). <R> Figure 6-21. Example of Software Processing in External Event Counter Mode N N N TM00 register 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 00 11 Compare register (CR000) 00 N TO00 output Compare match interrupt (INTTM000) TO00 output control bits (TOC004, TOC001, TOE00) <1> <2> <1> Count operation start flow START Register initial setting PRM00 register, CRC00 register, TOC00 registerNote, CR000 register, port setting Initial setting of these registers is performed before setting the TMC003 and TMC002 bits to 11. TMC003, TMC002 bits = 11 Starts count operation <2> Count operation stop flow TMC003, TMC002 bits = 00 The counter is initialized and counting is stopped by clearing the TMC003 and TMC002 bits to 00. STOP Note Care must be exercised when setting TOC00. For details, see 6.3 (3) 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 179 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 6.4.4 Operation in clear & start mode entered by TI000 pin valid edge input When bits 3 and 2 (TMC003 and TMC002) of 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) are set to 10 (clear & start mode entered by the TI000 pin valid edge input) and the count clock (set by PRM00) is supplied to the timer/event counter, TM00 starts counting up. When the valid edge of the TI000 pin is detected during the counting operation, TM00 is cleared to 0000H and starts counting up again. If the valid edge of the TI000 pin is not detected, TM00 overflows and continues counting. The valid edge of the TI000 pin is a cause to clear TM00. Starting the counter is not controlled immediately after the start of the operation. CR000 and CR010 are used as compare registers and capture registers. (a) When CR000 and CR010 are used as compare registers Signals INTTM000 and INTTM010 are generated when the value of TM00 matches the value of CR000 and CR010. (b) When CR000 and CR010 are used as capture registers The count value of TM00 is captured to CR000 and the INTTM000 signal is generated when the valid edge is input to the TI010 pin (or when the phase reverse to that of the valid edge is input to the TI000 pin). When the valid edge is input to the TI000 pin, the count value of TM00 is captured to CR010 and the INTTM010 signal is generated. As soon as the count value has been captured, the counter is cleared to 0000H. Caution Do not set the count clock as the valid edge of the TI000 pin (PRM001 and PRM000 = 11). When PRM001 and PRM000 = 11, TM00 is cleared. Remarks 1. For the setting of the I/O pins, see 6.3 (5) Port mode register 0 (PM0). 2. For how to enable the INTTM000 signal interrupt, see CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS. (1) Operation in clear & start mode entered by TI000 pin valid edge input (CR000: compare register, CR010: compare register) <R> Figure 6-22. Block Diagram of Clear & Start Mode Entered by TI000 Pin Valid Edge Input (CR000: Compare Register, CR010: Compare Register) TI000 pin Edge detection Clear Count clock Timer counter (TM00) Match signal Interrupt signal (INTTM000) Operable bits TMC003, TMC002 Compare register (CR000) Match signal Compare register (CR010) 180 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Output controller TO00 output TO00 pin Interrupt signal (INTTM010) CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 <R> Figure 6-23. Timing Example of Clear & Start Mode Entered by TI000 Pin Valid Edge Input (CR000: Compare Register, CR010: Compare Register) (a) TOC00 = 13H, PRM00 = 10H, CRC00, = 00H, TMC00 = 08H M TM00 register N M N M N M N 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 00 10 Count clear input (TI000 pin input) Compare register (CR000) Compare match interrupt (INTTM000) M Compare register (CR010) N Compare match interrupt (INTTM010) TO00 output (b) TOC00 = 13H, PRM00 = 10H, CRC00, = 00H, TMC00 = 0AH M TM00 register N M N M N M N 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 00 10 Count clear input (TI000 pin input) Compare register (CR000) Compare match interrupt (INTTM000) Compare register (CR010) M N Compare match interrupt (INTTM010) TO00 output (a) and (b) differ as follows depending on the setting of bit 1 (TMC001) of 16-bit timer mode control register 01 (TMC00). (a) The TO00 output level is inverted when TM00 matches a compare register. (b) The TO00 output level is inverted when TM00 matches a compare register or when the valid edge of the TI000 pin is detected. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 181 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 (2) Operation in clear & start mode entered by TI000 pin valid edge input (CR000: compare register, CR010: capture register) Figure 6-24. Block Diagram of Clear & Start Mode Entered by TI000 Pin Valid Edge Input <R> (CR000: Compare Register, CR010: Capture Register) Edge detector TI000 pin Clear Timer counter (TM00) Count clock Match signal Interrupt signal (INTTM000) Operable bits TMC003, TMC002 Compare register (CR000) Capture signal Output controller TO00 output TO00 pin Interrupt signal (INTTM010) Capture register (CR010) Figure 6-25. Timing Example of Clear & Start Mode Entered by TI000 Pin Valid Edge Input <R> (CR000: Compare Register, CR010: Capture Register) (1/2) (a) TOC00 = 13H, PRM00 = 10H, CRC00 = 04H, TMC00 = 08H, CR000 = 0001H M N P TM00 register Q S 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 10 00 Capture & count clear input (TI000 pin input) Compare register (CR000) 0001H Compare match interrupt (INTTM000) Capture register (CR010) 0000H M N S P Q Capture interrupt (INTTM010) TO00 output This is an application example where the TO00 output level is inverted when the count value has been captured & cleared. The count value is captured to CR010 and TM00 is cleared (to 0000H) when the valid edge of the TI000 pin is detected. When the count value of TM00 is 0001H, a compare match interrupt signal (INTTM000) is generated, and the TO00 output level is inverted. 182 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 <R> Figure 6-25. Timing Example of Clear & Start Mode Entered by TI000 Pin Valid Edge Input (CR000: Compare Register, CR010: Capture Register) (2/2) (b) TOC00 = 13H, PRM00 = 10H, CRC00 = 04H, TMC00 = 0AH, CR000 = 0003H M N P TM00 register Q S 0003H 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 00 10 Capture & count clear input (TI000 pin input) Compare register (CR000) 0003H Compare match interrupt (INTTM000) Capture register (CR010) 0000H M N S P Q Capture interrupt (INTTM010) TO00 output 4 4 4 4 This is an application example where the width set to CR000 (4 clocks in this example) is to be output from the TO00 pin when the count value has been captured & cleared. The count value is captured to CR010, a capture interrupt signal (INTTM010) is generated, TM00 is cleared (to 0000H), and the TO00 output level is inverted when the valid edge of the TI000 pin is detected. When the count value of TM00 is 0003H (four clocks have been counted), a compare match interrupt signal (INTTM000) is generated and the TO00 output level is inverted. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 183 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 (3) Operation in clear & start mode entered by TI000 pin valid edge input (CR000: capture register, CR010: compare register) Figure 6-26. Block Diagram of Clear & Start Mode Entered by TI000 Pin Valid Edge Input <R> (CR000: Capture Register, CR010: Compare Register) TI000 pin Edge detection Clear Timer counter (TM00) Count clock Match signal Interrupt signal (INTTM010) Operable bits TMC003, TMC002 Compare register (CR010) Capture signal 184 Capture register (CR000) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Output controller TO00 output TO00 pin Interrupt signal (INTTM000) CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 <R> Figure 6-27. Timing Example of Clear & Start Mode Entered by TI000 Pin Valid Edge Input (CR000: Capture Register, CR010: Compare Register) (1/2) (a) TOC00 = 13H, PRM00 = 10H, CRC00 = 03H, TMC00 = 08H, CR010 = 0001H TM00 register M P N 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) S 00 10 Capture & count clear input (TI000 pin input) Capture register (CR000) Capture interrupt (INTTM000) Compare register (CR010) 0000H M N S P L 0001H Compare match interrupt (INTTM010) TO00 output This is an application example where the TO00 output level is to be inverted when the count value has been captured & cleared. TM00 is cleared at the rising edge detection of the TI000 pin and it is captured to CR000 at the falling edge detection of the TI000 pin. When bit 1 (CRC001) of capture/compare control register 00 (CRC00) is set to 1, the count value of TM00 is captured to CR000 in the phase reverse to that of the signal input to the TI000 pin, but the capture interrupt signal (INTTM000) is not generated. However, the INTTM000 signal is generated when the valid edge of the TI010 pin is detected. Mask the INTTM000 signal when it is not used. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 185 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-27. Timing Example of Clear & Start Mode Entered by TI000 Pin Valid Edge Input <R> (CR000: Capture Register, CR010: Compare Register) (2/2) (b) TOC00 = 13H, PRM00 = 10H, CRC00 = 03H, TMC00 = 0AH, CR010 = 0003H TM00 register M 0003H 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) S P N 00 10 Capture & count clear input (TI000 pin input) Capture register (CR000) Capture interrupt (INTTM000) Compare register (CR010) 0000H M N S P L 0003H Compare match interrupt (INTTM010) TO00 output 4 4 4 4 This is an application example where the width set to CR010 (4 clocks in this example) is to be output from the TO00 pin when the count value has been captured & cleared. TM00 is cleared (to 0000H) at the rising edge detection of the TI000 pin and captured to CR000 at the falling edge detection of the TI000 pin. The TO00 output level is inverted when TM00 is cleared (to 0000H) because the rising edge of the TI000 pin has been detected or when the value of TM00 matches that of a compare register (CR010). When bit 1 (CRC001) of capture/compare control register 00 (CRC00) is 1, the count value of TM00 is captured to CR000 in the phase reverse to that of the input signal of the TI000 pin, but the capture interrupt signal (INTTM000) is not generated. However, the INTTM000 interrupt is generated when the valid edge of the TI010 pin is detected. Mask the INTTM000 signal when it is not used. 186 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 (4) Operation in clear & start mode entered by TI000 pin valid edge input (CR000: capture register, CR010: capture register) Figure 6-28. Block Diagram of Clear & Start Mode Entered by TI000 Pin Valid Edge Input <R> (CR000: Capture Register, CR010: Capture Register) Operable bits TMC003, TMC002 Clear Timer counter (TM00) Count clock Capture register (CR010) Capture signal Interrupt signal (INTTM010) TO00 output Output controller TI010 pin Note Selector Edge detection TI000 pin Edge detection Capture register (CR000) Capture signal TO00 pinNote Interrupt signal (INTTM000) Note The timer output (TO00) cannot be used when detecting the valid edge of the TI010 pin is used. <R> Figure 6-29. Timing Example of Clear & Start Mode Entered by TI000 Pin Valid Edge Input (CR000: Capture Register, CR010: Capture Register) (1/3) (a) TOC00 = 13H, PRM00 = 30H, CRC00 = 05H, TMC00 = 0AH L TM00 register N M O Q P R S T 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 00 10 Capture & count clear input (TI000 pin input) Capture register (CR000) Capture interrupt (INTTM000) Capture register (CR010) 0000H L 0000H L M N O P Q R S T Capture interrupt (INTTM010) TO00 output This is an application example where the count value is captured to CR010, TM00 is cleared, and TO00 output is inverted when the rising or falling edge of the TI000 pin is detected. When the edge of the TI010 pin is detected, an interrupt signal (INTTM000) is generated. Mask the INTTM000 signal when it is not used. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 187 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-29. Timing Example of Clear & Start Mode Entered by TI000 Pin Valid Edge Input (CR000: Capture Register, CR010: Capture Register) (2/3) (b) TOC00 = 13H, PRM00 = C0H, CRC00 = 05H, TMC00 = 0AH FFFFH N M 00 T Q S P 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) R O L TM00 register 10 Capture trigger input (TI010 pin input) Capture register (CR000) 0000H L M N O P Q R S T Capture interrupt (INTTM000) Capture & count clear input (TI000) L Capture register (CR010) Capture interrupt (INTTM010) 0000H L This is a timing example where an edge is not input to the TI000 pin, in an application where the count value is captured to CR000 when the rising or falling edge of the TI010 pin is detected. 188 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-29. Timing Example of Clear & Start Mode Entered by TI000 Pin Valid Edge Input (CR000: Capture Register, CR010: Capture Register) (3/3) (c) TOC00 = 13H, PRM00 = 00H, CRC00 = 07H, TMC00 = 0AH O M TM00 register N L S Q W T R P 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 10 00 Capture & count clear input (TI000 pin input) Capture register (CR000) 0000H Capture register (CR010) L 0000H N M P O R Q T S W Capture interrupt (INTTM010) Capture input (TI010) Capture interrupt (INTTM000) L L This is an application example where the pulse width of the signal input to the TI000 pin is measured. By setting CRC00, the count value can be captured to CR000 in the phase reverse to the falling edge of the TI000 pin (i.e., rising edge) and to CR010 at the falling edge of the TI000 pin. The high- and low-level widths of the input pulse can be calculated by the following expressions. * High-level width = [CR010 value] - [CR000 value] x [Count clock cycle] * Low-level width = [CR000 value] x [Count clock cycle] If the reverse phase of the TI000 pin is selected as a trigger to capture the count value to CR000, the INTTM000 signal is not generated. Read the values of CR000 and CR010 to measure the pulse width immediately after the INTTM010 signal is generated. However, if the valid edge specified by bits 6 and 5 (ES101 and ES100) of prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00) is input to the TI010 pin, the count value is not captured but the INTTM000 signal is generated. To measure the pulse width of the TI000 pin, mask the INTTM000 signal when it is not used. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 189 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-30. Example of Register Settings in Clear & Start Mode Entered by TI000 Pin Valid Edge Input (1/2) (a) 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) TMC003 TMC002 TMC001 0 0 0 0 1 0 OVF00 0/1 0 0: Inverts TO00 output on match between TM00 and CR000/CR010. 1: Inverts TO00 output on match between TM00 and CR000/CR010 and valid edge of TI000 pin. Clears and starts at valid edge input of TI000 pin. (b) Capture/compare control register 00 (CRC00) CRC002 CRC001 CRC000 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0/1 0/1 0: CR000 used as compare register 1: CR000 used as capture register 0: TI010 pin is used as capture trigger of CR000. 1: Reverse phase of TI000 pin is used as capture trigger of CR000. 0: CR010 used as compare register 1: CR010 used as capture register (c) 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00) OSPT00 OSPE00 TOC004 0 0 0 0/1 LVS00 LVR00 TOC001 TOE00 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0: Disables TO00 outputNote 1: Enables TO00 output Specifies initial value of TO00 output F/F 00: Does not invert TO00 output on match between TM00 and CR000/CR010. 01: Inverts TO00 output on match between TM00 and CR000. 10: Inverts TO00 output on match between TM00 and CR010. 11: Inverts TO00 output on match between TM00 and CR000/CR010. Note The timer output (TO00) cannot be used when detecting the valid edge of the TI010 pin is used. 190 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-30. Example of Register Settings in Clear & Start Mode Entered by TI000 Pin Valid Edge Input (2/2) (d) Prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00) ES101 ES100 ES001 ES000 3 2 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0 0 PRM001 PRM000 0/1 0/1 Count clock selection (setting TI000 valid edge is prohibited) 00: 01: 10: 11: Falling edge detection Rising edge detection Setting prohibited Both edges detection (setting prohibited when CRC001 = 1) 00: 01: 10: 11: Falling edge detection Rising edge detection Setting prohibited Both edges detection (e) 16-bit timer counter 00 (TM00) By reading TM00, the count value can be read. (f) 16-bit capture/compare register 000 (CR000) When this register is used as a compare register and when its value matches the count value of TM00, an interrupt signal (INTTM000) is generated. The count value of TM00 is not cleared. To use this register as a capture register, select either the TI000 or TI010 pinNote input as a capture trigger. When the valid edge of the capture trigger is detected, the count value of TM00 is stored in CR000. Note The timer output (TO00) cannot be used when detection of the valid edge of the TI010 pin is used. (g) 16-bit capture/compare register 010 (CR010) When this register is used as a compare register and when its value matches the count value of TM00, an interrupt signal (INTTM010) is generated. The count value of TM00 is not cleared. When this register is used as a capture register, the TI000 pin input is used as a capture trigger. When the valid edge of the capture trigger is detected, the count value of TM00 is stored in CR010. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 191 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 <R> Figure 6-31. Example of Software Processing in Clear & Start Mode Entered by TI000 Pin Valid Edge Input M TM00 register M N M N M N N 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 10 00 00 Count clear input (TI000 pin input) Compare register (CR000) M Compare match interrupt (INTTM000) Compare register (CR010) N Compare match interrupt (INTTM010) TO00 output <1> <2> <1> Count operation start flow <2> <2> <2> <3> <3> Count operation stop flow TMC003, TMC002 bits = 00 START Register initial setting PRM00 register, CRC00 register, TOC00 registerNote, CR000, CR010 registers, TMC00.TMC001 bit, port setting Initial setting of these registers is performed before setting the TMC003 and TMC002 bits to 10. TMC003, TMC002 bits = 10 Starts count operation The counter is initialized and counting is stopped by clearing the TMC003 and TMC002 bits to 00. STOP <2> TM00 register clear & start flow Edge input to TI000 pin When the valid edge is input to the TI000 pin, the value of the TM00 register is cleared. Note Care must be exercised when setting TOC00. For details, see 6.3 (3) 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00). 192 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 6.4.5 Free-running timer operation When bits 3 and 2 (TMC003 and TMC002) of 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) are set to 01 (freerunning timer mode), 16-bit timer/event counter 00 continues counting up in synchronization with the count clock. When it has counted up to FFFFH, the overflow flag (OVF00) is set to 1 at the next clock, and TM00 is cleared (to 0000H) and continues counting. Clear OVF00 to 0 by executing the CLR instruction via software. The following three types of free-running timer operations are available. * Both CR000 and CR010 are used as compare registers. * One of CR000 or CR010 is used as a compare register and the other is used as a capture register. * Both CR000 and CR010 are used as capture registers. Remarks 1. For the setting of the I/O pins, see 6.3 (5) Port mode register 0 (PM0). 2. For how to enable the INTTM000 signal interrupt, see CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS. (1) Free-running timer mode operation (CR000: compare register, CR010: compare register) Figure 6-32. Block Diagram of Free-Running Timer Mode <R> (CR000: Compare Register, CR010: Compare Register) Count clock Timer counter (TM00) Match signal Operable bits TMC003, TMC002 Compare register (CR000) Match signal Interrupt signal (INTTM000) TO00 output Output controller TO00 pin Interrupt signal (INTTM010) Compare register (CR010) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 193 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-33. Timing Example of Free-Running Timer Mode <R> (CR000: Compare Register, CR010: Compare Register) * TOC00 = 13H, PRM00 = 00H, CRC00 = 00H, TMC00 = 04H FFFFH N TM00 register 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 00 Compare register (CR000) M N M N M N M 01 00 M Compare match interrupt (INTTM000) Compare register (CR010) N Compare match interrupt (INTTM010) TO00 output OVF00 bit 0 write clear 0 write clear 0 write clear 0 write clear This is an application example where two compare registers are used in the free-running timer mode. The TO00 output level is inverted each time the count value of TM00 matches the set value of CR000 or CR010. When the count value matches the register value, the INTTM000 or INTTM010 signal is generated. (2) Free-running timer mode operation (CR000: compare register, CR010: capture register) Figure 6-34. Block Diagram of Free-Running Timer Mode <R> (CR000: Compare Register, CR010: Capture Register) Timer counter (TM00) Count clock Match signal Operable bits TMC003, TMC002 Compare register (CR000) TI000 pin 194 Edge detection Capture signal Capture register (CR010) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Interrupt signal (INTTM000) Output TO00 output controller TO00 pin Interrupt signal (INTTM010) CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 <R> Figure 6-35. Timing Example of Free-Running Timer Mode (CR000: Compare Register, CR010: Capture Register) * TOC00 = 13H, PRM00 = 10H, CRC00 = 04H, TMC00 = 04H FFFFH M N TM00 register P S Q 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 00 01 Capture trigger input (TI000) Compare register (CR000) 0000H Compare match interrupt (INTTM000) Capture register (CR010) 0000H M N S P Q Capture interrupt (INTTM010) TO00 output Overflow flag (OVF00) 0 write clear 0 write clear 0 write clear 0 write clear This is an application example where a compare register and a capture register are used at the same time in the free-running timer mode. In this example, the INTTM000 signal is generated and the TO00 output level is inverted each time the count value of TM00 matches the set value of CR000 (compare register). In addition, the INTTM010 signal is generated and the count value of TM00 is captured to CR010 each time the valid edge of the TI000 pin is detected. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 195 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 (3) Free-running timer mode operation (CR000: capture register, CR010: capture register) Figure 6-36. Block Diagram of Free-Running Timer Mode (CR000: Capture Register, CR010: Capture Register) Operable bits TMC003, TMC002 Timer counter (TM00) Count clock TI000 pin TI010 pin Remark <R> Edge detection Edge detection Selector Capture signal Capture signal Capture register (CR010) Capture register (CR000) Interrupt signal (INTTM010) Interrupt signal (INTTM000) If both CR000 and CR010 are used as capture registers in the free-running timer mode, the TO00 output level is not inverted. However, it can be inverted each time the valid edge of the TI000 pin is detected if bit 1 (TMC001) of 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) is set to 1. 196 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-37. Timing Example of Free-Running Timer Mode (CR000: Capture Register, CR010: Capture Register) (1/2) (a) TOC00 = 13H, PRM00 = 50H, CRC00 = 05H, TMC00 = 04H FFFFH M N TM00 register A 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 00 P S C B Q D E 01 Capture trigger input (TI000) Capture register (CR010) 0000H M N S P Q Capture interrupt (INTTM010) Capture trigger input (TI010) Capture register (CR000) 0000H A B C D E Capture interrupt (INTTM000) Overflow flag (OVF00) 0 write clear 0 write clear 0 write clear 0 write clear This is an application example where the count values that have been captured at the valid edges of separate capture trigger signals are stored in separate capture registers in the free-running timer mode. The count value is captured to CR010 when the valid edge of the TI000 pin input is detected and to CR000 when the valid edge of the TI010 pin input is detected. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 197 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-37. Timing Example of Free-Running Timer Mode (CR000: Capture Register, CR010: Capture Register) (2/2) (b) TOC00 = 13H, PRM00 = C0H, CRC00 = 05H, TMC00 = 04H FFFFH O L 00 T Q M 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) R N TM00 register S P 01 Capture trigger input (TI010) Capture register (CR000) 0000H L M N O P Q R S T Capture interrupt (INTTM000) Capture trigger input (TI000) L Capture register (CR010) Capture interrupt (INTTM010) 0000H L This is an application example where both the edges of the TI010 pin are detected and the count value is captured to CR000 in the free-running timer mode. When both CR000 and CR010 are used as capture registers and when the valid edge of only the TI010 pin is to be detected, the count value cannot be captured to CR010. 198 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-38. Example of Register Settings in Free-Running Timer Mode (1/2) <R> (a) 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) TMC003 TMC002 TMC001 0 0 0 0 0 1 OVF00 0/1 0 0: Inverts TO00 output on match between TM00 and CR000/CR010. 1: Inverts TO00 output on match between TM00 and CR000/CR010 and valid edge of TI000 pin. Free-running timer mode (b) Capture/compare control register 00 (CRC00) CRC002 CRC001 CRC000 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0/1 0/1 0: CR000 used as compare register 1: CR000 used as capture register 0: TI010 pin is used as capture trigger of CR000. 1: Reverse phase of TI000 pin is used as capture trigger of CR000. 0: CR010 used as compare register 1: CR010 used as capture register (c) 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00) OSPT00 OSPE00 TOC004 0 0 0 0/1 LVS00 LVR00 TOC001 TOE00 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0: Disables TO00 output 1: Enables TO00 output Specifies initial value of TO00 output F/F 00: Does not invert TO00 output on match between TM00 and CR000/CR010. 01: Inverts TO00 output on match between TM00 and CR000. 10: Inverts TO00 output on match between TM00 and CR010. 11: Inverts TO00 output on match between TM00 and CR000/CR010. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 199 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-38. Example of Register Settings in Free-Running Timer Mode (2/2) (d) Prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00) ES101 ES100 ES001 ES000 3 2 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0 0 PRM001 PRM000 0/1 0/1 Count clock selection (setting TI000 valid edge is prohibited) 00: 01: 10: 11: Falling edge detection Rising edge detection Setting prohibited Both edges detection (setting prohibited when CRC001 = 1) 00: 01: 10: 11: Falling edge detection Rising edge detection Setting prohibited Both edges detection (e) 16-bit timer counter 00 (TM00) By reading TM00, the count value can be read. (f) 16-bit capture/compare register 000 (CR000) When this register is used as a compare register and when its value matches the count value of TM00, an interrupt signal (INTTM000) is generated. The count value of TM00 is not cleared. To use this register as a capture register, select either the TI000 or TI010 pin input as a capture trigger. When the valid edge of the capture trigger is detected, the count value of TM00 is stored in CR000. (g) 16-bit capture/compare register 010 (CR010) When this register is used as a compare register and when its value matches the count value of TM00, an interrupt signal (INTTM010) is generated. The count value of TM00 is not cleared. When this register is used as a capture register, the TI000 pin input is used as a capture trigger. When the valid edge of the capture trigger is detected, the count value of TM00 is stored in CR010. 200 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 <R> Figure 6-39. Example of Software Processing in Free-Running Timer Mode FFFFH M M TM00 register 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) N N 00 M N 01 Compare register (CR000) N 00 M Compare match interrupt (INTTM000) Compare register (CR010) N Compare match interrupt (INTTM010) Timer output control bits (TOE0, TOC004, TOC001) TO00 output <1> <2> <1> Count operation start flow START Register initial setting PRM00 register, CRC00 register, TOC00 registerNote, CR000/CR010 register, TMC00.TMC001 bit, port setting TMC003, TMC002 bits = 0, 1 Initial setting of these registers is performed before setting the TMC003 and TMC002 bits to 01. Starts count operation <2> Count operation stop flow TMC003, TMC002 bits = 0, 0 The counter is initialized and counting is stopped by clearing the TMC003 and TMC002 bits to 00. STOP Note Care must be exercised when setting TOC00. For details, see 6.3 (3) 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 201 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 6.4.6 PPG output operation A square wave having a pulse width set in advance by CR010 is output from the TO00 pin as a PPG (Programmable Pulse Generator) signal during a cycle set by CR000 when bits 3 and 2 (TMC003 and TMC002) of 16bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) are set to 11 (clear & start upon a match between TM00 and CR000). The pulse cycle and duty factor of the pulse generated as the PPG output are as follows. * Pulse cycle = (Set value of CR000 + 1) x Count clock cycle * Duty = (Set value of CR010 + 1) / (Set value of CR000 + 1) Caution To change the duty factor (value of CR010) during operation, see 6.5.1 Rewriting CR010 during TM00 operation. Remarks 1. For the setting of I/O pins, see 6.3 (5) Port mode register 0 (PM0). 2. For how to enable the INTTM000 signal interrupt, see CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS. Figure 6-40. Block Diagram of PPG Output Operation <R> Clear Count clock Timer counter (TM00) Match signal Interrupt signal (INTTM000) Operable bits TMC003, TMC002 Compare register (CR000) Match signal Compare register (CR010) 202 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Output controller TO00 output TO00 pin Interrupt signal (INTTM010) CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-41. Example of Register Settings for PPG Output Operation (a) 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) TMC003 TMC002 TMC001 0 0 0 0 1 1 OVF00 0 0 Clears and starts on match between TM00 and CR000. (b) Capture/compare control register 00 (CRC00) CRC002 CRC001 CRC000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CR000 used as compare register CR010 used as compare register (c) 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00) OSPT00 OSPE00 TOC004 0 0 0 1 LVS00 LVR00 TOC001 TOE00 0/1 0/1 1 1 Enables TO00 output Specifies initial value of TO00 output F/F 11: Inverts TO00 output on match between TM00 and CR000/CR010. 00: Disables one-shot pulse output (d) Prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00) ES101 ES100 ES001 ES000 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 PRM001 PRM000 0/1 0/1 Selects count clock (e) 16-bit timer counter 00 (TM00) By reading TM00, the count value can be read. (f) 16-bit capture/compare register 000 (CR000) An interrupt signal (INTTM000) is generated when the value of this register matches the count value of TM00. The count value of TM00 is not cleared. (g) 16-bit capture/compare register 010 (CR010) An interrupt signal (INTTM010) is generated when the value of this register matches the count value of TM00. The count value of TM00 is not cleared. Caution Set values to CR000 and CR010 such that the condition 0000H CR010 < CR000 FFFFH is satisfied. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 203 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-42. Example of Software Processing for PPG Output Operation <R> M TM00 register M N N M N 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 00 00 11 Compare register (CR000) M Compare match interrupt (INTTM000) Compare register (CR010) N Compare match interrupt (INTTM010) Timer output control bits (TOE00, TOC004, TOC001) TO00 output N+1 M+1 N+1 M+1 N+1 M+1 <2> <1> <2> Count operation stop flow <1> Count operation start flow TMC003, TMC002 bits = 00 START Register initial setting PRM00 register, CRC00 register, TOC00 registerNote, CR000, CR010 registers, port setting Initial setting of these registers is performed before setting the TMC003 and TMC002 bits. TMC003, TMC002 bits = 11 Starts count operation The counter is initialized and counting is stopped by clearing the TMC003 and TMC002 bits to 00. STOP Note Care must be exercised when setting TOC00. For details, see 6.3 (3) 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00). Remark PPG pulse cycle = (M + 1) x Count clock cycle PPG duty = (N + 1) / (M + 1) 204 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 6.4.7 One-shot pulse output operation A one-shot pulse can be output by setting bits 3 and 2 (TMC003 and TMC002) of the 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) to 01 (free-running timer mode) or to 10 (clear & start mode entered by the TI000 pin valid edge) and setting bit 5 (OSPE00) of 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00) to 1. When bit 6 (OSPT00) of TOC00 is set to 1 or when the valid edge is input to the TI000 pin during timer operation, clearing & starting of TM00 is triggered, and a pulse of the difference between the values of CR000 and CR010 is output only once from the TO00 pin. Cautions 1. Do not input the trigger again (setting OSPT00 to 1 or detecting the valid edge of the TI000 pin) while the one-shot pulse is output. To output the one-shot pulse again, generate the trigger after the current one-shot pulse output has completed. 2. To use only the setting of OSPT00 to 1 as the trigger of one-shot pulse output, do not change the level of the TI000 pin or its alternate function port pin. Otherwise, the pulse will be unexpectedly output. Remarks 1. For the setting of the I/O pins, see 6.3 (5) Port mode register 0 (PM0). 2. For how to enable the INTTM000 signal interrupt, see CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS. Figure 6-43. Block Diagram of One-Shot Pulse Output Operation <R> TI000 edge detection OSPT00 bit Clear OSPE00 bit Count clock Timer counter (TM00) Match signal Operable bits TMC003, TMC002 Compare register (CR000) Match signal Interrupt signal (INTTM000) TO00 output Output controller TO00 pin Interrupt signal (INTTM010) Compare register (CR010) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 205 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-44. Example of Register Settings for One-Shot Pulse Output Operation (1/2) (a) 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) TMC003 TMC002 TMC001 0 0 0 0 0/1 0/1 OVF00 0 0 01: Free running timer mode 10: Clear and start mode by valid edge of TI000 pin. (b) Capture/compare control register 00 (CRC00) CRC002 CRC001 CRC000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CR000 used as compare register CR010 used as compare register (c) 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00) <R> OSPT00 OSPE00 TOC004 0 0/1 1 1 LVS00 LVR00 TOC001 TOE00 0/1 0/1 1 1 Enables TO00 output Specifies initial value of TO00 output Inverts TO00 output on match between TM00 and CR000/CR010. Enables one-shot pulse output Software trigger is generated by writing 1 to this bit (operation is not affected even if 0 is written to it). (d) Prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00) ES101 ES100 ES001 ES000 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 PRM001 PRM000 0/1 0/1 Selects count clock 206 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 <R> Figure 6-44. Example of Register Settings for One-Shot Pulse Output Operation (2/2) (e) 16-bit timer counter 00 (TM00) By reading TM00, the count value can be read. (f) 16-bit capture/compare register 000 (CR000) This register is used as a compare register when a one-shot pulse is output. When the value of TM00 matches that of CR000, an interrupt signal (INTTM000) is generated and the TO00 output level is inverted. (g) 16-bit capture/compare register 010 (CR010) This register is used as a compare register when a one-shot pulse is output. When the value of TM00 matches that of CR010, an interrupt signal (INTTM010) is generated and the TO00 output level is inverted. Caution Do not set the same value to CR000 and CR010. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 207 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-45. Example of Software Processing for One-Shot Pulse Output Operation (1/2) <R> FFFFH N N M TM00 register N M M 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 00 01 or 10 00 One-shot pulse enable bit (OSPE0) One-shot pulse trigger bit (OSPT0) One-shot pulse trigger input (TI000 pin) Overflow plug (OVF00) Compare register (CR000) N Compare match interrupt (INTTM000) Compare register (CR010) M Compare match interrupt (INTTM010) TO00 output M+1 TO00 output control bits (TOE00, TOC004, TOC001) <1> <2> N-M M+1 N-M TO00 output level is not inverted because no oneshot trigger is input. <2> * Time from when the one-shot pulse trigger is input until the one-shot pulse is output = (M + 1) x Count clock cycle * One-shot pulse output active level width = (N - M) x Count clock cycle 208 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD <3> CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-45. Example of Software Processing for One-Shot Pulse Output Operation (2/2) <1> Count operation start flow START Register initial setting PRM00 register, CRC00 register, TOC00 registerNote, CR000, CR010 registers, port setting TMC003, TMC002 bits = 01 or 10 Initial setting of these registers is performed before setting the TMC003 and TMC002 bits. Starts count operation <2> One-shot trigger input flow TOC00.OSPT00 bit = 1 or edge input to TI000 pin Write the same value to the bits other than the OSTP00 bit. <3> Count operation stop flow TMC003, TMC002 bits = 00 The counter is initialized and counting is stopped by clearing the TMC003 and TMC002 bits to 00. STOP Note Care must be exercised when setting TOC00. For details, see 6.3 (3) 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 209 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 6.4.8 Pulse width measurement operation TM00 can be used to measure the pulse width of the signal input to the TI000 and TI010 pins. Measurement can be accomplished by operating the 16-bit timer/event counter 00 in the free-running timer mode or by restarting the timer in synchronization with the signal input to the TI000 pin. When an interrupt is generated, read the value of the valid capture register and measure the pulse width. Check bit 0 (OVF00) of 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00). If it is set (to 1), clear it to 0 by software. Figure 6-46. Block Diagram of Pulse Width Measurement (Free-Running Timer Mode) Operable bits TMC003, TMC002 Timer counter (TM00) Count clock TI000 pin Edge detection TI010 pin Edge detection Selector Capture signal Capture signal Capture register (CR010) Capture register (CR000) Interrupt signal (INTTM010) Interrupt signal (INTTM000) Figure 6-47. Block Diagram of Pulse Width Measurement (Clear & Start Mode Entered by TI000 Pin Valid Edge Input) Operable bits TMC003, TMC002 Clear Timer counter (TM00) Count clock TI000 pin Edge detection TI010 pin Edge detection 210 Selector Capture signal Capture signal Capture register (CR010) Capture register (CR000) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Interrupt signal (INTTM010) Interrupt signal (INTTM000) CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 A pulse width can be measured in the following three ways. * Measuring the pulse width by using two input signals of the TI000 and TI010 pins (free-running timer mode) * Measuring the pulse width by using one input signal of the TI000 pin (free-running timer mode) * Measuring the pulse width by using one input signal of the TI000 pin (clear & start mode entered by the TI000 pin valid edge input) Remarks 1. For the setting of the I/O pins, see 6.3 (5) Port mode register 0 (PM0). 2. For how to enable the INTTM000 signal interrupt, see CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS. (1) Measuring the pulse width by using two input signals of the TI000 and TI010 pins (free-running timer mode) Set the free-running timer mode (TMC003 and TMC002 = 01). When the valid edge of the TI000 pin is detected, the count value of TM00 is captured to CR010. When the valid edge of the TI010 pin is detected, the count value of TM00 is captured to CR000. Specify detection of both the edges of the TI000 and TI010 pins. By this measurement method, the previous count value is subtracted from the count value captured by the edge of each input signal. Therefore, save the previously captured value to a separate register in advance. If an overflow occurs, the value becomes negative if the previously captured value is simply subtracted from the current captured value and, therefore, a borrow occurs (bit 0 (CY) of the program status word (PSW) is set to 1). If this happens, ignore CY and take the calculated value as the pulse width. In addition, clear bit 0 (OVF00) of 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) to 0. Figure 6-48. Timing Example of Pulse Width Measurement (1) * TMC00 = 04H, PRM00 = F0H, CRC00 = 05H FFFFH M TM00 register N A B 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 00 P S C Q D E 01 Capture trigger input (TI000) Capture register (CR010) 0000H M N S P Q Capture interrupt (INTTM010) Capture trigger input (TI010) Capture register (CR000) 0000H A B C D E Capture interrupt (INTTM000) Overflow flag (OVF00) 0 write clear 0 write clear User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 0 write clear 0 write clear 211 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 (2) Measuring the pulse width by using one input signal of the TI000 pin (free-running mode) Set the free-running timer mode (TMC003 and TMC002 = 01). The count value of TM00 is captured to CR000 in the phase reverse to the valid edge detected on the TI000 pin. When the valid edge of the TI000 pin is detected, the count value of TM00 is captured to CR010. By this measurement method, values are stored in separate capture registers when a width from one edge to another is measured. Therefore, the capture values do not have to be saved. By subtracting the value of one capture register from that of another, a high-level width, low-level width, and cycle are calculated. If an overflow occurs, the value becomes negative if one captured value is simply subtracted from another and, therefore, a borrow occurs (bit 0 (CY) of the program status word (PSW) is set to 1). If this happens, ignore CY and take the calculated value as the pulse width. In addition, clear bit 0 (OVF00) of 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) to 0. Figure 6-49. Timing Example of Pulse Width Measurement (2) * TMC00 = 04H, PRM00 = 10H, CRC00 = 07H FFFFH M TM00 register N A B 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 00 P S C Q D E 01 Capture trigger input (TI000) Capture register (CR000) 0000H Capture register (CR010) 0000H A B M C N E D S P Q Capture interrupt (INTTM010) Overflow flag (OVF00) 0 write clear Capture trigger input (TI010) L Capture interrupt (INTTM000) L 212 0 write clear User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 0 write clear 0 write clear CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 (3) Measuring the pulse width by using one input signal of the TI000 pin (clear & start mode entered by the TI000 pin valid edge input) Set the clear & start mode entered by the TI000 pin valid edge (TMC003 and TMC002 = 10). The count value of TM00 is captured to CR000 in the phase reverse to the valid edge of the TI000 pin, and the count value of TM00 is captured to CR010 and TM00 is cleared (0000H) when the valid edge of the TI000 pin is detected. Therefore, a cycle is stored in CR010 if TM00 does not overflow. If an overflow occurs, take the value that results from adding 10000H to the value stored in CR010 as a cycle. Clear bit 0 (OVF00) of 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) to 0. Figure 6-50. Timing Example of Pulse Width Measurement (3) * TMC00 = 08H, PRM00 = 10H, CRC00 = 07H FFFFH TM00 register N C D <1> <1> S A 0000H Operable bits 00 (TMC003, TMC002) Q P B M 10 00 <1> <1> Capture & count clear input (TI000) <2> Capture register (CR000) 0000H Capture register (CR010) 0000H <3> <2> <3> A M <2> <3> B N <2> <3> C S D P Q Capture interrupt (INTTM010) Overflow flag (OVF00) 0 write clear Capture trigger input (TI010) L Capture interrupt (INTTM000) L (10000H x Number of times OVF00 bit is set to 1 + Captured value of CR010) x <1> Pulse cycle = <2> High-level pulse width = (10000H x Number of times OVF00 bit is set to 1 + Captured value of CR000) x <3> Low-level pulse width = (Pulse cycle - High-level pulse width) Count clock cycle Count clock cycle User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 213 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-51. Example of Register Settings for Pulse Width Measurement (1/2) (a) 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) TMC003 TMC002 TMC001 0 0 0 0 0/1 0/1 OVF00 0 0 01: Free running timer mode 10: Clear and start mode entered by valid edge of TI000 pin. (b) Capture/compare control register 00 (CRC00) CRC002 CRC001 CRC000 0 0 0 0 0 1 0/1 1 1: CR000 used as capture register 0: TI010 pin is used as capture trigger of CR000. 1: Reverse phase of TI000 pin is used as capture trigger of CR000. 1: CR010 used as capture register (c) 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00) OSPT00 OSPE00 TOC004 0 0 0 LVS00 LVR00 TOC001 TOE00 0 0 0 0 0 (d) Prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00) ES101 ES100 ES001 ES000 3 2 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0 0 PRM001 PRM000 0/1 0/1 Selects count clock (setting valid edge of TI000 is prohibited) 00: Falling edge detection 01: Rising edge detection 10: Setting prohibited 11: Both edges detection (setting when CRC001 = 1 is prohibited) 00: Falling edge detection 01: Rising edge detection 10: Setting prohibited 11: Both edges detection 214 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-51. Example of Register Settings for Pulse Width Measurement (2/2) (e) 16-bit timer counter 00 (TM00) By reading TM00, the count value can be read. (f) 16-bit capture/compare register 000 (CR000) This register is used as a capture register. Either the TI000 or TI010 pin is selected as a capture trigger. When a specified edge of the capture trigger is detected, the count value of TM00 is stored in CR000. (g) 16-bit capture/compare register 010 (CR010) This register is used as a capture register. The signal input to the TI000 pin is used as a capture trigger. When the capture trigger is detected, the count value of TM00 is stored in CR010. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 215 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-52. Example of Software Processing for Pulse Width Measurement (1/2) (a) Example of free-running timer mode FFFFH D10 TM00 register D11 D00 D13 D12 D01 D02 D03 D04 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 00 01 00 Capture trigger input (TI000) Capture register (CR010) D10 0000H D11 D12 D13 Capture interrupt (INTTM010) Capture trigger input (TI010) Capture register (CR000) 0000H D00 D01 D02 D03 D04 Capture interrupt (INTTM000) <1> <2> <2> <2> <2> <2> <2> <2> <2> <2><3> (b) Example of clear & start mode entered by TI000 pin valid edge FFFFH TM00 register 0000H Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) D3 D2 D5 D0 D7 D4 D1 00 D8 D6 10 00 Capture & count clear input (TI000) Capture register 0000H (CR000) Capture interrupt (INTTM000) D3 D1 D5 D7 L Capture register (CR010) 0000H D0 D2 D4 D6 D8 Capture interrupt (INTTM010) <1> 216 <2> <2> <2> <2> User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD <2> <2> <2> <2> <2> <3> CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Figure 6-52. Example of Software Processing for Pulse Width Measurement (2/2) <1> Count operation start flow START Register initial setting PRM00 register, CRC00 register, port setting TMC003, TMC002 bits = 01 or 10 Initial setting of these registers is performed before setting the TMC003 and TMC002 bits. Starts count operation <2> Capture trigger input flow Edge detection of TI000, TI010 pins Stores count value to CR000, CR010 registers Generates capture interruptNote Calculated pulse width from capture value <3> Count operation stop flow TMC003, TMC002 bits = 00 The counter is initialized and counting is stopped by clearing the TMC003 and TMC002 bits to 00. STOP Note The capture interrupt signal (INTTM000) is not generated when the reverse-phase edge of the TI000 pin input is selected to the valid edge of CR000. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 217 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 6.5 Special Use of TM00 6.5.1 Rewriting CR010 during TM00 operation In principle, rewriting CR000 and CR010 of the 78K0/KC2 when they are used as compare registers is prohibited while TM00 is operating (TMC003 and TMC002 = other than 00). However, the value of CR010 can be changed, even while TM00 is operating, using the following procedure if <R> CR010 is used for PPG output and the duty factor is changed. (When changing the value of CR010 to a smaller value than the current one, rewrite it immediately after its value matches the value of TM00. When changing the value of CR010 to a larger value than the current one, rewrite it immediately after the values of CR000 and TM00 match. If the value of CR010 is rewritten immediately before a match between CR010 and TM00, or between CR000 and TM00, an unexpected operation may be performed.). Procedure for changing value of CR010 <1> Disable interrupt INTTM010 (TMMK010 = 1). <2> Disable reversal of the timer output when the value of TM00 matches that of CR010 (TOC004 = 0). <3> Change the value of CR010. <4> Wait for one cycle of the count clock of TM00. <5> Enable reversal of the timer output when the value of TM00 matches that of CR010 (TOC004 = 1). <6> Clear the interrupt flag of INTTM010 (TMIF010 = 0) to 0. <7> Enable interrupt INTTM010 (TMMK010 = 0). Remark For TMIF010 and TMMK010, see CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS. 6.5.2 Setting LVS00 and LVR00 (1) Usage of LVS00 and LVR00 LVS00 and LVR00 are used to set the default value of TO00 output and to invert the timer output without enabling <R> the timer operation (TMC003 and TMC002 = 00). Clear LVS00 and LVR00 to 00 (default value: low-level output) when software control is unnecessary. 218 LVS00 LVR00 Timer Output Status 0 0 Not changed (low-level output) 0 1 Cleared (low-level output) 1 0 Set (high-level output) 1 1 Setting prohibited User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 (2) Setting LVS00 and LVR00 Set LVS00 and LVR00 using the following procedure. Figure 6-53. Example of Flow for Setting LVS00 and LVR00 Bits Setting TOC00.OSPE00, TOC004, TOC001 bits <1> Setting of timer output operation Setting TOC00.TOE00 bit Setting TOC00.LVS00, LVR00 bits Setting TMC00.TMC003, TMC002 bits <2> Setting of timer output F/F <3> Enabling timer operation Caution Be sure to set LVS00 and LVR00 following steps <1>, <2>, and <3> above. Step <2> can be performed after <1> and before <3>. Figure 6-54. Timing Example of LVR00 and LVS00 <R> TOC00.LVS00 bit TOC00.LVR00 bit Operable bits (TMC003, TMC002) 00 01, 10, or 11 TO00 output INTTM000 signal <1> <2> <1> <3> <4> <4> <4> <1> TO00 output goes high when LVS00 and LVR00 = 10. <2> TO00 output goes low when LVS00 and LVR00 = 01 (the pin output remains unchanged from the high level even if LVS00 and LVR00 are cleared to 00). <3> The timer starts operating when TMC003 and TMC002 are set to 01, 10, or 11. Because LVS00 and LVR00 were set to 10 before the operation was started, TO00 output starts from the high level. After the timer starts operating, setting LVS00 and LVR00 is prohibited until TMC003 and TMC002 = 00 (disabling the timer operation). <4> The TO00 output level is inverted each time an interrupt signal (INTTM000) is generated. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 219 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 6.6 Cautions for 16-bit Timer/Event Counter 00 (1) Restrictions for each channel of 16-bit timer/event counter 00 Table 6-3 shows the restrictions for each channel. Table 6-3. Restrictions for Each Channel of 16-bit Timer/Event Counter 00 Operation Restriction - As interval timer As square wave output As external event counter As clear & start mode entered by Using timer output (TO00) is prohibited when detection of the valid edge of the TI010 pin is TI000 pin valid edge input used. (TOC00 = 00H) - As free-running timer As PPG output 0000H CR010 < CR000 FFFFH As one-shot pulse output Setting the same value to CR000 and CR010 is prohibited. As pulse width measurement Using timer output (TO00) is prohibited (TOC00 = 00H) (2) Timer start errors An error of up to one clock may occur in the time required for a match signal to be generated after timer start. This is because counting TM00 is started asynchronously to the count pulse. Figure 6-55. Start Timing of TM00 Count Count pulse TM00 count value 0000H 0001H 0002H 0003H 0004H Timer start (3) Setting of CR000 and CR010 (clear & start mode entered upon a match between TM00 and CR000) Set a value other than 0000H to CR000 and CR010 (TM00 cannot count one pulse when it is used as an external event counter). 220 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 (4) Timing of holding data by capture register (a) When the valid edge is input to the TI000/TI010 pin and the reverse phase of the TI000 pin is detected while CR000/CR010 is read, CR010 performs a capture operation but the read value of CR000/CR010 is not guaranteed. At this time, an interrupt signal (INTTM000/INTTM010) is generated when the valid edge of the TI000/TI010 pin is detected (the interrupt signal is not generated when the reverse-phase edge of the TI000 pin is detected). When the count value is captured because the valid edge of the TI000/TI010 pin was detected, read the value of CR000/CR010 after INTTM000/INTTM010 is generated. Figure 6-56. Timing of Holding Data by Capture Register Count pulse TM00 count value N N+1 N+2 M M+1 M+2 Edge input INTTM010 Capture read signal Value captured to CR010 X N+1 Capture operation Capture operation is performed but read value is not guaranteed. (b) The values of CR000 and CR010 are not guaranteed after 16-bit timer/event counter 00 stops. (5) Setting valid edge Set the valid edge of the TI000 pin while the timer operation is stopped (TMC003 and TMC002 = 00). Set the valid edge by using ES000 and ES001. (6) Re-triggering one-shot pulse Make sure that the trigger is not generated while an active level is being output in the one-shot pulse output mode. Be sure to input the next trigger after the current active level is output. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 221 CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 (7) Operation of OVF00 flag (a) Setting OVF00 flag (1) The OVF00 flag is set to 1 in the following case, as well as when TM00 overflows. Select the clear & start mode entered upon a match between TM00 and CR000. Set CR000 to FFFFH. When TM00 matches CR000 and TM00 is cleared from FFFFH to 0000H Figure 6-57. Operation Timing of OVF00 Flag Count pulse CR000 FFFFH TM00 FFFEH FFFFH 0000H 0001H OVF00 INTTM000 (b) Clearing OVF00 flag Even if the OVF00 flag is cleared to 0 after TM00 overflows and before the next count clock is counted (before the value of TM00 becomes 0001H), it is set to 1 again and clearing is invalid. (8) One-shot pulse output One-shot pulse output operates correctly in the free-running timer mode or the clear & start mode entered by the TI000 pin valid edge. The one-shot pulse cannot be output in the clear & start mode entered upon a match between TM00 and CR000. 222 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 (9) Capture operation (a) When valid edge of TI000 is specified as count clock When the valid edge of TI000 is specified as the count clock, the capture register for which TI000 is specified as a trigger does not operate correctly. (b) Pulse width to accurately capture value by signals input to TI010 and TI000 pins To accurately capture the count value, the pulse input to the TI000 and TI010 pins as a capture trigger must be wider than two count clocks selected by PRM00 (see Figure 6-7). (c) Generation of interrupt signal The capture operation is performed at the falling edge of the count clock but the interrupt signals (INTTM000 and INTTM010) are generated at the rising edge of the next count clock (see Figure 6-7). (d) Note when CRC001 (bit 1 of capture/compare control register 00 (CRC00)) is set to 1 When the count value of the TM00 register is captured to the CR000 register in the phase reverse to the signal input to the TI000 pin, the interrupt signal (INTTM000) is not generated after the count value is captured. If the valid edge is detected on the TI010 pin during this operation, the capture operation is not performed but the INTTM000 signal is generated as an external interrupt signal. Mask the INTTM000 signal when the external interrupt is not used. (10) Edge detection (a) Specifying valid edge after reset If the operation of the 16-bit timer/event counter 00 is enabled after reset and while the TI000 or TI010 pin is at high level and when the rising edge or both the edges are specified as the valid edge of the TI000 or TI010 pin, then the high level of the TI000 or TI010 pin is detected as the rising edge. Note this when the TI000 or TI010 pin is pulled up. However, the rising edge is not detected when the operation is once stopped and then enabled again. (b) Sampling clock for eliminating noise The sampling clock for eliminating noise differs depending on whether the valid edge of TI000 is used as the count clock or capture trigger. In the former case, the sampling clock is fixed to fPRS. In the latter, the count clock selected by PRM00 is used for sampling. When the signal input to the TI000 pin is sampled and the valid level is detected two times in a row, the valid edge is detected. Therefore, noise having a short pulse width can be eliminated (see Figure 6-7). (11) Timer operation The signal input to the TI000/TI010 pin is not acknowledged while the timer is stopped, regardless of the operation mode of the CPU. Remark fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 223 CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 7.1 Functions of 8-bit Timer/Event Counters 50 and 51 8-bit timer/event counters 50 and 51 have the following functions. * Interval timer * External event counter * Square-wave output * PWM output 7.2 Configuration of 8-bit Timer/Event Counters 50 and 51 8-bit timer/event counters 50 and 51 include the following hardware. Table 7-1. Configuration of 8-bit Timer/Event Counters 50 and 51 Item Timer register Configuration 8-bit timer counter 5n (TM5n) Register 8-bit timer compare register 5n (CR5n) Timer input TI5n Timer output TO5n Control registers Timer clock selection register 5n (TCL5n) 8-bit timer mode control register 5n (TMC5n) Port mode register 1 (PM1) or port mode register 3 (PM3) Port register 1 (P1) or port register 3 (P3) Figures 7-1 and 7-2 show the block diagrams of 8-bit timer/event counters 50 and 51. 224 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 Figure 7-1. Block Diagram of 8-bit Timer/Event Counter 50 <R> Internal bus Selector Match Selector INTTM50 To TMH0 To UART0 To UART6 Note 1 S Q INV 8-bit timer OVF counter 50 (TM50) Selector TI50/TO50/P17 fPRS fPRS/2 fPRS/22 fPRS/26 fPRS/28 fPRS/213 Mask circuit 8-bit timer compare register 50 (CR50) R TO50 output TO50/TI50/ P17 Output latch (P17) Note 2 S 3 Invert level R Clear PM17 TCE50 TMC506 LVS50 LVR50 TMC501 TOE50 TCL502 TCL501 TCL500 Timer clock selection register 50 (TCL50) 8-bit timer mode control register 50 (TMC50) Internal bus Figure 7-2. Block Diagram of 8-bit Timer/Event Counter 51 <R> Internal bus Selector Match Selector INTTM51 Note 1 S Q INV 8-bit timer OVF counter 51 (TM51) R Selector TI51/TO51/ P33/INTP4 fPRS fPRS/2 fPRS/24 fPRS/26 fPRS/28 fPRS/212 Mask circuit 8-bit timer compare register 51 (CR51) Note 2 S 3 Clear TCL512 TCL511 TCL510 Timer clock selection register 51 (TCL51) R Invert level TO51 output TO51/TI51/ P33/INTP4 Output latch (P33) PM33 TCE51 TMC516 LVS51 LVR51 TMC511 TOE51 8-bit timer mode control register 51 (TMC51) Internal bus Notes 1. Timer output F/F 2. PWM output F/F User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 225 CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 (1) 8-bit timer counter 5n (TM5n) TM5n is an 8-bit register that counts the count pulses and is read-only. The counter is incremented in synchronization with the rising edge of the count clock. Figure 7-3. Format of 8-bit Timer Counter 5n (TM5n) Address: FF16H (TM50), FF1FH (TM51) After reset: 00H R Symbol TM5n (n = 0, 1) In the following situations, the count value is cleared to 00H. <1> Reset signal generation <2> When TCE5n is cleared <3> When TM5n and CR5n match in the mode in which clear & start occurs upon a match of the TM5n and CR5n. (2) 8-bit timer compare register 5n (CR5n) CR5n can be read and written by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Except in PWM mode, the value set in CR5n is constantly compared with the 8-bit timer counter 5n (TM5n) count value, and an interrupt request (INTTM5n) is generated if they match. In the PWM mode, TO5n output becomes inactive when the values of TM5n and CR5n match, but no interrupt is generated. The value of CR5n can be set within 00H to FFH. Reset signal generation clears CR5n to 00H. Figure 7-4. Format of 8-bit Timer Compare Register 5n (CR5n) Address: FF17H (CR50), FF41H (CR51) After reset: 00H R/W Symbol CR5n (n = 0, 1) Cautions 1. In the mode in which clear & start occurs on a match of TM5n and CR5n (TMC5n6 = 0), do not write other values to CR5n during operation. 2. In PWM mode, make the CR5n rewrite period 3 count clocks of the count clock (clock selected by TCL5n) or more. Remark 226 n = 0, 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 7.3 Registers Controlling 8-bit Timer/Event Counters 50 and 51 The following four registers are used to control 8-bit timer/event counters 50 and 51. * Timer clock selection register 5n (TCL5n) * 8-bit timer mode control register 5n (TMC5n) * Port mode register 1 (PM1) or port mode register 3 (PM3) * Port register 1 (P1) or port register 3 (P3) (1) Timer clock selection register 5n (TCL5n) This register sets the count clock of 8-bit timer/event counter 5n and the valid edge of the TI5n pin input. TCL5n can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation clears TCL5n to 00H. Remark n = 0, 1 Figure 7-5. Format of Timer Clock Selection Register 50 (TCL50) Address: FF6AH After reset: 00H Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TCL50 0 0 0 0 0 TCL502 TCL501 TCL500 TCL502 TCL501 TCL500 fPRS = fPRS = fPRS = fPRS = 2 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 0 0 TI50 pin falling edge 0 0 1 TI50 pin rising edge 0 1 0 fPRS 0 1 1 fPRS/2 1 0 0 fPRS/2 1 1 Notes 1. Note 1 Count clock selection 0 1 <R> R/W 0 1 1 1 0 1 Note 2 2 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 1 MHz 2.5 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 2 500 kHz 1.25 MHz 2.5 MHz 5 MHz fPRS/2 6 31.25 kHz 78.13 kHz 156.25 kHz 312.5 kHz fPRS/2 8 7.81 kHz 19.53 kHz 39.06 kHz 78.13 kHz fPRS/2 13 0.24 kHz 0.61 kHz 1.22 kHz 2.44 kHz If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the high-speed system clock (fXH) (XSEL = 1), the fPRS operating frequency varies depending on the supply voltage. * VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V: fPRS 20 MHz * VDD = 2.7 to 4.0 V: fPRS 10 MHz * VDD = 1.8 to 2.7 V: fPRS 5 MHz (Standard and (A) grade products only) <R> 2. If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the internal high-speed oscillation clock (fRH) (XSEL = 0), when 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V, the setting of TCL502, TCL501, TCL500 = 0, 1, 0 (count clock: fPRS) is prohibited. Cautions 1. When rewriting TCL50 to other data, stop the timer operation beforehand. 2. Be sure to clear bits 3 to 7 to "0". Remark fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 227 CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 Figure 7-6. Format of Timer Clock Selection Register 51 (TCL51) Address: FF8CH After reset: 00H Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TCL51 0 0 0 0 0 TCL512 TCL511 TCL510 TCL512 TCL511 TCL510 fPRS = fPRS = fPRS = fPRS = 2 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 0 0 TI51 pin falling edge 0 0 1 TI51 pin rising edge 0 1 0 fPRS 0 1 1 fPRS/2 1 0 0 fPRS/2 1 1 Notes 1. Note 1 Count clock selection 0 1 <R> R/W 0 1 1 1 0 1 Note 2 2 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 1 MHz 2.5 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 4 125 kHz 312.5 kHz 625 kHz 1.25 MHz fPRS/2 6 31.25 kHz 78.13 kHz 156.25 kHz 312.5 kHz fPRS/2 8 7.81 kHz 19.53 kHz 39.06 kHz 78.13 kHz fPRS/2 12 0.49 kHz 1.22 kHz 2.44 kHz 4.88 kHz If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the high-speed system clock (fXH) (XSEL = 1), the fPRS operating frequency varies depending on the supply voltage. * VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V: fPRS 20 MHz * VDD = 2.7 to 4.0 V: fPRS 10 MHz * VDD = 1.8 to 2.7 V: fPRS 5 MHz (Standard and (A) grade products only) <R> 2. If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the internal high-speed oscillation clock (fRH) (XSEL = 0), when 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V, the setting of TCL512, TCL511, TCL510 = 0, 1, 0 (count clock: fPRS) is prohibited. Cautions 1. When rewriting TCL51 to other data, stop the timer operation beforehand. 2. Be sure to clear bits 3 to 7 to "0". Remark 228 fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 (2) 8-bit timer mode control register 5n (TMC5n) TMC5n is a register that performs the following five types of settings. <1> 8-bit timer counter 5n (TM5n) count operation control <2> 8-bit timer counter 5n (TM5n) operating mode selection <3> Timer output F/F (flip flop) status setting <4> Active level selection in timer F/F control or PWM (free-running) mode. <5> Timer output control TMC5n can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation clears this register to 00H. Remark n = 0, 1 Figure 7-7. Format of 8-bit Timer Mode Control Register 50 (TMC50) Address: FF6BH After reset: 00H R/W Note Symbol <7> 6 5 4 <3> <2> 1 <0> TMC50 TCE50 TMC506 0 0 LVS50 LVR50 TMC501 TOE50 TCE50 TM50 count operation control 0 After clearing to 0, count operation disabled (counter stopped) 1 Count operation start TMC506 TM50 operating mode selection 0 Mode in which clear & start occurs on a match between TM50 and CR50 1 PWM (free-running) mode LVS50 LVR50 0 0 No change <R> 0 1 Timer output F/F clear (0) (default value of TO50 output: low level) <R> 1 0 Timer output F/F set (1) (default value of TO50 output: high level) 1 1 Setting prohibited TMC501 Timer output F/F status setting In other modes (TMC506 = 0) In PWM mode (TMC506 = 1) Timer F/F control Active level selection 0 Inversion operation disabled Active-high 1 Inversion operation enabled Active-low TOE50 Timer output control 0 Output disabled (TO50 output is low level) 1 Output enabled Note Bits 2 and 3 are write-only. (Cautions and Remarks are listed on the next page.) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 229 CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 Figure 7-8. Format of 8-bit Timer Mode Control Register 51 (TMC51) Address: FF43H After reset: 00H R/W Note Symbol <7> 6 5 4 <3> <2> 1 <0> TMC51 TCE51 TMC516 0 0 LVS51 LVR51 TMC511 TOE51 TCE51 TM51 count operation control 0 After clearing to 0, count operation disabled (counter stopped) 1 Count operation start TMC516 TM51 operating mode selection 0 Mode in which clear & start occurs on a match between TM51 and CR51 1 PWM (free-running) mode LVS51 LVR51 0 0 No change <R> 0 1 Timer output F/F clear (0) (default value of TO51 output: low level) <R> 1 0 Timer output F/F set (1) (default value of TO51 output: high level) 1 1 Setting prohibited TMC511 Timer output F/F status setting In other modes (TMC516 = 0) In PWM mode (TMC516 = 1) Timer F/F control Active level selection 0 Inversion operation disabled Active-high 1 Inversion operation enabled Active-low TOE51 Timer output control 0 Output disabled (TO51 output is low level) 1 Output enabled Note Bits 2 and 3 are write-only. Cautions 1. The settings of LVS5n and LVR5n are valid in other than PWM mode. 2. Perform <1> to <4> below in the following order, not at the same time. <1> Set TMC5n1, TMC5n6: Operation mode setting <2> Set TOE5n to enable output: Timer output enable <3> Set LVS5n, LVR5n (see Caution 1): Timer F/F setting <4> Set TCE5n 3. When TCE5n = 1, setting the other bits of TMC5n is prohibited. <R> 4. The actual TO50/TI50/P17 and TO51/TI51/P33/INTP4 pin outputs are determined depending on PM17 and P17, and PM33 and P33, besides TO5n output. Remarks 1. In PWM mode, PWM output is made inactive by clearing TCE5n to 0. 2. If LVS5n and LVR5n are read, the value is 0. <R> 3. The values of the TMC5n6, LVS5n, LVR5n, TMC5n1, and TOE5n bits are reflected in TO5n output regardless of the value of TCE5n. 4. n = 0, 1 230 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 (3) Port mode registers 1 and 3 (PM1, PM3) These registers set port 1 and 3 input/output in 1-bit units. When using the P17/TO50/TI50 and P33/TO51/TI51/INTP4 pins for timer output, clear PM17 and PM33 and the output latches of P17 and P33 to 0. When using the P17/TO50/TI50 and P33/TO51/TI51/INTP4 pins for timer input, set PM17 and PM33 to 1. The output latches of P17 and P33 at this time may be 0 or 1. PM1 and PM3 can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets these registers to FFH. Figure 7-9. Format of Port Mode Register 1 (PM1) Address: FF21H Symbol PM1 After reset: FFH R/W 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PM17 PM16 PM15 PM14 PM13 PM12 PM11 PM10 PM1n P1n pin I/O mode selection (n = 0 to 7) 0 Output mode (output buffer on) 1 Input mode (output buffer off) Figure 7-10. Format of Port Mode Register 3 (PM3) Address: FF23H After reset: FFH R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PM3 1 1 1 1 PM33 PM32 PM31 PM30 PM3n P3n pin I/O mode selection (n = 0 to 3) 0 Output mode (output buffer on) 1 Input mode (output buffer off) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 231 CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 7.4 Operations of 8-bit Timer/Event Counters 50 and 51 7.4.1 Operation as interval timer 8-bit timer/event counter 5n operates as an interval timer that generates interrupt requests repeatedly at intervals of the count value preset to 8-bit timer compare register 5n (CR5n). When the count value of 8-bit timer counter 5n (TM5n) matches the value set to CR5n, counting continues with the TM5n value cleared to 0 and an interrupt request signal (INTTM5n) is generated. The count clock of TM5n can be selected with bits 0 to 2 (TCL5n0 to TCL5n2) of timer clock selection register 5n (TCL5n). Setting <1> Set the registers. * TCL5n: Select the count clock. * CR5n: Compare value * TMC5n: Stop the count operation, select the mode in which clear & start occurs on a match of TM5n and CR5n. (TMC5n = 0000xxx0B x = Don't care) <2> After TCE5n = 1 is set, the count operation starts. <3> If the values of TM5n and CR5n match, INTTM5n is generated (TM5n is cleared to 00H). <4> INTTM5n is generated repeatedly at the same interval. Set TCE5n to 0 to stop the count operation. Caution Do not write other values to CR5n during operation. Remarks 1. For how to enable the INTTM5n signal interrupt, see CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS. 2. n = 0, 1 Figure 7-11. Interval Timer Operation Timing (1/2) (a) Basic operation t Count clock TM5n count value 00H 01H Count start CR5n N N 00H 01H Clear N 00H 01H Clear N N N TCE5n INTTM5n Interrupt acknowledged Interval time Remark Interval time = (N + 1) x t N = 01H to FFH n = 0, 1 232 N User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Interrupt acknowledged Interval time CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 Figure 7-11. Interval Timer Operation Timing (2/2) (b) When CR5n = 00H t Count clock TM5n 00H 00H 00H CR5n 00H 00H TCE5n INTTM5n Interval time (c) When CR5n = FFH t Count clock TM5n CR5n 01H FFH FEH FFH 00H FEH FFH FFH 00H FFH TCE5n INTTM5n Interrupt acknowledged Interrupt acknowledged Interval time Remark n = 0, 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 233 CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 7.4.2 Operation as external event counter The external event counter counts the number of external clock pulses to be input to the TI5n pin by 8-bit timer counter 5n (TM5n). TM5n is incremented each time the valid edge specified by timer clock selection register 5n (TCL5n) is input. Either the rising or falling edge can be selected. When the TM5n count value matches the value of 8-bit timer compare register 5n (CR5n), TM5n is cleared to 0 and an interrupt request signal (INTTM5n) is generated. Whenever the TM5n value matches the value of CR5n, INTTM5n is generated. Setting <1> Set each register. * Set the port mode register (PM17 or PM33)Note to 1. * TCL5n: Select TI5n pin input edge. TI5n pin falling edge TCL5n = 00H TI5n pin rising edge TCL5n = 01H * CR5n: Compare value * TMC5n: Stop the count operation, select the mode in which clear & start occurs on match of TM5n and CR5n, disable the timer F/F inversion operation, disable timer output. (TMC5n = 00000000B) <2> When TCE5n = 1 is set, the number of pulses input from the TI5n pin is counted. <3> When the values of TM5n and CR5n match, INTTM5n is generated (TM5n is cleared to 00H). <4> After these settings, INTTM5n is generated each time the values of TM5n and CR5n match. Note 8-bit timer/event counter 50: PM17 8-bit timer/event counter 51: PM33 Remark For how to enable the INTTM5n signal interrupt, see CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS. Figure 7-12. External Event Counter Operation Timing (with Rising Edge Specified) TI5n Count start TM5n count value 00H 01H 02H 03H 04H 05H CR5n N = 00H to FFH n = 0, 1 234 N 00H N INTTM5n Remark N-1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 01H 02H 03H CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 7.4.3 Square-wave output operation A square wave with any selected frequency is output at intervals determined by the value preset to 8-bit timer compare register 5n (CR5n). The TO5n output status is inverted at intervals determined by the count value preset to CR5n by setting bit 0 (TOE5n) of 8-bit timer mode control register 5n (TMC5n) to 1. This enables a square wave with any selected frequency to be output (duty = 50%). Setting <1> Set each register. * Clear the port output latch (P17 or P33)Note and port mode register (PM17 or PM33)Note to 0. * TCL5n: Select the count clock. * CR5n: Compare value * TMC5n: Stop the count operation, select the mode in which clear & start occurs on a match of TM5n and CR5n. LVS5n LVR5n Timer Output F/F Status Setting 0 1 Timer output F/F clear (0) (default value of TO5n output: low level) 1 0 Timer output F/F set (1) (default value of TO5n output: high level) Timer output enabled (TMC5n = 00001011B or 00000111B) <2> After TCE5n = 1 is set, the count operation starts. <3> The timer output F/F is inverted by a match of TM5n and CR5n. After INTTM5n is generated, TM5n is cleared to 00H. <4> After these settings, the timer output F/F is inverted at the same interval and a square wave is output from TO5n. The frequency is as follows. * Frequency = 1/2t (N + 1) (N: 00H to FFH) Note 8-bit timer/event counter 50: P17, PM17 8-bit timer/event counter 51: P33, PM33 Caution Do not write other values to CR5n during operation. Remarks 1. For how to enable the INTTM5n signal interrupt, see CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS. 2. n = 0, 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 235 CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 Figure 7-13. Square-Wave Output Operation Timing t Count clock TM5n count value 00H 01H 02H N-1 N 00H 01H 02H N-1 N 00H Count start CR5n N TO5nNote Note The initial value of TO5n output can be set by bits 2 and 3 (LVR5n, LVS5n) of 8-bit timer mode control register 5n (TMC5n). 7.4.4 PWM output operation 8-bit timer/event counter 5n operates as a PWM output when bit 6 (TMC5n6) of 8-bit timer mode control register 5n (TMC5n) is set to 1. The duty pulse determined by the value set to 8-bit timer compare register 5n (CR5n) is output from TO5n. Set the active level width of the PWM pulse to CR5n; the active level can be selected with bit 1 (TMC5n1) of TMC5n. The count clock can be selected with bits 0 to 2 (TCL5n0 to TCL5n2) of timer clock selection register 5n (TCL5n). PWM output can be enabled/disabled with bit 0 (TOE5n) of TMC5n. Caution In PWM mode, make the CR5n rewrite period 3 count clocks of the count clock (clock selected by TCL5n) or more. Remark 236 n = 0, 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 (1) PWM output basic operation Setting <1> Set each register. * Clear the port output latch (P17 or P33)Note and port mode register (PM17 or PM33)Note to 0. * TCL5n: Select the count clock. * CR5n: Compare value * TMC5n: Stop the count operation, select PWM mode. The timer output F/F is not changed. TMC5n1 Active Level Selection 0 Active-high 1 Active-low Timer output enabled (TMC5n = 01000001B or 01000011B) <2> The count operation starts when TCE5n = 1. Clear TCE5n to 0 to stop the count operation. Note 8-bit timer/event counter 50: P17, PM17 8-bit timer/event counter 51: P33, PM33 PWM output operation <1> PWM output (TO5n output) outputs an inactive level until an overflow occurs. <2> When an overflow occurs, the active level is output. The active level is output until CR5n matches the count value of 8-bit timer counter 5n (TM5n). <3> After the CR5n matches the count value, the inactive level is output until an overflow occurs again. <4> Operations <2> and <3> are repeated until the count operation stops. <5> When the count operation is stopped with TCE5n = 0, PWM output becomes inactive. For details of timing, see Figures 7-14 and 7-15. The cycle, active-level width, and duty are as follows. * Cycle = 28t * Active-level width = Nt * Duty = N/28 (N = 00H to FFH) Remark n = 0, 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 237 CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 Figure 7-14. PWM Output Operation Timing (a) Basic operation (active level = H) t Count clock TM5n 00H 01H CR5n N FFH 00H 01H 02H N N+1 FFH 00H 01H 02H M 00H TCE5n INTTM5n TO5n <2> Active level <1> Inactive level <3> Inactive level <5> Inactive level <2> Active level (b) CR5n = 00H t Count clock TM5n 00H 01H CR5n 00H FFH 00H 01H 02H FFH 00H 01H 02H M 00H TCE5n INTTM5n TO5n L (Inactive level) (c) CR5n = FFH t TM5n 00H 01H CR5n FFH FFH 00H 01H 02H FFH 00H 01H 02H M 00H TCE5n INTTM5n TO5n <1> Inactive level <2> Active level <2> Active level <5> Inactive level <3> Inactive level Remarks 1. <1> to <3> and <5> in Figure 7-14 (a) correspond to <1> to <3> and <5> in PWM output operation in 7.4.4 (1) PWM output basic operation. 2. n = 0, 1 238 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 (2) Operation with CR5n changed Figure 7-15. Timing of Operation with CR5n Changed (a) CR5n value is changed from N to M before clock rising edge of FFH Value is transferred to CR5n at overflow immediately after change. t Count clock TM5n N N+1 N+2 CR5n N TCE5n INTTM5n FFH 00H 01H 02H M M+1 M+2 FFH 00H 01H 02H M M+1 M+2 M H TO5n <2> <1> CR5n change (N M) (b) CR5n value is changed from N to M after clock rising edge of FFH Value is transferred to CR5n at second overflow. t Count clock TM5n N N+1 N+2 CR5n TCE5n INTTM5n N FFH 00H 01H 02H N N+1 N+2 FFH 00H 01H 02H N M M+1 M+2 M H TO5n <1> CR5n change (N M) <2> Caution When reading from CR5n between <1> and <2> in Figure 7-15, the value read differs from the actual value (read value: M, actual value of CR5n: N). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 239 CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 7.5 Cautions for 8-bit Timer/Event Counters 50 and 51 (1) Timer start error An error of up to one clock may occur in the time required for a match signal to be generated after timer start. This is because 8-bit timer counters 50 and 51 (TM50, TM51) are started asynchronously to the count clock. Figure 7-16. 8-bit Timer Counter 5n Start Timing Count clock TM5n count value 00H 01H 02H Timer start Remark 240 n = 0, 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 03H 04H CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 8.1 Functions of 8-bit Timers H0 and H1 8-bit timers H0 and H1 have the following functions. * Interval timer * Square-wave output * PWM output * Carrier generator (8-bit timer H1 only) 8.2 Configuration of 8-bit Timers H0 and H1 8-bit timers H0 and H1 include the following hardware. Table 8-1. Configuration of 8-bit Timers H0 and H1 Item Configuration Timer register 8-bit timer counter Hn Registers 8-bit timer H compare register 0n (CMP0n) Timer output TOHn, output controller Control registers 8-bit timer H mode register n (TMHMDn) 8-bit timer H compare register 1n (CMP1n) 8-bit timer H carrier control register 1 (TMCYC1) Note Port mode register 1 (PM1) Port register 1 (P1) Note 8-bit timer H1 only Remark n = 0, 1 Figures 8-1 and 8-2 show the block diagrams. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 241 242 <R> Figure 8-1. Block Diagram of 8-bit Timer H0 Internal bus 8-bit timer H mode register 0 (TMHMD0) TMHE0 CKS02 CKS01 CKS00 TMMD01 TMMD00 TOLEV0 TOEN0 3 8-bit timer H compare register 10 (CMP10) 8-bit timer H compare register 00 (CMP00) 2 TOH0 output Decoder TOH0/P15 fPRS fPRS/2 fPRS/22 fPRS/26 fPRS/210 8-bit timer/ event counter 50 output Selector User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Match Interrupt generator F/F R Output controller Level inversion Output latch (P15) 8-bit timer counter H0 Clear PWM mode signal Timer H enable signal 1 0 INTTMH0 PM15 CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 Selector <R> Figure 8-2. Block Diagram of 8-bit Timer H1 Internal bus 8-bit timer H mode register 1 (TMHMD1) TMHE1 CKS12 CKS11 CKS10 TMMD11 TMMD10 TOLEV1 TOEN1 3 8-bit timer H compare register 0 1 (CMP01) 8-bit timer H compare register 1 1 (CMP11) 8-bit timer H carrier control register 1 RMC1 NRZB1 NRZ1 (TMCYC1) INTTM51 Reload/ interrupt control 2 TOH1 output TOH1/ INTP5/ P16 Decoder Selector User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Match fPRS fPRS/22 fPRS/24 fPRS/26 fPRS/212 fRL fRL/27 fRL/29 Interrupt generator F/F R Output controller Level inversion Output latch (P16) 8-bit timer counter H1 Carrier generator mode signal Clear PWM mode signal Timer H enable signal 1 0 INTTMH1 PM16 CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 Selector 243 CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 (1) 8-bit timer H compare register 0n (CMP0n) This register can be read or written by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. This register is used in all of the timer operation modes. This register constantly compares the value set to CMP0n with the count value of 8-bit timer counter Hn and, when the two values match, generates an interrupt request signal (INTTMHn) and inverts the output level of TOHn. Rewrite the value of CMP0n while the timer is stopped (TMHEn = 0). A reset signal generation clears this register to 00H. Figure 8-3. Format of 8-bit Timer H Compare Register 0n (CMP0n) Address: FF18H (CMP00), FF1AH (CMP01) Symbol CMP0n (n = 0, 1) 7 5 6 After reset: 00H 3 4 R/W 2 1 0 Caution CMP0n cannot be rewritten during timer count operation. CMP0n can be refreshed (the same value is written) during timer count operation. (2) 8-bit timer H compare register 1n (CMP1n) This register can be read or written by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. This register is used in the PWM output mode and carrier generator mode. In the PWM output mode, this register constantly compares the value set to CMP1n with the count value of 8-bit timer counter Hn and, when the two values match, inverts the output level of TOHn. No interrupt request signal is generated. In the carrier generator mode, the CMP1n register always compares the value set to CMP1n with the count value of 8-bit timer counter Hn and, when the two values match, generates an interrupt request signal (INTTMHn). At the same time, the count value is cleared. CMP1n can be refreshed (the same value is written) and rewritten during timer count operation. If the value of CMP1n is rewritten while the timer is operating, the new value is latched and transferred to CMP1n when the count value of the timer matches the old value of CMP1n, and then the value of CMP1n is changed to the new value. If matching of the count value and the CMP1n value and writing a value to CMP1n conflict, the value of CMP1n is not changed. A reset signal generation clears this register to 00H. Figure 8-4. Format of 8-bit Timer H Compare Register 1n (CMP1n) Address: FF19H (CMP10), FF1BH (CMP11) Symbol CMP1n (n = 0, 1) 7 6 5 After reset: 00H 4 3 R/W 2 1 0 Caution In the PWM output mode and carrier generator mode, be sure to set CMP1n when starting the timer count operation (TMHEn = 1) after the timer count operation was stopped (TMHEn = 0) (be sure to set again even if setting the same value to CMP1n). Remark 244 n = 0, 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 8.3 Registers Controlling 8-bit Timers H0 and H1 The following four registers are used to control 8-bit timers H0 and H1. * 8-bit timer H mode register n (TMHMDn) * 8-bit timer H carrier control register 1 (TMCYC1)Note * Port mode register 1 (PM1) * Port register 1 (P1) Note 8-bit timer H1 only (1) 8-bit timer H mode register n (TMHMDn) This register controls the mode of timer H. This register can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation clears this register to 00H. Remark n = 0, 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 245 CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 Figure 8-5. Format of 8-bit Timer H Mode Register 0 (TMHMD0) Address: FF69H After reset: 00H R/W Symbol <7> 6 5 4 TMHMD0 TMHE0 CKS02 CKS01 CKS00 TMHE0 3 <1> TMMD01 TMMD00 TOLEV0 <0> TOEN0 Timer operation enable 0 Stops timer count operation (counter is cleared to 0) 1 Enables timer count operation (count operation started by inputting clock) CKS02 CKS01 Count clock selectionNote 1 CKS00 fPRS = 2 MHz fPRS = 5 MHz fPRS = 10 MHz fPRS = 20 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 0 0 0 fPRSNote 2 2 MHz 0 0 1 fPRS/2 1 MHz 2.5 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 500 kHz 1.25 MHz 2.5 MHz 5 MHz 31.25 kHz 78.13 kHz 156.25 kHz 312.5 kHz 0 1 0 fPRS/2 2 0 1 1 fPRS/2 6 1 0 0 fPRS/210 1.95 kHz 4.88 kHz 1 Note 3 0 1 Other than above TM50 output 19.54 kHz Timer operation mode 0 0 Interval timer mode 1 0 PWM output mode Other than above 9.77 kHz Setting prohibited TMMD01 TMMD00 Setting prohibited TOLEV0 Timer output level control (in default mode) 0 Low level 1 High level TOEN0 <R> 2 Timer output control 0 Disables output 1 Enables output Notes 1. If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the high-speed system clock (fXH) (XSEL = 1), the fPRS operating frequency varies depending on the supply voltage. * VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V: fPRS 20 MHz * VDD = 2.7 to 4.0 V: fPRS 10 MHz * VDD = 1.8 to 2.7 V: fPRS 5 MHz (Standard and (A) grade products only) <R> 2. If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the internal high-speed oscillation clock (fRH) (XSEL = 0), when 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V, the setting of CKS02 = CKS01 = CKS00 = 0 (count clock: fPRS) is prohibited. 246 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 Note 3. Note the following points when selecting the TM50 output as the count clock. * Mode in which the count clock is cleared and started upon a match of TM50 and CR50 (TMC506 = 0) Start the operation of 8-bit timer/event counter 50 first and then enable the timer F/F inversion operation (TMC501 = 1). * PWM mode (TMC506 = 1) Start the operation of 8-bit timer/event counter 50 first and then set the count clock to make the duty = 50%. <R> It is not necessary to enable (TOE50 = 1) TO50 output in any mode. Cautions 1. When TMHE0 = 1, setting the other bits of TMHMD0 is prohibited. However, TMHMD0 can be refreshed (the same value is written). 2. In the PWM output mode, be sure to set 8-bit timer H compare register 10 (CMP10) when starting the timer count operation (TMHE0 = 1) after the timer count operation was stopped (TMHE0 = 0) (be sure to set again even if setting the same value to CMP10). <R> 3. The actual TOH0/P15 pin output is determined depending on PM15 and P15, besides TOH0 output. Remarks 1. fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency 2. TMC506: Bit 6 of 8-bit timer mode control register 50 (TMC50) TMC501: Bit 1 of TMC50 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 247 CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 Figure 8-6. Format of 8-bit Timer H Mode Register 1 (TMHMD1) Address: FF6CH After reset: 00H R/W Symbol <7> 6 5 4 TMHMD1 TMHE1 CKS12 CKS11 CKS10 TMHE1 2 <1> TMMD11 TMMD10 TOLEV1 <0> TOEN1 Timer operation enable 0 Stops timer count operation (counter is cleared to 0) 1 Enables timer count operation (count operation started by inputting clock) CKS12 0 0 CKS11 Count clock selectionNote 1 CKS10 0 0 0 1 fPRS = 2 MHz fPRS = 5 MHz fPRS = 10 MHz fPRS = 20 MHz fPRSNote 2 2 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz fPRS/2 2 500 kHz 1.25 MHz 2.5 MHz 5 MHz 125 kHz 312.5 kHz 625 kHz 1.25 MHz 31.25 kHz 78.13 kHz 156.25 kHz 312.5 kHz 0 1 0 fPRS/2 4 0 1 1 fPRS/2 6 1 0 0 fPRS/212 0.49 kHz 1.22 kHz 1 0 1 fRL/2 7 1.88 kHz (TYP.) 9 0.47 kHz (TYP.) 1 1 0 fRL/2 1 1 1 fRL 4.88 kHz Timer operation mode 0 0 Interval timer mode 0 1 Carrier generator mode 1 0 PWM output mode 1 1 Setting prohibited TOLEV1 2.44 kHz 240 kHz (TYP.) TMMD11 TMMD10 Timer output level control (in default mode) 0 Low level 1 High level TOEN1 <R> 3 Timer output control 0 Disables output 1 Enables output Notes 1. If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the high-speed system clock (fXH) (XSEL = 1), the fPRS operating frequency varies depending on the supply voltage. * VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V: fPRS 20 MHz * VDD = 2.7 to 4.0 V: fPRS 10 MHz * VDD = 1.8 to 2.7 V: fPRS 5 MHz (Standard and (A) grade products only) 2. If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the internal high-speed oscillation clock (fRH) (XSEL <R> = 0), when 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V, the setting of CKS12 = CKS11 = CKS10 = 0 (count clock: fPRS) is prohibited. 248 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 Cautions 1. When TMHE1 = 1, setting the other bits of TMHMD1 is prohibited. However, TMHMD1 can be refreshed (the same value is written). 2. In the PWM output mode and carrier generator mode, be sure to set the 8-bit timer H compare register 11 (CMP11) when starting the timer count operation (TMHE1 = 1) after the timer count operation was stopped (TMHE1 = 0) (be sure to set again even if setting the same value to CMP11). 3. When the carrier generator mode is used, set so that the count clock frequency of TMH1 becomes more than 6 times the count clock frequency of TM51. <R> 4. The actual TOH1/INTP5/P16 pin output is determined depending on PM16 and P16, besides TOH1 output. Remarks 1. fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency 2. fRL: Internal low-speed oscillation clock frequency (2) 8-bit timer H carrier control register 1 (TMCYC1) This register controls the remote control output and carrier pulse output status of 8-bit timer H1. This register can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation clears this register to 00H. Figure 8-7. Format of 8-bit Timer H Carrier Control Register 1 (TMCYC1) Address: FF6DH After reset: 00H R/WNote Symbol <0> TMCYC1 0 0 RMC1 NRZB1 0 0 Low-level output 0 1 High-level output at rising edge of INTTM51 signal input 1 0 Low-level output 1 1 Carrier pulse output at rising edge of INTTM51 signal input NRZ1 0 0 0 RMC1 NRZB1 NRZ1 Remote control output Carrier pulse output status flag 0 Carrier output disabled status (low-level status) 1 Carrier output enabled status (RMC1 = 1: Carrier pulse output, RMC1 = 0: High-level status) Note Bit 0 is read-only. Caution Do not rewrite RMC1 when TMHE = 1. However, TMCYC1 can be refreshed (the same value is written). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 249 CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 (3) Port mode register 1 (PM1) This register sets port 1 input/output in 1-bit units. When using the P15/TOH0 and P16/TOH1/INTP5 pins for timer output, clear PM15 and PM16 and the output latches of P15 and P16 to 0. PM1 can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to FFH. Figure 8-8. Format of Port Mode Register 1 (PM1) Address: FF21H Symbol PM1 R/W 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PM17 PM16 PM15 PM14 PM13 PM12 PM11 PM10 PM1n 250 After reset: FFH P1n pin I/O mode selection (n = 0 to 7) 0 Output mode (output buffer on) 1 Input mode (output buffer off) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 8.4 Operation of 8-bit Timers H0 and H1 8.4.1 Operation as interval timer/square-wave output When 8-bit timer counter Hn and compare register 0n (CMP0n) match, an interrupt request signal (INTTMHn) is generated and 8-bit timer counter Hn is cleared to 00H. Compare register 1n (CMP1n) is not used in interval timer mode. Since a match of 8-bit timer counter Hn and the CMP1n register is not detected even if the CMP1n register is set, timer output is not affected. By setting bit 0 (TOENn) of timer H mode register n (TMHMDn) to 1, a square wave of any frequency (duty = 50%) is output from TOHn. Setting <1> Set each register. Figure 8-9. Register Setting During Interval Timer/Square-Wave Output Operation (i) TMHMDn Setting timer H mode register n (TMHMDn) TMHEn CKSn2 CKSn1 CKSn0 0 0/1 0/1 0/1 TMMDn1 TMMDn0 TOLEVn 0 0 0/1 TOENn 0/1 Timer output setting Default setting of timer output level Interval timer mode setting Count clock (fCNT) selection Count operation stopped (ii) CMP0n register setting The interval time is as follows if N is set as a comparison value. * Interval time = (N +1) / fCNT <2> Count operation starts when TMHEn = 1. <3> When the values of 8-bit timer counter Hn and the CMP0n register match, the INTTMHn signal is generated and 8-bit timer counter Hn is cleared to 00H. <4> Subsequently, the INTTMHn signal is generated at the same interval. To stop the count operation, clear TMHEn to 0. Remarks 1. For the setting of the output pin, see 8.3 (3) Port mode register 1 (PM1). 2. For how to enable the INTTMHn signal interrupt, see CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS. 3. n = 0, 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 251 CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 Figure 8-10. Timing of Interval Timer/Square-Wave Output Operation (1/2) (a) Basic operation (Operation When 01H CMP0n FEH) Count clock Count start 00H 8-bit timer counter Hn 01H N 00H 01H N Clear 00H 01H 00H Clear N CMP0n TMHEn INTTMHn Interval time TOHn <2> Level inversion, match interrupt occurrence, 8-bit timer counter Hn clear <1> <3> <2> Level inversion, match interrupt occurrence, 8-bit timer counter Hn clear <1> The count operation is enabled by setting the TMHEn bit to 1. The count clock starts counting no more than 1 clock after the operation is enabled. <2> When the value of the 8-bit timer counter Hn matches the value of the CMP0n register, the value of the timer counter is cleared, and the level of the TOHn output is inverted. In addition, the INTTMHn signal is output at the rising edge of the count clock. <3> If the TMHEn bit is cleared to 0 while timer H is operating, the INTTMHn signal and TOHn output are set to the default level. If they are already at the default level before the TMHEn bit is cleared to 0, then that level is maintained. Remark n = 0, 1 01H N FEH 252 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 Figure 8-10. Timing of Interval Timer/Square-Wave Output Operation (2/2) (b) Operation when CMP0n = FFH Count clock Count start 8-bit timer counter Hn 00H 01H FEH FFH 00H FEH Clear FFH 00H Clear FFH CMP0n TMHEn INTTMHn TOHn Interval time (c) Operation when CMP0n = 00H Count clock Count start 8-bit timer counter Hn 00H CMP0n 00H TMHEn INTTMHn TOHn Interval time Remark n = 0, 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 253 CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 8.4.2 Operation as PWM output In PWM output mode, a pulse with an arbitrary duty and arbitrary cycle can be output. 8-bit timer compare register 0n (CMP0n) controls the cycle of timer output (TOHn). Rewriting the CMP0n register during timer operation is prohibited. 8-bit timer compare register 1n (CMP1n) controls the duty of timer output (TOHn). Rewriting the CMP1n register during timer operation is possible. The operation in PWM output mode is as follows. <R> PWM output (TOHn output) outputs an active level and 8-bit timer counter Hn is cleared to 0 when 8-bit timer counter Hn and the CMP0n register match after the timer count is started. PWM output (TOHn output) outputs an inactive level when 8-bit timer counter Hn and the CMP1n register match. Setting <1> Set each register. Figure 8-11. Register Setting in PWM Output Mode (i) TMHMDn Setting timer H mode register n (TMHMDn) TMHEn CKSn2 CKSn1 CKSn0 0 0/1 0/1 0/1 TMMDn1 TMMDn0 TOLEVn 1 0 0/1 TOENn 1 Timer output enabled Default setting of timer output level PWM output mode selection Count clock (fCNT) selection Count operation stopped (ii) Setting CMP0n register * Compare value (N): Cycle setting (iii) Setting CMP1n register * Compare value (M): Duty setting Remarks 1. n = 0, 1 2. 00H CMP1n (M) < CMP0n (N) FFH <2> The count operation starts when TMHEn = 1. <R> <3> The CMP0n register is the compare register that is to be compared first after counter operation is enabled. When the values of 8-bit timer counter Hn and the CMP0n register match, 8-bit timer counter Hn is cleared, an interrupt request signal (INTTMHn) is generated, and an active level is output. At the same time, the compare register to be compared with 8-bit timer counter Hn is changed from the CMP0n register to the CMP1n register. <R> <4> When 8-bit timer counter Hn and the CMP1n register match, an inactive level is output and the compare register to be compared with 8-bit timer counter Hn is changed from the CMP1n register to the CMP0n register. At this time, 8-bit timer counter Hn is not cleared and the INTTMHn signal is not generated. 254 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 <5> By performing procedures <3> and <4> repeatedly, a pulse with an arbitrary duty can be obtained. <6> To stop the count operation, set TMHEn = 0. If the setting value of the CMP0n register is N, the setting value of the CMP1n register is M, and the count clock frequency is fCNT, the PWM pulse output cycle and duty are as follows. * PWM pulse output cycle = (N + 1) / fCNT * Duty = (M + 1) / (N + 1) Cautions 1. The set value of the CMP1n register can be changed while the timer counter is operating. However, this takes a duration of three operating clocks (signal selected by the CKSn2 to CKSn0 bits of the TMHMDn register) from when the value of the CMP1n register is changed until the value is transferred to the register. 2. Be sure to set the CMP1n register when starting the timer count operation (TMHEn = 1) after the timer count operation was stopped (TMHEn = 0) (be sure to set again even if setting the same value to the CMP1n register). 3. Make sure that the CMP1n register setting value (M) and CMP0n register setting value (N) are within the following range. 00H CMP1n (M) < CMP0n (N) FFH Remarks 1. For the setting of the output pin, see 8.3 (3) Port mode register 1 (PM1). 2. For details on how to enable the INTTMHn signal interrupt, see CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS. 3. n = 0, 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 255 CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 Figure 8-12. Operation Timing in PWM Output Mode (1/4) (a) Basic operation Count clock 8-bit timer counter Hn 00H 01H A5H 00H 01H 02H CMP0n A5H CMP1n 01H A5H 00H 01H 02H A5H 00H TMHEn INTTMHn TOHn (TOLEVn = 0) <1> <2> <3> <4> TOHn (TOLEVn = 1) <R> <1> The count operation is enabled by setting the TMHEn bit to 1. Start 8-bit timer counter Hn by masking one <R> <2> When the values of 8-bit timer counter Hn and the CMP0n register match, an active level is output. At this <R> <3> When the values of 8-bit timer counter Hn and the CMP1n register match, an inactive level is output. At this <R> <4> Clearing the TMHEn bit to 0 during timer Hn operation sets the INTTMHn signal to the default and PWM count clock to count up. At this time, PWM output outputs an inactive level. time, the value of 8-bit timer counter Hn is cleared, and the INTTMHn signal is output. time, the 8-bit counter value is not cleared and the INTTMHn signal is not output. output to an inactive level. Remark n = 0, 1 256 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 Figure 8-12. Operation Timing in PWM Output Mode (2/4) (b) Operation when CMP0n = FFH, CMP1n = 00H Count clock 8-bit timer counter Hn 00H 01H FFH 00H 01H 02H FFH 00H 01H 02H CMP0n FFH CMP1n 00H FFH 00H TMHEn INTTMHn TOHn (TOLEVn = 0) (c) Operation when CMP0n = FFH, CMP1n = FEH Count clock 8-bit timer counter Hn 00H 01H FEH FFH 00H 01H FEH FFH 00H 01H CMP0n FFH CMP1n FEH FEH FFH 00H TMHEn INTTMHn TOHn (TOLEVn = 0) Remark n = 0, 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 257 CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 Figure 8-12. Operation Timing in PWM Output Mode (3/4) (d) Operation when CMP0n = 01H, CMP1n = 00H Count clock 8-bit timer counter Hn 00H 01H 00H 01H 00H 00H 01H 00H 01H CMP0n 01H CMP1n 00H TMHEn INTTMHn TOHn (TOLEVn = 0) Remark 258 n = 0, 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 Figure 8-12. Operation Timing in PWM Output Mode (4/4) (e) Operation by changing CMP1n (CMP1n = 02H 03H, CMP0n = A5H) Count clock 8-bit timer counter Hn 00H 01H 02H 80H A5H 00H 01H 02H 03H A5H 00H 01H 02H 03H A5H 00H A5H CMP01 02H (03H) 02H CMP11 <2> 03H <2>' TMHE1 INTTMH1 TOH1 (TOLEV1 = 0) <1> <R> <3> <4> <5> <6> <1> The count operation is enabled by setting TMHEn = 1. Start 8-bit timer counter Hn by masking one count clock to count up. At this time, PWM output outputs an inactive level. <2> The CMP1n register value can be changed during timer counter operation. This operation is asynchronous to the count clock. <R> <3> When the values of 8-bit timer counter Hn and the CMP0n register match, the value of 8-bit timer counter Hn is cleared, an active level is output, and the INTTMHn signal is output. <4> If the CMP1n register value is changed, the value is latched and not transferred to the register. When the values of 8-bit timer counter Hn and the CMP1n register before the change match, the value is transferred to the CMP1n register and the CMP1n register value is changed (<2>'). However, three count clocks or more are required from when the CMP1n register value is changed to when the value is transferred to the register. If a match signal is generated within three count clocks, the changed value cannot be transferred to the register. <R> <5> When the values of 8-bit timer counter Hn and the CMP1n register after the change match, an inactive level <R> <6> Clearing the TMHEn bit to 0 during timer Hn operation sets the INTTMHn signal to the default and PWM is output. 8-bit timer counter Hn is not cleared and the INTTMHn signal is not generated. output to an inactive level. Remark n = 0, 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 259 CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 8.4.3 Carrier generator operation (8-bit timer H1 only) In the carrier generator mode, 8-bit timer H1 is used to generate the carrier signal of an infrared remote controller, and 8-bit timer/event counter 51 is used to generate an infrared remote control signal (time count). The carrier clock generated by 8-bit timer H1 is output in the cycle set by 8-bit timer/event counter 51. In carrier generator mode, the output of the 8-bit timer H1 carrier pulse is controlled by 8-bit timer/event counter 51, and the carrier pulse is output from the TOH1 output. (1) Carrier generation In carrier generator mode, 8-bit timer H compare register 01 (CMP01) generates a low-level width carrier pulse waveform and 8-bit timer H compare register 11 (CMP11) generates a high-level width carrier pulse waveform. Rewriting the CMP11 register during the 8-bit timer H1 operation is possible but rewriting the CMP01 register is prohibited. (2) Carrier output control Carrier output is controlled by the interrupt request signal (INTTM51) of 8-bit timer/event counter 51 and the NRZB1 and RMC1 bits of the 8-bit timer H carrier control register (TMCYC1). The relationship between the outputs is shown below. RMC1 Bit NRZB1 Bit Output 0 0 Low-level output 0 1 High-level output at rising edge of 1 0 Low-level output 1 1 Carrier pulse output at rising edge of INTTM51 signal input INTTM51 signal input 260 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 To control the carrier pulse output during a count operation, the NRZ1 and NRZB1 bits of the TMCYC1 register have a master and slave bit configuration. The NRZ1 bit is read-only but the NRZB1 bit can be read and written. The INTTM51 signal is synchronized with the 8-bit timer H1 count clock and is output as the INTTM5H1 signal. The INTTM5H1 signal becomes the data transfer signal of the NRZ1 bit, and the NRZB1 bit value is transferred to the NRZ1 bit. The timing for transfer from the NRZB1 bit to the NRZ1 bit is as shown below. Figure 8-13. Transfer Timing TMHE1 8-bit timer H1 count clock INTTM51 INTTM5H1 <1> NRZ1 0 1 0 <2> NRZB1 1 0 1 <3> RMC1 <1> The INTTM51 signal is synchronized with the count clock of 8-bit timer H1 and is output as the INTTM5H1 signal. <2> The value of the NRZB1 bit is transferred to the NRZ1 bit at the second clock from the rising edge of the INTTM5H1 signal. <3> Write the next value to the NRZB1 bit in the interrupt servicing program that has been started by the INTTM5H1 interrupt or after timing has been checked by polling the interrupt request flag. Write data to count the next time to the CR51 register. Cautions 1. Do not rewrite the NRZB1 bit again until at least the second clock after it has been rewritten, or else the transfer from the NRZB1 bit to the NRZ1 bit is not guaranteed. 2. When 8-bit timer/event counter 51 is used in the carrier generator mode, an interrupt is generated at the timing of <1>. When 8-bit timer/event counter 51 is used in a mode other than the carrier generator mode, the timing of the interrupt generation differs. <R> Remark INTTM5H1 is an internal signal and not an interrupt source. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 261 CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 Setting <1> Set each register. Figure 8-14. Register Setting in Carrier Generator Mode (i) TMHMD1 Setting 8-bit timer H mode register 1 (TMHMD1) TMHE1 CKS12 CKS11 CKS10 0 0/1 0/1 0/1 TMMD11 TMMD10 TOLEV1 0 1 0/1 TOEN1 1 Timer output enabled Default setting of timer output level Carrier generator mode selection Count clock (fCNT) selection Count operation stopped (ii) CMP01 register setting * Compare value (iii) CMP11 register setting * Compare value (iv) TMCYC1 register setting * RMC1 = 1 ... Remote control output enable bit * NRZB1 = 0/1 ... carrier output enable bit (v) TCL51 and TMC51 register setting * See 7.3 Registers Controlling 8-bit Timer/Event Counters 50 and 51. <2> When TMHE1 = 1, 8-bit timer H1 starts counting. <3> When TCE51 of 8-bit timer mode control register 51 (TMC51) is set to 1, 8-bit timer/event counter 51 starts counting. <4> After the count operation is enabled, the first compare register to be compared is the CMP01 register. When the count value of 8-bit timer counter H1 and the CMP01 register value match, the INTTMH1 signal is generated, 8-bit timer counter H1 is cleared. At the same time, the compare register to be compared with 8-bit timer counter H1 is switched from the CMP01 register to the CMP11 register. <5> When the count value of 8-bit timer counter H1 and the CMP11 register value match, the INTTMH1 signal is generated, 8-bit timer counter H1 is cleared. At the same time, the compare register to be compared with 8-bit timer counter H1 is switched from the CMP11 register to the CMP01 register. <6> By performing procedures <4> and <5> repeatedly, a carrier clock is generated. <7> The INTTM51 signal is synchronized with count clock of 8-bit timer H1 and output as the INTTM5H1 signal. The INTTM5H1 signal becomes the data transfer signal for the NRZB1 bit, and the NRZB1 bit value is transferred to the NRZ1 bit. <8> Write the next value to the NRZB1 bit in the interrupt servicing program that has been started by the INTTM5H1 interrupt or after timing has been checked by polling the interrupt request flag. Write data to count the next time to the CR51 register. <9> When the NRZ1 bit is high level, a carrier clock is output by TOH1 output. <R> 262 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 <10> By performing the procedures above, an arbitrary carrier clock is obtained. To stop the count operation, clear TMHE1 to 0. If the setting value of the CMP01 register is N, the setting value of the CMP11 register is M, and the count clock frequency is fCNT, the carrier clock output cycle and duty are as follows. * Carrier clock output cycle = (N + M + 2) / fCNT * Duty = High-level width/carrier clock output width = (M + 1) / (N + M + 2) Cautions 1. Be sure to set the CMP11 register when starting the timer count operation (TMHE1 = 1) after the timer count operation was stopped (TMHE1 = 0) (be sure to set again even if setting the same value to the CMP11 register). 2. Set so that the count clock frequency of TMH1 becomes more than 6 times the count clock frequency of TM51. 3. Set the values of the CMP01 and CMP11 registers in a range of 01H to FFH. 4. The set value of the CMP11 register can be changed while the timer counter is operating. However, it takes the duration of three operating clocks (signal selected by the CKS12 to CKS10 bits of the TMHMD1 register) since the value of the CMP11 register has been changed until the value is transferred to the register. 5. Be sure to set the RMC1 bit before the count operation is started. Remarks 1. For the setting of the output pin, see 8.3 (3) Port mode register 1 (PM1). 2. For how to enable the INTTMH1 signal interrupt, see CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 263 CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 Figure 8-15. Carrier Generator Mode Operation Timing (1/3) (a) Operation when CMP01 = N, CMP11 = N 8-bit timer H1 count clock 8-bit timer counter H1 count value 00H N 00H N 00H N 00H CMP01 N CMP11 N N 00H N 00H N TMHE11 INTTMH1 <3> <4> <1><2> Carrier clock 8-bit timer 51 count clock TM51 count value 00H 01H K 00H 01H L K CR51 00H 01H M 00H 01H L N 00H 01H N M TCE51 <5> INTTM51 INTTM5H1 NRZB1 0 1 0 1 0 <6> NRZ1 0 1 0 1 0 Carrier clock TOH1 <7> <1> When TMHE1 = 0 and TCE51 = 0, 8-bit timer counter H1 operation is stopped. <2> When TMHE1 = 1 is set, 8-bit timer counter H1 starts a count operation. At that time, the carrier clock remains default. <3> When the count value of 8-bit timer counter H1 matches the CMP01 register value, the first INTTMH1 signal is generated, the carrier clock signal is inverted, and the compare register to be compared with 8-bit timer counter H1 is switched from the CMP01 register to the CMP11 register. 8-bit timer counter H1 is cleared to 00H. <4> When the count value of 8-bit timer counter H1 matches the CMP11 register value, the INTTMH1 signal is generated, the carrier clock signal is inverted, and the compare register to be compared with 8-bit timer counter H1 is switched from the CMP11 register to the CMP01 register. 8-bit timer counter H1 is cleared to 00H. By performing procedures <3> and <4> repeatedly, a carrier clock with duty fixed to 50% is generated. <5> When the INTTM51 signal is generated, it is synchronized with the 8-bit timer H1 count clock and is output as the INTTM5H1 signal. <6> The INTTM5H1 signal becomes the data transfer signal for the NRZB1 bit, and the NRZB1 bit value is transferred to the NRZ1 bit. <7> When NRZ1 = 0 is set, the TOH1 output becomes low level. <R> Remark 264 INTTM5H1 is an internal signal and not an interrupt source. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 Figure 8-15. Carrier Generator Mode Operation Timing (2/3) (b) Operation when CMP01 = N, CMP11 = M 8-bit timer H1 count clock 8-bit timer counter H1 count value 00H N 00H 01H M 00H N 00H 01H CMP01 N CMP11 M M 00H N 00H TMHE1 INTTMH1 <3> <4> <1><2> Carrier clock 8-bit timer 51 count clock TM51 count value 00H 01H K 00H 01H L 00H 01H K CR51 M 00H 01H N 00H 01H M L N TCE51 <5> INTTM51 INTTM5H1 NRZB1 NRZ1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 Carrier clock <6> TOH1 <7> <1> When TMHE1 = 0 and TCE51 = 0, 8-bit timer counter H1 operation is stopped. <2> When TMHE1 = 1 is set, 8-bit timer counter H1 starts a count operation. At that time, the carrier clock remains default. <3> When the count value of 8-bit timer counter H1 matches the CMP01 register value, the first INTTMH1 signal is generated, the carrier clock signal is inverted, and the compare register to be compared with 8-bit timer counter H1 is switched from the CMP01 register to the CMP11 register. 8-bit timer counter H1 is cleared to 00H. <4> When the count value of 8-bit timer counter H1 matches the CMP11 register value, the INTTMH1 signal is generated, the carrier clock signal is inverted, and the compare register to be compared with 8-bit timer counter H1 is switched from the CMP11 register to the CMP01 register. 8-bit timer counter H1 is cleared to 00H. By performing procedures <3> and <4> repeatedly, a carrier clock with duty fixed to other than 50% is generated. <5> When the INTTM51 signal is generated, it is synchronized with the 8-bit timer H1 count clock and is output as the INTTM5H1 signal. <6> A carrier signal is output at the first rising edge of the carrier clock if NRZ1 is set to 1. <7> When NRZ1 = 0, the TOH1 output is held at the high level and is not changed to low level while the carrier clock is high level (from <6> and <7>, the high-level width of the carrier clock waveform is guaranteed). <R> Remark INTTM5H1 is an internal signal and not an interrupt source. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 265 CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 Figure 8-15. Carrier Generator Mode Operation Timing (3/3) (c) Operation when CMP11 is changed 8-bit timer H1 count clock 8-bit timer counter H1 count value 00H 01H N 00H 01H M 00H N 00H 01H L 00H N CMP01 <3> M CMP11 <3>' M (L) L TMHE1 INTTMH1 <2> Carrier clock <4> <5> <1> <1> When TMHE1 = 1 is set, 8-bit timer H1 starts a count operation. At that time, the carrier clock remains default. <2> When the count value of 8-bit timer counter H1 matches the value of the CMP01 register, the INTTMH1 signal is output, the carrier signal is inverted, and the timer counter is cleared to 00H. At the same time, the compare register whose value is to be compared with that of 8-bit timer counter H1 is changed from the CMP01 register to the CMP11 register. <3> The CMP11 register is asynchronous to the count clock, and its value can be changed while 8-bit timer H1 is operating. The new value (L) to which the value of the register is to be changed is latched. When the count value of 8-bit timer counter H1 matches the value (M) of the CMP11 register before the change, the CMP11 register is changed (<3>'). However, it takes three count clocks or more since the value of the CMP11 register has been changed until the value is transferred to the register. Even if a match signal is generated before the duration of three count clocks elapses, the new value is not transferred to the register. <4> When the count value of 8-bit timer counter H1 matches the value (M) of the CMP1 register before the change, the INTTMH1 signal is output, the carrier signal is inverted, and the timer counter is cleared to 00H. At the same time, the compare register whose value is to be compared with that of 8-bit timer counter H1 is changed from the CMP11 register to the CMP01 register. <5> The timing at which the count value of 8-bit timer counter H1 and the CMP11 register value match again is indicated by the value after the change (L). 266 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 9 WATCH TIMER 9.1 Functions of Watch Timer The watch timer has the following functions. * Watch timer * Interval timer The watch timer and the interval timer can be used simultaneously. Figure 9-1 shows the watch timer block diagram. 7 fPRS/2 11-bit prescaler fW fWX fWX/24 5-bit counter fWX/25 INTWT Clear fW/24 fW/25 fW/26 fW/27 fW/28 fW/210 fW/211 fW/29 Selector fSUB Selector Clear Selector Selector Figure 9-1. Block Diagram of Watch Timer WTM7 WTM6 WTM5 INTWTI WTM4 WTM3 WTM2 WTM1 WTM0 Watch timer operation mode register (WTM) Internal bus Remark fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency fSUB: Subsystem clock frequency fW: Watch timer clock frequency (fPRS/27 or fSUB) fWX: fW or fW/29 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 267 CHAPTER 9 WATCH TIMER (1) Watch timer When the peripheral hardware clock or subsystem clock is used, interrupt request signals (INTWT) are generated at preset intervals. Table 9-1. Watch Timer Interrupt Time Interrupt Time When Operated at When Operated at When Operated at When Operated at When Operated at fSUB = 32.768 kHz fPRS = 2 MHz fPRS = 5 MHz fPRS = 10 MHz fPRS = 20 MHz 488 s 4 2 /fW 1.02 ms 410 s 205 s 102 s 5 977 s 2.05 ms 819 s 410 s 205 s 13 0.25 s 0.52 s 0.210 s 0.105 s 52.5 ms 14 0.5 s 1.05 s 0.419 s 0.210 s 0.105 s 2 /fW 2 /fW 2 /fW Remark fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency fSUB: Subsystem clock frequency fW: Watch timer clock frequency (fPRS/27 or fSUB) (2) Interval timer Interrupt request signals (INTWTI) are generated at preset time intervals. Table 9-2. Interval Timer Interval Time Interval Time When Operated at When Operated at When Operated at When Operated at When Operated at fSUB = 32.768 kHz fPRS = 2 MHz fPRS = 5 MHz fPRS = 10 MHz fPRS = 20 MHz 4 488 s 1.02 ms 410 s 205 s 102 s 5 977 s 2.05 ms 820 s 410 s 205 s 6 1.95 ms 4.10 ms 1.64 ms 820 s 410 s 7 3.91 ms 8.20 ms 3.28 ms 1.64 ms 820 s 8 7.81 ms 16.4 ms 6.55 ms 3.28 ms 1.64 ms 9 15.6 ms 32.8 ms 13.1 ms 6.55 ms 3.28 ms 10 31.3 ms 65.5 ms 26.2 ms 13.1 ms 6.55 ms 11 62.5 ms 131.1 ms 52.4 ms 26.2 ms 13.1 ms 2 /fW 2 /fW 2 /fW 2 /fW 2 /fW 2 /fW 2 /fW 2 /fW Remark fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency fSUB: Subsystem clock frequency fW: Watch timer clock frequency (fPRS/27 or fSUB) 9.2 Configuration of Watch Timer The watch timer includes the following hardware. Table 9-3. Watch Timer Configuration Item 268 Configuration Counter 5 bits x 1 Prescaler 11 bits x 1 Control register Watch timer operation mode register (WTM) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 9 WATCH TIMER 9.3 Register Controlling Watch Timer The watch timer is controlled by the watch timer operation mode register (WTM). * Watch timer operation mode register (WTM) This register sets the watch timer count clock, enables/disables operation, prescaler interval time, and 5-bit counter operation control. WTM is set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation clears WTM to 00H. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 269 CHAPTER 9 WATCH TIMER Figure 9-2. Format of Watch Timer Operation Mode Register (WTM) Address: FF6FH Symbol WTM After reset: 00H R/W 7 6 5 4 3 2 <1> <0> WTM7 WTM6 WTM5 WTM4 WTM3 WTM2 WTM1 WTM0 Note WTM7 Watch timer count clock selection (fW) fSUB = 32.768 kHz 0 fPRS/2 1 fSUB WTM6 - 7 fPRS = 2 MHz 15.625 kHz fPRS = 5 MHz 39.062 kHz fPRS = 20 MHz 78.125 kHz 156.25 kHz - 32.768 kHz WTM5 fPRS = 10 MHz WTM4 Prescaler interval time selection 4 0 0 0 2 /fW 0 0 1 2 /fW 0 1 0 2 /fW 0 1 1 2 /fW 1 0 0 2 /fW 1 0 1 2 /fW 1 1 0 2 /fW 1 1 1 2 /fW WTM3 WTM2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Selection of watch timer interrupt time 14 0 0 2 /fW 0 1 2 /fW 1 0 2 /fW 1 1 2 /fW 13 5 4 WTM1 5-bit counter operation control 0 Clear after operation stop 1 Start WTM0 Watch timer operation enable 0 Operation stop (clear both prescaler and 5-bit counter) 1 Operation enable Note If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the high-speed system clock (fXH) (XSEL = 1), the fPRS operating frequency varies depending on the supply voltage. * VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V: fPRS 20 MHz * VDD = 2.7 to 4.0 V: fPRS 10 MHz * VDD = 1.8 to 2.7 V: fPRS 5 MHz (Standard and (A) grade products only) <R> Caution Do not change the count clock and interval time (by setting bits 4 to 7 (WTM4 to WTM7) of WTM) during watch timer operation. 7 Remarks 1. fW: Watch timer clock frequency (fPRS/2 or fSUB) 2. fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency 3. fSUB: Subsystem clock frequency 270 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 9 WATCH TIMER 9.4 Watch Timer Operations 9.4.1 Watch timer operation The watch timer generates an interrupt request signal (INTWT) at a specific time interval by using the peripheral hardware clock or subsystem clock. When bit 0 (WTM0) and bit 1 (WTM1) of the watch timer operation mode register (WTM) are set to 1, the count operation starts. When these bits are cleared to 0, the 5-bit counter is cleared and the count operation stops. When the interval timer is simultaneously operated, zero-second start can be achieved only for the watch timer by clearing WTM1 to 0. In this case, however, the 11-bit prescaler is not cleared. Therefore, an error up to 29 x 1/fW seconds occurs in the first overflow (INTWT) after zero-second start. The interrupt request is generated at the following time intervals. Table 9-4. Watch Timer Interrupt Time WTM3 WTM2 Interrupt Time When Operated at When Operated at When Operated at When Operated at When Operated at Selection fPRS = 20 MHz (WTM7 = 0) 0.210 s 0.105 s 13 0.25 s 0.52 s 0.210 s 0.105 s 52.5 ms 5 977 s 2.05 ms 819 s 410 s 205 s 4 488 s 1.02 ms 410 s 205 s 102 s 1 2 /fW Remarks 1. fW: (WTM7 = 0) 0.419 s 0 1 fPRS = 10 MHz (WTM7 = 0) 1.05 s 2 /fW 1 fPRS = 5 MHz (WTM7 = 0) 0.5 s 0 0 fPRS = 2 MHz (WTM7 = 1) 14 0 1 fSUB = 32.768 kHz 2 /fW 2 /fW 7 Watch timer clock frequency (fPRS/2 or fSUB) 2. fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency 3. fSUB: Subsystem clock frequency 9.4.2 Interval timer operation The watch timer operates as interval timer which generates interrupt request signals (INTWTI) repeatedly at an interval of the preset count value. The interval time can be selected with bits 4 to 6 (WTM4 to WTM6) of the watch timer operation mode register (WTM). When bit 0 (WTM0) of the WTM is set to 1, the count operation starts. When this bit is set to 0, the count operation stops. Table 9-5. Interval Timer Interval Time WTM6 WTM5 WTM4 Interval Time (WTM7 = 0) 5 977 s 2.05 ms 820 s 410 s 205 s 6 1.95 ms 4.10 ms 1.64 ms 820 s 410 s 7 3.91 ms 8.20 ms 3.28 ms 1.64 ms 820 s 8 7.81 ms 16.4 ms 6.55 ms 3.28 ms 1.64 ms 9 15.6 ms 32.8 ms 13.1 ms 6.55 ms 3.28 ms 10 31.3 ms 65.5 ms 26.2 ms 13.1 ms 6.55 ms 11 62.5 ms 131.1 ms 52.4 ms 26.2 ms 13.1 ms 1 2 /fW 0 1 0 2 /fW 0 1 1 2 /fW 2 /fW 2 /fW 1 1 0 2 /fW 1 1 1 2 /fW Remarks 1. fW: (WTM7 = 0) 102 s 0 1 (WTM7 = 0) 205 s 0 0 at fPRS = 5 MHz at fPRS = 10 MHz at fPRS = 20 MHz 410 s 2 /fW 1 (WTM7 = 0) 1.02 ms 0 0 at fPRS = 2 MHz 488 s 0 0 at fSUB = 32.768 kHz (WTM7 = 1) 4 0 1 When Operated When Operated When Operated When Operated When Operated 7 Watch timer clock frequency (fPRS/2 or fSUB) 2. fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency 3. fSUB: Subsystem clock frequency User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 271 CHAPTER 9 WATCH TIMER Figure 9-3. Operation Timing of Watch Timer/Interval Timer 5-bit counter 0H Overflow Start Overflow Count clock Watch timer interrupt INTWT Interrupt time of watch timer (0.5 s) Interrupt time of watch timer (0.5 s) Interval timer interrupt INTWTI Interval time (T) Remark T fW: Watch timer clock frequency Figures in parentheses are for operation with fW = 32.768 kHz (WTM7 = 1, WTM3, WTM2 = 0, 0) 9.5 Cautions for Watch Timer When operation of the watch timer and 5-bit counter is enabled by the watch timer mode control register (WTM) (by setting bits 0 (WTM0) and 1 (WTM1) of WTM to 1), the interval until the first interrupt request signal (INTWT) is generated after the register is set does not exactly match the specification made with bits 2 and 3 (WTM2, WTM3) of WTM. Subsequently, however, the INTWT signal is generated at the specified intervals. Figure 9-4. Example of Generation of Watch Timer Interrupt Request Signal (INTWT) (When Interrupt Period = 0.5 s) It takes 0.515625 seconds for the first INTWT to be generated (29 x 1/32768 = 0.015625 s longer). INTWT is then generated every 0.5 seconds. WTM0, WTM1 0.515625 s 0.5 s INTWT 272 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 0.5 s CHAPTER 10 WATCHDOG TIMER 10.1 Functions of Watchdog Timer The watchdog timer operates on the internal low-speed oscillation clock. The watchdog timer is used to detect an inadvertent program loop. If a program loop is detected, an internal reset signal is generated. Program loop is detected in the following cases. * If the watchdog timer counter overflows * If a 1-bit manipulation instruction is executed on the watchdog timer enable register (WDTE) * If data other than "ACH" is written to WDTE * If data is written to WDTE during a window close period * If the instruction is fetched from an area not set by the IMS and IXS registers (detection of an invalid check while the CPU hangs up) * If the CPU accesses an area that is not set by the IMS and IXS registers (excluding FB00H to FFFFH) by executing a read/write instruction (detection of an abnormal access during a CPU program loop) When a reset occurs due to the watchdog timer, bit 4 (WDTRF) of the reset control flag register (RESF) is set to 1. For details of RESF, see CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 273 CHAPTER 10 WATCHDOG TIMER 10.2 Configuration of Watchdog Timer The watchdog timer includes the following hardware. Table 10-1. Configuration of Watchdog Timer Item Configuration Control register Watchdog timer enable register (WDTE) How the counter operation is controlled, overflow time, and window open period are set by the option byte. Table 10-2. Setting of Option Bytes and Watchdog Timer Setting of Watchdog Timer Option Byte (0080H) Window open period Bits 6 and 5 (WINDOW1, WINDOW0) Controlling counter operation of watchdog timer Bit 4 (WDTON) Overflow time of watchdog timer Bits 3 to 1 (WDCS2 to WDCS0) Remark For the option byte, see CHAPTER 24 OPTION BYTE. Figure 10-1. Block Diagram of Watchdog Timer CPU access error detector CPU access signal WDCS2 to WDCS0 of option byte (0080H) fRL/2 Clock input controller 17-bit counter 210/fRL to 217/fRL Selector Count clear signal WINDOW1 and WINDOW0 of option byte (0080H) WDTON of option byte (0080H) Overflow signal Window size determination signal Clear, reset control Watchdog timer enable register (WDTE) Internal bus 274 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Reset output controller Internal reset signal CHAPTER 10 WATCHDOG TIMER 10.3 Register Controlling Watchdog Timer The watchdog timer is controlled by the watchdog timer enable register (WDTE). (1) Watchdog timer enable register (WDTE) Writing ACH to WDTE clears the watchdog timer counter and starts counting again. This register can be set by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to 9AH or 1AHNote. Figure 10-2. Format of Watchdog Timer Enable Register (WDTE) Address: FF99H Symbol 7 After reset: 9AH/1AHNote 6 R/W 5 4 3 2 1 0 WDTE Note The WDTE reset value differs depending on the WDTON setting value of the option byte (0080H). To operate watchdog timer, set WDTON to 1. WDTON Setting Value WDTE Reset Value 0 (watchdog timer count operation disabled) 1AH 1 (watchdog timer count operation enabled) 9AH Cautions 1. If a value other than ACH is written to WDTE, an internal reset signal is generated. If the source clock to the watchdog timer is stopped, however, an internal reset signal is generated when the source clock to the watchdog timer resumes operation. 2. If a 1-bit memory manipulation instruction is executed for WDTE, an internal reset signal is generated. If the source clock to the watchdog timer is stopped, however, an internal reset signal is generated when the source clock to the watchdog timer resumes operation. 3. The value read from WDTE is 9AH/1AH (this differs from the written value (ACH)). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 275 CHAPTER 10 WATCHDOG TIMER 10.4 Operation of Watchdog Timer 10.4.1 Controlling operation of watchdog timer 1. When the watchdog timer is used, its operation is specified by the option byte (0080H). * Enable counting operation of the watchdog timer by setting bit 4 (WDTON) of the option byte (0080H) to 1 (the counter starts operating after a reset release) (for details, see CHAPTER 26). WDTON Operation Control of Watchdog Timer Counter/Illegal Access Detection 0 Counter operation disabled (counting stopped after reset), illegal access detection operation disabled 1 Counter operation enabled (counting started after reset), illegal access detection operation enabled * Set an overflow time by using bits 3 to 1 (WDCS2 to WDCS0) of the option byte (0080H) (for details, see 10.4.2 and CHAPTER 24). * Set a window open period by using bits 6 and 5 (WINDOW1 and WINDOW0) of the option byte (0080H) (for details, see 10.4.3 and CHAPTER 24). 2. After a reset release, the watchdog timer starts counting. 3. By writing "ACH" to WDTE after the watchdog timer starts counting and before the overflow time set by the 4. After that, write WDTE the second time or later after a reset release during the window open period. If WDTE 5. If the overflow time expires without "ACH" written to WDTE, an internal reset signal is generated. option byte, the watchdog timer is cleared and starts counting again. is written during a window close period, an internal reset signal is generated. A internal reset signal is generated in the following cases. * If a 1-bit manipulation instruction is executed on the watchdog timer enable register (WDTE) * If data other than "ACH" is written to WDTE * If the instruction is fetched from an area not set by the IMS and IXS registers (detection of an invalid check during a CPU program loop) * If the CPU accesses an area not set by the IMS and IXS registers (excluding FB00H to FFFFH) by executing a read/write instruction (detection of an abnormal access during a CPU program loop) Cautions 1. The first writing to WDTE after a reset release clears the watchdog timer, if it is made before the overflow time regardless of the timing of the writing, and the watchdog timer starts counting again. 2. If the watchdog timer is cleared by writing "ACH" to WDTE, the actual overflow time may be different from the overflow time set by the option byte by up to 2/fRL seconds. 3. The watchdog timer can be cleared immediately before the count value overflows (FFFFH). 276 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 10 WATCHDOG TIMER Cautions 4. The operation of the watchdog timer in the HALT and STOP modes differs as follows depending on the set value of bit 0 (LSROSC) of the option byte. In HALT mode LSROSC = 0 (Internal Low-Speed LSROSC = 1 (Internal Low-Speed Oscillator Can Be Stopped by Software) Oscillator Cannot Be Stopped) Watchdog timer operation stops. Watchdog timer operation continues. In STOP mode If LSROSC = 0, the watchdog timer resumes counting after the HALT or STOP mode is released. At this time, the counter is not cleared to 0 but starts counting from the value at which it was stopped. If oscillation of the internal low-speed oscillator is stopped by setting LSRSTOP (bit 1 of the internal oscillation mode register (RCM) = 1) when LSROSC = 0, the watchdog timer stops operating. At this time, the counter is not cleared to 0. <R> 5. The watchdog timer continues its operation during self programming and EEPROM emulation of the flash memory. During processing, the interrupt acknowledge time is delayed. Set the overflow time and window size taking this delay into consideration. 10.4.2 Setting overflow time of watchdog timer Set the overflow time of the watchdog timer by using bits 3 to 1 (WDCS2 to WDCS0) of the option byte (0080H). If an overflow occurs, an internal reset signal is generated. The present count is cleared and the watchdog timer starts counting again by writing "ACH" to WDTE during the window open period before the overflow time. The following overflow time is set. Table 10-3. Setting of Overflow Time of Watchdog Timer WDCS2 WDCS1 WDCS0 Overflow Time of Watchdog Timer 10 0 0 0 2 /fRL (3.88 ms) 0 0 1 2 /fRL (7.76 ms) 0 1 0 2 /fRL (15.52 ms) 0 1 1 2 /fRL (31.03 ms) 1 0 0 2 /fRL (62.06 ms) 1 0 1 2 /fRL (124.12 ms) 1 1 0 2 /fRL (248.24 ms) 1 1 1 2 /fRL (496.48 ms) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Cautions 1. The combination of WDCS2 = WDCS1 = WDCS0 = 0 and WINDOW1 = WINDOW0 = 0 is prohibited. <R> 2. The watchdog timer continues its operation during self programming and EEPROM emulation of the flash memory. During processing, the interrupt acknowledge time is delayed. Set the overflow time and window size taking this delay into consideration. Remarks 1. fRL: Internal low-speed oscillation clock frequency 2. ( ): fRL = 264 kHz (MAX.) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 277 CHAPTER 10 WATCHDOG TIMER 10.4.3 Setting window open period of watchdog timer Set the window open period of the watchdog timer by using bits 6 and 5 (WINDOW1, WINDOW0) of the option byte (0080H). The outline of the window is as follows. * If "ACH" is written to WDTE during the window open period, the watchdog timer is cleared and starts counting again. * Even if "ACH" is written to WDTE during the window close period, an abnormality is detected and an internal reset signal is generated. Example: If the window open period is 25% Counting starts Overflow time Window close period (75%) Internal reset signal is generated if ACH is written to WDTE. Window open period (25%) Counting starts again when ACH is written to WDTE. Caution The first writing to WDTE after a reset release clears the watchdog timer, if it is made before the overflow time regardless of the timing of the writing, and the watchdog timer starts counting again. The window open period to be set is as follows. Table 10-4. Setting Window Open Period of Watchdog Timer WINDOW1 WINDOW0 Window Open Period of Watchdog Timer 0 0 25% 0 1 50% 1 0 75% 1 1 100% Cautions 1. The combination of WDCS2 = WDCS1 = WDCS0 = 0 and WINDOW1 = WINDOW0 = 0 is prohibited. <R> 2. The watchdog timer continues its operation during self programming and EEPROM emulation of the flash memory. During processing, the interrupt acknowledge time is delayed. Set the overflow time and window size taking this delay into consideration. 278 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 10 WATCHDOG TIMER Remark If the overflow time is set to 210/fRL, the window close time and open time are as follows. (when 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V) Setting of Window Open Period 25% 50% 75% 100% Window close time 0 to 3.56 ms 0 to 2.37 ms 0 to 0.119 ms None Window open time 3.56 to 3.88 ms 2.37 to 3.88 ms 0.119 to 3.88 ms 0 to 3.88 ms <When window open period is 25%> * Overflow time: 210/fRL (MAX.) = 210/264 kHz (MAX.) = 3.88 ms * Window close time: 0 to 210/fRL (MIN.) x (1 - 0.25) = 0 to 210/216 kHz (MIN.) x 0.75 = 0 to 3.56 ms * Window open time: 210/fRL (MIN.) x (1 - 0.25) to 210/fRL (MAX.) = 210/216 kHz (MIN.) x 0.75 to 210/264 kHz (MAX.) = 3.56 to 3.88 ms User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 279 CHAPTER 11 CLOCK OUTPUT CONTROLLER (48-PIN PRODUCTS ONLY) 11.1 Functions of Clock Output Controller The clock output controller is intended for carrier output during remote controlled transmission and clock output for supply to peripheral ICs. The clock selected with the clock output selection register (CKS) is output. Figure 11-1 shows the block diagram of clock output controller. Figure 11-1. Block Diagram of Clock Output Controller fPRS Prescaler 8 Selector fPRS to fPRS/27 fSUB Clock controller PCL/INTP6/P140 Output latch (P140) CLOE CCS3 CCS2 CCS1 CCS0 Clock output select register (CKS) Internal bus 280 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD PM140 CHAPTER 11 CLOCK OUTPUT CONTROLLER (48-PIN PRODUCTS ONLY) 11.2 Configuration of Clock Output Controller The clock output controller includes the following hardware. Table 11-1. Configuration of Clock Output Controller Item Control registers Configuration Clock output selection register (CKS) Port mode register 14 (PM14) Port register 14 (P14) 11.3 Registers Controlling Clock Output Controller The following two registers are used to control the clock output controller. * Clock output selection register (CKS) * Port mode register 14 (PM14) (1) Clock output selection register (CKS) This register sets output enable/disable for clock output (PCL), and sets the output clock. CKS is set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets CKS to 00H. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 281 CHAPTER 11 CLOCK OUTPUT CONTROLLER (48-PIN PRODUCTS ONLY) Figure 11-2. Format of Clock Output Selection Register (CKS) Address: FF40H After reset: 00H R/W Symbol 7 6 5 <4> 3 2 1 0 CKS 0 0 0 CLOE CCS3 CCS2 CCS1 CCS0 CLOE PCL output enable/disable specification 0 Clock division circuit operation stopped. PCL fixed to low level. 1 Clock division circuit operation enabled. PCL output enabled. CCS3 0 CCS2 0 CCS1 0 Note 1 CCS0 0 PCL output clock selection fSUB = fPRS = fPRS = 32.768 kHz 10 MHz 20 MHz - Note 2 fPRS Setting 10 MHz Note 3 prohibited 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 Notes 1. 5 MHz 10 MHz fPRS/2 2 2.5 MHz 5 MHz fPRS/2 3 1.25 MHz 2.5 MHz fPRS/2 4 625 kHz 1.25 MHz fPRS/2 5 312.5 kHz 625 kHz fPRS/2 6 156.25 kHz 312.5 kHz 7 0 1 1 1 fPRS/2 1 0 0 0 fSUB Other than above <R> fPRS/2 78.125 kHz 32.768 kHz 156.25 kHz - Setting prohibited If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the high-speed system clock (fXH) (XSEL = 1), the fPRS operating frequency varies depending on the supply voltage. * VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V: fPRS 20 MHz * VDD = 2.7 to 4.0 V: fPRS 10 MHz * VDD = 1.8 to 2.7 V: fPRS 5 MHz (Standard and (A) grade products only) 2. If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the internal high-speed oscillation clock (XSEL = 0) when 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V, setting CCS3 = CCS2 = CCS1 = CCS0 = 0 (output clock of PCL: fPRS) is prohibited. 3. Caution The PCL output clock prohibits settings if they exceed 10 MHz. Set CCS3 to CCS0 while the clock output operation is stopped (CLOE = 0). Remarks 1. fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency 2. fSUB: Subsystem clock frequency 282 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 11 CLOCK OUTPUT CONTROLLER (48-PIN PRODUCTS ONLY) (2) Port mode register 14 (PM14) This register sets port 14 input/output in 1-bit units. When using the P140/INTP6/PCL pin for clock output, clear PM140 and the output latches of P140 to 0. PM14 is set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets PM14 to FFH. Figure 11-3. Format of Port Mode Register 14 (PM14) Address: FF2EH After reset: FFH R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PM14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PM140 PM140 P140 pin I/O mode selection 0 Output mode (output buffer on) 1 Input mode (output buffer off) 11.4 Operations of Clock Output Controller The clock pulse is output as the following procedure. <1> Select the clock pulse output frequency with bits 0 to 3 (CCS0 to CCS3) of the clock output selection register (CKS) (clock pulse output in disabled status). <2> Set bit 4 (CLOE) of CKS to 1 to enable clock output. Remark The clock output controller is designed not to output pulses with a small width during output enable/disable switching of the clock output. As shown in Figure 11-4, be sure to start output from the low period of the clock (marked with * in the figure). When stopping output, do so after the high-level period of the clock. Figure 11-4. Remote Control Output Application Example CLOE * * Clock output User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 283 CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER 12.1 Function of A/D Converter The A/D converter converts an analog input signal into a digital value, and consists of up to eight channels (ANI0 to ANI7Note) with a resolution of 10 bits. The A/D converter has the following function. * 10-bit resolution A/D conversion 10-bit resolution A/D conversion is carried out repeatedly for one analog input channel selected from ANI0 to ANI7Note. Each time an A/D conversion operation ends, an interrupt request (INTAD) is generated. <R> Note 38-pin products: ANI0 to ANI5 44-pin and 48-pin products: ANI0 to ANI7 Figure 12-1. Block Diagram of A/D Converter AVREF ADCS bit ANI0/P20 ANI1/P21 ANI2/P22 ANI3/P23 ANI4/P24 ANI5/P25 ANI6/P26Note ANI7/P27Note Voltage comparator AVSS Successive approximation register (SAR) Controller 3 ADS2 ADS1 ADS0 ADPC3 ADPC2 ADPC1 ADPC0 Analog input channel specification register (ADS) A/D conversion result register (ADCR) 5 4 ADCS FR2 FR1 FR0 LV1 Internal bus <R> Note 44-pin and 48-pin products only 284 LV0 ADCE A/D converter mode register (ADM) A/D port configuration register (ADPC) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Tap selector Selector Sample & hold circuit AVSS INTAD CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER 12.2 Configuration of A/D Converter The A/D converter includes the following hardware. (1) ANI0 to ANI7 pinsNote These are the analog input pins of the 8-channel A/D converter. They input analog signals to be converted into digital signals. Pins other than the one selected as the analog input pin can be used as I/O port pins. <R> Note 38-pin products: ANI0 to ANI5 pins 44-pin and 48-pin products: ANI0 to ANI7 pins (2) Sample & hold circuit The sample & hold circuit samples the input voltage of the analog input pin selected by the selector when A/D conversion is started, and holds the sampled voltage value during A/D conversion. (3) Series resistor string The series resistor string is connected between AVREF and AVSS, and generates a voltage to be compared with the sampled voltage value. Figure 12-2. Circuit Configuration of Series Resistor String AVREF P-ch ADCS Series resistor string AVSS (4) Voltage comparator The voltage comparator compares the sampled voltage value and the output voltage of the series resistor string. (5) Successive approximation register (SAR) This register converts the result of comparison by the voltage comparator, starting from the most significant bit (MSB). When the voltage value is converted into a digital value down to the least significant bit (LSB) (end of A/D conversion), the contents of the SAR register are transferred to the A/D conversion result register (ADCR). (6) 10-bit A/D conversion result register (ADCR) The A/D conversion result is loaded from the successive approximation register to this register each time A/D conversion is completed, and the ADCR register holds the A/D conversion result in its higher 10 bits (the lower 6 bits are fixed to 0). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 285 CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER (7) 8-bit A/D conversion result register (ADCRH) The A/D conversion result is loaded from the successive approximation register to this register each time A/D conversion is completed, and the ADCRH register stores the higher 8 bits of the A/D conversion result. Caution When data is read from ADCR and ADCRH, a wait cycle is generated. Do not read data from ADCR and ADCRH when the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. (8) Controller This circuit controls the conversion time of an input analog signal that is to be converted into a digital signal, as well as starting and stopping of the conversion operation. When A/D conversion has been completed, this controller generates INTAD. (9) AVREF pin This pin inputs an analog power/reference voltage to the A/D converter. Make this pin the same potential as the VDD pin when port 2 is used as a digital port. The signal input to the ANI0 to ANI7 pinsNote is converted into a digital signal, based on the voltage applied across AVREF and AVSS. (10) AVSS pin This is the ground potential pin of the A/D converter. Always use this pin at the same potential as that of the VSS pin even when the A/D converter is not used. (11) A/D converter mode register (ADM) This register is used to set the conversion time of the analog input signal to be converted, and to start or stop the conversion operation. (12) A/D port configuration register (ADPC) This register switches the ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 pinsNote to analog input of A/D converter or digital I/O of port. (13) Analog input channel specification register (ADS) This register is used to specify the port that inputs the analog voltage to be converted into a digital signal. (14) Port mode register 2 (PM2) This register switches the ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 pinsNote to input or output. <R> Note 38-pin products: ANI0 to ANI5 pins 44-pin and 48-pin products: ANI0 to ANI7 pins 286 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER 12.3 Registers Used in A/D Converter The A/D converter uses the following six registers. * A/D converter mode register (ADM) * A/D port configuration register (ADPC) * Analog input channel specification register (ADS) * Port mode register 2 (PM2) * 10-bit A/D conversion result register (ADCR) * 8-bit A/D conversion result register (ADCRH) (1) A/D converter mode register (ADM) This register sets the conversion time for analog input to be A/D converted, and starts/stops conversion. ADM can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation clears this register to 00H. Figure 12-3. Format of A/D Converter Mode Register (ADM) Address: FF28H Symbol ADM After reset: 00H <7> 6 ADCS R/W 5 Note 1 0 FR2 ADCS 4 FR1 Notes 1. Note 1 FR0 2 1 Note 1 LV1 Note 1 LV0 <0> ADCE A/D conversion operation control 0 Stops conversion operation 1 Enables conversion operation Comparator operation controlNote 2 ADCE <R> 3 Note 1 0 Stops comparator operation 1 Enables comparator operation For details of FR2 to FR0, LV1, LV0, and A/D conversion, see Table 12-2 A/D Conversion Time Selection. 2. The operation of the comparator is controlled by ADCS and ADCE, and it takes 1 s from operation start to operation stabilization. Therefore, when ADCS is set to 1 after 1 s or more has elapsed from the time ADCE is set to 1, the conversion result at that time has priority over the first conversion result. Otherwise, ignore data of the first conversion. Table 12-1. Settings of ADCS and ADCE <R> ADCS ADCE A/D Conversion Operation 0 0 Stop status (DC power consumption path does not exist) 0 1 Conversion waiting mode (comparator operation, only comparator consumes power) <R> Note 1 0 Conversion mode (comparator operation stopped 1 1 Conversion mode (comparator operation) ) Note Ignore the first conversion data. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 287 CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER <R> Figure 12-4. Timing Chart When Comparator Is Used Comparator operation ADCE Comparator Conversion operation Conversion waiting Conversion operation Conversion stopped ADCS Note Note To stabilize the internal circuit, the time from the rising of the ADCE bit to the falling of the ADCS bit must be 1 s or longer. Cautions 1. A/D conversion must be stopped before rewriting bits FR0 to FR2, LV1, and LV0 to values other than the identical data. 2. If data is written to ADM, a wait cycle is generated. Do not write data to ADM when the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. 288 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER Table 12-2. A/D Conversion Time Selection (1) 2.7 V AVREF 5.5 V A/D Converter Mode Register (ADM) FR2 FR1 FR0 LV1 LV0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Conversion Time Selection fPRS = 2 MHz (fAD) fPRS = 20 MHz 26.4 s 13.2 s fPRS/12 176/fPRS 17.6 s 8.8 s fPRS/8 132/fPRS 13.2 s Note 6.6 s fPRS/6 88/fPRS 8.8 s Setting prohibited fPRS/4 264/fPRS Setting prohibited Note Note Note 1 0 0 0 0 66/fPRS 33.0 s 1 0 1 0 0 44/fPRS 22.0 s Other than above fPRS = 10 MHz Conversion Clock Note Note 6.6 s fPRS/3 Setting prohibited fPRS/2 Setting prohibited Note This can be set only when 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V. (2) 2.3 V AVREF < 2.7 V A/D Converter Mode Register (ADM) Conversion Time Selection FR2 FR1 FR0 LV1 LV0 0 0 0 0 1 480/fPRS 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 Conversion Clock (fAD) fPRS = 2 MHz fPRS = 5 MHz Setting prohibited Setting prohibited fPRS/12 320/fPRS 64.0 s fPRS/8 1 240/fPRS 48.0 s fPRS/6 0 1 160/fPRS 32.0 s fPRS/4 0 0 1 120/fPRS 60.0 s Setting prohibited fPRS/3 1 0 1 80/fPRS 40.0 s Setting prohibited fPRS/2 Other than above Setting prohibited Cautions 1. Set the conversion times with the following conditions. * 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V: fAD = 0.6 to 3.6 MHz * 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V: fAD = 0.6 to 1.8 MHz * 2.3 V AVREF < 2.7 V: fAD = 0.6 to 1.48 MHz 2. When rewriting FR2 to FR0, LV1, and LV0 to other than the same data, stop A/D conversion once (ADCS = 0) beforehand. 3. Change LV1 and LV0 from the default value, when 2.3 V AVREF < 2.7 V. 4. The above conversion time does not include clock frequency errors. Select conversion time, taking clock frequency errors into consideration. Remark fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 289 CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER Figure 12-5. A/D Converter Sampling and A/D Conversion Timing ADCS 1 or ADS rewrite ADCS Sampling timing INTAD Wait periodNote SAR clear Sampling Sampling Successive conversion Transfer SAR to ADCR, clear INTAD generation Conversion time Conversion time Note For details of wait period, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. (2) 10-bit A/D conversion result register (ADCR) This register is a 16-bit register that stores the A/D conversion result. The lower 6 bits are fixed to 0. Each time A/D conversion ends, the conversion result is loaded from the successive approximation register. The higher 8 bits of the conversion result are stored in FF09H and the lower 2 bits are stored in the higher 2 bits of FF08H. ADCR can be read by a 16-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation clears this register to 0000H. Figure 12-6. Format of 10-bit A/D Conversion Result Register (ADCR) Address: FF08H, FF09H Symbol After reset: 0000H R FF09H FF08H ADCR 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cautions 1. When writing to the A/D converter mode register (ADM), analog input channel specification register (ADS), and A/D port configuration register (ADPC), the contents of ADCR may become undefined. Read the conversion result following conversion completion before writing to ADM, ADS, and ADPC. Using timing other than the above may cause an incorrect conversion result to be read. 2. If data is read from ADCR, a wait cycle is generated. Do not read data from ADCR when the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. 290 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER (3) 8-bit A/D conversion result register (ADCRH) This register is an 8-bit register that stores the A/D conversion result. The higher 8 bits of 10-bit resolution are stored. ADCRH can be read by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation clears this register to 00H. Figure 12-7. Format of 8-bit A/D Conversion Result Register (ADCRH) Address: FF09H Symbol After reset: 00H 7 6 R 5 4 3 2 1 0 ADCRH Cautions 1. When writing to the A/D converter mode register (ADM), analog input channel specification register (ADS), and A/D port configuration register (ADPC), the contents of ADCRH may become undefined. Read the conversion result following conversion completion before writing to ADM, ADS, and ADPC. Using timing other than the above may cause an incorrect conversion result to be read. 2. If data is read from ADCRH, a wait cycle is generated. Do not read data from ADCRH when the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 291 CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER (4) Analog input channel specification register (ADS) This register specifies the input channel of the analog voltage to be A/D converted. ADS can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation clears this register to 00H. Figure 12-8. Format of Analog Input Channel Specification Register (ADS) Address: FF29H <R> After reset: 00H R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ADS 0 0 0 0 0 ADS2 ADS1 ADS0 ADS2 ADS1 ADS0 0 0 0 ANI0 0 0 1 ANI1 0 1 0 ANI2 0 1 1 ANI3 1 0 0 ANI4 1 0 1 ANI5 1 1 0 ANI6 1 1 1 ANI7 Note 38-pin products: Analog input channel specificationNote ANI0 to ANI5 44-pin and 48-pin products: ANI0 to ANI7 Cautions 1. Be sure to clear bits 3 to 7 to "0". 2 Set a channel to be used for A/D conversion in the input mode by using port mode register 2 (PM2). 3. If data is written to ADS, a wait cycle is generated. Do not write data to ADS when the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. <R> 4. For the 38-pin products, setting ADS2, ADS1, ADS0 to 1, 1, 0 or 1, 1, 1 is prohibited. 292 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER (5) A/D port configuration register (ADPC) This register switches the ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 pinsNote to analog input of A/D converter or digital I/O of port. ADPC can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation clears this register to 00H. <R> Note 38-pin products: ANI0/P20 to ANI5/P25 pins 44-pin and 48-pin products ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 pins Figure 12-9. Format of A/D Port Configuration Register (ADPC) Address: FF2FH After reset: 00H R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ADPC 0 0 0 0 ADPC3 ADPC2 ADPC1 ADPC0 ADPC3 ADPC2 ADPC1 ADPC0 Analog input (A)/digital I/O (D) switching ANI7/ ANI6/ ANI5/ ANI4/ ANI3/ ANI2/ ANI1/ ANI0/ P27 P26 P25 P24 P23 P22 P21 P20 0 0 0 0 A A A A A A 0 0 0 1 A A A A A 0 0 1 0 A A A A A 0 0 1 1 A A A A 0 1 0 0 A A A 0 1 0 1 A A 0 1 1 0 A A 0 1 1 1 A D 1 0 0 0 D D Other than above A A A A D A D D A D D D A D D D D A D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Setting prohibited Cautions 1. Set a channel to be used for A/D conversion in the input mode by using port mode register 2 (PM2). 2. If data is written to ADPC, a wait cycle is generated. Do not write data to ADPC when the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. <R> 3. For the 38-pin products, setting ADPC3, ADPC2, ADPC1, ADPC0 to 0, 1, 1, 1 or 1, 0, 0, 0 is prohibited. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 293 CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER (6) Port mode register 2 (PM2) When using the ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 pinsNote for analog input port, set PM20 to PM27 to 1. The output latches of P20 to P27 at this time may be 0 or 1. If PM20 to PM27 are set to 0, they cannot be used as analog input port pins. PM2 can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to FFH. Figure 12-10. Format of Port Mode Register 2 (PM2) Address: FF22H Symbol PM2 After reset: FFH 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PM27 PM26 PM25 PM24 PM23 PM22 PM21 PM20 PM2n <R> R/W P2n pin I/O mode selection (n = 0 to 7) 0 Output mode (output buffer on) 1 Input mode (output buffer off) Caution For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 6 and 7 of PM2 to "1", and bits 6 and 7 of P2 to "0". ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 pinsNote are as shown below depending on the settings of ADPC, ADS, and PM2. Table 12-3. Setting Functions of ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 Pins ADPC Analog input selection PM2 ADS Note ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 Pins Input mode Selects ANI. Analog input (to be converted) Does not select ANI. Analog input (not to be converted) Output mode Selects ANI. Setting prohibited Does not select ANI. Digital I/O selection <R> Note 38-pin products: Input mode - Digital input Output mode - Digital output ANI0/P20 to ANI5/P25 pins 44-pin and 48-pin products: ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 pins 294 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER 12.4 A/D Converter Operations 12.4.1 Basic operations of A/D converter <1> Set bit 0 (ADCE) of the A/D converter mode register (ADM) to 1 to start the operation of the comparator. <2> Set channels for A/D conversion to analog input by using the A/D port configuration register (ADPC) and set to input mode by using port mode register 2 (PM2). <3> Set A/D conversion time by using bits 5 to 1 (FR2 to FR0, LV1, and LV0) of ADM. <4> Select one channel for A/D conversion using the analog input channel specification register (ADS). <5> Start the conversion operation by setting bit 7 (ADCS) of ADM to 1. (<6> to <12> are operations performed by hardware.) <6> The voltage input to the selected analog input channel is sampled by the sample & hold circuit. <7> When sampling has been done for a certain time, the sample & hold circuit is placed in the hold state and the sampled voltage is held until the A/D conversion operation has ended. <8> Bit 9 of the successive approximation register (SAR) is set. The series resistor string voltage tap is set to (1/2) AVREF by the tap selector. <9> The voltage difference between the series resistor string voltage tap and sampled voltage is compared by the voltage comparator. If the analog input is greater than (1/2) AVREF, the MSB of SAR remains set to 1. If the analog input is smaller than (1/2) AVREF, the MSB is reset to 0. <10> Next, bit 8 of SAR is automatically set to 1, and the operation proceeds to the next comparison. The series resistor string voltage tap is selected according to the preset value of bit 9, as described below. * Bit 9 = 1: (3/4) AVREF * Bit 9 = 0: (1/4) AVREF The voltage tap and sampled voltage are compared and bit 8 of SAR is manipulated as follows. * Analog input voltage Voltage tap: Bit 8 = 1 * Analog input voltage < Voltage tap: Bit 8 = 0 <11> Comparison is continued in this way up to bit 0 of SAR. <12> Upon completion of the comparison of 10 bits, an effective digital result value remains in SAR, and the result value is transferred to the A/D conversion result register (ADCR, ADCRH) and then latched. At the same time, the A/D conversion end interrupt request (INTAD) can also be generated. <13> Repeat steps <6> to <12>, until ADCS is cleared to 0. To stop the A/D converter, clear ADCS to 0. To restart A/D conversion from the status of ADCE = 1, start from <5>. To start A/D conversion again when ADCE = 0, set ADCE to 1, wait for 1 s or longer, and start <5>. To change a channel of A/D conversion, start from <4>. Caution Make sure the period of <1> to <5> is 1 s or more. Remark Two types of A/D conversion result registers are available. * ADCR (16 bits): Store 10-bit A/D conversion value * ADCRH (8 bits): Store 8-bit A/D conversion value User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 295 CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER Figure 12-11. Basic Operation of A/D Converter Conversion time Sampling time A/D converter operation Sampling A/D conversion Conversion result SAR Undefined Conversion result ADCR INTAD A/D conversion operations are performed continuously until bit 7 (ADCS) of the A/D converter mode register (ADM) is reset (0) by software. If a write operation is performed to the analog input channel specification register (ADS) during an A/D conversion operation, the conversion operation is initialized, and if the ADCS bit is set (1), conversion starts again from the beginning. Reset signal generation clears the A/D conversion result register (ADCR, ADCRH) to 0000H or 00H. 296 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER 12.4.2 Input voltage and conversion results The relationship between the analog input voltage input to the analog input pins (ANI0 to ANI7Note) and the theoretical A/D conversion result (stored in the 10-bit A/D conversion result register (ADCR)) is shown by the following expression. SAR = INT ( VAIN AVREF x 1024 + 0.5) ADCR = SAR x 64 or ( ADCR 64 - 0.5) x where, INT( ): AVREF 1024 VAIN < ( ADCR 64 + 0.5) x AVREF 1024 Function which returns integer part of value in parentheses VAIN: Analog input voltage AVREF: AVREF pin voltage ADCR: A/D conversion result register (ADCR) value SAR: <R> Successive approximation register Note 38-pin products: ANI0 to ANI5 44-pin and 48-pin products: ANI0 to ANI7 Figure 12-12 shows the relationship between the analog input voltage and the A/D conversion result. Figure 12-12. Relationship Between Analog Input Voltage and A/D Conversion Result SAR ADCR 1023 FFC0H 1022 FF80H 1021 FF40H 3 00C0H 2 0080H 1 0040H A/D conversion result 0 0000H 1 1 3 2 5 3 2048 1024 2048 1024 2048 1024 2043 1022 2045 1023 2047 1 2048 1024 2048 1024 2048 Input voltage/AVREF User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 297 CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER 12.4.3 A/D converter operation mode The operation mode of the A/D converter is the select mode. One channel of analog input is selected from ANI0 to ANI7Note by the analog input channel specification register (ADS) and A/D conversion is executed. <R> Note 38-pin products: ANI0 to ANI5 44-pin and 48-pin products: ANI0 to ANI7 (1) A/D conversion operation By setting bit 7 (ADCS) of the A/D converter mode register (ADM) to 1, the A/D conversion operation of the voltage, which is applied to the analog input pin specified by the analog input channel specification register (ADS), is started. When A/D conversion has been completed, the result of the A/D conversion is stored in the A/D conversion result register (ADCR), and an interrupt request signal (INTAD) is generated. When one A/D conversion has been completed, the next A/D conversion operation is immediately started. If ADS is rewritten during A/D conversion, the A/D conversion operation under execution is stopped and restarted from the beginning. If 0 is written to ADCS during A/D conversion, A/D conversion is immediately stopped. At this time, the conversion result immediately before is retained. Figure 12-13. A/D Conversion Operation Rewriting ADM ADCS = 1 A/D conversion ANIn Rewriting ADS ANIn ANIn ADCS = 0 ANIm ANIm Conversion is stopped Conversion result immediately before is retained ADCR, ADCRH ANIn ANIn INTAD <R> Remarks 1. n = 0 to 5 (38-pin products), n = 0 to 7 (44-pin and 48-pin products) 2. m = 0 to 5 (38-pin products), m = 0 to 7 (44-pin and 48-pin products) 298 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Stopped Conversion result immediately before is retained ANIm CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER The setting methods are described below. <1> Set bit 0 (ADCE) of the A/D converter mode register (ADM) to 1. <2> Set the channel to be used in the analog input mode by using bits 3 to 0 (ADPC3 to ADPC0) of the A/D port configuration register (ADPC) and bits 7 to 0 (PM27 to PM20) of port mode register 2 (PM2). <3> Select conversion time by using bits 5 to 1 (FR2 to FR0, LV1, and LV0) of ADM. <4> Select a channel to be used by using bits 2 to 0 (ADS2 to ADS0) of the analog input channel specification register (ADS). <5> Set bit 7 (ADCS) of ADM to 1 to start A/D conversion. <6> When one A/D conversion has been completed, an interrupt request signal (INTAD) is generated. <7> Transfer the A/D conversion data to the A/D conversion result register (ADCR, ADCRH). <Change the channel> <8> Change the channel using bits 2 to 0 (ADS2 to ADS0) of ADS to start A/D conversion. <9> When one A/D conversion has been completed, an interrupt request signal (INTAD) is generated. <10> Transfer the A/D conversion data to the A/D conversion result register (ADCR, ADCRH). <Complete A/D conversion> <11> Clear ADCS to 0. <12> Clear ADCE to 0. Cautions 1. Make sure the period of <1> to <5> is 1 s or more. 2. <1> may be done between <2> and <4>. 3. <1> can be omitted. However, ignore data of the first conversion after <5> in this case. 4. The period from <6> to <9> differs from the conversion time set using bits 5 to 1 (FR2 to FR0, LV1, LV0) of ADM. The period from <8> to <9> is the conversion time set using FR2 to FR0, LV1, and LV0. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 299 CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER 12.5 How to Read A/D Converter Characteristics Table Here, special terms unique to the A/D converter are explained. (1) Resolution This is the minimum analog input voltage that can be identified. That is, the percentage of the analog input voltage per bit of digital output is called 1LSB (Least Significant Bit). The percentage of 1LSB with respect to the full scale is expressed by %FSR (Full Scale Range). 1LSB is as follows when the resolution is 10 bits. 1LSB = 1/210 = 1/1024 = 0.098%FSR Accuracy has no relation to resolution, but is determined by overall error. (2) Overall error This shows the maximum error value between the actual measured value and the theoretical value. Zero-scale error, full-scale error, integral linearity error, and differential linearity errors that are combinations of these express the overall error. Note that the quantization error is not included in the overall error in the characteristics table. (3) Quantization error When analog values are converted to digital values, a 1/2LSB error naturally occurs. In an A/D converter, an analog input voltage in a range of 1/2LSB is converted to the same digital code, so a quantization error cannot be avoided. Note that the quantization error is not included in the overall error, zero-scale error, full-scale error, integral linearity error, and differential linearity error in the characteristics table. Figure 12-14. Overall Error Figure 12-15. Quantization Error 1......1 1......1 Overall error Digital output Digital output Ideal line 1/2LSB Quantization error 1/2LSB 0......0 AVREF 0 0......0 Analog input 0 Analog input AVREF (4) Zero-scale error This shows the difference between the actual measurement value of the analog input voltage and the theoretical value (1/2LSB) when the digital output changes from 0......000 to 0......001. If the actual measurement value is greater than the theoretical value, it shows the difference between the actual measurement value of the analog input voltage and the theoretical value (3/2LSB) when the digital output changes from 0......001 to 0......010. 300 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER (5) Full-scale error This shows the difference between the actual measurement value of the analog input voltage and the theoretical value (Full-scale - 3/2LSB) when the digital output changes from 1......110 to 1......111. (6) Integral linearity error This shows the degree to which the conversion characteristics deviate from the ideal linear relationship. It expresses the maximum value of the difference between the actual measurement value and the ideal straight line when the zero-scale error and full-scale error are 0. (7) Differential linearity error While the ideal width of code output is 1LSB, this indicates the difference between the actual measurement value and the ideal value. Figure 12-16. Zero-Scale Error Figure 12-17. Full-Scale Error Full-scale error Digital output (Lower 3 bits) Digital output (Lower 3 bits) 111 Ideal line 011 010 001 Zero-scale error 000 111 110 101 Ideal line 000 0 1 2 3 AVREF AVREF-3 0 Analog input (LSB) AVREF-2 AVREF-1 AVREF Analog input (LSB) Figure 12-18. Integral Linearity Error Figure 12-19. Differential Linearity Error 1......1 1......1 Ideal 1LSB width Digital output Digital output Ideal line Differential linearity error Integral linearity error 0......0 0 Analog input 0......0 0 AVREF Analog input AVREF (8) Conversion time This expresses the time from the start of sampling to when the digital output is obtained. The sampling time is included in the conversion time in the characteristics table. (9) Sampling time This is the time the analog switch is turned on for the analog voltage to be sampled by the sample & hold circuit. Sampling time Conversion time User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 301 CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER 12.6 Cautions for A/D Converter (1) Operating current in STOP mode The A/D converter stops operating in the STOP mode. At this time, the operating current can be reduced by clearing bit 7 (ADCS) and bit 0 (ADCE) of the A/D converter mode register (ADM) to 0. To restart from the standby status, clear bit 0 (ADIF) of interrupt request flag register 1L (IF1L) to 0 and start operation. (2) Input range of ANI0 to ANI7Note Observe the rated range of the ANI0 to ANI7Note input voltage. If a voltage of AVREF or higher and AVSS or lower (even in the range of absolute maximum ratings) is input to an analog input channel, the converted value of that channel becomes undefined. In addition, the converted values of the other channels may also be affected. (3) Conflicting operations <1> Conflict between A/D conversion result register (ADCR, ADCRH) write and ADCR or ADCRH read by instruction upon the end of conversion ADCR or ADCRH read has priority. After the read operation, the new conversion result is written to ADCR or ADCRH. <2> Conflict between ADCR or ADCRH write and A/D converter mode register (ADM) write, analog input channel specification register (ADS), or A/D port configuration register (ADPC) write upon the end of conversion ADM, ADS, or ADPC write has priority. ADCR or ADCRH write is not performed, nor is the conversion end interrupt signal (INTAD) generated. (4) Noise countermeasures To maintain the 10-bit resolution, attention must be paid to noise input to the AVREF pin and ANI0 to ANI7 pinsNote. <1> Connect a capacitor with a low equivalent resistance and a good frequency response to the power supply. <2> The higher the output impedance of the analog input source, the greater the influence. To reduce the noise, connecting external C as shown in Figure 12-20 is recommended. <3> Do not switch these pins with other pins during conversion. <4> The accuracy is improved if the HALT mode is set immediately after the start of conversion. <R> Note 38-pin products: ANI0 to ANI5 pins 44-pin and 48-pin products: ANI0 to ANI7 pins 302 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER Figure 12-20. Analog Input Pin Connection If there is a possibility that noise equal to or higher than AVREF or equal to or lower than AVSS may enter, clamp with a diode with a small VF value (0.3 V or lower). Reference voltage input AVREF ANI0 to ANI7Note C = 100 to 1,000 pF AVSS VSS Note (5) ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 <1> The analog input pins (ANI0 to ANI7Note) are also used as input port pins (P20 to P27Note). When A/D conversion is performed with any of ANI0 to ANI7 Note selected, do not access P20 to P27Note while conversion is in progress; otherwise the conversion resolution may be degraded. It is recommended to select pins used as P20 to P27Note starting with the ANI0/P20 that is the furthest from AVREF. <2> If a digital pulse is applied to the pins adjacent to the pins currently used for A/D conversion, the expected value of the A/D conversion may not be obtained due to coupling noise. Therefore, do not apply a pulse to the pins adjacent to the pin undergoing A/D conversion. (6) Input impedance of ANI0 to ANI7 pinsNote This A/D converter charges a sampling capacitor for sampling during sampling time. Therefore, only a leakage current flows when sampling is not in progress, and a current that charges the capacitor flows during sampling. Consequently, the input impedance fluctuates depending on whether sampling is in progress, and on the other states. To make sure that sampling is effective, however, it is recommended to keep the output impedance of the analog input source to within 10 k, and to connect a capacitor of about 100 pF to the ANI0 to ANI7 pinsNote (see Figure 12-20). (7) AVREF pin input impedance A series resistor string of several tens of k is connected between the AVREF and AVSS pins. Therefore, if the output impedance of the reference voltage source is high, this will result in a series connection to the series resistor string between the AVREF and AVSS pins, resulting in a large reference voltage error. <R> Note 38-pin products: ANI0/P20 to ANI5/P25 pins 44-pin and 48-pin products: ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 pins User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 303 CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER (8) Interrupt request flag (ADIF) The interrupt request flag (ADIF) is not cleared even if the analog input channel specification register (ADS) is changed. Therefore, if an analog input pin is changed during A/D conversion, the A/D conversion result and ADIF for the pre-change analog input may be set just before the ADS rewrite. Caution is therefore required since, at this time, when ADIF is read immediately after the ADS rewrite, ADIF is set despite the fact A/D conversion for the postchange analog input has not ended. When A/D conversion is stopped and then resumed, clear ADIF before the A/D conversion operation is resumed. Figure 12-21. Timing of A/D Conversion End Interrupt Request Generation ADS rewrite (start of ANIn conversion) A/D conversion ADCR ANIn ADS rewrite (start of ANIm conversion) ANIn ANIn ADIF is set but ANIm conversion has not ended. ANIm ANIn ANIm ANIm ANIm ADIF Remarks 1. n = 0 to 5 (38-pin products), n = 0 to 7 (44-pin and 48-pin products) <R> 2. m = 0 to 5 (38-pin products), m = 0 to 7 (44-pin and 48-pin products) (9) Conversion results just after A/D conversion start The first A/D conversion value immediately after A/D conversion starts may not fall within the rating range if the ADCS bit is set to 1 within 1 s after the ADCE bit was set to 1, or if the ADCS bit is set to 1 with the ADCE bit = 0. Take measures such as polling the A/D conversion end interrupt request (INTAD) and removing the first conversion result. (10) A/D conversion result register (ADCR, ADCRH) read operation When a write operation is performed to the A/D converter mode register (ADM), analog input channel specification register (ADS), and A/D port configuration register (ADPC), the contents of ADCR and ADCRH may become undefined. Read the conversion result following conversion completion before writing to ADM, ADS, and ADPC. Using a timing other than the above may cause an incorrect conversion result to be read. 304 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER (11) Internal equivalent circuit The equivalent circuit of the analog input block is shown below. Figure 12-22. Internal Equivalent Circuit of ANIn Pin R1 ANIn C1 C2 Table 12-4. Resistance and Capacitance Values of Equivalent Circuit (Reference Values) AVREF R1 C1 C2 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 8.1 k 8 pF 5 pF 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 31 k 8 pF 5 pF 2.3 V AVREF < 2.7 V 381 k 8 pF 5 pF Remarks 1. The resistance and capacitance values shown in Table 12-4 are not guaranteed values. <R> 2. n = 0 to 5 (38-pin products), n = 0 to 7 (44-pin and 48-pin products) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 305 CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 13.1 Functions of Serial Interface UART0 Serial interface UART0 has the following two modes. (1) Operation stop mode This mode is used when serial communication is not executed and can enable a reduction in the power consumption. For details, see 13.4.1 Operation stop mode. (2) Asynchronous serial interface (UART) mode The functions of this mode are outlined below. For details, see 13.4.2 Asynchronous serial interface (UART) mode and 13.4.3 Dedicated baud rate generator. * Maximum transfer rate: 625 kbps * Two-pin configuration TXD0: Transmit data output pin RXD0: Receive data input pin * Length of communication data can be selected from 7 or 8 bits. * Dedicated on-chip 5-bit baud rate generator allowing any baud rate to be set * Transmission and reception can be performed independently (full-duplex operation). * Fixed to LSB-first communication Cautions 1. If clock supply to serial interface UART0 is not stopped (e.g., in the HALT mode), normal operation continues. If clock supply to serial interface UART0 is stopped (e.g., in the STOP mode), each register stops operating, and holds the value immediately before clock supply was stopped. The TXD0 pin also holds the value immediately before clock supply was stopped and outputs it. However, the operation is not guaranteed after clock supply is resumed. Therefore, reset the circuit so that POWER0 = 0, RXE0 = 0, and TXE0 = 0. 2. Set POWER0 = 1 and then set TXE0 = 1 (transmission) or RXE0 = 1 (reception) to start communication. 3. TXE0 and RXE0 are synchronized by the base clock (fXCLK0) set by BRGC0. To enable transmission or reception again, set TXE0 or RXE0 to 1 at least two clocks of base clock after TXE0 or RXE0 has been cleared to 0. If TXE0 or RXE0 is set within two clocks of base clock, the transmission circuit or reception circuit may not be initialized. 4. Set transmit data to TXS0 at least one base clock (fXCLK0) after setting TXE0 = 1. 306 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 13.2 Configuration of Serial Interface UART0 Serial interface UART0 includes the following hardware. Table 13-1. Configuration of Serial Interface UART0 Item Registers Configuration Receive buffer register 0 (RXB0) Receive shift register 0 (RXS0) Transmit shift register 0 (TXS0) Control registers Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 (ASIM0) Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 0 (ASIS0) Baud rate generator control register 0 (BRGC0) Port mode register 1 (PM1) Port register 1 (P1) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 307 308 <R> Figure 13-1. Block Diagram of Serial Interface UART0 Filter RXD0/ SI10/P11 Receive shift register 0 (RXS0) Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 (ASIM0) fPRS/23 Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 0 (ASIS0) Baud rate generator User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD INTSR0 Reception control Receive buffer register 0 (RXB0) INTST0 Transmission control Transmit shift register 0 (TXS0) Reception unit fXCLK0 Internal bus 8-bit timer/ event counter 50 output Baud rate generator control register 0 (BRGC0) 7 Baud rate generator 7 TXD0/ SCK10/P10 Output latch (P10) Registers Transmission unit PM10 CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 fPRS/25 Selector fPRS/2 CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 (1) Receive buffer register 0 (RXB0) This 8-bit register stores parallel data converted by receive shift register 0 (RXS0). Each time 1 byte of data has been received, new receive data is transferred to this register from receive shift register 0 (RXS0). If the data length is set to 7 bits the receive data is transferred to bits 0 to 6 of RXB0 and the MSB of RXB0 is always 0. If an overrun error (OVE0) occurs, the receive data is not transferred to RXB0. RXB0 can be read by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. No data can be written to this register. Reset signal generation and POWER0 = 0 set this register to FFH. (2) Receive shift register 0 (RXS0) This register converts the serial data input to the RXD0 pin into parallel data. RXS0 cannot be directly manipulated by a program. (3) Transmit shift register 0 (TXS0) This register is used to set transmit data. Transmission is started when data is written to TXS0, and serial data is transmitted from the TXD0 pins. TXS0 can be written by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. This register cannot be read. Reset signal generation, POWER0 = 0, and TXE0 = 0 set this register to FFH. Cautions 1. Set transmit data to TXS0 at least one base clock (fXCLK0) after setting TXE0 = 1. 2. Do not write the next transmit data to TXS0 before the transmission completion interrupt signal (INTST0) is generated. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 309 CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 13.3 Registers Controlling Serial Interface UART0 Serial interface UART0 is controlled by the following five registers. * Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 (ASIM0) * Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 0 (ASIS0) * Baud rate generator control register 0 (BRGC0) * Port mode register 1 (PM1) * Port register 1 (P1) (1) Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 (ASIM0) This 8-bit register controls the serial communication operations of serial interface UART0. This register can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to 01H. Figure 13-2. Format of Asynchronous Serial Interface Operation Mode Register 0 (ASIM0) (1/2) Address: FF70H After reset: 01H R/W Symbol <7> <6> <5> 4 3 2 1 0 ASIM0 POWER0 TXE0 RXE0 PS01 PS00 CL0 SL0 1 POWER0 0 Note 1 Enables/disables operation of internal operation clock Disables operation of the internal operation clock (fixes the clock to low level) and asynchronously resets the internal circuit 1 Enables/disables transmission 0 Disables transmission (synchronously resets the transmission circuit). 1 Enables transmission. RXE0 2. . Enables operation of the internal operation clock. TXE0 Notes 1. Note 2 Enables/disables reception 0 Disables reception (synchronously resets the reception circuit). 1 Enables reception. The input from the RXD0 pin is fixed to high level when POWER0 = 0. Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 0 (ASIS0), transmit shift register 0 (TXS0), and receive buffer register 0 (RXB0) are reset. 310 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 Figure 13-2. Format of Asynchronous Serial Interface Operation Mode Register 0 (ASIM0) (2/2) PS01 PS00 Transmission operation 0 0 Does not output parity bit. Reception without parity 0 1 Outputs 0 parity. Reception as 0 parity 1 0 Outputs odd parity. Judges as odd parity. 1 1 Outputs even parity. Judges as even parity. CL0 Reception operation Note Specifies character length of transmit/receive data 0 Character length of data = 7 bits 1 Character length of data = 8 bits SL0 Specifies number of stop bits of transmit data 0 Number of stop bits = 1 1 Number of stop bits = 2 Note If "reception as 0 parity" is selected, the parity is not judged. Therefore, bit 2 (PE0) of asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 0 (ASIS0) is not set and the error interrupt does not occur. Cautions 1. To start the transmission, set POWER0 to 1 and then set TXE0 to 1. To stop the transmission, clear TXE0 to 0, and then clear POWER0 to 0. 2. To start the reception, set POWER0 to 1 and then set RXE0 to 1. To stop the reception, clear RXE0 to 0, and then clear POWER0 to 0. 3. Set POWER0 to 1 and then set RXE0 to 1 while a high level is input to the RxD0 pin. If POWER0 is set to 1 and RXE0 is set to 1 while a low level is input, reception is started. 4. TXE0 and RXE0 are synchronized by the base clock (fXCLK0) set by BRGC0. To enable transmission or reception again, set TXE0 or RXE0 to 1 at least two clocks of base clock after TXE0 or RXE0 has been cleared to 0. If TXE0 or RXE0 is set within two clocks of base clock, the transmission circuit or reception circuit may not be initialized. 5. Set transmit data to TXS0 at least one base clock (fXCLK0) after setting TXE0 = 1. 6. Clear the TXE0 and RXE0 bits to 0 before rewriting the PS01, PS00, and CL0 bits. 7. Make sure that TXE0 = 0 when rewriting the SL0 bit. Reception is always performed with "number of stop bits = 1", and therefore, is not affected by the set value of the SL0 bit. 8. Be sure to set bit 0 to 1. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 311 CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 (2) Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 0 (ASIS0) This register indicates an error status on completion of reception by serial interface UART0. It includes three error flag bits (PE0, FE0, OVE0). This register is read-only by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation, or clearing bit 7 (POWER0) or bit 5 (RXE0) of ASIM0 to 0 clears this register to 00H. 00H is read when this register is read. If a reception error occurs, read ASIS0 and then read receive buffer register 0 (RXB0) to clear the error flag. Figure 13-3. Format of Asynchronous Serial Interface Reception Error Status Register 0 (ASIS0) Address: FF73H After reset: 00H R Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ASIS0 0 0 0 0 0 PE0 FE0 OVE0 PE0 Status flag indicating parity error 0 If POWER0 = 0 or RXE0 = 0, or if ASIS0 register is read. 1 If the parity of transmit data does not match the parity bit on completion of reception. FE0 Status flag indicating framing error 0 If POWER0 = 0 or RXE0 = 0, or if ASIS0 register is read. 1 If the stop bit is not detected on completion of reception. OVE0 Status flag indicating overrun error 0 If POWER0 = 0 or RXE0 = 0, or if ASIS0 register is read. 1 If receive data is set to the RXB0 register and the next reception operation is completed before the data is read. Cautions 1. The operation of the PE0 bit differs depending on the set values of the PS01 and PS00 bits of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 (ASIM0). 2. For the stop bit of the receive data, only the first stop bit is checked regardless of the number of stop bits. 3. If an overrun error occurs, the next receive data is not written to receive buffer register 0 (RXB0) but discarded. 4. If data is read from ASIS0, a wait cycle is generated. Do not read data from ASIS0 when the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. 312 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 (3) Baud rate generator control register 0 (BRGC0) This register selects the base clock of serial interface UART0 and the division value of the 5-bit counter. BRGC0 can be set by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to 1FH. Figure 13-4. Format of Baud Rate Generator Control Register 0 (BRGC0) Address: FF71H After reset: 1FH R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BRGC0 TPS01 TPS00 0 MDL04 MDL03 MDL02 MDL01 MDL00 TPS01 TPS00 Base clock (fXCLK0) selection fPRS = 2 MHz 0 0 TM50 output 0 1 fPRS/2 1 <R> 0 fPRS = 5 MHz Note 1 fPRS = 10 MHz fPRS = 20 MHz Note 2 1 MHz 2.5 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz fPRS/2 3 250 kHz 625 kHz 1.25 MHz 2.5 MHz fPRS/2 5 62.5 kHz 156.25 kHz 312.5 kHz 625 kHz 1 1 MDL04 MDL03 MDL02 MDL01 MDL00 k 0 0 x x x x Setting prohibited 0 1 0 0 0 8 fXCLK0/8 0 1 0 0 1 9 fXCLK0/9 0 1 0 1 0 10 fXCLK0/10 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 1 0 1 0 26 fXCLK0/26 1 1 0 1 1 27 fXCLK0/27 1 1 1 0 0 28 fXCLK0/28 1 1 1 0 1 29 fXCLK0/29 1 1 1 1 0 30 fXCLK0/30 1 1 1 1 1 31 fXCLK0/31 Selection of 5-bit counter output clock * * * * * Note 1. If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the high-speed system clock (fXH) (XSEL = 1), the fPRS operating frequency varies depending on the supply voltage. * VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V: fPRS 20 MHz * VDD = 2.7 to 4.0 V: fPRS 10 MHz * VDD = 1.8 to 2.7 V: fPRS 5 MHz (Standard and (A) grade products only) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 313 CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 Note 2. Note the following points when selecting the TM50 output as the base clock. * Mode in which the count clock is cleared and started upon a match of TM50 and CR50 (TMC506 = 0) Start the operation of 8-bit timer/event counter 50 first and then enable the timer F/F inversion operation (TMC501 = 1). * PWM mode (TMC506 = 1) Start the operation of 8-bit timer/event counter 50 first and then set the count clock to make the duty = 50%. It is not necessary to enable (TOE50 = 1) TO50 output in any mode. <R> Cautions 1. Make sure that bit 6 (TXE0) and bit 5 (RXE0) of the ASIM0 register = 0 when rewriting the MDL04 to MDL00 bits. 2. The baud rate value is the output clock of the 5-bit counter divided by 2. Remarks 1. fXCLK0: Frequency of base clock selected by the TPS01 and TPS00 bits 2. fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency 3. k: Value set by the MDL04 to MDL00 bits (k = 8, 9, 10, ..., 31) 4. x: Don't care 5. TMC506: Bit 6 of 8-bit timer mode control register 50 (TMC50) TMC501: Bit 1 of TMC50 (4) Port mode register 1 (PM1) This register sets port 1 input/output in 1-bit units. When using the P10/TxD0/SCK10 pin for serial interface data output, clear PM10 to 0 and set the output latch of P10 to 1. When using the P11/RxD0/SI10 pin for serial interface data input, set PM11 to 1. The output latch of P11 at this time may be 0 or 1. PM1 can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to FFH. Figure 13-5. Format of Port Mode Register 1 (PM1) Address: FF21H Symbol PM1 R/W 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PM17 PM16 PM15 PM14 PM13 PM12 PM11 PM10 PM1n 314 After reset: FFH P1n pin I/O mode selection (n = 0 to 7) 0 Output mode (output buffer on) 1 Input mode (output buffer off) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 13.4 Operation of Serial Interface UART0 Serial interface UART0 has the following two modes. * Operation stop mode * Asynchronous serial interface (UART) mode 13.4.1 Operation stop mode In this mode, serial communication cannot be executed, thus reducing the power consumption. In addition, the pins can be used as ordinary port pins in this mode. To set the operation stop mode, clear bits 7, 6, and 5 (POWER0, TXE0, and RXE0) of ASIM0 to 0. (1) Register used The operation stop mode is set by asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 (ASIM0). ASIM0 can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to 01H. Address: FF70H After reset: 01H R/W Symbol <7> <6> <5> 4 3 2 1 0 ASIM0 POWER0 TXE0 RXE0 PS01 PS00 CL0 SL0 1 POWER0 0 Note 1 Enables/disables operation of internal operation clock Disables operation of the internal operation clock (fixes the clock to low level) and asynchronously resets the internal circuit TXE0 0 Notes 1. 2. . Enables/disables transmission Disables transmission (synchronously resets the transmission circuit). RXE0 0 Note 2 Enables/disables reception Disables reception (synchronously resets the reception circuit). The input from the RXD0 pin is fixed to high level when POWER0 = 0. Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 0 (ASIS0), transmit shift register 0 (TXS0), and receive buffer register 0 (RXB0) are reset. Caution Clear POWER0 to 0 after clearing TXE0 and RXE0 to 0 to set the operation stop mode. To start the communication, set POWER0 to 1, and then set TXE0 or RXE0 to 1. Remark To use the RxD0/SI10/P11 and TxD0/SCK10/P10 pins as general-purpose port pins, see CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 315 CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 13.4.2 Asynchronous serial interface (UART) mode In this mode, 1-byte data is transmitted/received following a start bit, and a full-duplex operation can be performed. A dedicated UART baud rate generator is incorporated, so that communication can be executed at a wide range of baud rates. (1) Registers used * Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 (ASIM0) * Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 0 (ASIS0) * Baud rate generator control register 0 (BRGC0) * Port mode register 1 (PM1) * Port register 1 (P1) The basic procedure of setting an operation in the UART mode is as follows. <1> Set the BRGC0 register (see Figure 13-4). <2> Set bits 1 to 4 (SL0, CL0, PS00, and PS01) of the ASIM0 register (see Figure 13-2). <3> Set bit 7 (POWER0) of the ASIM0 register to 1. <4> Set bit 6 (TXE0) of the ASIM0 register to 1. Transmission is enabled. Set bit 5 (RXE0) of the ASIM0 register to 1. Reception is enabled. <5> Write data to the TXS0 register. Data transmission is started. Caution Take relationship with the other party of communication when setting the port mode register and port register. The relationship between the register settings and pins is shown below. Table 13-2. Relationship Between Register Settings and Pins POWER0 0 1 TXE0 0 0 RXE0 PM10 P10 0 x x Note 1 x x Note Note Note 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 PM11 x Note P11 x Note x 1 x Note 1 UART0 Pin Function Operation TxD0/SCK10/P10 RxD0/SI10/P11 Stop SCK10/P10 SI10/P11 Reception SCK10/P10 RxD0 Note Transmission TxD0 SI10/P11 x Transmission/ TxD0 RxD0 x reception Note Can be set as port function or serial interface CSI10. Remark x: don't care POWER0: Bit 7 of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 (ASIM0) 316 TXE0: Bit 6 of ASIM0 RXE0: Bit 5 of ASIM0 PM1x: Port mode register P1x: Port output latch User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 (2) Communication operation (a) Format and waveform example of normal transmit/receive data Figures 13-6 and 13-7 show the format and waveform example of the normal transmit/receive data. Figure 13-6. Format of Normal UART Transmit/Receive Data 1 data frame Start bit D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 Parity bit D7 Stop bit Character bits One data frame consists of the following bits. * Start bit ... 1 bit * Character bits ... 7 or 8 bits (LSB first) * Parity bit ... Even parity, odd parity, 0 parity, or no parity * Stop bit ... 1 or 2 bits The character bit length, parity, and stop bit length in one data frame are specified by asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 (ASIM0). Figure 13-7. Example of Normal UART Transmit/Receive Data Waveform 1. Data length: 8 bits, Parity: Even parity, Stop bit: 1 bit, Communication data: 55H 1 data frame Start D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Parity Stop 2. Data length: 7 bits, Parity: Odd parity, Stop bit: 2 bits, Communication data: 36H 1 data frame Start D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 Parity Stop Stop 3. Data length: 8 bits, Parity: None, Stop bit: 1 bit, Communication data: 87H 1 data frame Start D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD D6 D7 Stop 317 CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 (b) Parity types and operation The parity bit is used to detect a bit error in communication data. Usually, the same type of parity bit is used on both the transmission and reception sides. With even parity and odd parity, a 1-bit (odd number) error can be detected. With zero parity and no parity, an error cannot be detected. (i) Even parity * Transmission Transmit data, including the parity bit, is controlled so that the number of bits that are "1" is even. The value of the parity bit is as follows. If transmit data has an odd number of bits that are "1": 1 If transmit data has an even number of bits that are "1": 0 * Reception The number of bits that are "1" in the receive data, including the parity bit, is counted. If it is odd, a parity error occurs. (ii) Odd parity * Transmission Unlike even parity, transmit data, including the parity bit, is controlled so that the number of bits that are "1" is odd. If transmit data has an odd number of bits that are "1": 0 If transmit data has an even number of bits that are "1": 1 * Reception The number of bits that are "1" in the receive data, including the parity bit, is counted. If it is even, a parity error occurs. (iii) 0 parity The parity bit is cleared to 0 when data is transmitted, regardless of the transmit data. The parity bit is not detected when the data is received. Therefore, a parity error does not occur regardless of whether the parity bit is "0" or "1". (iv) No parity No parity bit is appended to the transmit data. Reception is performed assuming that there is no parity bit when data is received. Because there is no parity bit, a parity error does not occur. 318 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 (c) Transmission If bit 7 (POWER0) of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 (ASIM0) is set to 1 and bit 6 (TXE0) of ASIM0 is then set to 1, transmission is enabled. Transmission can be started by writing transmit data to transmit shift register 0 (TXS0). The start bit, parity bit, and stop bit are automatically appended to the data. When transmission is started, the start bit is output from the TXD0 pin, and the transmit data is output followed by the rest of the data in order starting from the LSB. When transmission is completed, the parity and stop bits set by ASIM0 are appended and a transmission completion interrupt request (INTST0) is generated. Transmission is stopped until the data to be transmitted next is written to TXS0. Figure 13-8 shows the timing of the transmission completion interrupt request (INTST0). This interrupt occurs as soon as the last stop bit has been output. Caution After transmit data is written to TXS0, do not write the next transmit data before the transmission completion interrupt signal (INTST0) is generated. Figure 13-8. Transmission Completion Interrupt Request Timing 1. Stop bit length: 1 TXD0 (output) Start D0 D1 D2 D6 D7 Parity Start D0 D1 D2 D6 D7 Parity Stop INTST0 2. Stop bit length: 2 TXD0 (output) Stop INTST0 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 319 CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 (d) Reception Reception is enabled and the RXD0 pin input is sampled when bit 7 (POWER0) of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 (ASIM0) is set to 1 and then bit 5 (RXE0) of ASIM0 is set to 1. The 5-bit counter of the baud rate generator starts counting when the falling edge of the RXD0 pin input is detected. When the set value of baud rate generator control register 0 (BRGC0) has been counted, the RXD0 pin input is sampled again ( in Figure 13-9). If the RXD0 pin is low level at this time, it is recognized as a start bit. When the start bit is detected, reception is started, and serial data is sequentially stored in receive shift register 0 (RXS0) at the set baud rate. When the stop bit has been received, the reception completion interrupt (INTSR0) is generated and the data of RXS0 is written to receive buffer register 0 (RXB0). If an overrun error (OVE0) occurs, however, the receive data is not written to RXB0. Even if a parity error (PE0) occurs while reception is in progress, reception continues to the reception position of the stop bit, and an reception error interrupt (INTSR0) is generated after completion of reception. INTSR0 occurs upon completion of reception and in case of a reception error. Figure 13-9. Reception Completion Interrupt Request Timing RXD0 (input) Start D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Parity Stop INTSR0 RXB0 Cautions 1. If a reception error occurs, read asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 0 (ASIS0) and then read receive buffer register 0 (RXB0) to clear the error flag. Otherwise, an overrun error will occur when the next data is received, and the reception error status will persist. 2. Reception is always performed with the "number of stop bits = 1". The second stop bit is ignored. 320 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 (e) Reception error Three types of errors may occur during reception: a parity error, framing error, or overrun error. If the error flag of asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 0 (ASIS0) is set as a result of data reception, a reception error interrupt (INTSR0) is generated. Which error has occurred during reception can be identified by reading the contents of ASIS0 in the reception error interrupt (INTSR0) servicing (see Figure 13-3). The contents of ASIS0 are cleared to 0 when ASIS0 is read. Table 13-3. Cause of Reception Error Reception Error Cause Parity error The parity specified for transmission does not match the parity of the receive data. Framing error Stop bit is not detected. Overrun error Reception of the next data is completed before data is read from receive buffer register 0 (RXB0). (f) Noise filter of receive data The RXD0 signal is sampled using the base clock output by the prescaler block. If two sampled values are the same, the output of the match detector changes, and the data is sampled as input data. Because the circuit is configured as shown in Figure 13-10, the internal processing of the reception operation is delayed by two clocks from the external signal status. Figure 13-10. Noise Filter Circuit Base clock RXD0/SI10/P11 In Q Internal signal A Match detector User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD In Q Internal signal B LD_EN 321 CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 13.4.3 Dedicated baud rate generator The dedicated baud rate generator consists of a source clock selector and a 5-bit programmable counter, and generates a serial clock for transmission/reception of UART0. Separate 5-bit counters are provided for transmission and reception. (1) Configuration of baud rate generator * Base clock The clock selected by bits 7 and 6 (TPS01 and TPS00) of baud rate generator control register 0 (BRGC0) is supplied to each module when bit 7 (POWER0) of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 (ASIM0) is 1. This clock is called the base clock and its frequency is called f XCLK0. The base clock is fixed to low level when POWER0 = 0. * Transmission counter This counter stops operation, cleared to 0, when bit 7 (POWER0) or bit 6 (TXE0) of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 (ASIM0) is 0. It starts counting when POWER0 = 1 and TXE0 = 1. The counter is cleared to 0 when the first data transmitted is written to transmit shift register 0 (TXS0). * Reception counter This counter stops operation, cleared to 0, when bit 7 (POWER0) or bit 5 (RXE0) of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 (ASIM0) is 0. It starts counting when the start bit has been detected. The counter stops operation after one frame has been received, until the next start bit is detected. Figure 13-11. Configuration of Baud Rate Generator POWER0 Baud rate generator fPRS/2 POWER0, TXE0 (or RXE0) fPRS/23 Selector 5-bit counter fXCLK0 fPRS/25 8-bit timer/ event counter 50 output Match detector BRGC0: TPS01, TPS00 Remark 322 1/2 Baud rate BRGC0: MDL04 to MDL00 POWER0: Bit 7 of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 (ASIM0) TXE0: Bit 6 of ASIM0 RXE0: Bit 5 of ASIM0 BRGC0: Baud rate generator control register 0 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 (2) Generation of serial clock A serial clock to be generated can be specified by using baud rate generator control register 0 (BRGC0). Select the clock to be input to the 5-bit counter by using bits 7 and 6 (TPS01 and TPS00) of BRGC0. Bits 4 to 0 (MDL04 to MDL00) of BRGC0 can be used to select the division value (fXCLK0/8 to fXCLK0/31) of the 5-bit counter. 13.4.4 Calculation of baud rate (1) Baud rate calculation expression The baud rate can be calculated by the following expression. * Baud rate = fXCLK0 2xk [bps] fXCLK0: Frequency of base clock selected by the TPS01 and TPS00 bits of the BRGC0 register k: Value set by the MDL04 to MDL00 bits of the BRGC0 register (k = 8, 9, 10, ..., 31) Table 13-4. Set Value of TPS01 and TPS00 TPS01 TPS00 Base clock (fXCLK0) selection fPRS = 2 MHz 0 0 TM50 output 0 1 fPRS/2 1 0 1 <R> 1 fPRS = 5 MHz Note 1 fPRS = 10 MHz fPRS = 20 MHz Note 2 1 MHz 2.5 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz fPRS/2 3 250 kHz 625 kHz 1.25 MHz 2.5 MHz fPRS/2 5 62.5 kHz 156.25 kHz 312.5 kHz 625 kHz Notes 1. If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the high-speed system clock (fXH) (XSEL = 1), the fPRS operating frequency varies depending on the supply voltage. * VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V: fPRS 20 MHz * VDD = 2.7 to 4.0 V: fPRS 10 MHz * VDD = 1.8 to 2.7 V: fPRS 5 MHz (Standard and (A) grade products only) <R> 2. Note the following points when selecting the TM50 output as the base clock. * Mode in which the count clock is cleared and started upon a match of TM50 and CR50 (TMC506 = 0) Start the operation of 8-bit timer/event counter 50 first and then enable the timer F/F inversion operation (TMC501 = 1). * PWM mode (TMC506 = 1) Start the operation of 8-bit timer/event counter 50 first and then set the count clock to make the duty = 50%. It is not necessary to enable (TOE50 = 1) TO50 output in any mode. (2) Error of baud rate The baud rate error can be calculated by the following expression. * Error (%) = Actual baud rate (baud rate with error) Desired baud rate (correct baud rate) - 1 x 100 [%] Cautions 1. Keep the baud rate error during transmission to within the permissible error range at the reception destination. 2. Make sure that the baud rate error during reception satisfies the range shown in (4) Permissible baud rate range during reception. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 323 CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 Example: Frequency of base clock = 2.5 MHz = 2,500,000 Hz Set value of MDL04 to MDL00 bits of BRGC0 register = 10000B (k = 16) Target baud rate = 76,800 bps Baud rate = 2.5 M/(2 x 16) = 2,500,000/(2 x 16) = 78,125 [bps] Error = (78,125/76,800 - 1) x 100 = 1.725 [%] (3) Example of setting baud rate Table 13-5. Set Data of Baud Rate Generator Baud Rate [bps] fPRS = 2.0 MHz TPS01, k TPS00 fPRS = 5.0 MHz Calculated ERR TPS01, Value [%] fPRS = 10.0 MHz Calculated ERR TPS01, k TPS00 Value [%] k TPS00 fPRS = 20.0 MHz Calculated ERR TPS01, Value [%] k TPS00 Calculated ERR Value [%] 4800 2H 26 4808 0.16 3H 16 4883 1.73 - - - - - - - - 9600 2H 13 9615 0.16 3H 8 9766 1.73 3H 16 9766 1.73 - - - - 10400 2H 12 10417 0.16 2H 30 10417 0.16 3H 15 10417 0.16 3H 30 10417 0.16 19200 1H 26 19231 0.16 2H 16 19531 1.73 3H 8 19531 1.73 3H 16 19531 1.73 24000 1H 21 23810 -0.79 2H 13 24038 0.16 2H 26 24038 0.16 3H 13 24038 0.16 31250 1H 16 31250 0 2H 10 31250 0 2H 20 31250 0 3H 10 31250 0 33660 1H 15 33333 -0.79 2H 9 34722 3.34 2H 18 34722 3.34 3H 9 34722 3.34 38400 1H 13 38462 0.16 2H 8 39063 1.73 2H 16 39063 1.73 3H 8 39063 1.73 56000 1H 9 55556 -0.79 1H 22 56818 1.46 2H 11 56818 1.46 2H 22 56818 1.46 62500 1H 8 62500 0 1H 20 62500 0 2H 10 62500 0 2H 20 62500 0 76800 - - - - 1H 16 78125 1.73 2H 8 78125 1.73 2H 16 78125 1.73 115200 - - - - 1H 11 113636 -1.36 1H 22 113636 -1.36 2H 11 113636 -1.36 153600 - - - - 1H 8 156250 1.73 1H 16 156250 1.73 2H 8 156250 1.73 312500 - - - - - - - - 1H 8 312500 0 1H 16 312500 0 625000 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1H 8 625000 0 Remark TPS01, TPS00: Bits 7 and 6 of baud rate generator control register 0 (BRGC0) (setting of base clock (fXCLK0)) 324 k: Value set by the MDL04 to MDL00 bits of BRGC0 (k = 8, 9, 10, ..., 31) fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency ERR: Baud rate error User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 (4) Permissible baud rate range during reception The permissible error from the baud rate at the transmission destination during reception is shown below. Caution Make sure that the baud rate error during reception is within the permissible error range, by using the calculation expression shown below. Figure 13-12. Permissible Baud Rate Range During Reception Latch timing Data frame length of UART0 Start bit Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 7 Parity bit Stop bit FL 1 data frame (11 x FL) Minimum permissible data frame length Start bit Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 7 Parity bit Stop bit FLmin Maximum permissible data frame length Start bit Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 7 Parity bit Stop bit FLmax As shown in Figure 13-12, the latch timing of the receive data is determined by the counter set by baud rate generator control register 0 (BRGC0) after the start bit has been detected. If the last data (stop bit) meets this latch timing, the data can be correctly received. Assuming that 11-bit data is received, the theoretical values can be calculated as follows. FL = (Brate)-1 Brate: Baud rate of UART0 k: Set value of BRGC0 FL: 1-bit data length Margin of latch timing: 2 clocks User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 325 CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 Minimum permissible data frame length: FLmin = 11 x FL - k-2 2k x FL = 21k + 2 2k FL Therefore, the maximum receivable baud rate at the transmission destination is as follows. BRmax = (FLmin/11)-1 = 22k 21k + 2 Brate Similarly, the maximum permissible data frame length can be calculated as follows. 10 11 x FLmax = 11 x FL - FLmax = 21k - 2 20k k+2 2xk x FL = 21k - 2 2xk FL FL x 11 Therefore, the minimum receivable baud rate at the transmission destination is as follows. BRmin = (FLmax/11)-1 = 20k 21k - 2 Brate The permissible baud rate error between UART0 and the transmission destination can be calculated from the above minimum and maximum baud rate expressions, as follows. Table 13-6. Maximum/Minimum Permissible Baud Rate Error Division Ratio (k) Maximum Permissible Baud Rate Error Minimum Permissible Baud Rate Error 8 +3.53% -3.61% 16 +4.14% -4.19% 24 +4.34% -4.38% 31 +4.44% -4.47% Remarks 1. The permissible error of reception depends on the number of bits in one frame, input clock frequency, and division ratio (k). The higher the input clock frequency and the higher the division ratio (k), the higher the permissible error. 2. k: Set value of BRGC0 326 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 14.1 Functions of Serial Interface UART6 Serial interface UART6 has the following two modes. (1) Operation stop mode This mode is used when serial communication is not executed and can enable a reduction in the power consumption. For details, see 14.4.1 Operation stop mode. (2) Asynchronous serial interface (UART) mode This mode supports the LIN (Local Interconnect Network)-bus. The functions of this mode are outlined below. For details, see 14.4.2 Asynchronous serial interface (UART) mode and 14.4.3 Dedicated baud rate generator. * Maximum transfer rate: 625 kbps * Two-pin configuration TXD6: Transmit data output pin RXD6: Receive data input pin * Data length of communication data can be selected from 7 or 8 bits. * Dedicated internal 8-bit baud rate generator allowing any baud rate to be set * Transmission and reception can be performed independently (full duplex operation). * MSB- or LSB-first communication selectable * Inverted transmission operation * Sync break field transmission from 13 to 20 bits * More than 11 bits can be identified for sync break field reception (SBF reception flag provided). Cautions 1. The TXD6 output inversion function inverts only the transmission side and not the reception side. To use this function, the reception side must be ready for reception of inverted data. 2. If clock supply to serial interface UART6 is not stopped (e.g., in the HALT mode), normal operation continues. If clock supply to serial interface UART6 is stopped (e.g., in the STOP mode), each register stops operating, and holds the value immediately before clock supply was stopped. The TXD6 pin also holds the value immediately before clock supply was stopped and outputs it. However, the operation is not guaranteed after clock supply is resumed. Therefore, reset the circuit so that POWER6 = 0, RXE6 = 0, and TXE6 = 0. 3. Set POWER6 = 1 and then set TXE6 = 1 (transmission) or RXE6 = 1 (reception) to start communication. 4. TXE6 and RXE6 are synchronized by the base clock (fXCLK6) set by CKSR6. To enable transmission or reception again, set TXE6 or RXE6 to 1 at least two clocks of the base clock after TXE6 or RXE6 has been cleared to 0. If TXE6 or RXE6 is set within two clocks of the base clock, the transmission circuit or reception circuit may not be initialized. 5. Set transmit data to TXB6 at least one base clock (fXCLK6) after setting TXE6 = 1. 6. If data is continuously transmitted, the communication timing from the stop bit to the next start bit is extended two operating clocks of the macro. However, this does not affect the result of communication because the reception side initializes the timing when it has detected a start bit. Do not use the continuous transmission function if the interface is used in LIN communication operation. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 327 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 Remark LIN stands for Local Interconnect Network and is a low-speed (1 to 20 kbps) serial communication protocol intended to aid the cost reduction of an automotive network. LIN communication is single-master communication, and up to 15 slaves can be connected to one master. The LIN slaves are used to control the switches, actuators, and sensors, and these are connected to the LIN master via the LIN network. Normally, the LIN master is connected to a network such as CAN (Controller Area Network). In addition, the LIN bus uses a single-wire method and is connected to the nodes via a transceiver that complies with ISO9141. In the LIN protocol, the master transmits a frame with baud rate information and the slave receives it and corrects the baud rate error. Therefore, communication is possible when the baud rate error in the slave is 15% or less. Figures 14-1 and 14-2 outline the transmission and reception operations of LIN. Figure 14-1. LIN Transmission Operation Wakeup signal frame Sync break field Sync field Identifier field Data field Data field Checksum field LIN Bus 8 bits Note 1 13-bitNote 2 SBF transmission 55H Data Data Data Data transmission transmission transmission transmission transmission TX6 (output) INTST6Note 3 Notes 1. 2. The wakeup signal frame is substituted by 80H transmission in the 8-bit mode. The sync break field is output by hardware. The output width is the bit length set by bits 4 to 2 (SBL62 to SBL60) of asynchronous serial interface control register 6 (ASICL6) (see 14.4.2 (2) (h) transmission). 3. Remark 328 INTST6 is output on completion of each transmission. It is also output when SBF is transmitted. The interval between each field is controlled by software. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD SBF CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 Figure 14-2. LIN Reception Operation Wakeup signal frame Sync break field Sync field Identifier field Data field Data field Checksum field 13-bit SBF reception SF reception ID reception Data reception Data reception LIN Bus <5> <2> RXD6 (input) Disable Data reception Enable <3> Reception interrupt (INTSR6) <1> Edge detection (INTP0) <4> Capture timer Disable Enable Reception processing is as follows. <1> The wakeup signal is detected at the edge of the pin, and enables UART6 and sets the SBF reception mode. <2> Reception continues until the STOP bit is detected. When an SBF with low-level data of 11 bits or more has been detected, it is assumed that SBF reception has been completed correctly, and an interrupt signal is output. If an SBF with low-level data of less than 11 bits has been detected, it is assumed that an SBF reception error has occurred. The interrupt signal is not output and the SBF reception mode is restored. <3> If SBF reception has been completed correctly, an interrupt signal is output. Start 16-bit timer/event counter 00 by the SBF reception end interrupt servicing and measure the bit interval (pulse width) of the sync field (see 6.4.8 Pulse width measurement operation). Detection of errors OVE6, PE6, and FE6 is suppressed, and error detection processing of UART communication and data transfer of the shift register and RXB6 is not performed. The shift register holds the reset value FFH. <4> Calculate the baud rate error from the bit interval of the sync field, disable UART6 after SF reception, and then re-set baud rate generator control register 6 (BRGC6). <5> Distinguish the checksum field by software. Also perform processing by software to initialize UART6 after reception of the checksum field and to set the SBF reception mode again. Figure 14-3 shows the port configuration for LIN reception operation. The wakeup signal transmitted from the LIN master is received by detecting the edge of the external interrupt (INTP0). The length of the sync field transmitted from the LIN master can be measured using the external event capture operation of 16-bit timer/event counter 00, and the baud rate error can be calculated. The input source of the reception port input (RXD6) can be input to the external interrupt (INTP0) and 16-bit timer/event counter 00 by port input switch control (ISC0/ISC1), without connecting RXD6 and INTP0/TI000 externally. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 329 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 Figure 14-3. Port Configuration for LIN Reception Operation Selector P14/RxD6 RXD6 input Port mode (PM14) Output latch (P14) Selector Selector P120/INTP0/EXLVI INTP0 input Port mode (PM120) Output latch (P120) Port input switch control (ISC0) <ISC0> 0: Select INTP0 (P120) 1: Select RxD6 (P14) Selector Selector P00/TI000 TI000 input Port mode (PM00) Output latch (P00) Remark Port input switch control (ISC1) <ISC1> 0: Select TI000 (P00) 1: Select RxD6 (P14) ISC0, ISC1: Bits 0 and 1 of the input switch control register (ISC) (see Figure 14-11) The peripheral functions used in the LIN communication operation are shown below. <Peripheral functions used> * External interrupt (INTP0); wakeup signal detection Use: Detects the wakeup signal edges and detects start of communication. * 16-bit timer/event counter 00 (TI000); baud rate error detection Use: Detects the baud rate error (measures the TI000 input edge interval in the capture mode) by detecting the sync field (SF) length and divides it by the number of bits. * Serial interface UART6 330 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 14.2 Configuration of Serial Interface UART6 Serial interface UART6 includes the following hardware. Table 14-1. Configuration of Serial Interface UART6 Item Registers Configuration Receive buffer register 6 (RXB6) Receive shift register 6 (RXS6) Transmit buffer register 6 (TXB6) Transmit shift register 6 (TXS6) Control registers Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6) Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 6 (ASIS6) Asynchronous serial interface transmission status register 6 (ASIF6) Clock selection register 6 (CKSR6) Baud rate generator control register 6 (BRGC6) Asynchronous serial interface control register 6 (ASICL6) Input switch control register (ISC) Port mode register 1 (PM1) Port register 1 (P1) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 331 332 <R>Figure 14-4. Block Diagram of Serial Interface UART6 TI000, INTP0Note Filter INTSR6 Reception control Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6) Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 6 (ASIS6) fXCLK6 Baud rate generator Receive shift register 6 (RXS6) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Asynchronous serial interface control register 6 (ASICL6) Receive buffer register 6 (RXB6) Asynchronous serial interface control register 6 (ASICL6) Transmit buffer register 6 (TXB6) Transmission control Transmit shift register 6 (TXS6) Reception unit Internal bus Baud rate generator control register 6 (BRGC6) 8 Asynchronous serial Clock selection interface transmission register 6 (CKSR6) status register 6 (ASIF6) Baud rate generator 8 INTST6 TXD6/ P13 Registers Output latch (P13) Transmission unit Note Selectable with input switch control register (ISC). PM13 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 Selector INTSRE6 fPRS fPRS/2 fPRS/22 fPRS/23 fPRS/24 fPRS/25 fPRS/26 fPRS/27 fPRS/28 fPRS/29 fPRS/210 8-bit timer/ event counter 50 output RXD6/ P14 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 (1) Receive buffer register 6 (RXB6) This 8-bit register stores parallel data converted by receive shift register 6 (RXS6). Each time 1 byte of data has been received, new receive data is transferred to this register from RXS6. If the data length is set to 7 bits, data is transferred as follows. * In LSB-first reception, the receive data is transferred to bits 0 to 6 of RXB6 and the MSB of RXB6 is always 0. * In MSB-first reception, the receive data is transferred to bits 1 to 7 of RXB6 and the LSB of RXB6 is always 0. If an overrun error (OVE6) occurs, the receive data is not transferred to RXB6. RXB6 can be read by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. No data can be written to this register. Reset signal generation sets this register to FFH. (2) Receive shift register 6 (RXS6) This register converts the serial data input to the RXD6 pin into parallel data. RXS6 cannot be directly manipulated by a program. (3) Transmit buffer register 6 (TXB6) This buffer register is used to set transmit data. Transmission is started when data is written to TXB6. This register can be read or written by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to FFH. Cautions 1. Do not write data to TXB6 when bit 1 (TXBF6) of asynchronous serial interface transmission status register 6 (ASIF6) is 1. 2. Do not refresh (write the same value to) TXB6 by software during a communication operation (when bits 7 and 6 (POWER6, TXE6) of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6) are 1 or when bits 7 and 5 (POWER6, RXE6) of ASIM6 are 1). 3. Set transmit data to TXB6 at least one base clock (fXCLK6) after setting TXE6 = 1. (4) Transmit shift register 6 (TXS6) This register transmits the data transferred from TXB6 from the TXD6 pin as serial data. Data is transferred from TXB6 immediately after TXB6 is written for the first transmission, or immediately before INTST6 occurs after one frame was transmitted for continuous transmission. Data is transferred from TXB6 and transmitted from the TXD6 pin at the falling edge of the base clock. TXS6 cannot be directly manipulated by a program. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 333 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 14.3 Registers Controlling Serial Interface UART6 Serial interface UART6 is controlled by the following nine registers. * Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6) * Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 6 (ASIS6) * Asynchronous serial interface transmission status register 6 (ASIF6) * Clock selection register 6 (CKSR6) * Baud rate generator control register 6 (BRGC6) * Asynchronous serial interface control register 6 (ASICL6) * Input switch control register (ISC) * Port mode register 1 (PM1) * Port register 1 (P1) (1) Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6) This 8-bit register controls the serial communication operations of serial interface UART6. This register can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to 01H. Remark ASIM6 can be refreshed (the same value is written) by software during a communication operation (when bits 7 and 6 (POWER6, TXE6) of ASIM6 = 1 or bits 7 and 5 (POWER6, RXE6) of ASIM6 = 1). Figure 14-5. Format of Asynchronous Serial Interface Operation Mode Register 6 (ASIM6) (1/2) Address: FF50H After reset: 01H R/W Symbol <7> <6> <5> 4 3 2 1 0 ASIM6 POWER6 TXE6 RXE6 PS61 PS60 CL6 SL6 ISRM6 POWER6 0 Note 1 Enables/disables operation of internal operation clock Disables operation of the internal operation clock (fixes the clock to low level) and asynchronously resets the internal circuit 1 Note 2 . Enables operation of the internal operation clock TXE6 Enables/disables transmission 0 Disables transmission (synchronously resets the transmission circuit). 1 Enables transmission RXE6 Enables/disables reception 0 Disables reception (synchronously resets the reception circuit). 1 Enables reception Notes 1. The output of the TXD6 pin goes high level and the input from the RXD6 pin is fixed to the high level 2. Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 6 (ASIS6), asynchronous serial interface when POWER6 = 0 during transmission. transmission status register 6 (ASIF6), bit 7 (SBRF6) and bit 6 (SBRT6) of asynchronous serial interface control register 6 (ASICL6), and receive buffer register 6 (RXB6) are reset. 334 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 Figure 14-5. Format of Asynchronous Serial Interface Operation Mode Register 6 (ASIM6) (2/2) PS61 PS60 Transmission operation 0 0 Does not output parity bit. Reception without parity 0 1 Outputs 0 parity. Reception as 0 parity 1 0 Outputs odd parity. Judges as odd parity. 1 1 Outputs even parity. Judges as even parity. CL6 Note Specifies character length of transmit/receive data 0 Character length of data = 7 bits 1 Character length of data = 8 bits SL6 Specifies number of stop bits of transmit data 0 Number of stop bits = 1 1 Number of stop bits = 2 ISRM6 Reception operation Enables/disables occurrence of reception completion interrupt in case of error 0 "INTSRE6" occurs in case of error (at this time, INTSR6 does not occur). 1 "INTSR6" occurs in case of error (at this time, INTSRE6 does not occur). Note If "reception as 0 parity" is selected, the parity is not judged. Therefore, bit 2 (PE6) of asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 6 (ASIS6) is not set and the error interrupt does not occur. Cautions 1. To start the transmission, set POWER6 to 1 and then set TXE6 to 1. To stop the transmission, clear TXE6 to 0, and then clear POWER6 to 0. 2. To start the reception, set POWER6 to 1 and then set RXE6 to 1. To stop the reception, clear RXE6 to 0, and then clear POWER6 to 0. 3. Set POWER6 to 1 and then set RXE6 to 1 while a high level is input to the RXD6 pin. If POWER6 is set to 1 and RXE6 is set to 1 while a low level is input, reception is started. 4. TXE6 and RXE6 are synchronized by the base clock (fXCLK6) set by CKSR6. To enable transmission or reception again, set TXE6 or RXE6 to 1 at least two clocks of the base clock after TXE6 or RXE6 has been cleared to 0. If TXE6 or RXE6 is set within two clocks of the base clock, the transmission circuit or reception circuit may not be initialized. 5. Set transmit data to TXB6 at least one base clock (fXCLK6) after setting TXE6 = 1. 6. Clear the TXE6 and RXE6 bits to 0 before rewriting the PS61, PS60, and CL6 bits. 7. Fix the PS61 and PS60 bits to 0 when used in LIN communication operation. 8. Clear TXE6 to 0 before rewriting the SL6 bit. Reception is always performed with "the number of stop bits = 1", and therefore, is not affected by the set value of the SL6 bit. 9. Make sure that RXE6 = 0 when rewriting the ISRM6 bit. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 335 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 (2) Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 6 (ASIS6) This register indicates an error status on completion of reception by serial interface UART6. It includes three error flag bits (PE6, FE6, OVE6). This register is read-only by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation, or clearing bit 7 (POWER6) or bit 5 (RXE6) of ASIM6 to 0 clears this register to 00H. 00H is read when this register is read. If a reception error occurs, read ASIS6 and then read receive buffer register 6 (RXB6) to clear the error flag. Figure 14-6. Format of Asynchronous Serial Interface Reception Error Status Register 6 (ASIS6) Address: FF53H After reset: 00H R Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ASIS6 0 0 0 0 0 PE6 FE6 OVE6 PE6 Status flag indicating parity error 0 If POWER6 = 0 or RXE6 = 0, or if ASIS6 register is read 1 If the parity of transmit data does not match the parity bit on completion of reception FE6 Status flag indicating framing error 0 If POWER6 = 0 or RXE6 = 0, or if ASIS6 register is read 1 If the stop bit is not detected on completion of reception OVE6 Status flag indicating overrun error 0 If POWER6 = 0 or RXE6 = 0, or if ASIS6 register is read 1 If receive data is set to the RXB6 register and the next reception operation is completed before the data is read. Cautions 1. The operation of the PE6 bit differs depending on the set values of the PS61 and PS60 bits of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6). 2. For the stop bit of the receive data, only the first stop bit is checked regardless of the number of stop bits. 3. If an overrun error occurs, the next receive data is not written to receive buffer register 6 (RXB6) but discarded. 4. If data is read from ASIS6, a wait cycle is generated. Do not read data from ASIS6 when the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. 336 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 (3) Asynchronous serial interface transmission status register 6 (ASIF6) This register indicates the status of transmission by serial interface UART6. It includes two status flag bits (TXBF6 and TXSF6). Transmission can be continued without disruption even during an interrupt period, by writing the next data to the TXB6 register after data has been transferred from the TXB6 register to the TXS6 register. This register is read-only by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation, or clearing bit 7 (POWER6) or bit 6 (TXE6) of ASIM6 to 0 clears this register to 00H. Figure 14-7. Format of Asynchronous Serial Interface Transmission Status Register 6 (ASIF6) Address: FF55H After reset: 00H R Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ASIF6 0 0 0 0 0 0 TXBF6 TXSF6 TXBF6 Transmit buffer data flag 0 If POWER6 = 0 or TXE6 = 0, or if data is transferred to transmit shift register 6 (TXS6) 1 If data is written to transmit buffer register 6 (TXB6) (if data exists in TXB6) TXSF6 0 Transmit shift register data flag If POWER6 = 0 or TXE6 = 0, or if the next data is not transferred from transmit buffer register 6 (TXB6) after completion of transfer 1 If data is transferred from transmit buffer register 6 (TXB6) (if data transmission is in progress) Cautions 1. To transmit data continuously, write the first transmit data (first byte) to the TXB6 register. Be sure to check that the TXBF6 flag is "0". If so, write the next transmit data (second byte) to the TXB6 register. If data is written to the TXB6 register while the TXBF6 flag is "1", the transmit data cannot be guaranteed. 2. To initialize the transmission unit upon completion of continuous transmission, be sure to check that the TXSF6 flag is "0" after generation of the transmission completion interrupt, and then execute initialization. If initialization is executed while the TXSF6 flag is "1", the transmit data cannot be guaranteed. (4) Clock selection register 6 (CKSR6) This register selects the base clock of serial interface UART6. CKSR6 can be set by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation clears this register to 00H. Remark CKSR6 can be refreshed (the same value is written) by software during a communication operation (when bits 7 and 6 (POWER6, TXE6) of ASIM6 = 1 or bits 7 and 5 (POWER6, RXE6) of ASIM6 = 1). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 337 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 Figure 14-8. Format of Clock Selection Register 6 (CKSR6) Address: FF56H After reset: 00H R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CKSR6 0 0 0 0 TPS63 TPS62 TPS61 TPS60 TPS63 TPS62 TPS61 TPS60 0 0 0 fPRS 0 0 0 1 fPRS/2 Note 1 fPRS = fPRS = fPRS = fPRS = 2 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 2 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 1 MHz 2.5 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 0 0 1 0 fPRS/2 2 500 kHz 1.25 MHz 2.5 MHz 5 MHz 0 0 1 1 fPRS/2 3 250 kHz 625 kHz 1.25 MHz 2.5 MHz fPRS/2 4 125 kHz 312.5 kHz 625 kHz fPRS/2 5 62.5 kHz 156.25 kHz 312.5 kHz 625 kHz fPRS/2 6 31.25 kHz 78.13 kHz 156.25 kHz 312.5 kHz fPRS/2 7 15.625 kHz 39.06 kHz 78.13 kHz 156.25 kHz fPRS/2 8 7.813 kHz 19.53 kHz 39.06 kHz 78.13 kHz fPRS/2 9 3.906 kHz 9.77 kHz 19.53 kHz 39.06 kHz 10 1.953 kHz 4.88 kHz 9.77 kHz 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 fPRS/2 1 0 1 1 TM50 output Other than above Notes 1. Note 2 0 0 <R> Base clock (fXCLK6) selection 1.25 MHz 19.53 kHz Note 3 Setting prohibited If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the high-speed system clock (fXH) (XSEL = 1), the fPRS operating frequency varies depending on the supply voltage. * VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V: fPRS 20 MHz * VDD = 2.7 to 4.0 V: fPRS 10 MHz * VDD = 1.8 to 2.7 V: fPRS 5 MHz (Standard and (A) grade products only) <R> 2. If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the internal high-speed oscillation clock (fRH) (XSEL = 0), when 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V, the setting of TPS63 = TPS62 = TPS61 = TPS60 = 0 (base clock: fPRS) is prohibited. 3. Note the following points when selecting the TM50 output as the base clock. * Mode in which the count clock is cleared and started upon a match of TM50 and CR50 (TMC506 = 0) Start the operation of 8-bit timer/event counter 50 first and then enable the timer F/F inversion operation (TMC501 = 1). * PWM mode (TMC506 = 1) Start the operation of 8-bit timer/event counter 50 first and then set the count clock to make the duty = 50%. <R> It is not necessary to enable (TOE50 = 1) TO50 output in any mode. Caution Make sure POWER6 = 0 when rewriting TPS63 to TPS60. Remarks 1. fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency 2. TMC506: Bit 6 of 8-bit timer mode control register 50 (TMC50) TMC501: Bit 1 of TMC50 338 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 (5) Baud rate generator control register 6 (BRGC6) This register sets the division value of the 8-bit counter of serial interface UART6. BRGC6 can be set by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to FFH. Remark BRGC6 can be refreshed (the same value is written) by software during a communication operation (when bits 7 and 6 (POWER6, TXE6) of ASIM6 = 1 or bits 7 and 5 (POWER6, RXE6) of ASIM6 = 1). Figure 14-9. Format of Baud Rate Generator Control Register 6 (BRGC6) Address: FF57H After reset: FFH R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BRGC6 MDL67 MDL66 MDL65 MDL64 MDL63 MDL62 MDL61 MDL60 MDL67 MDL66 MDL65 MDL64 MDL63 MDL62 MDL61 MDL60 k Output clock selection of 8-bit counter 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x x Setting prohibited 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 fXCLK6/4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 5 fXCLK6/5 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 6 fXCLK6/6 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 252 fXCLK6/252 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 253 fXCLK6/253 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 254 fXCLK6/254 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 255 fXCLK6/255 Cautions 1. Make sure that bit 6 (TXE6) and bit 5 (RXE6) of the ASIM6 register = 0 when rewriting the MDL67 to MDL60 bits. 2. The baud rate is the output clock of the 8-bit counter divided by 2. Remarks 1. fXCLK6: Frequency of base clock selected by the TPS63 to TPS60 bits of CKSR6 register 2. k: Value set by MDL67 to MDL60 bits (k = 4, 5, 6, ..., 255) 3. x: Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 339 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 (6) Asynchronous serial interface control register 6 (ASICL6) This register controls the serial communication operations of serial interface UART6. ASICL6 can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to 16H. Caution ASICL6 can be refreshed (the same value is written) by software during a communication operation (when bits 7 and 6 (POWER6, TXE6) of ASIM6 = 1 or bits 7 and 5 (POWER6, RXE6) of ASIM6 = 1). However, do not set both SBRT6 and SBTT6 to 1 by a refresh operation during SBF reception (SBRT6 = 1) or SBF transmission (until INTST6 occurs since SBTT6 has been set (1)), because it may re-trigger SBF reception or SBF transmission. Figure 14-10. Format of Asynchronous Serial Interface Control Register 6 (ASICL6) (1/2) Address: FF58H After reset: 16H R/W Note Symbol <7> <6> 5 4 3 2 1 0 ASICL6 SBRF6 SBRT6 SBTT6 SBL62 SBL61 SBL60 DIR6 TXDLV6 SBRF6 SBF reception status flag 0 If POWER6 = 0 and RXE6 = 0 or if SBF reception has been completed correctly 1 SBF reception in progress SBRT6 SBF reception trigger - 0 1 SBF reception trigger SBTT6 SBF transmission trigger - 0 1 SBF transmission trigger Note Bit 7 is read-only. 340 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 Figure 14-10. Format of Asynchronous Serial Interface Control Register 6 (ASICL6) (2/2) SBL62 SBL61 SBL60 SBF transmission output width control 1 0 1 SBF is output with 13-bit length. 1 1 0 SBF is output with 14-bit length. 1 1 1 SBF is output with 15-bit length. 0 0 0 SBF is output with 16-bit length. 0 0 1 SBF is output with 17-bit length. 0 1 0 SBF is output with 18-bit length. 0 1 1 SBF is output with 19-bit length. 1 0 0 SBF is output with 20-bit length. DIR6 First-bit specification 0 MSB 1 LSB TXDLV6 Enables/disables inverting TXD6 output 0 Normal output of TXD6 1 Inverted output of TXD6 Cautions 1. In the case of an SBF reception error, the mode returns to the SBF reception mode. The status of the SBRF6 flag is held (1). 2. Before setting the SBRT6 bit, make sure that bit 7 (POWER6) and bit 5 (RXE6) of ASIM6 = 1. After setting the SBRT6 bit to 1, do not clear it to 0 before SBF reception is completed (before an interrupt request signal is generated). 3. The read value of the SBRT6 bit is always 0. SBRT6 is automatically cleared to 0 after SBF reception has been correctly completed. 4. Before setting the SBTT6 bit to 1, make sure that bit 7 (POWER6) and bit 6 (TXE6) of ASIM6 = 1. After setting the SBTT6 bit to 1, do not clear it to 0 before SBF transmission is completed (before an interrupt request signal is generated). 5. The read value of the SBTT6 bit is always 0. SBTT6 is automatically cleared to 0 at the end of SBF transmission. 6. Do not set the SBRT6 bit to 1 during reception, and do not set the SBTT6 bit to 1 during transmission. 7. Before rewriting the DIR6 and TXDLV6 bits, clear the TXE6 and RXE6 bits to 0. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 341 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 (7) Input switch control register (ISC) The input switch control register (ISC) is used to receive a status signal transmitted from the master during LIN (Local Interconnect Network) reception. The signal input from the P14/RXD6 pin is selected as the input source of INTP0 and TI000 when ISC0 and ISC1 are set to 1. This register can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation clears this register to 00H. Figure 14-11. Format of Input Switch Control Register (ISC) Address: FF4FH After reset: 00H R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ISC 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISC1 ISC0 ISC1 TI000 input source selection 0 TI000 (P00) 1 RXD6 (P14) ISC0 INTP0 input source selection 0 INTP0 (P120) 1 RXD6 (P14) (8) Port mode register 1 (PM1) This register sets port 1 input/output in 1-bit units. When using the P13/TXD6 pin for serial interface data output, clear PM13 to 0 and set the output latch of P13 to 1. When using the P14/RXD6 pin for serial interface data input, set PM14 to 1. The output latch of P14 at this time may be 0 or 1. PM1 can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to FFH. Figure 14-12. Format of Port Mode Register 1 (PM1) Address: FF21H Symbol PM1 R/W 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PM17 PM16 PM15 PM14 PM13 PM12 PM11 PM10 PM1n 342 After reset: FFH P1n pin I/O mode selection (n = 0 to 7) 0 Output mode (output buffer on) 1 Input mode (output buffer off) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 14.4 Operation of Serial Interface UART6 Serial interface UART6 has the following two modes. * Operation stop mode * Asynchronous serial interface (UART) mode 14.4.1 Operation stop mode In this mode, serial communication cannot be executed; therefore, the power consumption can be reduced. In addition, the pins can be used as ordinary port pins in this mode. To set the operation stop mode, clear bits 7, 6, and 5 (POWER6, TXE6, and RXE6) of ASIM6 to 0. (1) Register used The operation stop mode is set by asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6). ASIM6 can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to 01H. Address: FF50H After reset: 01H R/W Symbol <7> <6> <5> 4 3 2 1 0 ASIM6 POWER6 TXE6 RXE6 PS61 PS60 CL6 SL6 ISRM6 POWER6 0 Note 1 Enables/disables operation of internal operation clock Disables operation of the internal operation clock (fixes the clock to low level) and asynchronously resets the internal circuit Note 2 TXE6 0 Enables/disables transmission Disables transmission operation (synchronously resets the transmission circuit). RXE6 0 . Enables/disables reception Disables reception (synchronously resets the reception circuit). Notes 1. The output of the TXD6 pin goes high and the input from the RXD6 pin is fixed to high level when 2. Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 6 (ASIS6), asynchronous serial interface POWER6 = 0 during transmission. transmission status register 6 (ASIF6), bit 7 (SBRF6) and bit 6 (SBRT6) of asynchronous serial interface control register 6 (ASICL6), and receive buffer register 6 (RXB6) are reset. Caution Clear POWER6 to 0 after clearing TXE6 and RXE6 to 0 to stop the operation. To start the communication, set POWER6 to 1, and then set TXE6 or RXE6 to 1. Remark To use the RXD6/P14 and TXD6/P13 pins as general-purpose port pins, see CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 343 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 14.4.2 Asynchronous serial interface (UART) mode In this mode, data of 1 byte is transmitted/received following a start bit, and a full-duplex operation can be performed. A dedicated UART baud rate generator is incorporated, so that communication can be executed at a wide range of baud rates. (1) Registers used * Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6) * Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 6 (ASIS6) * Asynchronous serial interface transmission status register 6 (ASIF6) * Clock selection register 6 (CKSR6) * Baud rate generator control register 6 (BRGC6) * Asynchronous serial interface control register 6 (ASICL6) * Input switch control register (ISC) * Port mode register 1 (PM1) * Port register 1 (P1) The basic procedure of setting an operation in the UART mode is as follows. <1> Set the CKSR6 register (see Figure 14-8). <2> Set the BRGC6 register (see Figure 14-9). <3> Set bits 0 to 4 (ISRM6, SL6, CL6, PS60, PS61) of the ASIM6 register (see Figure 14-5). <4> Set bits 0 and 1 (TXDLV6, DIR6) of the ASICL6 register (see Figure 14-10). <5> Set bit 7 (POWER6) of the ASIM6 register to 1. <6> Set bit 6 (TXE6) of the ASIM6 register to 1. Transmission is enabled. Set bit 5 (RXE6) of the ASIM6 register to 1. Reception is enabled. <7> Write data to transmit buffer register 6 (TXB6). Data transmission is started. Caution Take the relationship with the other party of communication when setting the port mode register and port register. The relationship between the register settings and pins is shown below. Table 14-2. Relationship Between Register Settings and Pins POWER6 TXE6 RXE6 PM13 P13 0 0 0 x x 1 0 1 x x 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 Note Note Note PM14 x Note Note P14 x Note x 1 x Note 1 x UART6 Operation TXD6/P13 Pin Function Stop P13 P14 Reception P13 RXD6 Note Transmission TXD6 P14 x Transmission/ reception TXD6 RXD6 Note Can be set as port function. Remark x: don't care POWER6: Bit 7 of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6) 344 TXE6: Bit 6 of ASIM6 RXE6: Bit 5 of ASIM6 PM1x: Port mode register P1x: Port output latch RXD6/P14 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 (2) Communication operation (a) Format and waveform example of normal transmit/receive data Figures 14-13 and 14-14 show the format and waveform example of the normal transmit/receive data. Figure 14-13. Format of Normal UART Transmit/Receive Data 1. LSB-first transmission/reception 1 data frame Start bit D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Parity bit Stop bit D1 D0 Parity bit Stop bit Character bits 2. MSB-first transmission/reception 1 data frame Start bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 Character bits One data frame consists of the following bits. * Start bit ... 1 bit * Character bits ... 7 or 8 bits * Parity bit ... Even parity, odd parity, 0 parity, or no parity * Stop bit ... 1 or 2 bits The character bit length, parity, and stop bit length in one data frame are specified by asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6). Whether data is communicated with the LSB or MSB first is specified by bit 1 (DIR6) of asynchronous serial interface control register 6 (ASICL6). Whether the TXD6 pin outputs normal or inverted data is specified by bit 0 (TXDLV6) of ASICL6. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 345 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 Figure 14-14. Example of Normal UART Transmit/Receive Data Waveform 1. Data length: 8 bits, LSB first, Parity: Even parity, Stop bit: 1 bit, Communication data: 55H 1 data frame Start D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Parity Stop 2. Data length: 8 bits, MSB first, Parity: Even parity, Stop bit: 1 bit, Communication data: 55H 1 data frame Start D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Parity Stop 3. Data length: 8 bits, MSB first, Parity: Even parity, Stop bit: 1 bit, Communication data: 55H, TXD6 pin inverted output 1 data frame Start D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Parity Stop 4. Data length: 7 bits, LSB first, Parity: Odd parity, Stop bit: 2 bits, Communication data: 36H 1 data frame Start D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 Parity Stop 5. Data length: 8 bits, LSB first, Parity: None, Stop bit: 1 bit, Communication data: 87H 1 data frame Start 346 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD D6 D7 Stop Stop CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 (b) Parity types and operation The parity bit is used to detect a bit error in communication data. Usually, the same type of parity bit is used on both the transmission and reception sides. With even parity and odd parity, a 1-bit (odd number) error can be detected. With zero parity and no parity, an error cannot be detected. Caution Fix the PS61 and PS60 bits to 0 when the device is used in LIN communication operation. (i) Even parity * Transmission Transmit data, including the parity bit, is controlled so that the number of bits that are "1" is even. The value of the parity bit is as follows. If transmit data has an odd number of bits that are "1": 1 If transmit data has an even number of bits that are "1": 0 * Reception The number of bits that are "1" in the receive data, including the parity bit, is counted. If it is odd, a parity error occurs. (ii) Odd parity * Transmission Unlike even parity, transmit data, including the parity bit, is controlled so that the number of bits that are "1" is odd. If transmit data has an odd number of bits that are "1": 0 If transmit data has an even number of bits that are "1": 1 * Reception The number of bits that are "1" in the receive data, including the parity bit, is counted. If it is even, a parity error occurs. (iii) 0 parity The parity bit is cleared to 0 when data is transmitted, regardless of the transmit data. The parity bit is not detected when the data is received. Therefore, a parity error does not occur regardless of whether the parity bit is "0" or "1". (iv) No parity No parity bit is appended to the transmit data. Reception is performed assuming that there is no parity bit when data is received. Because there is no parity bit, a parity error does not occur. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 347 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 (c) Normal transmission When bit 7 (POWER6) of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6) is set to 1 and bit 6 (TXE6) of ASIM6 is then set to 1, transmission is enabled. Transmission can be started by writing transmit data to transmit buffer register 6 (TXB6). The start bit, parity bit, and stop bit are automatically appended to the data. When transmission is started, the data in TXB6 is transferred to transmit shift register 6 (TXS6). After that, the transmit data is sequentially output from TXS6 to the TXD6 pin. When transmission is completed, the parity and stop bits set by ASIM6 are appended and a transmission completion interrupt request (INTST6) is generated. Transmission is stopped until the data to be transmitted next is written to TXB6. Figure 14-15 shows the timing of the transmission completion interrupt request (INTST6). This interrupt occurs as soon as the last stop bit has been output. Figure 14-15. Normal Transmission Completion Interrupt Request Timing 1. Stop bit length: 1 TXD6 (output) Start D0 D1 D2 D6 D7 Parity Start D0 D1 D2 D6 D7 Parity Stop INTST6 2. Stop bit length: 2 TXD6 (output) INTST6 348 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Stop CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 (d) Continuous transmission The next transmit data can be written to transmit buffer register 6 (TXB6) as soon as transmit shift register 6 (TXS6) has started its shift operation. Consequently, even while the INTST6 interrupt is being serviced after transmission of one data frame, data can be continuously transmitted and an efficient communication rate can be realized. In addition, the TXB6 register can be efficiently written twice (2 bytes) without having to wait for the transmission time of one data frame, by reading bit 0 (TXSF6) of asynchronous serial interface transmission status register 6 (ASIF6) when the transmission completion interrupt has occurred. To transmit data continuously, be sure to reference the ASIF6 register to check the transmission status and whether the TXB6 register can be written, and then write the data. Cautions 1. The TXBF6 and TXSF6 flags of the ASIF6 register change from "10" to "11", and to "01" during continuous transmission. To check the status, therefore, do not use a combination of the TXBF6 and TXSF6 flags for judgment. Read only the TXBF6 flag when executing continuous transmission. 2. When the device is use in LIN communication operation, the continuous transmission function cannot be used. Make sure that asynchronous serial interface transmission status register 6 (ASIF6) is 00H before writing transmit data to transmit buffer register 6 (TXB6). TXBF6 Writing to TXB6 Register 0 Writing enabled 1 Writing disabled Caution To transmit data continuously, write the first transmit data (first byte) to the TXB6 register. Be sure to check that the TXBF6 flag is "0". If so, write the next transmit data (second byte) to the TXB6 register. If data is written to the TXB6 register while the TXBF6 flag is "1", the transmit data cannot be guaranteed. The communication status can be checked using the TXSF6 flag. TXSF6 Transmission Status 0 Transmission is completed. 1 Transmission is in progress. Cautions 1. To initialize the transmission unit upon completion of continuous transmission, be sure to check that the TXSF6 flag is "0" after generation of the transmission completion interrupt, and then execute initialization. If initialization is executed while the TXSF6 flag is "1", the transmit data cannot be guaranteed. 2. During continuous transmission, the next transmission may complete before execution of INTST6 interrupt servicing after transmission of one data frame. As a countermeasure, detection can be performed by developing a program that can count the number of transmit data and by referencing the TXSF6 flag. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 349 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 Figure 14-16 shows an example of the continuous transmission processing flow. Figure 14-16. Example of Continuous Transmission Processing Flow Set registers. Write TXB6. Transfer executed necessary number of times? Yes No Read ASIF6 TXBF6 = 0? No Yes Write TXB6. Transmission completion interrupt occurs? No Yes Transfer executed necessary number of times? Yes No Read ASIF6 TXSF6 = 0? Yes Yes of Completion transmission processing Remark TXB6: Transmit buffer register 6 ASIF6: Asynchronous serial interface transmission status register 6 TXBF6: Bit 1 of ASIF6 (transmit buffer data flag) TXSF6: Bit 0 of ASIF6 (transmit shift register data flag) 350 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD No CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 Figure 14-17 shows the timing of starting continuous transmission, and Figure 14-18 shows the timing of ending continuous transmission. Figure 14-17. Timing of Starting Continuous Transmission Start TXD6 Data (1) Parity Stop Start Data (2) Parity Stop Start INTST6 TXB6 FF TXS6 FF Data (1) Data (2) Data (1) Data (3) Data (2) Data (3) TXBF6 Note TXSF6 Note When ASIF6 is read, there is a period in which TXBF6 and TXSF6 = 1, 1. Therefore, judge whether writing is enabled using only the TXBF6 bit. Remark TXD6: TXD6 pin (output) INTST6: Interrupt request signal TXB6: Transmit buffer register 6 TXS6: Transmit shift register 6 ASIF6: Asynchronous serial interface transmission status register 6 TXBF6: Bit 1 of ASIF6 TXSF6: Bit 0 of ASIF6 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 351 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 Figure 14-18. Timing of Ending Continuous Transmission TXD6 Stop Start Data (n - 1) Parity Stop Start Data (n) Parity Stop INTST6 TXB6 Data (n - 1) Data (n) Data (n - 1) TXS6 Data (n) TXBF6 TXSF6 POWER6 or TXE6 Remark TXD6: TXD6 pin (output) INTST6: Interrupt request signal TXB6: Transmit buffer register 6 TXS6: Transmit shift register 6 ASIF6: Asynchronous serial interface transmission status register 6 TXBF6: Bit 1 of ASIF6 TXSF6: Bit 0 of ASIF6 POWER6: Bit 7 of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register (ASIM6) TXE6: 352 Bit 6 of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register (ASIM6) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD FF CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 (e) Normal reception Reception is enabled and the RXD6 pin input is sampled when bit 7 (POWER6) of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6) is set to 1 and then bit 5 (RXE6) of ASIM6 is set to 1. The 8-bit counter of the baud rate generator starts counting when the falling edge of the RXD6 pin input is detected. When the set value of baud rate generator control register 6 (BRGC6) has been counted, the RXD6 pin input is sampled again ( in Figure 14-19). If the RXD6 pin is low level at this time, it is recognized as a start bit. When the start bit is detected, reception is started, and serial data is sequentially stored in the receive shift register (RXS6) at the set baud rate. When the stop bit has been received, the reception completion interrupt (INTSR6) is generated and the data of RXS6 is written to receive buffer register 6 (RXB6). If an overrun error (OVE6) occurs, however, the receive data is not written to RXB6. Even if a parity error (PE6) occurs while reception is in progress, reception continues to the reception position of the stop bit, and a reception error interrupt (INTSR6/INTSRE6) is generated on completion of reception. Figure 14-19. Reception Completion Interrupt Request Timing RXD6 (input) Start D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Parity Stop INTSR6 RXB6 Cautions 1. If a reception error occurs, read ASIS6 and then RXB6 to clear the error flag. Otherwise, an overrun error will occur when the next data is received, and the reception error status will persist. 2. Reception is always performed with the "number of stop bits = 1". The second stop bit is ignored. 3. Be sure to read asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 6 (ASIS6) before reading RXB6. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 353 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 (f) Reception error Three types of errors may occur during reception: a parity error, framing error, or overrun error. If the error flag of asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 6 (ASIS6) is set as a result of data reception, a reception error interrupt request (INTSR6/INTSRE6) is generated. Which error has occurred during reception can be identified by reading the contents of ASIS6 in the reception error interrupt (INTSR6/INTSRE6) servicing (see Figure 14-6). The contents of ASIS6 are cleared to 0 when ASIS6 is read. Table 14-3. Cause of Reception Error Reception Error Cause Parity error The parity specified for transmission does not match the parity of the receive data. Framing error Stop bit is not detected. Overrun error Reception of the next data is completed before data is read from receive buffer register 6 (RXB6). The reception error interrupt can be separated into reception completion interrupt (INTSR6) and error interrupt (INTSRE6) by clearing bit 0 (ISRM6) of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6) to 0. Figure 14-20. Reception Error Interrupt 1. If ISRM6 is cleared to 0 (reception completion interrupt (INTSR6) and error interrupt (INTSRE6) are separated) (a) No error during reception (b) Error during reception INTSR6 INTSR6 INTSRE6 INTSRE6 2. If ISRM6 is set to 1 (error interrupt is included in INTSR6) (a) No error during reception 354 (b) Error during reception INTSR6 INTSR6 INTSRE6 INTSRE6 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 (g) Noise filter of receive data The RxD6 signal is sampled with the base clock output by the prescaler block. If two sampled values are the same, the output of the match detector changes, and the data is sampled as input data. Because the circuit is configured as shown in Figure 14-21, the internal processing of the reception operation is delayed by two clocks from the external signal status. Figure 14-21. Noise Filter Circuit Base clock RXD6/P14 In Internal signal A Q In Internal signal B Q LD_EN Match detector (h) SBF transmission When the device is use in LIN communication operation, the SBF (Synchronous Break Field) transmission control function is used for transmission. For the transmission operation of LIN, see Figure 14-1 LIN Transmission Operation. When bit 7 (POWER6) of asynchronous serial interface mode register 6 (ASIM6) is set to 1, the TXD6 pin outputs high level. Next, when bit 6 (TXE6) of ASIM6 is set to 1, the transmission enabled status is entered, and SBF transmission is started by setting bit 5 (SBTT6) of asynchronous serial interface control register 6 (ASICL6) to 1. Thereafter, a low level of bits 13 to 20 (set by bits 4 to 2 (SBL62 to SBL60) of ASICL6) is output. Following the end of SBF transmission, the transmission completion interrupt request (INTST6) is generated and SBTT6 is automatically cleared. Thereafter, the normal transmission mode is restored. Transmission is suspended until the data to be transmitted next is written to transmit buffer register 6 (TXB6), or until SBTT6 is set to 1. Figure 14-22. SBF Transmission 1 TXD6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Stop INTST6 SBTT6 Remark TXD6: TXD6 pin (output) INTST6: Transmission completion interrupt request SBTT6: Bit 5 of asynchronous serial interface control register 6 (ASICL6) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 355 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 (i) SBF reception When the device is used in LIN communication operation, the SBF (Synchronous Break Field) reception control function is used for reception. For the reception operation of LIN, see Figure 14-2 LIN Reception Operation. Reception is enabled when bit 7 (POWER6) of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6) is set to 1 and then bit 5 (RXE6) of ASIM6 is set to 1. SBF reception is enabled when bit 6 (SBRT6) of asynchronous serial interface control register 6 (ASICL6) is set to 1. In the SBF reception enabled status, the RXD6 pin is sampled and the start bit is detected in the same manner as the normal reception enable status. When the start bit has been detected, reception is started, and serial data is sequentially stored in the receive shift register 6 (RXS6) at the set baud rate. When the stop bit is received and if the width of SBF is 11 bits or more, a reception completion interrupt request (INTSR6) is generated as normal processing. At this time, the SBRF6 and SBRT6 bits are automatically cleared, and SBF reception ends. Detection of errors, such as OVE6, PE6, and FE6 (bits 0 to 2 of asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 6 (ASIS6)) is suppressed, and error detection processing of UART communication is not performed. In addition, data transfer between receive shift register 6 (RXS6) and receive buffer register 6 (RXB6) is not performed, and the reset value of FFH is retained. If the width of SBF is 10 bits or less, an interrupt does not occur as error processing after the stop bit has been received, and the SBF reception mode is restored. In this case, the SBRF6 and SBRT6 bits are not cleared. Figure 14-23. SBF Reception 1. Normal SBF reception (stop bit is detected with a width of more than 10.5 bits) 1 RXD6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SBRT6 /SBRF6 INTSR6 2. SBF reception error (stop bit is detected with a width of 10.5 bits or less) 1 RXD6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SBRT6 /SBRF6 INTSR6 Remark RXD6: "0" RXD6 pin (input) SBRT6: Bit 6 of asynchronous serial interface control register 6 (ASICL6) SBRF6: Bit 7 of ASICL6 INTSR6: Reception completion interrupt request 356 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 10 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 14.4.3 Dedicated baud rate generator The dedicated baud rate generator consists of a source clock selector and an 8-bit programmable counter, and generates a serial clock for transmission/reception of UART6. Separate 8-bit counters are provided for transmission and reception. (1) Configuration of baud rate generator * Base clock The clock selected by bits 3 to 0 (TPS63 to TPS60) of clock selection register 6 (CKSR6) is supplied to each module when bit 7 (POWER6) of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6) is 1. This clock is called the base clock and its frequency is called fXCLK6. The base clock is fixed to low level when POWER6 = 0. * Transmission counter This counter stops operation, cleared to 0, when bit 7 (POWER6) or bit 6 (TXE6) of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6) is 0. It starts counting when POWER6 = 1 and TXE6 = 1. The counter is cleared to 0 when the first data transmitted is written to transmit buffer register 6 (TXB6). If data are continuously transmitted, the counter is cleared to 0 again when one frame of data has been completely transmitted. If there is no data to be transmitted next, the counter is not cleared to 0 and continues counting until POWER6 or TXE6 is cleared to 0. * Reception counter This counter stops operation, cleared to 0, when bit 7 (POWER6) or bit 5 (RXE6) of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6) is 0. It starts counting when the start bit has been detected. The counter stops operation after one frame has been received, until the next start bit is detected. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 357 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 Figure 14-24. Configuration of Baud Rate Generator POWER6 fPRS Baud rate generator fPRS/2 fPRS/22 POWER6, TXE6 (or RXE6) fPRS/23 fPRS/24 fPRS/25 Selector fPRS/26 8-bit counter fXCLK6 fPRS/27 fPRS/28 fPRS/29 fPRS/210 8-bit timer/ event counter 50 output Match detector CKSR6: TPS63 to TPS60 Remark 1/2 Baud rate BRGC6: MDL67 to MDL60 POWER6: Bit 7 of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6) TXE6: Bit 6 of ASIM6 RXE6: Bit 5 of ASIM6 CKSR6: Clock selection register 6 BRGC6: Baud rate generator control register 6 (2) Generation of serial clock A serial clock to be generated can be specified by using clock selection register 6 (CKSR6) and baud rate generator control register 6 (BRGC6). The clock to be input to the 8-bit counter can be set by bits 3 to 0 (TPS63 to TPS60) of CKSR6 and the division value (fXCLK6/4 to fXCLK6/255) of the 8-bit counter can be set by bits 7 to 0 (MDL67 to MDL60) of BRGC6. 358 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 14.4.4 Calculation of baud rate (1) Baud rate calculation expression The baud rate can be calculated by the following expression. * Baud rate = fXCLK6 2xk [bps] fXCLK6: Frequency of base clock selected by TPS63 to TPS60 bits of CKSR6 register k: Value set by MDL67 to MDL60 bits of BRGC6 register (k = 4, 5, 6, ..., 255) Table 14-4. Set Value of TPS63 to TPS60 TPS63 TPS62 TPS61 TPS60 Base Clock (fXCLK6) Selection fPRS = 2 MHz 0 0 0 fPRS 0 0 0 1 fPRS/2 0 0 1 0 fPRS/2 2 0 0 1 1 fPRS/2 3 fPRS = 10 MHz fPRS = 20 MHz 2 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 1 MHz 2.5 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 500 kHz 1.25 MHz 2.5 MHz 5 MHz 250 kHz 625 kHz 1.25 MHz 2.5 MHz 0 1 0 0 fPRS/2 4 125 kHz 312.5 kHz 625 kHz 0 1 0 1 fPRS/2 5 62.5 kHz 156.25 kHz 312.5 kHz 625 kHz 0 1 1 0 fPRS/2 6 31.25 kHz 78.13 kHz 156.25 kHz 312.5 kHz 15.625 kHz 39.06 kHz 78.13 kHz 156.25 kHz 1.25 MHz 0 1 1 1 fPRS/2 7 1 0 0 0 fPRS/2 8 7.813 kHz 19.53 kHz 39.06 kHz 78.13 kHz 3.906 kHz 9.77 kHz 19.53 kHz 39.06 kHz 1.953 kHz 4.88 kHz 9.77 kHz 1 0 0 1 fPRS/2 9 1 0 1 0 fPRS/2 10 1 0 1 1 Other than above <R> Note 2 0 fPRS = 5 MHz Note 1 Notes 1. TM50 output 19.53 kHz Note 3 Setting prohibited If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the high-speed system clock (fXH) (XSEL = 1), the fPRS operating frequency varies depending on the supply voltage. * VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V: fPRS 20 MHz * VDD = 2.7 to 4.0 V: fPRS 10 MHz * VDD = 1.8 to 2.7 V: fPRS 5 MHz (Standard and (A) grade products only) <R> 2. If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the internal high-speed oscillation clock (fRH) (XSEL = 0), when 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V, the setting of TPS63 = TPS62 = TPS61 = TPS60 = 0 (base clock: fPRS) is prohibited. 3. Note the following points when selecting the TM50 output as the base clock. * Mode in which the count clock is cleared and started upon a match of TM50 and CR50 (TMC506 = 0) Start the operation of 8-bit timer/event counter 50 first and then enable the timer F/F inversion operation (TMC501 = 1). * PWM mode (TMC506 = 1) Start the operation of 8-bit timer/event counter 50 first and then set the count clock to make the duty = 50%. It is not necessary to enable (TOE50 = 1) TO50 output in any mode. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 359 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 (2) Error of baud rate The baud rate error can be calculated by the following expression. Actual baud rate (baud rate with error) * Error (%) = Desired baud rate (correct baud rate) - 1 x 100 [%] Cautions 1. Keep the baud rate error during transmission to within the permissible error range at the reception destination. 2. Make sure that the baud rate error during reception satisfies the range shown in (4) Permissible baud rate range during reception. Example: Frequency of base clock = 10 MHz = 10,000,000 Hz Set value of MDL67 to MDL60 bits of BRGC6 register = 00100001B (k = 33) Target baud rate = 153600 bps Baud rate = 10 M / (2 x 33) = 10000000 / (2 x 33) = 151,515 [bps] Error = (151515/153600 - 1) x 100 = -1.357 [%] (3) Example of setting baud rate Table 14-5. Set Data of Baud Rate Generator Baud Rate [bps] fPRS = 2.0 MHz TPS63- k TPS60 fPRS = 5.0 MHz Calculated ERR TPS63Value [%] TPS60 fPRS = 10.0 MHz Calculated ERR TPS63- k Value [%] TPS60 k fPRS = 20.0 MHz Calculated ERR TPS63Value [%] TPS60 k Calculated ERR Value [%] 300 8H 13 301 0.16 7H 65 301 0.16 8H 65 301 0.16 9H 65 301 0.16 600 7H 13 601 0.16 6H 65 601 0.16 7H 65 601 0.16 8H 65 601 0.16 1200 6H 13 1202 0.16 5H 65 1202 0.16 6H 65 1202 0.16 7H 65 1202 0.16 2400 5H 13 2404 0.16 4H 65 2404 0.16 5H 65 2404 0.16 6H 65 2404 0.16 4800 4H 13 4808 0.16 3H 65 4808 0.16 4H 65 4808 0.16 5H 65 4808 0.16 9600 3H 13 9615 0.16 2H 65 9615 0.16 3H 65 9615 0.16 4H 65 9615 0.16 19200 2H 13 19231 0.16 1H 65 19231 0.16 2H 65 19231 0.16 3H 65 19231 0.16 24000 1H 21 23810 -0.79 3H 13 24038 0.16 4H 13 24038 0.16 5H 13 24038 0.16 31250 1H 4 31250 0 4H 5 31250 0 5H 5 31250 0 6H 5 31250 0 38400 1H 13 38462 0.16 0H 65 38462 0.16 1H 65 38462 0.16 2H 65 38462 0.16 48000 0H 21 47619 -0.79 2H 13 48077 0.16 3H 13 48077 0.16 4H 13 48077 0.16 76800 0H 13 76923 0.16 0H 33 75758 -1.36 0H 65 76923 0.16 1H 65 76923 0.16 115200 0H 9 111111 -3.55 1H 11 113636 -1.36 0H 43 116279 0.94 0H 87 114943 -0.22 153600 - - - - 1H 8 156250 1.73 0H 33 151515 -1.36 1H 33 151515 -1.36 312500 - - - - 0H 8 312500 0 1H 8 312500 0 2H 8 312500 0 625000 - - - - 0H 4 625000 0 1H 4 625000 0 2H 4 625000 0 Remark TPS63 to TPS60: Bits 3 to 0 of clock selection register 6 (CKSR6) (setting of base clock (fXCLK6)) k: Value set by MDL67 to MDL60 bits of baud rate generator control register 6 (BRGC6) (k = 4, 5, 6, ..., 255) 360 fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency ERR: Baud rate error User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 (4) Permissible baud rate range during reception The permissible error from the baud rate at the transmission destination during reception is shown below. Caution Make sure that the baud rate error during reception is within the permissible error range, by using the calculation expression shown below. Figure 14-25. Permissible Baud Rate Range During Reception Latch timing Data frame length of UART6 Start bit Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 7 Parity bit Stop bit FL 1 data frame (11 x FL) Minimum permissible data frame length Start bit Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 7 Parity bit Stop bit FLmin Maximum permissible data frame length Start bit Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 7 Parity bit Stop bit FLmax As shown in Figure 14-25, the latch timing of the receive data is determined by the counter set by baud rate generator control register 6 (BRGC6) after the start bit has been detected. If the last data (stop bit) meets this latch timing, the data can be correctly received. Assuming that 11-bit data is received, the theoretical values can be calculated as follows. FL = (Brate)-1 Brate: Baud rate of UART6 k: Set value of BRGC6 FL: 1-bit data length Margin of latch timing: 2 clocks User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 361 CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 Minimum permissible data frame length: FLmin = 11 x FL - k-2 2k x FL = 21k + 2 2k FL Therefore, the maximum receivable baud rate at the transmission destination is as follows. 22k BRmax = (FLmin/11)-1 = Brate 21k + 2 Similarly, the maximum permissible data frame length can be calculated as follows. 10 11 x FLmax = 11 x FL - FLmax = 21k - 2 20k k+2 2xk x FL = 21k - 2 2xk FL FL x 11 Therefore, the minimum receivable baud rate at the transmission destination is as follows. BRmin = (FLmax/11)-1 = 20k 21k - 2 Brate The permissible baud rate error between UART6 and the transmission destination can be calculated from the above minimum and maximum baud rate expressions, as follows. Table 14-6. Maximum/Minimum Permissible Baud Rate Error Division Ratio (k) Maximum Permissible Baud Rate Error Minimum Permissible Baud Rate Error 4 +2.33% -2.44% 8 +3.53% -3.61% 20 +4.26% -4.31% 50 +4.56% -4.58% 100 +4.66% -4.67% 255 +4.72% -4.73% Remarks 1. The permissible error of reception depends on the number of bits in one frame, input clock frequency, and division ratio (k). The higher the input clock frequency and the higher the division ratio (k), the higher the permissible error. 2. k: Set value of BRGC6 362 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 (5) Data frame length during continuous transmission When data is continuously transmitted, the data frame length from a stop bit to the next start bit is extended by two clocks of base clock from the normal value. However, the result of communication is not affected because the timing is initialized on the reception side when the start bit is detected. Figure 14-26. Data Frame Length During Continuous Transmission Start bit of second byte 1 data frame Start bit FL Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 7 FL FL FL Parity bit FL Stop bit FLstp Start bit FL Bit 0 FL Where the 1-bit data length is FL, the stop bit length is FLstp, and base clock frequency is fXCLK6, the following expression is satisfied. FLstp = FL + 2/fXCLK6 Therefore, the data frame length during continuous transmission is: Data frame length = 11 x FL + 2/fXCLK6 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 363 CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 15.1 Functions of Serial Interface CSI10 Serial interface CSI10 has the following two modes. * Operation stop mode * 3-wire serial I/O mode (1) Operation stop mode This mode is used when serial communication is not performed and can enable a reduction in the power consumption. For details, see 15.4.1 Operation stop mode. (2) 3-wire serial I/O mode (MSB/LSB-first selectable) This mode is used to communicate 8-bit data using three lines: a serial clock line (SCK10) and two serial data lines (SI10 and SO10). The processing time of data communication can be shortened in the 3-wire serial I/O mode because transmission and reception can be simultaneously executed. In addition, whether 8-bit data is communicated with the MSB or LSB first can be specified, so this interface can be connected to any device. The 3-wire serial I/O mode is used for connecting peripheral ICs and display controllers with a clocked serial interface. For details, see 15.4.2 3-wire serial I/O mode. 364 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 15.2 Configuration of Serial Interface CSI10 Serial interface CSI10 includes the following hardware. Table 15-1. Configuration of Serial Interface CSI10 Item Configuration Transmit controller Controller Clock start/stop controller & clock phase controller Transmit buffer register 10 (SOTB10) Registers Serial I/O shift register 10 (SIO10) Serial operation mode register 10 (CSIM10) Control registers Serial clock selection register 10 (CSIC10) Port mode register 1 (PM1) Port register 1 (P1) Figure 15-1. Block Diagram of Serial Interface CSI10 Internal bus 8 8 Serial I/O shift register 10 (SIO10) SI10/P11/RXD0 Transmit buffer register 10 (SOTB10) Output selector SO10 output SO10/P12 Output latch (P12) Output latch Transmit data controller PM12 Selector Transmit controller fPRS/2 fPRS/22 fPRS/23 fPRS/24 fPRS/25 fPRS/26 fPRS/27 SCK10/P10/TxD0 Clock start/stop controller & clock phase controller INTCSI10 Baud rate generator PM10 Output latch (P10) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 365 CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 (1) Transmit buffer register 10 (SOTB10) This register sets the transmit data. Transmission/reception is started by writing data to SOTB10 when bit 7 (CSIE10) and bit 6 (TRMD10) of serial operation mode register 10 (CSIM10) is 1. The data written to SOTB10 is converted from parallel data into serial data by serial I/O shift register 10, and output to the serial output pin (SO10). SOTB10 can be written or read by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to 00H. Caution Do not access SOTB10 when CSOT10 = 1 (during serial communication). (2) Serial I/O shift register 10 (SIO10) This is an 8-bit register that converts data from parallel data into serial data and vice versa. This register can be read by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reception is started by reading data from SIO10 if bit 6 (TRMD10) of serial operation mode register 10 (CSIM10) is 0. During reception, the data is read from the serial input pin (SI10) to SIO10. Reset signal generation sets this register to 00H. Caution 366 Do not access SIO10 when CSOT10 = 1 (during serial communication). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 15.3 Registers Controlling Serial Interface CSI10 Serial interface CSI10 is controlled by the following four registers. * Serial operation mode register 10 (CSIM10) * Serial clock selection register 10 (CSIC10) * Port mode register 1 (PM1) * Port register 1 (P1) (1) Serial operation mode register 10 (CSIM10) CSIM10 is used to select the operation mode and enable or disable operation. CSIM10 can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to 00H. Figure 15-2. Format of Serial Operation Mode Register 10 (CSIM10) Address: FF80H After reset: 00H R/W Note 1 Symbol <7> 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CSIM10 CSIE10 TRMD10 0 DIR10 0 0 0 CSOT10 CSIE10 Operation control in 3-wire serial I/O mode Note 2 0 Disables operation 1 Enables operation and asynchronously resets the internal circuit Note 4 TRMD10 0 Note 5 1 DIR10 2. . Transmit/receive mode control Receive mode (transmission disabled). Transmit/receive mode Note 6 First bit specification 0 MSB 1 LSB CSOT10 Notes 1. Note 3 Communication status flag 0 Communication is stopped. 1 Communication is in progress. Bit 0 is a read-only bit. To use P10/SCK10/TXD0 and P12/SO10 as general-purpose ports, set CSIM10 in the default status (00H). 3. Bit 0 (CSOT10) of CSIM10 and serial I/O shift register 10 (SIO10) are reset. 4. Do not rewrite TRMD10 when CSOT10 = 1 (during serial communication). 5. The SO10 output (see Figure 15-1) is fixed to the low level when TRMD10 is 0. Reception is started when data is read from SIO10. 6. Do not rewrite DIR10 when CSOT10 = 1 (during serial communication). Caution Be sure to clear bit 5 to 0. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 367 CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 (2) Serial clock selection register 10 (CSIC10) This register specifies the timing of the data transmission/reception and sets the serial clock. CSIC10 can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to 00H. Figure 15-3. Format of Serial Clock Selection Register 10 (CSIC10) Address: FF81H After reset: 00H R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CSIC10 0 0 0 CKP10 DAP10 CKS102 CKS101 CKS100 CKP10 DAP10 0 0 Specification of data transmission/reception timing 1 SCK10 SO10 Type D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 SI10 input timing 0 1 2 SCK10 SO10 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 SI10 input timing 1 0 3 SCK10 SO10 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 SI10 input timing 1 1 4 SCK10 SO10 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 SI10 input timing CKS102 Note 1. Notes 1, 2 CKS100 CSI10 serial clock selection fPRS = 2 MHz fPRS = 5 MHz fPRS = 10 MHz fPRS = 20 MHz 1 MHz 2.5 MHz 5 MHz Setting prohibited 0 0 fPRS/2 0 0 1 fPRS/2 2 500 kHz 1.25 MHz 2.5 MHz 5 MHz fPRS/2 3 250 kHz 625 kHz 1.25 MHz 2.5 MHz 625 kHz 1 0 0 1 1 fPRS/2 4 125 kHz 312.5 kHz 1 0 0 fPRS/2 5 62.5 kHz 156.25 kHz 312.5 kHz 1 0 1 fPRS/2 6 31.25 kHz 78.13 kHz 7 15.63 kHz 39.06 kHz 78.13 kHz 1 1 0 fPRS/2 1 1 1 External clock input to SCK10 Master mode 1.25 MHz 625 kHz 156.25 kHz 312.5 kHz 156.25 kHz Slave mode If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the high-speed system clock (fXH) (XSEL = 1), the fPRS operating frequency varies depending on the supply voltage. * VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V: fPRS 20 MHz * VDD = 2.7 to 4.0 V: fPRS 10 MHz * VDD = 1.8 to 2.7 V: fPRS 5 MHz (Standard and (A) grade products only) 368 Mode 0 0 <R> CKS101 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 <R> Note 2. Set the serial clock to satisfy the following conditions. Supply Voltage Standard Products (A) Grade Products (A2) Grade Products VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V Serial clock 6.25 MHz Serial clock 5 MHz Serial clock 5 MHz VDD = 2.7 to 4.0 V Serial clock 4 MHz Serial clock 2.5 MHz Serial clock 2.5 MHz VDD = 1.8 to 2.7 V Serial clock 2 MHz Serial clock 1.66 MHz - Cautions 1. Do not write to CSIC10 while CSIE10 = 1 (operation enabled). 2. To use P10/SCK10/TXD0 and P12/SO10 as general-purpose ports, set CSIC10 in the default status (00H). 3. The phase type of the data clock is type 1 after reset. Remark fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 369 CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 (3) Port mode register 1 (PM1) This register sets port 1 input/output in 1-bit units. When using P10/SCK10 as the clock output pin of the serial interface, clear PM10 to 0, and set the output latch of P10 to 1. When using P12/SO10 as the data output pin of the serial interface, clear PM12 and the output latch of P12 to 0. When using P10/SCK10/TxD0 as the clock input pin of the serial interface, P11/SI10/RXD0 as the data input pin, set PM10 and PM11 to 1. At this time, the output latches of P10 and P11 may be 0 or 1. PM1 can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets this register to FFH. Figure 15-4. Format of Port Mode Register 1 (PM1) Address: FF21H Symbol 7 After reset: FFH 6 5 4 R/W 3 2 1 0 PM1 PM17 PM16 PM15 PM14 PM13 PM12 PM11 PM10 PM1n 370 P1n pin I/O mode selection (n = 0 to 7) 0 Output mode (output buffer on) 1 Input mode (output buffer off) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 15.4 Operation of Serial Interface CSI10 Serial interface CSI10 can be used in the following two modes. * Operation stop mode * 3-wire serial I/O mode 15.4.1 Operation stop mode Serial communication is not executed in this mode. Therefore, the power consumption can be reduced. In addition, the P10/SCK10/TXD0, P11/SI10/RXD0, and P12/SO10 pins can be used as ordinary I/O port pins in this mode. (1) Register used The operation stop mode is set by serial operation mode register 10 (CSIM10). To set the operation stop mode, clear bit 7 (CSIE10) of CSIM10 to 0. (a) Serial operation mode register 10 (CSIM10) CSIM10 can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets CSIM10 to 00H. Address: FF80H After reset: 00H R/W Symbol <7> 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CSIM10 CSIE10 TRMD10 0 DIR10 0 0 0 CSOT10 CSIE10 0 Notes 1. Operation control in 3-wire serial I/O mode Note 1 Disables operation and asynchronously resets the internal circuit Note 2 . To use P10/SCK10/TXD0 and P12/SO10 as general-purpose ports, set CSIM10 in the default status (00H). 2. Bit 0 (CSOT10) of CSIM10 and serial I/O shift register 10 (SIO10) are reset. 15.4.2 3-wire serial I/O mode The 3-wire serial I/O mode is used for connecting peripheral ICs and display controllers with a clocked serial interface. In this mode, communication is executed by using three lines: the serial clock (SCK10), serial output (SO10), and serial input (SI10) lines. (1) Registers used * Serial operation mode register 10 (CSIM10) * Serial clock selection register 10 (CSIC10) * Port mode register 1 (PM1) * Port register 1 (P1) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 371 CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 The basic procedure of setting an operation in the 3-wire serial I/O mode is as follows. <1> Set the CSIC10 register (see Figure 15-3). <2> Set bits 4, and 6 (DIR10, and TRMD10) of the CSIM10 register (see Figure 15-2). <3> Set bit 7 (CSIE10) of the CSIM10 register to 1. Transmission/reception is enabled. <4> Write data to transmit buffer register 10 (SOTB10). Data transmission/reception is started. Read data from serial I/O shift register 10 (SIO10). Data reception is started. Caution Take the relationship with the other party of communication when setting the port mode register and port register. The relationship between the register settings and pins is shown below. Table 15-2. Relationship Between Register Settings and Pins CSIE10 TRMD10 PM11 P11 PM12 P12 PM10 CSI10 P10 Pin Function Operation 0 x Note 1 x x Note 1 x Note 1 x Note 1 x Note 1 x Note 1 Stop SI10/RXD0/ SO10/P12 P11 RXD0/P11 P12 SCK10/ TXD0/P10 TXD0/ P10 1 0 x 1 x Note 1 x Note 1 1 x Slave reception 1 x Note 1 1 x Note 1 0 0 1 x SI10 P12 Note 3 Slave Note 3 RXD0/P11 SO10 Note 3 1 x 1 0 0 1 x Slave SCK10 (input) SCK10 Note 3 (input) transmission 1 Note 2 SI10 SO10 SCK10 Note 3 (input) transmission/ Note 3 reception 1 0 x 1 x Note 1 x Note 1 0 1 Master reception SI10 P12 SCK10 (output) 1 x Note 1 1 x Note 1 0 0 0 Master 1 RXD0/P11 SO10 transmission 1 1 1 x 0 0 0 Master 1 SI10 SO10 transmission/ reception Notes 1. Can be set as port function. 2. To use P10/SCK10/TXD0 as port pins, clear CKP10 to 0. 3. To use the slave mode, set CKS102, CKS101, and CKS100 to 1, 1, 1. Remark x: don't care CSIE10: Bit 7 of serial operation mode register 10 (CSIM10) TRMD10: Bit 6 of CSIM10 CKP10: Bit 4 of serial clock selection register 10 (CSIC10) CKS102, CKS101, CKS100: Bits 2 to 0 of CSIC10 372 PM1x: Port mode register P1x: Port output latch User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD SCK10 (output) SCK10 (output) CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 (2) Communication operation In the 3-wire serial I/O mode, data is transmitted or received in 8-bit units. Each bit of the data is transmitted or received in synchronization with the serial clock. Data can be transmitted or received if bit 6 (TRMD10) of serial operation mode register 10 (CSIM10) is 1. Transmission/reception is started when a value is written to transmit buffer register 10 (SOTB10). In addition, data can be received when bit 6 (TRMD10) of serial operation mode register 10 (CSIM10) is 0. Reception is started when data is read from serial I/O shift register 10 (SIO10). After communication has been started, bit 0 (CSOT10) of CSIM10 is set to 1. When communication of 8-bit data has been completed, a communication completion interrupt request flag (CSIIF10) is set, and CSOT10 is cleared to 0. Then the next communication is enabled. Caution Do not access the control register and data register when CSOT10 = 1 (during serial communication). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 373 CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 Figure 15-5. Timing in 3-Wire Serial I/O Mode (1/2) (a) Transmission/reception timing (Type 1: TRMD10 = 1, DIR10 = 0, CKP10 = 0, DAP10 = 0) SCK10 Read/write trigger SOTB10 SIO10 55H (communication data) ABH 56H ADH CSOT10 INTCSI10 CSIIF10 SI10 (receive AAH) SO10 55H is written to SOTB10. 374 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 5AH B5H 6AH D5H AAH CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 Figure 15-5. Timing in 3-Wire Serial I/O Mode (2/2) (b) Transmission/reception timing (Type 2: TRMD10 = 1, DIR10 = 0, CKP10 = 0, DAP10 = 1) SCK10 Read/write trigger SOTB10 SIO10 55H (communication data) ABH 56H ADH 5AH B5H 6AH D5H AAH CSOT10 INTCSI10 CSIIF10 SI10 (input AAH) SO10 55H is written to SOTB10. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 375 CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 Figure 15-6. Timing of Clock/Data Phase (a) Type 1: CKP10 = 0, DAP10 = 0, DIR10 = 0 SCK10 SI10 capture SO10 Writing to SOTB10 or reading from SIO10 CSIIF10 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 CSOT10 (b) Type 2: CKP10 = 0, DAP10 = 1, DIR10 = 0 SCK10 SI10 capture SO10 Writing to SOTB10 or reading from SIO10 CSIIF10 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 CSOT10 (c) Type 3: CKP10 = 1, DAP10 = 0, DIR10 = 0 SCK10 SI10 capture SO10 Writing to SOTB10 or reading from SIO10 CSIIF10 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 CSOT10 (d) Type 4: CKP10 = 1, DAP10 = 1, DIR10 = 0 SCK10 SI10 capture SO10 Writing to SOTB10 or reading from SIO10 CSIIF10 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 CSOT10 Remark 376 The above figure illustrates a communication operation where data is transmitted with the MSB first. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 (3) Timing of output to SO10 pin (first bit) When communication is started, the value of transmit buffer register 10 (SOTB10) is output from the SO10 pin. The output operation of the first bit at this time is described below. Figure 15-7. Output Operation of First Bit (1/2) (a) Type 1: CKP10 = 0, DAP10 = 0 SCK10 Writing to SOTB10 or reading from SIO10 SOTB10 SIO10 Output latch First bit SO10 2nd bit (b) Type 3: CKP10 = 1, DAP10 = 0 SCK10 Writing to SOTB10 or reading from SIO10 SOTB10 SIO10 Output latch SO10 First bit 2nd bit The first bit is directly latched by the SOTB10 register to the output latch at the falling (or rising) edge of SCK10, and output from the SO10 pin via an output selector. Then, the value of the SOTB10 register is transferred to the SIO10 register at the next rising (or falling) edge of SCK10, and shifted one bit. At the same time, the first bit of the receive data is stored in the SIO10 register via the SI10 pin. The second and subsequent bits are latched by the SIO10 register to the output latch at the next falling (or rising) edge of SCK10, and the data is output from the SO10 pin. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 377 CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 Figure 15-7. Output Operation of First Bit (2/2) (c) Type 2: CKP10 = 0, DAP10 = 1 SCK10 Writing to SOTB10 or reading from SIO10 SOTB10 SIO10 Output latch SO10 First bit 2nd bit 3rd bit 2nd bit 3rd bit (d) Type 4: CKP10 = 1, DAP10 = 1 SCK10 Writing to SOTB10 or reading from SIO10 SOTB10 SIO10 Output latch SO10 First bit The first bit is directly latched by the SOTB10 register at the falling edge of the write signal of the SOTB10 register or the read signal of the SIO10 register, and output from the SO10 pin via an output selector. Then, the value of the SOTB10 register is transferred to the SIO10 register at the next falling (or rising) edge of SCK10, and shifted one bit. At the same time, the first bit of the receive data is stored in the SIO10 register via the SI10 pin. The second and subsequent bits are latched by the SIO10 register to the output latch at the next rising (or falling) edge of SCK10, and the data is output from the SO10 pin. 378 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 (4) Output value of SO10 pin (last bit) After communication has been completed, the SO10 pin holds the output value of the last bit. Figure 15-8. Output Value of SO10 Pin (Last Bit) (1/2) (a) Type 1: CKP10 = 0, DAP10 = 0 SCK10 ( Next request is issued.) Writing to SOTB10 or reading from SIO10 SOTB10 SIO10 Output latch Last bit SO10 (b) Type 3: CKP10 = 1, DAP10 = 0 SCK10 Writing to SOTB10 or reading from SIO10 ( Next request is issued.) SOTB10 SIO10 Output latch SO10 Last bit User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 379 CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 Figure 15-8. Output Value of SO10 Pin (Last Bit) (2/2) (c) Type 2: CKP10 = 0, DAP10 = 1 SCK10 Writing to SOTB10 or reading from SIO10 ( Next request is issued.) SOTB10 SIO10 Output latch SO10 Last bit (d) Type 4: CKP10 = 1, DAP10 = 1 SCK10 Writing to SOTB10 or reading from SIO10 ( Next request is issued.) SOTB10 SIO10 Output latch SO10 380 Last bit User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 (5) SO10 output (see Figure 15-1) The status of the SO10 output is as follows if bit 7 (CSIE10) of serial operation mode register 10 (CSIM10) is cleared to 0. Table 15-3. SO10 Output Status TRMD10 TRMD10 = 0 TRMD10 = 1 Note 1 DAP10 DIR10 - - Outputs low level DAP10 = 0 - Value of SO10 latch Note 2 SO10 Output Note 2 (low-level output) DAP10 = 1 Notes 1. DIR10 = 0 Value of bit 7 of SOTB10 DIR10 = 1 Value of bit 0 of SOTB10 The actual output of the SO10/P12 pin is determined according to PM12 and P12, as well as the SO10 output. 2. Status after reset Caution If a value is written to TRMD10, DAP10, and DIR10, the output value of SO10 changes. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 381 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 16.1 Functions of Serial Interface IIC0 Serial interface IIC0 has the following two modes. (1) Operation stop mode This mode is used when serial transfers are not performed. It can therefore be used to reduce power consumption. (2) I2C bus mode (multimaster supported) This mode is used for 8-bit data transfers with several devices via two lines: a serial clock (SCL0) line and a serial data bus (SDA0) line. This mode complies with the I2C bus format and the master device can generated "start condition", "address", "transfer direction specification", "data", and "stop condition" data to the slave device, via the serial data bus. The slave device automatically detects these received status and data by hardware. This function can simplify the part of application program that controls the I2C bus. Since the SCL0 and SDA0 pins are used for open drain outputs, IIC0 requires pull-up resistors for the serial clock line and the serial data bus line. <R> Caution Do not use serial interface IIC0 and the multiplier/divider simultaneously, because various flags corresponding to interrupt request sources are shared among serial interface IIC0 and the multiplier/divider. Figure 16-1 shows a block diagram of serial interface IIC0. 382 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-1. Block Diagram of Serial Interface IIC0 Internal bus IIC status register 0 (IICS0) MSTS0 ALD0 EXC0 COI0 TRC0 ACKD0 STD0 SPD0 IIC control register 0 (IICC0) IICE0 LREL0 WREL0 SPIE0 WTIM0 ACKE0 STT0 SPT0 Slave address register 0 (SVA0) SDA0/ P61 Noise eliminator IIC shift register 0 (IIC0) DFC0 PM61 Set D Q Stop condition generator SO latch CL01, CL00 Data hold time correction circuit TRC0 N-ch opendrain output Start condition generator Clear Match signal ACK generator Output control Output latch (P61) Wake-up controller ACK detector Start condition detector Stop condition detector SCL0/ P60 Noise eliminator DFC0 Interrupt request signal generator Serial clock counter Serial clock controller Serial clock wait controller N-ch opendrain output PM60 Output latch (P60) INTIIC0 IICS0.MSTS0, EXC0, COI0 IIC shift register 0 (IIC0) IICC0.STT0, SPT0 IICS0.MSTS0, EXC0, COI0 fPRS EXSCL0/ P62 Bus status detector Prescaler CLD0 DAD0 SMC0 DFC0 CL01 CL00 IIC clock selection register 0 (IICCL0) CLX0 STCF IIC function expansion register 0 (IICX0) IICBSY STCEN IICRSV IIC flag register 0 (IICF0) Internal bus User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 383 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-2 shows a serial bus configuration example. Figure 16-2. Serial Bus Configuration Example Using I2C Bus + VDD + VDD Master CPU1 SDA0 Slave CPU1 Address 0 SCL0 Serial data bus Serial clock SDA0 Slave CPU2 SCL0 SDA0 SCL0 SDA0 SCL0 SDA0 SCL0 384 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Master CPU2 Address 1 Slave CPU3 Address 2 Slave IC Address 3 Slave IC Address N CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 16.2 Configuration of Serial Interface IIC0 Serial interface IIC0 includes the following hardware. Table 16-1. Configuration of Serial Interface IIC0 Item Configuration Registers IIC shift register 0 (IIC0) Slave address register 0 (SVA0) Control registers IIC control register 0 (IICC0) IIC status register 0 (IICS0) IIC flag register 0 (IICF0) IIC clock selection register 0 (IICCL0) IIC function expansion register 0 (IICX0) Port mode register 6 (PM6) Port register 6 (P6) (1) IIC shift register 0 (IIC0) IIC0 is used to convert 8-bit serial data to 8-bit parallel data and vice versa in synchronization with the serial clock. IIC0 can be used for both transmission and reception. The actual transmit and receive operations can be controlled by writing and reading operations to IIC0. Cancel the wait state and start data transfer by writing data to IIC0 during the wait period. IIC0 is set by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation clears IIC0 to 00H. Figure 16-3. Format of IIC Shift Register 0 (IIC0) Address: FFA5H Symbol 7 After reset: 00H 6 R/W 5 4 3 2 1 0 IIC0 Cautions 1. Do not write data to IIC0 during data transfer. 2. Write or read IIC0 only during the wait period. Accessing IIC0 in a communication state other than during the wait period is prohibited. When the device serves as the master, however, IIC0 can be written only once after the communication trigger bit (STT0) is set to 1. (2) Slave address register 0 (SVA0) This register stores local addresses when in slave mode. SVA0 is set by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. However, rewriting to this register is prohibited while STD0 = 1 (while the start condition is detected). Reset signal generation clears SVA0 to 00H. Figure 16-4. Format of Slave Address Register 0 (SVA0) Address: FFA7H Symbol 7 After reset: 00H 6 R/W 5 4 3 2 1 0 0Note SVA0 Note Bit 0 is fixed to 0. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 385 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (3) SO latch The SO latch is used to retain the SDA0 pin's output level. (4) Wake-up controller This circuit generates an interrupt request (INTIIC0) when the address received by this register matches the address value set to slave address register 0 (SVA0) or when an extension code is received. (5) Prescaler This selects the sampling clock to be used. (6) Serial clock counter This counter counts the serial clocks that are output or input during transmit/receive operations and is used to verify that 8-bit data was transmitted or received. (7) Interrupt request signal generator This circuit controls the generation of interrupt request signals (INTIIC0). An I2C interrupt request is generated by the following two triggers. * Falling edge of eighth or ninth clock of the serial clock (set by WTIM0 bit) * Interrupt request generated when a stop condition is detected (set by SPIE0 bit) Remark WTIM0 bit: Bit 3 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) SPIE0 bit: Bit 4 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) (8) Serial clock controller In master mode, this circuit generates the clock output via the SCL0 pin from a sampling clock. (9) Serial clock wait controller This circuit controls the wait timing. (10) ACK generator, stop condition detector, start condition detector, and ACK detector These circuits generate and detect each status. (11) Data hold time correction circuit This circuit generates the hold time for data corresponding to the falling edge of the serial clock. (12) Start condition generator This circuit generates a start condition when the STT0 bit is set to 1. However, in the communication reservation disabled status (IICRSV bit = 1), when the bus is not released (IICBSY bit = 1), start condition requests are ignored and the STCF bit is set to 1. (13) Stop condition generator This circuit generates a stop condition when the SPT0 bit is set to 1. 386 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (14) Bus status detector This circuit detects whether or not the bus is released by detecting start conditions and stop conditions. However, as the bus status cannot be detected immediately following operation, the initial status is set by the STCEN bit. Remark STT0 bit: Bit 1 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) SPT0 bit: Bit 0 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) IICRSV bit: Bit 0 of IIC flag register 0 (IICF0) IICBSY bit: Bit 6 of IIC flag register 0 (IICF0) STCF bit: Bit 7 of IIC flag register 0 (IICF0) STCEN bit: Bit 1 of IIC flag register 0 (IICF0) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 387 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 16.3 Registers to Control Serial Interface IIC0 Serial interface IIC0 is controlled by the following seven registers. * IIC control register 0 (IICC0) * IIC flag register 0 (IICF0) * IIC status register 0 (IICS0) * IIC clock selection register 0 (IICCL0) * IIC function expansion register 0 (IICX0) * Port mode register 6 (PM6) * Port register 6 (P6) (1) IIC control register 0 (IICC0) This register is used to enable/stop I2C operations, set wait timing, and set other I2C operations. IICC0 is set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. However, set the SPIE0, WTIM0, and ACKE0 bits while IICE0 bit = 0 or during the wait period. These bits can be set at the same time when the IICE0 bit is set from "0" to "1". Reset signal generation clears IICC0 to 00H. 388 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-5. Format of IIC Control Register 0 (IICC0) (1/4) Address: FFA6H After reset: 00H R/W Symbol <7> <6> <5> <4> <3> <2> <1> <0> IICC0 IICE0 LREL0 WREL0 SPIE0 WTIM0 ACKE0 STT0 SPT0 2 IICE0 I C operation enable 0 Stop operation. Reset IIC status register 0 (IICS0) 1 Enable operation. Note 1 . Stop internal operation. Be sure to set this bit (1) while the SCL0 and SDA0 lines are at high level. Condition for clearing (IICE0 = 0) Condition for setting (IICE0 = 1) * Cleared by instruction * Set by instruction * Reset LREL0 Note 2 Exit from communications 0 Normal operation 1 This exits from the current communications and sets standby mode. This setting is automatically cleared to 0 after being executed. Its uses include cases in which a locally irrelevant extension code has been received. The SCL0 and SDA0 lines are set to high impedance. The following flags of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) and IIC status register 0 (IICS0) are cleared to 0. * STT0 * SPT0 * MSTS0 * EXC0 * COI0 * TRC0 * ACKD0 * STD0 The standby mode following exit from communications remains in effect until the following communications entry conditions are met. * After a stop condition is detected, restart is in master mode. * An address match or extension code reception occurs after the start condition. Condition for clearing (LREL0 = 0) Condition for setting (LREL0 = 1) * Automatically cleared after execution * Set by instruction * Reset WREL0 Note 2 Wait cancellation 0 Do not cancel wait 1 Cancel wait. This setting is automatically cleared after wait is canceled. When WREL0 is set (wait canceled) during the wait period at the ninth clock pulse in the transmission status (TRC0 = 1), the SDA0 line goes into the high impedance state (TRC0 = 0). Condition for clearing (WREL0 = 0) Condition for setting (WREL0 = 1) * Automatically cleared after execution * Set by instruction * Reset Notes 1. The IICS0 register, the STCF0 and IICBSY bits of the IICF0 register, and the CLD0 and DAD0 bits of the IICCL0 register are reset. 2. This flag's signal is invalid when IICE0 = 0. Caution The start condition is detected immediately after I2C is enabled to operate (IICE0 = 1) while the SCL0 line is at high level and the SDA0 line is at low level. Immediately after enabling I2C to operate (IICE0 = 1), set LREL0 (1) by using a 1-bit memory manipulation instruction. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 389 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-5. Format of IIC Control Register 0 (IICC0) (2/4) Note 1 SPIE0 Enable/disable generation of interrupt request when stop condition is detected 0 Disable 1 Enable Condition for clearing (SPIE0 = 0) Condition for setting (SPIE0 = 1) * Cleared by instruction * Set by instruction * Reset Note 1 WTIM0 Control of wait and interrupt request generation 0 Interrupt request is generated at the eighth clock's falling edge. Master mode: After output of eight clocks, clock output is set to low level and wait is set. Slave mode: After input of eight clocks, the clock is set to low level and wait is set for master device. 1 Interrupt request is generated at the ninth clock's falling edge. Master mode: After output of nine clocks, clock output is set to low level and wait is set. Slave mode: After input of nine clocks, the clock is set to low level and wait is set for master device. An interrupt is generated at the falling edge of the ninth clock during address transfer independently of the setting of this bit. The setting of this bit is valid when the address transfer is completed. When in master mode, a wait is inserted at the falling edge of the ninth clock during address transfers. For a slave device that has received a local address, a wait is inserted at the falling edge of the ninth clock after an acknowledge (ACK) is issued. However, when the slave device has received an extension code, a wait is inserted at the falling edge of the eighth clock. Condition for clearing (WTIM0 = 0) Condition for setting (WTIM0 = 1) * Cleared by instruction * Set by instruction * Reset Notes 1, 2 ACKE0 Acknowledgment control 0 Disable acknowledgment. 1 Enable acknowledgment. During the ninth clock period, the SDA0 line is set to low level. Condition for clearing (ACKE0 = 0) Condition for setting (ACKE0 = 1) * Cleared by instruction * Set by instruction * Reset Notes 1. This flag's signal is invalid when IICE0 = 0. 2. The set value is invalid during address transfer and if the code is not an extension code. When the device serves as a slave and the addresses match, an acknowledge is generated regardless of the set value. 390 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-5. Format of IIC Control Register 0 (IICC0) (3/4) STT0 Note Start condition trigger 0 Do not generate a start condition. 1 When bus is released (in STOP mode): Generate a start condition (for starting as master). When the SCL0 line is high level, the SDA0 line is changed from high level to low level and then the start condition is generated. Next, after the rated amount of time has elapsed, SCL0 is changed to low level (wait state). When a third party is communicating: * When communication reservation function is enabled (IICRSV = 0) Functions as the start condition reservation flag. When set to 1, automatically generates a start condition after the bus is released. * When communication reservation function is disabled (IICRSV = 1) STCF is set to 1 and information that is set (1) to STT0 is cleared. No start condition is generated. In the wait state (when master device): Generates a restart condition after releasing the wait. Cautions concerning set timing * For master reception: Cannot be set to 1 during transfer. Can be set to 1 only in the waiting period when ACKE0 has been cleared to 0 and slave has been notified of final reception. * For master transmission: A start condition cannot be generated normally during the acknowledge period. Set to 1 during the wait period that follows output of the ninth clock. * Cannot be set to 1 at the same time as SPT0. * Setting STT0 to 1 and then setting it again before it is cleared to 0 is prohibited. Condition for clearing (STT0 = 0) Condition for setting (STT0 = 1) * Cleared by setting SST0 to 1 while communication * Set by instruction reservation is prohibited. * Cleared by loss in arbitration * Cleared after start condition is generated by master device * Cleared by LREL0 = 1 (exit from communications) * When IICE0 = 0 (operation stop) * Reset Note This flag's signal is invalid when IICE0 = 0. Remarks 1. Bit 1 (STT0) becomes 0 when it is read after data setting. 2. IICRSV: Bit 0 of IIC flag register (IICF0) STCF: Bit 7 of IIC flag register (IICF0) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 391 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-5. Format of IIC Control Register 0 (IICC0) (4/4) SPT0 Stop condition trigger 0 Stop condition is not generated. 1 Stop condition is generated (termination of master device's transfer). After the SDA0 line goes to low level, either set the SCL0 line to high level or wait until it goes to high level. Next, after the rated amount of time has elapsed, the SDA0 line changes from low level to high level and a stop condition is generated. Cautions concerning set timing * For master reception: Cannot be set to 1 during transfer. Can be set to 1 only in the waiting period when ACKE0 has been cleared to 0 and slave has been notified of final reception. * For master transmission: A stop condition cannot be generated normally during the acknowledge period. Therefore, set it during the wait period that follows output of the ninth clock. * Cannot be set to 1 at the same time as STT0. * SPT0 can be set to 1 only when in master mode Note . * When WTIM0 has been cleared to 0, if SPT0 is set to 1 during the wait period that follows output of eight clocks, note that a stop condition will be generated during the high-level period of the ninth clock. WTIM0 should be changed from 0 to 1 during the wait period following the output of eight clocks, and SPT0 should be set to 1 during the wait period that follows the output of the ninth clock. * Setting SPT0 to 1 and then setting it again before it is cleared to 0 is prohibited. Condition for clearing (SPT0 = 0) Condition for setting (SPT0 = 1) * Cleared by loss in arbitration * Set by instruction * Automatically cleared after stop condition is detected * Cleared by LREL0 = 1 (exit from communications) * When IICE0 = 0 (operation stop) * Reset Note Set SPT0 to 1 only in master mode. However, SPT0 must be set to 1 and a stop condition generated before the first stop condition is detected following the switch to the operation enabled status. For details, see 16.5.15 Cautions. Caution When bit 3 (TRC0) of IIC status register 0 (IICS0) is set to 1, WREL0 is set to 1 during the ninth clock and wait is canceled, after which TRC0 is cleared and the SDA0 line is set to high impedance. Remark 392 Bit 0 (SPT0) becomes 0 when it is read after data setting. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (2) IIC status register 0 (IICS0) This register indicates the status of I2C. IICS0 is read by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction only when STT0 = 1 and during the wait period. Reset signal generation clears IICS0 to 00H. Caution If data is read from IICS0, a wait cycle is generated. Do not read data from IICS0 when the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. Figure 16-6. Format of IIC Status Register 0 (IICS0) (1/3) Address: FFAAH After reset: 00H R Symbol <7> <6> <5> <4> <3> <2> <1> <0> IICS0 MSTS0 ALD0 EXC0 COI0 TRC0 ACKD0 STD0 SPD0 MSTS0 Master device status 0 Slave device status or communication standby status 1 Master device communication status Condition for clearing (MSTS0 = 0) Condition for setting (MSTS0 = 1) * When a stop condition is detected * When ALD0 = 1 (arbitration loss) * Cleared by LREL0 = 1 (exit from communications) * When IICE0 changes from 1 to 0 (operation stop) * Reset * When a start condition is generated ALD0 Detection of arbitration loss 0 This status means either that there was no arbitration or that the arbitration result was a "win". 1 This status indicates the arbitration result was a "loss". MSTS0 is cleared. Condition for clearing (ALD0 = 0) Condition for setting (ALD0 = 1) Note * Automatically cleared after IICS0 is read * When IICE0 changes from 1 to 0 (operation stop) * Reset EXC0 * When the arbitration result is a "loss". Detection of extension code reception 0 Extension code was not received. 1 Extension code was received. Condition for clearing (EXC0 = 0) Condition for setting (EXC0 = 1) * When a start condition is detected * When a stop condition is detected * Cleared by LREL0 = 1 (exit from communications) * When IICE0 changes from 1 to 0 (operation stop) * Reset * When the higher four bits of the received address data is either "0000" or "1111" (set at the rising edge of the eighth clock). Note This register is also cleared when a 1-bit memory manipulation instruction is executed for bits other than IICS0. Therefore, when using the ALD0 bit, read the data of this bit before the data of the other bits. Remark LREL0: Bit 6 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) IICE0: Bit 7 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 393 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-6. Format of IIC Status Register 0 (IICS0) (2/3) COI0 Detection of matching addresses 0 Addresses do not match. 1 Addresses match. Condition for clearing (COI0 = 0) Condition for setting (COI0 = 1) * When a start condition is detected * When the received address matches the local address * When a stop condition is detected * Cleared by LREL0 = 1 (exit from communications) (slave address register 0 (SVA0)) (set at the rising edge of the eighth clock). * When IICE0 changes from 1 to 0 (operation stop) * Reset TRC0 Detection of transmit/receive status 0 Receive status (other than transmit status). The SDA0 line is set for high impedance. 1 Transmit status. The value in the SO0 latch is enabled for output to the SDA0 line (valid starting at the falling edge of the first byte's ninth clock). Condition for clearing (TRC0 = 0) Condition for setting (TRC0 = 1) <Both master and slave> <Master> * When a stop condition is detected * When a start condition is generated * Cleared by LREL0 = 1 (exit from communications) * When "0" is output to the first byte's LSB (transfer * When IICE0 changes from 1 to 0 (operation stop) * Cleared by WREL0 = 1 Note (wait cancel) direction specification bit) <Slave> * When ALD0 changes from 0 to 1 (arbitration loss) * Reset * When "1" is input to the first byte's LSB (transfer direction specification bit) <Master> * When "1" is output to the first byte's LSB (transfer direction specification bit) <Slave> * When a start condition is detected * When "0" is input to the first byte's LSB (transfer direction specification bit) <When not used for communication> Note If the wait state is canceled by setting bit 5 (WREL0) of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) to 1 at the ninth clock when bit 3 (TRC0) of IIC status register 0 (IICS0) is 1, TRC0 is cleared, and the SDA0 line goes into a high-impedance state. Remark LREL0: Bit 6 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) IICE0: 394 Bit 7 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-6. Format of IIC Status Register 0 (IICS0) (3/3) ACKD0 Detection of ACK 0 ACK was not detected. 1 ACK was detected. Condition for clearing (ACKD0 = 0) Condition for setting (ACKD0 = 1) * When a stop condition is detected * After the SDA0 line is set to low level at the rising edge of * At the rising edge of the next byte's first clock SCL0's ninth clock * Cleared by LREL0 = 1 (exit from communications) * When IICE0 changes from 1 to 0 (operation stop) * Reset STD0 Detection of start condition 0 Start condition was not detected. 1 Start condition was detected. This indicates that the address transfer period is in effect. Condition for clearing (STD0 = 0) Condition for setting (STD0 = 1) * When a stop condition is detected * When a start condition is detected * At the rising edge of the next byte's first clock following address transfer * Cleared by LREL0 = 1 (exit from communications) * When IICE0 changes from 1 to 0 (operation stop) * Reset SPD0 Detection of stop condition 0 Stop condition was not detected. 1 Stop condition was detected. The master device's communication is terminated and the bus is released. Condition for clearing (SPD0 = 0) Condition for setting (SPD0 = 1) * At the rising edge of the address transfer byte's first * When a stop condition is detected clock following setting of this bit and detection of a start condition * When IICE0 changes from 1 to 0 (operation stop) * Reset Remark LREL0: Bit 6 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) IICE0: Bit 7 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) (3) IIC flag register 0 (IICF0) This register sets the operation mode of I2C and indicates the status of the I2C bus. IICF0 is set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. However, the STCF and IICBSY bits are readonly. The IICRSV bit can be used to enable/disable the communication reservation function (see 16.5.14 Communication reservation). STCEN can be used to set the initial value of the IICBSY bit (see 16.5.15 Cautions). IICRSV and STCEN can be written only when the operation of I2C is disabled (bit 7 (IICE0) of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) = 0). When operation is enabled, the IICF0 register can be read. Reset signal generation clears IICF0 to 00H. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 395 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-7. Format of IIC Flag Register 0 (IICF0) Address: FFABH After reset: 00H R/WNote Symbol <7> <6> 5 4 3 2 <1> <0> IICF0 STCF IICBSY 0 0 0 0 STCEN IICRSV STT0 clear flag STCF 0 Generate start condition 1 Start condition generation unsuccessful: clear STT0 flag Condition for clearing (STCF = 0) Condition for setting (STCF = 1) * Cleared by STT0 = 1 * When IICE0 = 0 (operation stop) * Reset * Generating start condition unsuccessful and STT0 cleared to 0 when communication reservation is disabled (IICRSV = 1). I2C bus status flag IICBSY 0 Bus release status (communication initial status when STCEN = 1) 1 Bus communication status (communication initial status when STCEN = 0) Condition for clearing (IICBSY = 0) Condition for setting (IICBSY = 1) * Detection of stop condition * When IICE0 = 0 (operation stop) * Reset * Detection of start condition * Setting of IICE0 when STCEN = 0 STCEN Initial start enable trigger 0 After operation is enabled (IICE0 = 1), enable generation of a start condition upon detection of a stop condition. 1 After operation is enabled (IICE0 = 1), enable generation of a start condition without detecting a stop condition. Condition for clearing (STCEN = 0) Condition for setting (STCEN = 1) * Detection of start condition * Reset * Set by instruction IICRSV Communication reservation function disable bit 0 Enable communication reservation 1 Disable communication reservation Condition for clearing (IICRSV = 0) Condition for setting (IICRSV = 1) * Cleared by instruction * Reset * Set by instruction Note Bits 6 and 7 are read-only. Cautions 1. Write to STCEN only when the operation is stopped (IICE0 = 0). 2. As the bus release status (IICBSY = 0) is recognized regardless of the actual bus status when STCEN = 1, when generating the first start condition (STT0 = 1), it is necessary to verify that no third party communications are in progress in order to prevent such communications from being destroyed. 3. Write to IICRSV only when the operation is stopped (IICE0 = 0). Remark STT0: Bit 1 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) IICE0: Bit 7 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) 396 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (4) IIC clock selection register 0 (IICCL0) This register is used to set the transfer clock for the I2C bus. IICCL0 is set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. However, the CLD0 and DAD0 bits are readonly. The SMC0, CL01, and CL00 bits are set in combination with bit 0 (CLX0) of IIC function expansion register 0 (IICX0) (see 16.3 (6) I2C transfer clock setting method). Set IICCL0 while bit 7 (IICE0) of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) is 0. Reset signal generation clears IICCL0 to 00H. Figure 16-8. Format of IIC Clock Selection Register 0 (IICCL0) Address: FFA8H After reset: 00H R/W Note Symbol 7 6 <5> <4> <3> <2> 1 0 IICCL0 0 0 CLD0 DAD0 SMC0 DFC0 CL01 CL00 CLD0 Detection of SCL0 pin level (valid only when IICE0 = 1) 0 The SCL0 pin was detected at low level. 1 The SCL0 pin was detected at high level. Condition for clearing (CLD0 = 0) Condition for setting (CLD0 = 1) * When the SCL0 pin is at low level * When the SCL0 pin is at high level * When IICE0 = 0 (operation stop) * Reset DAD0 Detection of SDA0 pin level (valid only when IICE0 = 1) 0 The SDA0 pin was detected at low level. 1 The SDA0 pin was detected at high level. Condition for clearing (DAD0 = 0) Condition for setting (DAD0 = 1) * When the SDA0 pin is at low level * When the SDA0 pin is at high level * When IICE0 = 0 (operation stop) * Reset SMC0 Operation mode switching 0 Operates in standard mode. 1 Operates in high-speed mode. DFC0 Digital filter operation control 0 Digital filter off. 1 Digital filter on. Digital filter can be used only in high-speed mode. In high-speed mode, the transfer clock does not vary regardless of DFC0 bit set (1)/clear (0). The digital filter is used for noise elimination in high-speed mode. Note Bits 4 and 5 are read-only. Remark IICE0: Bit 7 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 397 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (5) IIC function expansion register 0 (IICX0) This register sets the function expansion of I2C. IICX0 is set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. The CLX0 bit is set in combination with bits 3, 1, and 0 (SMC0, CL01, and CL00) of IIC clock selection register 0 (IICCL0) (see 16.3 (6) I2C transfer clock setting method). Set IICX0 while bit 7 (IICE0) of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) is 0. Reset signal generation clears IICX0 to 00H. Figure 16-9. Format of IIC Function Expansion Register 0 (IICX0) Address: FFA9H After reset: 00H R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 <0> IICX0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CLX0 (6) I2C transfer clock setting method The I2C transfer clock frequency (fSCL) is calculated using the following expression. fSCL = 1/(m x T + tR + tF) m = 12, 16, 24, 44, 66, 86 (see Table 16-2 Selection Clock Setting) T: 1/fW tR: SCL0 rise time tF: SCL0 fall time For example, the I2C transfer clock frequency (fSCL) when fW = fPRS/2 = 4.19 MHz, m = 86, tR = 200 ns, and tF = 50 ns is calculated using following expression. fSCL = 1/(88 x 238.7 ns + 200 ns + 50 ns) 48.1 kHz m x T + tR + tF tR m/2 x T tF m/2 x T SCL0 SCL0 inversion 398 SCL0 inversion User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD SCL0 inversion CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 The selection clock is set using a combination of bits 3, 1, and 0 (SMC0, CL01, and CL00) of IIC clock selection register 0 (IICCL0) and bit 0 (CLX0) of IIC function expansion register 0 (IICX0). Table 16-2. Selection Clock Setting IICX0 Selection Clock IICCL0 Transfer Clock Settable Selection Clock (fW/m) (fW) Range Notes 1, 2 <R> (fW) Operation Mode Bit 0 Bit 3 Bit 1 Bit 0 CLX0 SMC0 CL01 CL00 0 0 0 0 fPRS/2 fW/44 2.00 to 4.19 MHz Normal mode 0 0 0 1 fPRS/2 fW/86 4.19 to 8.38 MHz (SMC0 bit = 0) 0 0 1 0 fPRS/4 fW/86 0 0 1 1 fEXSCL0 fW/66 6.4 MHz 0 1 0 x fPRS/2 fW/24 4.00 to 8.38 MHz 0 1 1 0 fPRS/4 fW/24 0 1 1 1 fEXSCL0 fW/18 6.4 MHz 1 0 x x Setting prohibited 1 1 0 x fPRS/2 fW/12 4.00 to 4.19 MHz 1 1 1 0 fPRS/4 fW/12 1 1 1 1 Setting prohibited High-speed mode (SMC0 bit = 1) High-speed mode (SMC0 bit = 1) Notes 1. If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the high-speed system clock (fXH) (XSEL = 1), the fPRS operating frequency varies depending on the supply voltage. * VDD = 4.0 to 5.5 V: fPRS 20 MHz * VDD = 2.7 to 4.0 V: fPRS 10 MHz * VDD = 1.8 to 2.7 V: fPRS 5 MHz (Standard and (A) grade products only) <R> 2. If the peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) operates on the internal high-speed oscillation clock (fXH) (XSEL = 0), set CLX0, SMC0, CL01 and CL00 as follows. IICX0 Selection Clock IICCL0 Transfer Clock Settable Selection (fW/m) Clock (fW) Range Notes 1, 2 Bit 0 Bit 3 Bit 1 Bit 0 CLX0 SMC0 CL01 CL00 0 0 0 0 (fW) fPRS/2 fW/44 3.8 MHz to 4.2 MHz Operation Mode Normal mode (SMC0 bit = 0) 0 1 0 x fPRS/2 fW/24 High-speed mode (SMC0 bit = 1) Caution Determine the transfer clock frequency of I2C by using CLX0, SMC0, CL01, and CL00 before enabling the operation (by setting bit 7 (IICE0) of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) to 1). To change the transfer clock frequency, clear IICE0 once to 0. Remarks 1. x: don't care 2. fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency 3. fEXSCL0: External clock frequency from EXSCL0 pin User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 399 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (7) Port mode register 6 (PM6) This register sets the input/output of port 6 in 1-bit units. When using the P60/SCL0 pin as clock I/O and the P61/SDA0 pin as serial data I/O, clear PM60 and PM61, and the output latches of P60 and P61 to 0. Set IICE0 (bit 7 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0)) to 1 before setting the output mode because the P60/SCL0 and P61/SDA0 pins output a low level (fixed) when IICE0 is 0. PM6 is set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets PM6 to FFH. Figure 16-10. Format of Port Mode Register 6 (PM6) Address: FF26H R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PM6 1 1 1 1 PM63 PM62 PM61 PM60 PM6n 400 After reset: FFH P6n pin I/O mode selection (n = 0 to 3) 0 Output mode (output buffer on) 1 Input mode (output buffer off) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 16.4 I2C Bus Mode Functions 16.4.1 Pin configuration The serial clock pin (SCL0) and serial data bus pin (SDA0) are configured as follows. (1) SCL0 ...... This pin is used for serial clock input and output. This pin is an N-ch open-drain output for both master and slave devices. Input is Schmitt input. (2) SDA0 ...... This pin is used for serial data input and output. This pin is an N-ch open-drain output for both master and slave devices. Input is Schmitt input. Since outputs from the serial clock line and the serial data bus line are N-ch open-drain outputs, an external pull-up resistor is required. Figure 16-11. Pin Configuration Diagram Slave device VDD Master device SCL0 SCL0 Clock output (Clock output) VDD VSS VSS (Clock input) Clock input SDA0 SDA0 Data output Data output VSS VSS Data input Data input User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 401 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 16.5 I2C Bus Definitions and Control Methods The following section describes the I2C bus's serial data communication format and the signals used by the I2C bus. Figure 16-12 shows the transfer timing for the "start condition", "address", "data", and "stop condition" output via the I2C bus's serial data bus. Figure 16-12. I2C Bus Serial Data Transfer Timing SCL0 1-7 8 9 1-8 9 1-8 9 ACK Data ACK SDA0 Start condition Address R/W ACK Data Stop condition The master device generates the start condition, slave address, and stop condition. The acknowledge (ACK) can be generated by either the master or slave device (normally, it is output by the device that receives 8-bit data). The serial clock (SCL0) is continuously output by the master device. However, in the slave device, the SCL0's low level period can be extended and a wait can be inserted. 16.5.1 Start conditions A start condition is met when the SCL0 pin is at high level and the SDA0 pin changes from high level to low level. The start conditions for the SCL0 pin and SDA0 pin are signals that the master device generates to the slave device when starting a serial transfer. When the device is used as a slave, start conditions can be detected. Figure 16-13. Start Conditions SCL0 H SDA0 A start condition is output when bit 1 (STT0) of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) is set (to 1) after a stop condition has been detected (SPD0: Bit 0 = 1 in IIC status register 0 (IICS0)). When a start condition is detected, bit 1 (STD0) of IICS0 is set (to 1). 402 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 16.5.2 Addresses The address is defined by the 7 bits of data that follow the start condition. An address is a 7-bit data segment that is output in order to select one of the slave devices that are connected to the master device via the bus lines. Therefore, each slave device connected via the bus lines must have a unique address. The slave devices include hardware that detects the start condition and checks whether or not the 7-bit address data matches the data values stored in slave address register 0 (SVA0). If the address data matches the SVA0 values, the slave device is selected and communicates with the master device until the master device generates a start condition or stop condition. Figure 16-14. Address SCL0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SDA0 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 R/W 9 Address Note INTIIC0 Note INTIIC0 is not issued if data other than a local address or extension code is received during slave device operation. The slave address and the eighth bit, which specifies the transfer direction as described in 16.5.3 Transfer direction specification below, are together written to IIC shift register 0 (IIC0) and are then output. Received addresses are written to IIC0. The slave address is assigned to the higher 7 bits of IIC0. 16.5.3 Transfer direction specification In addition to the 7-bit address data, the master device sends 1 bit that specifies the transfer direction. When this transfer direction specification bit has a value of "0", it indicates that the master device is transmitting data to a slave device. When the transfer direction specification bit has a value of "1", it indicates that the master device is receiving data from a slave device. Figure 16-15. Transfer Direction Specification SCL0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SDA0 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 R/W 9 Transfer direction specification Note INTIIC0 Note INTIIC0 is not issued if data other than a local address or extension code is received during slave device operation. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 403 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 16.5.4 ACK ACK is used to check the status of serial data at the transmission and reception sides. The reception side returns ACK each time it has received 8-bit data. The transmission side usually receives ACK after transmitting 8-bit data. When ACK is returned from the reception side, it is assumed that reception has been correctly performed and processing is continued. Whether ACK has been detected can be checked by using bit 2 (ACKD0) of IIC status register 0 (IICS0). When the master receives the last data item, it does not return ACK and instead generates a stop condition. If a slave does not return ACK after receiving data, the master outputs a stop condition or restart condition and stops transmission. If ACK is not returned, the possible causes are as follows. <1> Reception was not performed normally. <2> The final data item was received. <3> The reception side specified by the address does not exist. To generate ACK, the reception side makes the SDA0 line low at the ninth clock (indicating normal reception). Automatic generation of ACK is enabled by setting bit 2 (ACKE0) of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) to 1. Bit 3 (TRC0) of the IICS0 register is set by the data of the eighth bit that follows 7-bit address information. Usually, set ACKE0 to 1 for reception (TRC0 = 0). If a slave can receive no more data during reception (TRC0 = 0) or does not require the next data item, then the slave must inform the master, by clearing ACKE0 to 0, that it will not receive any more data. When the master does not require the next data item during reception (TRC0 = 0), it must clear ACKE0 to 0 so that ACK is not generated. In this way, the master informs a slave at the transmission side that it does not require any more data (transmission will be stopped). Figure 16-16. ACK SCL0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SDA0 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 R/W ACK When the local address is received, ACK is automatically generated, regardless of the value of ACKE0. When an address other than that of the local address is received, ACK is not generated (NACK). When an extension code is received, ACK is generated if ACKE0 is set to 1 in advance. How ACK is generated when data is received differs as follows depending on the setting of the wait timing. * When 8-clock wait state is selected (bit 3 (WTIM0) of IICC0 register = 0): By setting ACKE0 to 1 before releasing the wait state, ACK is generated at the falling edge of the eighth clock of the SCL0 pin. * When 9-clock wait state is selected (bit 3 (WTIM0) of IICC0 register = 1): ACK is generated by setting ACKE0 to 1 in advance. 404 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 16.5.5 Stop condition When the SCL0 pin is at high level, changing the SDA0 pin from low level to high level generates a stop condition. A stop condition is a signal that the master device generates to the slave device when serial transfer has been completed. When the device is used as a slave, stop conditions can be detected. Figure 16-17. Stop Condition SCL0 H SDA0 A stop condition is generated when bit 0 (SPT0) of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) is set to 1. When the stop condition is detected, bit 0 (SPD0) of IIC status register 0 (IICS0) is set to 1 and INTIIC0 is generated when bit 4 (SPIE0) of IICC0 is set to 1. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 405 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 16.5.6 Wait The wait is used to notify the communication partner that a device (master or slave) is preparing to transmit or receive data (i.e., is in a wait state). Setting the SCL0 pin to low level notifies the communication partner of the wait state. When wait state has been canceled for both the master and slave devices, the next data transfer can begin. Figure 16-18. Wait (1/2) (1) When master device has a nine-clock wait and slave device has an eight-clock wait (master transmits, slave receives, and ACKE0 = 1) Master Master returns to high impedance but slave is in wait state (low level). IIC0 Wait after output of ninth clock IIC0 data write (cancel wait) SCL0 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 Slave Wait after output of eighth clock FFH is written to IIC0 or WREL0 is set to 1 IIC0 SCL0 ACKE0 H Transfer lines Wait from slave 406 SCL0 6 7 8 SDA0 D2 D1 D0 Wait from master 9 ACK User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 1 2 3 D7 D6 D5 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-18. Wait (2/2) (2) When master and slave devices both have a nine-clock wait (master transmits, slave receives, and ACKE0 = 1) Master Master and slave both wait after output of ninth clock IIC0 data write (cancel wait) IIC0 6 SCL0 7 8 9 1 2 3 Slave FFH is written to IIC0 or WREL0 is set to 1 IIC0 SCL0 ACKE0 H Wait from master and slave Transfer lines SCL0 6 7 8 9 SDA0 D2 D1 D0 ACK Wait from slave 1 D7 2 3 D6 D5 Generate according to previously set ACKE0 value Remark ACKE0: Bit 2 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) WREL0: Bit 5 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) A wait may be automatically generated depending on the setting of bit 3 (WTIM0) of IIC control register 0 (IICC0). Normally, the receiving side cancels the wait state when bit 5 (WREL0) of IICC0 is set to 1 or when FFH is written to IIC shift register 0 (IIC0), and the transmitting side cancels the wait state when data is written to IIC0. The master device can also cancel the wait state via either of the following methods. * By setting bit 1 (STT0) of IICC0 to 1 * By setting bit 0 (SPT0) of IICC0 to 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 407 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 16.5.7 Canceling wait The I2C usually cancels a wait state by the following processing. * Writing data to IIC shift register 0 (IIC0) * Setting bit 5 (WREL0) of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) (canceling wait) * Setting bit 1 (STT0) of IIC0 register (generating start condition)Note * Setting bit 0 (SPT0) of IIC0 register (generating stop condition)Note Note Master only When the above wait canceling processing is executed, the I2C cancels the wait state and communication is resumed. To cancel a wait state and transmit data (including addresses), write the data to IIC0. To receive data after canceling a wait state, or to complete data transmission, set bit 5 (WREL0) of the IIC0 control register 0 (IICC0) to 1. To generate a restart condition after canceling a wait state, set bit 1 (STT0) of IICC0 to 1. To generate a stop condition after canceling a wait state, set bit 0 (SPT0) of IICC0 to 1. Execute the canceling processing only once for one wait state. If, for example, data is written to IIC0 after canceling a wait state by setting WREL0 to 1, an incorrect value may be output to SDA0 because the timing for changing the SDA0 line conflicts with the timing for writing IIC0. In addition to the above, communication is stopped if IICE0 is cleared to 0 when communication has been aborted, so that the wait state can be canceled. If the I2C bus has deadlocked due to noise, processing is saved from communication by setting bit 6 (LREL0) of IICC0, so that the wait state can be canceled. 16.5.8 Interrupt request (INTIIC0) generation timing and wait control The setting of bit 3 (WTIM0) of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) determines the timing by which INTIIC0 is generated and the corresponding wait control, as shown in Table 16-3. Table 16-3. INTIIC0 Generation Timing and Wait Control WTIM0 During Slave Device Operation Address 0 1 9 Notes 1, 2 9 Notes 1, 2 Data Reception 8 Note 2 9 Note 2 During Master Device Operation Data Transmission Address Data Reception Data Transmission 8 Note 2 9 8 8 9 Note 2 9 9 9 Notes 1. The slave device's INTIIC0 signal and wait period occurs at the falling edge of the ninth clock only when there is a match with the address set to slave address register 0 (SVA0). At this point, ACK is generated regardless of the value set to IICC0's bit 2 (ACKE0). For a slave device that has received an extension code, INTIIC0 occurs at the falling edge of the eighth clock. However, if the address does not match after restart, INTIIC0 is generated at the falling edge of the 9th clock, but wait does not occur. 2. If the received address does not match the contents of slave address register 0 (SVA0) and extension code is not received, neither INTIIC0 nor a wait occurs. Remark The numbers in the table indicate the number of the serial clock's clock signals. Interrupt requests and wait control are both synchronized with the falling edge of these clock signals. 408 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (1) During address transmission/reception * Slave device operation: Interrupt and wait timing are determined depending on the conditions described in Notes 1 and 2 above, regardless of the WTIM0 bit. * Master device operation: Interrupt and wait timing occur at the falling edge of the ninth clock regardless of the WTIM0 bit. (2) During data reception * Master/slave device operation: Interrupt and wait timing are determined according to the WTIM0 bit. (3) During data transmission * Master/slave device operation: Interrupt and wait timing are determined according to the WTIM0 bit. (4) Wait cancellation method The four wait cancellation methods are as follows. * Writing data to IIC shift register 0 (IIC0) * Setting bit 5 (WREL0) of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) (canceling wait) * Setting bit 1 (STT0) of IIC0 register (generating start condition)Note * Setting bit 0 (SPT0) of IIC0 register (generating stop condition) Note Note Master only. When an 8-clock wait has been selected (WTIM0 = 0), the presence/absence of ACK generation must be determined prior to wait cancellation. (5) Stop condition detection INTIIC0 is generated when a stop condition is detected (only when SPIE0 = 1). 16.5.9 Address match detection method In I2C bus mode, the master device can select a particular slave device by transmitting the corresponding slave address. Address match can be detected automatically by hardware. An interrupt request (INTIIC0) occurs when a local address has been set to slave address register 0 (SVA0) and when the address set to SVA0 matches the slave address sent by the master device, or when an extension code has been received. 16.5.10 Error detection In I2C bus mode, the status of the serial data bus (SDA0) during data transmission is captured by IIC shift register 0 (IIC0) of the transmitting device, so the IIC0 data prior to transmission can be compared with the transmitted IIC0 data to enable detection of transmission errors. A transmission error is judged as having occurred when the compared data values do not match. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 409 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 16.5.11 Extension code (1) When the higher 4 bits of the receive address are either "0000" or "1111", the extension code reception flag (EXC0) is set to 1 for extension code reception and an interrupt request (INTIIC0) is issued at the falling edge of the eighth clock. The local address stored in slave address register 0 (SVA0) is not affected. (2) If "11110xx0" is set to SVA0 by a 10-bit address transfer and "11110xx0" is transferred from the master device, the results are as follows. Note that INTIIC0 occurs at the falling edge of the eighth clock. * Higher four bits of data match: EXC0 = 1 * Seven bits of data match: Remark COI0 = 1 EXC0: Bit 5 of IIC status register 0 (IICS0) COI0: Bit 4 of IIC status register 0 (IICS0) (3) Since the processing after the interrupt request occurs differs according to the data that follows the extension code, such processing is performed by software. If the extension code is received while a slave device is operating, then the slave device is participating in communication even if its address does not match. For example, after the extension code is received, if you do not wish to operate the target device as a slave device, set bit 6 (LREL0) of the IIC control register 0 (IICC0) to 1 to set the standby mode for the next communication operation. Table 16-4. Extension Code Bit Definitions 410 Slave Address R/W Bit Description 0000 000 0 General call address 0000 000 1 Start byte 0000 001 x C-BUS address 0000 010 x Address that is reserved for different bus format 1111 0XX x 10-bit slave address specification User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 16.5.12 Arbitration When several master devices simultaneously generate a start condition (when STT0 is set to 1 before STD0 is set to 1), communication among the master devices is performed as the number of clocks are adjusted until the data differs. This kind of operation is called arbitration. When one of the master devices loses in arbitration, an arbitration loss flag (ALD0) in IIC status register 0 (IICS0) is set (1) via the timing by which the arbitration loss occurred, and the SCL0 and SDA0 lines are both set to high impedance, which releases the bus. The arbitration loss is detected based on the timing of the next interrupt request (the eighth or ninth clock, when a stop condition is detected, etc.) and the ALD0 = 1 setting that has been made by software. For details of interrupt request timing, see 16.5.17 Timing of I2C interrupt request (INTIIC0) occurrence. Remark STD0: Bit 1 of IIC status register 0 (IICS0) STT0: Bit 1 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) Figure 16-19. Arbitration Timing Example Master 1 Hi-Z SCL0 Hi-Z SDA0 Master 2 Master 1 loses arbitration SCL0 SDA0 Transfer lines SCL0 SDA0 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 411 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Table 16-5. Status During Arbitration and Interrupt Request Generation Timing Status During Arbitration Interrupt Request Generation Timing At falling edge of eighth or ninth clock following byte transfer During address transmission Note 1 Read/write data after address transmission During extension code transmission Read/write data after extension code transmission During data transmission During ACK transfer period after data transmission When restart condition is detected during data transfer Note 2 When stop condition is detected during data transfer When stop condition is generated (when SPIE0 = 1) When data is at low level while attempting to generate a restart At falling edge of eighth or ninth clock following byte transfer Note 1 condition When stop condition is detected while attempting to generate a Note 2 When stop condition is generated (when SPIE0 = 1) restart condition When data is at low level while attempting to generate a stop At falling edge of eighth or ninth clock following byte transfer Note 1 condition When SCL0 is at low level while attempting to generate a restart condition Notes 1. When WTIM0 (bit 3 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0)) = 1, an interrupt request occurs at the falling edge of the ninth clock. When WTIM0 = 0 and the extension code's slave address is received, an interrupt request occurs at the falling edge of the eighth clock. 2. When there is a chance that arbitration will occur, set SPIE0 = 1 for master device operation. Remark SPIE0: Bit 4 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) 16.5.13 Wakeup function The I2C bus slave function is a function that generates an interrupt request signal (INTIIC0) when a local address and extension code have been received. This function makes processing more efficient by preventing unnecessary INTIIC0 signal from occurring when addresses do not match. When a start condition is detected, wakeup standby mode is set. This wakeup standby mode is in effect while addresses are transmitted due to the possibility that an arbitration loss may change the master device (which has generated a start condition) to a slave device. However, when a stop condition is detected, bit 4 (SPIE0) of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) is set regardless of the wakeup function, and this determines whether interrupt requests are enabled or disabled. 412 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 16.5.14 Communication reservation (1) When communication reservation function is enabled (bit 0 (IICRSV) of IIC flag register 0 (IICF0) = 0) To start master device communications when not currently using a bus, a communication reservation can be made to enable transmission of a start condition when the bus is released. There are two modes under which the bus is not used. * When arbitration results in neither master nor slave operation * When an extension code is received and slave operation is disabled (ACK is not returned and the bus was released when bit 6 (LREL0) of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) was set to 1). If bit 1 (STT0) of IICC0 is set to 1 while the bus is not used (after a stop condition is detected), a start condition is automatically generated and wait state is set. If an address is written to IIC shift register 0 (IIC0) after bit 4 (SPIE0) of IICC0 was set to 1, and it was detected by generation of an interrupt request signal (INTIIC0) that the bus was released (detection of the stop condition), then the device automatically starts communication as the master. Data written to IIC0 before the stop condition is detected is invalid. When STT0 has been set to 1, the operation mode (as start condition or as communication reservation) is determined according to the bus status. * If the bus has been released .........................................a start condition is generated * If the bus has not been released (standby mode) .........communication reservation Check whether the communication reservation operates or not by using MSTS0 (bit 7 of IIC status register 0 (IICS0)) after STT0 is set to 1 and the wait time elapses. The wait periods, which should be set via software, are listed in Table 16-6. Table 16-6. Wait Periods CLX0 SMC0 CL01 CL00 Wait Period 0 0 0 0 46 clocks 0 0 0 1 86 clocks 0 0 1 0 172 clocks 0 0 1 1 34 clocks 0 1 0 0 30 clocks 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 60 clocks 0 1 1 1 12 clocks 1 1 0 0 18 clocks 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 36 clocks Figure 16-20 shows the communication reservation timing. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 413 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-20. Communication Reservation Timing Program processing Write to IIC0 STT0 = 1 CommuniHardware processing cation reservation SCL0 1 2 3 4 Set SPD0 and INTIIC0 5 6 7 8 9 Set STD0 1 2 3 4 5 6 SDA0 Generate by master device with bus mastership Remark IIC0: IIC shift register 0 STT0: Bit 1 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) STD0: Bit 1 of IIC status register 0 (IICS0) SPD0: Bit 0 of IIC status register 0 (IICS0) Communication reservations are accepted via the following timing. After bit 1 (STD0) of IIC status register 0 (IICS0) is set to 1, a communication reservation can be made by setting bit 1 (STT0) of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) to 1 before a stop condition is detected. Figure 16-21. Timing for Accepting Communication Reservations SCL0 SDA0 STD0 SPD0 Standby mode Figure 16-22 shows the communication reservation protocol. 414 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-22. Communication Reservation Protocol DI SET1 STT0 Define communication reservation Wait (Communication reservation)Note Yes MSTS0 = 0? Sets STT0 flag (communication reservation) Defines that communication reservation is in effect (defines and sets user flag to any part of RAM) Secures wait period set by software (see Table 16-6). Confirmation of communication reservation No (Generate start condition) Cancel communication reservation MOV IIC0, #xxH Clear user flag IIC0 write operation EI Note The communication reservation operation executes a write to IIC shift register 0 (IIC0) when a stop condition interrupt request occurs. Remark STT0: Bit 1 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) MSTS0: Bit 7 of IIC status register 0 (IICS0) IIC0: IIC shift register 0 (2) When communication reservation function is disabled (bit 0 (IICRSV) of IIC flag register 0 (IICF0) = 1) When bit 1 (STT0) of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) is set to 1 when the bus is not used in a communication during bus communication, this request is rejected and a start condition is not generated. The following two statuses are included in the status where bus is not used. * When arbitration results in neither master nor slave operation * When an extension code is received and slave operation is disabled (ACK is not returned and the bus was released when bit 6 (LREL0) of IICC0 was set to 1) To confirm whether the start condition was generated or request was rejected, check STCF (bit 7 of IICF0). The time shown in Table 16-7 is required until STCF is set to 1 after setting STT0 = 1. Therefore, secure the time by software. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 415 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Table 16-7. Wait Periods CL01 CL00 Wait Period 0 0 6 clocks 0 1 6 clocks 1 0 12 clocks 1 1 3 clocks 16.5.15 Cautions (1) When STCEN (bit 1 of IIC flag register 0 (IICF0)) = 0 Immediately after I2C operation is enabled (IICE0 = 1), the bus communication status (IICBSY (bit 6 of IICF0) = 1) is recognized regardless of the actual bus status. When changing from a mode in which no stop condition has been detected to a master device communication mode, first generate a stop condition to release the bus, then perform master device communication. When using multiple masters, it is not possible to perform master device communication when the bus has not been released (when a stop condition has not been detected). Use the following sequence for generating a stop condition. <1> Set IIC clock selection register 0 (IICCL0). <2> Set bit 7 (IICE0) of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) to 1. <3> Set bit 0 (SPT0) of IICC0 to 1. (2) When STCEN = 1 Immediately after I2C operation is enabled (IICE0 = 1), the bus released status (IICBSY = 0) is recognized regardless of the actual bus status. To generate the first start condition (STT0 (bit 1 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0)) = 1), it is necessary to confirm that the bus has been released, so as to not disturb other communications. (3) If other I2C communications are already in progress If I2C operation is enabled and the device participates in communication already in progress when the SDA0 pin is low and the SCL0 pin is high, the macro of I2C recognizes that the SDA0 pin has gone low (detects a start condition). If the value on the bus at this time can be recognized as an extension code, ACK is returned, but this interferes with other I2C communications. To avoid this, start I2C in the following sequence. <1> Clear bit 4 (SPIE0) of IICC0 to 0 to disable generation of an interrupt request signal (INTIIC0) when the stop condition is detected. <2> Set bit 7 (IICE0) of IICC0 to 1 to enable the operation of I2C. <3> Wait for detection of the start condition. <4> Set bit 6 (LREL0) of IICC0 to 1 before ACK is returned (4 to 80 clocks after setting IICE0 to 1), to forcibly disable detection. (4) Determine the transfer clock frequency by using SMC0, CL01, CL00 (bits 3, 1, and 0 of IICL0), and CLX0 (bit 0 of IICX0) before enabling the operation (IICE0 = 1). To change the transfer clock frequency, clear IICE0 to 0 once. 416 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (5) Setting STT0 and SPT0 (bits 1 and 0 of IICC0) again after they are set and before they are cleared to 0 is prohibited. (6) When transmission is reserved, set SPIE0 (bit 4 of IICL0) to 1 so that an interrupt request is generated when the stop condition is detected. Transfer is started when communication data is written to IIC0 after the interrupt request is generated. Unless the interrupt is generated when the stop condition is detected, the device stops in the wait state because the interrupt request is not generated when communication is started. However, it is not necessary to set SPIE0 to 1 when MSTS0 (bit 7 of IICS0) is detected by software. 16.5.16 Communication operations The following shows three operation procedures with the flowchart. (1) Master operation in single master system The flowchart when using the 78K0/KC2 as the master in a single master system is shown below. This flowchart is broadly divided into the initial settings and communication processing. Execute the initial settings at startup. If communication with the slave is required, prepare the communication and then execute communication processing. (2) Master operation in multimaster system In the I2C bus multimaster system, whether the bus is released or used cannot be judged by the I2C bus specifications when the bus takes part in a communication. Here, when data and clock are at a high level for a certain period (1 frame), the 78K0/KC2 takes part in a communication with bus released state. This flowchart is broadly divided into the initial settings, communication waiting, and communication processing. The processing when the 78K0/KC2 looses in arbitration and is specified as the slave is omitted here, and only the processing as the master is shown. Execute the initial settings at startup to take part in a communication. Then, wait for the communication request as the master or wait for the specification as the slave. The actual communication is performed in the communication processing, and it supports the transmission/reception with the slave and the arbitration with other masters. (3) Slave operation An example of when the 78K0/KC2 is used as the I2C bus slave is shown below. When used as the slave, operation is started by an interrupt. Execute the initial settings at startup, then wait for the INTIIC0 interrupt occurrence (communication waiting). When an INTIIC0 interrupt occurs, the communication status is judged and its result is passed as a flag over to the main processing. By checking the flags, necessary communication processing is performed. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 417 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (1) Master operation in single-master system Figure 16-23. Master Operation in Single-Master System START Initializing I2C busNote Initial setting Setting port Sets each pin in the I2C mode (see 16.3 (7) Port mode register 6 (PM6)). IICX0 0XH IICCL0 XXH Selects a transfer clock. SVA0 XXH Sets a local address. IICF0 0XH Setting STCEN, IICRSV = 0 Sets a start condition. IICC0 XXH ACKE0 = WTIM0 = SPIE0 = 1 IICE0 = 1 STCEN = 1? Yes No SPT0 = 1 INTIIC0 Interrupt occurs? Prepares for starting communication (generates a stop condition). No Waits for detection of the stop condition. Yes STT0 = 1 Prepares for starting communication (generates a start condition). Writing IIC0 Starts communication (specifies an address and transfer direction). INTIIC0 interrupt occurs? No Waits for detection of acknowledge. Yes No ACKD0 = 1? Yes TRC0 = 1? No ACKE0 = 1 WTIM0 = 0 Communication processing Yes Writing IIC0 Starts transmission. WREL0 = 1 INTIIC0 interrupt occurs? No Waits for data transmission. INTIIC0 interrupt occurs? Yes Yes ACKD0 = 1? No Starts reception. No Waits for data reception. Reading IIC0 Yes No End of transfer? No End of transfer? Yes Yes Restart? Yes ACKE0 = 0 WTIM0 = WREL0 = 1 No SPT0 = 1 INTIIC0 interrupt occurs? Yes No Waits for detection of acknowledge. END 2 Note Release (SCL0 and SDA0 pins = high level) the I C bus in conformance with the specifications of the product that is communicating. If EEPROM is outputting a low level to the SDA0 pin, for example, set the SCL0 pin in the output port mode, and output a clock pulse from the output port until the SDA0 pin is constantly at high level. Remark 418 Conform to the specifications of the product that is communicating, with respect to the transmission and reception formats. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (2) Master operation in multi-master system Figure 16-24. Master Operation in Multi-Master System (1/3) START Setting port Sets each pin in the I2C mode (see 16.3 (7) Port mode register 6 (PM6)). IICX0 0XH IICCL0 XXH Selects a transfer clock. SVA0 XXH Sets a local address. IICF0 0XH Setting STCEN and IICRSV Sets a start condition. Initial setting IICC0 XXH ACKE0 = WTIM0 = SPIE0 = 1 IICE0 = 1 Checking bus statusNote Releases the bus for a specific period. Bus status is being checked. No No STCEN = 1? INTIIC0 interrupt occurs? Prepares for starting communication (generates a stop condition). SPT0 = 1 Yes Yes SPD0 = 1? INTIIC0 interrupt occurs? No Yes Yes Slave operation SPD0 = 1? No Waits for detection of the stop condition. No Yes 1 Waits for a communication Slave operation * Waiting to be specified as a slave by other master * Waiting for a communication start request (depends on user program) Master operation starts? No (No communication start request) Yes (Communication start request) SPIE0 = 0 INTIIC0 interrupt occurs? SPIE0 = 1 No Waits for a communication request. Yes IICRSV = 0? No Slave operation Yes A B Enables reserving Disables reserving communication. communication. Note Confirm that the bus is released (CLD0 bit = 1, DAD0 bit = 1) for a specific period (for example, for a period of one frame). If the SDA0 pin is constantly at low level, decide whether to release the I2C bus (SCL0 and SDA0 pins = high level) in conformance with the specifications of the product that is communicating. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 419 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-24. Master Operation in Multi-Master System (2/3) A Enables reserving communication. STT0 = 1 Secure wait time by software (see Table 16-6). Wait Communication processing Prepares for starting communication (generates a start condition). MSTS0 = 1? No Yes INTIIC0 interrupt occurs? Yes No Wait state after stop condition was detected and start condition was generated by the communication reservation function. EXC0 = 1 or COI0 =1? Yes C Slave operation B Disables reserving communication. IICBSY = 0? No Yes D Communication processing No Waits for bus release (communication being reserved). STT0 = 1 Wait STCF = 0? Yes Prepares for starting communication (generates a start condition). Secure wait time by software (see Table 18-7). No INTIIC0 interrupt occurs? No Waits for bus release Yes C EXC0 = 1 or COI0 =1? No Detects a stop condition. Yes Slave operation 420 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD D CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-24. Master Operation in Multi-Master System (3/3) C Writing IIC0 INTIIC0 interrupt occurs? Starts communication (specifies an address and transfer direction). No Waits for detection of ACK. Yes MSTS0 = 1? No Yes No 2 ACKD0 = 1? Yes TRC0 = 1? No ACKE0 = 1 WTIM0 = 0 Yes Communication processing WTIM0 = 1 WREL0 = 1 Writing IIC0 Starts transmission. INTIIC0 interrupt occurs? INTIIC0 interrupt occurs? No Waits for data transmission. Yes MSTS0 = 1? No Waits for data reception. Yes MSTS0 = 1? No No Yes Yes ACKD0 = 1? Starts reception. 2 2 Reading IIC0 No Transfer end? No Yes Yes No WTIM0 = WREL0 = 1 ACKE0 = 0 Transfer end? Yes Restart? INTIIC0 interrupt occurs? No No Waits for detection of ACK. Yes SPT0 = 1 Yes MSTS0 = 1? STT0 = 1 END Yes No 2 Communication processing C 2 EXC0 = 1 or COI0 = 1? Yes Slave operation No 1 Does not participate in communication. Remarks 1. Conform to the specifications of the product that is communicating, with respect to the transmission and reception formats. 2. To use the device as a master in a multi-master system, read the MSTS0 bit each time interrupt INTIIC0 has occurred to check the arbitration result. 3. To use the device as a slave in a multi-master system, check the status by using the IICS0 and IICF0 registers each time interrupt INTIIC0 has occurred, and determine the processing to be performed next. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 421 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (3) Slave operation The processing procedure of the slave operation is as follows. Basically, the slave operation is event-driven. Therefore, processing by the INTIIC0 interrupt (processing that must substantially change the operation status such as detection of a stop condition during communication) is necessary. In the following explanation, it is assumed that the extension code is not supported for data communication. It is also assumed that the INTIIC0 interrupt servicing only performs status transition processing, and that actual data communication is performed by the main processing. INTIIC0 Flag Interrupt servicing Setting Main processing IIC0 Data Setting Therefore, data communication processing is performed by preparing the following three flags and passing them to the main processing instead of INTIIC0. <1> Communication mode flag This flag indicates the following two communication statuses. * Clear mode: Status in which data communication is not performed * Communication mode: Status in which data communication is performed (from valid address detection to stop condition detection, no detection of ACK from master, address mismatch) <2> Ready flag This flag indicates that data communication is enabled. Its function is the same as the INTIIC0 interrupt for ordinary data communication. This flag is set by interrupt servicing and cleared by the main processing. Clear this flag by interrupt servicing when communication is started. However, the ready flag is not set by interrupt servicing when the first data is transmitted. Therefore, the first data is transmitted without the flag being cleared (an address match is interpreted as a request for the next data). <3> Communication direction flag This flag indicates the direction of communication. Its value is the same as TRC0. 422 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 The main processing of the slave operation is explained next. Start serial interface IIC0 and wait until communication is enabled. When communication is enabled, execute communication by using the communication mode flag and ready flag (processing of the stop condition and start condition is performed by an interrupt. Here, check the status by using the flags). The transmission operation is repeated until the master no longer returns ACK. If ACK is not returned from the master, communication is completed. For reception, the necessary amount of data is received. When communication is completed, ACK is not returned as the next data. After that, the master generates a stop condition or restart condition. Exit from the communication status occurs in this way. Figure 16-25. Slave Operation Flowchart (1) START Setting port Sets each pin to the I2C mode (see 16.3 (7) Port mode register 6 (PM6)). IICX0 0XH Selects a transfer clock. Initial setting IICCL0 XXH SVA0 XXH Sets a local address. IICF0 0XH Sets a start condition. Setting IICRSV IICC0 XXH ACKE0 = WTIM0 = 1 SPIE0 = 0, IICE0 = 1 No Communication mode flag = 1? Yes No Communication direction flag = 1? Yes WREL0 = 1 Starts transmission. Writing IIC0 Communication processing No Communication mode flag = 1? Communication mode flag = 1? No Yes Yes No Starts reception. Communication direction flag = 1? Communication direction flag = 1? No Yes No Yes No Ready flag = 1? Ready flag = 1? Yes Yes Reading IIC0 Clearing ready flag Yes Clearing ready flag ACKD0 = 1? No Clearing communication mode flag WREL0 = 1 Remark Conform to the specifications of the product that is in communication, regarding the transmission and reception formats. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 423 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 An example of the processing procedure of the slave with the INTIIC0 interrupt is explained below (processing is performed assuming that no extension code is used). The INTIIC0 interrupt checks the status, and the following operations are performed. <1> Communication is stopped if the stop condition is issued. <2> If the start condition is issued, the address is checked and communication is completed if the address does not match. If the address matches, the communication mode is set, wait is cancelled, and processing returns from the interrupt (the ready flag is cleared). <3> For data transmit/receive, only the ready flag is set. Processing returns from the interrupt with the I2C bus remaining in the wait state. Remark <1> to <3> above correspond to <1> to <3> in Figure 16-26 Slave Operation Flowchart (2). Figure 16-26. Slave Operation Flowchart (2) INTIIC0 generated Yes <1> Yes <2> SPD0 = 1? No STD0 = 1? No No <3> COI0 = 1? Yes Set ready flag Communication direction flag TRC0 Set communication mode flag Clear ready flag Interrupt servicing completed 424 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Clear communication direction flag, ready flag, and communication mode flag CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 16.5.17 Timing of I2C interrupt request (INTIIC0) occurrence The timing of transmitting or receiving data and generation of interrupt request signal INTIIC0, and the value of the IICS0 register when the INTIIC0 signal is generated are shown below. Remark ST: Start condition AD6 to AD0: Address R/W: Transfer direction specification ACK: Acknowledge D7 to D0: Data SP: Stop condition User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 425 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (1) Master device operation (a) Start ~ Address ~ Data ~ Data ~ Stop (transmission/reception) (i) When WTIM0 = 0 SPT0 = 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 1 ACK D7 to D0 2 ACK SP 3 4 5 1: IICS0 = 1000x110B 2: IICS0 = 1000x000B 3: IICS0 = 1000x000B (Sets WTIM0 to 1)Note 4: IICS0 = 1000xx00B (Sets SPT0 to 1)Note 5: IICS0 = 00000001B Note To generate a stop condition, set WTIM0 to 1 and change the timing for generating the INTIIC0 interrupt request signal. Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 SPT0 = 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 ACK 1 D7 to D0 2 1: IICS0 = 1000x110B 2: IICS0 = 1000x100B 3: IICS0 = 1000xx00B (Sets SPT0 to 1) 4: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: 426 Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD ACK SP 3 4 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (b) Start ~ Address ~ Data ~ Start ~ Address ~ Data ~ Stop (restart) (i) When WTIM0 = 0 STT0 = 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 1 ACK ST 2 3 SPT0 = 1 AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 4 ACK SP 5 6 7 1: IICS0 = 1000x110B 2: IICS0 = 1000x000B (Sets WTIM0 to 1)Note 1 3: IICS0 = 1000xx00B (Clears WTIM0 to 0Note 2, sets STT0 to 1) 4: IICS0 = 1000x110B 5: IICS0 = 1000x000B (Sets WTIM0 to 1)Note 3 6: IICS0 = 1000xx00B (Sets SPT0 to 1) 7: IICS0 = 00000001B Notes 1. To generate a start condition, set WTIM0 to 1 and change the timing for generating the INTIIC0 interrupt request signal. 2. Clear WTIM0 to 0 to restore the original setting. 3. To generate a stop condition, set WTIM0 to 1 and change the timing for generating the INTIIC0 interrupt request signal. Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 STT0 = 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 ACK 1 ST SPT0 = 1 AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 2 D7 to D0 3 ACK SP 4 5 1: IICS0 = 1000x110B 2: IICS0 = 1000xx00B (Sets STT0 to 1) 3: IICS0 = 1000x110B 4: IICS0 = 1000xx00B (Sets SPT0 to 1) 5: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 427 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (c) Start ~ Code ~ Data ~ Data ~ Stop (extension code transmission) (i) When WTIM0 = 0 SPT0 = 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 ACK 1 D7 to D0 2 ACK SP 3 4 5 1: IICS0 = 1010x110B 2: IICS0 = 1010x000B 3: IICS0 = 1010x000B (Sets WTIM0 to 1)Note 4: IICS0 = 1010xx00B (Sets SPT0 to 1) 5: IICS0 = 00000001B Note To generate a stop condition, set WTIM0 to 1 and change the timing for generating the INTIIC0 interrupt request signal. Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 SPT0 = 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 ACK 1 D7 to D0 2 1: IICS0 = 1010x110B 2: IICS0 = 1010x100B 3: IICS0 = 1010xx00B (Sets SPT0 to 1) 4: IICS0 = 00001001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: 428 Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD ACK SP 3 4 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (2) Slave device operation (slave address data reception) (a) Start ~ Address ~ Data ~ Data ~ Stop (i) When WTIM0 = 0 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 ACK 1 D7 to D0 2 ACK SP 3 4 1: IICS0 = 0001x110B 2: IICS0 = 0001x000B 3: IICS0 = 0001x000B 4: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 ACK 1 D7 to D0 2 ACK SP 3 4 1: IICS0 = 0001x110B 2: IICS0 = 0001x100B 3: IICS0 = 0001xx00B 4: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 429 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (b) Start ~ Address ~ Data ~ Start ~ Address ~ Data ~ Stop (i) When WTIM0 = 0 (after restart, matches with SVA0) ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 1 ACK ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 2 D7 to D0 3 ACK SP 4 5 1: IICS0 = 0001x110B 2: IICS0 = 0001x000B 3: IICS0 = 0001x110B 4: IICS0 = 0001x000B 5: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 (after restart, matches with SVA0) ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 ACK 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 2 1: IICS0 = 0001x110B 2: IICS0 = 0001xx00B 3: IICS0 = 0001x110B 4: IICS0 = 0001xx00B 5: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: 430 Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD D7 to D0 3 ACK SP 4 5 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (c) Start ~ Address ~ Data ~ Start ~ Code ~ Data ~ Stop (i) When WTIM0 = 0 (after restart, does not match address (= extension code)) ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 1 ACK ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 2 D7 to D0 3 ACK SP 4 5 1: IICS0 = 0001x110B 2: IICS0 = 0001x000B 3: IICS0 = 0010x010B 4: IICS0 = 0010x000B 5: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 (after restart, does not match address (= extension code)) ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 ACK 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 2 3 D7 to D0 4 ACK SP 5 6 1: IICS0 = 0001x110B 2: IICS0 = 0001xx00B 3: IICS0 = 0010x010B 4: IICS0 = 0010x110B 5: IICS0 = 0010xx00B 6: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 431 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (d) Start ~ Address ~ Data ~ Start ~ Address ~ Data ~ Stop (i) When WTIM0 = 0 (after restart, does not match address (= not extension code)) ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 1 ACK ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 2 D7 to D0 ACK SP 3 4 1: IICS0 = 0001x110B 2: IICS0 = 0001x000B 3: IICS0 = 00000110B 4: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 (after restart, does not match address (= not extension code)) ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 ACK 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 2 1: IICS0 = 0001x110B 2: IICS0 = 0001xx00B 3: IICS0 = 00000110B 4: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: 432 Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD D7 to D0 3 ACK SP 4 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (3) Slave device operation (when receiving extension code) The device is always participating in communication when it receives an extension code. (a) Start ~ Code ~ Data ~ Data ~ Stop (i) When WTIM0 = 0 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 ACK 1 D7 to D0 2 ACK SP 3 4 1: IICS0 = 0010x010B 2: IICS0 = 0010x000B 3: IICS0 = 0010x000B 4: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 1 D7 to D0 ACK 2 D7 to D0 3 ACK SP 4 5 1: IICS0 = 0010x010B 2: IICS0 = 0010x110B 3: IICS0 = 0010x100B 4: IICS0 = 0010xx00B 5: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 433 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (b) Start ~ Code ~ Data ~ Start ~ Address ~ Data ~ Stop (i) When WTIM0 = 0 (after restart, matches SVA0) ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 1 ACK ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 2 D7 to D0 3 ACK SP 4 5 1: IICS0 = 0010x010B 2: IICS0 = 0010x000B 3: IICS0 = 0001x110B 4: IICS0 = 0001x000B 5: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 (after restart, matches SVA0) ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 1 D7 to D0 ACK 2 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 3 1: IICS0 = 0010x010B 2: IICS0 = 0010x110B 3: IICS0 = 0010xx00B 4: IICS0 = 0001x110B 5: IICS0 = 0001xx00B 6: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: 434 Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD D7 to D0 4 ACK SP 5 6 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (c) Start ~ Code ~ Data ~ Start ~ Code ~ Data ~ Stop (i) When WTIM0 = 0 (after restart, extension code reception) ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 1 ACK ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 2 D7 to D0 3 ACK SP 4 5 1: IICS0 = 0010x010B 2: IICS0 = 0010x000B 3: IICS0 = 0010x010B 4: IICS0 = 0010x000B 5: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 (after restart, extension code reception) ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 1 D7 to D0 ACK 2 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 3 4 D7 to D0 5 ACK SP 6 7 1: IICS0 = 0010x010B 2: IICS0 = 0010x110B 3: IICS0 = 0010xx00B 4: IICS0 = 0010x010B 5: IICS0 = 0010x110B 6: IICS0 = 0010xx00B 7: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 435 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (d) Start ~ Code ~ Data ~ Start ~ Address ~ Data ~ Stop (i) When WTIM0 = 0 (after restart, does not match address (= not extension code)) ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 1 ACK ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 2 D7 to D0 ACK SP 3 4 1: IICS0 = 00100010B 2: IICS0 = 00100000B 3: IICS0 = 00000110B 4: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 (after restart, does not match address (= not extension code)) ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 1 D7 to D0 ACK 2 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 3 1: IICS0 = 00100010B 2: IICS0 = 00100110B 3: IICS0 = 00100x00B 4: IICS0 = 00000110B 5: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: 436 Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD D7 to D0 4 ACK SP 5 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (4) Operation without communication (a) Start ~ Code ~ Data ~ Data ~ Stop ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 ACK D7 to D0 ACK SP 1 1: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 (5) Arbitration loss operation (operation as slave after arbitration loss) When the device is used as a master in a multi-master system, read the MSTS0 bit each time interrupt request signal INTIIC0 has occurred to check the arbitration result. (a) When arbitration loss occurs during transmission of slave address data (i) When WTIM0 = 0 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 ACK 1 D7 to D0 2 ACK 3 SP 4 1: IICS0 = 0101x110B 2: IICS0 = 0001x000B 3: IICS0 = 0001x000B 4: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 437 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 ACK 1 D7 to D0 ACK 2 SP 3 4 1: IICS0 = 0101x110B 2: IICS0 = 0001x100B 3: IICS0 = 0001xx00B 4: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care (b) When arbitration loss occurs during transmission of extension code (i) When WTIM0 = 0 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 1 ACK D7 to D0 2 1: IICS0 = 0110x010B 2: IICS0 = 0010x000B 3: IICS0 = 0010x000B 4: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: 438 Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD ACK 3 SP 4 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 1 D7 to D0 ACK 2 D7 to D0 ACK 3 SP 4 5 1: IICS0 = 0110x010B 2: IICS0 = 0010x110B 3: IICS0 = 0010x100B 4: IICS0 = 0010xx00B 5: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care (6) Operation when arbitration loss occurs (no communication after arbitration loss) When the device is used as a master in a multi-master system, read the MSTS0 bit each time interrupt request signal INTIIC0 has occurred to check the arbitration result. (a) When arbitration loss occurs during transmission of slave address data (when WTIM0 = 1) ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 ACK D7 to D0 1 ACK SP 2 1: IICS0 = 01000110B 2: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 439 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (b) When arbitration loss occurs during transmission of extension code ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 ACK D7 to D0 ACK SP 1 2 1: IICS0 = 0110x010B Sets LREL0 = 1 by software 2: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care (c) When arbitration loss occurs during transmission of data (i) When WTIM0 = 0 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 ACK 1 D7 to D0 2 1: IICS0 = 10001110B 2: IICS0 = 01000000B 3: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 440 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD ACK SP 3 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 ACK 1 D7 to D0 ACK SP 2 3 1: IICS0 = 10001110B 2: IICS0 = 01000100B 3: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 (d) When loss occurs due to restart condition during data transfer (i) Not extension code (Example: does not match with SVA0) ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to Dn ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 1 D7 to D0 2 ACK SP 3 1: IICS0 = 1000x110B 2: IICS0 = 01000110B 3: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care n = 6 to 0 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 441 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (ii) Extension code ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to Dn ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK 1 2 1: IICS0 = 1000x110B 2: IICS0 = 01100010B Sets LREL0 = 1 by software 3: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care n = 6 to 0 (e) When loss occurs due to stop condition during data transfer ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to Dn SP 1 2 1: IICS0 = 10000110B 2: IICS0 = 01000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care n = 6 to 0 442 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD D7 to D0 ACK SP 3 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (f) When arbitration loss occurs due to low-level data when attempting to generate a restart condition (i) When WTIM0 = 0 STT0 = 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 1 ACK 2 D7 to D0 3 ACK D7 to D0 ACK SP 4 5 1: IICS0 = 1000x110B 2: IICS0 = 1000x000B (Sets WTIM0 to 1) 3: IICS0 = 1000x100B (Clears WTIM0 to 0) 4: IICS0 = 01000000B 5: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 STT0 = 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 ACK 1 D7 to D0 2 ACK D7 to D0 3 ACK SP 4 1: IICS0 = 1000x110B 2: IICS0 = 1000x100B (Sets STT0 to 1) 3: IICS0 = 01000100B 4: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 443 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (g) When arbitration loss occurs due to a stop condition when attempting to generate a restart condition (i) When WTIM0 = 0 STT0 = 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 1 ACK 2 SP 3 4 1: IICS0 = 1000x110B 2: IICS0 = 1000x000B (Sets WTIM0 to 1) 3: IICS0 = 1000xx00B (Sets STT0 to 1) 4: IICS0 = 01000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 STT0 = 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 1 ACK SP 2 3 1: IICS0 = 1000x110B 2: IICS0 = 1000xx00B (Sets STT0 to 1) 3: IICS0 = 01000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: 444 Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 (h) When arbitration loss occurs due to low-level data when attempting to generate a stop condition (i) When WTIM0 = 0 SPT0 = 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 1 ACK 2 D7 to D0 ACK 3 D7 to D0 ACK SP 4 5 1: IICS0 = 1000x110B 2: IICS0 = 1000x000B (Sets WTIM0 to 1) 3: IICS0 = 1000x100B (Clears WTIM0 to 0) 4: IICS0 = 01000100B 5: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 SPT0 = 1 ST AD6 to AD0 R/W ACK D7 to D0 ACK 1 D7 to D0 2 ACK D7 to D0 3 ACK SP 4 1: IICS0 = 1000x110B 2: IICS0 = 1000x100B (Sets SPT0 to 1) 3: IICS0 = 01000100B 4: IICS0 = 00000001B Remark : Always generated : Generated only when SPIE0 = 1 x: Don't care User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 445 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 16.6 Timing Charts When using the I2C bus mode, the master device outputs an address via the serial bus to select one of several slave devices as its communication partner. After outputting the slave address, the master device transmits the TRC0 bit (bit 3 of IIC status register 0 (IICS0)), which specifies the data transfer direction, and then starts serial communication with the slave device. Figures 16-27 and 16-28 show timing charts of the data communication. IIC shift register 0 (IIC0)'s shift operation is synchronized with the falling edge of the serial clock (SCL0). The transmit data is transferred to the SO0 latch and is output (MSB first) via the SDA0 pin. Data input via the SDA0 pin is captured into IIC0 at the rising edge of SCL0. 446 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-27. Example of Master to Slave Communication (When 9-Clock Wait Is Selected for Both Master and Slave) (1/3) (1) Start condition ~ address Processing by master device IIC0 address IIC0 IIC0 data ACKD0 STD0 SPD0 WTIM0 H ACKE0 H MSTS0 STT0 SPT0 L WREL0 L INTIIC0 TRC0 H Transmit Transfer lines 1 SCL0 2 3 4 5 6 7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 AD0 SDA0 8 9 1 2 3 4 W ACK D7 D6 D5 D4 Start condition Processing by slave device IIC0 FFH Note IIC0 ACKD0 STD0 SPD0 WTIM0 H ACKE0 H MSTS0 L STT0 L SPT0 L Note WREL0 INTIIC0 (When EXC0 = 1) TRC0 L Receive Note To cancel slave wait, write "FFH" to IIC0 or set WREL0. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 447 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-27. Example of Master to Slave Communication (When 9-Clock Wait Is Selected for Both Master and Slave) (2/3) (2) Data Processing by master device IIC0 data IIC0 IIC0 data ACKD0 STD0 L SPD0 L WTIM0 H ACKE0 H MSTS0 H STT0 L SPT0 L WREL0 L INTIIC0 TRC0 H Transmit Transfer lines SCL0 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SDA0 D0 ACK D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 ACK 1 2 3 D7 D6 D5 Processing by slave device IIC0 FFH Note IIC0 IIC0 FFH Note ACKD0 STD0 L SPD0 L WTIM0 H ACKE0 H MSTS0 L STT0 L SPT0 L Note WREL0 Note INTIIC0 TRC0 L Receive Note To cancel slave wait, write "FFH" to IIC0 or set WREL0. 448 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-27. Example of Master to Slave Communication (When 9-Clock Wait Is Selected for Both Master and Slave) (3/3) (3) Stop condition Processing by master device IIC0 data IIC0 IIC0 address ACKD0 STD0 SPD0 WTIM0 H ACKE0 H MSTS0 STT0 SPT0 WREL0 L INTIIC0 (When SPIE0 = 1) TRC0 H Transmit Transfer lines SCL0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SDA0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 ACK IIC0 FFH Note 2 AD6 AD5 Stop condition Processing by slave device IIC0 1 Start condition IIC0 FFH Note ACKD0 STD0 SPD0 WTIM0 H ACKE0 H MSTS0 L STT0 L SPT0 L Note WREL0 Note INTIIC0 (When SPIE0 = 1) TRC0 L Receive Note To cancel slave wait, write "FFH" to IIC0 or set WREL0. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 449 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-28. Example of Slave to Master Communication (When 8-Clock Wait Is Selected for Master, 9-Clock Wait Is Selected for Slave) (1/3) (1) Start condition ~ address Processing by master device IIC0 address IIC0 IIC0 FFH Note ACKD0 STD0 SPD0 WTIM0 L ACKE0 H MSTS0 STT0 L SPT0 Note WREL0 INTIIC0 TRC0 Transfer lines 1 SCL0 2 3 4 5 6 7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 AD0 SDA0 8 9 R ACK 1 D7 2 3 4 5 6 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 Start condition Processing by slave device IIC0 data IIC0 ACKD0 STD0 SPD0 WTIM0 H ACKE0 H MSTS0 L STT0 L SPT0 L WREL0 L INTIIC0 TRC0 Note To cancel master wait, write "FFH" to IIC0 or set WREL0. 450 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-28. Example of Slave to Master Communication (When 8-Clock Wait Is Selected for Master, 9-Clock Wait Is Selected for Slave) (2/3) (2) Data Processing by master device IIC0 FFH Note IIC0 IIC0 FFH Note ACKD0 STD0 L SPD0 L WTIM0 L ACKE0 H MSTS0 H STT0 L SPT0 L Note WREL0 Note INTIIC0 L Receive TRC0 Transfer lines SCL0 8 9 SDA0 D0 ACK 1 D7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 ACK 1 D7 2 3 D6 D5 Processing by slave device IIC0 data IIC0 IIC0 data ACKD0 STD0 L SPD0 L WTIM0 H ACKE0 H MSTS0 L STT0 L SPT0 L WREL0 L INTIIC0 TRC0 H Transmit Note To cancel master wait, write "FFH" to IIC0 or set WREL0. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 451 CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Figure 16-28. Example of Slave to Master Communication (When 8-Clock and 9-Clock Wait Is Selected for Master, 9-Clock Wait Is Selected for Slave) (3/3) (3) Stop condition Processing by master device IIC0 address IIC0 FFH Note IIC0 ACKD0 STD0 SPD0 WTIM0 ACKE0 MSTS0 STT0 SPT0 Note WREL0 INTIIC0 (When SPIE0 = 1) TRC0 Transfer lines SCL0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SDA0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 9 1 AD6 NACK Stop condition Start condition Processing by slave device IIC0 data IIC0 ACKD0 STD0 SPD0 WTIM0 H ACKE0 H MSTS0 L STT0 L SPT0 L WREL0 INTIIC0 (When SPIE0 = 1) TRC0 Note To cancel master wait, write "FFH" to IIC0 or set WREL0. 452 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 17 MULTIPLIER/DIVIDER (PD78F0514, 78F0515, AND 78F0515D ONLY) Only for the PD78F0514, 78F0515, and 78F0515D, the multiplier/divider is provided. <R> Caution Do not use serial interface IIC0 and the multiplier/divider simultaneously, because various flags corresponding to interrupt request sources are shared among serial interface IIC0 and the multiplier/divider. 17.1 Functions of Multiplier/Divider The multiplier/divider has the following functions. * 16 bits x 16 bits = 32 bits (multiplication) * 32 bits / 16 bits = 32 bits, 16-bit remainder (division) 17.2 Configuration of Multiplier/Divider The multiplier/divider includes the following hardware. Table 17-1. Configuration of Multiplier/Divider Item Registers Configuration Remainder data register 0 (SDR0) Multiplication/division data registers A0 (MDA0H, MDA0L) Multiplication/division data registers B0 (MDB0) Control register Multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0) Figure 17-1 shows the block diagram of the multiplier/divider. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 453 454 <R> Figure 17-1. Block Diagram of Multiplier/Divider Internal bus Multiplication/division data register B0 (MDB0 (MDB0H + MDB0L)) Remainder data register 0 (SDR0 (SDR0H + SDR0L)) Multiplication/division data register A0 (MDA0H (MDA0HH + MDA0HL) + MDA0L (MDA0LH + MDA0LL) ) DMUSEL0 DMUE Start MDA000 INTDMU Clear Controller Controller User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 17-bit adder Controller 6-bit counter fPRS CHAPTER 17 MULTIPLIER/DIVIDER (PD78F0514, 78F0515, AND 78F0515D ONLY) Multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0) CHAPTER 17 MULTIPLIER/DIVIDER (PD78F0514, 78F0515, AND 78F0515D ONLY) (1) Remainder data register 0 (SDR0) SDR0 is a 16-bit register that stores a remainder. This register stores 0 in the multiplication mode and the remainder of an operation result in the division mode. SDR0 can be read by an 8-bit or 16-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets SDR0 to 0000H. Figure 17-2. Format of Remainder Data Register 0 (SDR0) Address: FF60H, FF61H After reset: 0000H Symbol SDR0 R FF61H (SDR0H) FF60H (SDR0L) SDR SDR SDR SDR SDR SDR SDR SDR SDR SDR SDR SDR SDR SDR SDR SDR 015 014 013 012 011 010 009 008 007 006 005 004 003 002 001 000 Cautions 1. The value read from SDR0 during operation processing (while bit 7 (DMUE) of multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0) is 1) is not guaranteed. 2. SDR0 is reset when the operation is started (when DMUE is set to 1). (2) Multiplication/division data register A0 (MDA0H, MDA0L) MDA0 is a 32-bit register that sets a 16-bit multiplier A in the multiplication mode and a 32-bit dividend in the division mode, and stores the 32-bit result of the operation (higher 16 bits: MDA0H, lower 16 bits: MDA0L). Figure 17-3. Format of Multiplication/Division Data Register A0 (MDA0H, MDA0L) Address: FF62H, FF63H, FF64H, FF65H Symbol MDA0H R/W FF65H (MDA0HH) FF64H (MDA0HL) MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA 031 030 Symbol MDA0L After reset: 0000H, 0000H 029 028 027 026 025 024 023 022 FF63H (MDA0LH) 021 020 019 018 017 016 FF62H (MDA0LL) MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA MDA 015 014 013 012 011 010 009 008 007 006 005 004 003 002 001 000 Cautions 1. MDA0H is cleared to 0 when an operation is started in the multiplication mode (when multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0) is set to 81H). 2. Do not change the value of MDA0 during operation processing (while bit 7 (DMUE) of multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0) is 1). Even in this case, the operation is executed, but the result is undefined. 3. The value read from MDA0 during operation processing (while DMUE is 1) is not guaranteed. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 455 CHAPTER 17 MULTIPLIER/DIVIDER (PD78F0514, 78F0515, AND 78F0515D ONLY) The functions of MDA0 when an operation is executed are shown in the table below. Table 17-2. Functions of MDA0 During Operation Execution DMUSEL0 Remark Operation Mode Setting Operation Result 0 Division mode Dividend Division result (quotient) 1 Multiplication mode Higher 16 bits: 0, Lower 16 bits: Multiplier A Multiplication result (product) DMUSEL0: Bit 0 of multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0) The register configuration differs between when multiplication is executed and when division is executed, as follows. * Register configuration during multiplication <Multiplier A> <Multiplier B> <Product> MDA0 (bits 15 to 0) x MDB0 (bits 15 to 0) = MDA0 (bits 31 to 0) * Register configuration during division <Dividend> <Divisor> <Quotient> <Remainder> MDA0 (bits 31 to 0) / MDB0 (bits 15 to 0) = MDA0 (bits 31 to 0) ... SDR0 (bits 15 to 0) MDA0 fetches the calculation result as soon as the clock is input, when bit 7 (DMUE) of multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0) is set to 1. MDA0H and MDA0L can be set by an 8-bit or 16-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation clears MDA0H and MDA0L to 0000H. (3) Multiplication/division data register B0 (MDB0) MDB0 is a register that stores a 16-bit multiplier B in the multiplication mode and a 16-bit divisor in the division mode. MDB0 can be set by an 8-bit or 16-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets MDB0 to 0000H. Figure 17-4. Format of Multiplication/Division Data Register B0 (MDB0) Address: FF66H, FF67H After reset: 0000H Symbol MDB0 R/W FF67H (MDB0H) FF66H (MDB0L) MDB MDB MDB MDB MDB MDB MDB MDB MDB MDB MDB MDB MDB MDB MDB MDB 015 014 013 012 011 010 009 008 007 006 005 004 003 002 001 000 Cautions 1. Do not change the value of MDB0 during operation processing (while bit 7 (DMUE) of multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0) is 1). Even in this case, the operation is executed, but the result is undefined. 2. Do not clear MDB0 to 0000H in the division mode. If set, undefined operation results are stored in MDA0 and SDR0. 456 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 17 MULTIPLIER/DIVIDER (PD78F0514, 78F0515, AND 78F0515D ONLY) 17.3 Register Controlling Multiplier/Divider The multiplier/divider is controlled by multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0). (1) Multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0) DMUC0 is an 8-bit register that controls the operation of the multiplier/divider. DMUC0 can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets DMUC0 to 00H. Figure 17-5. Format of Multiplier/Divider Control Register 0 (DMUC0) Address: FF68H After reset: 00H R/W Symbol <7> 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DMUC0 DMUE 0 0 0 0 0 0 DMUSEL0 DMUENote Operation start/stop 0 Stops operation 1 Starts operation DMUSEL0 Operation mode (multiplication/division) selection 0 Division mode 1 Multiplication mode Note When DMUE is set to 1, the operation is started. DMUE is automatically cleared to 0 after the operation is complete. Cautions 1. If DMUE is cleared to 0 during operation processing (when DMUE is 1), the operation result is not guaranteed. If the operation is completed while the clearing instruction is being executed, the operation result is guaranteed, provided that the interrupt flag is set. 2. Do not change the value of DMUSEL0 during operation processing (while DMUE is 1). If it is changed, undefined operation results are stored in multiplication/division data register A0 (MDA0) and remainder data register 0 (SDR0). 3. If DMUE is cleared to 0 during operation processing (while DMUE is 1), the operation processing is stopped. To execute the operation again, set multiplication/division data register A0 (MDA0), multiplication/division data register B0 (MDB0), and multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0), and start the operation (by setting DMUE to 1). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 457 CHAPTER 17 MULTIPLIER/DIVIDER (PD78F0514, 78F0515, AND 78F0515D ONLY) 17.4 Operations of Multiplier/Divider 17.4.1 Multiplication operation * Initial setting 1. Set operation data to multiplication/division data register A0L (MDA0L) and multiplication/division data register B0 (MDB0). 2. Set bits 0 (DMUSEL0) and 7 (DMUE) of multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0) to 1. Operation will start. * During operation <R> 3. The operation will be completed when 16 peripheral hardware clocks (fPRS) have been issued after the start of the operation (intermediate data is stored in the MDA0L and MDA0H registers during operation, and therefore the read values of these registers are not guaranteed). * End of operation 4. The operation result data is stored in the MDA0L and MDA0H registers. 5. DMUE is cleared to 0 (end of operation). 6. After the operation, an interrupt request signal (INTDMU) is generated. * Next operation 7. To execute multiplication next, start from the initial setting in 17.4.1 Multiplication operation. 8. To execute division next, start from the initial setting in 17.4.2 Division operation. 458 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD <R> Figure 17-6. Timing Chart of Multiplication Operation (00DAH x 0093H) DMUE DMUSEL0 Internal clock User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 0 Counter XXXX SDR0 MDA0 XXXX XXXX MDB0 XXXX INTDMU XXXX 00DA 0093 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00DA 0000 0049 0024 005B 0077 003B 0067 007D 003E 001F 000F 0007 0003 0001 0000 0000 006D 8036 C01B E00D 7006 B803 5C01 2E00 9700 4B80 A5C0 D2E0 E970 F4B8 FA5C 7D2E 0 CHAPTER 17 MULTIPLIER/DIVIDER (PD78F0514, 78F0515, AND 78F0515D ONLY) fPRS 459 CHAPTER 17 MULTIPLIER/DIVIDER (PD78F0514, 78F0515, AND 78F0515D ONLY) 17.4.2 Division operation * Initial setting 1. Set operation data to multiplication/division data register A0 (MDA0L and MDA0H) and multiplication/division data register B0 (MDB0). 2. Set bits 0 (DMUSEL0) and 7 (DMUE) of multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0) to 0 and 1, respectively. Operation will start. * During operation <R> 3. The operation will be completed when 32 peripheral hardware clocks (fPRS) have been issued after the start of the operation (intermediate data is stored in the MDA0L and MDA0H registers and remainder data register 0 (SDR0) during operation, and therefore the read values of these registers are not guaranteed). * End of operation 4. The result data is stored in the MDA0L, MDA0H, and SDR0 registers. 5. DMUE is cleared to 0 (end of operation). 6. After the operation, an interrupt request signal (INTDMU) is generated. * Next operation 7. To execute multiplication next, start from the initial setting in 17.4.1 Multiplication operation. 8. To execute division next, start from the initial setting in 17.4.2 Division operation. 460 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD <R> Figure 17-7. Timing Chart of Division Operation (DCBA2586H / 0018H) DMUE DMUSEL0 "0" Internal clock User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 0 Counter XXXX SDR0 0000 MDA0 XXXX XXXX DCBA 2586 MDB0 XXXX 0018 INTDMU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 0001 0003 0006 000D 0003 0007 000E 0004 000B 0016 0014 0010 0008 0011 000B 0016 B974 4B0C 0C12 64D8 72E8 9618 E5D1 CBA2 2C30 5860 9744 B0C1 2E89 6182 5D12 C304 BA25 8609 1824 C9B0 3049 9361 6093 26C3 C126 4D87 824C 9B0E 0499 361D 0932 6C3A 0 CHAPTER 17 MULTIPLIER/DIVIDER (PD78F0514, 78F0515, AND 78F0515D ONLY) fPRS 461 CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS 18.1 Interrupt Function Types The following two types of interrupt functions are used. (1) Maskable interrupts These interrupts undergo mask control. Maskable interrupts can be divided into a high interrupt priority group and a low interrupt priority group by setting the priority specification flag registers (PR0L, PR0H, PR1L, PR1H). Multiple interrupt servicing can be applied to low-priority interrupts when high-priority interrupts are generated. If two or more interrupt requests, each having the same priority, are simultaneously generated, then they are processed according to the priority of vectored interrupt servicing. For the priority order, see Table 18-1. A standby release signal is generated and STOP and HALT modes are released. External interrupt requests and internal interrupt requests are provided as maskable interrupts. <R> * 38-pin and 44-pin products External: 7, Internal: 16 * 48-pin products External: 8, Internal: 16 (2) Software interrupt This is a vectored interrupt generated by executing the BRK instruction. It is acknowledged even when interrupts are disabled. The software interrupt does not undergo interrupt priority control. 18.2 Interrupt Sources and Configuration <R> The 78K0/KC2 products have a total of 24 interrupt sources in the 38-pin and 44-pin products, 25 interrupt sources in the 48-pin products, including maskable interrupts and software interrupts. In addition, they also have up to four reset sources (see Table 18-1). 462 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS Table 18-1. Interrupt Source List (1/2) Interrupt Type Default Interrupt Source Note 1 Priority Name Trigger Internal/ Vector Basic External Table Configuration Address Maskable Note 3 Type Note 2 0 INTLVI Low-voltage detection Internal 0004H (A) 1 INTP0 Pin input edge detection External 0006H (B) 2 INTP1 0008H 3 INTP2 000AH 4 INTP3 000CH 5 INTP4 000EH 6 INTP5 0010H 7 INTSRE6 UART6 reception error generation 8 INTSR6 End of UART6 reception 0014H 9 INTST6 End of UART6 transmission 0016H 10 INTCSI10/ End of CSI10 communication/end of UART0 0018H INTST0 transmission INTTMH1 Match between TMH1 and CMP01 11 Internal 0012H (A) 001AH (when compare register is specified) 12 INTTMH0 Match between TMH0 and CMP00 001CH (when compare register is specified) 13 Match between TM50 and CR50 INTTM50 001EH (when compare register is specified) 14 INTTM000 Match between TM00 and CR000 0020H (when compare register is specified), TI010 pin valid edge detection (when capture register is specified) 15 INTTM010 Match between TM00 and CR010 0022H (when compare register is specified), TI000 pin valid edge detection (when capture register is specified) 16 INTAD End of A/D conversion 0024H 17 INTSR0 End of UART0 reception or reception error 0026H generation 18 19 INTWTI INTTM51 Note 4 Watch timer reference time interval signal 0028H Match between TM51 and CR51 002AH (when compare register is specified) 20 INTKR Key interrupt detection External 002CH (C) 21 INTWT Watch timer overflow Internal 002EH (A) Pin input edge detection External 0030H (B) 22 Notes 1. INTP6 Note 5 The default priority determines the sequence of processing vectored interrupts if two or more maskable interrupts occur simultaneously. Zero indicates the highest priority and 23 indicates the lowest priority. <R> 2. Basic configuration types (A) to (D) correspond to (A) to (D) in Figure 18-1. 3. When bit 1 (LVIMD) of the low-voltage detection register (LVIM) is cleared to 0. 4. When 8-bit timer/event counter 51 is used in the carrier generator mode, an interrupt is generated upon 5. The interrupt source INTP6 is available only in the 48-pin products. the timing when the INTTM5H1 signal is generated (see Figure 8-13 Transfer Timing). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 463 CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS Table 18-1. Interrupt Source List (2/2) Interrupt Type Default Interrupt Source Note 1 Priority Name Trigger Internal/ Vector Basic External Table Configuration Address Maskable 23 INTIIC0/ End of IIC0 communication/end of Note 3 INTDMU multiply/divide operation Internal Type Note 2 0034H (A) Software - BRK BRK instruction execution - 003EH (D) Reset - RESET Reset input - 0000H - POC Power-on-clear LVI Low-voltage detection WDT WDT overflow Notes 1. Note 4 The default priority determines the sequence of processing vectored interrupts if two or more maskable interrupts occur simultaneously. Zero indicates the highest priority and 23 indicates the lowest priority. 2. Basic configuration types (A) to (D) correspond to (A) to (D) in Figure 18-1. 3. The interrupt source INTDMU is available only in the PD78F0514, 78F0515, and 78F0515D. 4. When bit 1 (LVIMD) of the low-voltage detection register (LVIM) is set to 1. Figure 18-1. Basic Configuration of Interrupt Function (1/2) (A) Internal maskable interrupt Internal bus MK Interrupt request IF IE PR ISP Priority controller Vector table address generator Standby release signal IF: 464 Interrupt request flag IE: Interrupt enable flag ISP: In-service priority flag MK: Interrupt mask flag PR: Priority specification flag User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS Figure 18-1. Basic Configuration of Interrupt Function (2/2) (B) External maskable interrupt (INTP0 to INTP6Note) Internal bus External interrupt edge enable register (EGP, EGN) Interrupt request Edge detector MK IE PR ISP Vector table address generator Priority controller IF Standby release signal <R> Note 38-pin and 44-pin products: INTP0 to INTP5 48-pin products INTP0 to INTP6 (C) External maskable interrupt (INTKR) Internal bus MK Interrupt request Key interrupt detector IF IE PR ISP Priority controller Vector table address generator 1 when KRMn = 1 (n = 0 to 3) Standby release signal (D) Software interrupt Internal bus Interrupt request IF: Interrupt request flag IE: Interrupt enable flag ISP: In-service priority flag MK: Interrupt mask flag PR: Priority specification flag Priority controller Vector table address generator KRM: Key return mode register User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 465 CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS 18.3 Registers Controlling Interrupt Functions The following 6 types of registers are used to control the interrupt functions. * Interrupt request flag register (IF0L, IF0H, IF1L, IF1H) * Interrupt mask flag register (MK0L, MK0H, MK1L, MK1H) * Priority specification flag register (PR0L, PR0H, PR1L, PR1H) * External interrupt rising edge enable register (EGP) * External interrupt falling edge enable register (EGN) * Program status word (PSW) Table 18-2 shows a list of interrupt request flags, interrupt mask flags, and priority specification flags corresponding to interrupt request sources. 466 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS Table 18-2. Flags Corresponding to Interrupt Request Sources Interrupt Interrupt Request Flag Source Interrupt Mask Flag Register IF0L Priority Specification Flag Register INTLVI LVIIF INTP0 PIF0 PMK0 PPR0 INTP1 PIF1 PMK1 PPR1 INTP2 PIF2 PMK2 PPR2 INTP3 PIF3 PMK3 PPR3 INTP4 PIF4 PMK4 PPR4 INTP5 PIF5 PMK5 PPR5 INTSRE6 SREIF6 SREMK6 SREPR6 INTSR6 SRIF6 INTST6 STIF6 INTCSI10 IF0H LVIMK MK0L Register SRMK6 MK0H STMK6 LVIPR PR0L SRPR6 PR0H STPR6 CSIIF10 DUALIF0 CSIMK10 DUALMK0 CSIPR10 DUALPR0 Note 1 Note 1 Note 2 Note 2 Note 3 Note 3 STIF0 STMK0 STPR0 Note 1 Note 2 Note 3 INTTMH1 TMIFH1 TMMKH1 TMPRH1 INTTMH0 TMIFH0 TMMKH0 TMPRH0 INTTM50 TMIF50 TMMK50 TMPR50 INTTM000 TMIF000 TMMK000 TMPR000 INTST0 INTTM010 TMIF010 INTAD ADIF INTSR0 SRIF0 SRMK0 SRPR0 WTIIF WTIMK WTIPR TMIF51 TMMK51 TMPR51 INTKR KRIF KRMK KRPR INTWT WTIF WTMK WTPR INTWTI INTTM51 INTP6 Note 4 Note 5 INTIIC0 PIF6 Note 6 INTDMU Notes 1. Note 5 IICIF0 Notes 6, 7 TMMK010 IF1L Note 8 Notes 7, 8 DMUIF ADMK PMK6 IF1H TMPR010 MK1L Note 5 IICMK0 Note 9 DMUMK ADPR PPR6 MK1H Notes 7, 9 PR1L Note 5 IICPR0 Note 10 PR1H Notes 7, 10 DMUPR If either interrupt source INTCSI10 or INTST0 is generated, bit 2 of IF0H is set (1). <R> 2. <R> 3. Bit 2 of PR0H supports both interrupt sources INTCSI10 and INTST0. <R> 4. When 8-bit timer/event counter 51 is used in the carrier generator mode, an interrupt is generated upon Bit 2 of MK0H supports both interrupt sources INTCSI10 and INTST0. the timing when the INTTM5H1 signal is generated (see Figure 8-13 Transfer Timing). <R> 5. 48-pin products only. 6. Do not use serial interface IIC0 and the multiplier/divider simultaneously, because various flags corresponding to interrupt request sources are shared among serial interface IIC0 and the multiplier/divider. When developing software which uses serial interface IIC0, by using the CC78K0 C compiler, do not select the "Use Multiplication and Division Code" check box on the PM+ GUI. 7. PD78F0514, 78F0515, and 78F0515D only. <R> 8. If either interrupt source INTIIC0 or INTDMU is generated, bit 0 of IF1H is set (1). <R> 9. Bit 0 of MK1H supports both interrupt sources INTIIC0 and INTDMU. <R> 10. Bit 0 of PR1H supports both interrupt sources INTIIC0 and INTDMU. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 467 CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS (1) Interrupt request flag registers (IF0L, IF0H, IF1L, IF1H) The interrupt request flags are set to 1 when the corresponding interrupt request is generated or an instruction is executed. They are cleared to 0 when an instruction is executed upon acknowledgment of an interrupt request or upon reset signal generation. When an interrupt is acknowledged, the interrupt request flag is automatically cleared and then the interrupt routine is entered. IF0L, IF0H, IF1L, and IF1H are set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. When IF0L and IF0H, and IF1L and IF1H are combined to form 16-bit registers IF0 and IF1, they are set by a 16-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets these registers to 00H. Figure 18-2. Format of Interrupt Request Flag Registers (IF0L, IF0H, IF1L, IF1H) Address: FFE0H After reset: 00H R/W Symbol IF0L <7> <6> <5> <4> <3> <2> <1> <0> SREIF6 PIF5 PIF4 PIF3 PIF2 PIF1 PIF0 LVIIF Address: FFE1H Symbol IF0H After reset: 00H R/W <7> <6> <5> <4> <3> <2> <1> <0> TMIF010 TMIF000 TMIF50 TMIFH0 TMIFH1 DUALIF0 STIF6 SRIF6 CSIIF10 STIF0 Address: FFE2H Symbol After reset: 00H 7 IF1L 0 Address: FFE3H R/W <6> PIF6 Note 1 After reset: 00H <5> <4> <3> <2> <1> <0> WTIF KRIF TMIF51 WTIIF SRIF0 ADIF <0> R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 IF1H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IICIF0 DMUIF XXIFX Note 2 Interrupt request flag 0 No interrupt request signal is generated 1 Interrupt request is generated, interrupt request status Notes 1. 48-pin products only. 2. PD78F0514, 78F0515, and 78F0515D only. <R> Cautions 1. Be sure to clear bits 6 and 7 of IF1L to 0 in the 38-pin and 44-pin products. Be sure to clear bit 7 of IF1L to 0 in the 48-pin products. 2. Be sure to clear bits 1 to 7 of IF1H to 0. 3. When operating a timer, serial interface, or A/D converter after standby release, operate it once after clearing the interrupt request flag. An interrupt request flag may be set by noise. 468 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS Caution 4. When manipulating a flag of the interrupt request flag register, use a 1-bit memory manipulation instruction (CLR1). When describing in C language, use a bit manipulation instruction such as "IF0L.0 = 0;" or "_asm("clr1 IF0L, 0");" because the compiled assembler must be a 1-bit memory manipulation instruction (CLR1). If a program is described in C language using an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction such as "IF0L &= 0xfe;" and compiled, it becomes the assembler of three instructions. mov a, IF0L and a, #0FEH mov IF0L, a In this case, even if the request flag of another bit of the same interrupt request flag register (IF0L) is set to 1 at the timing between "mov a, IF0L" and "mov IF0L, a", the flag is cleared to 0 at "mov IF0L, a". Therefore, care must be exercised when using an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction in C language. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 469 CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS (2) Interrupt mask flag registers (MK0L, MK0H, MK1L, MK1H) The interrupt mask flags are used to enable/disable the corresponding maskable interrupt servicing. MK0L, MK0H, MK1L, and MK1H are set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. When MK0L and MK0H, and MK1L and MK1H are combined to form 16-bit registers MK0 and MK1, they are set by a 16-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets these registers to FFH. Figure 18-3. Format of Interrupt Mask Flag Registers (MK0L, MK0H, MK1L, MK1H) Address: FFE4H Symbol MK0L After reset: FFH R/W <7> <6> <5> <4> <3> <2> <1> <0> SREMK6 PMK5 PMK4 PMK3 PMK2 PMK1 PMK0 LVIMK Address: FFE5H After reset: FFH R/W Symbol <7> <6> <5> <4> <3> <2> <1> <0> MK0H TMMK010 TMMK000 TMMK50 TMMKH0 TMMKH1 DUALMK0 STMK6 SRMK6 CSIMK0 STMK0 Address: FFE6H Symbol After reset: FFH 7 MK1L 1 Address: FFE7H R/W <6> PMK6 Note 1 After reset: FFH <5> <4> <3> <2> <1> <0> WTMK KRMK TMMK51 WTIMK SRMK0 ADMK <0> R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 MK1H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IICMK0 DMUMK XXMKX Interrupt servicing control 0 Interrupt servicing enabled 1 Interrupt servicing disabled Notes 1. 48-pin products only. 2. PD78F0514, 78F0515, and 78F0515D only. <R> Cautions 1. Be sure to set bits 6 and 7 of MK1L to 1 in the 38-pin and 44-pin products. Be sure to set bit 7 of MK1L to 1 in the 48-pin products. 2. Be sure to set bits 1 to 7 of MK1H to 1. 470 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Note 2 CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS (3) Priority specification flag registers (PR0L, PR0H, PR1L, PR1H) The priority specification flag registers are used to set the corresponding maskable interrupt priority order. PR0L, PR0H, PR1L, and PR1H are set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. If PR0L and PR0H, and PR1L and PR1H are combined to form 16-bit registers PR0 and PR1, they are set by a 16-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets these registers to FFH. Figure 18-4. Format of Priority Specification Flag Registers (PR0L, PR0H, PR1L, PR1H) Address: FFE8H Symbol PR0L R/W <7> <6> <5> <4> <3> <2> <1> <0> SREPR6 PPR5 PPR4 PPR3 PPR2 PPR1 PPR0 LVIPR Address: FFE9H Symbol PR0H After reset: FFH After reset: FFH R/W <7> <6> <5> <4> <3> <2> <1> <0> TMPR010 TMPR000 TMPR50 TMPRH0 TMPRH1 DUALPR0 STPR6 SRPR6 CSIPR10 STPR0 Address: FFEAH Symbol After reset: FFH 7 PR1L 1 Address: FFEBH R/W <6> PPR6 Note 1 After reset: FFH <5> <4> <3> <2> <1> <0> WTPR KRPR TMPR51 WTIPR SRPR0 ADPR <0> R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PR1H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IICPR0 Note 2 DMUPR XXPRX Priority level selection 0 High priority level 1 Low priority level Notes 1. 48-pin products only. 2. PD78F0514, 78F0515, and 78F0515D only. <R> Cautions 1. Be sure to set bits 6 and 7 of PR1L to 1 in the 38-pin and 44-pin products. Be sure to set bit 7 of PR1L to 1 in the 48-pin products. 2. Be sure to set bits 1 to 7 of PR1H to 1. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 471 CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS (4) External interrupt rising edge enable register (EGP), external interrupt falling edge enable register (EGN) These registers specify the valid edge for INTP0 to INTP6. EGP and EGN are set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets these registers to 00H. Figure 18-5. Format of External Interrupt Rising Edge Enable Register (EGP) and External Interrupt Falling Edge Enable Register (EGN) Address: FF48H After reset: 00H Symbol 7 EGP 6 0 EGP6 Note Address: FF49H After reset: 00H Symbol 7 EGN R/W 5 4 3 2 1 0 EGP5 EGP4 EGP3 EGP2 EGP1 EGP0 5 4 3 2 1 0 EGN5 EGN4 EGN3 EGN2 EGN1 EGN0 R/W 6 0 EGN6 Note EGPn EGNn INTPn pin valid edge selection (n = 0 to 6) 0 0 Edge detection disabled 0 1 Falling edge 1 0 Rising edge 1 1 Both rising and falling edges Note 48-pin products only. <R> Caution Be sure to clear bits 6 and 7 of EGP and EGN to 0 in the 38-pin and 44-pin products. Be sure to clear bit 7 of EGP and EGN to 0 in the 48-pin products. Table 18-3 shows the ports corresponding to EGPn and EGNn. Table 18-3. Ports Corresponding to EGPn and EGNn Detection Enable Register Edge Detection Port Interrupt Request Signal EGP0 EGN0 P120 INTP0 EGP1 EGN1 P30 INTP1 EGP2 EGN2 P31 INTP2 EGP3 EGN3 P32 INTP3 EGP4 EGN4 P33 INTP4 EGP5 EGN5 P16 EGP6 Note EGN6 Note P140 INTP5 Note INTP6 Note Note 48-pin products only. Caution Select the port mode by clearing EGPn and EGNn to 0 because an edge may be detected when the external interrupt function is switched to the port function. Remark 38-pin and 44-pin products: n = 0 to 5 48-pin products: 472 n = 0 to 6 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS (5) Program status word (PSW) The program status word is a register used to hold the instruction execution result and the current status for an interrupt request. The IE flag that sets maskable interrupt enable/disable and the ISP flag that controls multiple interrupt servicing are mapped to the PSW. Besides 8-bit read/write, this register can carry out operations using bit manipulation instructions and dedicated instructions (EI and DI). When a vectored interrupt request is acknowledged, if the BRK instruction is executed, the contents of the PSW are automatically saved into a stack and the IE flag is reset to 0. If a maskable interrupt request is acknowledged, the contents of the priority specification flag of the acknowledged interrupt are transferred to the ISP flag. The PSW contents are also saved into the stack with the PUSH PSW instruction. They are restored from the stack with the RETI, RETB, and POP PSW instructions. Reset signal generation sets PSW to 02H. Figure 18-6. Format of Program Status Word PSW <7> <6> <5> <4> <3> 2 <1> 0 After reset IE Z RBS1 AC RBS0 0 ISP CY 02H Used when normal instruction is executed ISP Priority of interrupt currently being serviced 0 High-priority interrupt servicing (low-priority interrupt disabled) 1 Interrupt request not acknowledged, or lowpriority interrupt servicing (all maskable interrupts enabled) IE Interrupt request acknowledgment enable/disable 0 Disabled 1 Enabled User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 473 CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS 18.4 Interrupt Servicing Operations 18.4.1 Maskable interrupt acknowledgment A maskable interrupt becomes acknowledgeable when the interrupt request flag is set to 1 and the mask (MK) flag corresponding to that interrupt request is cleared to 0. A vectored interrupt request is acknowledged if interrupts are in the interrupt enabled state (when the IE flag is set to 1). However, a low-priority interrupt request is not acknowledged during servicing of a higher priority interrupt request (when the ISP flag is reset to 0). The times from generation of a maskable interrupt request until vectored interrupt servicing is performed are listed in Table 18-4 below. For the interrupt request acknowledgment timing, see Figures 18-8 and 18-9. Table 18-4. Time from Generation of Maskable Interrupt Until Servicing Note Minimum Time Maximum Time When xxPR = 0 7 clocks 32 clocks When xxPR = 1 8 clocks 33 clocks Note If an interrupt request is generated just before a divide instruction, the wait time becomes longer. Remark 1 clock: 1/fCPU (fCPU: CPU clock) If two or more maskable interrupt requests are generated simultaneously, the request with a higher priority level specified in the priority specification flag is acknowledged first. If two or more interrupts requests have the same priority level, the request with the highest default priority is acknowledged first. An interrupt request that is held pending is acknowledged when it becomes acknowledgeable. Figure 18-7 shows the interrupt request acknowledgment algorithm. If a maskable interrupt request is acknowledged, the contents are saved into the stacks in the order of PSW, then PC, the IE flag is reset (0), and the contents of the priority specification flag corresponding to the acknowledged interrupt are transferred to the ISP flag. The vector table data determined for each interrupt request is the loaded into the PC and branched. Restoring from an interrupt is possible by using the RETI instruction. 474 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS Figure 18-7. Interrupt Request Acknowledgment Processing Algorithm Start No xxIF = 1? Yes (interrupt request generation) No xxMK = 0? Yes Interrupt request held pending Yes (High priority) xxPR = 0? No (Low priority) Yes Any high-priority interrupt request among those simultaneously generated with xxPR = 0? Interrupt request held pending Any high-priority interrupt request among those simultaneously generated with xxPR = 0? No No No IE = 1? Yes Interrupt request held pending Interrupt request held pending Any high-priority interrupt request among those simultaneously generated? No IE = 1? Vectored interrupt servicing Yes ISP = 1? Yes Yes Yes Interrupt request held pending No Interrupt request held pending No Interrupt request held pending Vectored interrupt servicing xxIF: Interrupt request flag xxMK: Interrupt mask flag xxPR: Priority specification flag IE: Flag that controls acknowledgment of maskable interrupt request (1 = Enable, 0 = Disable) ISP: Flag that indicates the priority level of the interrupt currently being serviced (0 = high-priority interrupt servicing, 1 = No interrupt request acknowledged, or low-priority interrupt servicing) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 475 CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS Figure 18-8. Interrupt Request Acknowledgment Timing (Minimum Time) 6 clocks CPU processing Instruction PSW and PC saved, jump to interrupt servicing Instruction Interrupt servicing program xxIF (xxPR = 1) 8 clocks xxIF (xxPR = 0) 7 clocks Remark 1 clock: 1/fCPU (fCPU: CPU clock) Figure 18-9. Interrupt Request Acknowledgment Timing (Maximum Time) CPU processing Instruction 25 clocks 6 clocks Divide instruction PSW and PC saved, jump to interrupt servicing Interrupt servicing program xxIF (xxPR = 1) 33 clocks xxIF (xxPR = 0) 32 clocks Remark 1 clock: 1/fCPU (fCPU: CPU clock) 18.4.2 Software interrupt request acknowledgment A software interrupt request is acknowledged by BRK instruction execution. Software interrupts cannot be disabled. If a software interrupt request is acknowledged, the contents are saved into the stacks in the order of the program status word (PSW), then program counter (PC), the IE flag is reset (0), and the contents of the vector table (003EH, 003FH) are loaded into the PC and branched. Restoring from a software interrupt is possible by using the RETB instruction. Caution Do not use the RETI instruction for restoring from the software interrupt. 476 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS 18.4.3 Multiple interrupt servicing Multiple interrupt servicing occurs when another interrupt request is acknowledged during execution of an interrupt. Multiple interrupt servicing does not occur unless the interrupt request acknowledgment enabled state is selected (IE = 1). When an interrupt request is acknowledged, interrupt request acknowledgment becomes disabled (IE = 0). Therefore, to enable multiple interrupt servicing, it is necessary to set (1) the IE flag with the EI instruction during interrupt servicing to enable interrupt acknowledgment. Moreover, even if interrupts are enabled, multiple interrupt servicing may not be enabled, this being subject to interrupt priority control. Two types of priority control are available: default priority control and programmable priority control. Programmable priority control is used for multiple interrupt servicing. In the interrupt enabled state, if an interrupt request with a priority equal to or higher than that of the interrupt currently being serviced is generated, it is acknowledged for multiple interrupt servicing. If an interrupt with a priority lower than that of the interrupt currently being serviced is generated during interrupt servicing, it is not acknowledged for multiple interrupt servicing. Interrupt requests that are not enabled because interrupts are in the interrupt disabled state or because they have a lower priority are held pending. When servicing of the current interrupt ends, the pending interrupt request is acknowledged following execution of at least one main processing instruction execution. Table 18-5 shows relationship between interrupt requests enabled for multiple interrupt servicing and Figure 18-10 shows multiple interrupt servicing examples. Table 18-5. Relationship Between Interrupt Requests Enabled for Multiple Interrupt Servicing During Interrupt Servicing Multiple Interrupt Request PR = 0 IE = 1 IE = 0 IE = 1 IE = 0 ISP = 0 { x x x { ISP = 1 { x { x { { x { x { Software interrupt Remarks 1. Interrupt PR = 1 Request Interrupt Being Serviced Maskable interrupt Software Maskable Interrupt Request : Multiple interrupt servicing enabled 2. x: Multiple interrupt servicing disabled 3. ISP and IE are flags contained in the PSW. ISP = 0: An interrupt with higher priority is being serviced. ISP = 1: No interrupt request has been acknowledged, or an interrupt with a lower priority is being serviced. IE = 0: Interrupt request acknowledgment is disabled. IE = 1: Interrupt request acknowledgment is enabled. 4. PR is a flag contained in PR0L, PR0H, PR1L, and PR1H. PR = 0: Higher priority level PR = 1: Lower priority level User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 477 CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS Figure 18-10. Examples of Multiple Interrupt Servicing (1/2) Example 1. Multiple interrupt servicing occurs twice Main processing INTxx servicing INTyy servicing IE = 0 EI IE = 0 IE = 0 EI INTxx (PR = 1) INTzz servicing EI INTyy (PR = 0) INTzz (PR = 0) RETI IE = 1 RETI IE = 1 RETI IE = 1 During servicing of interrupt INTxx, two interrupt requests, INTyy and INTzz, are acknowledged, and multiple interrupt servicing takes place. Before each interrupt request is acknowledged, the EI instruction must always be issued to enable interrupt request acknowledgment. Example 2. Multiple interrupt servicing does not occur due to priority control Main processing INTxx servicing INTyy servicing IE = 0 EI EI INTxx (PR = 0) INTyy (PR = 1) RETI IE = 1 1 instruction execution IE = 0 RETI IE = 1 Interrupt request INTyy issued during servicing of interrupt INTxx is not acknowledged because its priority is lower than that of INTxx, and multiple interrupt servicing does not take place. The INTyy interrupt request is held pending, and is acknowledged following execution of one main processing instruction. PR = 0: Higher priority level PR = 1: Lower priority level IE = 0: 478 Interrupt request acknowledgment disabled User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS Figure 18-10. Examples of Multiple Interrupt Servicing (2/2) Example 3. Multiple interrupt servicing does not occur because interrupts are not enabled Main processing INTxx servicing INTyy servicing IE = 0 EI INTyy (PR = 0) INTxx (PR = 0) RETI IE = 1 1 instruction execution IE = 0 RETI IE = 1 Interrupts are not enabled during servicing of interrupt INTxx (EI instruction is not issued), therefore, interrupt request INTyy is not acknowledged and multiple interrupt servicing does not take place. The INTyy interrupt request is held pending, and is acknowledged following execution of one main processing instruction. PR = 0: Higher priority level IE = 0: Interrupt request acknowledgment disabled User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 479 CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS 18.4.4 Interrupt request hold There are instructions where, even if an interrupt request is issued for them while another instruction is being executed, request acknowledgment is held pending until the end of execution of the next instruction. These instructions (interrupt request hold instructions) are listed below. * MOV PSW, #byte * MOV A, PSW * MOV PSW, A * MOV1 PSW. bit, CY * MOV1 CY, PSW. bit * AND1 CY, PSW. bit * OR1 CY, PSW. bit * XOR1 CY, PSW. bit * SET1 PSW. bit * CLR1 PSW. bit * RETB * RETI * PUSH PSW * POP PSW * BT PSW. bit, $addr16 * BF PSW. bit, $addr16 * BTCLR PSW. bit, $addr16 * EI * DI * Manipulation instructions for the IF0L, IF0H, IF1L, IF1H, MK0L, MK0H, MK1L, MK1H, PR0L, PR0H, PR1L, and PR1H registers. Caution The BRK instruction is not one of the above-listed interrupt request hold instructions. However, the software interrupt activated by executing the BRK instruction causes the IE flag to be cleared. Therefore, even if a maskable interrupt request is generated during execution of the BRK instruction, the interrupt request is not acknowledged. Figure 18-11 shows the timing at which interrupt requests are held pending. Figure 18-11. Interrupt Request Hold CPU processing Instruction N Instruction M PSW and PC saved, jump to interrupt servicing Interrupt servicing program xxIF Remarks 1. Instruction N: Interrupt request hold instruction 2. Instruction M: Instruction other than interrupt request hold instruction 3. The xxPR (priority level) values do not affect the operation of xxIF (interrupt request). 480 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 19 KEY INTERRUPT FUNCTION 19.1 Functions of Key Interrupt A key interrupt (INTKR) can be generated by setting the key return mode register (KRM) and inputting a falling edge to the key interrupt input pins (KR0 to KR3Note). <R> Note 38-pin products: KR0, KR1 44-pin and 48-pin products: KR0 to KR3 Table 19-1. Assignment of Key Interrupt Detection Pins Flag Description KRM0 Controls KR0 signal in 1-bit units. KRM1 Controls KR1 signal in 1-bit units. KRM2 Controls KR2 signal in 1-bit units. KRM3 Controls KR3 signal in 1-bit units. 19.2 Configuration of Key Interrupt The key interrupt includes the following hardware. Table 19-2. Configuration of Key Interrupt Item Configuration Control register Key return mode register (KRM) Figure 19-1. Block Diagram of Key Interrupt KR3Note KR2Note INTKR KR1 KR0 0 0 0 0 KRM3 KRM2 KRM1 KRM0 Key return mode register (KRM) <R> Note 44-pin and 48-pin products only User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 481 CHAPTER 19 KEY INTERRUPT FUNCTION 19.3 Register Controlling Key Interrupt (1) Key return mode register (KRM) This register controls the KRM0 to KRM3 bits using the KR0 to KR3 signals, respectively. KRM is set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets KRM to 00H. Figure 19-2. Format of Key Return Mode Register (KRM) Address: FF6EH R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 KRM 0 0 0 0 KRM3 KRM2 KRMn <R> After reset: 00H 0 KRM1 KRM0 Key interrupt mode control 0 Does not detect key interrupt signal 1 Detects key interrupt signal Cautions 1. For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 2 and 3 of KRM, PM7, and P7 to "0". 2. If any of the KRM0 to KRM3 bits used is set to 1, set bits 0 to 3 (PU70 to PU73) of the corresponding pull-up resistor register 7 (PU7) to 1. 3. If KRM is changed, the interrupt request flag may be set. Therefore, disable interrupts and then change the KRM register. Clear the interrupt request flag and enable interrupts. 4. The bits not used in the key interrupt mode can be used as normal ports. 482 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION 20.1 Standby Function and Configuration 20.1.1 Standby function The standby function is designed to reduce the operating current of the system. The following two modes are available. (1) HALT mode HALT instruction execution sets the HALT mode. In the HALT mode, the CPU operation clock is stopped. If the high-speed system clock oscillator, internal high-speed oscillator, internal low-speed oscillator, or subsystem clock oscillator is operating before the HALT mode is set, oscillation of each clock continues. In this mode, the operating current is not decreased as much as in the STOP mode, but the HALT mode is effective for restarting operation immediately upon interrupt request generation and carrying out intermittent operations frequently. (2) STOP mode STOP instruction execution sets the STOP mode. In the STOP mode, the high-speed system clock oscillator and internal high-speed oscillator stop, stopping the whole system, thereby considerably reducing the CPU operating current. Because this mode can be cleared by an interrupt request, it enables intermittent operations to be carried out. However, because a wait time is required to secure the oscillation stabilization time after the STOP mode is released when the X1 clock is selected, select the HALT mode if it is necessary to start processing immediately upon interrupt request generation. In either of these two modes, all the contents of registers, flags and data memory just before the standby mode is set are held. The I/O port output latches and output buffer statuses are also held. Cautions 1. The STOP mode can be used only when the CPU is operating on the main system clock. The subsystem clock oscillation cannot be stopped. The HALT mode can be used when the CPU is operating on either the main system clock or the subsystem clock. 2. When shifting to the STOP mode, be sure to stop the peripheral hardware operation operating with main system clock before executing STOP instruction. 3. The following sequence is recommended for operating current reduction of the A/D converter when the standby function is used: First clear bit 7 (ADCS) and bit 0 (ADCE) of the A/D converter mode register (ADM) to 0 to stop the A/D conversion operation, and then execute the STOP instruction. 20.1.2 Registers controlling standby function The standby function is controlled by the following two registers. * Oscillation stabilization time counter status register (OSTC) * Oscillation stabilization time select register (OSTS) Remark For the registers that start, stop, or select the clock, see CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 483 CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION (1) Oscillation stabilization time counter status register (OSTC) This is the register that indicates the count status of the X1 clock oscillation stabilization time counter. When X1 clock oscillation starts with the internal high-speed oscillation clock or subsystem clock used as the CPU clock, the X1 clock oscillation stabilization time can be checked. OSTC can be read by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. When reset is released (reset by RESET input, POC, LVI, and WDT), the STOP instruction and MSTOP (bit 7 of MOC register) = 1 clear OSTC to 00H. Figure 20-1. Format of Oscillation Stabilization Time Counter Status Register (OSTC) Address: FFA3H After reset: 00H R Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OSTC 0 0 0 MOST11 MOST13 MOST14 MOST15 MOST16 MOST11 MOST13 MOST14 MOST15 MOST16 Oscillation stabilization time status fX = 10 MHz 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 fX = 20 MHz 11 204.8 s min. 102.4 s min. 13 819.2 s min. 409.6 s min. 14 1.64 ms min. 819.2 s min. 15 3.27 ms min. 1.64 ms min. 16 6.55 ms min. 3.27 ms min. 2 /fX min. 2 /fX min. 2 /fX min. 1 1 1 1 0 2 /fX min. 1 1 1 1 1 2 /fX min. Cautions 1. After the above time has elapsed, the bits are set to 1 in order from MOST11 and remain 1. 2. The oscillation stabilization time counter counts up to the oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS. If the STOP mode is entered and then released while the internal high-speed oscillation clock is being used as the CPU clock, set the oscillation stabilization time as follows. * Desired OSTC oscillation stabilization time Oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS Note, therefore, that only the status up to the oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS is set to OSTC after STOP mode is released. 3. The X1 clock oscillation stabilization wait time does not include the time until clock oscillation starts ("a" below). STOP mode release X1 pin voltage waveform a Remark 484 fX: X1 clock oscillation frequency User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION (2) Oscillation stabilization time select register (OSTS) This register is used to select the X1 clock oscillation stabilization wait time when the STOP mode is released. When the X1 clock is selected as the CPU clock, the operation waits for the time set using OSTS after the STOP mode is released. When the internal high-speed oscillation clock is selected as the CPU clock, confirm with OSTC that the desired oscillation stabilization time has elapsed after the STOP mode is released. The oscillation stabilization time can be checked up to the time set using OSTC. OSTS can be set by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets OSTS to 05H. Figure 20-2. Format of Oscillation Stabilization Time Select Register (OSTS) Address: FFA4H After reset: 05H R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OSTS 0 0 0 0 0 OSTS2 OSTS1 OSTS0 OSTS2 OSTS1 OSTS0 Oscillation stabilization time selection fX = 10 MHz 0 0 0 1 1 204.8 s 102.4 s 13 819.2 s 409.6 s 14 1.64 ms 819.2 s 15 3.27 ms 1.64 ms 16 6.55 ms 3.27 ms 2 /fX 0 2 /fX 0 1 1 2 /fX 1 0 0 2 /fX 1 0 1 2 /fX Other than above fX = 20 MHz 11 Setting prohibited Cautions 1. To set the STOP mode when the X1 clock is used as the CPU clock, set OSTS before executing the STOP instruction. 2. Do not change the value of the OSTS register during the X1 clock oscillation stabilization time. 3. The oscillation stabilization time counter counts up to the oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS. If the STOP mode is entered and then released while the internal high-speed oscillation clock is being used as the CPU clock, set the oscillation stabilization time as follows. * Desired OSTC oscillation stabilization time Oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS Note, therefore, that only the status up to the oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS is set to OSTC after STOP mode is released. 4. The X1 clock oscillation stabilization wait time does not include the time until clock oscillation starts ("a" below). STOP mode release X1 pin voltage waveform a Remark fX: X1 clock oscillation frequency User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 485 CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION 20.2 Standby Function Operation 20.2.1 HALT mode (1) HALT mode The HALT mode is set by executing the HALT instruction. HALT mode can be set regardless of whether the CPU clock before the setting was the high-speed system clock, internal high-speed oscillation clock, or subsystem clock. The operating statuses in the HALT mode are shown below. 486 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION Table 20-1. Operating Statuses in HALT Mode (1/2) HALT Mode Setting When HALT Instruction Is Executed While CPU Is Operating on Main System Clock When CPU Is Operating on Internal High-Speed Oscillation Clock (fRH) Item System clock When CPU Is Operating on X1 Clock (fX) When CPU Is Operating on External Main System Clock (fEXCLK) Clock supply to the CPU is stopped Main system clock Subsystem clock fRH Operation continues (cannot be stopped) Status before HALT mode was set is continued fX Status before HALT mode was set is continued Operation continues (cannot be stopped) fEXCLK Operates or stops by external clock input fXT Status before HALT mode was set is continued fEXCLKS Operates or stops by external clock input fRL Status before HALT mode was set is retained Operation continues (cannot be stopped) Status before HALT mode was set is continued Operation stopped CPU Flash memory Status before HALT mode was set is retained RAM Port (latch) 16-bit timer/event counter 00 8-bit timer/event counter 51 8-bit timer H0 Operable 50 H1 Watch timer Watchdog timer Clock output Operable. Clock supply to watchdog timer stops when "internal low-speed oscillator can be stopped by software" is set by option byte. Note 1 Operable A/D converter Serial interface UART0 UART6 CSI10 IIC0 Note 2 Multiplier/divider Power-on-clear function Low-voltage detection function External interrupt Notes 1. 48-pin products only. 2. PD78F0514, 78F0515, and 78F0515D only. Remark fRH: fX: Internal high-speed oscillation clock X1 clock fEXCLK: External main system clock fXT: XT1 clock fEXCLKS: External subsystem clock fRL: Internal low-speed oscillation clock User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 487 CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION Table 20-1. Operating Statuses in HALT Mode (2/2) HALT Mode Setting When HALT Instruction Is Executed While CPU Is Operating on Subsystem Clock When CPU Is Operating on XT1 Clock (fXT) When CPU Is Operating on External Subsystem Clock (fEXCLKS) Item System clock Clock supply to the CPU is stopped Main system clock fRH Status before HALT mode was set is continued fX Subsystem clock fEXCLK Operates or stops by external clock input fXT Operation continues (cannot be stopped) Status before HALT mode was set is continued fEXCLKS Operates or stops by external clock input Operation continues (cannot be stopped) fRL Status before HALT mode was set is continued CPU Operation stopped Flash memory Status before HALT mode was set is retained RAM Port (latch) Note 1 16-bit timer/event counter 00 Operable Note 1 8-bit timer/event 50 counter 51 8-bit timer H0 Note 1 H1 Watch timer Watchdog timer Operable. Clock supply to watchdog timer stops when "internal low-speed oscillator can be stopped by software" is set by option byte. Clock output Note 2 Operable A/D converter Operable. However, operation disabled when peripheral hardware clock (fPRS) is stopped. Serial interface UART0 Operable UART6 CSI10 IIC0 Note 1 Note 1 Note 3 Multiplier/divider Power-on-clear function Low-voltage detection function External interrupt Notes 1. When the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the internal high-speed oscillation clock has been stopped, do not start operation of these functions on the external clock input from peripheral hardware pins. 2. 48-pin products only. 3. PD78F0514, 78F0515, and 78F0515D only. Remark fRH: Internal high-speed oscillation clock fX: X1 clock fEXCLK: External main system clock fXT: XT1 clock fEXCLKS: External subsystem clock fRL: 488 Internal low-speed oscillation clock User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION (2) HALT mode release The HALT mode can be released by the following two sources. (a) Release by unmasked interrupt request When an unmasked interrupt request is generated, the HALT mode is released. If interrupt acknowledgment is enabled, vectored interrupt servicing is carried out. If interrupt acknowledgment is disabled, the next address instruction is executed. Figure 20-3. HALT Mode Release by Interrupt Request Generation HALT instruction Interrupt request Standby release signal Status of CPU Normal operation WaitNote HALT mode Normal operation Oscillation High-speed system clock, internal high-speed oscillation clock, or subsystem clock Note The wait time is as follows: * When vectored interrupt servicing is carried out: 8 or 9 clocks * When vectored interrupt servicing is not carried out: 2 or 3 clocks Remark The broken line indicates the case when the interrupt request which has released the standby mode is acknowledged. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 489 CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION (b) Release by reset signal generation When the reset signal is generated, HALT mode is released, and then, as in the case with a normal reset operation, the program is executed after branching to the reset vector address. Figure 20-4. HALT Mode Release by Reset (1) When high-speed system clock is used as CPU clock HALT instruction Reset signal Status of CPU High-speed system clock (X1 oscillation) Normal operation (high-speed system clock) HALT mode Reset Reset processing period (11 to 45 s) Normal operation (internal high-speed oscillation clock) Oscillation Oscillation stopped stopped Oscillates Oscillates Oscillation stabilization time (211/fX to 216/fX) Starting X1 oscillation is specified by software. (2) When internal high-speed oscillation clock is used as CPU clock HALT instruction Reset signal Normal operation (internal high-speed oscillation clock) Status of CPU Internal high-speed oscillation clock HALT mode Oscillates Reset Reset processing period (11 to 45 s) Oscillation stopped Normal operation (internal high-speed oscillation clock) Oscillates Wait for oscillation accuracy stabilization (86 to 361 s) (3) When subsystem clock is used as CPU clock HALT instruction Reset signal Status of CPU Subsystem clock (XT1 oscillation) Normal operation (subsystem clock) HALT mode Oscillates Reset period Reset Normal operation mode processing (internal high-speed (11 to 45 s) oscillation clock) Oscillation Oscillation stopped stopped Oscillates Starting XT1 oscillation is specified by software. Remark fX: X1 clock oscillation frequency 490 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION Table 20-2. Operation in Response to Interrupt Request in HALT Mode Release Source Maskable interrupt MKxx PRxx IE ISP 0 0 0 x request Operation Next address instruction execution 0 0 1 x 0 1 0 1 Next address 0 1 x 0 instruction execution 0 1 1 1 Interrupt servicing Interrupt servicing execution execution Reset 1 x x x HALT mode held - - x x Reset processing x: don't care 20.2.2 STOP mode (1) STOP mode setting and operating statuses The STOP mode is set by executing the STOP instruction, and it can be set only when the CPU clock before the setting was the main system clock. Caution Because the interrupt request signal is used to clear the standby mode, if there is an interrupt source with the interrupt request flag set and the interrupt mask flag reset, the standby mode is immediately cleared if set. Thus, the STOP mode is reset to the HALT mode immediately after execution of the STOP instruction and the system returns to the operating mode as soon as the wait time set using the oscillation stabilization time select register (OSTS) has elapsed. The operating statuses in the STOP mode are shown below. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 491 CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION Table 20-3. Operating Statuses in STOP Mode STOP Mode Setting When STOP Instruction Is Executed While CPU Is Operating on Main System Clock When CPU Is Operating on Internal High-Speed Oscillation Clock (fRH) Item System clock When CPU Is Operating on X1 Clock (fX) When CPU Is Operating on External Main System Clock (fEXCLK) Clock supply to the CPU is stopped Stopped fRH Main system clock fX fEXCLK Subsystem clock Input invalid fXT Status before STOP mode was set is continued fEXCLKS Operates or stops by external clock input fRL Status before STOP mode was set is continued Operation stopped CPU Flash memory Status before STOP mode was set is retained RAM Port (latch) Note 1 16-bit timer/event counter 00 Operation stopped Note 1 Operable only when TI50 is selected as the count clock Note 1 8-bit timer/event counter 50 51 Operable only when TI51 is selected as the count clock 8-bit timer H0 Operable only when TM50 output is selected as the count clock during 8-bit timer/event counter 50 operation H1 Operable only when fRL, fRL/2 , fRL/2 is selected as the count clock 7 9 Watch timer Operable only when subsystem clock is selected as the count clock Watchdog timer Operable. Clock supply to watchdog timer stops when "internal low-speed oscillator can be stopped by software" is set by option byte. Clock output Note 2 Operable only when subsystem clock is selected as the count clock A/D converter Operation stopped Serial interface UART0 UART6 CSI10 <R> IIC0 Note 1 Note 1 Note 3 Operable only when TM50 output is selected as the serial clock during 8-bit timer/event counter 50 operation Operable only when the external clock is selected as the serial clock Operable only when the external clock from the EXSCL0/P62 pin is selected as the serial clock Multiplier/divider Operation stopped Power-on-clear function Operable Low-voltage detection function External interrupt Notes 1. Do not start operation of these functions on the external clock input from peripheral hardware pins in the stop mode. 2. 48-pin products only. 3. PD78F0514, 78F0515, and 78F0515D only. Remark fRH: Internal high-speed oscillation clock fX: X1 clock fEXCLK: External main system clock fXT: XT1 clock fEXCLKS: External subsystem clock fRL: 492 Internal low-speed oscillation clock User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION Cautions 1. To use the peripheral hardware that stops operation in the STOP mode, and the peripheral hardware for which the clock that stops oscillating in the STOP mode after the STOP mode is released, restart the peripheral hardware. 2. Even if "internal low-speed oscillator can be stopped by software" is selected by the option byte, the internal low-speed oscillation clock continues in the STOP mode in the status before the STOP mode is set. To stop the internal low-speed oscillator's oscillation in the STOP mode, stop it by software and then execute the STOP instruction. 3. To shorten oscillation stabilization time after the STOP mode is released when the CPU operates with the high-speed system clock (X1 oscillation), temporarily switch the CPU clock to the internal high-speed oscillation clock before the next execution of the STOP instruction. Before changing the CPU clock from the internal high-speed oscillation clock to the high-speed system clock (X1 oscillation) after the STOP mode is released, check the oscillation stabilization time with the oscillation stabilization time counter status register (OSTC). <R> 4. If the STOP instruction is executed when AMPH = 1, supply of the CPU clock is stopped for 4.06 to 16.12 s after the STOP mode is released when the internal high-speed oscillation clock is selected as the CPU clock, or for the duration of 160 external clocks when the high-speed system clock (external clock input) is selected as the CPU clock. (2) STOP mode release <R> Figure 20-5. Operation Timing When STOP Mode Is Released (When Unmasked Interrupt Request Is Generated) STOP mode release STOP mode High-speed system clock (X1 oscillation) High-speed system clock (external clock input) Internal high-speed oscillation clock High-speed system clock (X1 oscillation) is selected as CPU clock when STOP instruction is executed Wait for oscillation accuracy stabilization (86 to 361 s) HALT status (oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS) High-speed system clock (external clock input) is selected as CPU clock when STOP instruction is executed Internal high-speed oscillation clock is selected as CPU clock when STOP instruction is executed High-speed system clock Clock switched automatically High-speed system clock WaitNote 2 Clock supply stopped (160 clocks)Note 1 Internal high-speed oscillation clock WaitNote 2 High-speed system clock Clock switched by software Clock supply stopped (4.06 to 16.12 s)Note 1 Notes 1. When AMPH = 1 2. The wait time is as follows: * When vectored interrupt servicing is carried out: 8 or 9 clocks * When vectored interrupt servicing is not carried out: 2 or 3 clocks User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 493 CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION The STOP mode can be released by the following two sources. (a) Release by unmasked interrupt request When an unmasked interrupt request is generated, the STOP mode is released. If interrupt acknowledgment is enabled, vectored interrupt servicing is carried out. If interrupt acknowledgment is disabled, the next address instruction is executed. <R> Figure 20-6. STOP Mode Release by Interrupt Request Generation (1/2) (1) When high-speed system clock (X1 oscillation) is used as CPU clock Interrupt request STOP instruction Standby release signal Status of CPU High-speed system clock (X1 oscillation) Wait (set by OSTS) Normal operation (high-speed system clock) STOP mode Oscillates Oscillation stopped Normal operation (high-speed system clock) Oscillation stabilization wait (HALT mode status) Oscillates Oscillation stabilization time (set by OSTS) (2) When high-speed system clock (external clock input) is used as CPU clock (1/2) * When AMPH = 1 STOP instruction Interrupt request Standby release signal Status of CPU Normal operation (high-speed system clock) STOP mode Oscillates Oscillation stopped Clock supply stopped Wait Note Normal operation (high-speed system clock) (160 clocks) High-speed system clock (external clock input) Note Oscillates The wait time is as follows: * When vectored interrupt servicing is carried out: 8 or 9 clocks * When vectored interrupt servicing is not carried out: 2 or 3 clocks Remark The broken lines indicate the case when the interrupt request that has released the standby mode is acknowledged. 494 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION <R> Figure 20-6. STOP Mode Release by Interrupt Request Generation (2/2) (2) When high-speed system clock (external clock input) is used as CPU clock (2/2) * When AMPH = 0 STOP instruction Interrupt request Standby release signal Status of CPU High-speed system clock (external clock input) Normal operation (high-speed system clock) STOP mode Oscillates Oscillation stopped Normal operation (high-speed system clock) WaitNote Oscillates (3) When internal high-speed oscillation clock is used as CPU clock * When AMPH = 1 STOP instruction Interrupt request Standby release signal Status of CPU Internal high-speed oscillation clock Normal operation (internal high-speed oscillation clock) STOP mode Oscillates Oscillation stopped Clock supply stopped Note Wait Normal operation (internal high-speed oscillation clock) (4.06 to 16.12 s) Oscillates Wait for oscillation accuracy stabilization (86 to 361 s) * When AMPH = 0 STOP instruction Interrupt request Standby release signal Status of CPU Internal high-speed oscillation clock Normal operation (internal high-speed oscillation clock) Oscillates STOP mode WaitNote Oscillation stopped Normal operation (internal high-speed oscillation clock) Oscillates Wait for oscillation accuracy stabilization (86 to 361 s) Note The wait time is as follows: * When vectored interrupt servicing is carried out: 8 or 9 clocks * When vectored interrupt servicing is not carried out: 2 or 3 clocks Remark The broken lines indicate the case when the interrupt request that has released the standby mode is acknowledged. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 495 CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION (b) Release by reset signal generation When the reset signal is generated, STOP mode is released, and then, as in the case with a normal reset operation, the program is executed after branching to the reset vector address. Figure 20-7. STOP Mode Release by Reset (1) When high-speed system clock is used as CPU clock STOP instruction Reset signal Status of CPU Normal operation (high-speed system clock) High-speed system clock (X1 oscillation) STOP mode Oscillation stopped Oscillates Reset period Reset processing (11 to 45 s) Normal operation (internal high-speed oscillation clock) Oscillation Oscillation stopped stopped Oscillates Oscillation stabilization time (211/fX to 216/fX) Starting X1 oscillation is specified by software. (2) When internal high-speed oscillation clock is used as CPU clock STOP instruction Reset signal Status of CPU Internal high-speed oscillation clock Normal operation (internal high-speed oscillation clock) Reset Reset processing period (11 to 45 s) STOP mode Oscillation Oscillation stopped stopped Oscillates Normal operation (internal high-speed oscillation clock) Oscillates Wait for oscillation accuracy stabilization (86 to 361 s) Remark fX: X1 clock oscillation frequency Table 20-4. Operation in Response to Interrupt Request in STOP Mode Release Source Maskable interrupt MKxx PRxx IE ISP 0 0 0 x request Operation Next address instruction execution 0 0 1 x Interrupt servicing execution 0 1 0 1 Next address 0 1 x 0 instruction execution 0 1 1 1 Interrupt servicing execution Reset 1 x x x STOP mode held - - x x Reset processing x: don't care 496 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION The following four operations are available to generate a reset signal. (1) External reset input via RESET pin (2) Internal reset by watchdog timer program loop detection (3) Internal reset by comparison of supply voltage and detection voltage of power-on-clear (POC) circuit (4) Internal reset by comparison of supply voltage and detection voltage of low-power-supply detector (LVI) External and internal resets have no functional differences. In both cases, program execution starts at the address at 0000H and 0001H when the reset signal is generated. A reset is applied when a low level is input to the RESET pin, the watchdog timer overflows, or by POC and LVI circuit voltage detection, and each item of hardware is set to the status shown in Tables 21-1 and 21-2. Each pin is high impedance during reset signal generation or during the oscillation stabilization time just after a reset release, except for P130, which is low-level output. When a low level is input to the RESET pin, the device is reset. It is released from the reset status when a high level is input to the RESET pin and program execution is started with the internal high-speed oscillation clock after reset processing. A reset by the watchdog timer is automatically released, and program execution starts using the internal high-speed oscillation clock (see Figures 21-2 to 21-4) after reset processing. Reset by POC and LVI circuit power supply detection is automatically released when VDD VPOC or VDD VLVI after the reset, and program execution starts using the internal high-speed oscillation clock (see CHAPTER 22 POWER-ON-CLEAR CIRCUIT and CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR) after reset processing. Cautions 1. For an external reset, input a low level for 10 s or more to the RESET pin. 2. During reset input, the X1 clock, XT1 clock, internal high-speed oscillation clock, and internal low-speed oscillation clock stop oscillating. External main system clock input and external subsystem clock input become invalid. 3. When the STOP mode is released by a reset, the STOP mode contents are held during reset input. However, the port pins become high-impedance, except for P130Note, which is set to low-level output. Note 48-pin products only. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 497 498 Figure 21-1. Block Diagram of Reset Function Internal bus Reset control flag register (RESF) WDTRF LVIRF Set Set Watchdog timer reset signal Clear Reset signal to LVIM/LVIS register Power-on-clear circuit reset signal Low-voltage detector reset signal Caution An LVI circuit internal reset does not reset the LVI circuit. Remarks 1. LVIM: Low-voltage detection register 2. LVIS: Low-voltage detection level selection register Reset signal CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD RESET Clear CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION Figure 21-2. Timing of Reset by RESET Input Wait for oscillation accuracy stabilization (86 to 361 s) Internal high-speed oscillation clock Starting X1 oscillation is specified by software. High-speed system clock (when X1 oscillation is selected) CPU clock Reset period (oscillation stop) Normal operation Reset processing (11 to 45 s) Normal operation (internal high-speed oscillation clock) RESET Internal reset signal Delay Delay (5 s (TYP.)) Port pin (except P130Note 1) Hi-Z Port pin (P130Note 1) Remark Note 2 When reset is effected, P130 Note 1 outputs a low level. If P130Note 1 is set to output a high level before reset is effected, the output signal of P130Note 1 can be dummy-output as the CPU reset signal. Notes 1. 48-pin products only. 2. Set P130 to high-level output by software. Figure 21-3. Timing of Reset Due to Watchdog Timer Overflow Wait for oscillation accuracy stabilization (86 to 361 s) Internal high-speed oscillation clock Starting X1 oscillation is specified by software. High-speed system clock (when X1 oscillation is selected) CPU clock Reset period (oscillation stop) Normal operation Reset processing (11 to 45 s) Normal operation (internal high-speed oscillation clock) Watchdog timer overflow Internal reset signal Port pin (except P130Note 1) Hi-Z Port pin (P130Note 1) Note 2 Caution A watchdog timer internal reset resets the watchdog timer. Remark When reset is effected, P130Note 1 outputs a low level. If P130Note 1 is set to output a high level before reset Note 1 is effected, the output signal of P130 can be dummy-output as the CPU reset signal. Notes 1. 48-pin products only. 2. Set P130 to high-level output by software. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 499 CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION Figure 21-4. Timing of Reset in STOP Mode by RESET Input Wait for oscillation accuracy stabilization (86 to 361 s) STOP instruction execution Internal high-speed oscillation clock Starting X1 oscillation is specified by software. High-speed system clock (when X1 oscillation is selected) CPU clock Normal operation Stop status (oscillation stop) Reset period (oscillation stop) Reset processing Normal operation (internal high-speed oscillation clock) (11 to 45 s) RESET Internal reset signal Delay Port pin (except P130Note 1) Delay (5 s (TYP.)) Port pin (P130Note 1) Hi-Z Note 2 Remarks 1. When reset is effected, P130Note 1 outputs a low level. If P130Note 1 is set to output a high level before reset is effected, the output signal of P130Note 1 can be dummy-output as the CPU reset signal. 2. For the reset timing of the power-on-clear circuit and low-voltage detector, see CHAPTER 22 POWER-ON-CLEAR CIRCUIT and CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR. Notes 1. 48-pin products only. 2. Set P130 to high-level output by software. 500 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION Table 21-1. Operation Statuses During Reset Period Item During Reset Period System clock Clock supply to the CPU is stopped. Main system clock Subsystem clock fRH Operation stopped fX Operation stopped (pin is I/O port mode) fEXCLK Clock input invalid (pin is I/O port mode) fXT Operation stopped (pin is I/O port mode) fEXCLKS Clock input invalid (pin is I/O port mode) fRL Operation stopped CPU Flash memory RAM Port (latch) 16-bit timer/event counter 00 8-bit timer/event 50 counter 51 8-bit timer H0 H1 Watch timer Watchdog timer Clock output Note 1 A/D converter Serial interface UART0 UART6 CSI10 IIC0 Note 2 Multiplier/divider Power-on-clear function Operable Low-voltage detection function Operation stopped External interrupt Notes 1. 48-pin products only. 2. PD78F0514, 78F0515, and 78F0515D only. Remark fRH: Internal high-speed oscillation clock fX: X1 oscillation clock fEXCLK: External main system clock fXT: XT1 oscillation clock fEXCLKS: External subsystem clock fRL: Internal low-speed oscillation clock User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 501 CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION Table 21-2. Hardware Statuses After Reset Acknowledgment (1/3) Hardware After Reset Note 1 Acknowledgment Program counter (PC) The contents of the reset vector table (0000H, 0001H) are set. Stack pointer (SP) Undefined Program status word (PSW) 02H RAM Data memory Undefined Note 2 General-purpose registers Undefined Note 2 Port registers (P0 to P4, P6, P7, P12, P13 Note 3 , P14 Note 3 ) (output latches) Port mode registers (PM0 to PM4, PM6, PM7, PM12, PM14 00H Note 3 ) FFH Pull-up resistor option registers (PU0, PU1, PU3, PU4, PU7, PU12, PU14 Note 3 ) 00H Note 4 Internal expansion RAM size switching register (IXS) 0CH Internal memory size switching register (IMS) CFH Clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) 00H Note 4 Processor clock control register (PCC) 01H Internal oscillation mode register (RCM) 80H Main OSC control register (MOC) 80H Main clock mode register (MCM) 00H Oscillation stabilization time counter status register (OSTC) 00H Oscillation stabilization time select register (OSTS) 05H 16-bit timer/event counter 00 Timer counter 00 (TM00) 0000H Capture/compare registers 000, 010 (CR000, CR010) 0000H Mode control register 00 (TMC00) 00H Prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00) 00H Notes 1. Capture/compare control register 00 (CRC00) 00H Timer output control register 00 (TOC00) 00H During reset signal generation or oscillation stabilization time wait, only the PC contents among the hardware statuses become undefined. All other hardware statuses remain unchanged after reset. 2. When a reset is executed in the standby mode, the pre-reset status is held even after reset. 3. 48-pin products only. 4. The initial values of the internal memory size switching register (IMS) and internal expansion RAM size switching register (IXS) after a reset release are constant (IMS = CFH, IXS = 0CH) in all the 78K0/KC2 products, regardless of the internal memory capacity. Therefore, after a reset is released, be sure to set the following values for each product. Flash Memory Version (78K0/KC2) PD78F0512 C6H PD78F0513, 78F0513DNote 5 C8H PD78F0514 CCH 0AH CFH 08H PD78F0515, 78F0515D 5. IXS 04H Note 5 <R> IMS PD78F0511 0CH The ROM and RAM capacities of the products with the on-chip debug function can be debugged by setting IMS and IXS, according to the debug target products. Set IMS and IXS according to the debug target products. 502 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION Table 21-2. Hardware Statuses After Reset Acknowledgment (2/3) Hardware Status After Reset Acknowledgment 8-bit timer/event counters 50, 51 8-bit timers H0, H1 Timer counters 50, 51 (TM50, TM51) 00H Compare registers 50, 51 (CR50, CR51) 00H Timer clock selection registers 50, 51 (TCL50, TCL51) 00H Mode control registers 50, 51 (TMC50, TMC51) 00H Compare registers 00, 10, 01, 11 (CMP00, CMP10, CMP01, CMP11) 00H Mode registers (TMHMD0, TMHMD1) 00H Note 2 Carrier control register 1 (TMCYC1) 00H Watch timer Operation mode register (WTM) 00H Clock output Note 3 controller Clock output selection register (CKS) 00H Watchdog timer Enable register (WDTE) 1AH/9AH A/D converter 10-bit A/D conversion result register (ADCR) 0000H 8-bit A/D conversion result register (ADCRH) 00H Mode register (ADM) 00H Analog input channel specification register (ADS) 00H A/D port configuration register (ADPC) 00H Serial interface Receive buffer register 0 (RXB0) FFH UART0 Transmit shift register 0 (TXS0) FFH Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 (ASIM0) 01H Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 0 (ASIS0) 00H Baud rate generator control register 0 (BRGC0) 1FH Serial interface Receive buffer register 6 (RXB6) FFH UART6 Transmit buffer register 6 (TXB6) FFH Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6) 01H Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 6 (ASIS6) 00H Asynchronous serial interface transmission status register 6 (ASIF6) 00H Clock selection register 6 (CKSR6) 00H Baud rate generator control register 6 (BRGC6) FFH Asynchronous serial interface control register 6 (ASICL6) 16H Input switch control register (ISC) 00H Serial interface Transmit buffer register 10 (SOTB10) 00H CSI10 Serial I/O shift registers 10 (SIO10) 00H Serial operation mode registers 10 (CSIM10) 00H Serial clock selection registers 10 (CSIC10) 00H Notes 1. Note 1 Note 4 During reset signal generation or oscillation stabilization time wait, only the PC contents among the hardware statuses become undefined. All other hardware statuses remain unchanged after reset. 2. 8-bit timer H1 only. 3. 48-pin products only. 4. The reset value of WDTE is determined by the option byte setting. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 503 CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION Table 21-2. Hardware Statuses After Reset Acknowledgment (3/3) Status After Reset Hardware Acknowledgment Serial interface IIC0 Shift register 0 (IIC0) 00H Control register 0 (IICC0) 00H Slave address register 0 (SVA0) 00H Clock selection register 0 (IICCL0) 00H Function expansion register 0 (IICX0) 00H Status register 0 (IICS0) 00H Flag register 0 (IICF0) 00H Remainder data register 0 (SDR0) 0000H Multiplication/division data register A0 (MDA0H, MDA0L) 0000H Multiplication/division data register B0 (MDB0) 0000H Multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0) 00H Key interrupt Key return mode register (KRM) 00H Reset function Reset control flag register (RESF) 00H Low-voltage detector Low-voltage detection register (LVIM) 00H Low-voltage detection level selection register (LVIS) 00H Request flag registers 0L, 0H, 1L, 1H (IF0L, IF0H, IF1L, IF1H) 00H Mask flag registers 0L, 0H, 1L, 1H (MK0L, MK0H, MK1L, MK1H) FFH Priority specification flag registers 0L, 0H, 1L, 1H (PR0L, PR0H, PR1L, FFH Multiplier/divider Note 2 Interrupt Note 1 Note 3 Note 3 Note 3 PR1H) Notes 1. External interrupt rising edge enable register (EGP) 00H External interrupt falling edge enable register (EGN) 00H During reset signal generation or oscillation stabilization time wait, only the PC contents among the hardware statuses become undefined. All other hardware statuses remain unchanged after reset. 2. Multiplier/divider is available only in the PD78F0514, 78F0515, and 78F0515D. 3. These values vary depending on the reset source. Reset Source RESET Input Reset by POC Reset by WDT Reset by LVI Register RESF WDTRF bit Cleared (0) Cleared (0) LVIRF bit LVIM Cleared (00H) Cleared (00H) Set (1) Held Held Set (1) Cleared (00H) Held LVIS 504 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION 21.1 Register for Confirming Reset Source Many internal reset generation sources exist in the 78K0/KC2. The reset control flag register (RESF) is used to store which source has generated the reset request. RESF can be read by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. RESET input, reset by power-on-clear (POC) circuit, and reading RESF set RESF to 00H. Figure 21-5. Format of Reset Control Flag Register (RESF) Address: FFACH After reset: 00H Note R Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RESF 0 0 0 WDTRF 0 0 0 LVIRF WDTRF Internal reset request by watchdog timer (WDT) 0 Internal reset request is not generated, or RESF is cleared. 1 Internal reset request is generated. LVIRF Internal reset request by low-voltage detector (LVI) 0 Internal reset request is not generated, or RESF is cleared. 1 Internal reset request is generated. Note The value after reset varies depending on the reset source. Caution Do not read data by a 1-bit memory manipulation instruction. The status of RESF when a reset request is generated is shown in Table 21-3. Table 21-3. RESF Status When Reset Request Is Generated Reset Source RESET Input Reset by POC Reset by WDT Reset by LVI Flag WDTRF LVIRF Cleared (0) Cleared (0) Set (1) Held Held Set (1) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 505 CHAPTER 22 POWER-ON-CLEAR CIRCUIT 22.1 Functions of Power-on-Clear Circuit The power-on-clear circuit (POC) has the following functions. * Generates internal reset signal at power on. In the 1.59 V POC mode (option byte: POCMODE = 0), the reset signal is released when the supply voltage (VDD) exceeds 1.59 V 0.15 V. In the 2.7 V/1.59 V POC mode (option byte: POCMODE = 1), the reset signal is released when the supply voltage (VDD) exceeds 2.7 V 0.2 V. * Compares supply voltage (VDD) and detection voltage (VPOC = 1.59 V 0.15 V), generates internal reset signal when VDD < VPOC. Caution If an internal reset signal is generated in the POC circuit, the reset control flag register (RESF) is cleared to 00H. Remark The 78K0/KC2 incorporates multiple hardware functions that generate an internal reset signal. A flag that indicates the reset source is located in the reset control flag register (RESF) for when an internal reset signal is generated by the watchdog timer (WDT) or low-voltage-detector (LVI). RESF is not cleared to 00H and the flag is set to 1 when an internal reset signal is generated by WDT or LVI. For details of RESF, see CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION. 506 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 22 POWER-ON-CLEAR CIRCUIT 22.2 Configuration of Power-on-Clear Circuit The block diagram of the power-on-clear circuit is shown in Figure 22-1. Figure 22-1. Block Diagram of Power-on-Clear Circuit VDD VDD + Internal reset signal - Reference voltage source 22.3 Operation of Power-on-Clear Circuit (1) In 1.59 V POC mode (option byte: POCMODE = 0) * An internal reset signal is generated on power application. When the supply voltage (VDD) exceeds the detection voltage (VPOC = 1.59 V 0.15 V), the reset status is released. * The supply voltage (VDD) and detection voltage (VPOC = 1.59 V 0.15 V) are compared. When VDD < VPOC, the internal reset signal is generated. It is released when VDD VPOC. (2) In 2.7 V/1.59 V POC mode (option byte: POCMODE = 1) * An internal reset signal is generated on power application. When the supply voltage (VDD) exceeds the detection voltage (VDDPOC = 2.7 V 0.2 V), the reset status is released. * The supply voltage (VDD) and detection voltage (VPOC = 1.59 V 0.15 V) are compared. When VDD < VPOC, the internal reset signal is generated. It is released when VDD VDDPOC. The timing of generation of the internal reset signal by the power-on-clear circuit and low-voltage detector is shown below. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 507 CHAPTER 22 POWER-ON-CLEAR CIRCUIT Figure 22-2. Timing of Generation of Internal Reset Signal by Power-on-Clear Circuit and Low-Voltage Detector (1/2) (1) In 1.59 V POC mode (option byte: POCMODE = 0) Set LVI to be used for reset Set LVI to be used for interrupt Set LVI to be used for reset Supply voltage (VDD) VLVI 1.8 VNotes 1, 2, 3 VPOC = 1.59 V (TYP.) 0.5 V/ms (MIN.)Notes 2, 3 0V Wait for oscillation accuracy stabilization (86 to 361 s) Note 4 Note 4 Internal high-speed oscillation clock (fRH) Starting oscillation is specified by software. High-speed system clock (fXH) (when X1 oscillation is selected) Operation CPU stops Wait for voltage stabilization (1.93 to 5.39 ms) Starting oscillation is specified by software. Normal operation Reset period (internal high-speed (oscillation oscillation clock)Note 5 stop) Reset processing (11 to 45 s) Starting oscillation is specified by software. Normal operation Reset period Wait for voltage (internal high-speed (oscillation stabilization oscillation clock)Note 5 stop) (1.93 to 5.39 ms) Reset processing (11 to 45 s) Normal operation (internal high-speed oscillation clock)Note 5 Operation stops Reset processing (11 to 45 s) Internal reset signal <R> Notes 1. The guaranteed operation range for the standard and (A) grade products is 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, and 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V for the (A2) grade products. To set the voltage range below the guaranteed operation range to the reset state when the supply voltage falls, use the reset function of the lowvoltage detector, or input a low level to the RESET pin. <R> 2. With the standard and (A) grade products, if the voltage rises to 1.8 V at a rate slower than 0.5 V/ms (MIN.) on power application, input a low level to the RESET pin after power application and before the voltage reaches 1.8 V, or set the 2.7 V/1.59 V POC mode by using an option byte (POCMODE = 1). 3. <R> With the (A2) grade products, if the voltage rises to 2.7 V at a rate slower than 0.75 V/ms (MIN.) on power application, input a low level to the RESET pin after power application and before the voltage reaches 2.7 V. 4. The oscillation accuracy stabilization time of the internal high-speed oscillation clock is included in the internal voltage stabilization time. 5. The CPU clock can be switched from the internal high-speed oscillation clock to the high-speed system clock or to the subsystem clock. To use the X1 clock, use the OSTC register to confirm the lapse of the oscillation stabilization time. To use the XT1 clock, use the timer function for confirmation of the lapse of the stabilization time. Caution Set the low-voltage detector by software after the reset status is released (see CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR). Remark VLVI: LVI detection voltage VPOC: POC detection voltage 508 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 22 POWER-ON-CLEAR CIRCUIT Figure 22-2. Timing of Generation of Internal Reset Signal by Power-on-Clear Circuit and Low-Voltage Detector (2/2) (2) In 2.7 V/1.59 V POC mode (option byte: POCMODE = 1) Set LVI to be used for reset Set LVI to be used for interrupt Set LVI to be used for reset Wait for oscillation accuracy stabilization (86 to 361 s) Wait for oscillation accuracy stabilization (86 to 361 s) Supply voltage (VDD) VLVI VDDPOC = 2.7 V (TYP.) 1.8 VNote 1 VPOC = 1.59 V (TYP.) 0V Wait for oscillation accuracy stabilization (86 to 361 s) Internal high-speed oscillation clock (fRH) Starting oscillation is specified by software. High-speed system clock (fXH) (when X1 oscillation is selected) CPU Operation stops Normal operation Reset period (internal high-speed (oscillation stop) oscillation clock)Note 2 Reset processing (11 to 45 s) Starting oscillation is specified by software. Normal operation (internal high-speed oscillation clock)Note 2 Reset processing (11 to 45 s) Reset period (oscillation stop) Starting oscillation is specified by software. Normal operation (internal high-speed oscillation clock)Note 2 Operation stops Reset processing (11 to 45 s) Internal reset signal <R> Notes 1. The guaranteed operation range for the standard and (A) grade products is 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, and 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V for the (A2) grade products. To set the voltage range below the guaranteed operation range to the reset state when the supply voltage falls, use the reset function of the lowvoltage detector, or input a low level to the RESET pin. 2. The CPU clock can be switched from the internal high-speed oscillation clock to the high-speed system clock or to the subsystem clock. To use the X1 clock, use the OSTC register to confirm the lapse of the oscillation stabilization time. To use the XT1 clock, use the timer function for confirmation of the lapse of the stabilization time. Cautions 1. Set the low-voltage detector by software after the reset status is released (see CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR). 2. A voltage oscillation stabilization time of 1.93 to 5.39 ms is required after the supply voltage reaches 1.59 V (TYP.). If the supply voltage rises from 1.59 V (TYP.) to 2.7 V (TYP.) within 1.93 ms, the power supply oscillation stabilization time of 0 to 5.39 ms is automatically generated before reset processing. Remark VLVI: LVI detection voltage VPOC: POC detection voltage User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 509 CHAPTER 22 POWER-ON-CLEAR CIRCUIT 22.4 Cautions for Power-on-Clear Circuit In a system where the supply voltage (VDD) fluctuates for a certain period in the vicinity of the POC detection voltage (VPOC), the system may be repeatedly reset and released from the reset status. In this case, the time from release of reset to the start of the operation of the microcontroller can be arbitrarily set by taking the following action. <Action> After releasing the reset signal, wait for the supply voltage fluctuation period of each system by means of a software counter that uses a timer, and then initialize the ports. Figure 22-3. Example of Software Processing After Reset Release (1/2) * If supply voltage fluctuation is 50 ms or less in vicinity of POC detection voltage Reset Initialization processing <1> ; Check the reset sourceNote 2 Initialize the port. Power-on-clear ; fPRS = Internal high-speed oscillation clock (8.4 MHz (MAX.)) (default) Source: fPRS (8.4 MHz (MAX.))/212, where comparison value = 102: 50 ms Timer starts (TMHE1 = 1). Setting 8-bit timer H1 (to measure 50 ms) Clearing WDT Note 1 No 50 ms has passed? (TMIFH1 = 1?) Yes ; Setting of division ratio of system clock, such as setting of timer or A/D converter Initialization processing <2> Notes 1. 2. 510 If reset is generated again during this period, initialization processing <2> is not started. A flowchart is shown on the next page. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 22 POWER-ON-CLEAR CIRCUIT Figure 22-3. Example of Software Processing After Reset Release (2/2) * Checking reset source Check reset source WDTRF of RESF register = 1? Yes No Reset processing by watchdog timer LVIRF of RESF register = 1? Yes No Reset processing by low-voltage detector Power-on-clear/external reset generated User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 511 CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR 23.1 Functions of Low-Voltage Detector The low-voltage detector (LVI) has the following functions. * The LVI circuit compares the supply voltage (VDD) with the detection voltage (VLVI) or the input voltage from an external input pin (EXLVI) with the detection voltage (VEXLVI = 1.21 V (TYP.): fixed), and generates an internal reset or internal interrupt signal. * The supply voltage (VDD) or input voltage from an external input pin (EXLVI) can be selected by software. * Reset or interrupt function can be selected by software. * Detection levels (16 levels) of supply voltage can be changed by software. * Operable in STOP mode. The reset and interrupt signals are generated as follows depending on selection by software. Selection of Level Detection of Supply Voltage (VDD) Selection Level Detection of Input Voltage from (LVISEL = 0) External Input Pin (EXLVI) (LVISEL = 1) Selects reset (LVIMD = 1). Selects interrupt (LVIMD = 0). Selects reset (LVIMD = 1). Selects interrupt (LVIMD = 0). Generates an internal reset Generates an internal interrupt Generates an internal reset Generates an internal interrupt signal when VDD < VLVI and signal when VDD drops lower signal when EXLVI < VEXLVI signal when EXLVI drops releases the reset signal when than VLVI (VDD < VLVI) or when and releases the reset signal lower than VEXLVI (EXLVI < VDD VLVI. VDD becomes VLVI or higher when EXLVI VEXLVI. (VDD VLVI). VEXLVI) or when EXLVI becomes VEXLVI or higher (EXLVI VEXLVI). Remark LVISEL: Bit 2 of low-voltage detection register (LVIM) LVIMD: Bit 1 of LVIM While the low-voltage detector is operating, whether the supply voltage or the input voltage from an external input pin is more than or less than the detection level can be checked by reading the low-voltage detection flag (LVIF: bit 0 of LVIM). When the low-voltage detector is used to reset, bit 0 (LVIRF) of the reset control flag register (RESF) is set to 1 if reset occurs. For details of RESF, see CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION. 512 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR 23.2 Configuration of Low-Voltage Detector The block diagram of the low-voltage detector is shown in Figure 23-1. Figure 23-1. Block Diagram of Low-Voltage Detector VDD N-ch Internal reset signal Selector EXLVI/P120/ INTP0 + Selector Low-voltage detection level selector VDD - INTLVI Reference voltage source 4 LVION LVISEL LVIMD LVIS3 LVIS2 LVIS1 LVIS0 Low-voltage detection level selection register (LVIS) LVIF Low-voltage detection register (LVIM) Internal bus 23.3 Registers Controlling Low-Voltage Detector The low-voltage detector is controlled by the following registers. * Low-voltage detection register (LVIM) * Low-voltage detection level selection register (LVIS) * Port mode register 12 (PM12) (1) Low-voltage detection register (LVIM) This register sets low-voltage detection and the operation mode. This register can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. <R> The generation of a reset signal other than an LVI reset clears this register to 00H. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 513 CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR Figure 23-2. Format of Low-Voltage Detection Register (LVIM) After reset: 00HNote 1 Address: FFBEH R/WNote 2 Symbol <7> 6 5 4 3 <2> <1> <0> LVIM LVION 0 0 0 0 LVISEL LVIMD LVIF Notes 3, 4 LVION Enables low-voltage detection operation 0 Disables operation 1 Enables operation Note 3 LVISEL Voltage detection selection 0 Detects level of supply voltage (VDD) 1 Detects level of input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) Note 3 LVIMD Low-voltage detection operation mode (interrupt/reset) selection * LVISEL = 0: Generates an internal interrupt signal when the supply voltage (VDD) drops 0 lower than the detection voltage (VLVI) (VDD < VLVI) or when VDD becomes VLVI or higher (VDD VLVI). * LVISEL = 1: Generates an interrupt signal when the input voltage from an external input pin (EXLVI) drops lower than the detection voltage (VEXLVI) (EXLVI < VEXLVI) or when EXLVI becomes VEXLVI or higher (EXLVI VEXLVI). * LVISEL = 0: Generates an internal reset signal when the supply voltage (VDD) < 1 detection voltage (VLVI) and releases the reset signal when VDD VLVI. * LVISEL = 1: Generates an internal reset signal when the input voltage from an external input pin (EXLVI) < detection voltage (VEXLVI) and releases the reset signal when EXLVI VEXLVI. Note 4 LVIF Low-voltage detection flag * LVISEL = 0: Supply voltage (VDD) detection voltage (VLVI), or when operation is 0 disabled * LVISEL = 1: Input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) detection voltage (VEXLVI), or when operation is disabled * LVISEL = 0: Supply voltage (VDD) < detection voltage (VLVI) 1 * LVISEL = 1: Input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) < detection voltage (VEXLVI) Notes 1. <R> 2. 3. <R> 4. This bit is cleared to 00H upon a reset other than an LVI reset. Bit 0 is read-only. LVION, LVIMD, and LVISEL are cleared to 0 in the case of a reset other than an LVI reset. These are not cleared to 0 in the case of an LVI reset. When LVION is set to 1, operation of the comparator in the LVI circuit is started. Use software to wait for an operation stabilization time (10 s (MAX.)) from when LVION is set to 1 until operation is stabilized. After operation has stabilized, 200 s (MIN.) are required from when a state below LVI detection voltage has been entered, until LVIF is set (1). Cautions 1. To stop LVI, follow either of the procedures below. * When using 8-bit memory manipulation instruction: Write 00H to LVIM. * When using 1-bit memory manipulation instruction: Clear LVION to 0. 2. Input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) must be EXLVI < VDD. <R> 3. After an LVI reset has been generated, do not write values to LVIS and LVIM when LVION = 1. 4. When using LVI as an interrupt, if LVION is cleared (0) in a state below the LVI detection voltage, an INTLVI signal is generated and LVIIF becomes 1. <R> 514 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR (2) Low-voltage detection level selection register (LVIS) This register selects the low-voltage detection level. This register can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. <R> The generation of a reset signal other than an LVI reset clears this register to 00H. Figure 23-3. Format of Low-Voltage Detection Level Selection Register (LVIS) After reset: 00HNote 1 Address: FFBFH R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LVIS 0 0 0 0 LVIS3 LVIS2 LVIS1 LVIS0 LVIS3 LVIS2 LVIS1 LVIS0 0 0 0 0 VLVI0 (4.24 V 0.1 V) 0 0 0 1 VLVI1 (4.09 V 0.1 V) 0 0 1 0 VLVI2 (3.93 V 0.1 V) 0 0 1 1 VLVI3 (3.78 V 0.1 V) 0 1 0 0 VLVI4 (3.62 V 0.1 V) 0 1 0 1 VLVI5 (3.47 V 0.1 V) 0 1 1 0 VLVI6 (3.32 V 0.1 V) 0 1 1 1 VLVI7 (3.16 V 0.1 V) 1 0 0 0 VLVI8 (3.01 V 0.1 V) 1 0 0 1 VLVI9 (2.85 V 0.1 V) 1 0 1 0 VLVI10 (2.70 V 0.1 V) 1 0 1 1 VLVI11 (2.55 V 0.1 V) 1 1 0 0 VLVI12 (2.39 V 0.1 V) 1 1 0 1 VLVI13 (2.24 V 0.1 V) 1 1 1 0 VLVI14 (2.08 V 0.1 V) 1 1 1 1 VLVI15 (1.93 V 0.1 V) <R> Notes 1. <R> 2. Detection level Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 The value of LVIS is not reset but retained as is, upon a reset by LVI. It is cleared to 00H upon other resets. Do not set VLVI10 to VLVI15 for (A2) grade products. Cautions 1. Be sure to clear bits 4 to 7 to "0". 2. Do not change the value of LVIS during LVI operation. 3. When an input voltage from the external input pin (EXLVI) is detected, the detection voltage (VEXLVI = 1.21 V (TYP.)) is fixed. Therefore, setting of LVIS is not necessary. <R> 4. After an LVI reset has been generated, do not write values to LVIS and LVIM when LVION = 1. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 515 CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR (3) Port mode register 12 (PM12) When using the P120/EXLVI/INTP0 pin for external low-voltage detection potential input, set PM120 to 1. At this time, the output latch of P120 may be 0 or 1. PM12 can be set by a 1-bit or 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets PM12 to FFH. Figure 23-4. Format of Port Mode Register 12 (PM12) Address: FF2CH After reset: FFH R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PM12 1 1 1 PM124 PM123 PM122 PM121 PM120 PM12n P12n pin I/O mode selection (n = 0 to 4) 0 Output mode (output buffer on) 1 Input mode (output buffer off) 23.4 Operation of Low-Voltage Detector The low-voltage detector can be used in the following two modes. (1) Used as reset (LVIMD = 1) * If LVISEL = 0, compares the supply voltage (VDD) and detection voltage (VLVI), generates an internal reset signal when VDD < VLVI, and releases internal reset when VDD VLVI. * If LVISEL = 1, compares the input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) and detection voltage (VEXLVI = 1.21 V (TYP.)), generates an internal reset signal when EXLVI < VEXLVI, and releases internal reset when EXLVI VEXLVI. (2) Used as interrupt (LVIMD = 0) * If LVISEL = 0, compares the supply voltage (VDD) and detection voltage (VLVI). When VDD drops lower than VLVI (VDD < VLVI) or when VDD becomes VLVI or higher (VDD VLVI), generates an interrupt signal (INTLVI). * If LVISEL = 1, compares the input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) and detection voltage (VEXLVI = 1.21 V (TYP.)). When EXLVI drops lower than VEXLVI (EXLVI < VEXLVI) or when EXLVI becomes VEXLVI or higher (EXLVI VEXLVI), generates an interrupt signal (INTLVI). While the low-voltage detector is operating, whether the supply voltage or the input voltage from an external input pin is more than or less than the detection level can be checked by reading the low-voltage detection flag (LVIF: bit 0 of LVIM). Remark LVIMD: Bit 1 of low-voltage detection register (LVIM) LVISEL: Bit 2 of LVIM 516 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR 23.4.1 When used as reset (1) When detecting level of supply voltage (VDD) * When starting operation <1> Mask the LVI interrupt (LVIMK = 1). <2> Clear bit 2 (LVISEL) of the low-voltage detection register (LVIM) to 0 (detects level of supply voltage (VDD)) (default value). <3> Set the detection voltage using bits 3 to 0 (LVIS3 to LVIS0) of the low-voltage detection level selection register (LVIS). <4> Set bit 7 (LVION) of LVIM to 1 (enables LVI operation). <5> Use software to wait for an operation stabilization time (10 s (MAX.)). <6> Wait until it is checked that (supply voltage (VDD) detection voltage (VLVI)) by bit 0 (LVIF) of LVIM. <7> Set bit 1 (LVIMD) of LVIM to 1 (generates reset when the level is detected). Figure 23-5 shows the timing of the internal reset signal generated by the low-voltage detector. The numbers in this timing chart correspond to <1> to <7> above. Cautions 1. <1> must always be executed. When LVIMK = 0, an interrupt may occur immediately after the processing in <4>. 2. If supply voltage (VDD) detection voltage (VLVI) when LVIMD is set to 1, an internal reset signal is not generated. * When stopping operation Either of the following procedures must be executed. * When using 8-bit memory manipulation instruction: Write 00H to LVIM. * When using 1-bit memory manipulation instruction: Clear LVIMD to 0 and then LVION to 0. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 517 CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR Figure 23-5. Timing of Low-Voltage Detector Internal Reset Signal Generation (Detects Level of Supply Voltage (VDD)) (1/2) (1) In 1.59 V POC mode (option byte: POCMODE = 0) Supply voltage (VDD) VLVI VPOC = 1.59 V (TYP.) Time LVIMK flag Note 1 (set by software) H <1> LVISEL flag (set by software) L LVION flag (set by software) <3> <2> Not cleared Not cleared <4> Clear <5> Wait time LVIF flag <6> LVIMD flag (set by software) Clear Note 2 Not cleared Not cleared <7> Clear LVIRF flagNote 3 LVI reset signal Cleared by software Cleared by software POC reset signal Internal reset signal Notes 1. The LVIMK flag is set to "1" by reset signal generation. 2. The LVIF flag may be set (1). 3. LVIRF is bit 0 of the reset control flag register (RESF). For details of RESF, see CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION. Remark <1> to <7> in Figure 23-5 above correspond to <1> to <7> in the description of "When starting operation" in 23.4.1 (1) When detecting level of supply voltage (VDD). 518 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR Figure 23-5. Timing of Low-Voltage Detector Internal Reset Signal Generation (Detects Level of Supply Voltage (VDD)) (2/2) (2) In 2.7 V/1.59 V POC mode (option byte: POCMODE = 1) Supply voltage (VDD) VLVI 2.7 V (TYP.) VPOC = 1.59 V (TYP.) Time LVIMK flag (set by software) HNote 1 LVISEL flag (set by software) L LVION flag (set by software) <1> <3> <2> Not cleared Not cleared <4> Clear <5> Wait time LVIF flag <6> LVIMD flag (set by software) Clear Note 2 Not cleared Not cleared <7> Clear LVIRF flagNote 3 LVI reset signal Cleared by software Cleared by software POC reset signal Internal reset signal Notes 1. The LVIMK flag is set to "1" by reset signal generation. 2. The LVIF flag may be set (1). 3. LVIRF is bit 0 of the reset control flag register (RESF). For details of RESF, see CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION. Remark <1> to <7> in Figure 23-5 above correspond to <1> to <7> in the description of "When starting operation" in 23.4.1 (1) When detecting level of supply voltage (VDD). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 519 CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR (2) When detecting level of input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) * When starting operation <1> Mask the LVI interrupt (LVIMK = 1). <2> Set bit 2 (LVISEL) of the low-voltage detection register (LVIM) to 1 (detects level of input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI)). <3> Set bit 7 (LVION) of LVIM to 1 (enables LVI operation). <4> Use software to wait for an operation stabilization time (10 s (MAX.)). <5> Wait until it is checked that (input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) detection voltage (VEXLVI = 1.21 V (TYP.))) by bit 0 (LVIF) of LVIM. <6> Set bit 1 (LVIMD) of LVIM to 1 (generates reset signal when the level is detected). Figure 23-6 shows the timing of the internal reset signal generated by the low-voltage detector. The numbers in this timing chart correspond to <1> to <6> above. Cautions 1. <1> must always be executed. When LVIMK = 0, an interrupt may occur immediately after the processing in <3>. 2. If input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) detection voltage (VEXLVI = 1.21 V (TYP.)) when LVIMD is set to 1, an internal reset signal is not generated. 3. Input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) must be EXLVI < VDD. * When stopping operation Either of the following procedures must be executed. * When using 8-bit memory manipulation instruction: Write 00H to LVIM. * When using 1-bit memory manipulation instruction: Clear LVIMD to 0 and then LVION to 0. 520 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR Figure 23-6. Timing of Low-Voltage Detector Internal Reset Signal Generation (Detects Level of Input Voltage from External Input Pin (EXLVI)) Input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) LVI detection voltage (VEXLVI) Time LVIMK flag (set by software) LVISEL flag (set by software) HNote 1 <1> Not cleared Not cleared Not cleared Not cleared Not cleared Not cleared Not cleared Not cleared <2> LVION flag (set by software) <3> <4> Wait time LVIF flag <5> LVIMD flag (set by software) Note 2 Not cleared <6> LVIRF flagNote 3 LVI reset signal Cleared by software Cleared by software Internal reset signal Notes 1. The LVIMK flag is set to "1" by reset signal generation. 2. The LVIF flag may be set (1). 3. LVIRF is bit 0 of the reset control flag register (RESF). For details of RESF, see CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION. Remark <1> to <6> in Figure 23-6 above correspond to <1> to <6> in the description of "When starting operation" in 23.4.1 (2) When detecting level of input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 521 CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR 23.4.2 When used as interrupt (1) When detecting level of supply voltage (VDD) * When starting operation <1> Mask the LVI interrupt (LVIMK = 1). <2> Clear bit 2 (LVISEL) of the low-voltage detection register (LVIM) to 0 (detects level of supply voltage (VDD)) (default value). <3> Set the detection voltage using bits 3 to 0 (LVIS3 to LVIS0) of the low-voltage detection level selection register (LVIS). <4> Set bit 7 (LVION) of LVIM to 1 (enables LVI operation). <5> Use software to wait for an operation stabilization time (10 s (MAX.)). <6> Confirm that "supply voltage (VDD) detection voltage (VLVI)" when detecting the falling edge of VDD, or "supply voltage (VDD) < detection voltage (VLVI)" when detecting the rising edge of VDD, at bit 0 (LVIF) of LVIM. <7> Clear the interrupt request flag of LVI (LVIIF) to 0. <8> Release the interrupt mask flag of LVI (LVIMK). <9> Clear bit 1 (LVIMD) of LVIM to 0 (generates interrupt signal when the level is detected) (default value). <10> Execute the EI instruction (when vector interrupts are used). Figure 23-7 shows the timing of the interrupt signal generated by the low-voltage detector. The numbers in this timing chart correspond to <1> to <9> above. * When stopping operation Either of the following procedures must be executed. * When using 8-bit memory manipulation instruction: Write 00H to LVIM. * When using 1-bit memory manipulation instruction: Clear LVION to 0. 522 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR Figure 23-7. Timing of Low-Voltage Detector Interrupt Signal Generation (Detects Level of Supply Voltage (VDD)) (1/2) (1) In 1.59 V POC mode (option byte: POCMODE = 0) Supply voltage (VDD) VLVI VPOC = 1.59 V (TYP.) Note 3 Note 3 Time LVIMK flag (set by software) <1> Note 1 LVISEL flag (set by software) <8> Cleared by software <3> L LVION flag (set by software) <2> <4> <5> Wait time LVIF flag <6> Note 2 INTLVI Note 2 LVIIF flag Note 2 LVIMD flag (set by software) L <7> Cleared by software <9> Internal reset signal Notes 1. <R> The LVIMK flag is set to "1" by reset signal generation. 2. The interrupt request signal (INTLVI) is generated and the LVIF and LVIIF flags may be set (1). 3. If LVION is cleared (0) in a state below the LVI detection voltage, an INTLVI signal is generated and LVIIF becomes 1. Remark <1> to <9> in Figure 23-7 above correspond to <1> to <9> in the description of "When starting operation" in 23.4.2 (1) When detecting level of supply voltage (VDD). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 523 CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR Figure 23-7. Timing of Low-Voltage Detector Interrupt Signal Generation (Detects Level of Supply Voltage (VDD)) (2/2) (2) In 2.7 V/1.59 V POC mode (option byte: POCMODE = 1) Supply voltage (VDD) VLVI 2.7 V(TYP.) VPOC = 1.59 V (TYP.) Note 3 Note 3 Time LVIMK flag (set by software) <1> Note 1 LVISEL flag (set by software) <8> Cleared by software <3> L <2> LVION flag (set by software) <4> <5> Wait time LVIF flag <6> Note 2 INTLVI Note 2 LVIIF flag LVIMD flag (set by software) Note 2 <7> Cleared by software L <9> Internal reset signal Notes 1. <R> The LVIMK flag is set to "1" by reset signal generation. 2. The interrupt request signal (INTLVI) is generated and the LVIF and LVIIF flags may be set (1). 3. If LVION is cleared (0) in a state below the LVI detection voltage, an INTLVI signal is generated and LVIIF becomes 1. Remark <1> to <9> in Figure 23-7 above correspond to <1> to <9> in the description of "When starting operation" in 23.4.2 (1) When detecting level of supply voltage (VDD). 524 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR (2) When detecting level of input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) * When starting operation <1> Mask the LVI interrupt (LVIMK = 1). <2> Set bit 2 (LVISEL) of the low-voltage detection register (LVIM) to 1 (detects level of input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI)). <3> Set bit 7 (LVION) of LVIM to 1 (enables LVI operation). <4> Use software to wait for an operation stabilization time (10 s (MAX.)). <5> Confirm that "input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) detection voltage (VEXLVI = 1.21 V (TYP.)" when detecting the falling edge of EXLVI, or "input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) < detection voltage (VEXLVI = 1.21 V (TYP.)" when detecting the rising edge of EXLVI, at bit 0 (LVIF) of LVIM. <6> Clear the interrupt request flag of LVI (LVIIF) to 0. <7> Release the interrupt mask flag of LVI (LVIMK). <8> Clear bit 1 (LVIMD) of LVIM to 0 (generates interrupt signal when the level is detected) (default value). <9> Execute the EI instruction (when vector interrupts are used). Figure 23-8 shows the timing of the interrupt signal generated by the low-voltage detector. The numbers in this timing chart correspond to <1> to <8> above. Caution Input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) must be EXLVI < VDD. * When stopping operation Either of the following procedures must be executed. * When using 8-bit memory manipulation instruction: Write 00H to LVIM. * When using 1-bit memory manipulation instruction: Clear LVION to 0. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 525 CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR Figure 23-8. Timing of Low-Voltage Detector Interrupt Signal Generation (Detects Level of Input Voltage from External Input Pin (EXLVI)) Input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) VEXLVI Note 3 Note 3 Time LVIMK flag (set by software) <1> Note 1 <7> Cleared by software LVISEL flag (set by software) LVION flag (set by software) <2> <3> <4> Wait time LVIF flag <5> Note 2 INTLVI Note 2 LVIIF flag Note 2 LVIMD flag (set by software) L <6> Cleared by software <8> Notes 1. <R> The LVIMK flag is set to "1" by reset signal generation. 2. The interrupt request signal (INTLVI) is generated and the LVIF and LVIIF flags may be set (1). 3. If LVION is cleared (0) in a state below the LVI detection voltage, an INTLVI signal is generated and LVIIF becomes 1. Remark <1> to <8> in Figure 23-8 above correspond to <1> to <8> in the description of "When starting operation" in 23.4.2 (2) When detecting level of input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI). 526 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR 23.5 Cautions for Low-Voltage Detector In a system where the supply voltage (VDD) fluctuates for a certain period in the vicinity of the LVI detection voltage (VLVI), the operation is as follows depending on how the low-voltage detector is used. (1) When used as reset The system may be repeatedly reset and released from the reset status. In this case, the time from release of reset to the start of the operation of the microcontroller can be arbitrarily set by taking action (1) below. (2) When used as interrupt Interrupt requests may be frequently generated. Take (b) of action (2) below. <Action> (1) When used as reset After releasing the reset signal, wait for the supply voltage fluctuation period of each system by means of a software counter that uses a timer, and then initialize the ports (see Figure 23-9). (2) When used as interrupt (a) Confirm that "supply voltage (VDD) detection voltage (VLVI)" when detecting the falling edge of VDD, or "supply voltage (VDD) < detection voltage (VLVI)" when detecting the rising edge of VDD, in the servicing routine of the LVI interrupt by using bit 0 (LVIF) of the low-voltage detection register (LVIM). Clear bit 0 (LVIIF) of interrupt request flag register 0L (IF0L) to 0. (b) In a system where the supply voltage fluctuation period is long in the vicinity of the LVI detection voltage, wait for the supply voltage fluctuation period, confirm that "supply voltage (VDD) detection voltage (VLVI)" when detecting the falling edge of VDD, or "supply voltage (VDD) < detection voltage (VLVI)" when detecting the rising edge of VDD, using the LVIF flag, and clear the LVIIF flag to 0. Remark If bit 2 (LVISEL) of the low voltage detection register (LVIM) is set to "1", the meanings of the above words change as follows. * Supply voltage (VDD) Input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) * Detection voltage (VLVI) Detection voltage (VEXLVI = 1.21 V) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 527 CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR <R> Figure 23-9. Example of Software Processing After Reset Release (1/2) * If supply voltage fluctuation is 50 ms or less in vicinity of LVI detection voltage Reset ; Check the reset sourceNote Initialize the port. Initialization processing <1> LVI reset ; fPRS = Internal high-speed oscillation clock (8.4 MHz (MAX.)) (default) Source: fPRS (8.4 MHz (MAX.))/212, Where comparison value = 102: 50 ms Timer starts (TMHE1 = 1). Setting 8-bit timer H1 (to measure 50 ms) Clearing WDT Detection voltage or higher (LVIF = 0?) Yes No Restarting timer H1 (TMHE1 = 0 TMHE1 = 1) No ; The timer counter is cleared and the timer is started. 50 ms have passed? (TMIFH1 = 1?) Yes Initialization processing <2> ; Setting of division ratio of system clock, such as setting of timer or A/D converter Note A flowchart is shown on the next page. 528 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR <R> Figure 23-9. Example of Software Processing After Reset Release (2/2) * Checking reset source Check reset source LVION of LVIM register = 1? Yes: Reset generation by LVI No: Reset generation other than by LVI Set LVI (Set LVIM and LVIS registers) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 529 CHAPTER 24 OPTION BYTE 24.1 Functions of Option Bytes The flash memory at 0080H to 0084H of the 78K0/KC2 is an option byte area. When power is turned on or when the device is restarted from the reset status, the device automatically references the option bytes and sets specified functions. When using the product, be sure to set the following functions by using the option bytes. When the boot swap operation is used during self programming, 0080H to 0084H are switched to 1080H to 1084H. Therefore, set values that are the same as those of 0080H to 0084H to 1080H to 1084H in advance. Caution Be sure to set 00H to 0082H and 0083H (0082H/1082H and 0083H/1083H when the boot swap function is used). (1) 0080H/1080H { Internal low-speed oscillator operation * Can be stopped by software * Cannot be stopped { Watchdog timer interval time setting { Watchdog timer counter operation * Enabled counter operation * Disabled counter operation { Watchdog timer window open period setting Caution Set a value that is the same as that of 0080H to 1080H because 0080H and 1080H are switched during the boot swap operation. (2) 0081H/1081H { Selecting POC mode * During 2.7 V/1.59 V POC mode operation (POCMODE = 1) The device is in the reset state upon power application and until the supply voltage reaches 2.7 V (TYP.). It is released from the reset state when the voltage exceeds 2.7 V (TYP.). After that, POC is not detected at 2.7 V but is detected at 1.59 V (TYP.). With standard and (A) grade products, if the supply voltage rises to 1.8 V after power application at a rate <R> slower than 0.5 V/ms (MIN.), use of the 2.7 V/1.59 V POC mode is recommended. * During 1.59 V POC mode operation (POCMODE = 0) The device is in the reset state upon power application and until the supply voltage reaches 1.59 V (TYP.). It is released from the reset state when the voltage exceeds 1.59 V (TYP.). After that, POC is detected at 1.59 V (TYP.), in the same manner as on power application. Caution POCMODE can only be written by using a dedicated flash memory programmer. It cannot be set during self programming or boot swap operation during self programming (at this time, 1.59 V POC mode (default) is set). However, because the value of 1081H is copied to 0081H during the boot swap operation, it is recommended to set a value that is the same as that of 0081H to 1081H when the boot swap function is used. 530 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 24 OPTION BYTE (3) 0084H/1084H { On-chip debug operation control * Disabling on-chip debug operation * Enabling on-chip debug operation and erasing data of the flash memory in case authentication of the onchip debug security ID fails * Enabling on-chip debug operation and not erasing data of the flash memory even in case authentication of the on-chip debug security ID fails Cautions 1. Be sure to set 00H (disabling on-chip debug operation) to 0084H for products not equipped with the on-chip debug function (PD78F0511, 78F0512, 78F0513, 78F0514, and 78F0515). Also set 00H to 1084H because 0084H and 1084H are switched during the boot operation. 2. To use the on-chip debug function with a product equipped with the on-chip debug function (PD78F0513D, 78F0515D), set 02H or 03H to 0084H. Set a value that is the same as that of 0084H to 1084H because 0084H and 1084H are switched during the boot operation. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 531 CHAPTER 24 OPTION BYTE 24.2 Format of Option Byte The format of the option byte is shown below. Figure 24-1. Format of Option Byte (1/2) Note Address: 0080H/1080H 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 WINDOW1 WINDOW0 WDTON WDCS2 WDCS1 WDCS0 LSROSC WINDOW1 WINDOW0 0 0 25% 0 1 50% 1 0 75% 1 1 100% WDTON Watchdog timer window open period Operation control of watchdog timer counter/illegal access detection 0 Counter operation disabled (counting stopped after reset), illegal access detection operation disabled 1 Counter operation enabled (counting started after reset), illegal access detection operation enabled WDCS2 WDCS1 WDCS0 Watchdog timer overflow time 10 0 0 0 2 /fRL (3.88 ms) 0 0 1 2 /fRL (7.76 ms) 0 1 0 2 /fRL (15.52 ms) 0 1 1 2 /fRL (31.03 ms) 1 0 0 2 /fRL (62.06 ms) 1 0 1 2 /fRL (124.12 ms) 1 1 0 2 /fRL (248.24 ms) 1 1 1 2 /fRL (496.48 ms) LSROSC 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Internal low-speed oscillator operation 0 Can be stopped by software (stopped when 1 is written to bit 1 (LSRSTOP) of RCM register) 1 Cannot be stopped (not stopped even if 1 is written to LSRSTOP bit) Note Set a value that is the same as that of 0080H to 1080H because 0080H and 1080H are switched during the boot swap operation. <R> Cautions 1. The combination of WDCS2 = WDCS1 = WDCS0 = 0 and WINDOW1 = WINDOW0 = 0 is prohibited. 2. The watchdog timer continues its operation during self programming and EEPROM emulation of the flash memory. During processing, the interrupt acknowledge time is delayed. Set the overflow time and window size taking this delay into consideration. 3. If LSROSC = 0 (oscillation can be stopped by software), the count clock is not supplied to the watchdog timer in the HALT and STOP modes, regardless of the setting of bit 1 (LSRSTOP) of the internal oscillation mode register (RCM). When 8-bit timer H1 operates with the internal low-speed oscillation clock, the count clock is supplied to 8-bit timer H1 even in the HALT/STOP mode. 4. Be sure to clear bit 7 to 0. Remarks 1. 2. 532 fRL: Internal low-speed oscillation clock frequency ( ): fRL = 264 kHz (MAX.) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 24 OPTION BYTE Figure 24-1. Format of Option Byte (2/2) Notes 1, 2 Address: 0081H/1081H 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 POCMODE POCMODE Notes 1. POC mode selection 0 1.59 V POC mode (default) 1 2.7 V/1.59 V POC mode POCMODE can only be written by using a dedicated flash memory programmer. It cannot be set during self programming or boot swap operation during self programming (at this time, 1.59 V POC mode (default) is set). However, because the value of 1081H is copied to 0081H during the boot swap operation, it is recommended to set a value that is the same as that of 0081H to 1081H when the boot swap function is used. 2. To change the setting for the POC mode, set the value to 0081H again after batch erasure (chip erasure) of the flash memory. The setting cannot be changed after the memory of the specified block is erased. Caution Be sure to clear bits 7 to 1 to "0". Note Address: 0082H/1082H, 0083H/1083H 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note Be sure to set 00H to 0082H and 0083H, as these addresses are reserved areas. Also set 00H to 1082H and 1083H because 0082H and 0083H are switched with 1082H and 1083H when the boot swap operation is used. Notes 1, 2 Address: 0084H/1084H Notes 1. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OCDEN1 OCDEN0 OCDEN1 OCDEN0 0 0 Operation disabled 0 1 Setting prohibited 1 0 Operation enabled. Does not erase data of the flash memory in case authentication of the on-chip debug security ID fails. 1 1 Operation enabled. Erases data of the flash memory in case authentication of the on-chip debug security ID fails. On-chip debug operation control Be sure to set 00H (on-chip debug operation disabled) to 0084H for products not equipped with the onchip debug function (PD78F0511, 78F0512, 78F0513, 78F0514, and 78F0515). Also set 00H to 1084H because 0084H and 1084H are switched during the boot swap operation. 2. To use the on-chip debug function with a product equipped with the on-chip debug function (PD78F0513D, 78F0515D), set 02H or 03H to 0084H. Set a value that is the same as that of 0084H to 1084H because 0084H and 1084H are switched during the boot swap operation. Remark For the on-chip debug security ID, see CHAPTER 26 ON-CHIP DEBUG FUNCTION (PD78F0513D AND 78F0515D ONLY). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 533 CHAPTER 24 OPTION BYTE Here is an example of description of the software for setting the option bytes. OPT CSEG OPTION: DB AT 0080H 30H ; Enables watchdog timer operation (illegal access detection operation), ; Window open period of watchdog timer: 50%, ; Overflow time of watchdog timer: 210/fRL, ; Internal low-speed oscillator can be stopped by software. Remark DB 00H ; 1.59 V POC mode DB 00H ; Reserved area DB 00H ; Reserved area DB 00H ; On-chip debug operation disabled Referencing of the option byte is performed during reset processing. For the reset processing timing, see CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION. 534 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY The 78K0/KC2 incorporates the flash memory to which a program can be written, erased, and overwritten while mounted on the board. 25.1 Internal Memory Size Switching Register The internal memory capacity can be selected using the internal memory size switching register (IMS). IMS is set by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets IMS to CFH. Caution Be sure to set each product to the values shown in Table 25-1 after a reset release. Figure 25-1. Format of Internal Memory Size Switching Register (IMS) Address: FFF0H After reset: CFH Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RAM2 RAM1 RAM0 0 ROM3 ROM2 ROM1 ROM0 RAM2 RAM1 RAM0 0 0 0 768 bytes 1 1 0 1024 bytes IMS R/W Other than above Internal high-speed RAM capacity selection Setting prohibited ROM3 ROM2 ROM1 ROM0 0 1 0 0 16 KB 0 1 1 0 24 KB 1 0 0 0 32 KB 1 1 0 0 48 KB 1 1 1 1 Other than above Internal ROM capacity selection 60 KB Setting prohibited User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 535 CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY Table 25-1. Internal Memory Size Switching Register Settings Flash Memory Versions (78K0/KC2) <R> IMS Setting PD78F0511 04H PD78F0512 C6H PD78F0513, 78F0513DNote C8H PD78F0514 CCH PD78F0515, 78F0515DNote CFH Note The internal ROM and internal high-speed RAM capacities of the products with the on-chip debug function can be debugged by setting IMS, according to the debug target products. Set IMS according to the debug target products. 25.2 Internal Expansion RAM Size Switching Register The internal expansion RAM capacity can be selected using the internal expansion RAM size switching register (IXS). IXS is set by an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction. Reset signal generation sets IXS to 0CH. Caution Be sure to set each product to the values shown in Table 25-2 after a reset release. Figure 25-2. Format of Internal Expansion RAM Size Switching Register (IXS) Address: FFF4H After reset: 0CH R/W Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IXS 0 0 0 IXRAM4 IXRAM3 IXRAM2 IXRAM1 IXRAM0 IXRAM4 IXRAM3 IXRAM2 IXRAM1 IXRAM0 0 1 1 0 0 0 byte 0 1 0 1 0 1024 bytes 0 1 0 0 0 2048 bytes Other than above Internal expansion RAM capacity selection Setting prohibited Table 25-2. Internal Expansion RAM Size Switching Register Settings Flash Memory Versions (78K0/KC2) PD78F0511 IXS Setting 0CH PD78F0512 PD78F0513, 78F0513DNote PD78F0514 0AH PD78F0515, 78F0515D Note <R> 08H Note The internal expansion RAM capacity of the products with the on-chip debug function can be debugged by setting IXS, according to the debug target products. Set IXS according to the debug target products. 536 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY 25.3 Writing with Flash Memory Programmer Data can be written to the flash memory on-board or off-board, by using a dedicated flash memory programmer. (1) On-board programming The contents of the flash memory can be rewritten after the 78K0/KC2 has been mounted on the target system. The connectors that connect the dedicated flash memory programmer must be mounted on the target system. (2) Off-board programming Data can be written to the flash memory with a dedicated program adapter (FA series) before the 78K0/KC2 is mounted on the target system. Remark The FA series is a product of Naito Densei Machida Mfg. Co., Ltd. Table 25-3. Wiring Between 78K0/KC2 and Dedicated Flash Memory Programmer (1/2) <R> (a) 38-pin products Pin Configuration of Dedicated Flash Memory Programmer Signal Name I/O With CSI10 Pin Function Pin Name With UART6 Pin No. Pin Name Pin No. SI/RxD Input Receive signal SO10/P12 30 TxD6/P13 29 SO/TxD Output Transmit signal SI10/RxD0/P11 31 RxD6/P14 28 SCK Output Transfer clock SCK10/TxD0/P10 32 - - - Note 2 Note 2 - Note 1 CLK Output Clock to 78K0/KC2 /RESET Output Reset signal RESET 6 RESET 6 FLMD0 Output Mode signal FLMD0 9 FLMD0 9 VDD I/O VDD voltage generation/ VDD 14 VDD 14 power monitoring AVREF 33 AVREF 33 Ground VSS 13 VSS 13 AVSS 34 AVSS 34 - GND Notes 1. 2. Only the internal high-speed oscillation clock (fRH) can be used when CSI10 is used. Only the X1 clock (fX) or external main system clock (fEXCLK) can be used when UART6 is used. When using the clock output of the dedicated flash memory programmer, pin connection varies depending on the type of the dedicated flash memory programmer used. * PG-FP4, FL-PR4: Connect CLK of the programmer to EXCLK/X2/P122 (pin 10). * PG-FPL3, FP-LITE3: Connect CLK of the programmer to X1/P121 (pin 11), and connect its inverted signal to X2/EXCLK/P122 (pin 10). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 537 CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY Table 25-3. Wiring Between 78K0/KC2 and Dedicated Flash Memory Programmer (2/2) (b) 44-pin products Pin Configuration of Dedicated Flash Memory Programmer Signal Name I/O With CSI10 Pin Function Pin Name With UART6 Pin No. Pin Name Pin No. SI/RxD Input Receive signal SO10/P12 29 TxD6/P13 28 SO/TxD Output Transmit signal SI10/RxD0/P11 30 RxD6/P14 27 SCK Output Transfer clock SCK10/TxD0/P10 31 - - - Note 2 Note 2 - Note 1 CLK Output Clock to 78K0/KC2 /RESET Output Reset signal RESET 3 RESET 3 FLMD0 Output Mode signal FLMD0 6 FLMD0 6 VDD I/O VDD voltage generation/ VDD 11 VDD 11 power monitoring AVREF 32 AVREF 32 Ground VSS 10 VSS 10 AVSS 33 AVSS 33 - GND Notes 1. 2. Only the internal high-speed oscillation clock (fRH) can be used when CSI10 is used. Only the X1 clock (fX) or external main system clock (fEXCLK) can be used when UART6 is used. When using the clock output of the dedicated flash memory programmer, pin connection varies depending on the type of the dedicated flash memory programmer used. * PG-FP4, FL-PR4: Connect CLK of the programmer to EXCLK/X2/P122 (pin 7). * PG-FPL3, FP-LITE3: Connect CLK of the programmer to X1/P121 (pin 8), and connect its inverted signal to X2/EXCLK/P122 (pin 7). (c) 48-pin products Pin Configuration of Dedicated Flash Memory Programmer Signal Name I/O With CSI10 Pin Function Pin Name With UART6 Pin No. Pin Name Pin No. SI/RxD Input Receive signal SO10/P12 20 TxD6/P13 19 SO/TxD Output Transmit signal SI10/RxD0/P11 21 RxD6/P14 18 SCK Output Transfer clock SCK10/TxD0/P10 22 - - - Note 2 Note 2 - Note 1 CLK Output Clock to 78K0/KC2 /RESET Output Reset signal RESET 40 RESET 40 FLMD0 Output Mode signal FLMD0 43 FLMD0 43 VDD I/O VDD voltage generation/ VDD 48 VDD 48 power monitoring AVREF 23 AVREF 23 Ground VSS 47 VSS 47 AVSS 24 AVSS 24 - GND Notes 1. 2. Only the internal high-speed oscillation clock (fRH) can be used when CSI10 is used. Only the X1 clock (fX) or external main system clock (fEXCLK) can be used when UART6 is used. When using the clock output of the dedicated flash memory programmer, pin connection varies depending on the type of the dedicated flash memory programmer used. * PG-FP4, FL-PR4: Connect CLK of the programmer to EXCLK/X2/P122 (pin 44). * PG-FPL3, FP-LITE3: Connect CLK of the programmer to X1/P121 (pin 45), and connect its inverted signal to X2/EXCLK/P122 (pin 44). 538 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY Examples of the recommended connection when using the adapter for flash memory writing are shown below. <R> Figure 25-3. Example of Wiring Adapter for Flash Memory Writing in 3-Wire Serial I/O (CSI10) Mode (38-Pin Products) VDD (2.7 to 5.5 V) GND 1 38 2 37 3 36 4 35 5 34 6 33 7 32 8 31 9 30 10 29 11 28 12 27 13 26 14 25 15 24 16 23 17 22 18 21 19 20 GND VDD VDD2 SI SO SCK CLK /RESET FLMD0 WRITER INTERFACE User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 539 CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY Figure 25-4. Example of Wiring Adapter for Flash Memory Writing in UART (UART6) Mode <R> (38-Pin Products) VDD (2.7 to 5.5 V) GND 1 38 2 37 3 36 4 35 5 34 6 33 7 32 8 31 9 30 10Note 29 11 28 12 27 13 26 14 25 15 24 16 23 17 22 18 21 19 20 GND VDD VDD2 SI SO SCK CLKNote /RESET FLMD0 WRITER INTERFACE Note The above figure illustrates an example of wiring when using the clock output from the PG-FP4 or FL-PR4. When using the clock output from the PG-FPL3 or FP-LITE3, connect CLK to X1/P121 (pin 11), and connect its inverted signal to X2/EXCLK/P122 (pin 10). 540 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY Figure 25-5. Example of Wiring Adapter for Flash Memory Writing in 3-Wire Serial I/O (CSI10) Mode (44-Pin Products) VDD (2.7 to 5.5 V) GND 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 1 33 2 32 3 31 4 30 5 29 6 28 7 27 8 26 9 25 10 24 23 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 GND VDD VDD2 SI SO SCK CLK /RESET FLMD0 WRITER INTERFACE User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 541 CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY Figure 25-6. Example of Wiring Adapter for Flash Memory Writing in UART (UART6) Mode (44-Pin Products) VDD (2.7 to 5.5 V) GND 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 1 33 2 32 3 31 4 30 5 29 6 28 7Note 27 8 26 9 25 10 24 23 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 GND VDD VDD2 SI SO SCK CLKNote /RESET FLMD0 WRITER INTERFACE Note The above figure illustrates an example of wiring when using the clock output from the PG-FP4 or FL-PR4. When using the clock output from the PG-FPL3 or FP-LITE3, connect CLK to X1/P121 (pin 8), and connect its inverted signal to X2/EXCLK/P122 (pin 7). 542 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY Figure 25-7. Example of Wiring Adapter for Flash Memory Writing in 3-Wire Serial I/O (CSI10) Mode (48-Pin Products) VDD (2.7 to 5.5 V) GND 1 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 2 35 3 34 4 33 5 32 6 31 7 30 8 29 9 28 10 27 11 26 12 25 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GND VDD VDD2 SI SO SCK CLK /RESET FLMD0 WRITER INTERFACE User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 543 CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY Figure 25-8. Example of Wiring Adapter for Flash Memory Writing in UART (UART6) Mode (48-Pin Products) VDD (2.7 to 5.5 V) GND 1 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 Note 36 2 35 3 34 4 33 5 32 6 31 7 30 8 29 9 28 10 27 11 26 12 25 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GND VDD VDD2 SI SO SCK CLKNote /RESET FLMD0 WRITER INTERFACE Note The above figure illustrates an example of wiring when using the clock output from the PG-FP4 or FL-PR4. When using the clock output from the PG-FPL3 or FP-LITE3, connect CLK to X1/P121 (pin 45), and connect its inverted signal to X2/EXCLK/P122 (pin 44). 544 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY 25.4 Programming Environment The environment required for writing a program to the flash memory of the 78K0/KC2 is illustrated below. Figure 25-9. Environment for Writing Program to Flash Memory FLMD0 VDD XXXXXX XXXX STATVE PG-FP4 (Flash Pro4) VSS XXXXX XXXX YYYY Axxxx Bxxxxx Cxxxxxx XXX YYY RS-232C USB RESET Dedicated flash memory programmer CSI10/UART6 78K0/KC2 Host machine A host machine that controls the dedicated flash memory programmer is necessary. To interface between the dedicated flash memory programmer and the 78K0/KC2, CSI10 or UART6 is used for manipulation such as writing and erasing. To write the flash memory off-board, a dedicated program adapter (FA series) is necessary. 25.5 Communication Mode Communication between the dedicated flash memory programmer and the 78K0/KC2 is established by serial communication via CSI10 or UART6 of the 78K0/KC2. (1) CSI10 Transfer rate: 2.4 kHz to 2.5 MHz Figure 25-10. Communication with Dedicated Flash Memory Programmer (CSI10) FLMD0 VDD GND VDD/AVREF VSS/AVSS XXXXXX XXXX Bxxxxx Cxxxxxx STATVE PG-FP4 (Flash Pro4) XXXXX XXX YYY XXXX YYYY Axxxx FLMD0 Dedicated flash memory programmer /RESET RESET SI/RxD SO10 SO/TxD SI10 SCK 78K0/KC2 SCK10 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 545 CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY (2) UART6 Transfer rate: 115200 bps Figure 25-11. Communication with Dedicated Flash Memory Programmer (UART6) FLMD0 FLMD0 VDD VDD/AVREF GND XXXXXX VSS/AVSS /RESET XXXX STATVE PG-FP4 (Flash Pro4) XXXXX XXX YYY XXXX YYYY Axxxx Bxxxxx Cxxxxxx Dedicated flash memory programmer RESET SI/RxD TxD6 SO/TxD RxD6 CLKNote EXCLKNote 78K0/KC2 Note The above figure illustrates an example of wiring when using the clock output from the PG-FP4 or FL-PR4. When using the clock output from the PG-FPL3 or FP-LITE3, connect CLK to X1/P121, and connect its inverted signal to X2/EXCLK/P122. CLK X1 X2 The dedicated flash memory programmer generates the following signals for the 78K0/KC2. For details, refer to the user's manual for the PG-FP4, FL-PR4, PG-FPL3, or FP-LITE3. Table 25-4. Pin Connection Dedicated Flash Memory Programmer Signal Name I/O Pin Function 78K0/KC2 Pin Name FLMD0 Output Mode signal FLMD0 VDD I/O VDD voltage generation/power monitoring VDD, AVREF Ground VSS, AVSS Clock output to 78K0/KC2 Note 1 - GND CLK Output /RESET Output Reset signal RESET SI/RxD Input Receive signal SO10/TxD6 SO/TxD Output Transmit signal SI10/RxD6 SCK Output Transfer clock SCK10 Notes 1. Connection CSI10 x Note 2 UART6 { Note 1 x Only the X1 clock (fX) or external main system clock (fEXCLK) can be used when UART6 is used. When using the clock output of the dedicated flash memory programmer, pin connection varies depending on the type of the dedicated flash memory programmer used. * PG-FP4, FL-PR4: Connect CLK of the programmer to EXCLK/X2/P122. * PG-FPL3, FP-LITE3: Connect CLK of the programmer to X1/P121, and connect its inverted signal to X2/EXCLK/P122. 2. Remark Only the internal high-speed oscillation clock (fRH) can be used when CSI10 is used. : Be sure to connect the pin. {: The pin does not have to be connected if the signal is generated on the target board. x: The pin does not have to be connected. 546 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY 25.6 Handling of Pins on Board To write the flash memory on-board, connectors that connect the dedicated flash memory programmer must be provided on the target system. First provide a function that selects the normal operation mode or flash memory programming mode on the board. When the flash memory programming mode is set, all the pins not used for programming the flash memory are in the same status as immediately after reset. Therefore, if the external device does not recognize the state immediately after reset, the pins must be handled as described below. 25.6.1 FLMD0 pin In the normal operation mode, 0 V is input to the FLMD0 pin. In the flash memory programming mode, the VDD write voltage is supplied to the FLMD0 pin. An FLMD0 pin connection example is shown below. Figure 25-12. FLMD0 Pin Connection Example 78K0/KC2 Dedicated flash memory programmer connection pin FLMD0 10 k (recommended) 25.6.2 Serial interface pins The pins used by each serial interface are listed below. Table 25-5. Pins Used by Each Serial Interface Serial Interface Pins Used CSI10 SO10, SI10, SCK10 UART6 TxD6, RxD6 To connect the dedicated flash memory programmer to the pins of a serial interface that is connected to another device on the board, care must be exercised so that signals do not collide or that the other device does not malfunction. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 547 CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY (1) Signal collision If the dedicated flash memory programmer (output) is connected to a pin (input) of a serial interface connected to another device (output), signal collision takes place. To avoid this collision, either isolate the connection with the other device, or make the other device go into an output high-impedance state. Figure 25-13. Signal Collision (Input Pin of Serial Interface) 78K0/KC2 Signal collision Input pin Dedicated flash memory programmer connection pin Other device Output pin In the flash memory programming mode, the signal output by the device collides with the signal sent from the dedicated flash memory programmer. Therefore, isolate the signal of the other device. (2) Malfunction of other device If the dedicated flash memory programmer (output or input) is connected to a pin (input or output) of a serial interface connected to another device (input), a signal may be output to the other device, causing the device to malfunction. To avoid this malfunction, isolate the connection with the other device. Figure 25-14. Malfunction of Other Device 78K0/KC2 Pin Dedicated flash memory programmer connection pin Other device Input pin If the signal output by the 78K0/KC2 in the flash memory programming mode affects the other device, isolate the signal of the other device. 78K0/KC2 Pin Dedicated flash memory programmer connection pin Other device Input pin If the signal output by the dedicated flash memory programmer in the flash memory programming mode affects the other device, isolate the signal of the other device. 548 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY 25.6.3 RESET pin If the reset signal of the dedicated flash memory programmer is connected to the RESET pin that is connected to the reset signal generator on the board, signal collision takes place. To prevent this collision, isolate the connection with the reset signal generator. If the reset signal is input from the user system while the flash memory programming mode is set, the flash memory will not be correctly programmed. Do not input any signal other than the reset signal of the dedicated flash memory programmer. Figure 25-15. Signal Collision (RESET Pin) 78K0/KC2 Signal collision RESET Dedicated flash memory programmer connection signal Reset signal generator Output pin In the flash memory programming mode, the signal output by the reset signal generator collides with the signal output by the dedicated flash memory programmer. Therefore, isolate the signal of the reset signal generator. 25.6.4 Port pins When the flash memory programming mode is set, all the pins not used for flash memory programming enter the same status as that immediately after reset. If external devices connected to the ports do not recognize the port status immediately after reset, the port pin must be connected to VDD or VSS via a resistor. 25.6.5 REGC pin Connect the REGC pin to GND via a capacitor (0.47 to 1 F: recommended) in the same manner as during normal operation. 25.6.6 Other signal pins Connect X1 and X2 in the same status as in the normal operation mode when using the on-board clock. To input the operating clock from the dedicated flash memory programmer, however, connect as follows. * PG-FP4, FL-PR4: Connect CLK of the programmer to EXCLK/X2/P122. * PG-FPL3, FP-LITE3: Connect CLK of the programmer and X1/P121, and connect its inverted signal to X2/EXCLK/P122. Cautions 1. Only the internal high-speed oscillation clock (fRH) can be used when CSI10 is used. 2. Only the X1 clock (fX) or external main system clock (fEXCLK) can be used when UART6 is used. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 549 CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY <R> Caution 3. For products without an on-chip debug function, with the flash memory of 48 KB or more (PD78F0514 and 78F0515), and having a product rank of "I", "K", or "E", and for the product with an on-chip debug function (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D), connect P31/INTP2/OCD1ANote and P121/X1/OCD0ANote as follows when writing the flash memory with a flash memory programmer. * P31/INTP2/OCD1ANote: Connect to VSS via a resistor (10 k: recommended). * P121/X1/OCD0ANote: When using this pin as a port, connect it to VSS via a resistor (10 k: recommended) (in the input mode) or leave it open (in the output mode). The above connection is not necessary when writing the flash memory by means of self programming. Note OCD0A and OCD1A are provided to the PD78F0513D and 78F0515D only. Remark For the product ranks, consult an NEC Electronics sales representative. 25.6.7 Power supply To use the supply voltage output of the flash memory programmer, connect the VDD pin to VDD of the flash memory programmer, and the VSS pin to GND of the flash memory programmer. To use the on-board supply voltage, connect in compliance with the normal operation mode. However, be sure to connect the VDD and VSS pins to VDD and GND of the flash memory programmer to use the power monitor function with the flash memory programmer, even when using the on-board supply voltage. Supply the same other power supplies (AVREF and AVSS) as those in the normal operation mode. 550 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY 25.7 Programming Method 25.7.1 Controlling flash memory The following figure illustrates the procedure to manipulate the flash memory. Figure 25-16. Flash Memory Manipulation Procedure Start FLMD0 pulse supply Flash memory programming mode is set Selecting communication mode Manipulate flash memory No End? Yes End 25.7.2 Flash memory programming mode To rewrite the contents of the flash memory by using the dedicated flash memory programmer, set the 78K0/KC2 in the flash memory programming mode. To set the mode, set the FLMD0 pin to VDD and clear the reset signal. Change the mode by using a jumper when writing the flash memory on-board. Figure 25-17. Flash Memory Programming Mode VDD 5.5 V 0V VDD RESET 0V FLMD0 pulse VDD FLMD0 0V Flash memory programming mode Table 25-6. Relationship Between FLMD0 Pin and Operation Mode After Reset Release FLMD0 0 VDD Operation Mode Normal operation mode Flash memory programming mode User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 551 CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY 25.7.3 Selecting communication mode In the 78K0/KC2, a communication mode is selected by inputting pulses to the FLMD0 pin after the dedicated flash memory programming mode is entered. These FLMD0 pulses are generated by the flash memory programmer. The following table shows the relationship between the number of pulses and communication modes. Table 25-7. Communication Modes Communication Mode Standard Setting Port UART (UART6) UART-Ext-Osc 3-wire serial I/O (CSI10) CSI-Internal-OSC Speed Note 1 Pins Used Frequency Note 3 115,200 bps Note 2 2 to 20 MHz Multiply Rate 1.0 TxD6, RxD6 UART-Ext-FP4CK - 2.4 kHz to 2.5 MHz SO10, SI10, SCK10 Peripheral Number of Clock FLMD0 Pulses fX 0 fEXCLK 3 fRH 8 Notes 1. Selection items for Standard settings on GUI of the flash memory programmer. 2. The possible setting range differs depending on the voltage. For details, refer to the chapter of electrical specifications. 3. Because factors other than the baud rate error, such as the signal waveform slew, also affect UART communication, thoroughly evaluate the slew as well as the baud rate error. Caution When UART6 is selected, the receive clock is calculated based on the reset command sent from the dedicated flash memory programmer after the FLMD0 pulse has been received. Remark fX : X1 clock fEXCLK: External main system clock fRH: 552 Internal high-speed oscillation clock User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY 25.7.4 Communication commands The 78K0/KC2 communicates with the dedicated flash memory programmer by using commands. The signals sent from the flash memory programmer to the 78K0/KC2 are called commands, and the signals sent from the 78K0/KC2 to the dedicated flash memory programmer are called response. XXXX XXXXXX Axxxx Bxxxxx Cxxxxxx XXXXX XXX YYY XXXX YYYY Figure 25-18. Communication Commands STATVE PG-FP4 (Flash Pro4) Command Response 78K0/KC2 Dedicated flash programmer The flash memory control commands of the 78K0/KC2 are listed in the table below. All these commands are issued from the programmer and the 78K0/KC2 performs processing corresponding to the respective commands. Table 25-8. Flash Memory Control Commands Classification Verify Command Name Function Compares the contents of a specified area of the flash memory with Verify data transmitted from the programmer. Erase Blank check Chip Erase Erases the entire flash memory. Block Erase Erases a specified area in the flash memory. Block Blank Check Checks if a specified block in the flash memory has been correctly erased. Write Programming Writes data to a specified area in the flash memory. Getting information Status Gets the current operating status (status data). Silicon Signature Gets 78K0/Kx2 information (such as the part number and flash memory configuration). Version Get Gets the 78K0/Kx2 version and firmware version. Checksum Gets the checksum data for a specified area. Security Security Set Sets security information. Others Reset Used to detect synchronization status of communication. Oscillating Frequency Set Specifies an oscillation frequency. The 78K0/KC2 returns a response for the command issued by the dedicated flash memory programmer. The response names sent from the 78K0/KC2 are listed below. Table 25-9. Response Names Response Name Function ACK Acknowledges command/data. NAK Acknowledges illegal command/data. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 553 CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY 25.8 Security Settings The 78K0/KC2 supports a security function that prohibits rewriting the user program written to the internal flash memory, so that the program cannot be changed by an unauthorized person. The operations shown below can be performed using the security set command. The security setting is valid when the programming mode is set next. * Disabling batch erase (chip erase) Execution of the block erase and batch erase (chip erase) commands for entire blocks in the flash memory is prohibited by this setting during on-board/off-board programming. Once execution of the batch erase (chip erase) command is prohibited, all of the prohibition settings (including prohibition of batch erase (chip erase)) can no longer be cancelled. Caution After the security setting for the batch erase is set, erasure cannot be performed for the device. In addition, even if a write command is executed, data different from that which has already been written to the flash memory cannot be written, because the erase command is disabled. * Disabling block erase Execution of the block erase command for a specific block in the flash memory is prohibited during on-board/offboard programming. However, blocks can be erased by means of self programming. * Disabling write Execution of the write and block erase commands for entire blocks in the flash memory is prohibited during onboard/off-board programming. However, blocks can be written by means of self programming. * Disabling rewriting boot cluster 0 Execution of the batch erase (chip erase) command, block erase command, and write command on boot cluster 0 (0000H to 0FFFH) in the flash memory is prohibited by this setting. Caution If a security setting that rewrites boot cluster 0 has been applied, boot cluster 0 of that device will not be rewritten. The batch erase (chip erase), block erase, write commands, and rewriting boot cluster 0 are enabled by the default setting when the flash memory is shipped. Security can be set by on-board/off-board programming and self programming. Each security setting can be used in combination. Prohibition of erasing blocks and writing is cleared by executing the batch erase (chip erase) command. Table 25-10 shows the relationship between the erase and write commands when the 78K0/KC2 security function is enabled. 554 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY Table 25-10. Relationship Between Enabling Security Function and Command (1) During on-board/off-board programming Valid Security Executed Command Batch Erase (Chip Erase) Block Erase Write Note Prohibition of batch erase (chip erase) Cannot be erased in batch Blocks cannot be Can be performed Prohibition of block erase Can be erased in batch. erased. Can be performed. Prohibition of writing . Cannot be performed. Prohibition of rewriting boot cluster 0 Cannot be erased in batch Boot cluster 0 cannot be Boot cluster 0 cannot be erased. written. Note Confirm that no data has been written to the write area. Because data cannot be erased after batch erase (chip erase) is prohibited, do not write data if the data has not been erased. (2) During self programming Valid Security Executed Command Block Erase Prohibition of batch erase (chip erase) Write Blocks can be erased. Can be performed. Boot cluster 0 cannot be erased. Boot cluster 0 cannot be written. Prohibition of block erase Prohibition of writing Prohibition of rewriting boot cluster 0 Table 25-11 shows how to perform security settings in each programming mode. Table 25-11. Setting Security in Each Programming Mode (1) On-board/off-board programming Security Security Setting How to Disable Security Setting Prohibition of batch erase (chip erase) Set via GUI of dedicated flash memory Cannot be disabled after set. Prohibition of block erase programmer, etc. Execute batch erase (chip erase) Prohibition of writing command Prohibition of rewriting boot cluster 0 Cannot be disabled after set. (2) Self programming Security Prohibition of batch erase (chip erase) Security Setting Set by using information library. How to Disable Security Setting Cannot be disabled after set. Prohibition of block erase Execute batch erase (chip erase) Prohibition of writing command during on-board/off-board programming (cannot be disabled during self programming) Prohibition of rewriting boot cluster 0 Cannot be disabled after set. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 555 CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY 25.9 Processing Time for Each Command When PG-FP4 Is Used (Reference) The following table shows the processing time for each command (reference) when the PG-FP4 is used as a dedicated flash memory programmer. Table 25-12. Processing Time for Each Command When PG-FP4 Is Used (Reference) PD78F0515, 78F0515D (internal ROM capacity: 60 KB) (1) Command of Port: CSI-Internal-OSC Port: UART-Ext-FP4CK (External main system clock (fEXCLK)), PG-FP4 (Internal high-speed Speed: 115,200 bps oscillation clock (fRH)), Frequency: 2.0 MHz Speed: 2.5 MHz Signature 0.5 s (TYP.) 0.5 s (TYP.) 0.5 s (TYP.) Blankcheck 1 s (TYP.) 1 s (TYP.) 1 s (TYP.) Erase 1.5 s (TYP.) 1 s (TYP.) 1 s (TYP.) Program 5 s (TYP.) 9 s (TYP.) 9 s (TYP.) Verify 2 s (TYP.) 6.5 s (TYP.) 6.5 s (TYP.) E.P.V 6 s (TYP.) 10.5 s (TYP.) 10.5 s (TYP.) Checksum 0.5 s (TYP.) 1 s (TYP.) 1 s (TYP.) Security 0.5 s (TYP.) 0.5 s (TYP.) 0.5 s (TYP.) PD78F0513, 78F0513D (internal ROM capacity: 32 KB) (2) Command of Port: CSI-Internal-OSC Port: UART-Ext-FP4CK (External main system clock (fEXCLK)), PG-FP4 (Internal high-speed Speed: 115,200 bps oscillation clock (fRH)), Frequency: 2.0 MHz Speed: 2.5 MHz <R> Frequency: 20 MHz Frequency: 20 MHz Signature 0.5 s (TYP.) 0.5 s (TYP.) 0.5 s (TYP.) Blankcheck 0.5 s (TYP.) 0.5 s (TYP.) 0.5 s (TYP.) Erase 0.5 s (TYP.) 0.5 s (TYP.) 0.5 s (TYP.) Program 2.5 s (TYP.) 5 s (TYP.) 5 s (TYP.) Verify 1.5 s (TYP.) 4 s (TYP.) 3.5 s (TYP.) E.P.V 3.5 s (TYP.) 6 s (TYP.) 6 s (TYP.) Checksum 0.5 s (TYP.) 0.5 s (TYP.) 0.5 s (TYP.) Security 0.5 s (TYP.) 0.5 s (TYP.) 0.5 s (TYP.) Caution When executing boot swapping, do not use the E.P.V. command with the dedicated flash memory programmer. 556 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY 25.10 Flash Memory Programming by Self Programming The 78K0/KC2 supports a self programming function that can be used to rewrite the flash memory via a user program. Because this function allows a user application to rewrite the flash memory by using a self programming library, it can be used to upgrade the program in the field. If an interrupt occurs during self programming, self programming can be temporarily stopped and interrupt servicing can be executed. To execute interrupt servicing, restore the normal operation mode after self programming has been stopped, and execute the EI instruction. After the self programming mode is later restored, self programming can be resumed. Remark For details of the self programming function and the 78K0/KC2 self programming library, refer to 78K0/Kx2 Flash Memory Self Programming User's Manual (U17516E). Cautions 1. The self programming function cannot be used when the CPU operates with the subsystem clock. 2. Input a high level to the FLMD0 pin during self programming. 3. Be sure to execute the DI instruction before starting self programming. The self programming function checks the interrupt request flags (IF0L, IF0H, IF1L, and IF1H). If an interrupt request is generated, self programming is stopped. 4. Self programming is also stopped by an interrupt request that is not masked even in the DI status. To prevent this, mask the interrupt by using the interrupt mask flag registers (MK0L, MK0H, MK1L, and MK1H). 5. Allocate the entry program for self programming in the common area of 0000H to 7FFFH. Figure 25-19. Operation Mode and Memory Map for Self Programming (PD78F0515) FFFFH FF00H FEFFH FB00H FA F F H FFFFH FF00H FEFFH SFR Internal highspeed RAM FB00H FA F F H SFR Internal highspeed RAM Reserved Reserved F800H F7FFH F800H F7FFH Internal expansion RAM F000H EFFFH Internal expansion RAM Flash memory control firmware ROM F000H EFFFH Disable accessing Disable accessing 8000H 7FFFH Flash memory control firmware ROM Enable accessing 8000H 7FFFH Flash memory (common area) 0000H Flash memory (common area) Instructions can be fetched from common area . 0000H Normal mode Instructions can be fetched from common area and firmware ROM. Self programming mode User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 557 CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY The following figure illustrates a flow of rewriting the flash memory by using a self programming library. Figure 25-20. Flow of Self Programming (Rewriting Flash Memory) Start of self programming FLMD0 pin Low level High level FlashStart Setting operating environment FlashEnv CheckFLMD Normal completion? No Yes FlashBlockBlankCheck No Erased? Yes FlashBlockErase FlashWordWrite Normal completion? Normal completion? No Yes No Yes FlashBlockVerify Normal completion? No Yes FlashEnd FLMD0 pin High level Low level End of self programming Remark For details of the self programming library, refer to 78K0/Kx2 Flash Memory Self Programming User's Manual (U17516E). 558 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY The following table shows the processing time and interrupt response time for the self programming library. <R> Table 25-13. Processing Time for Self Programming Library (1/3) (1) When internal high-speed oscillation clock is used and entry RAM is located outside short direct addressing range Processing Time (s) Library Name Normal Model of C Compiler Min. Static Model of C Compiler/Assembler Max. Min. Self programming start library Max. 4.25 Initialize library 977.75 Mode check library Block blank check library 753.875 753.125 12770.875 12765.875 Block erase library 36909.5 356318 36904.5 356296.25 Word write library 1214 (1214.375) 2409 (2409.375) 1207 (1207.375) 2402 (2402.375) Block verify library 25618.875 25613.875 Self programming end library Get information library 4.25 Option value: 03H 871.25 (871.375) 866 (866.125) Option value: 04H 863.375 (863.5) 858.125 (858.25) Option value: 05H 1024.75 (1043.625) 1037.5 (1038.375) Set information library 105524.75 790809.375 105523.75 EEPROM write library 1496.5 2691.5 1489.5 790808.375 2684.5 (1496.875) (2691.875) (1489.875) (2684.875) (2) When internal high-speed oscillation clock is used and entry RAM is located in short direct addressing range Processing Time (s) Library Name Normal Model of C Compiler Min. Static Model of C Compiler/Assembler Max. Self programming start library Min. Max. 4.25 Initialize library 443.5 Mode check library 219.625 Block blank check library 218.875 12236.625 12231.625 Block erase library 36363.25 355771.75 36358.25 355750 Word write library 679.75 1874.75 672.75 1867.75 (1875.125) (673.125) (680.125) Block verify library 25072.625 Self programming end library Get information library (1868.125) 25067.625 4.25 Option value: 03H 337 (337.125) 331.75 (331.875) Option value: 04H 329.125 (239.25) 323.875 (324) Option value: 05H 502.25 (503.125) 497 (497.875) Set information library 104978.5 541143.125 104977.5 EEPROM write library 962.25 2157.25 955.25 541142.125 2150.25 (962.625) (2157.625) (955.625) (2150.625) Remarks 1. Values in parentheses indicate values when a write start address structure is located other than in the internal high-speed RAM. 2. The above processing times are those during stabilized operation of the internal high-speed oscillator (RSTS = 1). 3. RSTS: Bit 7 of the internal oscillation mode register (RCM) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 559 CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY <R> Table 25-13. Processing Time for Self Programming Library (2/3) (3) When high-speed system clock (X1 oscillation or external clock input) is used and entry RAM is located outside short direct addressing range Processing Time (s) Library Name Normal Model of C Compiler Min. Static Model of C Compiler/Assembler Max. Self programming start library Min. Max. 34/fCPU Initialize library 49/fCPU + 485.8125 Mode check library Block blank check library Block erase library Word write library Block verify library 35/fCPU + 374.75 29/fCPU + 374.75 174/fCPU + 6382.0625 134/fCPU + 6382.0625 174/fCPU + 174/fCPU + 134/fCPU + 134/fCPU + 31093.875 298948.125 31093.875 298948.125 318 (321)/fCPU + 318 (321)/fCPU + 262 (265)/fCPU + 262 (265)/fCPU + 644.125 1491.625 644.125 1491.625 174/fCPU + 13448.5625 Self programming end library Get information library 134/fCPU + 13448.5625 34/fCPU Option value: 03H 171 (172 )/fCPU + 432.4375 129 (130)/fCPU + 432.4375 Option value: 04H 181 (182)/fCPU + 427.875 139 (140)/fCPU + 427.875 Option value: 05H 404 (411)/fCPU + 496.125 Set information library 75/fCPU + 75/fCPU + 652400 79157.6875 EEPROM write library 362 (369)/fCPU + 496.125 67fCPU + 67fCPU + 652400 79157.6875 318 (321)/fCPU + 318 (321)/fCPU + 262 (265)/fCPU + 262 (265)/fCPU + 799.875 1647.375 799.875 1647.375 Remarks 1. Values in parentheses indicate values when a write start address structure is located other than in the internal high-speed RAM. 2. The above processing times are those during stabilized operation of the internal high-speed oscillator (RSTS = 1). 3. fCPU: CPU operation clock frequency 4. RSTS: Bit 7 of the internal oscillation mode register (RCM) 560 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY <R> Table 25-13. Processing Time for Self Programming Library (3/3) (4) When high-speed system clock (X1 oscillation or external clock input) is used and entry RAM is located in short direct addressing range Processing Time (s) Library Name Normal Model of C Compiler Min. Static Model of C Compiler/Assembler Max. Self programming start library Min. Max. 34/fCPU Initialize library 49/fCPU + 224.6875 Mode check library Block blank check library Block erase library Word write library Block verify library 35/fCPU + 113.625 29/fCPU + 113.625 174/fCPU + 6120.9375 134/fCPU + 6120.9375 174/fCPU + 174/fCPU + 134/fCPU + 30820.75 298675 30820.75 298675 318 (321)/fCPU + 318 (321)/fCPU + 262 (265)/fCPU + 262 (265)/fCPU + 383 1230.5 383 1230.5 174/fCPU + 13175.4375 Self programming end library Get information library 134/fCPU + 134/fCPU + 13175.4375 34/fCPU Option value: 03H 171 (172)/fCPU + 171.3125 Option value: 04H 181 (182)/fCPU + 166.75 139 (140)/fCPU + 166.75 Option value: 05H 404 (411)/fCPU + 231.875 362 (369)/fCPU + 231.875 Set information library EEPROM write library 129 (130)/fCPU + 171.3125 75/fCPU + 75/fCPU + 67fCPU + 67fCPU + 78884.5625 527566.875 78884.5625 527566.875 318 (321)/fCPU + 318 (321)/fCPU + 262 (265)/fCPU + 262 (265)/fCPU + 538.75 1386.25 538.75 1386.25 Remarks 1. Values in parentheses indicate values when a write start address structure is located other than in the internal high-speed RAM. 2. The above processing times are those during stabilized operation of the internal high-speed oscillator (RSTS = 1). 3. fCPU: CPU operation clock frequency 4. RSTS: Bit 7 of the internal oscillation mode register (RCM) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 561 CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY <R> Table 25-14. Interrupt Response Time for Self Programming Library (1/2) (1) When internal high-speed oscillation clock is used Interrupt Response Time (s (Max.)) Library Name Normal Model of C Compiler Static Model of C Compiler/Assembler Entry RAM location Entry RAM location Entry RAM location is outside short is in short direct is outside short is in short direct direct addressing addressing range direct addressing addressing range range Entry RAM location range Block blank check library 933.6 668.6 927.9 662.9 Block erase library 1026.6 763.6 1020.9 757.9 Word write library 2505.8 1942.8 2497.8 1934.8 Block verify library 958.6 693.6 952.9 687.9 Set information library 476.5 211.5 475.5 210.5 EEPROM write library 2760.8 2168.8 2759.5 2167.5 Remarks 1. The above interrupt response times are those during stabilized operation of the internal high-speed oscillator (RSTS = 1). 2. RSTS: Bit 7 of the internal oscillation mode register (RCM) (2) When high-speed system clock is used (normal model of C compiler) Interrupt Response Time (s (Max.)) Library Name RSTOP = 0, RSTS = 1 RSTOP = 1 Entry RAM location Entry RAM location Entry RAM location is outside short is in short direct is outside short is in short direct direct addressing addressing range direct addressing addressing range range Entry RAM location range Block blank check library 179/fCPU + 507 179/fCPU + 407 179/fCPU + 1650 Block erase library 179/fCPU + 559 179/fCPU + 460 179/fCPU + 1702 179/fCPU + 767 Word write library 333/fCPU + 1589 333/fCPU + 1298 333/fCPU + 2732 333/fCPU + 1605 Block verify library 179/fCPU + 518 179/fCPU + 418 179/fCPU + 1661 179/fCPU + 725 Set information library 80/fCPU + 370 80/fCPU + 165 80/fCPU + 1513 80/fCPU + 472 29/fCPU + 1759 29/fCPU + 1468 29/fCPU + 1759 29/fCPU + 1468 333/fCPU + 834 333/fCPU + 512 333/fCPU + 2061 333/fCPU + 873 Note EEPROM write library 179/fCPU + 714 Note The longer value of the EEPROM write library interrupt response time becomes the Max. value, depending on the value of fCPU. Remarks 1. fCPU: CPU operation clock frequency 2. RSTOP: Bit 0 of the internal oscillation mode register (RCM) 3. RSTS: Bit 7 of the internal oscillation mode register (RCM) 562 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY Table 25-14. Interrupt Response Time for Self Programming Library (2/2) <R> (3) When high-speed system clock is used (static model of C compiler/assembler) Interrupt Response Time (s (Max.)) Library Name RSTOP = 0, RSTS = 1 RSTOP = 1 Entry RAM location Entry RAM location Entry RAM location is outside short is in short direct is outside short is in short direct direct addressing addressing range direct addressing addressing range range Entry RAM location range Block blank check library 136/fCPU + 507 136/fCPU + 407 136/fCPU + 1650 136/fCPU + 714 Block erase library 136/fCPU + 559 136/fCPU + 460 136/fCPU + 1702 136/fCPU + 767 Word write library 272/fCPU + 1589 272/fCPU + 1298 272/fCPU + 2732 272/fCPU + 1605 Block verify library 136/fCPU + 518 136/fCPU + 418 136/fCPU + 1661 136/fCPU + 725 Set information library 72/fCPU + 370 72/fCPU + 165 72/fCPU + 1513 72/fCPU + 472 19/fCPU + 1759 19/fCPU + 1468 19/fCPU + 1759 19/fCPU + 1468 268/fCPU + 834 268/fCPU + 512 268/fCPU + 2061 268/fCPU + 873 Note EEPROM write library Note The longer value of the EEPROM write library interrupt response time becomes the Max. value, depending on the value of fCPU. Remarks 1. fCPU: CPU operation clock frequency 2. RSTOP: Bit 0 of the internal oscillation mode register (RCM) 3. RSTS: Bit 7 of the internal oscillation mode register (RCM) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 563 CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY 25.10.1 Boot swap function If rewriting the boot area has failed during self programming due to a power failure or some other cause, the data in the boot area may be lost and the program may not be restarted by resetting. The boot swap function is used to avoid this problem. Before erasing boot cluster 0Note, which is a boot program area, by self programming, write a new boot program to boot cluster 1 in advance. When the program has been correctly written to boot cluster 1, swap this boot cluster 1 and boot cluster 0 by using the set information function of the firmware of the 78K0/KC2, so that boot cluster 1 is used as a boot area. After that, erase or write the original boot program area, boot cluster 0. As a result, even if a power failure occurs while the boot programming area is being rewritten, the program is executed correctly because it is booted from boot cluster 1 to be swapped when the program is reset and started next. If the program has been correctly written to boot cluster 0, restore the original boot area by using the set information function of the firmware of the 78K0/KC2. Note A boot cluster is a 4 KB area and boot clusters 0 and 1 are swapped by the boot swap function. Boot cluster 0 (0000H to 0FFFH): Original boot program area Boot cluster 1 (1000H to 1FFFH): Area subject to boot swap function <R> Caution When executing boot swapping, do not use the E.P.V command with the dedicated flash memory programmer. <R> Figure 25-21. Boot Swap Function XXXXH User program Self programming to boot cluster 1 User program Setting of boot flag User program 2000H User program New boot program (boot cluster 1) New boot program (boot cluster 1) Boot program (boot cluster 0) Boot program (boot cluster 0) Boot program (boot cluster 0) 1000H 0000H Boot Boot Boot XXXXH Self programming to boot cluster 0 User program Setting of boot flag User program 2000H 1000H 0000H <R> Remark 564 New boot program (boot cluster 1) New boot program (boot cluster 1) Boot New boot program (boot cluster 0) New boot program (boot cluster 0) Boot Boot cluster 1 becomes 0000H to 0FFFH when a reset is generated after the boot flag has been set. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY <R> Figure 25-22. Example of Executing Boot Swapping Block number Boot cluster 1 Boot cluster 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Program Program Program Program Boot program Boot program Boot program Boot program 1000H 0000H Erasing block 4 Erasing block 5 Erasing block 6 Erasing block 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Program Program Program Boot program Boot program Boot program Boot program Program Program Boot program Boot program Boot program Boot program Program Boot program Boot program Boot program Boot program Boot program Boot program Boot program Boot program Booted by boot cluster 0 Writing blocks 5 to 7 7 New boot program 6 New boot program 5 New boot program 4 New boot program 3 Boot program 2 Boot program 1 Boot program 0 Boot program Boot swap 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 New boot program New boot program New boot program New boot program Boot program Boot program Boot program Boot program 0000H 1000H Erasing block 0 Erasing block 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 New boot program New boot program New boot program New boot program Boot program Boot program Boot program New boot program New boot program New boot program New boot program Boot program Boot program Booted by boot cluster 1 Erasing block 2 Erasing block 3 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 New boot program New boot program New boot program New boot program Boot program New boot program New boot program New boot program New boot program Writing blocks 0 to 3 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 New boot program New boot program New boot program New boot program New boot program New boot program New boot program New boot program Boot swap 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 New boot program New boot program New boot program New boot program 1 0 0 0 H New boot program New boot program New boot program New boot program 0 0 0 0 H Booted by boot cluster 0 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 565 CHAPTER 26 ON-CHIP DEBUG FUNCTION (PD78F0513D AND 78F0515D ONLY) <R> 26.1 Connecting QB-78K0MINI or QB-MINI2 to PD78F0513D and 78F0515D The PD78F0513D and 78F0515D use the VDD, FLMD0, RESET, OCD0A/X1 (or OCD1A/P31), OCD0B/X2 (or OCD1B/P32), and VSS pins to communicate with the host machine via an on-chip debug emulator (QB-78K0MINI or QB-MINI2). Whether OCD0A/X1 and OCD1A/P31, or OCD0B/X2 and OCD1B/P32 are used can be selected. Caution The PD78F0513D and 78F0515D have an on-chip debug function. Do not use these products for mass production because its reliability cannot be guaranteed after the on-chip debug function has been used, given the issue of the number of times the flash memory can be rewritten. NEC Electronics does not accept complaints concerning these products. Figure 26-1. Connection Example of QB-78K0MINI or QB-MINI2 and PD78F0513D, 78F0515D (When OCD0A/X1 and OCD0B/X2 Are Used) VDD Target connector (10-pin) VDD VDD 1 k (Recommended) Reset circuit Reset signal RESET_INNote 1 10 k (Recommended) Target device RESET RESET_OUT FLMD0 FLMD0 Note 2 VDD VDD X2 (DATA)Note 3 X2/OCD0B GND X1 (CLK)Note 3 X1/OCD0A P31 GND GND R.F.U. (Open) R.F.U. Note 2 (Open) Cautions 1. Input the clock from the OCD0A/X1 pin during on-chip debugging. 2. Control the OCD0A/X1 and OCD0B/X2 pins by externally pulling down the OCD1A/P31 pin or Note 4 by using an external circuit using the P130 pin (that outputs a low level when the device is reset). Notes 1. This connection is designed assuming that the reset signal is output from the N-ch open-drain buffer (output resistance: 100 or less). For details, refer to QB-78K0MINI User's Manual (U17029E) or QBMINI2 User's Manual (U18371E). 2. Make pull-down resistor 470 or more (10 k: recommended). 3. Characters without parentheses represent the QB-78K0MINI name, and those within parenthesis the QB-MINI2 name. 4. 48-pin products only. 566 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 26 ON-CHIP DEBUG FUNCTION (PD78F0513D AND 78F0515D ONLY) Figure 26-2. Connection Example of QB-78K0MINI or QB-MINI2 and PD78F0513D, 78F0515D (When OCD1A/P31 and OCD1B/P32 Are Used) Target connector (10-pin) VDD VDD VDD 3 to 10 k (Recommended) Note 2 VDD Reset circuit 1 k Reset signal (Recommended) RESET_INNote 1 10 k Target device (Recommended) RESET RESET_OUT FLMD0 FLMD0 Note 3 VDD VDD X2 (DATA)Note 4 OCD1B/P32 GND X1 (CLK)Note 4 OCD1A/P31 GND GND R.F.U. (Open) R.F.U. Note 3 (Open) Notes 1. This connection is designed assuming that the reset signal is output from the N-ch open-drain buffer (output resistance: 100 or less). For details, refer to QB-78K0MINI User's Manual (U17029E) or QBMINI2 User's Manual (U18371E). 2. This is the processing of the pin when OCD1B/P32 is set as the input port (to prevent the pin from being left opened when not connected to QB-78K0MINI or QB-MINI2). 3. Make pull-down resistor 470 or more (10 k: recommended). 4. Characters without parentheses represent the QB-78K0MINI name, and those within parenthesis the QB-MINI2 name. Connect the FLMD0 pin as follows when performing self programming by means of on-chip debugging. Figure 26-3. Connection of FLMD0 Pin for Self Programming by Means of On-Chip Debugging PD78F0513D, 78F0515D Target connector Port 1 k (recommended) FLMD0 FLMD0 10 k (recommended) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 567 CHAPTER 26 ON-CHIP DEBUG FUNCTION (PD78F0513D AND 78F0515D ONLY) <R> 26.2 Reserved Area Used by QB-78K0MINI and QB-MINI2 QB-78K0MINI and QB-MINI2 use the reserved areas shown in Figure 26-4 below to implement communication with the PD78F0513D and 78F0515D, or each debug function. The shaded reserved areas are used for the respective debug functions to be used, and the other areas are always used for debugging. These reserved areas can be secured by using user programs and compiler options. When using a boot swap operation during self programming, set the same value to boot cluster 1 beforehand. For details on reserved area, refer to QB-78K0MINI User's Manual (U17029E) or QB-MINI2 User's Manual (U18371E). Figure 26-4. Reserved Area Used by QB-78K0MINI and QB-MINI2 Internal ROM space Internal RAM space Stack area for debugging (Max. 16 bytes) 28FH Pseudo RRM area (256 bytes) 190H 18FH FF7FH Debug monitor area (257 bytes) 8FH 8EH 85H 84H F7F0H Pseudo RRM area (16 bytes)Note Security ID area (10 bytes) Option byte area (1 byte) 7 F H Software break area (2 bytes) 7EH 03H 02H Debug monitor area (2 bytes) 00H Note The securing of this area is not required for products (PD78F0513D) that have no internal expansion RAM incorporated. Remark Shaded reserved areas: Area used for the respective debug functions to be used Other reserved areas: 568 Areas always used for debugging User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 27 INSTRUCTION SET This chapter lists each instruction set of the 78K0/KC2 in table form. For details of each operation and operation code, refer to the separate document 78K/0 Series Instructions User's Manual (U12326E). 27.1 Conventions Used in Operation List 27.1.1 Operand identifiers and specification methods Operands are written in the "Operand" column of each instruction in accordance with the specification method of the instruction operand identifier (refer to the assembler specifications for details). When there are two or more methods, select one of them. Uppercase letters and the symbols #, !, $ and [ ] are keywords and must be written as they are. Each symbol has the following meaning. * #: Immediate data specification * !: Absolute address specification * $: Relative address specification * [ ]: Indirect address specification In the case of immediate data, describe an appropriate numeric value or a label. When using a label, be sure to write the #, !, $, and [ ] symbols. For operand register identifiers r and rp, either function names (X, A, C, etc.) or absolute names (names in parentheses in the table below, R0, R1, R2, etc.) can be used for specification. Table 27-1. Operand Identifiers and Specification Methods Identifier Specification Method r X (R0), A (R1), C (R2), B (R3), E (R4), D (R5), L (R6), H (R7) rp AX (RP0), BC (RP1), DE (RP2), HL (RP3) sfr Special function register symbol sfrp Special function register symbol (16-bit manipulatable register even addresses only) saddr FE20H to FF1FH Immediate data or labels saddrp FE20H to FF1FH Immediate data or labels (even address only) addr16 0000H to FFFFH Immediate data or labels Note Note (Only even addresses for 16-bit data transfer instructions) addr11 0800H to 0FFFH Immediate data or labels addr5 0040H to 007FH Immediate data or labels (even address only) word 16-bit immediate data or label byte 8-bit immediate data or label bit 3-bit immediate data or label RBn RB0 to RB3 Note Addresses from FFD0H to FFDFH cannot be accessed with these operands. Remark For special function register symbols, see Table 3-7 Special Function Register List. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 569 CHAPTER 27 INSTRUCTION SET 27.1.2 Description of operation column A: A register; 8-bit accumulator X: X register B: B register C: C register D: D register E: E register H: H register L: L register AX: AX register pair; 16-bit accumulator BC: BC register pair DE: DE register pair HL: HL register pair PC: Program counter SP: Stack pointer PSW: Program status word CY: Carry flag AC: Auxiliary carry flag Z: Zero flag RBS: Register bank select flag IE: Interrupt request enable flag ( ): Memory contents indicated by address or register contents in parentheses XH, XL: Higher 8 bits and lower 8 bits of 16-bit register : Logical product (AND) : Logical sum (OR) : Exclusive logical sum (exclusive OR) : Inverted data addr16: 16-bit immediate data or label jdisp8: Signed 8-bit data (displacement value) 27.1.3 Description of flag operation column (Blank): Not affected 0: Cleared to 0 1: Set to 1 x: Set/cleared according to the result R: Previously saved value is restored 570 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 27 INSTRUCTION SET 27.2 Operation List Instruction Group 8-bit data Mnemonic MOV transfer XCH Notes 1. Operands Clocks Bytes Note 2 Z AC CY r, #byte 2 4 - r byte saddr, #byte 3 6 7 (saddr) byte sfr, #byte 3 - 7 sfr byte A, r Note 3 1 2 - Ar r, A Note 3 1 2 - rA A, saddr 2 4 5 A (saddr) saddr, A 2 4 5 (saddr) A A, sfr 2 - 5 A sfr sfr, A 2 - 5 sfr A A, !addr16 3 8 9 A (addr16) !addr16, A 3 8 9 (addr16) A PSW, #byte 3 - 7 PSW byte A, PSW 2 - 5 A PSW PSW, A 2 - 5 PSW A A, [DE] 1 4 5 A (DE) [DE], A 1 4 5 (DE) A A, [HL] 1 4 5 A (HL) [HL], A 1 4 5 (HL) A A, [HL + byte] 2 8 9 A (HL + byte) [HL + byte], A 2 8 9 (HL + byte) A A, [HL + B] 1 6 7 A (HL + B) [HL + B], A 1 6 7 (HL + B) A A, [HL + C] 1 6 7 A (HL + C) [HL + C], A 1 6 7 (HL + C) A 1 2 - Ar A, r Note 3 Flag Operation Note 1 A, saddr 2 4 6 A (saddr) A, sfr 2 - 6 A (sfr) A, !addr16 3 8 10 A (addr16) A, [DE] 1 4 6 A (DE) A, [HL] 1 4 6 A (HL) A, [HL + byte] 2 8 10 A (HL + byte) A, [HL + B] 2 8 10 A (HL + B) A, [HL + C] 2 8 10 A (HL + C) x x x x x x When the internal high-speed RAM area is accessed or for an instruction with no data access 2. When an area except the internal high-speed RAM area is accessed 3. Except "r = A" Remarks 1. One instruction clock cycle is one cycle of the CPU clock (fCPU) selected by the processor clock control register (PCC). 2. This clock cycle applies to the internal ROM program. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 571 CHAPTER 27 INSTRUCTION SET Instruction Group Mnemonic Operands Clocks Bytes Note 1 16-bit data MOVW transfer 3 6 - rp word saddrp, #word 4 8 10 (saddrp) word sfrp, #word 4 - 10 sfrp word AX, saddrp 2 6 8 AX (saddrp) saddrp, AX 2 6 8 (saddrp) AX AX, sfrp 2 - 8 AX sfrp sfrp, AX 2 - 8 sfrp AX 4 - AX rp AX, rp Note 3 1 rp, AX Note 3 1 4 - rp AX 3 10 12 AX (addr16) 3 10 12 (addr16) AX 1 4 - AX rp 2 4 - A, CY A + byte x x x 3 6 8 (saddr), CY (saddr) + byte x x x 2 4 - A, CY A + r x x x 2 4 - r, CY r + A x x x !addr16, AX XCHW AX, rp ADD A, #byte operation Note 3 saddr, #byte A, r Note 4 r, A ADDC A, saddr 2 4 5 A, CY A + (saddr) x x x A, !addr16 3 8 9 A, CY A + (addr16) x x x A, [HL] 1 4 5 A, CY A + (HL) x x x A, [HL + byte] 2 8 9 A, CY A + (HL + byte) x x x A, [HL + B] 2 8 9 A, CY A + (HL + B) x x x A, [HL + C] 2 8 9 A, CY A + (HL + C) x x x A, #byte 2 4 - A, CY A + byte + CY x x x 3 6 8 (saddr), CY (saddr) + byte + CY x x x 2 4 - A, CY A + r + CY x x x 2 4 - r, CY r + A + CY x x x saddr, #byte A, r Note 4 r, A Notes 1. Z AC CY Note 2 rp, #word AX, !addr16 8-bit Flag Operation A, saddr 2 4 5 A, CY A + (saddr) + CY x x x A, !addr16 3 8 9 A, CY A + (addr16) + C x x x A, [HL] 1 4 5 A, CY A + (HL) + CY x x x A, [HL + byte] 2 8 9 A, CY A + (HL + byte) + CY x x x A, [HL + B] 2 8 9 A, CY A + (HL + B) + CY x x x A, [HL + C] 2 8 9 A, CY A + (HL + C) + CY x x x When the internal high-speed RAM area is accessed or for an instruction with no data access 2. When an area except the internal high-speed RAM area is accessed 3. Only when rp = BC, DE or HL 4. Except "r = A" Remarks 1. One instruction clock cycle is one cycle of the CPU clock (fCPU) selected by the processor clock control register (PCC). 2. This clock cycle applies to the internal ROM program. 572 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 27 INSTRUCTION SET Instruction Group Mnemonic Operands Clocks Bytes Note 1 8-bit SUB operation 2 4 - A, CY A - byte x x x saddr, #byte 3 6 8 (saddr), CY (saddr) - byte x x x 2 4 - A, CY A - r x x x r, A 2 4 - r, CY r - A x x x A, saddr 2 4 5 A, CY A - (saddr) x x x Note 3 A, !addr16 3 8 9 A, CY A - (addr16) x x x A, [HL] 1 4 5 A, CY A - (HL) x x x A, [HL + byte] 2 8 9 A, CY A - (HL + byte) x x x A, [HL + B] 2 8 9 A, CY A - (HL + B) x x x A, [HL + C] 2 8 9 A, CY A - (HL + C) x x x A, #byte 2 4 - A, CY A - byte - CY x x x saddr, #byte 3 6 8 (saddr), CY (saddr) - byte - CY x x x 2 4 - A, CY A - r - CY x x x r, A 2 4 - r, CY r - A - CY x x x A, saddr 2 4 5 A, CY A - (saddr) - CY x x x A, !addr16 3 8 9 A, CY A - (addr16) - CY x x x A, [HL] 1 4 5 A, CY A - (HL) - CY x x x A, [HL + byte] 2 8 9 A, CY A - (HL + byte) - CY x x x A, r AND Note 3 A, [HL + B] 2 8 9 A, CY A - (HL + B) - CY x x x A, [HL + C] 2 8 9 A, CY A - (HL + C) - CY x x x A, #byte 2 4 - A A byte x 3 6 8 (saddr) (saddr) byte x 2 4 - AAr x 2 4 - rrA x saddr, #byte A, r r, A Notes 1. Z AC CY Note 2 A, #byte A, r SUBC Flag Operation Note 3 A, saddr 2 4 5 A A (saddr) x A, !addr16 3 8 9 A A (addr16) x A, [HL] 1 4 5 A A (HL) x A, [HL + byte] 2 8 9 A A (HL + byte) x A, [HL + B] 2 8 9 A A (HL + B) x A, [HL + C] 2 8 9 A A (HL + C) x When the internal high-speed RAM area is accessed or for an instruction with no data access 2. When an area except the internal high-speed RAM area is accessed 3. Except "r = A" Remarks 1. One instruction clock cycle is one cycle of the CPU clock (fCPU) selected by the processor clock control register (PCC). 2. This clock cycle applies to the internal ROM program. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 573 CHAPTER 27 INSTRUCTION SET Instruction Group Mnemonic Operands Clocks Bytes Note 1 8-bit OR operation 2 4 - A A byte x saddr, #byte 3 6 8 (saddr) (saddr) byte x 2 4 - AAr x r, A 2 4 - rrA x A, saddr 2 4 5 A A (saddr) x Note 3 A, !addr16 3 8 9 A A (addr16) x A, [HL] 1 4 5 A A (HL) x A, [HL + byte] 2 8 9 A A (HL + byte) x A, [HL + B] 2 8 9 A A (HL + B) x A, [HL + C] 2 8 9 A A (HL + C) x A, #byte 2 4 - A A byte x saddr, #byte 3 6 8 (saddr) (saddr) byte x 2 4 - AAr x r, A 2 4 - rrA x A, saddr 2 4 5 A A (saddr) x A, !addr16 3 8 9 A A (addr16) x A, [HL] 1 4 5 A A (HL) x A, [HL + byte] 2 8 9 A A (HL + byte) x A, r CMP Note 3 A, [HL + B] 2 8 9 A A (HL + B) x A, [HL + C] 2 8 9 A A (HL + C) x A, #byte 2 4 - A - byte x x x 3 6 8 (saddr) - byte x x x 2 4 - A-r x x x 2 4 - r-A x x x saddr, #byte A, r r, A Notes 1. Z AC CY Note 2 A, #byte A, r XOR Flag Operation Note 3 A, saddr 2 4 5 A - (saddr) x x x A, !addr16 3 8 9 A - (addr16) x x x A, [HL] 1 4 5 A - (HL) x x x A, [HL + byte] 2 8 9 A - (HL + byte) x x x A, [HL + B] 2 8 9 A - (HL + B) x x x A, [HL + C] 2 8 9 A - (HL + C) x x x When the internal high-speed RAM area is accessed or for an instruction with no data access 2. When an area except the internal high-speed RAM area is accessed 3. Except "r = A" Remarks 1. One instruction clock cycle is one cycle of the CPU clock (fCPU) selected by the processor clock control register (PCC). 2. This clock cycle applies to the internal ROM program. 574 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 27 INSTRUCTION SET Instruction Group Mnemonic Operands Clocks Bytes Flag Operation Note 1 Note 2 Z AC CY 16-bit ADDW AX, #word 3 6 - AX, CY AX + word x x x operation SUBW AX, #word 3 6 - AX, CY AX - word x x x CMPW AX, #word 3 6 - AX - word x x x Multiply/ MULU X 2 16 - AX A x X divide DIVUW C 2 25 - AX (Quotient), C (Remainder) AX / C Increment/ INC decrement DEC INCW Rotate r 1 2 - rr+1 x x saddr 2 4 6 (saddr) (saddr) + 1 x x r 1 2 - rr-1 x x saddr 2 4 6 (saddr) (saddr) - 1 x x rp 1 4 - rp rp + 1 DECW rp 1 4 - rp rp - 1 ROR A, 1 1 2 - (CY, A7 A0, Am - 1 Am) x 1 time x ROL A, 1 1 2 - (CY, A0 A7, Am + 1 Am) x 1 time x RORC A, 1 1 2 - (CY A0, A7 CY, Am - 1 Am) x 1 time x ROLC A, 1 1 2 - (CY A7, A0 CY, Am + 1 Am) x 1 time x ROR4 [HL] 2 10 12 A3 - 0 (HL)3 - 0, (HL)7 - 4 A3 - 0, (HL)3 - 0 (HL)7 - 4 ROL4 [HL] 2 10 12 A3 - 0 (HL)7 - 4, (HL)3 - 0 A3 - 0, (HL)7 - 4 (HL)3 - 0 BCD ADJBA adjustment ADJBS Bit MOV1 manipulate Notes 1. 2. 2 4 - Decimal Adjust Accumulator after Addition x x x x x 2 4 - Decimal Adjust Accumulator after Subtract CY, saddr.bit 3 6 7 CY (saddr.bit) x CY, sfr.bit 3 - 7 CY sfr.bit x CY, A.bit 2 4 - CY A.bit x CY, PSW.bit 3 - 7 CY PSW.bit x CY, [HL].bit 2 6 7 CY (HL).bit x saddr.bit, CY 3 6 8 (saddr.bit) CY sfr.bit, CY 3 - 8 sfr.bit CY A.bit, CY 2 4 - A.bit CY PSW.bit, CY 3 - 8 PSW.bit CY [HL].bit, CY 2 6 8 (HL).bit CY x x x When the internal high-speed RAM area is accessed or for an instruction with no data access When an area except the internal high-speed RAM area is accessed Remarks 1. One instruction clock cycle is one cycle of the CPU clock (fCPU) selected by the processor clock control register (PCC). 2. This clock cycle applies to the internal ROM program. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 575 CHAPTER 27 INSTRUCTION SET Instruction Group Mnemonic Operands Clocks Bytes Note 1 Bit AND1 manipulate OR1 XOR1 SET1 CLR1 Notes 1. 2. Flag Operation Z AC CY Note 2 CY, saddr.bit 3 6 7 CY CY (saddr.bit) x CY, sfr.bit 3 - 7 CY CY sfr.bit x CY, A.bit 2 4 - CY CY A.bit x CY, PSW.bit 3 - 7 CY CY PSW.bit x CY, [HL].bit 2 6 7 CY CY (HL).bit x CY, saddr.bit 3 6 7 CY CY (saddr.bit) x CY, sfr.bit 3 - 7 CY CY sfr.bit x CY, A.bit 2 4 - CY CY A.bit x CY, PSW.bit 3 - 7 CY CY PSW.bit x CY, [HL].bit 2 6 7 CY CY (HL).bit x CY, saddr.bit 3 6 7 CY CY (saddr.bit) x CY, sfr.bit 3 - 7 CY CY sfr.bit x CY, A.bit 2 4 - CY CY A.bit x CY, PSW. bit 3 - 7 CY CY PSW.bit x CY, [HL].bit 2 6 7 CY CY (HL).bit x saddr.bit 2 4 6 (saddr.bit) 1 sfr.bit 3 - 8 sfr.bit 1 A.bit 2 4 - A.bit 1 PSW.bit 2 - 6 PSW.bit 1 [HL].bit 2 6 8 (HL).bit 1 saddr.bit 2 4 6 (saddr.bit) 0 sfr.bit 3 - 8 sfr.bit 0 A.bit 2 4 - A.bit 0 PSW.bit 2 - 6 PSW.bit 0 x x x x x x [HL].bit 2 6 8 (HL).bit 0 SET1 CY 1 2 - CY 1 CLR1 CY 1 2 - CY 0 0 NOT1 CY 1 2 - CY CY x 1 When the internal high-speed RAM area is accessed or for an instruction with no data access When an area except the internal high-speed RAM area is accessed Remarks 1. One instruction clock cycle is one cycle of the CPU clock (fCPU) selected by the processor clock control register (PCC). 2. This clock cycle applies to the internal ROM program. 576 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 27 INSTRUCTION SET Instruction Group Call/return Mnemonic CALL Operands !addr16 Clocks Bytes 3 Operation Note 1 Note 2 7 - Flag Z AC CY (SP - 1) (PC + 3)H, (SP - 2) (PC + 3)L, PC addr16, SP SP - 2 CALLF !addr11 2 5 - (SP - 1) (PC + 2)H, (SP - 2) (PC + 2)L, PC15 - 11 00001, PC10 - 0 addr11, SP SP - 2 CALLT [addr5] 1 6 - (SP - 1) (PC + 1)H, (SP - 2) (PC + 1)L, PCH (00000000, addr5 + 1), PCL (00000000, addr5), SP SP - 2 BRK 1 6 - (SP - 1) PSW, (SP - 2) (PC + 1)H, (SP - 3) (PC + 1)L, PCH (003FH), PCL (003EH), SP SP - 3, IE 0 RET 1 6 - PCH (SP + 1), PCL (SP), SP SP + 2 RETI 1 6 - PCH (SP + 1), PCL (SP), R R R PSW (SP + 2), SP SP + 3 RETB 1 6 - PCH (SP + 1), PCL (SP), R R R PSW (SP + 2), SP SP + 3 Stack PUSH manipulate PSW rp 1 1 2 - 4 - (SP - 1) PSW, SP SP - 1 (SP - 1) rpH, (SP - 2) rpL, SP SP - 2 POP PSW 1 2 - rp 1 4 - PSW (SP), SP SP + 1 R R R rpH (SP + 1), rpL (SP), SP SP + 2 MOVW SP, #word 4 - 10 SP word SP, AX 2 - 8 SP AX AX, SP 2 - 8 AX SP Unconditional BR !addr16 3 6 - PC addr16 branch $addr16 2 6 - PC PC + 2 + jdisp8 - PCH A, PCL X AX 2 8 Conditional BC $addr16 2 6 - PC PC + 2 + jdisp8 if CY = 1 branch BNC $addr16 2 6 - PC PC + 2 + jdisp8 if CY = 0 BZ $addr16 2 6 - PC PC + 2 + jdisp8 if Z = 1 BNZ $addr16 2 6 - PC PC + 2 + jdisp8 if Z = 0 Notes 1. 2. When the internal high-speed RAM area is accessed or for an instruction with no data access When an area except the internal high-speed RAM area is accessed Remarks 1. One instruction clock cycle is one cycle of the CPU clock (fCPU) selected by the processor clock control register (PCC). 2. This clock cycle applies to the internal ROM program. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 577 CHAPTER 27 INSTRUCTION SET Instruction Group Mnemonic Operands Clocks Bytes Note 1 Z AC CY Note 2 Conditional BT saddr.bit, $addr16 3 8 9 PC PC + 3 + jdisp8 if (saddr.bit) = 1 branch sfr.bit, $addr16 4 - 11 PC PC + 4 + jdisp8 if sfr.bit = 1 BF BTCLR Flag Operation A.bit, $addr16 3 8 - PC PC + 3 + jdisp8 if A.bit = 1 PSW.bit, $addr16 3 - 9 PC PC + 3 + jdisp8 if PSW.bit = 1 [HL].bit, $addr16 3 10 11 PC PC + 3 + jdisp8 if (HL).bit = 1 saddr.bit, $addr16 4 10 11 PC PC + 4 + jdisp8 if (saddr.bit) = 0 sfr.bit, $addr16 4 - 11 PC PC + 4 + jdisp8 if sfr.bit = 0 A.bit, $addr16 3 8 - PC PC + 3 + jdisp8 if A.bit = 0 PSW.bit, $addr16 4 - 11 PC PC + 4 + jdisp8 if PSW. bit = 0 [HL].bit, $addr16 3 10 11 PC PC + 3 + jdisp8 if (HL).bit = 0 saddr.bit, $addr16 4 10 12 PC PC + 4 + jdisp8 if (saddr.bit) = 1 sfr.bit, $addr16 4 - 12 PC PC + 4 + jdisp8 if sfr.bit = 1 then reset (saddr.bit) then reset sfr.bit A.bit, $addr16 3 8 - PC PC + 3 + jdisp8 if A.bit = 1 then reset A.bit PSW.bit, $addr16 4 - 12 PC PC + 4 + jdisp8 if PSW.bit = 1 x x x then reset PSW.bit [HL].bit, $addr16 3 10 12 PC PC + 3 + jdisp8 if (HL).bit = 1 then reset (HL).bit DBNZ B, $addr16 2 6 - B B - 1, then PC PC + 2 + jdisp8 if B 0 C, $addr16 2 6 - C C -1, then saddr, $addr16 3 8 10 (saddr) (saddr) - 1, then PC PC + 2 + jdisp8 if C 0 PC PC + 3 + jdisp8 if (saddr) 0 CPU SEL 2 4 - RBS1, 0 n control NOP 1 2 - No Operation EI 2 - 6 IE 1 (Enable Interrupt) DI 2 - 6 IE 0 (Disable Interrupt) HALT 2 6 - Set HALT Mode STOP 2 6 - Set STOP Mode Notes 1. 2. RBn When the internal high-speed RAM area is accessed or for an instruction with no data access When an area except the internal high-speed RAM area is accessed Remarks 1. One instruction clock cycle is one cycle of the CPU clock (fCPU) selected by the processor clock control register (PCC). 2. This clock cycle applies to the internal ROM program. 578 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 27 INSTRUCTION SET 27.3 Instructions Listed by Addressing Type (1) 8-bit instructions MOV, XCH, ADD, ADDC, SUB, SUBC, AND, OR, XOR, CMP, MULU, DIVUW, INC, DEC, ROR, ROL, RORC, ROLC, ROR4, ROL4, PUSH, POP, DBNZ Second Operand #byte A rNote sfr saddr !addr16 PSW [DE] [HL] [HL + byte] $addr16 1 None [HL + B] First Operand A r [HL + C] ADD MOV MOV MOV MOV ADDC XCH XCH XCH XCH SUB ADD ADD ADD SUBC ADDC ADDC ADDC ADDC ADDC AND SUB SUB SUB OR SUBC SUBC SUBC SUBC SUBC XOR AND AND AND AND AND CMP OR OR OR OR OR XOR XOR XOR XOR XOR CMP CMP CMP CMP CMP MOV MOV SUB MOV MOV MOV ROR XCH XCH XCH ROL ADD ADD RORC ROLC SUB MOV INC ADD DEC ADDC SUB SUBC AND OR XOR CMP B, C DBNZ sfr MOV MOV saddr MOV MOV DBNZ INC DEC ADD ADDC SUB SUBC AND OR XOR CMP !addr16 PSW MOV MOV PUSH MOV POP [DE] MOV [HL] MOV ROR4 ROL4 [HL + byte] MOV [HL + B] [HL + C] X MULU C DIVUW Note Except "r = A" User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 579 CHAPTER 27 INSTRUCTION SET (2) 16-bit instructions MOVW, XCHW, ADDW, SUBW, CMPW, PUSH, POP, INCW, DECW Second Operand #word AX rp Note sfrp saddrp !addr16 SP None First Operand AX ADDW MOVW SUBW XCHW MOVW MOVW MOVW MOVW CMPW rp MOVW MOVW Note INCW DECW PUSH POP sfrp MOVW MOVW saddrp MOVW MOVW !addr16 SP MOVW MOVW MOVW Note Only when rp = BC, DE, HL (3) Bit manipulation instructions MOV1, AND1, OR1, XOR1, SET1, CLR1, NOT1, BT, BF, BTCLR Second Operand A.bit sfr.bit saddr.bit PSW.bit [HL].bit CY $addr16 None First Operand A.bit MOV1 BT SET1 BF CLR1 BTCLR sfr.bit MOV1 BT SET1 BF CLR1 BTCLR saddr.bit MOV1 BT SET1 BF CLR1 BTCLR PSW.bit MOV1 BT SET1 BF CLR1 BTCLR [HL].bit MOV1 BT SET1 BF CLR1 BTCLR CY 580 MOV1 MOV1 MOV1 MOV1 MOV1 SET1 AND1 AND1 AND1 AND1 AND1 CLR1 OR1 OR1 OR1 OR1 OR1 NOT1 XOR1 XOR1 XOR1 XOR1 XOR1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 27 INSTRUCTION SET (4) Call instructions/branch instructions CALL, CALLF, CALLT, BR, BC, BNC, BZ, BNZ, BT, BF, BTCLR, DBNZ Second Operand AX !addr16 !addr11 [addr5] $addr16 First Operand Basic instruction BR CALL CALLF CALLT BR BR BC BNC BZ BNZ Compound BT instruction BF BTCLR DBNZ (5) Other instructions ADJBA, ADJBS, BRK, RET, RETI, RETB, SEL, NOP, EI, DI, HALT, STOP User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 581 CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Target products: PD78F0511, 78F0512, 78F0513, 78F0514, 78F0515, 78F0513D, 78F0515D Caution The PD78F0513D and 78F0515D have an on-chip debug function. Do not use these products for mass production because its reliability cannot be guaranteed after the on-chip debug function has been used, given the issue of the number of times the flash memory can be rewritten. NEC Electronics does not accept complaints concerning these products. Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA = 25C) (1/2) Parameter Supply voltage Symbol Conditions VDD Input voltage -0.5 to +6.5 V -0.5 to VDD + 0.3 AVREF REGC pin input voltage Unit -0.5 to +0.3 VSS <R> Ratings V Note 1 AVSS -0.5 to +0.3 VIREGC -0.5 to +3.6 and VDD VI1 P26 Note 2 P41 Note 2 , P27 Note 2 , P30 to P33, P40 Note 2 Note 2 , , P70, P71, P72 Note 3 P74 <R> -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 P00, P01, P10 to P17, P20 to P25, , P75 , P73 V V Note 1 V V , Note 2 Note 3 , P120 to P124, P140 Note 3 , X1, X2, XT1, XT2, RESET, FLMD0 VI2 Output voltage Analog input voltage P60 to P63 (N-ch open drain) -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 VO VAN -0.3 to +6.5 ANI0 to ANI5, ANI6 Note 2 , ANI7 Note 2 V Note 1 -0.3 to AVREF + 0.3 Note 1 V V and -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 Note 1 Notes 1. <R> Must be 6.5 V or lower. 2. 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 3. 48-pin products only. Caution Product quality may suffer if the absolute maximum rating is exceeded even momentarily for any parameter. That is, the absolute maximum ratings are rated values at which the product is on the verge of suffering physical damage, and therefore the product must be used under conditions that ensure that the absolute maximum ratings are not exceeded. Remark 582 Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA = 25C) (2/2) Parameter Output current, high Symbol Ratings Unit -10 mA -25 mA -55 mA -0.5 mA -2 mA -1 mA -4 mA 30 mA 60 mA 140 mA 1 mA 5 mA 4 mA 10 mA TA -40 to +85 C Tstg -65 to +150 C IOH Conditions Per pin P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P40 P41 Note 1 P72 Note 1 Note 1 P74 Note 2 Note 2 , P73 , P75 , , P120, Note 2 , P140 Total of all pins P00, P01, P40 P41 , , P70, P71, P130 -80 mA Note 1 Note 2 Note 1 , Note 1 , P120, P130 P140 Note 2 , Note 2 P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P70, P71, P72 P73 Per pin , P74 , Note 2 , P75 P20 to P25, P26 Total of all pins P27 Per pin Note 1 Note 1 Note 2 Note 1 , Note 1 P121 to P124 Total of all pins Output current, low IOL Per pin P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P40 P41 , P60 to P63, P73 Note 1 P75 Note 2 , P74 Note 1 , Note 2 , , P120, P130 P140 , Note 1 , Note 1 , P120, P130 P140 Note 2 Note 2 Total of all pins P00, P01, P40 P41 , Note 1 P70, P71, P72 200 mA Note 1 Note 2 , Note 2 P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P60 to P63, P70, P71, Per pin P72 Note 1 Note 1 P74 Note 2 Note 2 , P75 , P20 to P25, P26 Total of all pins P27 Per pin , P73 Note 1 , Note 1 P121 to P124 Total of all pins Operating ambient temperature <R> <R> Storage temperature Notes 1. 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 2. 48-pin products only. Caution Product quality may suffer if the absolute maximum rating is exceeded even momentarily for any parameter. That is, the absolute maximum ratings are rated values at which the product is on the verge of suffering physical damage, and therefore the product must be used under conditions that ensure that the absolute maximum ratings are not exceeded. Remark Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 583 CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products X1 Oscillator Characteristics (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Resonator Recommended Circuit Ceramic resonator Parameter X1 clock VSS X1 X2 Conditions MIN. MAX. Unit Note 2 20.0 MHz Note 2 10.0 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 1.0 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 1.0 TYP. oscillation Note 1 frequency (fX) C1 C2 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V Crystal X1 clock resonator VSS X1 X2 1.0 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 1.0 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 1.0 5.0 Note 2 20.0 Note 2 10.0 MHz oscillation Note 1 frequency (fX) C1 C2 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 1.0 5.0 Notes 1. Indicates only oscillator characteristics. Refer to AC Characteristics for instruction execution time. 2. 2.0 MHz (MIN.) when using UART6 during on-board programming. <R> Cautions 1. When using the X1 oscillator, wire as follows in the area enclosed by the broken lines in the above figures to avoid an adverse effect from wiring capacitance. * Keep the wiring length as short as possible. * Do not cross the wiring with the other signal lines. * Do not route the wiring near a signal line through which a high fluctuating current flows. * Always make the ground point of the oscillator capacitor the same potential as VSS. * Do not ground the capacitor to a ground pattern through which a high current flows. * Do not fetch signals from the oscillator. 2. Since the CPU is started by the internal high-speed oscillation clock after a reset release, check the X1 clock oscillation stabilization time using the oscillation stabilization time counter status register (OSTC) by the user. Determine the oscillation stabilization time of the OSTC register and oscillation stabilization time select register (OSTS) after sufficiently evaluating the oscillation stabilization time with the resonator to be used. 584 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products Internal Oscillator Characteristics (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Resonator Parameter 8 MHz internal oscillator Conditions Internal high-speed oscillation RSTS = 1 Note clock frequency (fRH) 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V TYP. MAX. Unit 7.6 8.0 8.4 MHz 7.6 8.0 10.4 MHz RSTS = 0 2.48 5.6 9.86 MHz Internal low-speed oscillation 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V 216 240 264 kHz clock frequency (fRL) 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 192 240 264 kHz <R> 240 kHz internal oscillator 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V MIN. Note Indicates only oscillator characteristics. Refer to AC Characteristics for instruction execution time. Remark RSTS: Bit 7 of the internal oscillation mode register (RCM) XT1 Oscillator Characteristics (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Resonator Crystal resonator Recommended Circuit VSS XT2 XT1 Conditions XT1 clock oscillation MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 32 32.768 35 kHz Note frequency (fXT) Rd C4 Parameter C3 Note Indicates only oscillator characteristics. Refer to AC Characteristics for instruction execution time. Cautions 1. When using the XT1 oscillator, wire as follows in the area enclosed by the broken lines in the above figure to avoid an adverse effect from wiring capacitance. * Keep the wiring length as short as possible. * Do not cross the wiring with the other signal lines. * Do not route the wiring near a signal line through which a high fluctuating current flows. * Always make the ground point of the oscillator capacitor the same potential as VSS. * Do not ground the capacitor to a ground pattern through which a high current flows. * Do not fetch signals from the oscillator. 2. The XT1 oscillator is designed as a low-amplitude circuit for reducing power consumption, and is more prone to malfunction due to noise than the X1 oscillator. Particular care is therefore required with the wiring method when the XT1 clock is used. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 585 CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products Recommended Oscillator Constants (1) X1 oscillation: Ceramic resonator (TA = -40 to +85C) (1/2) Manufacturer Part Number SMD/ Frequency Recommended Circuit Lead (MHz) Constants C1 (pF) C2 (pF) Oscillation Voltage Range MIN. (V) Murata Mfg. Co., CSTCC2M00G56-R0 SMD 2.00 Internal (47) Internal (47) Ltd. CSTLS4M00G56-B0 Lead 4.00 Internal (47) Internal (47) CSTCR4M00G55-R0 SMD Internal (39) Internal (39) CSTLS4M19G56-B0 Lead 4.194 Internal (47) Internal (47) Internal (39) Internal (39) 4.915 Internal (47) Internal (47) Internal (39) Internal (39) Internal (47) Internal (47) 1.9 Internal (39) Internal (39) 1.8 Internal (47) Internal (47) 2.4 Internal (39) Internal (39) 1.8 8.00 Internal (47) Internal (47) 2.3 Internal (33) Internal (33) 1.9 8.388 Internal (47) Internal (47) 2.3 Internal (33) Internal (33) 1.9 Internal (47) Internal (47) 2.5 Internal (33) Internal (33) 2.3 1.8 CSTCR4M19G55-R0 SMD CSTLS4M91G56-B0 Lead CSTCR4M91G55-R0 SMD CSTLS5M00G56-B0 Lead CSTCR5M00G55-R0 SMD CSTLS6M00G56-B0 Lead CSTCR6M00G55-R0 SMD CSTLS8M00G56-B0 Lead CSTCE8M00G55-R0 SMD CSTLS8M38G56-B0 Lead CSTCE8M38G55-R0 SMD CSTLS10M0G56-B0 Lead CSTCE10M0G55-R0 SMD CSTCE12M0G55-R0 SMD 12.0 Internal (33) Internal (33) 2.3 CSTCE16M0V53-R0 SMD 16.0 Internal (15) Internal (15) 2.3 CSTCE20M0V53-R0 SMD 20.0 Internal (15) Internal (15) 2.6 Murata Mfg. Co., CSTLS6M00G53-B0 Lead 6.00 Internal (15) Internal (15) 1.8 Ltd. CSTLS8M00G53-B0 Lead 8.00 Internal (15) Internal (15) 1.8 (low-capacitance CSTLS8M38G53-B0 Lead 8.388 Internal (15) Internal (15) 1.8 CSTLS10M0G53-B0 Lead 10.0 Internal (15) Internal (15) 1.8 CSTCE12M0G52-R0 SMD 12.0 Internal (10) Internal (10) 1.8 CSTCE16M0V51-R0 SMD 16.0 Internal (5) Internal (5) 1.8 CSTCE20M0V51-R0 SMD 20.0 Internal (5) Internal (5) 1.9 5.00 6.00 10.0 MAX. (V) 5.5 5.5 products) Caution The oscillator constants shown above are reference values based on evaluation in a specific environment by the resonator manufacturer. If it is necessary to optimize the oscillator characteristics in the actual application, apply to the resonator manufacturer for evaluation on the implementation circuit. The oscillation voltage and oscillation frequency only indicate the oscillator characteristic. Use the 78K0/KC2 so that the internal operation conditions are within the specifications of the DC and AC characteristics. 586 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products (1) X1 oscillation: Ceramic resonator (TA = -40 to +85C) (2/2) Manufacturer TDK Corporation Part Number SMD/ Frequency Recommended Circuit Lead (MHz) Constants CCR4.0MUC8 SMD FCR4.0MC5 Lead CCR8.0MXC8 SMD FCR8.0MC5 Lead 4.00 8.00 Oscillation Voltage Range C1 (pF) C2 (pF) MIN. (V) Internal (27) Internal (27) Internal (30) Internal (30) Internal (18) Internal (30) Internal (20) Internal (20) MAX. (V) 1.8 5.5 Caution The oscillator constants shown above are reference values based on evaluation in a specific environment by the resonator manufacturer. If it is necessary to optimize the oscillator characteristics in the actual application, apply to the resonator manufacturer for evaluation on the implementation circuit. The oscillation voltage and oscillation frequency only indicate the oscillator characteristic. Use the 78K0/KC2 so that the internal operation conditions are within the specifications of the DC and AC characteristics. (2) XT1 oscillation: Crystal resonator (TA = -40 to +85C) Manufacturer Part SMD/ Frequency Load Number Lead (MHz) Capacitance Voltage Range CL (pF) Seiko VT-200 Instruments Inc. Lead 32.768 Oscillation Recommended Circuit Constants VDD = 3.3 V VDD = 5.0 V MIN. MAX. (V) (V) C3 C4 Rd C3 C4 Rd (pF) (pF) (k) (pF) (pF) (k) 6.0 4 3 100 6 5 100 12.5 15 15 100 18 15 100 1.8 5.5 Caution The oscillator constants shown above are reference values based on evaluation in a specific environment by the resonator manufacturer. If it is necessary to optimize the oscillator characteristics in the actual application, apply to the resonator manufacturer for evaluation on the implementation circuit. The oscillation voltage and oscillation frequency only indicate the oscillator characteristic. Use the 78K0/KC2 so that the internal operation conditions are within the specifications of the DC and AC characteristics. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 587 CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products DC Characteristics (1/5) (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Output current, Note 1 high Symbol IOH1 Conditions MIN. Per pin for P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P40 P72 Note 2 , P73 P130 , P41 Note 2 , P74 Note 3 , P140 Note 5 , P70, P71, Note 3 , P75 Note 3 , P120, P00, P01, P40 Note 2 , P120, P130 Note 5 Total of pins P70, P71, P72 Note 2 Note 3 , P140 Note 2 , Note 3 P10 to P17, P30 to P33, Note 2 , P73 Note 2 , P74 Note 3 , Note 3 P75 Note 5 Total of all pins IOH2 TYP. Unit -3.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V -2.5 mA 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V -1.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V -20.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V -10.0 mA Note 3 Total of pins P41 Note 2 MAX. 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V Per pin for P20 to P25, P26 Note 2 , P27 Note 2 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V -5.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V -30.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V -19.0 mA 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V -10.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V -50.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V -29.0 mA 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V -15.0 mA AVREF = VDD -0.1 mA -0.1 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 8.5 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 5.0 mA 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 2.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 15.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 5.0 mA 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 2.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 20.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 15.0 mA 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 9.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 45.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 35.0 mA 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 20.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 65.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 50.0 mA 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 29.0 mA Per pin for P121 to P124 Output current, Note 4 low IOL1 Per pin for P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P40 P72 Note 2 , P73 P130 Note 2 , P41 Note 2 , P74 Note 3 , P140 Note 2 Note 3 , P70, P71, , P75 Note 3 , P120, Note 3 Per pin for P60 to P63 Note 5 Total of pins P41 P00, P01, P40 Note 2 , P120, P130 Note 5 Total of pins Note 3 , P140 P74 , P75 , Note 3 P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P60 to P63, P70, P71, P72 Note 3 Note 2 Note 3 Note 5 Total of all pins Note 2 , P73 Note 2 , Notes 1. Value of current at which the device operation is guaranteed even if the current flows from VDD to an output pin. 2. 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 3. 48-pin products only. 4. Value of current at which the device operation is guaranteed even if the current flows from an output pin to GND. 5. Specification under conditions where the duty factor is 70% (time for which current is output is 0.7 x t and time for which current is not output is 0.3 x t, where t is a specific time). The total output current of the pins at a duty factor of other than 70% can be calculated by the following expression. * Where the duty factor of IOH is n%: Total output current of pins = (IOH x 0.7)/(n x 0.01) <Example> Where the duty factor is 50%, IOH = 20.0 mA Total output current of pins = (20.0 x 0.7)/(50 x 0.01) = 28.0 mA However, the current that is allowed to flow into one pin does not vary depending on the duty factor. A current higher than the absolute maximum rating must not flow into one pin. Remark 588 Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products DC Characteristics (2/5) (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Output current, low Symbol Note 1 IOL2 Conditions Per pin for P20 to P25, Note 2 Note 2 P26 , P27 MIN. MAX. Unit 0.4 mA 0.4 mA 0.7VDD VDD V 0.8VDD VDD V 0.7AVREF AVREF V AVREF = VDD Per pin for P121 to P124 <R> Input voltage, high VIH1 P12, P13, P15, P40 Note 2 , P41 Note 2 , P121 to P124, TYP. EXCLK, EXCLKS VIH2 P00, P01, P10, P11, P14, P16, P17, P30 to P33, P70, P71, P72 P140 <R> Input voltage, low Note 2 , P74 Note 3 , P75 Note 3 , P120, Note 3 , RESET VIH3 P20 to P25, P26 Note 2 P27 VIH4 P60 to P63 VIL1 Note 2 , P73 Note 2 , P12, P13, P15, P40 AVREF = VDD Note 2 , P41 Note 2 , P60 to P63, P121 0.7VDD 6.0 V 0 0.3VDD V 0 0.2VDD V 0 0.3AVREF V to P124, EXCLK, EXCLKS VIL2 P00, P01, P10, P11, P14, P16, P17, P30 to P33, P70, P71, P72 P140 Output voltage, high Note 2 , P73 Note 2 , P74 , P75 Note 3 , P120, Note 3 , RESET Note 2 VIL3 P20 to P25, P26 Note 2 P27 VOH1 P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 Note 2 Note 2 to P33, P40 , P41 , Note 2 Note 2 , P73 , P70, P71, P72 Note 3 Note 3 , P75 , P120, P74 Note 3 Note 3 P130 , P140 VOH2 Note 3 P20 to P25, P26 Note 2 P27 P121 to P124 , Note 2 , AVREF = VDD 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V, IOH1 = -3.0 mA VDD - 0.7 V 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V, IOH1 = -2.5 mA VDD - 0.5 V 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V, IOH1 = -1.0 mA VDD - 0.5 V AVREF = VDD, IOH2 = -100 A VDD - 0.5 V IOH2 = -100 A VDD - 0.5 V Notes 1. Value of current at which the device operation is guaranteed even if the current flows from an output pin to GND. 2. 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 3. 48-pin products only. Remark Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 589 CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products DC Characteristics (3/5) (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Output voltage, low Symbol VOL1 VOL2 VOL3 Input leakage current, high Input leakage current, low Conditions MAX. Unit 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V, IOL1 = 8.5 mA 0.7 V 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V, IOL1 = 5.0 mA 0.7 V 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V, IOL1 = 2.0 mA 0.5 V 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V, IOL1 = 0.5 mA 0.4 V AVREF = VDD, IOL2 = 0.4 mA 0.4 V P121 to P124 IOL2 = 0.4 mA 0.4 V P60 to P63 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V, IOL3 = 15.0 mA 2.0 V 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V, IOL3 = 5.0 mA 0.4 V 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V, IOL3 = 5.0 mA 0.6 V 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V, IOL3 = 3.0 mA 0.4 V 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V, IOL3 = 2.0 mA 0.4 V P00, P01, P10 to P17, Note 1 P30 to P33, P40 , Note 1 , P70, P71, P41 Note 1 Note 1 , P73 , P72 Note 2 Note 2 , P75 , P120, P74 Note 2 Note 2 , P140 P130 P20 to P25, P26 Note 1 P27 Note 1 , MIN. TYP. ILIH1 P00, P01, P10 to P17, VI = VDD Note 1 P30 to P33, P40 , Note 1 , P60 to P63, P70, P41 Note 1 Note 1 , P73 , P71, P72 Note 2 Note 2 , P75 , P120, P74 Note 2 , FLMD0, P140 RESET 1 A ILIH2 P20 to P25, P26 Note 1 P27 Note 1 VI = AVREF = VDD 1 A ILIH3 P121 to P124 (X1, X2, XT1, XT2) VI = VDD I/O port mode 1 A OSC mode 20 A , ILIL1 P00, P01, P10 to P17, VI = VSS Note 1 P30 to P33, P40 , Note 1 , P60 to P63, P70, P41 Note 1 Note 1 , P73 , P71, P72 Note 2 Note 2 , P75 , P120, P74 Note 2 , FLMD0, P140 RESET -1 A ILIL2 P20 to P25, P26 Note 1 P27 Note 1 -1 A ILIL3 P121 to P124 (X1, X2, XT1, XT2) I/O port mode -1 A OSC mode -20 A , VI = VSS, AVREF = VDD VI = VSS Pull-up resistance RU VI = VSS 10 100 k FLMD0 supply voltage VIL In normal operation mode 0 20 0.2VDD V VIH In self programming mode 0.8VDD VDD V Notes 1. 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 2. 48-pin products only. Remark 590 Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products DC Characteristics (4/5) (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Supply current Symbol IDD1 Conditions Operating mode Note 1 MIN. Note 2 fXH = 20 MHz , VDD = 5.0 V Notes 2, 3 fXH = 10 MHz , VDD = 5.0 V Notes 2, 3 fXH = 10 MHz , VDD = 3.0 V Notes 2, 3 fXH = 5 MHz , VDD = 3.0 V Notes 2, 3 fXH = 5 MHz , VDD = 2.0 V TYP. MAX. Unit Square wave input 3.2 5.5 mA Resonator connection 4.5 6.9 Square wave input 1.6 2.8 Resonator connection 2.3 3.9 Square wave input 1.5 2.7 2.2 3.2 Square wave input 0.9 1.6 Resonator connection 1.3 2.0 Square wave input 0.7 1.4 Resonator connection 1.0 1.6 1.4 2.5 mA Square wave input 6 25 A Resonator connection 15 30 Square wave input 0.8 2.6 Resonator connection 2.0 4.4 Square wave input 0.4 1.3 Resonator connection 1.0 2.4 Square wave input 0.2 0.65 Resonator connection 0.5 1.1 0.4 1.2 mA Square wave input 3.0 22 A Resonator connection , VDD = 5.0 V fSUB = 32.768 kHz Note 5 , VDD = 5.0 V IDD2 Note 2 fXH = 20 MHz HALT mode , VDD = 5.0 V Notes 2, 3 fXH = 10 MHz , VDD = 5.0 V Notes 2, 3 fXH = 5 MHz , VDD = 3.0 V Note 4 fRH = 8 MHz , VDD = 5.0 V fSUB = 32.768 kHz VDD = 5.0 V IDD3 <R> Notes 1. <R> 2. 3. <R> 4. STOP mode Note 6 Note 5 , mA Resonator connection Note 4 fRH = 8 MHz mA mA mA mA mA mA 12 25 VDD = 5.0 V 1 20 A VDD = 5.0 V, TA = -40 to +70C 1 10 A Total current flowing into the internal power supply (VDD), including the peripheral operation current and the input leakage current flowing when the level of the input pin is fixed to VDD or VSS. However, the current flowing into the pull-up resistors and the output current of the port are not included. Not including the operating current of the 8 MHz internal oscillator, 240 kHz internal oscillator, and XT1 oscillator, and the current flowing into the A/D converter, watchdog timer and LVI circuit. When AMPH (bit 0 of clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL)) = 0. Not including the operating current of the X1 oscillator, XT1 oscillator, and 240 kHz internal oscillator, and the current flowing into the A/D converter, watchdog timer and LVI circuit. <R> 5. Not including the operating current of the X1 oscillator, 8 MHz internal oscillator, and 240 kHz internal oscillator, and the current flowing into the A/D converter, watchdog timer and LVI circuit. <R> 6. Not including the operating current of the 240 kHz internal oscillator and XT1 oscillator, and the current flowing into the A/D converter, watchdog timer and LVI circuit. Remarks 1. fXH: High-speed system clock frequency (X1 clock oscillation frequency or external main system clock frequency) 2. fRH: Internal high-speed oscillation clock frequency 3. fSUB: Subsystem clock frequency (XT1 clock oscillation frequency or external subsystem clock frequency) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 591 CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products DC Characteristics (5/5) (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter <R> A/D converter Symbol IADC Conditions Note 1 2.3 V AVREF VDD, ADCE = 1 Note 2 During 240 kHz internal low-speed oscillation clock operation MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 0.86 1.9 mA 5 10 A 9 18 A operating current Watchdog timer IWDT operating current LVI operating Note 3 ILVI current Notes 1. Current flowing only to the A/D converter (AVREF). The current value of the 78K0/KC2 is the sum of IDD1 or IDD2 and IADC when the A/D converter operates in an operation mode or the HALT mode. 2. <R> Current flowing only to the watchdog timer, including the operating current of the 240 kHz internal oscillator. The current value of the 78K0/KC2 is the sum of IDD2 or IDD3 and IWDT when the watchdog timer operates in the HALT or STOP mode. 3. Current flowing only to the LVI circuit. The current value of the 78K0/KC2 is the sum of IDD2 or IDD3 and ILVI when the LVI circuit operates in the HALT or STOP mode. 592 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products AC Characteristics (1) Basic operation (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Instruction cycle (minimum instruction execution time) Symbol TCY Conditions Main system clock (fXP) operation MIN. fPRS fPRS = fXH (XSEL = 1) fPRS = fRH (XSEL = 0) <R> External main system clock frequency fEXCLK External main system clock input high-level width, low-level width tEXCLKH, tEXCLKL 0.1 32 s 0.2 32 s 32 s Note 1 0.4 125 s 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 20 MHz 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 10 MHz 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 5 MHz 114 2.7 V VDD < 5.5 V 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V Note 2 122 7.6 8.4 MHz 7.6 10.4 MHz Note 3 20.0 MHz Note 3 10.0 MHz 5.0 MHz 1.0 1.0 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 1.0 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 24 ns 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 48 ns 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V <R> Unit 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V Subsystem clock (fSUB) operation Peripheral hardware clock frequency MAX. 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V <R> TYP. 96 ns External subsystem clock frequency fEXCLKS 32 External subsystem clock input high-level width, low-level width tEXCLKSH, tEXCLKSL 12 s TI000, TI010 input high-level width, low-level width tTIH0, tTIL0 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 2/fsam + Note 4 0.1 s 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 2/fsam + Note 4 0.2 s 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 2/fsam + Note 4 0.5 s TI50, TI51 input frequency fTI5 32.768 35 kHz 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 10 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 10 MHz 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 5 MHz MHz 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 50 ns 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 50 ns 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 100 ns 1 s Key interrupt input low-level width tKR 250 ns RESET low-level width 10 s TI50, TI51 input high-level width, low-level width Interrupt input high-level width, low-level width Notes 1. tTIH5, tTIL5 tINTH, tINTL tRSL 0.38 s when operating with the 8 MHz internal oscillator. <R> 2. Characteristics of the main system clock frequency. Set the division clock to be set by a peripheral <R> 3. 2.0 MHz (MIN.) when using UART6 during on-board programming. 4. Selection of fsam = fPRS, fPRS/4, fPRS/256 is possible using bits 0 and 1 (PRM000, PRM001) of prescaler function to fRH/2 or less. mode register 00 (PRM00). Note that when selecting the TI000 valid edge as the count clock, fsam = fPRS. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 593 CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products TCY vs. VDD (Main System Clock Operation) 100 32 10 Cycle time TCY [ s] 5.0 2.0 Guaranteed operation range 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.01 0 1.0 2.0 1.8 3.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 4.0 2.7 Supply voltage VDD [V] AC Timing Test Points VIH VIH Test points VIL VIL External Main System Clock Timing, External Subsystem Clock Timing 1/fEXCLK tEXCLKL tEXCLKH 0.7VDD (MIN.) EXCLK 0.3VDD (MAX.) 1/fEXCLKS tEXCLKSL 0.7VDD (MIN.) 0.3VDD (MAX.) EXCLKS 594 tEXCLKSH User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products TI Timing tTIL0 tTIH0 TI000, TI010 1/fTI5 tTIL5 tTIH5 TI50, TI51 Interrupt Request Input Timing tINTL tINTH INTP0 to INTP5, INTP6Note Note 48-pin products only. Key Interrupt Input Timing tKR KR0, KR1, KR2Note, KR3Note Note 44-pin and 48-pin products only RESET Input Timing tRSL RESET User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 595 CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products (2) Serial interface (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) (a) UART6 (dedicated baud rate generator output) Parameter Symbol Conditions MIN. TYP. Transfer rate MAX. Unit 625 kbps MAX. Unit 625 kbps (b) UART0 (dedicated baud rate generator output) Parameter Symbol Conditions MIN. TYP. Transfer rate (c) IIC0 <R> Parameter Symbol Conditions Standard Mode MIN. MAX. High-Speed Mode MIN. MAX. Unit SCL0 clock frequency fSCL 0 100 0 400 kHz Setup time of restart condition tSU: STA 4.7 - 0.6 - s tHD: STA 4.0 - 0.6 - s Internal clock operation 4.7 - 1.3 - s EXSCL0 clock (6.4 MHz) 4.7 - 1.25 - s 4.0 - 0.6 - s 250 - 100 - ns Hold time Note 1 Hold time when SCL0 = "L" tLOW operation Hold time when SCL0 = "H" tHIGH Data setup time (reception) tSU: DAT Note 2 Data hold time (transmission) tHD: DAT N fW = fXH/2 or fW = DFC0 = 0 0 3.45 0 0.9 Note 4 Note 3 fEXSCL0 selected s Note 5 1.00 DFC0 = 1 - - 0 0.9 Note 6 s Note 7 1.125 fW = fRH/2 selected N DFC0 = 0 0 3.45 0 1.05 s DFC0 = 1 - - 0 1.184 s Note 3 Setup time of stop condition tSU: STO 4.0 - 0.6 - s Bus free time tBUF 4.7 - 1.3 - s Notes 1. The first clock pulse is generated after this period when the start/restart condition is detected. 2. The maximum value (MAX.) of tHD:DAT is during normal transfer and a wait state is inserted in the ACK 3. fW indicates the IIC0 transfer clock selected by the IICCL and IICX0 registers. 4. When fW 4.4 MHz is selected 5. When fW < 4.4 MHz is selected 6. When fW 5 MHz is selected 7. When fW < 5 MHz is selected (acknowledge) timing. 596 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products <R> (d) CSI10 (master mode, SCK10... internal clock output) Parameter SCK10 cycle time SCK10 high-/low-level width SI10 setup time (to SCK10) Symbol tKCY1 Conditions MIN. MAX. Unit 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 160 ns 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 250 ns 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 500 ns tKH1, 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V tKCY1/2 - 15 Note 1 tKL1 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V tKCY1/2 - 25 Note 1 ns 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V tKCY1/2 - 50 Note 1 ns tSIK1 tKSO1 ns 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 55 ns 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 80 ns 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 170 ns SI10 hold time (from SCK10) tKSI1 Delay time from SCK10 to TYP. 30 ns Note 2 C = 50 pF 40 ns MAX. Unit SO10 output Notes 1. 2. This value is when high-speed system clock (fXH) is used. C is the load capacitance of the SCK10 and SO10 output lines. (e) CSI10 (slave mode, SCK10... external clock input) Parameter SCK10 cycle time SCK10 high-/low-level width Symbol Conditions MIN. TYP. tKCY2 400 ns tKH2, tKCY2/2 ns 80 ns 50 ns tKL2 SI10 setup time (to SCK10) tSIK2 SI10 hold time (from SCK10) tKSI2 <R> Delay time from SCK10 to SO10 output tKSO2 Note C = 50 pF 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 120 ns 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 120 ns 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 165 ns Note C is the load capacitance of the SO10 output line. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 597 CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products Serial Transfer Timing <R> IIC0: tLOW SCL0 tHD: DAT tHIGH tSU: STA tHD: STA tSU: STO tSU: DAT tHD: STA SDA0 tBUF Stop Start condition condition Restart condition CSI10: tKCYm tKLm tKHm SCK10 tSIKm SI10 tKSIm Input data tKSOm SO10 Remark 598 Output data m = 1, 2 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Stop condition CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products A/D Converter Characteristics (TA = -40 to +85C, 2.3 V AVREF VDD 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Symbol Resolution Overall error AINL Conversion time tCONV Notes 1, 2 Zero-scale error Full-scale error EZS Notes 1, 2 EFS Note 1 Integral non-linearity error Differential non-linearity error Analog input voltage 2. MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 10 bit 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 0.4 %FSR 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 0.6 %FSR 2.3 V AVREF < 2.7 V 1.2 %FSR 36.7 s RES Notes 1, 2 Notes 1. Conditions ILE Note 1 DLE 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 6.1 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 12.2 36.7 s 2.3 V AVREF < 2.7 V 27 66.6 s 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 0.4 %FSR 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 0.6 %FSR 2.3 V AVREF < 2.7 V 0.6 %FSR 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 0.4 %FSR 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 0.6 %FSR 2.3 V AVREF < 2.7 V 0.6 %FSR 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 2.5 LSB 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 4.5 LSB 2.3 V AVREF < 2.7 V 6.5 LSB 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 1.5 LSB 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 2.0 LSB 2.3 V AVREF < 2.7 V 2.0 LSB AVREF V VAIN AVSS Excludes quantization error (1/2 LSB). This value is indicated as a ratio (%FSR) to the full-scale value. 1.59 V POC Circuit Characteristics (TA = -40 to +85C, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Symbol Detection voltage VPOC Power voltage rise inclination tPTH Minimum pulse width tPW Conditions VDD: 0 V change inclination of VPOC MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 1.44 1.59 1.74 V 0.5 V/ms 200 s POC Circuit Timing Supply voltage (VDD) Detection voltage (MAX.) Detection voltage (TYP.) Detection voltage (MIN.) tPW tPTH Time User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 599 CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products Supply Voltage Rise Time (TA = -40 to +85C, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Maximum time to rise to 1.8 V (VDD (MIN.)) Symbol MIN. TYP. POCMODE (option byte) = 0, tPUP1 (VDD: 0 V 1.8 V) Maximum time to rise to 1.8 V (VDD (MIN.)) Conditions MAX. Unit 3.6 ms 1.9 ms when RESET input is not used POCMODE (option byte) = 0, tPUP2 (releasing RESET input VDD: 1.8 V) when RESET input is used Supply Voltage Rise Time Timing * When RESET pin input is not used * When RESET pin input is used Supply voltage (VDD) Supply voltage (VDD) 1.8 V 1.8 V VPOC Time Time tPUP1 RESET pin tPUP2 2.7 V POC Circuit Characteristics (TA = -40 to +85C, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Detection voltage on application of supply Symbol VDDPOC Conditions POCMODE (option byte) = 1 voltage 600 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 2.50 2.70 2.90 V CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products LVI Circuit Characteristics (TA = -40 to +85C, VPOC VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Detection Symbol Supply voltage level voltage External input pin Note 1 Minimum pulse width MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit VLVI0 4.14 4.24 4.34 V VLVI1 3.99 4.09 4.19 V VLVI2 3.83 3.93 4.03 V VLVI3 3.68 3.78 3.88 V VLVI4 3.52 3.62 3.72 V VLVI5 3.37 3.47 3.57 V VLVI6 3.22 3.32 3.42 V VLVI7 3.06 3.16 3.26 V VLVI8 2.91 3.01 3.11 V VLVI9 2.75 2.85 2.95 V VLVI10 2.60 2.70 2.80 V VLVI11 2.45 2.55 2.65 V VLVI12 2.29 2.39 2.49 V VLVI13 2.14 2.24 2.34 V VLVI14 1.98 2.08 2.18 V VLVI15 1.83 1.93 2.03 V 1.11 1.21 1.31 V EXLVI Conditions EXLVI < VDD, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V tLW Operation stabilization wait time Note 2 s 200 tLWAIT 10 s Notes 1. The EXLVI/P120/INTP0 pin is used. 2. Time required from setting bit 7 (LVION) of the low-voltage detection register (LVIM) to 1 to operation stabilization Remark VLVI(n - 1) > VLVIn: n = 1 to 15 LVI Circuit Timing Supply voltage (VDD) Detection voltage (MAX.) Detection voltage (TYP.) Detection voltage (MIN.) tLW tLWAIT LVION 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Time 601 CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Standard products Data Memory STOP Mode Low Supply Voltage Data Retention Characteristics (TA = -40 to +85C) Parameter Symbol Data retention supply voltage Conditions MIN. VDDDR 1.44 TYP. Note MAX. Unit 5.5 V Note The value depends on the POC detection voltage. When the voltage drops, the data is retained until a POC reset is effected, but data is not retained when a POC reset is effected. Operation mode STOP mode Data retention mode VDD VDDDR STOP instruction execution Standby release signal (interrupt request) Flash Memory Programming Characteristics (TA = -40 to +85C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) * Basic characteristics Parameter Symbol VDD supply current Notes 1, 2 Erase time IDD Conditions MIN. fXP = 10 MHz (TYP.), 20 MHz (MAX.) TYP. MAX. Unit 4.5 11.0 mA All block Teraca 20 200 ms Block unit Terasa 20 200 ms Note 1 Write time (in 8-bit units) Twrwa 10 100 s Number of rewrites per chip Cerwr Retention: 10 years 100 Times Note 3 1 erase + 1 write after erase = 1 rewrite Notes 1. Characteristic of the flash memory. For the characteristic when a dedicated flash memory programmer, PG-FP4, is used and the rewrite time during self programming, see Tables 25-12 and 25-13. 2. The prewrite time before erasure and the erase verify time (writeback time) are not included. 3. When a product is first written after shipment, "erase write" and "write only" are both taken as one rewrite. Remarks 1. fXP: Main system clock oscillation frequency 2. For serial write operation characteristics, refer to 78K0/Kx2 Flash Memory Programming (Programmer) Application Note (U17739E). 602 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) Target products: PD78F0511(A), 78F0512(A), 78F0513(A), 78F0514(A), 78F0515(A) Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA = 25C) (1/2) Parameter Supply voltage Symbol Conditions Ratings Unit VDD -0.5 to +6.5 V VSS -0.5 to +0.3 -0.5 to VDD + 0.3 AVREF -0.5 to +0.3 AVSS <R> REGC pin input voltage Input voltage P00, P01, P10 to P17, P20 to P25, P26 P30 to P33, P40 P73 <R> Note 2 , P74 Note 2 , P41 Note 3 , P75 Note 2 , P27 Note 2 , P70 , P71, P72 -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 Note 2 , V V -0.5 to +3.6 and VDD VIREGC VI1 V Note 1 Note 1 V V Note 2 Note 3 , P120 to P124, P140 , Note 3 , X1, X2, XT1, XT2, RESET, FLMD0 VI2 Output voltage Analog input voltage -0.3 to +6.5 P60 to P63 (N-ch open drain) -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 VO VAN ANI0 to ANI5, ANI6 Note 2 , ANI7 V Note 1 -0.3 to AVREF + 0.3 Note 2 Note 1 V V and -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 Note 1 Output current, high IOH P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, Per pin P40 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 3 , P41 P73 P130 , P74 , P70, P71, P72 , P75 Note 3 , P140 Total of all pins P00, P01, P40 -80 mA P130 Note 3 Note 2 , P73 , P41 Note 2 , P120, Note 2 , P74 Note 3 Note 2 , P75 , P27 Note 2 Total of all pins Per pin P121 to P124 Total of all pins Notes 1. <R> mA -55 mA -0.5 mA -2 mA -1 mA -4 mA , P120, Note 3 P20 to P25, P26 Per pin -25 Note 3 P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P70, P71, P72 mA , Note 3 Note 2 , P140 -10 Note 2 Note 3 Must be 6.5 V or lower. 2. 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 3. 48-pin products only. Caution Product quality may suffer if the absolute maximum rating is exceeded even momentarily for any parameter. That is, the absolute maximum ratings are rated values at which the product is on the verge of suffering physical damage, and therefore the product must be used under conditions that ensure that the absolute maximum ratings are not exceeded. Remark Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 603 CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) (A) grade products Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA = 25C) (2/2) Parameter Output current, low Symbol Ratings Unit 30 mA 60 mA 140 mA 1 mA 5 mA 4 mA 10 mA TA -40 to +85 C Tstg -65 to +150 C IOL Conditions P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, Per pin P40 Note 1 , P41 P71, P72 P75 Note 1 , P60 to P63, P70, Note 1 , P73 , P74 , P120, P130 Total of all pins P00, P01, P40 200 mA Note 1 Note 2 P130 Note 2 Note 1 , P140 Note 2 , Note 2 , P41 , P140 Note 2 Note 1 , P120, Note 2 P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P60 to P63, P70, P71, P72 P74 Note 2 , P75 , P73 Note 1 , P27 Note 1 Total of all pins P121 to P124 Per pin Total of all pins Operating ambient Note 1 , Note 2 P20 to P25, P26 Per pin Note 1 temperature Storage temperature <R> Notes 1. 2. 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 48-pin products only. Caution Product quality may suffer if the absolute maximum rating is exceeded even momentarily for any parameter. That is, the absolute maximum ratings are rated values at which the product is on the verge of suffering physical damage, and therefore the product must be used under conditions that ensure that the absolute maximum ratings are not exceeded. Remark 604 Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) (A) grade products X1 Oscillator Characteristics (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Resonator Recommended Circuit Ceramic resonator Parameter X1 clock VSS X1 X2 Conditions MIN. MAX. Unit Note 2 20.0 MHz Note 2 10.0 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 1.0 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 1.0 TYP. oscillation Note 1 frequency (fX) C1 C2 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V Crystal X1 clock resonator VSS X1 X2 1.0 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 1.0 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 1.0 5.0 Note 2 20.0 Note 2 10.0 MHz oscillation Note 1 frequency (fX) C1 C2 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V Notes 1. <R> 2. 1.0 5.0 Indicates only oscillator characteristics. Refer to AC Characteristics for instruction execution time. 2.0 MHz (MIN.) when using UART6 during on-board programming. Cautions 1. When using the X1 oscillator, wire as follows in the area enclosed by the broken lines in the above figures to avoid an adverse effect from wiring capacitance. * Keep the wiring length as short as possible. * Do not cross the wiring with the other signal lines. * Do not route the wiring near a signal line through which a high fluctuating current flows. * Always make the ground point of the oscillator capacitor the same potential as VSS. * Do not ground the capacitor to a ground pattern through which a high current flows. * Do not fetch signals from the oscillator. 2. Since the CPU is started by the internal high-speed oscillation clock after a reset release, check the X1 clock oscillation stabilization time using the oscillation stabilization time counter status register (OSTC) by the user. Determine the oscillation stabilization time of the OSTC register and oscillation stabilization time select register (OSTS) after sufficiently evaluating the oscillation stabilization time with the resonator to be used. Remark For the resonator selection and oscillator constant, customers are requested to either evaluate the oscillation themselves or apply to the resonator manufacturer for evaluation. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 605 CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) (A) grade products Internal Oscillator Characteristics (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Resonator Parameter Conditions MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V 7.6 8.0 8.4 MHz 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 7.6 8.0 10.4 MHz RSTS = 0 2.48 5.6 9.86 MHz Internal low-speed oscillation 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V 216 240 264 kHz clock frequency (fRL) 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 192 240 264 kHz Internal high-speed oscillation 8 MHz internal oscillator RSTS = 1 Note clock frequency (fRH) <R> 240 kHz internal oscillator Note Indicates only oscillator characteristics. Refer to AC Characteristics for instruction execution time. Remark RSTS: Bit 7 of the internal oscillation mode register (RCM) XT1 Oscillator Characteristics (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Resonator Crystal resonator Recommended Circuit VSS XT2 XT1 Conditions MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 32 32.768 35 kHz Note frequency (fXT) Rd C4 Parameter XT1 clock oscillation C3 Note Indicates only oscillator characteristics. Refer to AC Characteristics for instruction execution time. Cautions 1. When using the XT1 oscillator, wire as follows in the area enclosed by the broken lines in the above figure to avoid an adverse effect from wiring capacitance. * Keep the wiring length as short as possible. * Do not cross the wiring with the other signal lines. * Do not route the wiring near a signal line through which a high fluctuating current flows. * Always make the ground point of the oscillator capacitor the same potential as VSS. * Do not ground the capacitor to a ground pattern through which a high current flows. * Do not fetch signals from the oscillator. 2. The XT1 oscillator is designed as a low-amplitude circuit for reducing power consumption, and is more prone to malfunction due to noise than the X1 oscillator. Particular care is therefore required with the wiring method when the XT1 clock is used. Remark For the resonator selection and oscillator constant, customers are requested to either evaluate the oscillation themselves or apply to the resonator manufacturer for evaluation. 606 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) (A) grade products DC Characteristics (1/5) (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Output current, Note 1 high Symbol IOH1 Conditions Per pin for P00, P01, P10 to P17, Note 2 Note 2 P30 to P33, P40 , P41 , P70, P71, Note 2 Note 2 Note 3 Note 3 , P73 , P74 , P75 , P120, P72 Note 3 Note 3 P130 , P140 Note 5 Note 2 Total of pins P00, P01, P40 , Note 2 Note 3 Note 3 P41 , P120, P130 , P140 Note 5 Total of pins P10 to P17, P30 to P33, Note 2 Note 2 Note 3 P70, P71, P72 , P73 , P74 , Note 3 P75 Note 5 Total of all pins IOH2 Per pin for P20 to P25, P26 Note 2 , P27 Note 2 MAX. Unit 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V MIN. TYP. -3.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V -2.5 mA 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V -1.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V -12.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V -7.0 mA 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V -5.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V -18.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V -15.0 mA 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V -10.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V -23.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V -20.0 mA 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V -15.0 mA AVREF = VDD -0.1 mA -0.1 mA Per pin for P00, P01, P10 to P17, Note 2 Note 2 P30 to P33, P40 , P41 , P70, P71, Note 2 Note 2 Note 3 Note 3 , P73 , P74 , P75 , P120, P72 Note 3 Note 3 P130 , P140 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 8.5 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 5.0 mA 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 2.0 mA Per pin for P60 to P63 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 15.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 5.0 mA 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 2.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 20.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 15.0 mA Per pin for P121 to P124 Output current, Note 4 low IOL1 Note 5 Note 2 Total of pins P00, P01, P40 , Note 2 Note 3 Note 3 P41 , P120, P130 , P140 Note 5 Total of pins P10 to P17, P30 to P33, Note 2 Note 2 P60 to P63, P70, P71, P72 , P73 , Note 3 Note 3 P74 , P75 Note 5 Total of all pins 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 9.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 45.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 35.0 mA 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 20.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 65.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 50.0 mA 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 29.0 mA Notes 1. Value of current at which the device operation is guaranteed even if the current flows from VDD to an output pin. 2. 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 3. 48-pin products only. 4. Value of current at which the device operation is guaranteed even if the current flows from an output pin to GND. 5. Specification under conditions where the duty factor is 70% (time for which current is output is 0.7 x t and time for which current is not output is 0.3 x t, where t is a specific time). The total output current of the pins at a duty factor of other than 70% can be calculated by the following expression. * Where the duty factor of IOH is n%: Total output current of pins = (IOH x 0.7)/(n x 0.01) <Example> Where the duty factor is 50%, IOH = 20.0 mA Total output current of pins = (20.0 x 0.7)/(50 x 0.01) = 28.0 mA However, the current that is allowed to flow into one pin does not vary depending on the duty factor. A current higher than the absolute maximum rating must not flow into one pin. Remark Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 607 CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) (A) grade products DC Characteristics (2/5) (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Output current, low Symbol Note 1 IOL2 Conditions Per pin for P20 to P25, P26 P27 Note 2 , MIN. MAX. Unit 0.4 mA 0.4 mA 0.7VDD VDD V 0.8VDD VDD V 0.7AVREF AVREF V AVREF = VDD Note 2 Per pin for P121 to P124 Input voltage, high VIH2 P00, P01, P10, P11, P14, P16, P17, P30 to P33, P70, P140 Note 2 , P73 , P41 Note 2 P12, P13, P15, P40 P71, P72 Input voltage, low Note 2 VIH1 VIH3 TYP. Note 2 , P74 , P121 to P124 Note 3 , P75 Note 3 , P120, Note 3 , RESET, EXCLK, EXCLKS P20 to P25, P26 Note 2 , P27 Note 2 AVREF = VDD VIH4 P60 to P63 0.7VDD 6.0 V VIL1 P12, P13, P15, P40, P41, P60 to P63, P121 to P124 0 0.3VDD V VIL2 P00, P01, P10, P11, P14, P16, P17, P30 to P33, 0 0.2VDD V 0 0.3AVREF V P70 to P73, P74 Note 2 , P75 Note 2 , P120, P140 Note 2 , RESET, EXCLK, EXCLKS Output voltage, high Note 2 VIL3 P20 to P25, P26 VOH1 P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P40 P70, P71, P72 P74 Note 3 P140 , P75 , P27 , P41 , P73 AVREF = VDD 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V, VDD - 0.7 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 , Note 2 , Note 3 , P120, P130 Note 3 V IOH1 = -3.0 mA Note 2 Note 3 , 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V, VDD - 0.5 IOH1 = -2.5 mA V 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V, VDD - 0.5 V IOH1 = -1.0 mA VOH2 P20 to P25, P26 Note 2 , P27 Note 2 AVREF = VDD, VDD - 0.5 V VDD - 0.5 V IOH2 = -100 A P121 to P124 IOH2 = -100 A Notes 1. Value of current at which the device operation is guaranteed even if the current flows from an output pin to GND. 2. 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 3. 48-pin products only. Remark 608 Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) (A) grade products DC Characteristics (3/5) (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Output voltage, low Input leakage Symbol VOL1 Conditions P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 P40 , P41 , P70, P71, P72 , Note 1 Note 2 Note 2 , P74 , P75 , P120, P73 Note 2 Note 2 P130 , P140 Note 1 Note 1 TYP. MAX. Unit 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V, IOL1 = 8.5 mA 0.7 V 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V, IOL1 = 5.0 mA 0.7 V 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V, IOL1 = 2.0 mA 0.5 V 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V, IOL1 = 0.5 mA 0.4 V AVREF = VDD, IOL2 = 0.4 mA 0.4 V VOL2 P20 to P25, P26 P121 to P124 IOL2 = 0.4 mA 0.4 V VOL3 P60 to P63 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V, IOL3 = 15.0 mA 2.0 V 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V, IOL3 = 5.0 mA 0.4 V 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V, IOL3 = 5.0 mA 0.6 V 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V, IOL3 = 3.0 mA 0.4 V 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V, IOL3 = 2.0 mA 0.4 V VI = VDD 1 A VI = AVREF = VDD 1 A VI = VDD I/O port mode 1 A 20 A VI = VSS -1 A VI = VSS, AVREF = VDD -1 A VI = VSS I/O port mode -1 A -20 A ILIH1 P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P40 current, high , P27 MIN. Note 1 , P41 P71, P72 P75 Note 1 , P60 to P63, P70, Note 1 , P73 Note 1 , P74 Note 2 , P120, P140 Note 2 , Note 2 , FLMD0, RESET ILIH2 P20 to P25, P26 ILIH3 P121 to P124 Note 1 , P27 Note 1 (X1, X2, XT1, XT2) Input leakage ILIL1 P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, Note 1 P40 current, low OSC mode , P41 P71, P72 P75 Note 1 , P60 to P63, P70, Note 1 , P73 Note 1 , P74 Note 2 , P120, P140 Note 2 , Note 2 , FLMD0, RESET ILIL2 P20 to P25, P26 ILIL3 P121 to P124 Note 1 , P27 Note 1 (X1, X2, XT1, XT2) OSC mode Pull-up resistance RU VI = VSS 10 100 k FLMD0 supply VIL In normal operation mode 0 0.2VDD V voltage VIH In self programming mode 0.8VDD VDD V Notes 1. 2. Remark 20 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 48-pin products only. Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 609 CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) (A) grade products DC Characteristics (4/5) (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Supply current Symbol Note 1 IDD1 Conditions MIN. Note 2 Operating fXH = 20 MHz mode VDD = 5.0 V , Notes 2, 3 fXH = 10 MHz , VDD = 5.0 V Notes 2, 3 fXH = 10 MHz , VDD = 3.0 V Notes 2, 3 fXH = 5 MHz , VDD = 3.0 V Notes 2, 3 fXH = 5 MHz , VDD = 2.0 V TYP. MAX. Unit Square wave input 3.2 5.5 mA Resonator connection 4.5 6.9 Square wave input 1.6 2.8 Resonator connection 2.3 3.9 Square wave input 1.5 2.7 2.2 3.2 Square wave input 0.9 1.6 Resonator connection 1.3 2.0 Square wave input 0.7 1.4 Resonator connection 1.0 1.6 1.4 2.5 mA 6 30 A Resonator connection 15 35 Square wave input 0.8 2.6 Resonator connection 2.0 4.4 Square wave input 0.4 1.3 Resonator connection 1.0 2.4 Square wave input 0.2 0.65 Resonator connection 0.5 1.1 0.4 1.2 mA 3.0 27 A , VDD = 5.0 V fSUB = 32.768 kHz <R> Note 5 , Square wave input VDD = 5.0 V IDD2 Note 2 fXH = 20 MHz HALT mode , VDD = 5.0 V Notes 2, 3 fXH = 10 MHz , VDD = 5.0 V Notes 2, 3 fXH = 5 MHz , VDD = 3.0 V Note 4 fRH = 8 MHz <R> , VDD = 5.0 V fSUB = 32.768 kHz VDD = 5.0 V IDD3 <R> Notes 1. STOP mode Note 6 mA Resonator connection Note 4 fRH = 8 MHz mA Note 5 , Square wave input Resonator connection mA mA mA mA mA 12 32 VDD = 5.0 V 1 20 A VDD = 5.0 V, TA = -40 to +70C 1 10 A Total current flowing into the internal power supply (VDD), including the peripheral operation current and the input leakage current flowing when the level of the input pin is fixed to VDD or VSS. However, the current flowing into the pull-up resistors and the output current of the port are not included. <R> 2. Not including the operating current of the 8 MHz internal oscillator, 240 kHz internal oscillator, and XT1 oscillator, and the current flowing into the A/D converter, watchdog timer and LVI circuit. 3. When AMPH (bit 0 of clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL)) = 0. <R> 4. Not including the operating current of the X1 oscillator, XT1 oscillator, and 240 kHz internal oscillator, and <R> 5. Not including the operating current of the X1 oscillator, 8 MHz internal oscillator, and 240 kHz internal <R> 6. Not including the operating current of the 240 kHz internal oscillator and XT1 oscillator, and the current the current flowing into the A/D converter, watchdog timer and LVI circuit. oscillator, and the current flowing into the A/D converter, watchdog timer and LVI circuit. flowing into the A/D converter, watchdog timer and LVI circuit. Remarks 1. fXH: High-speed system clock frequency (X1 clock oscillation frequency or external main system clock frequency) 2. fRH: Internal high-speed oscillation clock frequency 3. fSUB: Subsystem clock frequency (XT1 clock oscillation frequency or external subsystem clock frequency) 610 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) (A) grade products DC Characteristics (5/5) (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter <R> A/D converter Symbol IADC Conditions Note 1 2.3 V AVREF VDD, ADCE = 1 Note 2 During 240 kHz internal low-speed oscillation clock MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 0.86 1.9 mA 5 10 A 9 18 A operating current Watchdog timer IWDT operation operating current LVI operating current Notes 1. Note 3 ILVI Current flowing only to the A/D converter (AVREF). The current value of the 78K0/KC2 is the sum of IDD1 or IDD2 and IADC when the A/D converter operates in an operation mode or the HALT mode. <R> 2. Current flowing only to the watchdog timer, including the operating current of the 240 kHz internal oscillator. The current value of the 78K0/KC2 is the sum of IDD2 or IDD3 and IWDT when the watchdog timer operates in the HALT or STOP mode. 3. Current flowing only to the LVI circuit. The current value of the 78K0/KC2 is the sum of IDD2 or IDD3 and ILVI when the LVI circuit operates in the HALT or STOP mode. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 611 CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) (A) grade products AC Characteristics (1) Basic operation (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Instruction cycle (minimum Symbol TCY instruction execution time) Conditions MIN. fPRS frequency 0.1 32 s 0.2 32 s 32 s 125 s 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V Note 1 0.4 114 122 fPRS = fXH 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 20 MHz (XSEL = 1) 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 10 MHz 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V External main system clock fEXCLK frequency <R> Unit clock (fXP) Subsystem clock (fSUB) operation Peripheral hardware clock MAX. Main system 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V operation <R> TYP. fPRS = fRH 2.7 V VDD < 5.5 V (XSEL = 0) 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V Note 2 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 5 MHz 7.6 8.4 MHz 7.6 10.4 MHz Note 3 20.0 MHz Note 3 10.0 MHz 5.0 MHz 1.0 1.0 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 1.0 External main system clock input tEXCLKH, 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 24 ns high-level width, low-level width tEXCLKL 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 48 ns 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 96 External subsystem clock fEXCLKS 32 External subsystem clock input tEXCLKSH, 12 high-level width, low-level width tEXCLKSL TI000, TI010 input high-level tTIH0, 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V width, low-level width tTIL0 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V ns 32.768 35 kHz frequency <R> 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V TI50, TI51 input frequency fTI5 s Note 4 s Note 4 s Note 4 s 2/fsam + 0.1 2/fsam + 0.2 2/fsam + 0.5 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 10 MHz 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 10 MHz 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 5 MHz TI50, TI51 input high-level width, tTIH5, 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 50 ns low-level width tTIL5 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 50 ns 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 100 ns Interrupt input high-level width, tINTH, 1 s low-level width tINTL Key interrupt input low-level width tKR 250 ns RESET low-level width 10 s Notes 1. tRSL 0.38 s when operating with the 8 MHz internal oscillator. <R> 2. <R> 3. 2.0 MHz (MIN.) when using UART6 during on-board programming. 4. Selection of fsam = fPRS, fPRS/4, fPRS/256 is possible using bits 0 and 1 (PRM000, PRM001) of prescaler Characteristics of the main system clock frequency. Set the division clock to be set by a peripheral function to fRH/2 or less. mode register 00 (PRM00). Note that when selecting the TI000 valid edge as the count clock, fsam = fPRS. 612 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) (A) grade products TCY vs. VDD (Main System Clock Operation) 100 32 10 Cycle time TCY [ s] 5.0 2.0 Guaranteed operation range 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.01 0 1.0 2.0 1.8 3.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 4.0 2.7 Supply voltage VDD [V] AC Timing Test Points VIH VIH Test points VIL VIL External Main System Clock Timing, External Subsystem Clock Timing 1/fEXCLK tEXCLKL tEXCLKH 0.8VDD (MIN.) EXCLK 0.2VDD (MAX.) 1/fEXCLKS tEXCLKSL tEXCLKSH 0.8VDD (MIN.) 0.2VDD (MAX.) EXCLKS User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 613 CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) (A) grade products TI Timing tTIL0 tTIH0 TI000, TI010 1/fTI5 tTIL5 tTIH5 TI50, TI51 Interrupt Request Input Timing tINTL tINTH INTP0 to INTP5, INTP6Note Note 48-pin products only. Key Interrupt Input Timing tKR KR0, KR1, KR2Note, KR3Note Note 44-pin and 48-pin products only RESET Input Timing tRSL RESET 614 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) (A) grade products (2) Serial interface (TA = -40 to +85C, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) (a) UART6 (dedicated baud rate generator output) Parameter Symbol Conditions MIN. TYP. Transfer rate MAX. Unit 625 kbps MAX. Unit 625 kbps (b) UART0 (dedicated baud rate generator output) Parameter Symbol Conditions MIN. TYP. Transfer rate <R> (c) IIC0 Parameter SCL0 clock frequency Symbol Conditions Standard Mode fSCL Hold time tLOW Hold time when SCL0 = "H" tHIGH Data setup time (reception) tSU:DAT Data setup time tHD:DAT Note 2 (transmission) MIN. MAX. 0 100 0 400 kHz - 0.6 - s 4.0 - 0.6 - s Internal clock operation 4.7 - 1.3 - s EXSCL0 clock (6.4 MHz) operation 4.7 - 1.25 - s 4.0 - 0.6 - s 250 - 100 - ns tHD:STA Hold time when SCL0 = "L" MAX. Unit 4.7 Setup time of restart condition tSU:STA Note 1 MIN. High-Speed Mode N fW = fXH/2 or DFC0 = 0 fW = fEXSCL0 selected 0 3.45 0 0.9 Note 4 Note 3 1.00 DFC0 = 1 - - 0 0.9 Note 6 1.125 N fW = fRH/2 selected Note 3 s Note 5 s Note 7 DFC0 = 0 0 3.45 0 1.05 s DFC0 = 1 - - 0 1.184 s Setup time of stop condition tSU:STO 4.0 - 0.6 - s Bus free time tBUF 4.7 - 1.3 - s Notes 1. The first clock pulse is generated after this period when the start/restart condition is detected. 2. The maximum value (MAX.) of tHD:DAT is during normal transfer and a wait state is inserted in the ACK 3. fW indicates the IIC0 transfer clock selected by the IICCL and IICX0 registers. 4. When fW 4.4 MHz is selected 5. When fW < 4.4 MHz is selected 6. When fW 5 MHz is selected 7. When fW < 5 MHz is selected (acknowledge) timing. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 615 CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) (A) grade products <R> (d) CSI10 (master mode, SCK10... internal clock output) Parameter SCK10 cycle time SCK10 high-/low-level width SI10 setup time (to SCK10) Symbol tKCY1 Conditions MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 100 ns 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 200 ns 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 400 ns tKH1, 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V tKCY1/2 - 20 ns tKL1 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V tKCY1/2 - 30 ns 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V tKCY1/2 - 60 ns tSIK1 SI10 hold time (from SCK10) tKSI1 Delay time from SCK10 to tKSO1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 70 ns 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 100 ns 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 190 ns 30 ns Note 2 C = 50 pF 40 ns MAX. Unit SO10 output Notes 1. 2. This value is when high-speed system clock (fXH) is used. C is the load capacitance of the SCK10 and SO10 output lines. (e) CSI10 (slave mode, SCK10... external clock input) Parameter SCK10 cycle time SCK10 high-/low-level width Symbol Conditions MIN. TYP. tKCY2 400 ns tKH2, tKCY2/2 ns 80 ns 50 ns tKL2 <R> SI10 setup time (to SCK10) tSIK2 SI10 hold time (from SCK10) tKSI2 Delay time from SCK10 to SO10 output tKSO2 Note C = 50 pF 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 120 ns 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 120 ns 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V 180 ns Note C is the load capacitance of the SO10 output line. 616 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) (A) grade products Serial Transfer Timing <R> IIC0: tLOW SCL0 tHD:DAT tHIGH tHD:STA tSU:STA tHD:STA tSU:STO tSU:DAT SDA0 tBUF Stop Start condition condition Restart condition Stop condition CSI10: tKCYm tKLm tKHm SCK10 tSIKm SI10 tKSIm Input data tKSOm SO10 Remark Output data m = 1, 2 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 617 CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) (A) grade products A/D Converter Characteristics (TA = -40 to +85C, 2.3 V AVREF VDD 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Symbol Resolution Overall error AINL Conversion time tCONV Notes 1, 2 Zero-scale error Full-scale error EZS Notes 1, 2 EFS Note 1 Integral non-linearity error Differential non-linearity error Note 1 Analog input voltage 2. MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 10 bit 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 0.4 %FSR 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 0.6 %FSR 2.3 V AVREF < 2.7 V 1.2 %FSR 36.7 s RES Notes 1, 2 Notes 1. Conditions ILE DLE 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 6.1 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 12.2 36.7 s 2.3 V AVREF < 2.7 V 27 66.6 s 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 0.4 %FSR 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 0.6 %FSR 2.3 V AVREF < 2.7 V 0.6 %FSR 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 0.4 %FSR 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 0.6 %FSR 2.3 V AVREF < 2.7 V 0.6 %FSR 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 2.5 LSB 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 4.5 LSB 2.3 V AVREF < 2.7 V 6.5 LSB 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 1.5 LSB 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 2.0 LSB 2.3 V AVREF < 2.7 V 2.0 LSB AVREF V VAIN AVSS Excludes quantization error (1/2 LSB). This value is indicated as a ratio (%FSR) to the full-scale value. 1.59 V POC Circuit Characteristics (TA = -40 to +85C, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Symbol Detection voltage VPOC Power voltage rise inclination tPTH Minimum pulse width tPW Conditions VDD: 0 V change inclination of VPOC MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 1.44 1.59 1.74 V 0.5 V/ms 200 s POC Circuit Timing Supply voltage (VDD) Detection voltage (MAX.) Detection voltage (TYP.) Detection voltage (MIN.) tPW tPTH Time 618 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) (A) grade products Supply Voltage Rise Time (TA = -40 to +85C, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Maximum time to rise to 1.8 V (VDD (MIN.)) Symbol MIN. TYP. POCMODE (option byte) = 0, tPUP1 (VDD: 0 V 1.8 V) Maximum time to rise to 1.8 V (VDD (MIN.)) Conditions MAX. Unit 3.6 ms 1.9 ms when RESET input is not used POCMODE (option byte) = 0, tPUP2 (releasing RESET input VDD: 1.8 V) when RESET input is used Supply Voltage Rise Time Timing * When RESET pin input is not used * When RESET pin input is used Supply voltage (VDD) Supply voltage (VDD) 1.8 V 1.8 V VPOC Time Time tPUP1 RESET pin tPUP2 2.7 V POC Circuit Characteristics (TA = -40 to +85C, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Detection voltage on application of supply Symbol VDDPOC Conditions POCMODE (option byte) = 1 MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 2.50 2.70 2.90 V voltage User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 619 CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) (A) grade products LVI Circuit Characteristics (TA = -40 to +85C, VPOC VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Detection Symbol Supply voltage level voltage External input pin Note 1 Minimum pulse width MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit VLVI0 4.14 4.24 4.34 V VLVI1 3.99 4.09 4.19 V VLVI2 3.83 3.93 4.03 V VLVI3 3.68 3.78 3.88 V VLVI4 3.52 3.62 3.72 V VLVI5 3.37 3.47 3.57 V VLVI6 3.22 3.32 3.42 V VLVI7 3.06 3.16 3.26 V VLVI8 2.91 3.01 3.11 V VLVI9 2.75 2.85 2.95 V VLVI10 2.60 2.70 2.80 V VLVI11 2.45 2.55 2.65 V VLVI12 2.29 2.39 2.49 V VLVI13 2.14 2.24 2.34 V VLVI14 1.98 2.08 2.18 V VLVI15 1.83 1.93 2.03 V 1.11 1.21 1.31 V EXLVI Conditions EXLVI < VDD, 1.8 V VDD 5.5 V tLW Operation stabilization wait time Note 2 s 200 tLWAIT 10 s Notes 1. The EXLVI/P120/INTP0 pin is used. 2. Time required from setting bit 7 (LVION) of the low-voltage detection register (LVIM) to 1 to operation stabilization Remark VLVI(n - 1) > VLVIn: n = 1 to 15 LVI Circuit Timing Supply voltage (VDD) Detection voltage (MAX.) Detection voltage (TYP.) Detection voltage (MIN.) tLW tLWAIT LVION 1 620 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Time CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) (A) grade products Data Memory STOP Mode Low Supply Voltage Data Retention Characteristics (TA = -40 to +85C) Parameter Symbol Data retention supply voltage Conditions MIN. VDDDR 1.44 TYP. Note MAX. Unit 5.5 V Note The value depends on the POC detection voltage. When the voltage drops, the data is retained until a POC reset is effected, but data is not retained when a POC reset is effected. Operation mode STOP mode Data retention mode VDD VDDDR STOP instruction execution Standby release signal (interrupt request) Flash Memory Programming Characteristics (TA = -40 to +85C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) * Basic characteristics Parameter Symbol VDD supply current Notes 1, 2 Erase time <R> IDD Conditions MIN. fXP = 10 MHz (TYP.), 20 MHz (MAX.) TYP. MAX. Unit 4.5 11.0 mA All block Teraca 20 200 ms Block unit Terasa 20 200 ms Note 1 Write time (in 8-bit units) Twrwa 10 100 s Number of rewrites per chip Cerwr Retention: 15 years 100 Times Note 3 1 erase + 1 write after erase = 1 rewrite Notes 1. Characteristic of the flash memory. For the characteristic when a dedicated flash memory programmer, PG-FP4, is used and the rewrite time during self programming, see Tables 25-12 and 25-13. 2. The prewrite time before erasure and the erase verify time (writeback time) are not included. 3. When a product is first written after shipment, "erase write" and "write only" are both taken as one rewrite. Remarks 1. fXP: Main system clock oscillation frequency 2. For serial write operation characteristics, refer to 78K0/Kx2 Flash Memory Programming (Programmer) Application Note (U17739E). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 621 <R> CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) Target products: PD78F0511(A2), 78F0512(A2), 78F0513(A2), 78F0514(A2), 78F0515(A2) Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA = 25C) (1/2) Parameter Supply voltage Symbol Conditions Ratings Unit VDD -0.5 to +6.5 V VSS -0.5 to +0.3 -0.5 to VDD + 0.3 AVREF -0.5 to +0.3 AVSS REGC pin input voltage Input voltage P00, P01, P10 to P17, P20 to P25, P26 P30 to P33, P40 P73 Note 2 , P74 Note 2 , P41 Note 3 , P75 Note 2 , P27 Note 2 , P70 , P71, P72 -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 Note 2 , V V -0.5 to +3.6 and VDD VIREGC VI1 V Note 1 Note 1 V V Note 2 Note 3 , P120 to P124, P140 , Note 3 , X1, X2, XT1, XT2, RESET, FLMD0 VI2 Output voltage Analog input voltage -0.3 to +6.5 P60 to P63 (N-ch open drain) -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 VO VAN ANI0 to ANI5, ANI6 Note 2 , ANI7 V Note 1 -0.3 to AVREF + 0.3 Note 2 Note 1 V V and -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 Note 1 Output current, high IOH P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, Per pin P40 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 3 , P41 P73 P130 , P74 , P70, P71, P72 , P75 Note 3 , P140 Total of all pins P00, P01, P40 -80 mA P130 Note 3 Note 2 , P73 , P41 Note 2 , P120, Note 2 , P74 Note 3 Note 2 , P75 , P27 Note 2 Total of all pins Per pin P121 to P124 Total of all pins Notes 1. mA -55 mA -0.5 mA -2 mA -1 mA -4 mA , P120, Note 3 P20 to P25, P26 Per pin -25 Note 3 P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P70, P71, P72 mA , Note 3 Note 2 , P140 -10 Note 2 Note 3 Must be 6.5 V or lower. 2. 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 3. 48-pin products only. Caution Product quality may suffer if the absolute maximum rating is exceeded even momentarily for any parameter. That is, the absolute maximum ratings are rated values at which the product is on the verge of suffering physical damage, and therefore the product must be used under conditions that ensure that the absolute maximum ratings are not exceeded. Remark 622 Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA = 25C) (2/2) Parameter Output current, low Symbol Ratings Unit 30 mA 60 mA 140 mA 1 mA 5 mA 4 mA 10 mA TA -40 to +110 C Tstg -65 to +150 C IOL Conditions P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, Per pin P40 Note 1 , P41 P71, P72 P75 Note 1 , P60 to P63, P70, Note 1 , P73 , P74 , P120, P130 Total of all pins P00, P01, P40 200 mA Note 1 Note 2 P130 Note 2 Note 1 , P140 Note 2 , Note 2 , P41 , P140 Note 2 Note 1 , P120, Note 2 P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P60 to P63, P70, P71, P72 P74 Note 2 , P75 , P73 Note 1 , P27 Note 1 Total of all pins P121 to P124 Per pin Total of all pins Operating ambient Note 1 , Note 2 P20 to P25, P26 Per pin Note 1 temperature Storage temperature Notes 1. 2. 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 48-pin products only. Caution Product quality may suffer if the absolute maximum rating is exceeded even momentarily for any parameter. That is, the absolute maximum ratings are rated values at which the product is on the verge of suffering physical damage, and therefore the product must be used under conditions that ensure that the absolute maximum ratings are not exceeded. Remark Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 623 CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C X1 Oscillator Characteristics (TA = -40 to +110C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Resonator Recommended Circuit Ceramic resonator VSS X1 X2 Parameter Conditions MIN. MAX. Unit Note 2 20.0 MHz Note 2 10.0 Note 2 20.0 Note 2 10.0 X1 clock 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V oscillation 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 1.0 X1 clock 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 1.0 oscillation 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V Note 1 1.0 TYP. frequency (fX) C1 C2 Crystal resonator VSS X1 X2 Note 1 1.0 MHz frequency (fX) C1 Notes 1. 2. C2 Indicates only oscillator characteristics. Refer to AC Characteristics for instruction execution time. 2.0 MHz (MIN.) when using UART6 during on-board programming. Cautions 1. When using the X1 oscillator, wire as follows in the area enclosed by the broken lines in the above figures to avoid an adverse effect from wiring capacitance. * Keep the wiring length as short as possible. * Do not cross the wiring with the other signal lines. * Do not route the wiring near a signal line through which a high fluctuating current flows. * Always make the ground point of the oscillator capacitor the same potential as VSS. * Do not ground the capacitor to a ground pattern through which a high current flows. * Do not fetch signals from the oscillator. 2. Since the CPU is started by the internal high-speed oscillation clock after a reset release, check the X1 clock oscillation stabilization time using the oscillation stabilization time counter status register (OSTC) by the user. Determine the oscillation stabilization time of the OSTC register and oscillation stabilization time select register (OSTS) after sufficiently evaluating the oscillation stabilization time with the resonator to be used. Remark For the resonator selection and oscillator constant, customers are requested to either evaluate the oscillation themselves or apply to the resonator manufacturer for evaluation. 624 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C Internal Oscillator Characteristics (TA = -40 to +110C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Resonator Parameter Conditions Internal high-speed oscillation 8 MHz internal oscillator MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit RSTS = 1 7.6 8.0 8.4 MHz RSTS = 0 2.48 5.6 9.86 MHz 216 240 264 kHz Note clock frequency (fRH) 240 kHz internal oscillator Internal low-speed oscillation clock frequency (fRL) Note Indicates only oscillator characteristics. Refer to AC Characteristics for instruction execution time. Remark RSTS: Bit 7 of the internal oscillation mode register (RCM) XT1 Oscillator Characteristics (TA = -40 to +110C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Resonator Crystal resonator Recommended Circuit VSS XT2 XT1 Conditions XT1 clock oscillation MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 32 32.768 35 kHz Note frequency (fXT) Rd C4 Parameter C3 Note Indicates only oscillator characteristics. Refer to AC Characteristics for instruction execution time. Cautions 1. When using the XT1 oscillator, wire as follows in the area enclosed by the broken lines in the above figure to avoid an adverse effect from wiring capacitance. * Keep the wiring length as short as possible. * Do not cross the wiring with the other signal lines. * Do not route the wiring near a signal line through which a high fluctuating current flows. * Always make the ground point of the oscillator capacitor the same potential as VSS. * Do not ground the capacitor to a ground pattern through which a high current flows. * Do not fetch signals from the oscillator. 2. The XT1 oscillator is designed as a low-amplitude circuit for reducing power consumption, and is more prone to malfunction due to noise than the X1 oscillator. Particular care is therefore required with the wiring method when the XT1 clock is used. Remark For the resonator selection and oscillator constant, customers are requested to either evaluate the oscillation themselves or apply to the resonator manufacturer for evaluation. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 625 CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C DC Characteristics (1/5) (TA = -40 to +110C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Output current, high Symbol IOH1 Note 1 Conditions MIN. Per pin for P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P40 P72 Note 2 , P73 P130 , P41 Note 2 , P74 Note 3 , P140 Note 5 , P70, P71, Note 3 , P75 Note 3 , P120, P00, P01, P40 Note 2 , P120, P130 Note 5 Total of pins P70, P71, P72 Note 2 Note 3 , P140 Note 2 , Note 3 P10 to P17, P30 to P33, Note 2 , P73 Note 2 , P74 Note 3 , Note 3 P75 Note 5 Total of all pins IOH2 MAX. Unit 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V -2.5 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V -2.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V -7.5 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V -6.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V -12.5 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V -10.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V -16.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V -14.0 mA AVREF = VDD -0.1 mA -0.1 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 5.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 3.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 10.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 3.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 13.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 10.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 25.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 20.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 38.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 30.0 mA Note 3 Total of pins P41 Note 2 TYP. Per pin for P20 to P25, P26 Note 2 , P27 Note 2 Per pin for P121 to P124 Output current, Note 3 low IOL1 Per pin for P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P40 P72 Note 2 , P73 P130 Note 2 , P41 Note 2 , P74 Note 3 , P140 Note 2 Note 3 , P70, P71, , P75 Note 3 , P120, Note 3 Per pin for P60 to P63 Note 5 Total of pins P41 P00, P01, P40 Note 2 , P120, P130 Note 5 Total of pins Note 3 , P140 Note 3 , P75 , Note 3 P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P60 to P63, P70, P71, P72 P74 Note 2 Note 3 Note 4 Total of all pins Note 2 , P73 Note 2 , Notes 1. Value of current at which the device operation is guaranteed even if the current flows from VDD to an output pin. 2. 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 3. 48-pin products only. 4. Value of current at which the device operation is guaranteed even if the current flows from an output pin to GND. 5. Specification under conditions where the duty factor is 70% (time for which current is output is 0.7 x t and time for which current is not output is 0.3 x t, where t is a specific time). The total output current of the pins at a duty factor of other than 70% can be calculated by the following expression. * Where the duty factor of IOH is n%: Total output current of pins = (IOH x 0.7)/(n x 0.01) <Example> Where the duty factor is 50%, IOH = 20.0 mA Total output current of pins = (20.0 x 0.7)/(50 x 0.01) = 28.0 mA However, the current that is allowed to flow into one pin does not vary depending on the duty factor. A current higher than the absolute maximum rating must not flow into one pin. Remark 626 Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C DC Characteristics (2/5) (TA = -40 to +110C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Output current, low Symbol Note 1 IOL2 Conditions Per pin for P20 to P25, P26 P27 Note 2 , MIN. MAX. Unit 0.4 mA 0.4 mA 0.7VDD VDD V 0.8VDD VDD V 0.7AVREF AVREF V AVREF = VDD Note 2 Per pin for P121 to P124 Input voltage, high VIH2 P00, P01, P10, P11, P14, P16, P17, P30 to P33, P70, P140 Note 2 , P73 , P41 Note 2 P12, P13, P15, P40 P71, P72 Input voltage, low Note 2 VIH1 VIH3 TYP. Note 2 , P74 , P121 to P124 Note 3 , P75 Note 3 , P120, Note 3 , RESET, EXCLK, EXCLKS P20 to P25, P26 Note 2 , P27 Note 2 AVREF = VDD VIH4 P60 to P63 0.7VDD 6.0 V VIL1 P12, P13, P15, P40, P41, P60 to P63, P121 to P124 0 0.3VDD V VIL2 P00, P01, P10, P11, P14, P16, P17, P30 to P33, 0 0.2VDD V 0 0.3AVREF V P70 to P73, P74 Note 2 , P75 Note 2 , P120, P140 Note 2 , RESET, EXCLK, EXCLKS Output voltage, high Note 2 VIL3 P20 to P25, P26 VOH1 P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P40 P70, P71, P72 P74 Note 3 P140 VOH2 , P75 , P27 , P41 , P73 , Note 2 , , P120, P130 Note 3 Note 2 , P27 Note 2 V IOH1 = -2.5 mA Note 2 Note 3 P20 to P25, P26 AVREF = VDD 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V, VDD - 0.7 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 3 , 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V, VDD - 0.5 IOH1 = -2.0 mA V VDD - 0.5 V VDD - 0.5 V AVREF = VDD, IOH2 = -100 A P121 to P124 IOH2 = -100 A Notes 1. Value of current at which the device operation is guaranteed even if the current flows from an output pin to GND. 2. 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 3. 48-pin products only. Remark Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 627 CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C DC Characteristics (3/5) (TA = -40 to +110C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Output voltage, low Symbol VOL1 VOL2 VOL3 Input leakage ILIH1 Conditions MAX. Unit 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V, IOL1 = 5.0 mA 0.7 V 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V, IOL1 = 3.0 mA 0.7 V AVREF = VDD, IOL2 = 0.4 mA 0.4 V P121 to P124 IOL2 = 0.4 mA 0.4 V P60 to P63 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V, IOL3 = 10.0 mA 2.0 V 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V, IOL3 = 3.0 mA 0.4 V 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V, IOL3 = 3.0 mA 0.6 V VI = VDD 3 A VI = AVREF = VDD 3 A P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 P40 , P41 , P70, P71, P72 , Note 1 Note 2 Note 2 , P74 , P75 , P120, P73 Note 2 Note 2 P130 , P140 P20 to P25, P26 , P27 Note 1 P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P40 current, high Note 1 Note 1 , P41 P71, P72 P75 MIN. TYP. Note 1 , P60 to P63, P70, Note 1 , P73 Note 1 , P74 Note 2 , P120, P140 Note 2 , Note 2 , FLMD0, RESET ILIH2 P20 to P25, P26 ILIH3 P121 to P124 Note 1 , P27 Note 1 3 A 20 A VI = VSS -3 A VI = VSS, AVREF = VDD -3 A VI = VSS I/O port mode -3 A -20 A 100 k VI = VDD I/O port mode (X1, X2, XT1, XT2) Input leakage ILIL1 P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, Note 1 P40 current, low OSC mode , P41 P71, P72 P75 Note 1 , P60 to P63, P70, Note 1 , P73 Note 1 , P74 Note 2 , P120, P140 Note 2 , Note 2 , FLMD0, RESET ILIL2 P20 to P25, P26 ILIL3 P121 to P124 Note 1 , P27 Note 1 (X1, X2, XT1, XT2) OSC mode Pull-up resistance RU VI = VSS 10 FLMD0 supply VIL In normal operation mode 0 0.2VDD V voltage VIH In self programming mode 0.8VDD VDD V Notes 1. 2. Remark 628 20 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 48-pin products only. Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C DC Characteristics (4/5) (TA = -40 to +110C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Supply current Symbol Note 1 IDD1 Conditions MIN. Note 2 Operating fXH = 20 MHz mode VDD = 5.0 V , Notes 2, 3 fXH = 10 MHz , VDD = 5.0 V Notes 2, 3 fXH = 10 MHz , VDD = 3.0 V TYP. MAX. Unit Square wave input 3.2 7.2 mA Resonator connection 4.5 9.0 Square wave input 1.6 3.7 Resonator connection 2.3 5.1 Square wave input 1.5 3.6 2.2 4.2 Square wave input 0.9 2.1 Resonator connection 1.3 2.6 1.4 3.3 mA 6 93 A Resonator connection 15 100 Square wave input 0.8 3.4 Resonator connection 2.0 5.8 Square wave input 0.4 1.7 Resonator connection 1.0 3.2 Square wave input 0.2 0.85 Resonator connection 0.5 1.5 0.4 1.6 mA 3.0 89 A 12 93 VDD = 5.0 V 1 60 A VDD = 5.0 V, TA = -40 to +70C 1 10 A , VDD = 3.0 V Note 4 fRH = 8 MHz , VDD = 5.0 V fSUB = 32.768 kHz Note 5 , Square wave input VDD = 5.0 V Note 2 fXH = 20 MHz HALT mode , VDD = 5.0 V Notes 2, 3 fXH = 10 MHz , VDD = 5.0 V Notes 2, 3 fXH = 5 MHz , VDD = 3.0 V Note 4 fRH = 8 MHz , VDD = 5.0 V fSUB = 32.768 kHz VDD = 5.0 V IDD3 Notes 1. STOP mode Note 6 mA Resonator connection Notes 2, 3 fXH = 5 MHz IDD2 mA Note 5 , Square wave input Resonator connection mA mA mA mA Total current flowing into the internal power supply (VDD), including the peripheral operation current and the input leakage current flowing when the level of the input pin is fixed to VDD or VSS. However, the current flowing into the pull-up resistors and the output current of the port are not included. 2. Not including the operating current of the 8 MHz internal oscillator, 240 kHz internal oscillator, and XT1 oscillator, and the current flowing into the A/D converter, watchdog timer and LVI circuit. 3. When AMPH (bit 0 of clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL)) = 0. 4. Not including the operating current of the X1 oscillator, XT1 oscillator, and 240 kHz internal oscillator, and 5. Not including the operating current of the X1 oscillator, 8 MHz internal oscillator, and 240 kHz internal 6. Not including the operating current of the 240 kHz internal oscillator and XT1 oscillator, and the current the current flowing into the A/D converter, watchdog timer and LVI circuit. oscillator, and the current flowing into the A/D converter, watchdog timer and LVI circuit. flowing into the A/D converter, watchdog timer and LVI circuit. Remarks 1. fXH: High-speed system clock frequency (X1 clock oscillation frequency or external main system clock frequency) 2. fRH: Internal high-speed oscillation clock frequency 3. fSUB: Subsystem clock frequency (XT1 clock oscillation frequency or external subsystem clock frequency) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 629 CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C DC Characteristics (5/5) (TA = -40 to +110C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter A/D converter Symbol IADC Conditions Note 1 2.7 V AVREF VDD, ADCE = 1 Note 2 During 240 kHz internal low-speed oscillation clock MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 0.86 2.5 mA 5 13 A 9 24 A operating current Watchdog timer IWDT operation operating current LVI operating current Notes 1. Note 3 ILVI Current flowing only to the A/D converter (AVREF). The current value of the 78K0/KC2 is the sum of IDD1 or IDD2 and IADC when the A/D converter operates in an operation mode or the HALT mode. 2. Current flowing only to the watchdog timer, including the operating current of the 240 kHz internal oscillator. The current value of the 78K0/KC2 is the sum of IDD2 or IDD3 and IWDT when the watchdog timer operates in the HALT or STOP mode. 3. Current flowing only to the LVI circuit. The current value of the 78K0/KC2 is the sum of IDD2 or IDD3 and ILVI when the LVI circuit operates in the HALT or STOP mode. 630 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C AC Characteristics (1) Basic operation (TA = -40 to +110C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Instruction cycle (minimum Symbol TCY instruction execution time) Conditions MIN. Main system 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V clock (fXP) 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V TYP. MAX. Unit 0.1 32 s 0.2 32 s 125 s operation Subsystem clock (fSUB) operation Peripheral hardware clock fPRS frequency 114 122 fPRS = fXH 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 20 MHz (XSEL = 1) 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 10 MHz fPRS = fRH 2.7 V VDD < 5.5 V 8.4 MHz Note 1 20.0 MHz Note 1 10.0 MHz 7.6 (XSEL = 0) External main system clock fEXCLK frequency 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 1.0 1.0 External main system clock input tEXCLKH, 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 24 ns high-level width, low-level width tEXCLKL 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 48 ns External subsystem clock fEXCLKS 32 External subsystem clock input tEXCLKSH, 12 high-level width, low-level width tEXCLKSL TI000, TI010 input high-level tTIH0, 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V width, low-level width tTIL0 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V TI50, TI51 input frequency fTI5 32.768 35 kHz frequency TI50, TI51 input high-level width, tTIH5, low-level width tTIL5 Interrupt input high-level width, tINTH, low-level width tINTL s Note 2 s Note 2 s 2/fsam + 0.1 2/fsam + 0.2 10 MHz 50 ns 1 s Key interrupt input low-level width tKR 250 ns RESET low-level width 10 s Notes 1. 2. tRSL 2.0 MHz (MIN.) when using UART6 during on-board programming. Selection of fsam = fPRS, fPRS/4, fPRS/256 is possible using bits 0 and 1 (PRM000, PRM001) of prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00). Note that when selecting the TI000 valid edge as the count clock, fsam = fPRS. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 631 CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C TCY vs. VDD (Main System Clock Operation) 100 32 10 Cycle time TCY [ s] 5.0 2.0 Guaranteed operation range 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.01 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 4.0 2.7 Supply voltage VDD [V] AC Timing Test Points VIH VIH Test points VIL VIL External Main System Clock Timing, External Subsystem Clock Timing 1/fEXCLK tEXCLKL tEXCLKH 0.8VDD (MIN.) EXCLK 0.2VDD (MAX.) 1/fEXCLKS tEXCLKSL 0.8VDD (MIN.) 0.2VDD (MAX.) EXCLKS 632 tEXCLKSH User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C TI Timing tTIL0 tTIH0 TI000, TI010 1/fTI5 tTIL5 tTIH5 TI50, TI51 Interrupt Request Input Timing tINTL tINTH INTP0 to INTP5, INTP6Note Note 48-pin products only. Key Interrupt Input Timing tKR KR0, KR1, KR2Note, KR3Note Note 44-pin and 48-pin products only RESET Input Timing tRSL RESET User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 633 CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C (2) Serial interface (TA = -40 to +110C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) (a) UART6 (dedicated baud rate generator output) Parameter Symbol Conditions MIN. TYP. Transfer rate MAX. Unit 625 kbps MAX. Unit 625 kbps (b) UART0 (dedicated baud rate generator output) Parameter Symbol Conditions MIN. TYP. Transfer rate (c) IIC0 Parameter SCL0 clock frequency Symbol Conditions Standard Mode fSCL Hold time tLOW Hold time when SCL0 = "H" tHIGH Data setup time (reception) tSU:DAT Data setup time tHD:DAT Note 2 (transmission) MIN. MAX. 0 100 0 400 kHz - 0.6 - s 4.0 - 0.6 - s Internal clock operation 4.7 - 1.3 - s EXSCL0 clock (6.4 MHz) operation 4.7 - 1.25 - s 4.0 - 0.6 - s 250 - 100 - ns tHD:STA Hold time when SCL0 = "L" MAX. Unit 4.7 Setup time of restart condition tSU:STA Note 1 MIN. High-Speed Mode N fW = fXH/2 or DFC0 = 0 fW = fEXSCL0 selected 0 3.45 0 0.9 Note 4 Note 3 1.00 DFC0 = 1 - - 0 0.9 Note 6 1.125 N fW = fRH/2 selected Note 3 s Note 5 s Note 7 DFC0 = 0 0 3.45 0 1.05 s DFC0 = 1 - - 0 1.184 s Setup time of stop condition tSU:STO 4.0 - 0.6 - s Bus free time tBUF 4.7 - 1.3 - s Notes 1. The first clock pulse is generated after this period when the start/restart condition is detected. 2. The maximum value (MAX.) of tHD:DAT is during normal transfer and a wait state is inserted in the ACK 3. fW indicates the IIC0 transfer clock selected by the IICCL and IICX0 registers. 4. When fW 4.4 MHz is selected 5. When fW < 4.4 MHz is selected 6. When fW 5 MHz is selected 7. When fW < 5 MHz is selected (acknowledge) timing. 634 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C (d) CSI10 (master mode, SCK10... internal clock output) Parameter Symbol Conditions MIN. 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V TYP. MAX. 200 Unit SCK10 cycle time tKCY1 SCK10 high-/low-level width tKH1, 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V tKCY1/2 - 20 ns tKL1 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V tKCY1/2 - 30 ns tSIK1 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 70 ns 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 100 ns 30 ns 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V SI10 setup time (to SCK10) SI10 hold time (from SCK10) Delay time from SCK10 to 400 ns Note 1 tKSI1 tKSO1 ns Note 1 Note 2 C = 50 pF 40 ns MAX. Unit SO10 output Notes 1. 2. This value is when high-speed system clock (fXH) is used. C is the load capacitance of the SCK10 and SO10 output lines. (e) CSI10 (slave mode, SCK10... external clock input) Parameter SCK10 cycle time SCK10 high-/low-level width Symbol Conditions MIN. TYP. tKCY2 400 ns tKH2, tKCY2/2 ns 80 ns 50 ns tKL2 SI10 setup time (to SCK10) tSIK2 SI10 hold time (from SCK10) tKSI2 Delay time from SCK10 to tKSO2 Note C = 50 pF 120 ns SO10 output Note C is the load capacitance of the SO10 output line. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 635 CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C Serial Transfer Timing IIC0: tLOW SCL0 tHD:DAT tHIGH tHD:STA tSU:STA tHD:STA tSU:STO tSU:DAT SDA0 tBUF Stop Start condition condition Restart condition CSI10: tKCYm tKLm tKHm SCK10 tSIKm SI10 tKSIm Input data tKSOm SO10 Remark 636 Output data m = 1, 2 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Stop condition CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C A/D Converter Characteristics (TA = -40 to +110C, 2.7 V AVREF VDD 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Symbol Resolution Overall error AINL Conversion time tCONV Notes 1, 2 Zero-scale error Full-scale error EZS Notes 1, 2 EFS Note 1 Integral non-linearity error Differential non-linearity error Note 1 Analog input voltage 2. MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 10 bit 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 0.4 %FSR 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 0.6 %FSR RES Notes 1, 2 Notes 1. Conditions ILE DLE 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 6.1 36.7 s 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 12.2 36.7 s 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 0.4 %FSR 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 0.6 %FSR 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 0.4 %FSR 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 0.6 %FSR 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 2.5 LSB 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 4.5 LSB 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 1.5 LSB 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 2.0 LSB AVREF V VAIN AVSS Excludes quantization error (1/2 LSB). This value is indicated as a ratio (%FSR) to the full-scale value. 1.59 V POC Circuit Characteristics (TA = -40 to +110C, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Symbol Detection voltage VPOC Power voltage rise inclination tPTH Minimum pulse width tPW Conditions VDD: 0 V change inclination of VPOC MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 1.44 1.59 1.74 V 0.5 V/ms 200 s POC Circuit Timing Supply voltage (VDD) Detection voltage (MAX.) Detection voltage (TYP.) Detection voltage (MIN.) tPW tPTH Time User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 637 CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C Supply Voltage Rise Time (TA = -40 to +110C, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Maximum time to rise to 2.7 V (VDD (MIN.)) Symbol MIN. TYP. POCMODE (option byte) = 0, tPUP1 (VDD: 0 V 2.7 V) Maximum time to rise to 2.7 V (VDD (MIN.)) Conditions MAX. Unit 3.6 ms 1.9 ms when RESET input is not used POCMODE (option byte) = 0, tPUP2 (releasing RESET input VDD: 2.7 V) when RESET input is used Supply Voltage Rise Time Timing * When RESET pin input is not used * When RESET pin input is used Supply voltage (VDD) Supply voltage (VDD) 2.7 V 2.7 V VPOC Time Time tPUP1 RESET pin tPUP2 2.7 V POC Circuit Characteristics (TA = -40 to +110C, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Detection voltage on application of supply Symbol VDDPOC Conditions POCMODE (option byte) = 1 voltage 638 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 2.50 2.70 2.90 V CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C LVI Circuit Characteristics (TA = -40 to +110C, VPOC VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Detection Symbol Supply voltage level voltage Conditions MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit VLVI0 4.14 4.24 4.34 V VLVI1 3.99 4.09 4.19 V VLVI2 3.83 3.93 4.03 V VLVI3 3.68 3.78 3.88 V VLVI4 3.52 3.62 3.72 V VLVI5 3.37 3.47 3.57 V VLVI6 3.22 3.32 3.42 V VLVI7 3.06 3.16 3.26 V VLVI8 2.91 3.01 3.11 V 2.75 2.85 2.95 V 1.11 1.21 1.31 V VLVI9 External input pin Note 1 Minimum pulse width EXLVI EXLVI < VDD, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V tLW Operation stabilization wait time Note 2 s 200 tLWAIT 10 s Notes 1. The EXLVI/P120/INTP0 pin is used. 2. Time required from setting bit 7 (LVION) of the low-voltage detection register (LVIM) to 1 to operation stabilization Remark VLVI(n - 1) > VLVIn: n = 1 to 9 LVI Circuit Timing Supply voltage (VDD) Detection voltage (MAX.) Detection voltage (TYP.) Detection voltage (MIN.) tLW tLWAIT LVION 1 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Time 639 CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +110C Data Memory STOP Mode Low Supply Voltage Data Retention Characteristics (TA = -40 to +110C) Parameter Symbol Data retention supply voltage Conditions MIN. VDDDR 1.44 TYP. Note MAX. Unit 5.5 V Note The value depends on the POC detection voltage. When the voltage drops, the data is retained until a POC reset is effected, but data is not retained when a POC reset is effected. Operation mode STOP mode Data retention mode VDD VDDDR STOP instruction execution Standby release signal (interrupt request) Flash Memory Programming Characteristics (TA = -40 to +110C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) * Basic characteristics Parameter Symbol VDD supply current Notes 1, 2 Erase time IDD Conditions MIN. fXP = 10 MHz (TYP.), 20 MHz (MAX.) TYP. MAX. Unit 4.5 14.0 mA All block Teraca 20 200 ms Block unit Terasa 20 200 ms Note 1 Write time (in 8-bit units) Twrwa 10 100 s Number of rewrites per chip Cerwr Retention: 15 years 100 Times Note 3 1 erase + 1 write after erase = 1 rewrite Notes 1. Characteristic of the flash memory. For the characteristic when a dedicated flash memory programmer, PG-FP4, is used and the rewrite time during self programming, see Tables 25-12 and 25-13. 2. The prewrite time before erasure and the erase verify time (writeback time) are not included. 3. When a product is first written after shipment, "erase write" and "write only" are both taken as one rewrite. Remarks 1. fXP: Main system clock oscillation frequency 2. For serial write operation characteristics, refer to 78K0/Kx2 Flash Memory Programming (Programmer) Application Note (U17739E). 640 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD <R> CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) Target products: PD78F0511(A2), 78F0512(A2), 78F0513(A2), 78F0514(A2), 78F0515(A2) Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA = 25C) (1/2) Parameter Supply voltage Symbol Conditions Ratings Unit VDD -0.5 to +6.5 V VSS -0.5 to +0.3 -0.5 to VDD + 0.3 AVREF -0.5 to +0.3 AVSS REGC pin input voltage Input voltage P00, P01, P10 to P17, P20 to P25, P26 P30 to P33, P40 P73 Note 2 , P74 Note 2 , P41 Note 3 , P75 Note 2 , P27 Note 2 , P70 , P71, P72 -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 Note 2 , V V -0.5 to +3.6 and VDD VIREGC VI1 V Note 1 Note 1 V V Note 2 Note 3 , P120 to P124, P140 , Note 3 , X1, X2, XT1, XT2, RESET, FLMD0 VI2 Output voltage Analog input voltage -0.3 to +6.5 P60 to P63 (N-ch open drain) -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 VO VAN ANI0 to ANI5, ANI6 Note 2 , ANI7 V Note 1 -0.3 to AVREF + 0.3 Note 2 Note 1 V V and -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 Note 1 Output current, high IOH P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, Per pin P40 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 3 , P41 P73 P130 , P74 , P70, P71, P72 , P75 Note 3 , P140 Total of all pins P00, P01, P40 -80 mA P130 Note 3 Note 2 , P73 , P41 Note 2 , P120, Note 2 , P74 Note 3 Note 2 , P75 , P27 Note 2 Total of all pins Per pin P121 to P124 Total of all pins Notes 1. mA -55 mA -0.5 mA -2 mA -1 mA -4 mA , P120, Note 3 P20 to P25, P26 Per pin -25 Note 3 P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P70, P71, P72 mA , Note 3 Note 2 , P140 -10 Note 2 Note 3 Must be 6.5 V or lower. 2. 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 3. 48-pin products only. Caution Product quality may suffer if the absolute maximum rating is exceeded even momentarily for any parameter. That is, the absolute maximum ratings are rated values at which the product is on the verge of suffering physical damage, and therefore the product must be used under conditions that ensure that the absolute maximum ratings are not exceeded. Remark Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 641 CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +125C Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA = 25C) (2/2) Parameter Output current, low Symbol Ratings Unit 30 mA 60 mA 140 mA 1 mA 5 mA 4 mA 10 mA TA -40 to +125 C Tstg -65 to +150 C IOL Conditions P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, Per pin P40 Note 1 , P41 P71, P72 P75 Note 1 , P60 to P63, P70, Note 1 , P73 , P74 , P120, P130 Total of all pins P00, P01, P40 200 mA Note 1 Note 2 P130 Note 2 Note 1 , P140 Note 2 , Note 2 , P41 , P140 Note 2 Note 1 , P120, Note 2 P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P60 to P63, P70, P71, P72 P74 Note 2 , P75 , P73 Note 1 , P27 Note 1 Total of all pins P121 to P124 Per pin Total of all pins Operating ambient Note 1 , Note 2 P20 to P25, P26 Per pin Note 1 temperature Storage temperature Notes 1. 2. 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 48-pin products only. Caution Product quality may suffer if the absolute maximum rating is exceeded even momentarily for any parameter. That is, the absolute maximum ratings are rated values at which the product is on the verge of suffering physical damage, and therefore the product must be used under conditions that ensure that the absolute maximum ratings are not exceeded. Remark 642 Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +125C X1 Oscillator Characteristics (TA = -40 to +125C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Resonator Recommended Circuit Ceramic resonator VSS X1 X2 Parameter Conditions MIN. MAX. Unit Note 2 20.0 MHz Note 2 10.0 Note 2 20.0 Note 2 10.0 X1 clock 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V oscillation 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 1.0 X1 clock 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 1.0 oscillation 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V Note 1 1.0 TYP. frequency (fX) C1 C2 Crystal resonator VSS X1 X2 Note 1 1.0 MHz frequency (fX) C1 Notes 1. 2. C2 Indicates only oscillator characteristics. Refer to AC Characteristics for instruction execution time. 2.0 MHz (MIN.) when using UART6 during on-board programming. Cautions 1. When using the X1 oscillator, wire as follows in the area enclosed by the broken lines in the above figures to avoid an adverse effect from wiring capacitance. * Keep the wiring length as short as possible. * Do not cross the wiring with the other signal lines. * Do not route the wiring near a signal line through which a high fluctuating current flows. * Always make the ground point of the oscillator capacitor the same potential as VSS. * Do not ground the capacitor to a ground pattern through which a high current flows. * Do not fetch signals from the oscillator. 2. Since the CPU is started by the internal high-speed oscillation clock after a reset release, check the X1 clock oscillation stabilization time using the oscillation stabilization time counter status register (OSTC) by the user. Determine the oscillation stabilization time of the OSTC register and oscillation stabilization time select register (OSTS) after sufficiently evaluating the oscillation stabilization time with the resonator to be used. Remark For the resonator selection and oscillator constant, customers are requested to either evaluate the oscillation themselves or apply to the resonator manufacturer for evaluation. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 643 CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +125C Internal Oscillator Characteristics (TA = -40 to +125C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Resonator Parameter Conditions Internal high-speed oscillation 8 MHz internal oscillator MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit RSTS = 1 7.6 8.0 8.46 MHz RSTS = 0 2.48 5.6 9.86 MHz 216 240 264 kHz Note clock frequency (fRH) 240 kHz internal oscillator Internal low-speed oscillation clock frequency (fRL) Note Indicates only oscillator characteristics. Refer to AC Characteristics for instruction execution time. Remark RSTS: Bit 7 of the internal oscillation mode register (RCM) XT1 Oscillator Characteristics (TA = -40 to +125C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Resonator Crystal resonator Recommended Circuit VSS XT2 XT1 Conditions XT1 clock oscillation MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 32 32.768 35 kHz Note frequency (fXT) Rd C4 Parameter C3 Note Indicates only oscillator characteristics. Refer to AC Characteristics for instruction execution time. Cautions 1. When using the XT1 oscillator, wire as follows in the area enclosed by the broken lines in the above figure to avoid an adverse effect from wiring capacitance. * Keep the wiring length as short as possible. * Do not cross the wiring with the other signal lines. * Do not route the wiring near a signal line through which a high fluctuating current flows. * Always make the ground point of the oscillator capacitor the same potential as VSS. * Do not ground the capacitor to a ground pattern through which a high current flows. * Do not fetch signals from the oscillator. 2. The XT1 oscillator is designed as a low-amplitude circuit for reducing power consumption, and is more prone to malfunction due to noise than the X1 oscillator. Particular care is therefore required with the wiring method when the XT1 clock is used. Remark For the resonator selection and oscillator constant, customers are requested to either evaluate the oscillation themselves or apply to the resonator manufacturer for evaluation. 644 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +125C DC Characteristics (1/5) (TA = -40 to +125C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Output current, high Symbol IOH1 Note 1 Conditions MIN. Per pin for P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P40 P72 Note 2 , P73 P130 , P41 Note 2 , P74 Note 3 , P140 Note 5 , P70, P71, Note 3 , P75 Note 3 , P120, P00, P01, P40 Note 2 , P120, P130 Note 5 Total of pins P70, P71, P72 Note 2 Note 3 , P140 Note 2 , Note 3 P10 to P17, P30 to P33, Note 2 , P73 Note 2 , P74 Note 3 , Note 3 P75 Note 5 Total of all pins IOH2 MAX. Unit 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V -1.5 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V -1.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V -6.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V -4.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V -10.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V -8.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V -14.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V -12.0 mA AVREF = VDD -0.1 mA -0.1 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 4.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 2.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 8.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 2.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 10.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 8.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 20.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 16.0 mA 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 30.0 mA 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 24.0 mA Note 3 Total of pins P41 Note 2 TYP. Per pin for P20 to P25, P26 Note 2 , P27 Note 2 Per pin for P121 to P124 Output current, Note 3 low IOL1 Per pin for P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P40 P72 Note 2 , P73 P130 Note 2 , P41 Note 2 , P74 Note 3 , P140 Note 2 Note 3 , P70, P71, , P75 Note 3 , P120, Note 3 Per pin for P60 to P63 Note 5 Total of pins P41 P00, P01, P40 Note 2 , P120, P130 Note 5 Total of pins Note 3 , P140 Note 3 , P75 , Note 3 P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P60 to P63, P70, P71, P72 P74 Note 2 Note 3 Note 4 Total of all pins Note 2 , P73 Note 2 , Notes 1. Value of current at which the device operation is guaranteed even if the current flows from VDD to an output pin. 2. 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 3. 48-pin products only. 4. Value of current at which the device operation is guaranteed even if the current flows from an output pin to GND. 5. Specification under conditions where the duty factor is 70% (time for which current is output is 0.7 x t and time for which current is not output is 0.3 x t, where t is a specific time). The total output current of the pins at a duty factor of other than 70% can be calculated by the following expression. * Where the duty factor of IOH is n%: Total output current of pins = (IOH x 0.7)/(n x 0.01) <Example> Where the duty factor is 50%, IOH = 20.0 mA Total output current of pins = (20.0 x 0.7)/(50 x 0.01) = 28.0 mA However, the current that is allowed to flow into one pin does not vary depending on the duty factor. A current higher than the absolute maximum rating must not flow into one pin. Remark Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 645 CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +125C DC Characteristics (2/5) (TA = -40 to +125C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Output current, low Symbol Note 1 IOL2 Conditions Per pin for P20 to P25, P26 P27 Note 2 , MIN. MAX. Unit 0.4 mA 0.4 mA 0.7VDD VDD V 0.8VDD VDD V 0.7AVREF AVREF V AVREF = VDD Note 2 Per pin for P121 to P124 Input voltage, high VIH2 P00, P01, P10, P11, P14, P16, P17, P30 to P33, P70, P140 Note 2 , P73 , P41 Note 2 P12, P13, P15, P40 P71, P72 Input voltage, low Note 2 VIH1 VIH3 TYP. Note 2 , P74 , P121 to P124 Note 3 , P75 Note 3 , P120, Note 3 , RESET, EXCLK, EXCLKS P20 to P25, P26 Note 2 , P27 Note 2 AVREF = VDD VIH4 P60 to P63 0.7VDD 6.0 V VIL1 P12, P13, P15, P40, P41, P60 to P63, P121 to P124 0 0.3VDD V VIL2 P00, P01, P10, P11, P14, P16, P17, P30 to P33, 0 0.2VDD V 0 0.3AVREF V P70 to P73, P74 Note 2 , P75 Note 2 , P120, P140 Note 2 , RESET, EXCLK, EXCLKS Output voltage, high Note 2 VIL3 P20 to P25, P26 VOH1 P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P40 P70, P71, P72 P74 Note 3 P140 VOH2 , P75 , P27 , P41 , P73 , Note 2 , , P120, P130 Note 3 Note 2 , P27 Note 2 V IOH1 = -1.5 mA Note 2 Note 3 P20 to P25, P26 AVREF = VDD 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V, VDD - 0.7 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 3 , 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V, VDD - 0.5 IOH1 = -1.0 mA V VDD - 0.5 V VDD - 0.5 V AVREF = VDD, IOH2 = -100 A P121 to P124 IOH2 = -100 A Notes 1. Value of current at which the device operation is guaranteed even if the current flows from an output pin to GND. 2. 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 3. 48-pin products only. Remark 646 Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +125C DC Characteristics (3/5) (TA = -40 to +125C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Output voltage, low Symbol VOL1 VOL2 VOL3 Input leakage ILIH1 Conditions MAX. Unit 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V, IOL1 = 4.0 mA 0.7 V 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V, IOL1 = 2.0 mA 0.7 V AVREF = VDD, IOL2 = 0.4 mA 0.4 V P121 to P124 IOL2 = 0.4 mA 0.4 V P60 to P63 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V, IOL3 = 8.0 mA 2.0 V 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V, IOL3 = 2.0 mA 0.6 V 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V, IOL3 = 2.0 mA 0.6 V VI = VDD 5 A VI = AVREF = VDD 5 A P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 P40 , P41 , P70, P71, P72 , Note 1 Note 2 Note 2 , P74 , P75 , P120, P73 Note 2 Note 2 P130 , P140 P20 to P25, P26 , P27 Note 1 P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, P40 current, high Note 1 Note 1 , P41 P71, P72 P75 MIN. TYP. Note 1 , P60 to P63, P70, Note 1 , P73 Note 1 , P74 Note 2 , P120, P140 Note 2 , Note 2 , FLMD0, RESET ILIH2 P20 to P25, P26 ILIH3 P121 to P124 Note 1 , P27 Note 1 5 A 20 A VI = VSS -5 A VI = VSS, AVREF = VDD -5 A VI = VSS I/O port mode -5 A -20 A 100 k VI = VDD I/O port mode (X1, X2, XT1, XT2) Input leakage ILIL1 P00, P01, P10 to P17, P30 to P33, Note 1 P40 current, low OSC mode , P41 P71, P72 P75 Note 1 , P60 to P63, P70, Note 1 , P73 Note 1 , P74 Note 2 , P120, P140 Note 2 , Note 2 , FLMD0, RESET ILIL2 P20 to P25, P26 ILIL3 P121 to P124 Note 1 , P27 Note 1 (X1, X2, XT1, XT2) OSC mode Pull-up resistance RU VI = VSS 10 FLMD0 supply VIL In normal operation mode 0 0.2VDD V voltage VIH In self programming mode 0.8VDD VDD V Notes 1. 2. Remark 20 44-pin and 48-pin products only. 48-pin products only. Unless specified otherwise, the characteristics of alternate-function pins are the same as those of port pins. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 647 CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +125C DC Characteristics (4/5) (TA = -40 to +125C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Supply current Symbol Note 1 IDD1 Conditions MIN. Note 2 Operating fXH = 20 MHz mode VDD = 5.0 V , Notes 2, 3 fXH = 10 MHz , VDD = 5.0 V Notes 2, 3 fXH = 10 MHz , VDD = 3.0 V TYP. MAX. Unit Square wave input 3.2 8.3 mA Resonator connection 4.5 10.5 Square wave input 1.6 4.2 Resonator connection 2.3 5.9 Square wave input 1.5 4.1 2.2 4.8 Square wave input 0.9 2.4 Resonator connection 1.3 3.0 1.4 3.8 mA 6 138 A Resonator connection 15 145 Square wave input 0.8 3.9 Resonator connection 2.0 6.6 Square wave input 0.4 2.0 Resonator connection 1.0 3.6 Square wave input 0.2 1.0 Resonator connection 0.5 1.7 0.4 1.8 mA 3.0 133 A 12 138 VDD = 5.0 V 1 100 A VDD = 5.0 V, TA = -40 to +70C 1 10 A , VDD = 3.0 V Note 4 fRH = 8 MHz , VDD = 5.0 V fSUB = 32.768 kHz Note 5 , Square wave input VDD = 5.0 V Note 2 fXH = 20 MHz HALT mode , VDD = 5.0 V Notes 2, 3 fXH = 10 MHz , VDD = 5.0 V Notes 2, 3 fXH = 5 MHz , VDD = 3.0 V Note 4 fRH = 8 MHz , VDD = 5.0 V fSUB = 32.768 kHz VDD = 5.0 V IDD3 Notes 1. STOP mode Note 6 mA Resonator connection Notes 2, 3 fXH = 5 MHz IDD2 mA Note 5 , Square wave input Resonator connection mA mA mA mA Total current flowing into the internal power supply (VDD), including the peripheral operation current and the input leakage current flowing when the level of the input pin is fixed to VDD or VSS. However, the current flowing into the pull-up resistors and the output current of the port are not included. 2. Not including the operating current of the 8 MHz internal oscillator, 240 kHz internal oscillator, and XT1 oscillator, and the current flowing into the A/D converter, watchdog timer and LVI circuit. 3. When AMPH (bit 0 of clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL)) = 0. 4. Not including the operating current of the X1 oscillator, XT1 oscillator, and 240 kHz internal oscillator, and 5. Not including the operating current of the X1 oscillator, 8 MHz internal oscillator, and 240 kHz internal 6. Not including the operating current of the 240 kHz internal oscillator and XT1 oscillator, and the current the current flowing into the A/D converter, watchdog timer and LVI circuit. oscillator, and the current flowing into the A/D converter, watchdog timer and LVI circuit. flowing into the A/D converter, watchdog timer and LVI circuit. Remarks 1. fXH: High-speed system clock frequency (X1 clock oscillation frequency or external main system clock frequency) 2. fRH: Internal high-speed oscillation clock frequency 3. fSUB: Subsystem clock frequency (XT1 clock oscillation frequency or external subsystem clock frequency) 648 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +125C DC Characteristics (5/5) (TA = -40 to +125C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter A/D converter Symbol IADC Conditions Note 1 2.7 V AVREF VDD, ADCE = 1 Note 2 During 240 kHz internal low-speed oscillation clock MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 0.86 2.9 mA 5 15 A 9 27 A operating current Watchdog timer IWDT operation operating current LVI operating current Notes 1. Note 3 ILVI Current flowing only to the A/D converter (AVREF). The current value of the 78K0/KC2 is the sum of IDD1 or IDD2 and IADC when the A/D converter operates in an operation mode or the HALT mode. 2. Current flowing only to the watchdog timer, including the operating current of the 240 kHz internal oscillator. The current value of the 78K0/KC2 is the sum of IDD2 or IDD3 and IWDT when the watchdog timer operates in the HALT or STOP mode. 3. Current flowing only to the LVI circuit. The current value of the 78K0/KC2 is the sum of IDD2 or IDD3 and ILVI when the LVI circuit operates in the HALT or STOP mode. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 649 CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +125C AC Characteristics (1) Basic operation (TA = -40 to +125C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Instruction cycle (minimum Symbol TCY instruction execution time) Conditions MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit Main system 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 0.1 32 s clock (fXP) 0.2 32 s 125 s 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V operation Subsystem clock (fSUB) operation Peripheral hardware clock fPRS frequency 114 122 fPRS = fXH 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 20 MHz (XSEL = 1) 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 10 MHz fPRS = fRH 2.7 V VDD < 5.5 V 8.46 MHz Note 1 20.0 MHz Note 1 10.0 MHz 7.6 (XSEL = 0) External main system clock fEXCLK frequency 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 1.0 1.0 External main system clock input tEXCLKH, 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 24 ns high-level width, low-level width tEXCLKL 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 48 ns External subsystem clock fEXCLKS 32 External subsystem clock input tEXCLKSH, 12 high-level width, low-level width tEXCLKSL TI000, TI010 input high-level tTIH0, 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V width, low-level width tTIL0 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V TI50, TI51 input frequency fTI5 32.768 35 kHz frequency TI50, TI51 input high-level width, tTIH5, low-level width tTIL5 Interrupt input high-level width, tINTH, low-level width tINTL s Note 2 s Note 2 s 2/fsam + 0.1 2/fsam + 0.2 10 MHz 50 ns 1 s Key interrupt input low-level width tKR 250 ns RESET low-level width 10 s Notes 1. 2. tRSL 2.0 MHz (MIN.) when using UART6 during on-board programming. Selection of fsam = fPRS, fPRS/4, fPRS/256 is possible using bits 0 and 1 (PRM000, PRM001) of prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00). Note that when selecting the TI000 valid edge as the count clock, fsam = fPRS. 650 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +125C TCY vs. VDD (Main System Clock Operation) 100 32 10 Cycle time TCY [ s] 5.0 2.0 Guaranteed operation range 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.01 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 4.0 2.7 Supply voltage VDD [V] AC Timing Test Points VIH VIH Test points VIL VIL External Main System Clock Timing, External Subsystem Clock Timing 1/fEXCLK tEXCLKL tEXCLKH 0.8VDD (MIN.) EXCLK 0.2VDD (MAX.) 1/fEXCLKS tEXCLKSL tEXCLKSH 0.8VDD (MIN.) 0.2VDD (MAX.) EXCLKS User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 651 CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +125C TI Timing tTIL0 tTIH0 TI000, TI010 1/fTI5 tTIL5 tTIH5 TI50, TI51 Interrupt Request Input Timing tINTL tINTH INTP0 to INTP5, INTP6Note Note 48-pin products only. Key Interrupt Input Timing tKR KR0, KR1, KR2Note, KR3Note Note 44-pin and 48-pin products only RESET Input Timing tRSL RESET 652 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +125C (2) Serial interface (TA = -40 to +125C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) (a) UART6 (dedicated baud rate generator output) Parameter Symbol Conditions MIN. TYP. Transfer rate MAX. Unit 625 kbps MAX. Unit 625 kbps (b) UART0 (dedicated baud rate generator output) Parameter Symbol Conditions MIN. TYP. Transfer rate (c) IIC0 Parameter SCL0 clock frequency Symbol Conditions Standard Mode fSCL Hold time tLOW Hold time when SCL0 = "H" tHIGH Data setup time (reception) tSU:DAT Data setup time tHD:DAT Note 2 (transmission) MIN. MAX. 0 100 0 400 kHz - 0.6 - s 4.0 - 0.6 - s Internal clock operation 4.7 - 1.3 - s EXSCL0 clock (6.4 MHz) operation 4.7 - 1.25 - s 4.0 - 0.6 - s 250 - 100 - ns tHD:STA Hold time when SCL0 = "L" MAX. Unit 4.7 Setup time of restart condition tSU:STA Note 1 MIN. High-Speed Mode N fW = fXH/2 or DFC0 = 0 fW = fEXSCL0 selected 0 3.45 0 0.9 Note 4 Note 3 1.00 DFC0 = 1 - - 0 0.9 Note 6 1.125 N fW = fRH/2 selected Note 3 s Note 5 s Note 7 DFC0 = 0 0 3.45 0 1.05 s DFC0 = 1 - - 0 1.184 s Setup time of stop condition tSU:STO 4.0 - 0.6 - s Bus free time tBUF 4.7 - 1.3 - s Notes 1. The first clock pulse is generated after this period when the start/restart condition is detected. 2. The maximum value (MAX.) of tHD:DAT is during normal transfer and a wait state is inserted in the ACK 3. fW indicates the IIC0 transfer clock selected by the IICCL and IICX0 registers. 4. When fW 4.4 MHz is selected 5. When fW < 4.4 MHz is selected 6. When fW 5 MHz is selected 7. When fW < 5 MHz is selected (acknowledge) timing. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 653 CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +125C (d) CSI10 (master mode, SCK10... internal clock output) Parameter Symbol Conditions MIN. 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V TYP. MAX. 200 Unit SCK10 cycle time tKCY1 SCK10 high-/low-level width tKH1, 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V tKCY1/2 - 20 ns tKL1 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V tKCY1/2 - 30 ns tSIK1 4.0 V VDD 5.5 V 70 ns 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V 100 ns 30 ns 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V SI10 setup time (to SCK10) SI10 hold time (from SCK10) Delay time from SCK10 to 400 ns Note 1 tKSI1 tKSO1 ns Note 1 Note 2 C = 50 pF 40 ns MAX. Unit SO10 output Notes 1. 2. This value is when high-speed system clock (fXH) is used. C is the load capacitance of the SCK10 and SO10 output lines. (e) CSI10 (slave mode, SCK10... external clock input) Parameter SCK10 cycle time SCK10 high-/low-level width Symbol Conditions MIN. TYP. tKCY2 400 ns tKH2, tKCY2/2 ns 80 ns 50 ns tKL2 SI10 setup time (to SCK10) tSIK2 SI10 hold time (from SCK10) tKSI2 Delay time from SCK10 to tKSO2 Note C = 50 pF SO10 output Note C is the load capacitance of the SO10 output line. 654 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 120 ns CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +125C Serial Transfer Timing IIC0: tLOW SCL0 tHD:DAT tHIGH tHD:STA tSU:STA tHD:STA tSU:STO tSU:DAT SDA0 tBUF Stop Start condition condition Restart condition Stop condition CSI10: tKCYm tKLm tKHm SCK10 tSIKm SI10 tKSIm Input data tKSOm SO10 Remark Output data m = 1, 2 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 655 CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +125C A/D Converter Characteristics (TA = -40 to +125C, 2.7 V AVREF VDD 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Symbol Resolution Overall error AINL Conversion time tCONV Notes 1, 2 Zero-scale error Full-scale error EZS Notes 1, 2 EFS Note 1 Integral non-linearity error Differential non-linearity error Note 1 Analog input voltage 2. MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 10 bit 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 0.4 %FSR 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 0.6 %FSR RES Notes 1, 2 Notes 1. Conditions ILE DLE 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 6.1 36.7 s 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 12.2 36.7 s 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 0.4 %FSR 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 0.6 %FSR 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 0.4 %FSR 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 0.6 %FSR 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 2.5 LSB 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 4.5 LSB 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V 1.5 LSB 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V 2.0 LSB AVREF V VAIN AVSS Excludes quantization error (1/2 LSB). This value is indicated as a ratio (%FSR) to the full-scale value. 1.59 V POC Circuit Characteristics (TA = -40 to +125C, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Symbol Detection voltage VPOC Power voltage rise inclination tPTH Minimum pulse width tPW Conditions VDD: 0 V change inclination of VPOC MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 1.44 1.59 1.74 V 0.5 V/ms 200 s POC Circuit Timing Supply voltage (VDD) Detection voltage (MAX.) Detection voltage (TYP.) Detection voltage (MIN.) tPW tPTH Time 656 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +125C Supply Voltage Rise Time (TA = -40 to +125C, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Maximum time to rise to 2.7 V (VDD (MIN.)) Symbol MIN. TYP. POCMODE (option byte) = 0, tPUP1 (VDD: 0 V 2.7 V) Maximum time to rise to 2.7 V (VDD (MIN.)) Conditions MAX. Unit 3.6 ms 1.9 ms when RESET input is not used POCMODE (option byte) = 0, tPUP2 (releasing RESET input VDD: 2.7 V) when RESET input is used Supply Voltage Rise Time Timing * When RESET pin input is not used * When RESET pin input is used Supply voltage (VDD) Supply voltage (VDD) 2.7 V 2.7 V VPOC Time Time tPUP1 RESET pin tPUP2 2.7 V POC Circuit Characteristics (TA = -40 to +125C, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Detection voltage on application of supply Symbol VDDPOC Conditions POCMODE (option byte) = 1 MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 2.50 2.70 2.90 V voltage User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 657 CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +125C LVI Circuit Characteristics (TA = -40 to +125C, VPOC VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = 0 V) Parameter Detection Symbol Supply voltage level voltage Conditions MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit VLVI0 4.14 4.24 4.34 V VLVI1 3.99 4.09 4.19 V VLVI2 3.83 3.93 4.03 V VLVI3 3.68 3.78 3.88 V VLVI4 3.52 3.62 3.72 V VLVI5 3.37 3.47 3.57 V VLVI6 3.22 3.32 3.42 V VLVI7 3.06 3.16 3.26 V VLVI8 2.91 3.01 3.11 V 2.75 2.85 2.95 V 1.11 1.21 1.31 V VLVI9 External input pin Note 1 Minimum pulse width EXLVI EXLVI < VDD, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V tLW Operation stabilization wait time Note 2 s 200 tLWAIT 10 s Notes 1. The EXLVI/P120/INTP0 pin is used. 2. Time required from setting bit 7 (LVION) of the low-voltage detection register (LVIM) to 1 to operation stabilization Remark VLVI(n - 1) > VLVIn: n = 1 to 9 LVI Circuit Timing Supply voltage (VDD) Detection voltage (MAX.) Detection voltage (TYP.) Detection voltage (MIN.) tLW tLWAIT LVION 1 658 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Time CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) (A2) grade products: TA = -40 to +125C Data Memory STOP Mode Low Supply Voltage Data Retention Characteristics (TA = -40 to +125C) Parameter Symbol Data retention supply voltage Conditions MIN. VDDDR 1.44 TYP. Note MAX. Unit 5.5 V Note The value depends on the POC detection voltage. When the voltage drops, the data is retained until a POC reset is effected, but data is not retained when a POC reset is effected. Operation mode STOP mode Data retention mode VDD VDDDR STOP instruction execution Standby release signal (interrupt request) Flash Memory Programming Characteristics (TA = -40 to +125C, 2.7 V VDD 5.5 V, AVREF VDD, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) * Basic characteristics Parameter Symbol VDD supply current Notes 1, 2 Erase time IDD Conditions MIN. fXP = 10 MHz (TYP.), 20 MHz (MAX.) TYP. MAX. Unit 4.5 16.0 mA All block Teraca 20 200 ms Block unit Terasa 20 200 ms Note 1 Write time (in 8-bit units) Twrwa 10 100 s Number of rewrites per chip Cerwr Retention: 15 years 100 Times Note 3 1 erase + 1 write after erase = 1 rewrite Notes 1. Characteristic of the flash memory. For the characteristic when a dedicated flash memory programmer, PG-FP4, is used and the rewrite time during self programming, see Tables 25-12 and 25-13. 2. The prewrite time before erasure and the erase verify time (writeback time) are not included. 3. When a product is first written after shipment, "erase write" and "write only" are both taken as one rewrite. Remarks 1. fXP: Main system clock oscillation frequency 2. For serial write operation characteristics, refer to 78K0/Kx2 Flash Memory Programming (Programmer) Application Note (U17739E). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 659 CHAPTER 32 PACKAGE DRAWINGS <R> * PD78F0511MC-GAA-AX, 78F0512MC-GAA-AX, 78F0513MC-GAA-AX, 78F0513DMC-GAA-AX 38-PIN PLASTIC SSOP (7.62mm (300)) 38 V 20 detail of lead end T I P 1 U V 19 W L W A H F G J S C E D N B S K (UNIT:mm) M M ITEM A B NOTE Each lead centerline is located within 0.10 mm of its true position (T.P.) at maximum material condition. C 0.65 (T.P.) 0.30 +0.10 -0.05 E 0.1250.075 F 2.00 MAX. G 1.700.10 H 8.100.20 I 6.100.10 J 1.000.20 K 0.15 +0.10 -0.05 L 0.50 M 0.10 N 0.10 P 3 +5 -3 T 0.25(T.P.) U 0.600.15 W User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 12.300.10 0.30 D V 660 DIMENSIONS 0.25 MAX. 0.15 MAX. P38MC-65-GAA CHAPTER 32 PACKAGE DRAWINGS * PD78F0511GB-UES-A, 78F0512GB-UES-A, 78F0513GB-UES-A, 78F0513DGB-UES-A 44-PIN PLASTIC LQFP(10x10) HD D detail of lead end A3 23 22 33 34 c E L Lp HE L1 12 11 44 1 (UNIT:mm) ZE e ZD b x M S A A2 ITEM D DIMENSIONS 10.000.20 E 10.000.20 HD 12.000.20 HE 12.000.20 A 1.60 MAX. A1 0.100.05 A2 1.400.05 A3 S y A1 S NOTE Each lead centerline is located within 0.20 mm of its true position at maximum material condition. 0.37 +0.08 -0.07 c 0.145 +0.055 -0.045 L 0.50 Lp 0.600.15 L1 1.000.20 3 +5 -3 e 0.80 x 0.20 y 0.10 ZD 1.00 ZE User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 0.25 b 1.00 P44GB-80-UES-1 661 CHAPTER 32 PACKAGE DRAWINGS <R> * PD78F0511GB(A)-GAF-AX, 78F0512GB(A)-GAF-AX, 78F0513GB(A)-GAF-AX, 78F0511GB(A2)-GAF-AX, 78F0512GB(A2)-GAF-AX, 78F0513GB(A2)-GAF-AX 44-PIN PLASTIC LQFP (10x10) HD detail of lead end D L1 33 A3 23 c 22 34 L Lp E HE (UNIT:mm) 44 12 11 1 ZE e ZD b x M S A A2 S y A1 S NOTE Each lead centerline is located within 0.20 mm of its true position at maximum material condition. 662 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD ITEM D DIMENSIONS 10.000.20 E 10.000.20 HD 12.000.20 HE 12.000.20 A 1.60 MAX. A1 0.100.05 A2 1.400.05 A3 0.25 b 0.35 +0.08 -0.04 c 0.125 +0.075 -0.025 L 0.50 Lp 0.600.15 L1 1.000.20 3 +5 -3 e 0.80 x 0.20 y 0.10 ZD 1.00 ZE 1.00 P44GB-80-GAF CHAPTER 32 PACKAGE DRAWINGS * PD78F0511GA-8EU-A, 78F0512GA-8EU-A, 78F0513GA-8EU-A, 78F0514GA-8EU-A, 78F0515GA-8EU-A, 78F0515DGA-8EU-A 48-PIN PLASTIC LQFP (FINE PITCH)(7x7) HD D detail of lead end 36 25 37 A3 24 c E L Lp HE L1 13 48 12 1 (UNIT:mm) ZE e ZD b x M S A A2 ITEM D DIMENSIONS 7.000.20 E 7.000.20 HD 9.000.20 HE 9.000.20 A 1.60 MAX. A1 0.100.05 A2 1.400.05 A3 b S c L y A1 S NOTE Each lead centerline is located within 0.08 mm of its true position at maximum material condition. Lp 0.600.15 L1 1.000.20 3 +5 -3 e 0.50 x 0.08 y 0.08 ZD 0.75 ZE User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 0.25 0.220.05 0.145 +0.055 -0.045 0.50 0.75 P48GA-50-8EU 663 CHAPTER 32 PACKAGE DRAWINGS * PD78F0511GA(A)-GAM-AX, 78F0512GA(A)-GAM-AX, 78F0513GA(A)-GAM-AX, 78F0514GA(A)-GAM-AX, <R> 78F0515GA(A)-GAM-AX, 78F0511GA(A2)-GAM-AX, 78F0512GA(A2)-GAM-AX, 78F0513GA(A2)-GAM-AX, 78F0514GA(A2)-GAM-AX, 78F0515GA(A2)-GAM-AX 48-PIN PLASTIC LQFP (FINE PITCH) (7x7) HD D detail of lead end 36 A3 25 37 c 24 L Lp E L1 HE (UNIT:mm) 13 48 1 12 ZE e ZD b x M S A A2 S y A1 S NOTE Each lead centerline is located within 0.08 mm of its true position at maximum material condition. 664 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD ITEM D DIMENSIONS 7.000.20 E 7.000.20 HD 9.000.20 HE 9.000.20 A 1.60 MAX. A1 0.100.05 A2 1.400.05 A3 0.25 b +0.07 0.20 -0.03 c 0.125 +0.075 -0.025 L 0.50 Lp 0.600.15 L1 1.000.20 3 +5 -3 e 0.50 x 0.08 y 0.08 ZD 0.75 ZE 0.75 P48GA-50-GAM CHAPTER 33 RECOMMENDED SOLDERING CONDITIONS These products should be soldered and mounted under the following recommended conditions. For soldering methods and conditions other than those recommended below, please contact an NEC Electronics sales representative. For technical information, see the following website. Semiconductor Device Mount Manual ( <R> Remark Evaluation of the soldering conditions for the 38-pin products is incomplete because these products are under development. Table 33-1. Surface Mounting Type Soldering Conditions * 48-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (7 x 7) PD78F0511GA-8EU-A, 78F0512GA-8EU-A, 78F0513GA-8EU-A, 78F0514GA-8EU-A, 78F0515GA-8EU-A, <R> Note 1 78F0515DGA-8EU-A , 78F0511GA(A)-GAM-AX, 78F0512GA(A)-GAM-AX, 78F0513GA(A)-GAM-AX, <R> 78F0514GA(A)-GAM-AX, 78F0515GA(A)-GAM-AX, 78F0511GA(A2)-GAM-AX, 78F0512GA(A2)-GAM-AX, <R> 78F0513GA(A2)-GAM-AX, 78F0514GA(A2)-GAM-AX, 78F0515GA(A2)-GAM-AX * 44-pin plastic LQFP (10 x 10) PD78F0511GB-UES-A, 78F0512GB-UES-A, 78F0513GB-UES-A, 78F0513DGB-UES-ANote 1, <R> 78F0511GB(A)-GAF-AX, 78F0512GB(A)-GAF-AX, 78F0513GB(A)-GAF-AX, 78F0511GB(A2)-GAF-AX, <R> 78F0512GB(A2)-GAF-AX, 78F0513GB(A2)-GAF-AX Soldering Method Soldering Conditions Recommended Condition Symbol Infrared reflow Package peak temperature: 260C, Time: 60 seconds max. (at 220C or higher), Note 2 Count: 3 times or less, Exposure limit: 7 days 20 to 72 hours) Partial heating IR60-207-3 (after that, prebake at 125C for Pin temperature: 350C max., Time: 3 seconds max. (per pin row) - Notes 1. The PD78F0513D and 78F0515D have an on-chip debug function. Do not use this product for mass production because its reliability cannot be guaranteed after the on-chip debug function has been used, due to issues with respect to the number of times the flash memory can be rewritten. NEC Electronics does not accept complaints concerning this product. 2. After opening the dry pack, store it at 25C or less and 65% RH or less for the allowable storage period. Caution Do not use different soldering methods together (except for partial heating). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 665 CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT 34.1 Cautions for Wait This product has two internal system buses. One is a CPU bus and the other is a peripheral bus that interfaces with the low-speed peripheral hardware. Because the clock of the CPU bus and the clock of the peripheral bus are asynchronous, unexpected illegal data may be passed if an access to the CPU conflicts with an access to the peripheral hardware. When accessing the peripheral hardware that may cause a conflict, therefore, the CPU repeatedly executes processing, until the correct data is passed. As a result, the CPU does not start the next instruction processing but waits. If this happens, the number of execution clocks of an instruction increases by the number of wait clocks (for the number of wait clocks, see Table 341). This must be noted when real-time processing is performed. 666 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT 34.2 Peripheral Hardware That Generates Wait Table 34-1 lists the registers that issue a wait request when accessed by the CPU, and the number of CPU wait clocks. Table 34-1. Registers That Generate Wait and Number of CPU Wait Clocks Peripheral Register Access Number of Wait Clocks Hardware Serial interface ASIS0 Read 1 clock (fixed) ASIS6 Read 1 clock (fixed) IICS0 Read 1 clock (fixed) ADM Write 1 to 5 clocks (when fAD = fPRS/2 is selected) ADS Write 1 to 7 clocks (when fAD = fPRS/3 is selected) ADPC Write ADCR Read UART0 Serial interface UART6 Serial interface IIC0 A/D converter 1 to 9 clocks (when fAD = fPRS/4 is selected) 2 to 13 clocks (when fAD = fPRS/6 is selected) 2 to 17 clocks (when fAD = fPRS/8 is selected) 2 to 25 clocks (when fAD = fPRS/12 is selected) The above number of clocks is when the same source clock is selected for fCPU and fPRS. The number of wait clocks can be calculated by the following expression and under the following conditions. <Calculating number of wait clocks> * Number of wait clocks = 2 fCPU +1 fAD * Fraction is truncated if the number of wait clocks 0.5 and rounded up if the number of wait clocks > 0.5. fAD: A/D conversion clock frequency (fPRS/2 to fPRS/12) fCPU: CPU clock frequency fPRS: Peripheral hardware clock frequency fXP: Main system clock frequency <Conditions for maximum/minimum number of wait clocks> * Maximum number of times: Maximum speed of CPU (fXP), lowest speed of A/D conversion clock (fPRS/12) * Minimum number of times: Minimum speed of CPU (fSUB/2), highest speed of A/D conversion clock (fPRS/2) Caution When the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped, do not access the registers listed above using an access method in which a wait request is issued. Remark The clock is the CPU clock (fCPU). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 667 APPENDIX A DEVELOPMENT TOOLS The following development tools are available for the development of systems that employ the 78K0/KC2. Figure A-1 shows the development tool configuration. * Support for PC98-NX series Unless otherwise specified, products supported by IBM PC/ATTM compatibles are compatible with PC98-NX series computers. When using PC98-NX series computers, refer to the explanation for IBM PC/AT compatibles. * WindowsTM Unless otherwise specified, "Windows" means the following OSs. * Windows 98 * Windows NTTM * Windows 2000 * Windows XP 668 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX A DEVELOPMENT TOOLS Figure A-1. Development Tool Configuration (1/3) (1) When using the in-circuit emulator QB-78K0KX2 Software package * Software package Debugging software Language processing software * Assembler package * Integrated debuggerNote 4 * C compiler package * System simulator * Device fileNote 1 * C library source fileNote 2 Control software * Project manager (Windows only)Note 3 Host machine (PC or EWS) USB interface cableNote 4 Power supply unitNote 4 QB-78K0KX2Note 4 Flash memory write environment Flash memory programmer Emulation probe Flash memory write adapter Flash memory Target system <R> Notes 1. Download the device file for 78K0/KC2 (DF780547) from the download site for development tools ( 2. The C library source file is not included in the software package. 3. The project manager PM+ is included in the assembler package. The PM+ is only used for Windows. <R> 4. The QB-78K0KX2 is supplied with the integrated debugger ID78K0-QB, a USB interface cable, a power supply unit, the on-chip debug emulator QB-MINI2, connection cables (10-pin and 16-pin cables), and the 78K0-OCD board. Any other products are sold separately. Download the software for operating the QB-MINI2 from the download site for development tools ( when using the QB-MINI2. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 669 APPENDIX A DEVELOPMENT TOOLS Figure A-1. Development Tool Configuration (2/3) (2) When using the on-chip debug emulator QB-78K0MINI Software package * Software package Debugging software Language processing software * Assembler package * Integrated debuggerNote 4 * C compiler package * System simulator * Device fileNote 1 * C library source fileNote 2 Control software * Project manager (Windows only)Note 3 Host machine (PC or EWS) USB interface cableNote 4 QB-78K0MININote 4 Flash memory write environment Flash memory programmer Connection cableNote 4 Flash memory write adapter Flash memory Target connector Target system <R> Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. 670 Download the device file for 78K0/KC2 (DF780547) from the download site for development tools ( The C library source file is not included in the software package. The project manager PM+ is included in the assembler package. The PM+ is only used for Windows. The QB-78K0MINI is supplied with the integrated debugger ID78K0-QB, a USB interface cable, and a connection cable. Any other products are sold separately. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX A DEVELOPMENT TOOLS Figure A-1. Development Tool Configuration (3/3) <R> (3) When using the on-chip debug emulator with programming function QB-MINI2 Software package * Software package Debugging software Language processing software * Assembler package * Integrated debuggerNote 1 * C compiler package * System simulator * Device fileNote 1 * C library source fileNote 2 Control software * Project manager (Windows only)Note 3 Host machine (PC or EWS) USB interface cableNote 4 <When using as flash memory programmer> <When using as on-chip debug emulator> QB-MINI2Note 4 QB-MINI2Note 4 Connection cable (16-pin cable)Note 4 78K0-OCD boardNote 4 Connection cable (10-pin/16-pin cable)Note 4 Target connector Target system Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. Download the device file for 78K0/KC2 (DF780547) and the integrated debugger ID78K0-QB from the download site for development tools ( The C library source file is not included in the software package. The project manager PM+ is included in the assembler package. The PM+ is only used for Windows. The on-chip debug emulator QB-MINI2 is supplied with a USB interface cable, connection cables (10pin and 16-pin cables), and the 78K0-OCD board. Any other products are sold separately. Download the software for operating the QB-MINI2 from the download site for development tools ( User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 671 APPENDIX A DEVELOPMENT TOOLS A.1 Software Package SP78K0 Development tools (software) common to the 78K0 microcontrollers are combined in this 78K0 microcontroller software package. package Part number: SxxxxSP78K0 Remark xxxx in the part number differs depending on the host machine and OS used. SxxxxSP78K0 xxxx Host Machine OS Supply Medium AB17 PC-9800 series, Windows (Japanese version) BB17 IBM PC/AT compatibles Windows (English version) CD-ROM A.2 Language Processing Software RA78K0 This assembler converts programs written in mnemonics into object codes executable Assembler package with a microcontroller. This assembler is also provided with functions capable of automatically creating symbol tables and branch instruction optimization. This assembler should be used in combination with a device file (DF780547) (sold separately). <Precaution when using RA78K0 in PC environment> This assembler package is a DOS-based application. It can also be used in Windows, however, by using the Project Manager (included in assembler package) on Windows. Part number: SxxxxRA78K0 CC78K0 This compiler converts programs written in C language into object codes executable with C compiler package a microcontroller. This compiler should be used in combination with an assembler package and device file (both sold separately). <Precaution when using CC78K0 in PC environment> This C compiler package is a DOS-based application. It can also be used in Windows, however, by using the Project Manager (included in assembler package) on Windows. Part number: SxxxxCC78K0 Note 1 DF780547 This file contains information peculiar to the device. Device file This device file should be used in combination with a tool (RA78K0, CC78K0, SM+ for 78K0/KX2, and ID78K0-QB) (all sold separately). The corresponding OS and host machine differ depending on the tool to be used. Part number: SxxxxDF780547 CC78K0-L Note 2 This is a source file of the functions that configure the object library included in the C C library source file compiler package. This file is required to match the object library included in the C compiler package to the user's specifications. Part number: SxxxxCC78K0-L <R> Notes 1. The DF780547 can be used in common with the RA78K0, CC78K0, SM+ for 78K0/KX2, and ID78K0QB. Download the DF780547 from the download ( 2. 672 The CC78K0-L is not included in the software package (SP78K0). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD site for development tools APPENDIX A DEVELOPMENT TOOLS Remark xxxx in the part number differs depending on the host machine and OS used. SxxxxRA78K0 SxxxxCC78K0 SxxxxCC78K0-L xxxx Host Machine AB17 PC-9800 series, BB17 IBM PC/AT compatibles 3P17 HP9000 series 700 3K17 SPARCstation OS Windows (Japanese version) TM TM Supply Medium CD-ROM Windows (English version) HP-UX TM SunOS TM TM Solaris (Rel. 10.10) (Rel. 4.1.4) (Rel. 2.5.1) SxxxxDF780547 xxxx Host Machine OS AB13 PC-9800 series, Windows (Japanese version) BB13 IBM PC/AT compatibles Windows (English version) Supply Medium 3.5-inch 2HD FD A.3 Control Software PM+ This is control software designed to enable efficient user program development in the Project manager Windows environment. All operations used in development of a user program, such as starting the editor, building, and starting the debugger, can be performed from the project manager. <Caution> The project manager is included in the assembler package (RA78K0). It can only be used in Windows. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 673 APPENDIX A DEVELOPMENT TOOLS A.4 Flash Memory Writing Tools A.4.1 When using flash memory programmer PG-FP4, FL-PR4, PG-FPL3, and FP-LITE3 PG-FP4, FL-PR4 Flash memory programmer dedicated to microcontrollers with on-chip flash memory. Flash memory programmer PG-FPL3, FP-LITE3 Simple flash memory programmer dedicated to microcontrollers with on-chip flash Simple flash memory programmer memory. FA-78F0515GA-8EU-MX Flash memory writing adapter used connected to the flash memory programmer. FA-78F0513GB-UES-MX * FA-78F0515GA-8EU-MX: FA-44GB-8ES-A For 48-pin plastic LQFP (GA-8EU, GA-GAM type) Flash memory writing adapter * FA-78F0513GB-UES-MX, FA-44GB-8ES-A: For 44-pin plastic LQFP (GB-UES, GB-GAF type) Remarks 1. FL-PR4, FP-LITE3, FA-78F0515GA-8EU-MX, FA-78F0513GB-UES-MX, and FA-44GB-8ES-A are products of Naito Densei Machida Mfg. Co., Ltd. TEL: +81-42-750-4172 Naito Densei Machida Mfg. Co., Ltd. 2. Use the latest version of the flash memory programming adapter. <R> A.4.2 When using on-chip debug emulator with programming function QB-MINI2 QB-MINI2 This is a flash memory programmer dedicated to microcontrollers with on-chip flash On-chip debug emulator with memory. It is available also as on-chip debug emulator which serves to debug hardware programming function and software when developing application systems using the 78K0/Kx2. When using this as flash memory programmer, it should be used in combination with a connection cable (16-pin cable) and a USB interface cable that is used to connect the host machine. Target connector specifications 16-pin general-purpose connector (2.54 mm pitch) Remarks 1. The QB-MINI2 is supplied with a USB interface cable, connection cables (10-pin and 16-pin cables), and the 78K0-OCD board. The connection cable (10-pin cable) and the 78K0-OCD board are used only when using the on-chip debug function. 2. Download the software for operating the QB-MINI2 from the download site for development tools ( 674 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX A DEVELOPMENT TOOLS A.5 Debugging Tools (Hardware) A.5.1 When using in-circuit emulator QB-78K0KX2 QB-78K0KX2 In-circuit emulator This in-circuit emulator serves to debug hardware and software when developing application systems using the 78K0/Kx2. It supports to the integrated debugger (ID78K0-QB). This emulator should be used in combination with a power supply unit and emulation probe, and the USB is used to connect this emulator to the host machine. QB-144-CA-01 Check pin adapter This check pin adapter is used in waveform monitoring using the oscilloscope, etc. QB-80-EP-01T Emulation probe This emulation probe is flexible type and used to connect the in-circuit emulator and target system. Note This exchange adapter is used to perform pin conversion from the in-circuit emulator to target connector. * QB-38MC-EA-01T: For 38-pin plastic SSOP (MC-GAA type) * QB-44GB-EA-03T: For 44-pin plastic LQFP (GB-UES, GB-GAF type) * QB-48GA-EA-02T: For 48-pin plastic LQFP (GA-8EU, GA-GAM type) Note This space adapter is used to adjust the height between the target system and in-circuit emulator. * QB-38MC-YS-01T: For 38-pin plastic SSOP (MC-GAA type) * QB-44GB-YS-01T: For 44-pin plastic LQFP (GB-UES, GB-GAF type) * QB-48GA-YS-01T: For 48-pin plastic LQFP (GA-8EU, GA-GAM type) Note This YQ connector is used to connect the target connector and exchange adapter. * QB-38MC-YQ-01T: For 38-pin plastic SSOP (MC-GAA type) * QB-44GB-YQ-01T: For 44-pin plastic LQFP (GB-UES, GB-GAF type) * QB-48GA-YQ-01T: For 48-pin plastic LQFP (GA-8EU, GA-GAM type) Note This mount adapter is used to mount the target device with socket. * QB-38MC-HQ-01T: For 38-pin plastic SSOP (MC-GAA type) * QB-44GB-HQ-01T: For 44-pin plastic LQFP (GB-UES, GB-GAF type) * QB-48GA-HQ-01T: For 48-pin plastic LQFP (GA-8EU, GA-GAM type) Note This target connector is used to mount on the target system. * QB-38MC-NQ-01T: For 38-pin plastic SSOP (MC-GAA type) * QB-44GB-NQ-01T: For 44-pin plastic LQFP (GB-UES, GB-GAF type) * QB-48GA-NQ-01T: For 48-pin plastic LQFP (GA-8EU, GA-GAM type) <R> QB-38MC-EA-01T , QB-44GB-EA-03T, QB-48GA-EA-02T Exchange adapter <R> QB-38MC-YS-01T , QB-44GB-YS-01T, QB-48GA-YS-01T Space adapter <R> QB-38MC-YQ-01T , QB-44GB-YQ-01T, QB-48GA-YQ-01T YQ connector <R> QB-38MC-HQ-01T , QB-44GB-HQ-01T, QB-48GA-HQ-01T Mount adapter <R> QB-38MC-NQ-01T , QB-44GB-NQ-01T, QB-48GA-NQ-01T Target connector <R> Remarks 1. The QB-78K0KX2 is supplied with the integrated debugger ID78K0-QB, a USB interface cable, a power supply unit, the on-chip debug emulator QB-MINI2, connection cables (10-pin and 16-pin cables), and the 78K0-OCD board. Download the software for operating the QB-MINI2 from the download site for development tools ( when using the QB-MINI2. 2. The packed contents differ depending on the part number, as follows. Packed Contents In-Circuit Emulator Emulation Probe Exchange Adapter YQ Connector Target Connector QB-44GB-EA-03T QB-44GB-YQ-01T QB-44GB-NQ-01T QB-48GA-EA-02T QB-48GA-YQ-01T QB-48GA-NQ-01T Part Number QB-78K0KX2-ZZZ QB-78K0KX2 QB-78K0KX2-T44GB QB-80-EP-01T QB-78K0KX2-T48GA Note QB-78K0KX2-T38MC <R> None Note QB-38MC-EA-01T Note QB-38MC-YQ-01T Note QB-38MC-NQ-01T Note Under development User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 675 APPENDIX A DEVELOPMENT TOOLS A.5.2 When using on-chip debug emulator QB-78K0MINI QB-78K0MINI On-chip debug emulator This on-chip debug emulator serves to debug hardware and software when developing application systems using the 78K0/Kx2. It supports the integrated debugger (ID78K0-QB). This emulator should be used in combination with a connection cable and a USB interface cable that is used to connect the host machine. Target connector specifications 10-pin general-purpose connector (2.54 mm pitch) Remark The QB-78K0MINI is supplied with a USB interface cable, connection cables, and the integrated debugger ID78K0-QB. <R> A.5.3 When using on-chip debug emulator with programming function QB-MINI2 QB-MINI2 On-chip debug emulator with programming function This on-chip debug emulator serves to debug hardware and software when developing application systems using the 78K0/Kx2. It is available also as flash memory programmer dedicated to microcontrollers with on-chip flash memory. When using this as on-chip debug emulator, it should be used in combination with a connection cable (10-pin cable or 16-pin cable), a USB interface cable that is used to connect the host machine, and the 78K0-OCD board. Target connector specifications 10-pin general-purpose connector (2.54 mm pitch) or 16-pin general-purpose connector (2.54 mm pitch) Remarks 1. The QB-MINI2 is supplied with a USB interface cable, connection cables (10-pin and 16-pin cables), and the 78K0-OCD board. The connection cable (10-pin cable) and the 78K0-OCD board are used only when using the on-chip debug function. 2. Download the software for operating the QB-MINI2 from the download site for development tools ( 676 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX A DEVELOPMENT TOOLS A.6 Debugging Tools (Software) SM+ for 78K0/KX2 The SM+ for 78K0/KX2 is a Windows-based software. System simulator It is used to perform debugging at the C source level or assembler level while simulating the operation of the target system on a host machine. Use of the SM+ for 78K0/KX2 allows the execution of application logical testing and performance testing on an independent basis from hardware development, thereby providing higher development efficiency and software quality. The SM+ for 78K0/KX2 should be used in combination with the device file (DF780547) (sold separately). Part number: SxxxxSM780547-B ID78K0-QB This debugger supports the in-circuit emulators for the 78K0 microcontrollers. The Integrated debugger ID78K0-QB is a Windows-based software. It has improved C-compatible debugging functions and can display the results of tracing with the source program using an integrating window function that associates the source program, disassemble display, and memory display with the trace result. It should be used in combination with the device file (sold separately). Part number: SxxxxID78K0-QB Remark xxxx in the part number differs depending on the host machine and OS used. SxxxxSM780547-B SxxxxID78K0-QB xxxx Host Machine OS AB17 PC-9800 series, Windows (Japanese version) BB17 IBM PC/AT compatibles Windows (English version) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD Supply Medium CD-ROM 677 APPENDIX B NOTES ON TARGET SYSTEM DESIGN This chapter shows areas on the target system where component mounting is prohibited and areas where there are component mounting height restrictions when the QB-78K0KX2 is used. 15 13.375 9.85 10 10 15 17.375 Note : Exchange adapter area: Components up to 17.45 mm in height can be mounted : Emulation probe tip area: Components up to 24.45 mm in height can be mounted Note Note 678 9.85 Figure B-1. For 44-Pin GB Package Height can be adjusted by using space adapters (each adds 2.4 mm) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX B NOTES ON TARGET SYSTEM DESIGN 15 13.375 9.5 10 9.5 10 Figure B-2. For 48-Pin GA Package 15 17.375 Note : Exchange adapter area: Components up to 17.45 mm in height can be mounted : Emulation probe tip area: Components up to 24.45 mm in height can be mounted Note Note Height can be adjusted by using space adapters (each adds 2.4 mm) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 679 APPENDIX C REGISTER INDEX C.1 Register Index (In Alphabetical Order with Respect to Register Names) [A] A/D converter mode register (ADM) ............................................................................................................................287 A/D port configuration register (ADPC) ...............................................................................................................115, 293 Analog input channel specification register (ADS) ......................................................................................................292 Asynchronous serial interface control register 6 (ASICL6) ..........................................................................................340 Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 (ASIM0) .............................................................................310 Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6) .............................................................................334 Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 0 (ASIS0) .....................................................................312 Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 6 (ASIS6) .....................................................................336 Asynchronous serial interface transmission status register 6 (ASIF6) ........................................................................337 [B] Baud rate generator control register 0 (BRGC0) .........................................................................................................313 Baud rate generator control register 6 (BRGC6) .........................................................................................................339 [C] Capture/compare control register 00 (CRC00)............................................................................................................165 Clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) ........................................................................................................123 Clock output selection register (CKS) .........................................................................................................................281 Clock selection register 6 (CKSR6).............................................................................................................................337 [E] 8-bit A/D conversion result register (ADCRH) .............................................................................................................291 8-bit timer compare register 50 (CR50) .......................................................................................................................226 8-bit timer compare register 51 (CR51) .......................................................................................................................226 8-bit timer counter 50 (TM50)......................................................................................................................................226 8-bit timer counter 51 (TM51)......................................................................................................................................226 8-bit timer H carrier control register 1 (TMCYC1)........................................................................................................249 8-bit timer H compare register 00 (CMP00).................................................................................................................244 8-bit timer H compare register 01 (CMP01).................................................................................................................244 8-bit timer H compare register 10 (CMP10).................................................................................................................244 8-bit timer H compare register 11 (CMP11).................................................................................................................244 8-bit timer H mode register 0 (TMHMD0) ....................................................................................................................245 8-bit timer H mode register 1 (TMHMD1) ....................................................................................................................245 8-bit timer mode control register 50 (TMC50)..............................................................................................................229 8-bit timer mode control register 51 (TMC51)..............................................................................................................229 External interrupt falling edge enable register (EGN)..................................................................................................472 External interrupt rising edge enable register (EGP)...................................................................................................472 [I] IIC clock selection register 0 (IICCL0).........................................................................................................................397 IIC control register 0 (IICC0) .......................................................................................................................................388 680 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX C REGISTER INDEX IIC flag register 0 (IICF0) ............................................................................................................................................395 IIC function expansion register 0 (IICX0) ....................................................................................................................398 IIC shift register 0 (IIC0)..............................................................................................................................................385 IIC status register 0 (IICS0) ........................................................................................................................................393 Input switch control register (ISC) ...............................................................................................................................342 Internal expansion RAM size switching register (IXS).................................................................................................536 Internal memory size switching register (IMS) ............................................................................................................535 Internal oscillation mode register (RCM).....................................................................................................................127 Interrupt mask flag register 0H (MK0H) ......................................................................................................................470 Interrupt mask flag register 0L (MK0L)........................................................................................................................470 Interrupt mask flag register 1H (MK1H) ......................................................................................................................470 Interrupt mask flag register 1L (MK1L)........................................................................................................................470 Interrupt request flag register 0H (IF0H) .....................................................................................................................468 Interrupt request flag register 0L (IF0L) ......................................................................................................................468 Interrupt request flag register 1H (IF1H) .....................................................................................................................468 Interrupt request flag register 1L (IF1L) ......................................................................................................................468 [K] Key return mode register (KRM) .................................................................................................................................482 [L] Low-voltage detection level selection register (LVIS)..................................................................................................515 Low-voltage detection register (LVIM) ........................................................................................................................513 [M] Main clock mode register (MCM) ................................................................................................................................129 Main OSC control register (MOC) ...............................................................................................................................128 Multiplication/division data register A0 (MDA0H, MDA0L) ..........................................................................................455 Multiplication/division data register B0 (MDB0)...........................................................................................................456 Multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0) ..............................................................................................................457 [O] Oscillation stabilization time counter status register (OSTC) ..............................................................................130, 484 Oscillation stabilization time select register (OSTS)............................................................................................131, 485 [P] Port mode register 0 (PM0).................................................................................................................................111, 170 Port mode register 1 (PM1)................................................................................................. 111, 231, 250, 314, 342, 370 Port mode register 2 (PM2).................................................................................................................................111, 294 Port mode register 3 (PM3).................................................................................................................................111, 231 Port mode register 4 (PM4).........................................................................................................................................111 Port mode register 6 (PM6).................................................................................................................................111, 400 Port mode register 7 (PM7).........................................................................................................................................111 Port mode register 12 (PM12).............................................................................................................................111, 516 Port mode register 14 (PM14).............................................................................................................................111, 283 Port register 0 (P0)......................................................................................................................................................113 Port register 1 (P1)......................................................................................................................................................113 Port register 2 (P2)......................................................................................................................................................113 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 681 APPENDIX C REGISTER INDEX Port register 3 (P3)......................................................................................................................................................113 Port register 4 (P4)......................................................................................................................................................113 Port register 6 (P6)......................................................................................................................................................113 Port register 7 (P7)......................................................................................................................................................113 Port register 12 (P12) ..................................................................................................................................................113 Port register 13 (P13) ..................................................................................................................................................113 Port register 14 (P14) ..................................................................................................................................................113 Prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00)..........................................................................................................................168 Priority specification flag register 0H (PR0H) ..............................................................................................................471 Priority specification flag register 0L (PR0L) ...............................................................................................................471 Priority specification flag register 1H (PR1H) ..............................................................................................................471 Priority specification flag register 1L (PR1L) ...............................................................................................................471 Processor clock control register (PCC) .......................................................................................................................125 Pull-up resistor option register 0 (PU0) .......................................................................................................................114 Pull-up resistor option register 1 (PU1) .......................................................................................................................114 Pull-up resistor option register 3 (PU3) .......................................................................................................................114 Pull-up resistor option register 4 (PU4) .......................................................................................................................114 Pull-up resistor option register 7 (PU7) .......................................................................................................................114 Pull-up resistor option register 12 (PU12) ...................................................................................................................114 Pull-up resistor option register 14 (PU14) ...................................................................................................................114 [R] Receive buffer register 0 (RXB0) ................................................................................................................................309 Receive buffer register 6 (RXB6) ................................................................................................................................333 Receive shift register 0 (RXS0) ...................................................................................................................................309 Receive shift register 6 (RXS6) ...................................................................................................................................333 Remainder data register 0 (SDR0)..............................................................................................................................455 Reset control flag register (RESF) ..............................................................................................................................505 [S] Serial clock selection register 10 (CSIC10) .................................................................................................................368 Serial I/O shift register 10 (SIO10) ..............................................................................................................................366 Serial operation mode register 10 (CSIM10) ...............................................................................................................367 16-bit timer capture/compare register 000 (CR000) ....................................................................................................159 16-bit timer capture/compare register 010 (CR010) ....................................................................................................159 16-bit timer counter 00 (TM00)....................................................................................................................................159 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00)............................................................................................................163 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00)...........................................................................................................166 Slave address register 0 (SVA0) .................................................................................................................................385 [T] Timer clock selection register 50 (TCL50)...................................................................................................................227 Timer clock selection register 51 (TCL51)...................................................................................................................227 10-bit A/D conversion result register (ADCR)..............................................................................................................290 Transmit buffer register 10 (SOTB10) .........................................................................................................................366 Transmit buffer register 6 (TXB6)................................................................................................................................333 Transmit shift register 0 (TXS0) ..................................................................................................................................309 682 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX C REGISTER INDEX Transmit shift register 6 (TXS6) ..................................................................................................................................333 [W] Watch timer operation mode register (WTM) ..............................................................................................................269 Watchdog timer enable register (WDTE) ....................................................................................................................275 C.2 Register Index (In Alphabetical Order with Respect to Register Symbol) [A] ADCR: 10-bit A/D conversion result register .......................................................................................................290 ADCRH: 8-bit A/D conversion result register .........................................................................................................291 ADM: A/D converter mode register ...................................................................................................................287 ADPC: A/D port configuration register.........................................................................................................115, 293 ADS: Analog input channel specification register .............................................................................................292 ASICL6: Asynchronous serial interface control register 6......................................................................................340 ASIF6: Asynchronous serial interface transmission status register 6..................................................................337 ASIM0: Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0........................................................................310 ASIM6: Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6........................................................................334 ASIS0: Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 0...............................................................312 ASIS6: Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 6...............................................................336 [B] BRGC0: Baud rate generator control register 0.....................................................................................................313 BRGC6: Baud rate generator control register 6.....................................................................................................339 [C] CKS: Clock output selection register ................................................................................................................281 CKSR6: Clock selection register 6 ........................................................................................................................337 CMP00: 8-bit timer H compare register 00............................................................................................................244 CMP01: 8-bit timer H compare register 01............................................................................................................244 CMP10: 8-bit timer H compare register 10............................................................................................................244 CMP11: 8-bit timer H compare register 11............................................................................................................244 CR000: 16-bit timer capture/compare register 000...............................................................................................159 CR010: 16-bit timer capture/compare register 010...............................................................................................159 CR50: 8-bit timer compare register 50 ...............................................................................................................226 CR51: 8-bit timer compare register 51 ...............................................................................................................226 CRC00: Capture/compare control register 00 .......................................................................................................165 CSIC10: Serial clock selection register 10.............................................................................................................368 CSIM10: Serial operation mode register 10 ...........................................................................................................367 [D] DMUC0: Multiplier/divider control register 0...........................................................................................................457 [E] EGN: External interrupt falling edge enable register .........................................................................................472 EGP: External interrupt rising edge enable register..........................................................................................472 [I] IF0H: Interrupt request flag register 0H.............................................................................................................468 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 683 APPENDIX C REGISTER INDEX IF0L: Interrupt request flag register 0L .............................................................................................................468 IF1H: Interrupt request flag register 1H .............................................................................................................468 IF1L: Interrupt request flag register 1L .............................................................................................................468 IIC0: IIC shift register 0 ....................................................................................................................................385 IICC0: IIC control register 0 ................................................................................................................................388 IICCL0: IIC clock selection register 0....................................................................................................................397 IICF0: IIC flag register 0 .....................................................................................................................................395 IICS0: IIC status register 0 .................................................................................................................................393 IICX0: IIC function expansion register 0 .............................................................................................................398 IMS: Internal memory size switching register...................................................................................................535 ISC: Input switch control register.....................................................................................................................342 IXS: Internal expansion RAM size switching register ......................................................................................536 [K] KRM: Key return mode register .........................................................................................................................482 [L] LVIM: Low-voltage detection register.................................................................................................................513 LVIS: Low-voltage detection level selection register .........................................................................................515 [M] MCM: Main clock mode register.........................................................................................................................129 MDA0H: Multiplication/division data register A0.....................................................................................................455 MDA0L: Multiplication/division data register A0.....................................................................................................455 MDB0: Multiplication/division data register B0.....................................................................................................456 MK0H: Interrupt mask flag register 0H ................................................................................................................470 MK0L: Interrupt mask flag register 0L .................................................................................................................470 MK1H: Interrupt mask flag register 1H ................................................................................................................470 MK1L: Interrupt mask flag register 1L .................................................................................................................470 MOC: Main OSC control register .......................................................................................................................128 [O] OSCCTL: Clock operation mode select register ......................................................................................................123 OSTC: Oscillation stabilization time counter status register ........................................................................130, 484 OSTS: Oscillation stabilization time select register .....................................................................................131, 485 [P] P0: Port register 0 ..........................................................................................................................................113 P1: Port register 1 ..........................................................................................................................................113 P2: Port register 2 ..........................................................................................................................................113 P3: Port register 3 ..........................................................................................................................................113 P4: Port register 4 ..........................................................................................................................................113 P6: Port register 6 ..........................................................................................................................................113 P7: Port register 7 ..........................................................................................................................................113 P12: Port register 12 ........................................................................................................................................113 P13: Port register 13 ........................................................................................................................................113 P14: Port register 14 ........................................................................................................................................113 PCC: Processor clock control register...............................................................................................................125 684 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX C REGISTER INDEX PM0: Port mode register 0........................................................................................................................111, 170 PM1: Port mode register 1........................................................................................ 111, 231, 250, 314, 342, 370 PM2: Port mode register 2........................................................................................................................111, 294 PM3: Port mode register 3........................................................................................................................111, 231 PM4: Port mode register 4................................................................................................................................111 PM6: Port mode register 6........................................................................................................................111, 400 PM7: Port mode register 7................................................................................................................................111 PM12: Port mode register 12......................................................................................................................111, 516 PM14: Port mode register 14......................................................................................................................111, 283 PR0H: Priority specification flag register 0H .......................................................................................................471 PR0L: Priority specification flag register 0L........................................................................................................471 PR1H: Priority specification flag register 1H .......................................................................................................471 PR1L: Priority specification flag register 1L........................................................................................................471 PRM00: Prescaler mode register 00 .....................................................................................................................168 PU0: Pull-up resistor option register 0..............................................................................................................114 PU1: Pull-up resistor option register 1..............................................................................................................114 PU3: Pull-up resistor option register 3..............................................................................................................114 PU4: Pull-up resistor option register 4..............................................................................................................114 PU7: Pull-up resistor option register 7..............................................................................................................114 PU12: Pull-up resistor option register 12............................................................................................................114 PU14: Pull-up resistor option register 14............................................................................................................114 [R] RCM: Internal oscillation mode register.............................................................................................................127 RESF: Reset control flag register .......................................................................................................................505 RXB0: Receive buffer register 0 .........................................................................................................................309 RXB6: Receive buffer register 6 .........................................................................................................................333 RXS0: Receive shift register 0............................................................................................................................309 RXS6: Receive shift register 6............................................................................................................................333 [S] SDR0: Remainder data register 0.......................................................................................................................455 SIO10: Serial I/O shift register 10........................................................................................................................366 SOTB10: Transmit buffer register 10 ......................................................................................................................366 SVA0: Slave address register 0..........................................................................................................................385 [T] TCL50: Timer clock selection register 50.............................................................................................................227 TCL51: Timer clock selection register 51.............................................................................................................227 TM00: 16-bit timer counter 00 ............................................................................................................................159 TM50: 8-bit timer counter 50 ..............................................................................................................................226 TM51: 8-bit timer counter 51 ..............................................................................................................................226 TMC00: 16-bit timer mode control register 00.......................................................................................................163 TMC50: 8-bit timer mode control register 50.........................................................................................................229 TMC51: 8-bit timer mode control register 51.........................................................................................................229 TMCYC1: 8-bit timer H carrier control register 1 ......................................................................................................249 TMHMD0: 8-bit timer H mode register 0...................................................................................................................245 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 685 APPENDIX C REGISTER INDEX TMHMD1: 8-bit timer H mode register 1 ...................................................................................................................245 TOC00: 16-bit timer output control register 00 ......................................................................................................166 TXB6: Transmit buffer register 6 ........................................................................................................................333 TXS0: Transmit shift register 0 ...........................................................................................................................309 TXS6: Transmit shift register 6 ...........................................................................................................................333 [W] WDTE: Watchdog timer enable register...............................................................................................................275 WTM: Watch timer operation mode register.......................................................................................................269 686 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS This appendix lists cautions described in this document. "Classification (hard/soft)" in table is as follows. Hard: Soft: Cautions for microcontroller internal/external hardware Cautions for software such as register settings or programs Details of Function Pin function AVSS Cautions Make AVSS the same potential as VSS. Page pp. 20, 22, 24 REGC Connect the REGC pin to VSS via a capacitor (0.47 to 1 F: recommended). pp. 20, 22, 24 ANI0/P20 to ANI0/P20 to ANI5/P25 are set in the analog input mode after release of reset. ANI5/P25 (38 pin products) p. 20 ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 pp. 22, 24, 38 Soft ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 are set in the analog input mode after release of reset. Pin function P20 to P27 For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 6 and 7 of PM2 to "1", and bits 6 and 7 p. 38 of P2 to "0". Hard Chapter Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Hard Classification (1/26) Function P31/INTP2/ OCD1A In the products with an on-chip debug function (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D), p. 39 be sure to pull the P31/INTP2/OCD1A pin down before a reset release, to prevent malfunction. Hard Soft For products without an on-chip debug function, with the flash memory of 48 KB or p. 39 more (PD78F0514 and 78F0515), and having a product rank of "I", "K", or "E", and for the products with an on-chip debug function (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D), connect P31/INTP2/OCD1A as follows when writing the flash memory with a flash memory programmer. * P31/INTP2/OCD1A: Connect to VSS via a resistor (10 k: recommended). The above connection is not necessary when writing the flash memory by means of self programming. P40, P41 For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 0 and 1 of PM4 and P4 to "0". P70 to P75 For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 2 and 3 of PM7 and P7 to "0". P121/X1 Soft Chapter 3 REGC pin Memory space p. 39 p. 40 For products without an on-chip debug function, with the flash memory of 48 KB or p. 41 more (PD78F0514 and 78F0515), and having a product rank of "I", "K", or "E", and for the product with an on-chip debug function (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D), connect P121/X1/OCD0A as follows when writing the flash memory with a flash memory programmer. * P121/X1/OCD0A: When using this pin as a port, connect it to VSS via a resistor (10 k: recommended) (in the input mode) or leave it open (in the output mode). The above connection is not necessary when writing the flash memory by means of self programming. Keep the wiring length as short as possible for the broken-line part in the above figure. p. 42 IMS, IXS: Internal Regardless of the internal memory capacity, the initial values of the internal memory size memory size switching register (IMS) and internal expansion RAM size switching switching register, register (IXS) of all products in the 78K0/KC2 are fixed (IMS = CFH, IXS = 0CH). internal expansion Therefore, set the value corresponding to each product as indicated below. RAM size switching register p. 47 SFR: Special Do not access addresses to which SFRs are not assigned. function register p. 59 SP: Stack pointer p. 66 Since reset signal generation makes the SP contents undefined, be sure to initialize the SP before using the stack. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 687 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Chapter Chapter 4 Cautions Page P10/SCK10/TxD0, To use P10/SCK10/TxD0 and P12/SO10 as general-purpose ports, set serial P12/SO10 operation mode register 10 (CSIM10) and serial clock selection register 10 (CSIC10) to the default status (00H). p. 92 Soft Hard Details of Function Port 2 p. 97 Hard Soft Classification (2/26) Function P31/INTP2/ OCD1A Port function Make the AVREF pin the same potential as the VDD pin when port 2 is used as a digital port. For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 6 and 7 of PM2 to "1", and bits 6 and 7 p. 97 of P2 to "0". In the product with an on-chip debug function (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D), be p. 99 sure to pull the P31/INTP2/OCD1A pin down before a reset release, to prevent malfunction. For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 0 and 1 of PM4 and P4 to "0". p. 102 Port 7 For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 2 and 3 of PM7 and P7 to "0". p. 105 P121/X1/OCD0A, P122/X2/EXCLK/ OCD0B, P123/XT1, P124/XT2/EXCLKS When using the P121 to P124 pins to connect a resonator for the main system p. 106 clock (X1, X2) or subsystem clock (XT1, XT2), or to input an external clock for the main system clock (EXCLK) or subsystem clock (EXCLKS), the X1 oscillation mode, XT1 oscillation mode, or external clock input mode must be set by using the clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) (for details, see 5.3 (1) Clock operation mode select register (OSCCTL) and (3) Setting of operation mode for subsystem clock pin). The reset value of OSCCTL is 00H (all of the P121 to P124 pins are I/O port pins). At this time, setting of the PM121 to PM124 and P121 to P124 pins is not necessary. Hard Port 4 p. 106 For products without an on-chip debug function, with the flash memory of 48 KB or more (PD78F0514 and 78F0515), and having a product rank of "I", "K", or "E", and for the product with an on-chip debug function (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D), connect P121/X1/OCD0A as follows when writing the flash memory with a flash memory programmer. * P121/X1/OCD0A: When using this pin as a port, connect it to VSS via a resistor (10 k: recommended) (in the input mode) or leave it open (in the output mode). The above connection is not necessary when writing the flash memory by means of self programming. Soft Soft p. 99 For products without an on-chip debug function, with the flash memory of 48 KB or more (PD78F0514 and 78F0515), and having a product rank of "I", "K", or "E", and for the products with an on-chip debug function (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D), connect P31/INTP2/OCD1A as follows when writing the flash memory with a flash memory programmer. * P31/INTP2/OCD1A: Connect to VSS via a resistor (10 k: recommended). The above connection is not necessary when writing the flash memory by means of self programming. PMm: Port mode For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 2 to 7 of PM0, bits 6 and 7 of PM2, bits p. 112 registers 4 to 7 of PM3, bits 2 to 7 of PM4, bits 4 to 7 of PM6, bits 4 to 7 of PM7, and bits 5 to 7 of PM12 to "1". Also, be sure to set bits 0 and 1 of PM4, and bits 2 and 3 of PM7 to "0". For the 44-pin products, be sure to set bits 2 to 7 of PM0, bits 4 to 7 of PM3, bits 2 to 7 of PM4, bits 4 to 7 of PM6, bits 4 to 7 of PM7, and bits 5 to 7 of PM12 to "1". For the 48-pin products, be sure to set bits 2 to 7 of PM0, bits 4 to 7 of PM3, bits 2 to 7 of PM4, bits 4 to 7 of PM6, bits 6 and 7 of PM7, and bits 5 to 7 of PM12, and bits 1 to 7 of PM14 to "1". 688 Pm: Port register For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 6 and 7 of P2, bits 0 and 1 of P4, and bits 2 and 3 of P7 to "0". p. 113 ADPC: A/D port configuration register p. 115 Set the channel used for A/D conversion to the input mode by using port mode register 2 (PM2). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Chapter 4 Chapter Soft Classification (3/26) Function Port function Details of Function Chapter 5 Soft Page ADPC: A/D port If data is written to ADPC, a wait cycle is generated. Do not write data to ADPC configuration when the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware register clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. p. 115 For the 38-pin products, setting ADPC3, ADPC2, ADPC1, ADPC0 to 0, 1, 1, 1 or 1, 0, 0, 0 is prohibited. p. 115 When a 1-bit manipulation instruction is executed on a port that provides both input and output functions, the output latch value of an input port that is not subject to manipulation may be written in addition to the targeted bit. Therefore, it is recommended to rewrite the output latch when switching a port from input mode to output mode. p. 119 1-bit manipulation instruction for port register n (Pn) Clock generator Cautions OSCSTL: Clock Be sure to set AMPH to 1 if the high-speed system clock oscillation frequency p. 124 operation mode exceeds 10 MHz. select register Set AMPH before setting the peripheral functions after a reset release. The value p. 124 of AMPH can be changed only once after a reset release. When the high-speed system clock (X1 oscillation) is selected as the CPU clock, supply of the CPU clock is stopped for 4.06 to 16.12 s after AMPH is set to 1. When the high-speed system clock (external clock input) is selected as the CPU clock, supply of the CPU clock is stopped for the duration of 160 external clocks after AMPH is set to 1. p. 124 If the STOP instruction is executed when AMPH = 1, supply of the CPU clock is stopped for 4.06 to 16.12 s after the STOP mode is released when the internal high-speed oscillation clock is selected as the CPU clock, or for the duration of 160 external clocks when the high-speed system clock (external clock input) is selected as the CPU clock. When the high-speed system clock (X1 oscillation) is selected as the CPU clock, the oscillation stabilization time is counted after the STOP mode is released. To change the value of EXCLK and OSCSEL, be sure to confirm that bit 7 (MSTOP) of the main OSC control register (MOC) is 1 (the X1 oscillator stops or the external clock from the EXCLK pin is disabled). p. 124 PCC: Processor Be sure to clear bits 3 and 7 to "0". p. 125 clock control Confirm that bit 5 (CLS) of the processor clock control register (PCC) is 0 (CPU is p. 126 register operating with main system clock) when changing the current values of XTSTART, EXCLKS, and OSCSELS. RCM: Internal When setting RSTOP to 1, be sure to confirm that the CPU operates with a clock oscillation mode other than the internal high-speed oscillation clock. Specifically, set under either register of the following conditions. * When MCS = 1 (when CPU operates with the high-speed system clock) * When CLS = 1 (when CPU operates with the subsystem clock) In addition, stop peripheral hardware that is operating on the internal high-speed oscillation clock before setting RSTOP to 1. p. 127 MOC: Main OSC When setting MSTOP to 1, be sure to confirm that the CPU operates with a clock control register other than the high-speed system clock. Specifically, set under either of the following conditions. * When MCS = 0 (when CPU operates with the internal high-speed oscillation clock) * When CLS = 1 (when CPU operates with the subsystem clock) In addition, stop peripheral hardware that is operating on the high-speed system clock before setting MSTOP to 1. p. 128 Do not clear MSTOP to 0 while bit 6 (OSCSEL) of the clock operation mode select p. 128 register (OSCCTL) is 0 (I/O port mode). p. 128 The peripheral hardware cannot operate when the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. To resume the operation of the peripheral hardware after the peripheral hardware clock has been stopped, initialize the peripheral hardware. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 689 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Clock generator Soft Chapter 5 Chapter Hard Soft Classification (4/26) Function Details of Function MCM: Main clock mode register OSTC: Oscillation stabilization time counter status register Cautions Page XSEL can be changed only once after a reset release. p. 129 A clock other than fPRS is supplied to the following peripheral functions regardless of the setting of XSEL and MCM0. * Watchdog timer (operates with internal low-speed oscillation clock) 7 9 * When "fRL", "fRL/2 ", or "fRL/2 " is selected as the count clock for 8-bit timer H1 (operates with internal low-speed oscillation clock) * Peripheral hardware selects the external clock as the clock source (Except when the external count clock of TM00 is selected (TI000 pin valid edge)) p. 129 After the above time has elapsed, the bits are set to 1 in order from MOST11 and p. 130 remain 1. The oscillation stabilization time counter counts up to the oscillation stabilization p. 130 time set by OSTS. If the STOP mode is entered and then released while the internal high-speed oscillation clock is being used as the CPU clock, set the oscillation stabilization time as follows. * Desired OSTC oscillation stabilization time Oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS Soft Hard Note, therefore, that only the status up to the oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS is set to OSTC after STOP mode is released. The X1 clock oscillation stabilization wait time does not include the time until clock p. 130 oscillation starts ("a" below). OSTS: Oscillation stabilization time select register To set the STOP mode when the X1 clock is used as the CPU clock, set OSTS before executing the STOP instruction. p. 131 Do not change the value of the OSTS register during the X1 clock oscillation stabilization time. p. 131 The oscillation stabilization time counter counts up to the oscillation stabilization p. 131 time set by OSTS. If the STOP mode is entered and then released while the internal high-speed oscillation clock is being used as the CPU clock, set the oscillation stabilization time as follows. * Desired OSTC oscillation stabilization time Oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS Hard Note, therefore, that only the status up to the oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS is set to OSTC after STOP mode is released. The X1 clock oscillation stabilization wait time does not include the time until clock p. 131 oscillation starts ("a" below). X1/XT1 oscillator - When using the X1 oscillator and XT1 oscillator, wire as follows in the area enclosed by the broken lines in the Figures 5-9 and 5-10 to avoid an adverse effect from wiring capacitance. p. 133 * Keep the wiring length as short as possible. * Do not cross the wiring with the other signal lines. Do not route the wiring near a signal line through which a high fluctuating current flows. * Always make the ground point of the oscillator capacitor the same potential as VSS. Do not ground the capacitor to a ground pattern through which a high current flows. * Do not fetch signals from the oscillator. Note that the XT1 oscillator is designed as a low-amplitude circuit for reducing power consumption. When X2 and XT1 are wired in parallel, the crosstalk noise of X2 may increase with XT1, resulting in malfunctioning. 690 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD p. 134 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Hard Soft Chapter Chapter 5 Classification (5/26) Function Details of Function Clock - generator operation In 2.7 V/1.59 V when power POC mode supply voltage is turned on Cautions Page It is not necessary to wait for the oscillation stabilization time when an external clock input from the EXCLK and EXCLKS pins is used. pp. 138, 139 A voltage oscillation stabilization time of 1.93 to 5.39 ms is required after the supply voltage reaches 1.59 V (TYP.). If the supply voltage rises from 1.59 V (TYP.) to 2.7 V (TYP.) within 1.93 ms, the power supply oscillation stabilization time of 0 to 5.39 ms is automatically generated before reset processing. p. 139 Controlling X1/P121, The X1/P121 and X2/EXCLK/P122 pins are in the I/O port mode after a reset p. 140 high-speed X2/EXCLK/P122 release. system X1 clock Do not change the value of EXCLK and OSCSEL while the X1 clock is operating. p. 141 clock Set the X1 clock after the supply voltage has reached the operable voltage of the p. 141 clock to be used (see CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) to CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C)). External main system clock Do not change the value of EXCLK and OSCSEL while the external main system p. 141 clock is operating. Set the external main system clock after the supply voltage has reached the operable voltage of the clock to be used (see CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) to CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C)). p. 141 Main system clock If the high-speed system clock is selected as the main system clock, a clock other p. 142 than the high-speed system clock cannot be set as the peripheral hardware clock. High-speed system clock Be sure to confirm that MCS = 0 or CLS = 1 when setting MSTOP to 1. In addition, stop peripheral hardware that is operating on the high-speed system clock. p. 143 Controlling Internal highBe sure to confirm that MCS = 1 or CLS = 1 when setting RSTOP to 1. In internal speed oscillation addition, stop peripheral hardware that is operating on the internal high-speed high-speed clock oscillation clock. oscillation clock p. 145 Controlling XT1/P123, subsystem XT2/EXCLKS/ clock P124 The XT1/P123 and XT2/EXCLKS/P124 pins are in the I/O port mode after a reset p. 145 release. XT1 clock, Do not change the value of XTSTART, EXCLKS, and OSCSELS while the external subsystem clock is operating. subsystem clock p. 145 Subsystem clock Be sure to confirm that CLS = 0 when clearing OSCSELS to 0. In addition, stop the watch timer if it is operating on the subsystem clock. p. 146 The subsystem clock oscillation cannot be stopped using the STOP instruction. p. 146 Controlling Internal lowIf "Internal low-speed oscillator cannot be stopped" is selected by the option byte, p. 147 internal speed oscillation oscillation of the internal low-speed oscillation clock cannot be controlled. low-speed clock oscillation clock CPU clock - Set the clock after the supply voltage has reached the operable voltage of the pp. 149, clock to be set (see CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD 150, 152 PRODUCTS) to CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C)). User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 691 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Classification Details of Function CPU clock - Chapter 5 Chapter Function Soft (6/26) Cautions Page Selection of the main system clock cycle division factor (PCC0 to PCC2) and p. 154 switchover from the main system clock to the subsystem clock (changing CSS from 0 to 1) should not be set simultaneously. Simultaneous setting is possible, however, for selection of the main system clock cycle division factor (PCC0 to PCC2) and switchover from the subsystem clock to the main system clock (changing CSS from 1 to 0). Hard Soft Chapter 6 When switching the internal high-speed oscillation clock to the high-speed system p. 155 clock, bit 2 (XSEL) of MCM must be set to 1 in advance. The value of XSEL can be changed only once after a reset release. 16-bit timer/event counter 00 - The valid edge of TI010 and timer output (TO00) cannot be used for the P01 pin at the same time. Select either of the functions. p. 158 If clearing of bits 3 and 2 (TMC003 and TMC002) of 16-bit timer mode control register 00 (TMC00) to 00 and input of the capture trigger conflict, then the captured data is undefined. p. 159 To change the mode from the capture mode to the comparison mode, first clear the TMC003 and TMC002 bits to 00, and then change the setting. A value that has been once captured remains stored in CR000 unless the device is reset. If the mode has been changed to the comparison mode, be sure to set a comparison value. p. 159 TM00: 16-bit timer counter 00 Even if TM00 is read, the value is not captured by CR010. p. 159 CR000, CR010: 16-bit timer capture/compare registers 000, 010 CR000 does not perform the capture operation when it is set in the comparison mode, even if a capture trigger is input to it. p. 160 CR010 does not perform the capture operation when it is set in the comparison mode, even if a capture trigger is input to it. p. 160 To capture the count value of the TM00 register to the CR0000 register by using p. 162 the phase reverse to that input to the TI000 pin, the interrupt request signal (INTTM000) is not generated after the value has been captured. If the valid edge is detected on the TI010 pin during this operation, the capture operation is not performed but the INTTM000 signal is generated as an external interrupt signal. To not use the external interrupt, mask the INTTM000 signal. Hard CRC000: Capture/ compare control register 00 Soft TMC00: 16-bit 16-bit timer/event counter 00 starts operation at the moment TMC002 and p. 163 timer mode TMC003 are set to values other than 00 (operation stop mode), respectively. Set control register 00 TMC002 and TMC003 to 00 to stop the operation. TOC00: 16-bit Be sure to set TOC00 using the following procedure. timer output <1> Set TOC004 and TOC001 to 1. control register 00 <2> Set only TOE00 to 1. <3> Set either of LVS00 or LVR00 to 1. PRM00: Prescaler mode register 00 To ensure that the capture operation is performed properly, the capture trigger requires a pulse two cycles longer than the count clock selected by prescaler mode register 00 (PRM00). Do not apply the following setting when setting the PRM001 and PRM000 bits to 11 (to specify the valid edge of the TI000 pin as a count clock). p. 165 p. 166 p. 168 * Clear & start mode entered by the TI000 pin valid edge * Setting the TI000 pin as a capture trigger If the operation of the 16-bit timer/event counter 00 is enabled when the TI000 or p. 168 TI010 pin is at high level and when the valid edge of the TI000 or TI010 pin is specified to be the rising edge or both edges, the high level of the TI000 or TI010 pin is detected as a rising edge. Note this when the TI000 or TI010 pin is pulled up. However, the rising edge is not detected when the timer operation has been once stopped and then is enabled again. 692 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Chapter Classification Chapter 6 Soft Hard (7/26) Function Details of Function 16-bit PRM00: Prescaler timer/event mode register 00 counter 00 Clear & start mode entered by TI000 pin valid edge input PPG output Cautions The valid edge of TI010 and timer output (TO00) cannot be used for the P01 pin at the same time. Select either of the functions. p. 168 Do not set the count clock as the valid edge of the TI000 pin (PRM001 and PRM000 = 11). When PRM001 and PRM000 = 11, TM00 is cleared. p. 180 To change the duty factor (value of CR010) during operation, see 6.5.1 Rewriting p. 202 CR010 during TM00 operation. Set values to CR000 and CR010 such that the condition 0000H CR010 < CR000 FFFFH is satisfied. One-shot pulse output Page p. 203 Do not input the trigger again (setting OSPT00 to 1 or detecting the valid edge of p. 205 the TI000 pin) while the one-shot pulse is output. To output the one-shot pulse again, generate the trigger after the current one-shot pulse output has completed. To use only the setting of OSPT00 to 1 as the trigger of one-shot pulse output, do p. 205 not change the level of the TI000 pin or its alternate function port pin. Otherwise, the pulse will be unexpectedly output. LVS00, LVRn0 p. 207 Be sure to set LVS00 and LVR00 following steps <1>, <2>, and <3> above. Step <2> can be performed after <1> and before <3>. p. 219 p. 220 Hard Table 6-3 shows the restrictions for each channel. Timer start errors An error of up to one clock may occur in the time required for a match signal to be generated after timer start. This is because counting TM00 is started asynchronously to the count pulse. Soft - Do not set the same value to CR000 and CR010. CR000, CR010: Set a value other than 0000H to CR000 and CR010 in clear & start mode entered p. 220 16-bit timer upon a match between TM00 and CR000 (TM00 cannot count one pulse when it capture/compare is used as an external event counter). registers 000, 010 When the valid edge is input to the TI000/TI010 pin and the reverse phase of the p. 221 TI000 pin is detected while CR000/CR010 is read, CR010 performs a capture operation but the read value of CR000/CR010 is not guaranteed. At this time, an interrupt signal (INTTM000/INTTM010) is generated when the valid edge of the TI000/TI010 pin is detected (the interrupt signal is not generated when the reverse-phase edge of the TI000 pin is detected). When the count value is captured because the valid edge of the TI000/TI010 pin was detected, read the value of CR000/CR010 after INTTM000/INTTM010 is generated. The values of CR000 and CR010 are not guaranteed after 16-bit timer/event counter 00 stops. ES000, ES001 p. 220 p. 221 Set the valid edge of the TI000 pin while the timer operation is stopped (TMC003 p. 221 and TMC002 = 00). Set the valid edge by using ES000 and ES001. Re-triggering one- Make sure that the trigger is not generated while an active level is being output in p. 221 shot pulse the one-shot pulse output mode. Be sure to input the next trigger after the current active level is output. OVF00 The OVF00 flag is set to 1 in the following case, as well as when TM00 overflows. Select the clear & start mode entered upon a match between TM00 and CR000. Set CR000 to FFFFH. When TM00 matches CR000 and TM00 is cleared from FFFFH to 0000H p. 222 Even if the OVF00 flag is cleared to 0 after TM00 overflows and before the next count clock is counted (before the value of TM00 becomes 0001H), it is set to 1 again and clearing is invalid. p. 222 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 693 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS p. 223 TI000, TI010 To accurately capture the count value, the pulse input to the TI000 and TI010 pins as a capture trigger must be wider than two count clocks selected by PRM00 (see Figure 6-7). p. 223 INTTM000, INTTM010 The capture operation is performed at the falling edge of the count clock but the p. 223 interrupt signals (INTTM000 and INTTM010) are generated at the rising edge of the next count clock (see Figure 6-7). CRC001 = 1 When the count value of the TM00 register is captured to the CR000 register in the p. 223 phase reverse to the signal input to the TI000 pin, the interrupt signal (INTTM000) is not generated after the count value is captured. If the valid edge is detected on the TI010 pin during this operation, the capture operation is not performed but the INTTM000 signal is generated as an external interrupt signal. Mask the INTTM000 signal when the external interrupt is not used. Specifying valid If the operation of the 16-bit timer/event counter 00 is enabled after reset and while p. 223 edge after reset the TI000 or TI010 pin is at high level and when the rising edge or both the edges are specified as the valid edge of the TI000 or TI010 pin, then the high level of the TI000 or TI010 pin is detected as the rising edge. Note this when the TI000 or TI010 pin is pulled up. However, the rising edge is not detected when the operation is once stopped and then enabled again. Chapter Hard When the valid edge of TI000 is specified as the count clock, the capture register for which TI000 is specified as a trigger does not operate correctly. Soft Chapter 6 Page 16-bit One-shot pulse One-shot pulse output operates correctly in the free-running timer mode or the clear p. 222 timer/event output & start mode entered by the TI000 pin valid edge. The one-shot pulse cannot be counter 00 output in the clear & start mode entered upon a match between TM00 and CR000. Sampling clock for eliminating noise p. 223 The sampling clock for eliminating noise differs depending on whether the valid edge of TI000 is used as the count clock or capture trigger. In the former case, the sampling clock is fixed to fPRS. In the latter, the count clock selected by PRM00 is used for sampling. When the signal input to the TI000 pin is sampled and the valid level is detected two times in a row, the valid edge is detected. Therefore, noise having a short pulse width can be eliminated (see Figure 6-7). TI000/TI010 The signal input to the TI000/TI010 pin is not acknowledged while the timer is stopped, regardless of the operation mode of the CPU. 8-bit CR5n: 8-bit timer/event timer compare counters register 5n 50, 51 p. 223 In the mode in which clear & start occurs on a match of TM5n and CR5n (TMC5n6 p. 226 = 0), do not write other values to CR5n during operation. In PWM mode, make the CR5n rewrite period 3 count clocks of the count clock (clock selected by TCL5n) or more. p. 226 TCL50: Timer clock selection register 50 When rewriting TCL50 to other data, stop the timer operation beforehand. p. 227 Be sure to clear bits 3 to 7 to "0". p. 227 TCL51: Timer clock selection register 51 When rewriting TCL51 to other data, stop the timer operation beforehand. p. 228 Be sure to clear bits 3 to 7 to "0". p. 228 The settings of LVS5n and LVR5n are valid in other than PWM mode. p. 230 Perform <1> to <4> below in the following order, not at the same time. p. 230 TMC5n: 8-bit timer mode control register 51 (TMC51) 694 Cautions TI000 Soft Chapter 7 Details of Function Hard Soft Classification (8/26) Function <1> <2> <3> <4> Set TMC5n1, TMC5n6: Operation mode setting Set TOE5n to enable output: Timer output enable Set LVS5n, LVR5n (see Caution 1): Timer F/F setting Set TCE5n When TCE5n = 1, setting the other bits of TMC5n is prohibited. p. 230 The actual TO50/TI50/P17 and TO51/TI51/P33/INTP4 pin outputs are determined depending on PM17 and P17, and PM33 and P33, besides TO5n output. p. 230 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Classification Soft Chapter 7 Chapter (9/26) Function Details of Function 8-bit Interval timer timer/event Square-wave counters output 50, 51 PWM output Cautions Do not write other values to CR5n during operation. p. 232 Do not write other values to CR5n during operation. p. 235 In PWM mode, make the CR5n rewrite period 3 count clocks of the count clock (clock selected by TCL5n) or more. p. 236 When reading from CR5n between <1> and <2> in Figure 7-15, the value read differs from the actual value (read value: M, actual value of CR5n: N). p. 239 Soft CMP1n: 8-bit timer H compare register 1n p. 240 CMP0n cannot be rewritten during timer count operation. CMP0n can be refreshed p. 244 (the same value is written) during timer count operation. In the PWM output mode and carrier generator mode, be sure to set CMP1n when starting the timer count operation (TMHEn = 1) after the timer count operation was stopped (TMHEn = 0) (be sure to set again even if setting the same value to CMP1n). p. 244 TMHMD0: 8-bit When TMHE0 = 1, setting the other bits of TMHMD0 is prohibited. However, p. 247 timer H mode TMHMD0 can be refreshed (the same value is written). register 0 In the PWM output mode, be sure to set 8-bit timer H compare register 10 (CMP10) p. 247 when starting the timer count operation (TMHE0 = 1) after the timer count operation was stopped (TMHE0 = 0) (be sure to set again even if setting the same value to CMP10). The actual TOH0/P15 pin output is determined depending on PM15 and P15, besides TOH0 output. p. 247 TMHMD1: 8-bit When TMHE1 = 1, setting the other bits of TMHMD1 is prohibited. However, p. 249 timer H mode TMHMD1 can be refreshed (the same value is written). register 1 In the PWM output mode and carrier generator mode, be sure to set 8-bit timer H p. 249 compare register 11 (CMP11) when starting the timer count operation (TMHE1 = 1) after the timer count operation was stopped (TMHE1 = 0) (be sure to set again even if setting the same value to CMP11). When the carrier generator mode is used, set so that the count clock frequency of TMH1 becomes more than 6 times the count clock frequency of TM51. p. 249 The actual TOH1/NTP3/P16 pin output is determined depending on PM16 and P16, p. 249 besides TOH1 output. Hard TMCYC1: 8-bit Do not rewrite RMC1 when TMHE = 1. However, TMCYC1 can be refreshed (the timer H carrier same value is written). register 1 Soft Chapter 8 Timer start error An error of up to one clock may occur in the time required for a match signal to be generated after timer start. This is because 8-bit timer counters 50 and 51 (TM50, TM51) are started asynchronously to the count clock. 8-bit timers CMP0n: 8-bit H0, H1 timer H compare register 0n Page PWM output p. 249 The set value of the CMP1n register can be changed while the timer counter is p. 255 operating. However, this takes a duration of three operating clocks (signal selected by the CKSn2 to CKSn0 bits of the TMHMDn register) from when the value of the CMP1n register is changed until the value is transferred to the register. Be sure to set the CMP1n register when starting the timer count operation (TMHEn p. 255 = 1) after the timer count operation was stopped (TMHEn = 0) (be sure to set again even if setting the same value to the CMP1n register). Make sure that the CMP1n register setting value (M) and CMP0n register setting value (N) are within the following range. 00H CMP1n (M) < CMP0n (N) FFH User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD p. 255 695 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Classification Soft Chapter 8 Chapter (10/26) Function Details of Function Cautions Page 8-bit Carrier Do not rewrite the NRZB1 bit again until at least the second clock after it has been p. 261 timers H0, generator (8-bit rewritten, or else the transfer from the NRZB1 bit to the NRZ1 bit is not guaranteed. H1 timer H1 only) When 8-bit timer/event counter 51 is used in the carrier generator mode, an p. 261 interrupt is generated at the timing of <1>. When 8-bit timer/event counter 51 is used in a mode other than the carrier generator mode, the timing of the interrupt generation differs. Be sure to set the CMP11 register when starting the timer count operation (TMHE1 p. 263 = 1) after the timer count operation was stopped (TMHE1 = 0) (be sure to set again even if setting the same value to the CMP11 register). Set so that the count clock frequency of TMH1 becomes more than 6 times the count clock frequency of TM51. p. 263 Set the values of the CMP01 and CMP11 registers in a range of 01H to FFH. p. 263 The set value of the CMP11 register can be changed while the timer counter is p. 263 operating. However, it takes the duration of three operating clocks (signal selected by the CKS12 to CKS10 bits of the TMHMD1 register) since the value of the CMP11 register has been changed until the value is transferred to the register. Soft Soft Chapter 10 Hard Chapter 9 Be sure to set the RMC1 bit before the count operation is started. Watch timer WTM: Watch Do not change the count clock and interval time (by setting bits 4 to 7 (WTM4 to timer operation WTM7) of WTM) during watch timer operation. mode register Interrupt request p. 263 p. 270 When operation of the watch timer and 5-bit counter is enabled by the watch timer p. 272 mode control register (WTM) (by setting bits 0 (WTM0) and 1 (WTM1) of WTM to 1), the interval until the first interrupt request signal (INTWT) is generated after the register is set does not exactly match the specification made with bits 2 and 3 (WTM2, WTM3) of WTM. Subsequently, however, the INTWT signal is generated at the specified intervals. Watchdog WDTE: If a value other than ACH is written to WDTE, an internal reset signal is generated. p. 275 timer Watchdog timer If the source clock to the watchdog timer is stopped, however, an internal reset enable register signal is generated when the source clock to the watchdog timer resumes operation. If a 1-bit memory manipulation instruction is executed for WDTE, an internal reset signal is generated. If the source clock to the watchdog timer is stopped, however, an internal reset signal is generated when the source clock to the watchdog timer resumes operation. Operation control p. 275 The value read from WDTE is 9AH/1AH (this differs from the written value (ACH)). p. 275 The first writing to WDTE after a reset release clears the watchdog timer, if it is made before the overflow time regardless of the timing of the writing, and the watchdog timer starts counting again. p. 276 If the watchdog timer is cleared by writing "ACH" to WDTE, the actual overflow time p. 276 may be different from the overflow time set by the option byte by up to 2/fRL seconds. The watchdog timer can be cleared immediately before the count value overflows (FFFFH). p. 276 The operation of the watchdog timer in the HALT and STOP modes differs as p. 277 follows depending on the set value of bit 0 (LSROSC) of the option byte (see Table on p. 277). If LSROSC = 0, the watchdog timer resumes counting after the HALT or STOP mode is released. At this time, the counter is not cleared to 0 but starts counting from the value at which it was stopped. If oscillation of the internal low-speed oscillator is stopped by setting LSRSTOP (bit 1 of the internal oscillation mode register (RCM) = 1) when LSROSC = 0, the watchdog timer stops operating. At this time, the counter is not cleared to 0. 696 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Soft Classification Chapter 10 Chapter (11/26) Function Watchdog timer Details of Function Setting overflow time of watchdog timer, setting window open period of watchdog timer Cautions The combination of WDCS2 = WDCS1 = WDCS0 = 0 and WINDOW1 = WINDOW0 = 0 is prohibited. pp. 277, 278 pp. The watchdog timer continues its operation during self programming and EEPROM emulation of the flash memory. During processing, the interrupt 277, 278 acknowledge time is delayed. Set the overflow time and window size taking this delay into consideration. Soft p. 278 Clock output CKS: clock controller output select (48-pin register products only Set CCS3 to CCS0 while the clock output operation is stopped (CLOE = 0). Soft Setting window The first writing to WDTE after a reset release clears the watchdog timer, if it is open period of made before the overflow time regardless of the timing of the writing, and the watchdog timer watchdog timer starts counting again. Chapter 12 Chapter 11 Page A/D converter ADCR: 10-bit A/D conversion register, ADCRH: 8-bit A/D conversion register When data is read from ADCR and ADCRH, a wait cycle is generated. Do not p. 286 read data from ADCR and ADCRH when the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. p. 282 ADM: A/D A/D conversion must be stopped before rewriting bits FR0 to FR2, LV1, and LV0 p. 288 converter mode to values other than the identical data. register If data is written to ADM, a wait cycle is generated. Do not write data to ADM p. 288 when the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. A/D conversion Set the conversion times with the following conditions. timer selection * 4.0 V AVREF 5.5 V: fAD = 0.6 to 3.6 MHz * 2.7 V AVREF < 4.0 V: fAD = 0.6 to 1.8 MHz * 2.3 V AVREF < 2.7 V: fAD = 0.6 to 1.48 MHz p. 289 When rewriting FR2 to FR0, LV1, and LV0 to other than the same data, stop A/D p. 289 conversion once (ADCS = 0) beforehand. Change LV1 and LV0 from the default value, when 2.3 V AVREF < 2.7 V. p. 289 The above conversion time does not include clock frequency errors. Select conversion time, taking clock frequency errors into consideration. p. 289 ADCR: 10-bit When writing to the A/D converter mode register (ADM), analog input channel p. 290 A/D conversion specification register (ADS), and A/D port configuration register (ADPC), the register contents of ADCR may become undefined. Read the conversion result following conversion completion before writing to ADM, ADS, and ADPC. Using timing other than the above may cause an incorrect conversion result to be read. If data is read from ADCR, a wait cycle is generated. Do not read data from ADCR when the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. p. 290 ADCRH: 8-bit When writing to the A/D converter mode register (ADM), analog input channel p. 291 A/D conversion specification register (ADS), and A/D port configuration register (ADPC), the register contents of ADCRH may become undefined. Read the conversion result following conversion completion before writing to ADM, ADS, and ADPC. Using timing other than the above may cause an incorrect conversion result to be read. If data is read from ADCRH, a wait cycle is generated. Do not read data from ADCRH when the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD p. 291 697 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Soft Classification Chapter 12 Chapter (12/26) Function Details of Function A/D converter ADS: Analog input channel specification register Cautions Be sure to clear bits 3 to 7 to "0". Page p. 292 If data is written to ADS, a wait cycle is generated. Do not write data to ADS when p. 292 the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. For the 38-pin products, setting ADS2, ADS1, ADS0 to 1, 1, 0 or 1, 1, 1 is prohibited. p. 292 ADS: Analog input channel specification register, ADPC: A/D port configuration register (ADPC) Set a channel to be used for A/D conversion in the input mode by using port mode pp. register 2 (PM2). 292, 293 ADPC: A/D port configuration register (ADPC) If data is written to ADPC, a wait cycle is generated. Do not write data to ADPC when the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. p. 293 For the 38-pin products, setting ADPC3, ADPC2, ADPC1, ADPC0 to 0, 1, 1, 1 or 1, 0, 0, 0 is prohibited. p. 293 PM2: Port mode register 2 For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 6 and 7 of PM2 to "1", and bits 6 and 7 p. 294 of P2 to "0". Basic operations Make sure the period of <1> to <5> is 1 s or more. of A/D converter p. 295 Make sure the period of <1> to <5> is 1 s or more. p. 299 <1> may be done between <2> and <4>. p. 299 A/D conversion operation <1> can be omitted. However, ignore data of the first conversion after <5> in this p. 299 case. The period from <6> to <9> differs from the conversion time set using bits 5 to 1 (FR2 to FR0, LV1, LV0) of ADM. The period from <8> to <9> is the conversion time set using FR2 to FR0, LV1, and LV0. p. 299 Hard Input range of ANI0 to ANI7 Observe the rated range of the ANI0 to ANI7 input voltage. If a voltage of AVREF or higher and AVSS or lower (even in the range of absolute maximum ratings) is input to an analog input channel, the converted value of that channel becomes undefined. In addition, the converted values of the other channels may also be affected. Soft Operating current The A/D converter stops operating in the STOP mode. At this time, the operating p. 302 in STOP mode current can be reduced by clearing bit 7 (ADCS) and bit 0 (ADCE) of the A/D converter mode register (ADM) to 0. To restart from the standby status, clear bit 0 (ADIF) of interrupt request flag register 1L (IF1L) to 0 and start operation. Conflicting operations Conflict between A/D conversion result register (ADCR, ADCRH) write and ADCR p. 302 or ADCRH read by instruction upon the end of conversion, ADCR or ADCRH read has priority. After the read operation, the new conversion result is written to ADCR or ADCRH. p. 302 Conflict between ADCR or ADCRH write and A/D converter mode register (ADM) p. 302 write, analog input channel specification register (ADS), or A/D port configuration register (ADPC) write upon the end of conversion, ADM, ADS, or ADPC write has priority. ADCR or ADCRH write is not performed, nor is the conversion end interrupt signal (INTAD) generated. 698 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Hard Classification Details of Function Cautions Page p. 302 A/D Noise To maintain the 10-bit resolution, attention must be paid to noise input to the converter countermeasures AVREF pin and ANI0 to ANI7 pins. <1> Connect a capacitor with a low equivalent resistance and a good frequency response to the power supply. <2> The higher the output impedance of the analog input source, the greater the influence. To reduce the noise, connecting external C as shown in Figure 12-20 is recommended. <3> Do not switch these pins with other pins during conversion. <4> The accuracy is improved if the HALT mode is set immediately after the start of conversion. ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 The analog input pins (ANI0 to ANI7) are also used as input port pins (P20 to P27). When A/D conversion is performed with any of ANI0 to ANI7 selected, do not access P20 to P27 while conversion is in progress; otherwise the conversion resolution may be degraded. It is recommended to select pins used as P20 to P27 starting with the ANI0/P20 that is the furthest from AVREF. p. 303 If a digital pulse is applied to the pins adjacent to the pins currently used for A/D p. 303 conversion, the expected value of the A/D conversion may not be obtained due to coupling noise. Therefore, do not apply a pulse to the pins adjacent to the pin undergoing A/D conversion. Input impedance This A/D converter charges a sampling capacitor for sampling during sampling p. 303 of ANI0 to ANI7 time. pins Therefore, only a leakage current flows when sampling is not in progress, and a current that charges the capacitor flows during sampling. Consequently, the input impedance fluctuates depending on whether sampling is in progress, and on the other states. To make sure that sampling is effective, however, it is recommended to keep the output impedance of the analog input source to within 10 k, and to connect a capacitor of about 100 pF to the ANI0 to ANI7 pins (see Figure 12-20). AVREF pin input impedance Soft Chapter 12 Chapter (13/26) Function A series resistor string of several tens of k is connected between the AVREF and p. 303 AVSS pins. Therefore, if the output impedance of the reference voltage source is high, this will result in a series connection to the series resistor string between the AVREF and AVSS pins, resulting in a large reference voltage error. Interrupt request The interrupt request flag (ADIF) is not cleared even if the analog input channel p. 304 flag (ADIF) specification register (ADS) is changed. Therefore, if an analog input pin is changed during A/D conversion, the A/D conversion result and ADIF for the prechange analog input may be set just before the ADS rewrite. Caution is therefore required since, at this time, when ADIF is read immediately after the ADS rewrite, ADIF is set despite the fact A/D conversion for the post-change analog input has not ended. When A/D conversion is stopped and then resumed, clear ADIF before the A/D conversion operation is resumed. Conversion results just after A/D conversion start p. 304 The first A/D conversion value immediately after A/D conversion starts may not fall within the rating range if the ADCS bit is set to 1 within 1 s after the ADCE bit was set to 1, or if the ADCS bit is set to 1 with the ADCE bit = 0. Take measures such as polling the A/D conversion end interrupt request (INTAD) and removing the first conversion result. A/D conversion result register (ADCR, ADCRH) read operation When a write operation is performed to the A/D converter mode register (ADM), analog input channel specification register (ADS), and A/D port configuration register (ADPC), the contents of ADCR and ADCRH may become undefined. Read the conversion result following conversion completion before writing to ADM, ADS, and ADPC. Using a timing other than the above may cause an incorrect conversion result to be read. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD p. 304 699 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Chapter Chapter 13 Soft Classification (14/26) Function Serial interface UART0 Details of Function UART mode Cautions Page If clock supply to serial interface UART0 is not stopped (e.g., in the HALT mode), normal operation continues. If clock supply to serial interface UART0 is stopped (e.g., in the STOP mode), each register stops operating, and holds the value immediately before clock supply was stopped. The TXD0 pin also holds the value immediately before clock supply was stopped and outputs it. However, the operation is not guaranteed after clock supply is resumed. Therefore, reset the circuit so that POWER0 = 0, RXE0 = 0, and TXE0 = 0. p. 306 Set POWER0 = 1 and then set TXE0 = 1 (transmission) or RXE0 = 1 (reception) to start communication. p. 306 TXE0 and RXE0 are synchronized by the base clock (fXCLK0) set by BRGC0. To enable transmission or reception again, set TXE0 or RXE0 to 1 at least two clocks of base clock after TXE0 or RXE0 has been cleared to 0. If TXE0 or RXE0 is set within two clocks of base clock, the transmission circuit or reception circuit may not be initialized. p. 306 Set transmit data to TXS0 at least one base clock (fXCLK0) after setting TXE0 = 1. pp. 306, 309 TXS0: Transmit Do not write the next transmit data to TXS0 before the transmission completion shift register 0 interrupt signal (INTST0) is generated. p. 309 ASIM0: Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 To start the transmission, set POWER0 to 1 and then set TXE0 to 1. To stop the transmission, clear TXE0 to 0, and then clear POWER0 to 0. p. 311 To start the reception, set POWER0 to 1 and then set RXE0 to 1. To stop the reception, clear RXE0 to 0, and then clear POWER0 to 0. p. 311 ASIS0: Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 0 Set POWER0 to 1 and then set RXE0 to 1 while a high level is input to the RxD0 p. 311 pin. If POWER0 is set to 1 and RXE0 is set to 1 while a low level is input, reception is started. TXE0 and RXE0 are synchronized by the base clock (fXCLK0) set by BRGC0. To enable transmission or reception again, set TXE0 or RXE0 to 1 at least two clocks of base clock after TXE0 or RXE0 has been cleared to 0. If TXE0 or RXE0 is set within two clocks of base clock, the transmission circuit or reception circuit may not be initialized. p. 311 Set transmit data to TXS0 at least one base clock (fXCLK0) after setting TXE0 = 1. p. 311 Clear the TXE0 and RXE0 bits to 0 before rewriting the PS01, PS00, and CL0 bits. p. 311 Make sure that TXE0 = 0 when rewriting the SL0 bit. Reception is always performed with "number of stop bits = 1", and therefore, is not affected by the set value of the SL0 bit. p. 311 Be sure to set bit 0 to 1. p. 311 The operation of the PE0 bit differs depending on the set values of the PS01 and PS00 bits of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 0 (ASIM0). p. 312 For the stop bit of the receive data, only the first stop bit is checked regardless of the number of the stops bits. p. 312 If an overrun error occurs, the next receive data is not written to receive buffer register 0 (RXB0) but discarded. p. 312 Hard If data is read from ASIS0, a wait cycle is generated. Do not read data from ASIS0 p. 312 when the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. 700 BRGC0: Baud Make sure that bit 6 (TXE0) and bit 5 (RXE0) of the ASIM0 register = 0 when rate generator rewriting the MDL04 to MDL00 bits. control register 0 The baud rate value is the output clock of the 5-bit counter divided by 2. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD p. 314 p. 314 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Chapter Chapter 13 Soft Classification (15/26) Function Serial interface UART0 Details of Function Cautions Page POWER0, TXE0, RXE0: Bits 7, 6, 5 of ASIM0 Clear POWER0 to 0 after clearing TXE0 and RXE0 to 0 to set the operation stop mode. To start the communication, set POWER0 to 1, and then set TXE0 or RXE0 to 1. p. 315 UART mode Take relationship with the other party of communication when setting the port mode p. 316 register and port register. UART transmission After transmit data is written to TXS0, do not write the next transmit data before the p. 319 transmission completion interrupt signal (INTST0) is generated. UART reception If a reception error occurs, read asynchronous serial interface reception error status p. 320 register 0 (ASIS0) and then read receive buffer register 0 (RXB0) to clear the error flag. Otherwise, an overrun error will occur when the next data is received, and the reception error status will persist. Reception is always performed with the "number of stop bits = 1". The second stop p. 320 bit is ignored. Error of baud rate Keep the baud rate error during transmission to within the permissible error range at p. 323 the reception destination. Make sure that the baud rate error during reception satisfies the range shown in (4) p. 323 Permissible baud rate range during reception. Soft Chapter 14 Permissible Make sure that the baud rate error during reception is within the permissible error baud rate range range, by using the calculation expression shown below. during reception Serial interface UART6 UART mode p. 325 The TXD6 output inversion function inverts only the transmission side and not the p. 327 reception side. To use this function, the reception side must be ready for reception of inverted data. If clock supply to serial interface UART6 is not stopped (e.g., in the HALT mode), normal operation continues. If clock supply to serial interface UART6 is stopped (e.g., in the STOP mode), each register stops operating, and holds the value immediately before clock supply was stopped. The TXD6 pin also holds the value immediately before clock supply was stopped and outputs it. However, the operation is not guaranteed after clock supply is resumed. Therefore, reset the circuit so that POWER6 = 0, RXE6 = 0, and TXE6 = 0. p. 327 Set POWER6 = 1 and then set TXE6 = 1 (transmission) or RXE6 = 1 (reception) to start communication. p. 327 TXE6 and RXE6 are synchronized by the base clock (fXCLK6) set by CKSR6. To enable transmission or reception again, set TXE6 or RXE6 to 1 at least two clocks of the base clock after TXE6 or RXE6 has been cleared to 0. If TXE6 or RXE6 is set within two clocks of the base clock, the transmission circuit or reception circuit may not be initialized. p. 327 Set transmit data to TXB6 at least one base clock (fXCLK6) after setting TXE6 = 1. p. 327 If data is continuously transmitted, the communication timing from the stop bit to the p. 327 next start bit is extended two operating clocks of the macro. However, this does not affect the result of communication because the reception side initializes the timing when it has detected a start bit. Do not use the continuous transmission function if the interface is used in LIN communication operation. TXB6: Transmit buffer register 6 Do not write data to TXB6 when bit 1 (TXBF6) of asynchronous serial interface transmission status register 6 (ASIF6) is 1. p. 333 Do not refresh (write the same value to) TXB6 by software during a communication p. 333 operation (when bits 7 and 6 (POWER6, TXE6) of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6) are 1 or when bits 7 and 5 (POWER6, RXE6) of ASIM6 are 1). Set transmit data to TXB6 at least one base clock (fXCLK6) after setting TXE6 = 1. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD p. 333 701 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Soft Classification Chapter 14 Chapter (16/26) Function Serial interface UART6 Details of Function ASIM6: Asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 Cautions To start the transmission, set POWER6 to 1 and then set TXE6 to 1. To stop the transmission, clear TXE6 to 0, and then clear POWER6 to 0. p. 335 To start the reception, set POWER6 to 1 and then set RXE6 to 1. To stop the reception, clear RXE6 to 0, and then clear POWER6 to 0. p. 335 Set POWER6 to 1 and then set RXE6 to 1 while a high level is input to the RXD6 p. 335 pin. If POWER6 is set to 1 and RXE6 is set to 1 while a low level is input, reception is started. TXE6 and RXE6 are synchronized by the base clock (fXCLK6) set by CKSR6. To enable transmission or reception again, set TXE6 or RXE6 to 1 at least two clocks of the base clock after TXE6 or RXE6 has been cleared to 0. If TXE6 or RXE6 is set within two clocks of the base clock, the transmission circuit or reception circuit may not be initialized. ASIS6: Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 6 Page p. 335 Set transmit data to TXB6 at least one base clock (fXCLK6) after setting TXE6 = 1. p. 335 Clear the TXE6 and RXE6 bits to 0 before rewriting the PS61, PS60, and CL6 bits. p. 335 Fix the PS61 and PS60 bits to 0 when used in LIN communication operation. p. 335 Clear TXE6 to 0 before rewriting the SL6 bit. Reception is always performed with "the number of stop bits = 1", and therefore, is not affected by the set value of the SL6 bit. p. 335 Make sure that RXE6 = 0 when rewriting the ISRM6 bit. p. 335 The operation of the PE6 bit differs depending on the set values of the PS61 and PS60 bits of asynchronous serial interface operation mode register 6 (ASIM6). p. 336 For the stop bit of the receive data, only the first stop bit is checked regardless of the number of stop bits. p. 336 If an overrun error occurs, the next receive data is not written to receive buffer register 6 (RXB6) but discarded. p. 336 Soft Hard If data is read from ASIS6, a wait cycle is generated. Do not read data from ASIS6 p. 336 when the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. ASIF6: Asynchronous serial interface transmission status register 6 To transmit data continuously, write the first transmit data (first byte) to the TXB6 p. 337 register. Be sure to check that the TXBF6 flag is "0". If so, write the next transmit data (second byte) to the TXB6 register. If data is written to the TXB6 register while the TXBF6 flag is "1", the transmit data cannot be guaranteed. CKSR6: Clock selection register 6 Make sure POWER6 = 0 when rewriting TPS63 to TPS60. p. 338 BRGC6: Baud Make sure that bit 6 (TXE6) and bit 5 (RXE6) of the ASIM6 register = 0 when rate generator rewriting the MDL67 to MDL60 bits. control register 6 The baud rate is the output clock of the 8-bit counter divided by 2. p. 339 ASICL6: Asynchronous serial interface control register 6 To initialize the transmission unit upon completion of continuous transmission, be p. 337 sure to check that the TXSF6 flag is "0" after generation of the transmission completion interrupt, and then execute initialization. If initialization is executed while the TXSF6 flag is "1", the transmit data cannot be guaranteed. p. 339 ASICL6 can be refreshed (the same value is written) by software during a p. 340 communication operation (when bits 7 and 6 (POWER6, TXE6) of ASIM6 = 1 or bits 7 and 5 (POWER6, RXE6) of ASIM6 = 1). However, do not set both SBRT6 and SBTT6 to 1 by a refresh operation during SBF reception (SBRT6 = 1) or SBF transmission (until INTST6 occurs since SBTT6 has been set (1)), because it may re-trigger SBF reception or SBF transmission. In the case of an SBF reception error, the mode returns to the SBF reception mode. p. 341 The status of the SBRF6 flag is held (1). 702 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Soft Classification Chapter 14 Chapter (17/26) Function Details of Function Serial ASICL6: interface Asynchronous UART6 serial interface control register 6 Cautions Page Before setting the SBRT6 bit, make sure that bit 7 (POWER6) and bit 5 (RXE6) of ASIM6 = 1. After setting the SBRT6 bit to 1, do not clear it to 0 before SBF reception is completed (before an interrupt request signal is generated). p. 341 The read value of the SBRT6 bit is always 0. SBRT6 is automatically cleared to 0 after SBF reception has been correctly completed. p. 341 Before setting the SBTT6 bit to 1, make sure that bit 7 (POWER6) and bit 6 (TXE6) p. 341 of ASIM6 = 1. After setting the SBTT6 bit to 1, do not clear it to 0 before SBF transmission is completed (before an interrupt request signal is generated). The read value of the SBTT6 bit is always 0. SBTT6 is automatically cleared to 0 at p. 341 the end of SBF transmission. Do not set the SBRT6 bit to 1 during reception, and do not set the SBTT6 bit to 1 during transmission. p. 341 Before rewriting the DIR6 and TXDLV6 bits, clear the TXE6 and RXE6 bits to 0. p. 341 POWER6, TXE6, Clear POWER6 to 0 after clearing TXE6 and RXE6 to 0 to stop the operation. RXE6: Bits 7, 6, 5 To start the communication, set POWER6 to 1, and then set TXE6 or RXE6 to 1. of ASIM6 p. 343 UART mode Take the relationship with the other party of communication when setting the port mode register and port register. p. 344 Parity types and operation Fix the PS61 and PS60 bits to 0 when the device is used in LIN communication operation. p. 347 Continuous transmission The TXBF6 and TXSF6 flags of the ASIF6 register change from "10" to "11", and to p. 349 "01" during continuous transmission. To check the status, therefore, do not use a combination of the TXBF6 and TXSF6 flags for judgment. Read only the TXBF6 flag when executing continuous transmission. When the device is use in LIN communication operation, the continuous p. 349 transmission function cannot be used. Make sure that asynchronous serial interface transmission status register 6 (ASIF6) is 00H before writing transmit data to transmit buffer register 6 (TXB6). To transmit data continuously, write the first transmit data (first byte) to the TXB6 p. 349 register. Be sure to check that the TXBF6 flag is "0". If so, write the next transmit data (second byte) to the TXB6 register. If data is written to the TXB6 register while the TXBF6 flag is "1", the transmit data cannot be guaranteed. Normal reception To initialize the transmission unit upon completion of continuous transmission, be sure to check that the TXSF6 flag is "0" after generation of the transmission completion interrupt, and then execute initialization. If initialization is executed while the TXSF6 flag is "1", the transmit data cannot be guaranteed. p. 349 During continuous transmission, the next transmission may complete before execution of INTST6 interrupt servicing after transmission of one data frame. As a countermeasure, detection can be performed by developing a program that can count the number of transmit data and by referencing the TXSF6 flag. p. 349 If a reception error occurs, read ASIS6 and then RXB6 to clear the error flag. Otherwise, an overrun error will occur when the next data is received, and the reception error status will persist. p. 353 Reception is always performed with the "number of stop bits = 1". The second stop p. 353 bit is ignored. Be sure to read asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 6 (ASIS6) before reading RXB6. p. 353 Error of baud rate Keep the baud rate error during transmission to within the permissible error range at p. 360 the reception destination. Make sure that the baud rate error during reception satisfies the range shown in (4) p. 360 Permissible baud rate range during reception. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 703 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Soft Chapter Chapter 15 Chapter 14 Soft Classification (18/26) Function Details of Function Cautions Page Serial interface UART6 Permissible baud rate range during reception Make sure that the baud rate error during reception is within the permissible error range, by using the calculation expression shown below. p. 361 Serial interface CSI10 SOTB10: Transmit buffer register 10 Do not access SOTB10 when CSOT10 = 1 (during serial communication). p. 366 SIO10: Serial I/O shift register 10 Do not access SIO10 when CSOT10 = 1 (during serial communication). p. 366 CSIM10: Serial operation mode register 10 Be sure to clear bit 5 to 0. p. 367 Soft Chapter 16 CSIC10: Serial clock Do not write to CSIC10 while CSIE10 = 1 (operation enabled). p. 369 selection register 10 To use P10/SCK10/TXD0 and P12/SO10 as general-purpose ports, set CSIC10 p. 369 in the default status (00H). Serial interface IIC0 The phase type of the data clock is type 1 after reset. p. 369 3-wire serial I/O mode Take the relationship with the other party of communication when setting the port mode register and port register. p. 372 Communication operation Do not access the control register and data register when CSOT10 = 1 (during serial communication). p. 373 SO10 output If a value is written to TRMD10, DAP10, and DIR10, the output value of SO10 changes. p. 381 Do not use serial interface IIC0 and the multiplier/divider simultaneously, because various flags corresponding to interrupt request sources are shared among serial interface IIC0 and the multiplier/divider. p. 382 - IIC0: IIC shift register Do not write data to IIC0 during data transfer. 0 Write or read IIC0 only during the wait period. Accessing IIC0 in a communication state other than during the wait period is prohibited. When the device serves as the master, however, IIC0 can be written only once after the communication trigger bit (STT0) is set to 1. IICC0: IIC control register 0 p. 385 p. 385 2 The start condition is detected immediately after I C is enabled to operate (IICE0 p. 389 = 1) while the SCL0 line is at high level and the SDA0 line is at low level. 2 Immediately after enabling I C to operate (IICE0 = 1), set LREL0 (1) by using a 1-bit memory manipulation instruction. When bit 3 (TRC0) of IIC status register 0 (IICS0) is set to 1, WREL0 is set to 1 p. 392 during the ninth clock and wait is canceled, after which TRC0 is cleared and the SDA0 line is set to high impedance. IICS0: IIC status register 0 If data is read from IICS0, a wait cycle is generated. Do not read data from IICS0 when the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware clock is stopped. For details, see CHAPTER 34 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT. p. 393 IICF0: IIC flag register 0 Write to STCEN only when the operation is stopped (IICE0 = 0). p. 396 Selection clock setting Determine the transfer clock frequency of I C by using CLX0, SMC0, CL01, and p. 399 CL00 before enabling the operation (by setting bit 7 (IICE0) of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) to 1). To change the transfer clock frequency, clear IICE0 once to 0. As the bus release status (IICBSY = 0) is recognized regardless of the actual p. 396 bus status when STCEN = 1, when generating the first start condition (STT0 = 1), it is necessary to verify that no third party communications are in progress in order to prevent such communications from being destroyed. Write to IICRSV only when the operation is stopped (IICE0 = 0). 704 2 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD p. 396 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Chapter Chapter 16 Soft Classification (19/26) Function Serial interface IIC0 Details of Function Cautions 2 Page When STCEN = 0 Immediately after I C operation is enabled (IICE0 = 1), the bus communication status (IICBSY (bit 6 of IICF0) = 1) is recognized regardless of the actual bus status. When changing from a mode in which no stop condition has been detected to a master device communication mode, first generate a stop condition to release the bus, then perform master device communication. When using multiple masters, it is not possible to perform master device communication when the bus has not been released (when a stop condition has not been detected). Use the following sequence for generating a stop condition. <1> Set IIC clock selection register 0 (IICCL0). <2> Set bit 7 (IICE0) of IIC control register 0 (IICC0) to 1. <3> Set bit 0 (SPT0) of IICC0 to 1. When STCEN = 1 Immediately after I C operation is enabled (IICE0 = 1), the bus released status p. 416 (IICBSY = 0) is recognized regardless of the actual bus status. To generate the first start condition (STT0 (bit 1 of IIC control register 0 (IICC0)) = 1), it is necessary to confirm that the bus has been released, so as to not disturb other communications. p. 416 2 If other I C communications are already in progress 2 If I C operation is enabled and the device participates in communication already p. 416 in progress when the SDA0 pin is low and the SCL0 pin is high, the macro of 2 I C recognizes that the SDA0 pin has gone low (detects a start condition). If the value on the bus at this time can be recognized as an extension code, ACK 2 is returned, but this interferes with other I C communications. To avoid this, 2 start I C in the following sequence. <1> Clear bit 4 (SPIE0) of IICC0 to 0 to disable generation of an interrupt request signal (INTIIC0) when the stop condition is detected. 2 <2> Set bit 7 (IICE0) of IICC0 to 1 to enable the operation of I C. <3> Wait for detection of the start condition. <4> Set bit 6 (LREL0) of IICC0 to 1 before ACK is returned (4 to 80 clocks after setting IICE0 to 1), to forcibly disable detection. 2 Transfer clock frequency setting Determine the transfer clock frequency by using SMC0, CL01, CL00 (bits 3, 1, p. 416 and 0 of IICL0), and CLX0 (bit 0 of IICX0) before enabling the operation (IICE0 = 1). To change the transfer clock frequency, clear IICE0 to 0 once. STT0, SPT0: Setting STT0 and SPT0 (bits 1 and 0 of IICC0) again after they are set and Bits 1, 0 of IIC control before they are cleared to 0 is prohibited. register 0 (IICC0) p. 417 Soft Chapter 17 Transmission reserve When transmission is reserved, set SPIE0 (bit 4 of IICL0) to 1 so that an p. 417 interrupt request is generated when the stop condition is detected. Transfer is started when communication data is written to IIC0 after the interrupt request is generated. Unless the interrupt is generated when the stop condition is detected, the device stops in the wait state because the interrupt request is not generated when communication is started. However, it is not necessary to set SPIE0 to 1 when MSTS0 (bit 7 of IICS0) is detected by software. - Multiplier/ divider (PD78F0514, 78F0515, and SDR0: Remainder 78F0515D data register 0 only) MDA0H, MDA0L: Multiplication/ division data register A0 Do not use serial interface IIC0 and the multiplier/divider simultaneously, because various flags corresponding to interrupt request sources are shared among serial interface IIC0 and the multiplier/divider. p. 453 The value read from SDR0 during operation processing (while bit 7 (DMUE) of p. 455 multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0) is 1) is not guaranteed. SDR0 is reset when the operation is started (when DMUE is set to 1). p. 455 MDA0H is cleared to 0 when an operation is started in the multiplication mode (when multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0) is set to 81H). p. 455 Do not change the value of MDA0 during operation processing (while bit 7 (DMUE) of multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0) is 1). Even in this case, the operation is executed, but the result is undefined. p. 455 The value read from MDA0 during operation processing (while DMUE is 1) is not guaranteed. p. 455 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 705 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Chapter Chapter 17 Soft Classification (20/26) Function Details of Function Multiplier/ MDB0: Multiplication/ divider (PD78F0514, division data 78F0515, and register B0 78F0515D only) DMUC0: Multiplier/divider control register 0 Cautions Page Do not change the value of MDB0 during operation processing (while bit 7 (DMUE) p. 456 of multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0) is 1). Even in this case, the operation is executed, but the result is undefined. Do not clear MDB0 to 0000H in the division mode. If set, undefined operation results are stored in MDA0 and SDR0. p. 456 If DMUE is cleared to 0 during operation processing (when DMUE is 1), the p. 457 operation result is not guaranteed. If the operation is completed while the clearing instruction is being executed, the operation result is guaranteed, provided that the interrupt flag is set. Do not change the value of DMUSEL0 during operation processing (while DMUE is p. 457 1). If it is changed, undefined operation results are stored in multiplication/division data register A0 (MDA0) and remainder data register 0 (SDR0). Soft Chapter 18 If DMUE is cleared to 0 during operation processing (while DMUE is 1), the p. 457 operation processing is stopped. To execute the operation again, set multiplication/division data register A0 (MDA0), multiplication/division data register B0 (MDB0), and multiplier/divider control register 0 (DMUC0), and start the operation (by setting DMUE to 1). Interrupt function 1F0L, 1F0L, Be sure to clear bits 6 and 7 of IF1L to 0 in the 38-pin and 44-pin products. 1F1L, 1F1H: Be sure to clear bit 7 of IF1L to 0 in the 48-pin products. Interrupt request Be sure to clear bits 1 to 7 of IF1H to 0. flag registers When operating a timer, serial interface, or A/D converter after standby release, operate it once after clearing the interrupt request flag. An interrupt request flag may be set by noise. p. 468 p. 468 p. 468 When manipulating a flag of the interrupt request flag register, use a 1-bit memory p. 469 manipulation instruction (CLR1). When describing in C language, use a bit manipulation instruction such as "IF0L.0 = 0;" or "_asm("clr1 IF0L, 0");" because the compiled assembler must be a 1-bit memory manipulation instruction (CLR1). If a program is described in C language using an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction such as "IF0L &= 0xfe;" and compiled, it becomes the assembler of three instructions. mov a, IF0L and a, #0FEH mov IF0L, a In this case, even if the request flag of another bit of the same interrupt request flag register (IF0L) is set to 1 at the timing between "mov a, IF0L" and "mov IF0L, a", the flag is cleared to 0 at "mov IF0L, a". Therefore, care must be exercised when using an 8-bit memory manipulation instruction in C language. MK0L, MK0H, MK1L, MK1H: Interrupt mask flag registers Be sure to set bits 6 and 7 of MK1L to 1 in the 38-pin and 44-pin products. Be sure to set bit 7 of MK1L to 1 in the 48-pin products. p. 470 Be sure to set bits 1 to 7 of MK1H to 1. p. 470 PR0L, PR0H, Be sure to set bits 6 and 7 of PR1L to 1 in the 38-pin and 44-pin products. PR1L, PR1H: Be sure to set bit 7 of PR1L to 1 in the 48-pin products. Priority Be sure to set bits 1 to 7 of PR1H to 1. specification flag registers p. 471 EGP, EGN: External interrupt rising edge, falling edge enable registers Be sure to clear bits 6 and 7 of EGP and EGN to 0 in the 38-pin and 44-pin products. Be sure to clear bit 7 of EGP and EGN to 0 in the 48-pin products. p. 472 Select the port mode by clearing EGPn and EGNn to 0 because an edge may be detected when the external interrupt function is switched to the port function. p. 472 Software Do not use the RETI instruction for restoring from the software interrupt. interrupt request 706 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD p. 471 p. 476 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Chapter Chapter 18 Cautions Interrupt function BRK instruction Key interrupt function KRM: Key return For the 38-pin products, be sure to set bits 2 and 3 of KRM, PM7, and P7 to "0". mode register If any of the KRM0 to KRM3 bits used is set to 1, set bits 0 to 3 (PU70 to PU73) of the corresponding pull-up resistor register 7 (PU7) to 1. Standby function Page The BRK instruction is not one of the above-listed interrupt request hold p. 480 instructions. However, the software interrupt activated by executing the BRK instruction causes the IE flag to be cleared. Therefore, even if a maskable interrupt request is generated during execution of the BRK instruction, the interrupt request is not acknowledged. p. 482 p. 482 If KRM is changed, the interrupt request flag may be set. Therefore, disable interrupts and then change the KRM register. Clear the interrupt request flag and enable interrupts. p. 482 The bits not used in the key interrupt mode can be used as normal ports. p. 482 Standby function The STOP mode can be used only when the CPU is operating on the main system p. 483 clock. The subsystem clock oscillation cannot be stopped. The HALT mode can be used when the CPU is operating on either the main system clock or the subsystem clock. p. 483 The following sequence is recommended for operating current reduction of the A/D p. 483 converter when the standby function is used: First clear bit 7 (ADCS) and bit 0 (ADCE) of the A/D converter mode register (ADM) to 0 to stop the A/D conversion operation, and then execute the STOP instruction. OSTC: Oscillation stabilization time counter status register Soft Hard Chapter 19 Soft Soft Details of Function When shifting to the STOP mode, be sure to stop the peripheral hardware operation operating with main system clock before executing STOP instruction. Hard Chapter 20 Soft Classification (21/26) Function OSTS: Oscillation stabilization time select register After the above time has elapsed, the bits are set to 1 in order from MOST11 and remain 1. p. 484 The oscillation stabilization time counter counts up to the oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS. If the STOP mode is entered and then released while the internal high-speed oscillation clock is being used as the CPU clock, set the oscillation stabilization time as follows. * Desired OSTC oscillation stabilization time Oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS Note, therefore, that only the status up to the oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS is set to OSTC after STOP mode is released. p. 484 The X1 clock oscillation stabilization wait time does not include the time until clock oscillation starts ("a" below). p. 484 To set the STOP mode when the X1 clock is used as the CPU clock, set OSTS before executing the STOP instruction. p. 485 Do not change the value of the OSTS register during the X1 clock oscillation stabilization time. p. 485 The oscillation stabilization time counter counts up to the oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS. If the STOP mode is entered and then released while the internal high-speed oscillation clock is being used as the CPU clock, set the oscillation stabilization time as follows. * Desired OSTC oscillation stabilization time Oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS Note, therefore, that only the status up to the oscillation stabilization time set by OSTS is set to OSTC after STOP mode is released. p. 485 The X1 clock oscillation stabilization wait time does not include the time until clock oscillation starts ("a" below). p. 485 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 707 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Soft Classification Chapter 20 Chapter (22/26) Function Standby function Details of Function STOP mode Cautions Page Because the interrupt request signal is used to clear the standby mode, if there is an interrupt source with the interrupt request flag set and the interrupt mask flag reset, the standby mode is immediately cleared if set. Thus, the STOP mode is reset to the HALT mode immediately after execution of the STOP instruction and the system returns to the operating mode as soon as the wait time set using the oscillation stabilization time select register (OSTS) has elapsed. p. 491 To use the peripheral hardware that stops operation in the STOP mode, and the peripheral hardware for which the clock that stops oscillating in the STOP mode after the STOP mode is released, restart the peripheral hardware. p. 493 Even if "internal low-speed oscillator can be stopped by software" is selected by the p. 493 option byte, the internal low-speed oscillation clock continues in the STOP mode in the status before the STOP mode is set. To stop the internal low-speed oscillator's oscillation in the STOP mode, stop it by software and then execute the STOP instruction. To shorten oscillation stabilization time after the STOP mode is released when the p. 493 CPU operates with the high-speed system clock (X1 oscillation), temporarily switch the CPU clock to the internal high-speed oscillation clock before the next execution of the STOP instruction. Before changing the CPU clock from the internal highspeed oscillation clock to the high-speed system clock (X1 oscillation) after the STOP mode is released, check the oscillation stabilization time with the oscillation stabilization time counter status register (OSTC). Hard Reset function 708 Soft Chapter 22 Soft Chapter 21 If the STOP instruction is executed when AMPH = 1, supply of the CPU clock is p. 493 stopped for 4.06 to 16.12 s after the STOP mode is released when the internal high-speed oscillation clock is selected as the CPU clock, or for the duration of 160 external clocks when the high-speed system clock (external clock input) is selected as the CPU clock. Poweron-clear circuit - For an external reset, input a low level for 10 s or more to the RESET pin. p. 497 During reset input, the X1 clock, XT1 clock, internal high-speed oscillation clock, and internal low-speed oscillation clock stop oscillating. External main system clock input and external subsystem clock input become invalid. p. 497 When the STOP mode is released by a reset, the STOP mode contents are held during reset input. However, the port pins become high-impedance, except for P130, which is set to low-level output. p. 497 Block diagram of An LVI circuit internal reset does not reset the LVI circuit. reset function p. 498 Watchdog timer overflow A watchdog timer internal reset resets the watchdog timer. p. 499 RESF: Reset control flag register Do not read data by a 1-bit memory manipulation instruction. p. 505 If an internal reset signal is generated in the POC circuit, the reset control flag register (RESF) is cleared to 00H. p. 506 Set the low-voltage detector by software after the reset status is released (see CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR). pp. - 508, 509 In 2.7 V/1.59 V POC mode A voltage oscillation stabilization time of 1.93 to 5.39 ms is required after the supply p. 509 voltage reaches 1.59 V (TYP.). If the supply voltage rises from 1.59 V (TYP.) to 2.7 V (TYP.) within 1.93 ms, the power supply oscillation stabilization time of 0 to 5.39 ms is automatically generated before reset processing. Cautions for power-on-clear circuit In a system where the supply voltage (VDD) fluctuates for a certain period in the vicinity of the POC detection voltage (VPOC), the system may be repeatedly reset and released from the reset status. In this case, the time from release of reset to the start of the operation of the microcontroller can be arbitrarily set by taking the following action. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD p. 510 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Details of Function Cautions LVIM: LowTo stop LVI, follow either of the procedures below. Lowvoltage voltage detection * When using 8-bit memory manipulation instruction: Write 00H to LVIM. * When using 1-bit memory manipulation instruction: Clear LVION to 0. detector register Soft Hard Chapter Chapter 23 Soft Classification (23/26) Function Input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) must be EXLVI < VDD. Page p. 514 p. 514 After an LVI reset has been generated, do not write values to LVIS and LVIM when p. 514 LVION = 1. When using LVI as an interrupt, if LVION is cleared (0) in a state below the LVI detection voltage, an INTLVI signal is generated and LVIIF becomes 1. p. 514 LVIS: LowBe sure to clear bits 4 to 7 to "0". p. 515 voltage detection Do not change the value of LVIS during LVI operation. p. 515 level selection When an input voltage from the external input pin (EXLVI) is detected, the detection p. 515 register voltage (VEXLVI = 1.21 V (TYP.)) is fixed. Therefore, setting of LVIS is not necessary. After an LVI reset has been generated, do not write values to LVIS and LVIM when p. 515 LVION = 1. When detecting level of supply voltage (VDD) Soft Chapter 24 Soft Hard When detecting level of input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) Option byte <1> must always be executed. When LVIMK = 0, an interrupt may occur immediately after the processing in <4>. p. 517 If supply voltage (VDD) detection voltage (VLVI) when LVIMD is set to 1, an internal p. 517 reset signal is not generated. <1> must always be executed. When LVIMK = 0, an interrupt may occur immediately after the processing in <3>. p. 520 If input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) detection voltage (VEXLVI = 1.21 V (TYP.)) when LVIMD is set to 1, an internal reset signal is not generated. p. 520 Input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) must be EXLVI < VDD. p. 520 When detecting Input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) must be EXLVI < VDD. level of input voltage from external input pin (EXLVI) p. 525 Cautions for low- In a system where the supply voltage (VDD) fluctuates for a certain period in the voltage detector vicinity of the LVI detection voltage (VLVI), the operation is as follows depending on how the low-voltage detector is used. (1) When used as reset The system may be repeatedly reset and released from the reset status. In this case, the time from release of reset to the start of the operation of the microcontroller can be arbitrarily set by taking action (1) below. (2) When used as interrupt Interrupt requests may be frequently generated. Take (b) of action (2) below. p. 527 0082H, 0083H/ 1082H, 1083H Be sure to set 00H to 0082H and 0083H (0082H/1082H and 0083H/1083H when the boot swap function is used). p. 530 0080H/1080H Set a value that is the same as that of 0080H to 1080H because 0080H and 1080H p. 530 are switched during the boot swap operation. 0081H/1081H POCMODE can only be written by using a dedicated flash memory programmer. It p. 530 cannot be set during self programming or boot swap operation during self programming (at this time, 1.59 V POC mode (default) is set). However, because the value of 1081H is copied to 0081H during the boot swap operation, it is recommended to set a value that is the same as that of 0081H to 1081H when the boot swap function is used. 0084H/1084H Be sure to set 00H (disabling on-chip debug operation) to 0084H for products not equipped with the on-chip debug function (PD78F0511, 78F0512, 78F0513, 78F0514 and 78F0515). Also set 00H to 1084H because 0084H and 1084H are switched during the boot swap operation. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD p. 531 709 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Soft Classification Chapter 24 Chapter (24/26) Function Option byte Details of Function Cautions Page 0084H/1084H To use the on-chip debug function with a product equipped with the on-chip debug p. 531 function (PD78F0513D, 78F0515D), set 02H or 03H to 0084H. Set a value that is the same as that of 0084H to 1084H because 0084H and 1084H are switched during the boot swap operation. 0080H/1080H The combination of WDCS2 = WDCS1 = WDCS0 = 0 and WINDOW1 = WINDOW0 p. 532 = 0 is prohibited. The watchdog timer continues its operation during self programming and EEPROM p. 532 emulation of the flash memory. During processing, the interrupt acknowledge time is delayed. Set the overflow time and window size taking this delay into consideration. If LSROSC = 0 (oscillation can be stopped by software), the count clock is not supplied to the watchdog timer in the HALT and STOP modes, regardless of the setting of bit 1 (LSRSTOP) of the internal oscillation mode register (RCM). When 8-bit timer H1 operates with the internal low-speed oscillation clock, the count clock is supplied to 8-bit timer H1 even in the HALT/STOP mode. Soft Chapter 25 0081H/1081H Flash memory Be sure to clear bit 7 to "0". p. 532 Be sure to clear bits 7 to 1 to "0". p. 533 IMS: Internal Be sure to set each product to the values shown in Table 25-1 after a reset release. p. 535 memory size Be sure to set each product to the values shown in Table 25-2 after a reset release. p. 536 switching register, IXS: internal expansion RAM size switching register Operation clock Only the internal high-speed oscillation clock (fRH) can be used when CSI10 is used. p. 549 Only the X1 clock (fX) or external main system clock (fEXCLK) can be used when UART6 is used. Hard p. 532 p. 549 Processing of P31, P121 pins For products without an on-chip debug function, with the flash memory of 48 KB or p. 550 more (PD78F0514 and 78F0515), and having a product rank of "I", "K", or "E", and for the product with an on-chip debug function (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D), connect P31/INTP2/OCD1A and P121/X1/OCD0A as follows when writing the flash memory with a flash memory programmer. * P31/INTP2/OCD1A: Connect to VSS via a resistor (10 k: recommended). * P121/X1/OCD0A: When using this pin as a port, connect it to VSS via a resistor (10 k: recommended) (in the input mode) or leave it open (in the output mode). The above connection is not necessary when writing the flash memory by means of self programming. Selecting communication mode When UART6 is selected, the receive clock is calculated based on the reset command sent from the dedicated flash memory programmer after the FLMD0 pulse has been received. p. 552 Security settings After the security setting for the batch erase is set, erasure cannot be performed for p. 554 the device. In addition, even if a write command is executed, data different from that which has already been written to the flash memory cannot be written, because the erase command is disabled. If a security setting that rewrites boot cluster 0 has been applied, boot cluster 0 of that device will not be rewritten. p. 554 E.P.V. command When executing boot swapping, do not use the E.P.V. command with the dedicated pp. usage flash memory programmer. 556, 564 The self programming function cannot be used when the CPU operates with the Flash memory programming by subsystem clock. self programming Input a high level to the FLMD0 pin during self programming. 710 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD p. 557 p. 557 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Soft Classification Hard Chapter 26 Chapter 25 Chapter (25/26) Function Details of Function Flash memory Flash memory programming by self programming On-chip debug PD78F0513D, function 78F0515D (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D only) Hard Chapters 28, 29, 30, 31 When OCD0A/X1 and OCD0B/X2 are used Electrical specifications Cautions Page Be sure to execute the DI instruction before starting self programming. The self programming function checks the interrupt request flags (IF0L, IF0H, IF1L, and IF1H). If an interrupt request is generated, self programming is stopped. p. 557 Self programming is also stopped by an interrupt request that is not masked even in the DI status. To prevent this, mask the interrupt by using the interrupt mask flag registers (MK0L, MK0H, MK1L, and MK1H). p. 557 Allocate the entry program for self programming in the common area of 0000H to 7FFFH. p. 557 The PD78F0513D and 78F0515D have an on-chip debug function. Do not use p. 566 these products for mass production because its reliability cannot be guaranteed after the on-chip debug function has been used, given the issue of the number of times the flash memory can be rewritten. NEC Electronics does not accept complaints concerning these products. Input the clock from the OCD0A/X1 pin during on-chip debugging. p. 566 Control the OCD0A/X1 and OCD0B/X2 pins by externally pulling down the OCD1A/P31 pin or by using an external circuit using the P130 pin (that outputs a low level when the device is reset). p. 566 PD78F0513D, The PD78F0513D and 78F0515D have an on-chip debug function. Do not use p. 582 78F0515D these products for mass production because its reliability cannot be guaranteed after the on-chip debug function has been used, given the issue of the number of times the flash memory can be rewritten. NEC Electronics does not accept complaints concerning these products. Absolute maximum ratings Product quality may suffer if the absolute maximum rating is exceeded even momentarily for any parameter. That is, the absolute maximum ratings are rated values at which the product is on the verge of suffering physical damage, and therefore the product must be used under conditions that ensure that the absolute maximum ratings are not exceeded. pp. 582, 583, 603, 604, 622, 623, 641, 642 X1 oscillator When using the X1 oscillator, wire as follows in the area enclosed by the broken pp. characteristics lines in the above figures to avoid an adverse effect from wiring capacitance. 584, 605, * Keep the wiring length as short as possible. 624, 643 * Do not cross the wiring with the other signal lines. * Do not route the wiring near a signal line through which a high fluctuating current flows. * Always make the ground point of the oscillator capacitor the same potential as VSS. * Do not ground the capacitor to a ground pattern through which a high current flows. * Do not fetch signals from the oscillator. Since the CPU is started by the internal high-speed oscillation clock after a reset pp. release, check the X1 clock oscillation stabilization time using the oscillation 584, 605, stabilization time counter status register (OSTC) by the user. Determine the 624, 643 oscillation stabilization time of the OSTC register and oscillation stabilization time select register (OSTS) after sufficiently evaluating the oscillation stabilization time with the resonator to be used. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 711 APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Hard Classification Chapters 28, 29, 30, 31 Chapter (26/26) Function Electrical specifications Details of Function Cautions Page XT1 oscillator When using the XT1 oscillator, wire as follows in the area enclosed by the pp. characteristics broken lines in the above figure to avoid an adverse effect from wiring 585, 606, capacitance 625, 644 * Keep the wiring length as short as possible. * Do not cross the wiring with the other signal lines. * Do not route the wiring near a signal line through which a high fluctuating current flows. * Always make the ground point of the oscillator capacitor the same potential as VSS. * Do not ground the capacitor to a ground pattern through which a high current flows. * Do not fetch signals from the oscillator. The XT1 oscillator is designed as a low-amplitude circuit for reducing power consumption, and is more prone to malfunction due to noise than the X1 oscillator. Particular care is therefore required with the wiring method when the XT1 clock is used. pp. 585, 606, 625, 644 712 Hard Recommended soldering conditions - Do not use different soldering methods together (except for partial heating). Soft Chapter 34 Chapter 33 Recommended The oscillator constants shown above are reference values based on evaluation pp. oscillator in a specific environment by the resonator manufacturer. If it is necessary to 586, 587 constants optimize the oscillator characteristics in the actual application, apply to the resonator manufacturer for evaluation on the implementation circuit. The oscillation voltage and oscillation frequency only indicate the oscillator characteristic. Use the 78K0/KC2 so that the internal operation conditions are within the specifications of the DC and AC characteristics. Wait - When the CPU is operating on the subsystem clock and the peripheral hardware p. 667 clock is stopped, do not access the registers listed above using an access method in which a wait request is issued. User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD p. 665 APPENDIX E REVISION HISTORY E.1 Major Revisions in This Edition (1/6) Page Description Throughout Addition of (A2) grade products PD78F0511GA(A2)-GAM-AX, 78F0511GB(A2)-GAF-AX, 78F0512GA(A2)-GAM-AX, 78F0512GB(A2)-GAF-AX, 78F0513GA(A2)-GAM-AX, 78F0513GB(A2)-GAF-AX, 78F0514GA(A2)-GAM-AX, 78F0515GA(A2)-GAM-AX Classification (d) (A) grade products: Under development Under mass production Addition of 38-pin products (under development) PD78F0511MC-GAA-AX, 78F0512MC-GAA-AX, 78F0513MC-GAA-AX, 78F0513DMC-GAA-AX CHAPTER 2 PIN FUNCTIONS pp. 33 to 35 Addition of Note 1 to 2.1 Pin Function List (c) p. 38 Addition of Caution 1 and Remark to 2.2.3 P20 to P27 (port 2) (c, d) p. 39 Modification of Caution 2 and addition of description of QB-MINI2 to Remark 2 in 2.2.4 P30 to P33 (port 3) (c, d) p. 39 Addition of Caution to 2.2.5 P40 and P41 (port 4) (c, d) p. 40 Addition of Caution and Remark to 2.2.7 P70 to P75 (port 7) (c, d) p. 41 Modification of Caution and addition of description of QB-MINI2 to Remark 2 in 2.2.8 P120 to P124 (port 12) (c, d) p. 43 Addition of Note 2 to and modification of Note 3 in Table 2-2 Pin I/O Circuit Types (1/2) (c, d) p. 44 Table 2-2 Pin I/O Circuit Types (2/2) * Modification of recommended connection of RESET pin * Addition of Note 1, modification of Note 4 (c, d) CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE p. 47 Addition of Note to Table 3-1 Set Values of Internal Memory Size Switching Register (IMS) and Internal Expansion RAM Size Switching Register (IXS) (c) p. 74 Addition of Note 2 to Table 3-7 Special Function Register List (4/4) (c) CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS p. 87 Addition of Note 1 to Figure 4-1 Port Types p. 88 Addition of Note 1 to Table 4-2 Port Functions (1/2) p. 89 Addition of description on 38-pin products to Table 4-3 Port Configuration p. 97 Addition of Note and Caution 2 to 4.2.3 Port 2 p. 98 Addition of Note to Figure 4-9 Block Diagram of P20 to P27 p. 99 Modification of Caution 2 and addition of description on QB-MINI2 to Remark 2, in 4.2.4 Port 3 p. 102 Addition of Caution to 4.2.5 Port 4 (44-pin and 48-pin products only) p. 105 Addition of Note and Caution to 4.2.7 Port 7 p. 105 Addition of Note 1 to Figure 4-16 Block Diagram of P70 to P75 p. 106 Modification of Caution 2 and addition of description on QB-MINI2 to Remark 2, in 4.2.8 Port 12 (c, d) p. 112 Modification of Caution in Figure 4-21 Format of Port Mode Register (c, d) p. 113 Addition of Caution to Figure 4-22 Format of Port Register (c, d) p. 115 Addition of Note to 4.3 (4) A/D port configuration register (ADPC) p. 115 Addition of Caution 3 to Figure 4-24 Format of A/D Port Configuration Register (ADPC) Remark (d) (c, d) (d) (c, d) (d) (c, d) (c) (c, d) (d) (d) (c, d) "Classification" in the above table classifies revisions as follows. (a): Error correction, (b): Addition/change of specifications, (c): Addition/change of description or note, (d): Addition/change of package, part number, or management division, (e): Addition/change of related documents User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 713 APPENDIX E REVISION HISTORY (2/6) Page p. 118 Description Classification Addition of Note 1 to Table 4-5 Settings of Port Mode Register and Output Latch When Using Alternate Function (d) CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR p. 124 Modification of Cautions 2 and 3 (description regarding CPU clock supply stop period) in Figure 52 Format of Clock Operation Mode Select Register (OSCCTL) (b) p. 137 Addition of Notes 1 and 2 to Figure 5-12 Clock Generator Operation When Power Supply Voltage Is Turned On (When 1.59 V POC Mode Is Set (Option Byte: POCMODE = 0)) (c) p. 140 Modification of Note in 5.6.1 (1) <1> Setting frequency (OSCCTL register) (b) p. 148 Addition of Note to Figure 5-14 CPU Clock Status Transition Diagram (When 1.59 V POC Mode Is Set (Option Byte: POCMODE = 0)) (c, d) p. 153 Modification of CPU clock supply stop periods after setting AMPH = 1, in Table 5-6 Changing CPU Clock (b) CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Entire chapter * TO00 pin output TO00 output * Addition of TO00 output in block diagram p. 167 Addition of explanation to Figure 6-8 Format of 16-bit Timer Output Control Register 00 (TOC00) p. 169 Addition of Notes 1 and 2 to and modification of Note 3 in Figure 6-9 Format of Prescaler Mode Register 00 (PRM00) p. 218 Addition of explanation to 6.5.1 Rewriting CR010 during TM00 operation (a, c) (c) (b, c) (c) CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 Entire chapter * TO50 pin output TO50 output, TO51 pin output TO51 output * Addition of TO50, TO51 output in block diagram (a, c) p. 227 Addition of Notes 1 and 2 to Figure 7-5 Format of Timer Clock Selection Register 50 (TCL50) (b, c) p. 228 Addition of Notes 1 and 2 to Figure 7-6 Format of Timer Clock Selection Register 51 (TCL51) (b, c) p. 230 Addition of Caution 4 to Figure 7-7 Format of 8-bit Timer Mode Control Register 50 (TMC50) and Figure 7-8 Format of 8-bit Timer Mode Control Register 51 (TMC51) (b, c) CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 Entire chapter * TOH0 pin output TOH0 output, TOH1 pin output TOH1 output * Addition of TOH0, TOH1 output in block diagram * Partial modification of description on PWM output (a, c) pp. 246, 247 Addition of Notes 1 and 2 and Caution 3 to Figure 8-5 Format of 8-bit Timer H Mode Register 0 (TMHMD0) (b, c) pp. 248, 249 Addition of Notes 1 and 2 and Caution 4 to Figure 8-6 Format of 8-bit Timer H Mode Register 1 (TMHMD1) (b, c) p. 261 Addition of Remark to Figure 8-13 Transfer Timing (c) pp. 264, 265 Addition of Remark to Figure 8-15 Carrier Generator Mode Operation Timing (c) CHAPTER 9 WATCH TIMER p. 270 Addition of Note to Figure 9-2 Format of Watch Timer Operation Mode Register (WTM) (b, c) CHAPTER 10 WATCHDOG TIMER pp. 277, 278 Remark Modification of Caution 5 in 10.4.1 Controlling operation of watchdog timer, Caution 2 in Table 10-3 Setting of Overflow Time of Watchdog Timer, and Caution 2 in Table 10-4 Setting Window Open Period of Watchdog Timer (c) "Classification" in the above table classifies revisions as follows. (a): Error correction, (b): Addition/change of specifications, (c): Addition/change of description or note, (d): Addition/change of package, part number, or management division, (e): Addition/change of related documents 714 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX E REVISION HISTORY (3/6) Page Description Classification CHAPTER 11 CLOCK OUTPUT CONTROLLER (48-PIN PRODUCTS ONLY) p. 282 Addition of Note 1 to Figure 11-2 Format of Clock Output Selection Register (CKS) (b, c) CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER Entire chapter Clarification of difference in number of A/D converter channels between 38-pin products and other products (d) p. 287 Modification of Figure 12-3 Format of A/D Converter Mode Register (ADM) (c) p. 287 Modification of Table 12-1 Settings of ADCS and ADCE (c) p. 288 Modification of Figure 12-4 Timing Chart When Comparator Is Used (c) p. 292 Addition of Note and Caution 4 to Figure 12-8 Format of Analog Input Channel Specification Register (ADS) (c, d) p. 293 Addition of Caution 3 to Figure 12-9 Format of A/D Port Configuration Register (ADPC) (c, d) p. 294 Addition of Caution to Figure 12-10 Format of Port Mode Register 2 (PM2) (c, d) CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 p. 308 Modification of Figure 13-1 Block Diagram of Serial Interface UART0 (c) pp. 313, 314 Addition of Note 1 to and modification of Note 2 in Figure 13-4 Format of Baud Rate Generator Control Register 0 (BRGC0) (b, c) p. 323 Addition of Notes 1 and 2 to Table 13-4 Set Value of TPS01 and TPS00 (b, c) CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 p. 332 Modification of Figure 14-4 Block Diagram of Serial Interface UART6 (c) p. 338 Addition of Notes 1 and 2 to and modification of Note 3 in Figure 14-8 Format of Clock Selection Register 6 (CKSR6) (b, c) p. 359 Addition of Notes 1 and 2 to Table 14-4 Set Value of TPS63 to TPS60 (b, c) CHAPTER 15 SERIAL INTERFACE CSI10 pp. 368, 369 Addition of Notes 1 and 2 to Figure 15-3 Format of Serial Clock Selection Register 10 (CSIC10) (b, c) CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 p. 382 Addition of Caution to 16.1 Functions of Serial Interface IIC0 (c) p. 399 Addition of Notes 1 and 2 to Table 16-2 Selection Clock Setting (b) CHAPTER 17 MULTIPLIER/DIVIDER (PD78F0514, 78F0515, AND 78F0515D ONLY) p. 453 Addition of Caution before 17.1 Functions of Multiplier/Divider (c) p. 454 Modification of Figure 17-1 Block Diagram of Multiplier/Divider (a) p. 458 Modification of description in 17.4.1 Multiplication operation (a) p. 459 Modification of Figure 17-6 Timing Chart of Multiplication Operation (00DAH x 0093H) (a) p. 460 Modification of description in 17.4.2 Division operation (a) p. 461 Modification of Figure 17-7 Timing Chart of Division Operation (DCBA2586H / 0018H) (a) CHAPTER 18 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS Entire chapter Clarification of difference in number of interrupt sources between 48-pin products and other products (d) p. 463 Modification of Note 4 in Table 18-1 Interrupt Source List (1/2) (c) p. 467 Modification of Note 2 in and addition of Notes 3, 4, 6, and 8 to 10 to Table 18-2 Flags Corresponding to Interrupt Request Sources (c) p. 468 Modification of Caution 1 in Figure 18-2 Format of Interrupt Request Flag Registers (IF0L, IF0H, IF1L, IF1H) (d) Remark "Classification" in the above table classifies revisions as follows. (a): Error correction, (b): Addition/change of specifications, (c): Addition/change of description or note, (d): Addition/change of package, part number, or management division, (e): Addition/change of related documents User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 715 APPENDIX E REVISION HISTORY (4/6) Page Description Classification p. 470 Modification of Caution 1 in Figure 18-3 Format of Interrupt Mask Flag Registers (MK0L, MK0H, MK1L, MK1H) (d) p. 471 Modification of Caution 1 in Figure 18-4 Format of Priority Specification Flag Registers (PR0L, PR0H, PR1L, PR1H) (d) p. 472 Modification of Caution in Figure 18-5 Format of External Interrupt Rising Edge Enable Register (EGP) and External Interrupt Falling Edge Enable Register (EGN) (d) CHAPTER 19 KEY INTERRUPT FUNCTION Entire chapter Clarification of difference in number of key interrupt input pins between 38-pin products and other products (d) p. 482 Addition of Caution 1 to Figure 19-2 Format of Key Return Mode Register (KRM) (d) CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION pp. 492, 493 Modification of description on serial interface IIC0 and Caution 4 (description regarding CPU clock supply stop period) in Table 20-3 Operating Statuses in STOP Mode (b, c) p. 493 Modification of Figure 20-5 Operation Timing When STOP Mode Is Released (When Unmasked Interrupt Request Is Generated) (c) pp. 494, 495 Modification of Figure 20-6 STOP Mode Release by Interrupt Request Generation (c) CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION p. 502 Addition of Note 5 to Table 21-2 Hardware Statuses After Reset Acknowledgment (1/3) (c) CHAPTER 22 POWER-ON-CLEAR CIRCUIT p. 508 Modification of Notes 1 and 2 in and addition of Note 3 to Figure 22-2 Timing of Generation of Internal Reset Signal by Power-on-Clear Circuit and Low-Voltage Detector (1/2) (d) p. 509 Modification of Note 1 in Figure 22-2 Timing of Generation of Internal Reset Signal by Poweron-Clear Circuit and Low-Voltage Detector (2/2) (d) CHAPTER 23 LOW-VOLTAGE DETECTOR p. 513 Modification of explanation in 23.3 (1) Low-voltage detection register (LVIM) (c) p. 514 Addition of Notes 1 and 4 and Cautions 3 and 4 to Figure 23-2 Format of Low-Voltage Detection Register (LVIM) (c) p. 515 Modification of explanation in 23.3 (2) Low-voltage detection level selection register (LVIS) (c) p. 515 Addition of Notes 1 and 2 and Caution 4 to Figure 23-3 Format of Low-Voltage Detection Level Selection Register (LVIS) (c) pp. 523, 524 Addition of Note 3 to Figure 23-7 Timing of Low-Voltage Detector Interrupt Signal Generation (Detects Level of Supply Voltage (VDD)) (c) p. 526 Addition of Note 3 to Figure 23-8 Timing of Low-Voltage Detector Interrupt Signal Generation (Detects Level of Input Voltage from External Input Pin (EXLVI)) (c) pp. 528, 529 Modification of Figure 23-9 Example of Software Processing After Reset Release (c) CHAPTER 24 OPTION BYTE p. 530 Modification of explanation in 24.1 (2) 0081H/1081H (d) p. 532 Modification of Caution 2 in Figure 24-1 Format of Option Byte (1/2) (c) CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY p. 536 Addition of Note to Table 25-1 Internal Memory Size Switching Register Settings and Table 252 Internal Expansion RAM Size Switching Register Settings (c) p. 537 Addition of (a) 38-pin products to Table 25-3 Wiring Between 78K0/KC2 and Dedicated Flash Memory Programmer (d) Remark "Classification" in the above table classifies revisions as follows. (a): Error correction, (b): Addition/change of specifications, (c): Addition/change of description or note, (d): Addition/change of package, part number, or management division, (e): Addition/change of related documents 716 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX E REVISION HISTORY (5/6) Page Description Classification pp. 539, 540 Addition of Figure 25-3 Example of Wiring Adapter for Flash Memory Writing in 3-Wire Serial I/O (CSI10) Mode (38-Pin Products) and Figure 25-4 Example of Wiring Adapter for Flash Memory Writing in UART (UART6) Mode (38-Pin Products) (d) p. 550 Modification of Caution 3 in 25.6.6 Other signal pins (c) p. 556 Addition of Caution to Table 25-12 Processing Time for Each Command When PG-FP4 Is Used (Reference) (c) pp. 559 to 563 Modification of Table 25-13 Processing Time for Self Programming Library and Table 25-14 Interrupt Response Time for Self Programming Library (c) p. 564 Addition of Caution to 25.10.1 Boot swap function (c) p. 564 Modification of and addition of Remark to Figure 25-21 Boot Swap Function (c) p. 565 Modification of Figure 25-22 Example of Executing Boot Swapping (c) CHAPTER 26 ON-CHIP DEBUG FUNCTION (PD78F0513D AND 78F0515D ONLY) p. 566 Revision of 26.1 Connecting QB-78K0MINI or QB-MINI2 to PD78F0513D and 78F0515D p. 568 Addition of 26.2 Reserved Area Used by QB-78K0MINI and QB-MINI2 (c, d) (c) CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) pp. 582, 583 Absolute Maximum Ratings * Addition of REGC pin input voltage * Addition of FLMD0 pin to condition of input voltage (VI1) * Modification of storage temperature (b) p. 584 Addition of Note 2 to X1 Oscillator Characteristics (b) p. 585 Internal Oscillator Characteristics * Modification of TYP. value of internal high-speed oscillation clock frequency (fRH) when RSTS = 0 (b) pp. 589, 591, 592 DC Characteristics * Addition of EXCLK and EXCLKS pins to conditions of input voltage, high (VIH1) and input voltage, low (VIL1) * Modification of Notes 1, 2, 5 and 6 of and addition of Note 4 to supply current * Modification of A/D converter operating current (IADC) * Modification of Note 2 of watchdog timer operating current (IWDT) (b) p. 593 AC Characteristics (1) Basic operation * Addition of peripheral hardware clock frequency (fPRS) * Modification of external main system clock input high-level width, low-level width (fXCLKH, fXCLKL) * Modification of eternal subsystem clock input high-level width, low-level width (fXCLKSH, fXCLKSL) * Addition of Notes 2 and 3 (b) pp. 596 to 598 AC Characteristics (2) Serial interface (b) * Revision of (c) IIC0 and (d) CSI10 (master mode, SCK10... internal clock output) * Modification of delay time from SCK10 to SO10 output (tKSO2) in (e) CSI10 (slave mode, SCK10... external clock output) * Modification of IIC0 serial transfer timing diagram CHAPTER 29 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A) GRADE PRODUCTS) p. 603 Absolute Maximum Ratings * Addition of REGC pin input voltage * Addition of FLMD0 pin to condition of input voltage (VI1) (b) p. 605 Addition of Note 2 to X1 Oscillator Characteristics (b) p. 606 Internal Oscillator Characteristics * Modification of TYP. value of internal high-speed oscillation clock frequency (fRH) when RSTS = 0 (b) Remark "Classification" in the above table classifies revisions as follows. (a): Error correction, (b): Addition/change of specifications, (c): Addition/change of description or note, (d): Addition/change of package, part number, or management division, (e): Addition/change of related documents User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 717 APPENDIX E REVISION HISTORY (6/6) Page Description Classification pp. 610, 611 DC Characteristics * Modification of MAX. value of supply current in operating mode (IDD1) and HALT mode (IDD2), during subsystem clock oscillation * Modification of Notes 1, 2, 5 and 6 of and addition of Note 4 to supply current * Modification of A/D converter operating current (IADC) * Modification of Note 2 of watchdog timer operating current (IWDT) (b) p. 612 AC Characteristics (1) Basic operation * Addition of peripheral hardware clock frequency (fPRS) * Modification of external main system clock input high-level width, low-level width (fEXCLKH, fEXCLKL) * Modification of external subsystem clock input high-level width, low-level width (fEXCLKSH, fEXCLKSL) * Addition of Notes 2 and 3 (b) pp. 615 to 617 AC Characteristics (2) Serial interface * Revision of (c) IIC0 and (d) CSI10 (master mode, SCK10... internal clock output) * Modification of delay time from SCK10 to SO10 output (tKSO2) in (e) CSI10 (slave mode, SCK10... external clock output) * Modification of IIC0 serial transfer timing diagram (b) p. 621 Modification of number of rewrites per chip (Cerwr) in Flash Memory Programming Characteristics (b) CHAPTER 30 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +110C) p. 622 Addition of chapter (b, d) CHAPTER 31 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ((A2) GRADE PRODUCTS: TA = -40 to +125C) p. 641 Addition of chapter (b, d) CHAPTER 32 PACKAGE DRAWINGS p. 660 Addition of package drawing of 38-pin plastic SSOP (7.62 mm (300)) (d) CHAPTER 33 RECOMMENDED SOLDERING CONDITIONS p. 665 Modification of Remark (d) APPENDIX A DEVELOPMENT TOOLS p. 669 Addition of Note 1 to and modification of Note 4 in Figure A-1 Development Tool Configuration (1/3) (c, d) p. 670 Addition of Note 1 to Figure A-1 Development Tool Configuration (2/3) (c) p. 671 Addition of Figure A-1 Development Tool Configuration (3/3) (d) p. 672 Modification of Note 1 in A.2 Language Processing Software (c) p. 674 Addition of A.4.2 When using on-chip debug emulator with programming function QB-MINI2 (d) p. 675 Addition of information on 38-pin products to and modification of Remark 1 in A.5.1 When using in-circuit emulator QB-78K0KX2 (d) p. 676 Addition of A.5.3 When using on-chip debug emulator with programming function QB-MINI2 (d) Remark "Classification" in the above table classifies revisions as follows. (a): Error correction, (b): Addition/change of specifications, (c): Addition/change of description or note, (d): Addition/change of package, part number, or management division, (e): Addition/change of related documents 718 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX E REVISION HISTORY E.2 Revision History of Preceding Editions Here is the revision history of the preceding editions. Chapter indicates the chapter of each edition. (1/11) Edition 2nd Description Addition of Note on a product with on-chip debug function to and modification of operating ambient temperature in 1.1 Features Chapter CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE Addition of special grade products supporting automotive equipment to 1.2 Applications Modification of 1.3 Ordering Information Addition of 44-pin plastic LQFP (10x10), 48-pin plastic LQFP (7x7), Note to and modification of Caution 1 in 1.4 Pin Configuration (Top View) Modification of the following items on the function list in 1.5 78K0/Kx2 Series Lineup * Supply voltage range of internal low-speed oscillation clock * Detection voltage of POC * Operating ambient temperature Addition of pin to "On-chip debug" in 1.6 Block Diagram Modification of the following items in 1.7 Outline of Functions * Oscillation frequency range of high-speed system clock * Supply voltage range of internal low-speed oscillation clock * Operating ambient temperature * Package Modification of outline of timer in 1.7 Outline of Functions Modification of Table 2-1 Pin I/O Buffer Power Supplies Addition of Note to 2.1 Pin Function List CHAPTER 2 PIN FUNCTIONS Modification of descriptions in 2.2.11 AVREF Addition of Caution to 2.2.14 REGC Modification of recommended connection of unused pins of P121/X1, P122/X2/EXCLK, P123/XT1, and P124/XT2/EXCLKS in Table 2-2 Pin I/O Circuit Types Modification of Table 3-1 Set Values of Internal Memory Size Switching Register (IMS) and Internal Expansion RAM Size Switching Register (IXS) CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Modification of Figure 3-1 Memory Map (PD78F0511) to Figure 3-7 Memory Map (PD78F0515D) Modification of description in (3) Option byte area and (5) On-chip debug security ID setting area (PD78F0513D and 78F0515D only) in 3.1.1 Modification of [Description example] in 3.4.4 Short direct addressing Modification of Table 4-1 Pin I/O Buffer Power Supplies Modification of Figure 4-2 Block Diagram of P00 CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS Modification of Figure 4-3 Block Diagram of P01 Addition of Caution to 4.2.2 Port 1 Addition of description to 4.2.3 Port 2 and addition of Table 4-4 Setting Functions of P20/ANI0 to P27/ANI7 Pins Addition of Remark to and modification of Caution in 4.2.8 Port 12 Modification of Figure 4-17 Block Diagram of P120 Modification of Figure 4-18 Block Diagram of P121 to P124 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 719 APPENDIX E REVISION HISTORY (2/11) Edition 2nd Description Addition of a figure to Remark in 4.2.9 Port 13 (48-pin products only) Addition of (4) A/D port configuration register (ADPC) to 4.3 Registers Controlling Port Function Chapter CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS Addition of Remark 2 and Notes 1 and 2 to Table 4-5 Settings of Port Mode Register and Output Latch When Using Alternate Function (2/2) Modification of oscillation frequency range X1 oscillator and external main system clock in 5.1 (1) Main system clock CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR Addition to description in 5.1 (3) Internal low-speed oscillation clock Modification of Figure 5-1 Block Diagram of Clock Generator Modification of Figure 5-3 Format of Processor Clock Control Register (PCC) Addition of 5.3 (3) Setting of operation mode for subsystem clock pin Modification of description in 5.3 (8) Oscillation stabilization time select register (OSTS) Modification of oscillation frequency range in 5.4.1 X1 oscillator Modification of description in 5.4.3 When subsystem clock is not used Addition of Figure 5-12 Clock Generator Operation When Power Supply Voltage Is Turned On (When 1.59 V POC Mode Is Set (Option Byte: POCMODE = 0)) Addition of Figure 5-13 Clock Generator Operation When Power Supply Voltage Is Turned On (When 2.7 V/1.59 V POC Mode Is Set (Option Byte: POCMODE = 1)) Modification of 5.6.1 Controlling high-speed system clock Modification of 5.6.2 Example of controlling internal high-speed oscillation clock Modification of 5.6.3 Example of controlling subsystem clock Modification of description in Table 5-4 Clocks Supplied to CPU and Peripheral Hardware, and Register Setting Addition of Remark to Figure 5-14 CPU Clock Status Transition Diagram (When 1.59 V POC Mode Is Set (Option Byte: POCMODE = 0)) Modification of the following items in Table 5-5 CPU Clock Transition and SFR Register Setting Examples (3) CPU operating with subsystem clock (D) after reset release (A) (4) CPU clock changing from internal high-speed oscillation clock (B) to high-speed system clock (C) (5) CPU clock changing from internal high-speed oscillation clock (B) to subsystem clock (D) (7) CPU clock changing from high-speed system clock (C) to subsystem clock (D) (9) CPU clock changing from subsystem clock (D) to high-speed system clock (C) Modification of Table 5-6 Changing CPU Clock Addition of 5.6.8 Time required for switchover of CPU clock and main system clock Addition of 5.6.9 Conditions before clock oscillation is stopped Addition of 5.6.10 Peripheral Hardware and Source Clocks 720 Revision of chapter CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 00 Modification of description in 7.2 (2) 8-bit timer compare register 5n (CR5n) CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX E REVISION HISTORY (3/11) Edition 2nd Description Modification of Figure 8-2 Block Diagram of 8-bit Timer H1 Modification of description in (1) 8-bit timer H compare register 0n (CMP0n) and (2) 8-bit time r H compare register 1n (CMP1n) in 8.2 Chapter CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMERS H0 AND H1 Modification of Figure 8-6 Format of 8-bit Timer H Mode Register 1 (TMHMD1) Modification of Figure 8-12 (e) Operation by changing CMP1n (CMP1n = 02H 03H, CMP0n = A5H) Modification of description in 8.4.3 Carrier generator operation (8-bit timer H1 only) Addition of <3> to Figure 8-13 Transfer Timing Addition of <8> to Setting in 8.4.3 Modification of (a) Operation when CMP01 = N, CMP11 = N and (b) Operation when CMP01 = N, CMP11 = M in Figure 8-15 Modification of description in Figure 8-15 (c) Operation when CMP11 is changed Modification of description in 10.1 Functions of Watchdog Timer Addition to description in and addition of Caution 4 to 10.4.1 Controlling operation of watchdog timer CHAPTER 10 WATCHDOG TIMER Addition of Note 1 and Cautions 1 and 2 to Figure 11-2 Format of Clock Output Selection Register (CKS) CHAPTER 11 CLOCK OUTPUT CONTROLLER (48PIN PRODUCTS ONLY) Modification of the following items in 12.2 Configuration of A/D Converter (2) Sample & hold circuit (3) Series resistor string (5) Successive approximation register (SAR) (9) AVREF pin CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER Addition to Caution 1 in and addition of Caution 4 to Table 12-2 A/D Conversion Time Selection Modification of Cautions 2 and 3 in Figure 12-8 Format of Analog Input Channel Specification Register (ADS) Modification of description in 12.3 (5) A/D port configuration register (ADPC) Modification of Cautions 1 and 2 in Figure 12-9 Format of A/D Port Configuration Register (ADPC) Modification of Table 12-3 Setting Functions of ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 Pins Modification of 12.4.1 Basic operations of A/D converter Modification of description in Figure 12-11 Basic Operation of A/D Converter Modification of expression in 12.4.2 Input voltage and conversion results Modification of description in 12.4.3 A/D converter operation mode Modification of the description of the following items in 12.6 Cautions for A/D Converter (1) Operating current in STOP mode (4) Noise countermeasures (6) Input impedance of ANI0 to ANI7 pins (11) Internal equivalent circuit User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 721 APPENDIX E REVISION HISTORY (4/11) Edition 2nd Description Chapter Addition of maximum transfer rate and Caution 4 to 13.1 (2) Asynchronous serial interface CHAPTER 13 (UART) mode SERIAL INTERFACE Addition of Caution 1 to 13.2 (3) Transmit shift register 0 (TXS0) UART0 Addition of Caution 5 to Figure 13-2 Format of Asynchronous Serial Interface Operation Mode Register 0 (ASIM0) Modification of description in 13.3 (2) Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 0 (ASIS0) Modification of Caution 1 in Figure 13-9 Reception Completion Interrupt Request Timing Addition of Table 13-4 Set Value of TPS01 and TPS00 Addition of maximum transfer rate and Cautions 4 and 5 to 14.1 (2) Asynchronous serial CHAPTER 14 interface (UART) mode SERIAL INTERFACE Modification of Figure 14-1 LIN Transmission Operation UART6 Modification of Figure 14-2 LIN Reception Operation Addition of Caution 3 to 14.2 (3) Transmit buffer register 6 (TXB6) Addition of Cautions 4 and 5 to Figure 14-5 Format of Asynchronous Serial Interface Operation Mode Register 6 (ASIM6) Modification of description in 14.3 (2) Asynchronous serial interface reception error status register 6 (ASIS6) Addition of Caution 6 to Figure 14-10 Format of Asynchronous Serial Interface Control Register 6 (ASICL6) Modification of description in 14.3 (7) Input switch control register (ISC) Modification of Caution 1 in 14.4.2 (2) (e) Normal reception Modification of Figure 15-1 Block Diagram of Serial Interface CSI10 CHAPTER 15 Modification of Note 2 in Figure 15-2 Format of Serial Operation Mode Register 10 SERIAL INTERFACE (CSIM10) CSI10 Modification of Caution 2 in Figure 15-3 Format of Serial Clock Selection Register 10 (CSIC10) Modification of Note 1 of CSIM10 and CSIM11 in 15.4.1 (1) Register used Addition of (b) Type 3: CKP10 = 1, DAP10 = 0 and (d) Type 4: CKP1n = 1, DAP1n = 1 to Figure 15-7 Output Operation of First Bit Addition of (b) Type 3: CKP10 = 1, DAP10 = 0 and (d) Type 4: CKP10 = 1, DAP10 = 1 in Figure 15-8 Output Value of SO10 Pin (Last Bit) Modification of Figure 16-1 Block Diagram of Serial Interface IIC0 Addition of Caution 2 to 16.2 (1) IIC shift register 0 (IIC0) and addition to description in (2) Slave address register 0 (SVA0) Addition of 16.2 (13) Stop condition generator Addition of description to IICE0 and addition of Caution to Figure 16-5 Format of IIC Control Register 0 (IICC0) (1/4) 722 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX E REVISION HISTORY (5/11) Edition 2nd Description Addition of Note 2 to Figure 16-5 Format of IIC Control Register 0 (IICC0) (2/4) Addition of description to STT0 in Figure 16-5 Format of IIC Control Register 0 (IICC0) (3/4) Chapter CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Addition of clearing condition to STCF and IICBSY in Figure 16-7 Format of IIC Flag Register 0 (IICF0) Modification of description in 16.3 (4) IIC clock selection register 0 (IICCL0) 2 Modification of description in 16.3 (6) I C transfer clock setting method Modification of Table 16-2 Selection Clock Setting Addition of cause that ACK is not returned to 16.5.4 Acknowledge (ACK) Addition of 16.5.7 Canceling wait Modification of Table 16-6 Wait Periods and Figure 16-20 Communication Reservation Timing Modification of Table 16-7 Wait Periods Addition of (4) to (6) to 16.5.15 Cautions Modification of 16.5.16 (1) Master operation (single-master system) and (2) Master operation (multi-master system) Modification of Figure 16-25 Slave Operation Flowchart (1) and Figure 16-26 Slave Operation Flowchart (2) Addition of Note to (a) (i) When WTIM0 = 0 to and modification of (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 in 16.5.17 (1) Master device operation Addition of Notes 1 to 3 to (b) (i) When WTIM0 = 0 in 16.5.17 (1) Master device operation Addition of Note to (c) (i) When WTIM0 = 0 in 16.5.17 (1) Master device operation Modification of the value of the following items of IICS0 register in 16.5.17 (2) (d) (i) When WTIM0 = 0 (after restart, does not match with address (= not extension code)) (2) (d) (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 (after restart, does not match with address (= not extension code)) (3) (d) (i) When WTIM0 = 0 (after restart, does not match with address (= not extension code)) (3) (d) (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 (after restart, does not match with address (= not extension code)) (6) (d) (ii) Extension code (6) (e) When loss occurs due to stop condition during data transfer (6) (h) (ii) When WTIM0 = 1 Addition of description to 16.5.17 (5) Arbitration loss operation (operation as slave after arbitration loss) and (6) Operation when arbitration loss occurs (no communication after arbitration loss) Addition of description when (i) When WTIM0 = 0 to the following items in 16.5.17 (6) Operation when arbitration loss occurs (no communication after arbitration loss) (f) When arbitration loss occurs due to low-level data when attempting to generate a restart condition (g) When arbitration loss occurs due to a stop condition when attempting to generate a restart condition (h) When arbitration loss occurs due to low-level data when attempting to generate a stop condition Modification of Figure 16-27 Example of Master to Slave Communication (When 9-Clock Wait Is Selected for Both Master and Slave) and Figure 16-28 Example of Slave to Master Communication (When 8-Clock Wait Is Selected for Master, 9-Clock Wait Is Selected for Slave) User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 723 APPENDIX E REVISION HISTORY (6/11) Edition 2nd Description Chapter Modification of Figure 17-7. Timing Chart of Division Operation (DCBA2586H / 0018H) CHAPTER 17 MULTIPLIER/DIVIDE R (PD78F0514, 78F0515, AND 78F0515D ONLY) Modification of Caution 3 in 20.1.1 Standby function CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION Modification of description in 20.1.2 (2) Oscillation stabilization time select register (OSTS) Addition of clock output and buzzer output to items in and addition of Note to Table 20-1 Operating Statuses in HALT Mode Modification of Figure 20-4 HALT Mode Release by Reset Addition of clock output and buzzer output to items in Table 20-3 Operating Statuses in STOP Mode Modification of Figure 20-5 Operation Timing When STOP Mode Is Released Modification of Figure 20-7 STOP Mode Release by Reset Modification of Figure 21-2 Timing of Reset by RESET Input Modification of Figure 21-3 Timing of Reset Due to Watchdog Timer Overflow CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION Modification of Figure 21-4 Timing of Reset in STOP Mode by RESET Input Addition of clock output and buzzer output to items in Table 21-1 Operation Statuses During Reset Period Modification of table in Note of Table 21-2 Hardware Statuses After Reset Acknowledgment (3/3) Addition of description of 2.7 V/1.59 V POC mode to 22.1 Functions of Power-on-Clear Circuit Modification of 22.3 Operation of Power-on-Clear Circuit CHAPTER 22 POWER-ON-CLEAR CIRCUIT Modification of Figure 22-3 Example of Software Processing After Reset Release (1/2) Modification of Figure 23-1 Block Diagram of Low-Voltage Detector Modification of Figure 23-3 Format of Low-Voltage Detection Level Selection Register (LVIS) CHAPTER 23 LOWVOLTAGE DETECTOR Addition of (2) In 2.7 V/1.59 V POC mode (option byte: POCMODE = 1) to Figure 23-5 Timing of Low-Voltage Detector Internal Reset Signal Generation (Detects Level of Supply Voltage (VDD)) Modification of (1) In 1.59 V POC mode (option byte: POCMODE = 0) in and addition of (2) In 2.7 V/1.59 V POC mode (option byte: POCMODE = 1) to Figure 23-7 Timing of LowVoltage Detector Interrupt Signal Generation (Detects Level of Supply Voltage (VDD)) Modification of Figure 23-8 Timing of Low-Voltage Detector Interrupt Signal Generation (Detects Level of Input Voltage from External Input Pin (EXLVI)) Modification of Figure 23-9 Example of Software Processing After Reset Release (1/2) Modification of description in 24.1 Functions of Option Bytes Modification of Note in and addition of setting of area 0081H/1081H to 0084H/1084H to Figure 24-1 Format of Option Byte Modification of description example of software for setting the option bytes 724 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 24 OPTION BYTE APPENDIX E REVISION HISTORY (7/11) Edition 2nd Description Addition of Caution to Figure 25-1 Format of Internal Memory Size Switching Register (IMS) Chapter CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY Addition of Caution to Figure 25-2 Format of Internal Expansion RAM Size Switching Register (IXS) Modification of value of VDD in Figure 25-3 Example of Wiring Adapter for Flash Memory Writing in 3-Wire Serial I/O (CSI10) Mode (44-pin products) Modification of value of VDD in Figure 25-4 Example of Wiring Adapter for Flash Memory Writing in UART (UART6) Mode (44-pin products) Modification of value of VDD in Figure 25-5 Example of Wiring Adapter for Flash Memory Writing in 3-Wire Serial I/O (CSI10) Mode (48-pin products) Modification of value of VDD in Figure 25-6 Example of Wiring Adapter for Flash Memory Writing in UART (UART6) Mode (48-pin products) Modification of transfer rate in (1) CSI10 and (2) UART6 in 25.5 Modification of transfer rate in Speed column of Table 25-7 Communication Modes Addition of 25.8 Security Settings Modification of 25.9.1 Boot swap function Revision of chapter CHAPTER 26 ONCHIP DEBUG FUNCTION (PD78F0513D AND 78F0515D ONLY) Revision of chapter CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (TARGET) Addition of package drawing CHAPTER 29 PACKAGE DRAWINGS Modification of <Conditions for maximum/minimum number of wait clocks> of A/D converter in Table 30-1 Registers That Generate Wait and Number of CPU Wait Clocks CHAPTER 30 CAUTIONS FOR WAIT Addition of (2) When using the on-chip debug emulator QB-78K0MINI to Figure A-1 Development Tool Configuration APPENDIX A DEVELOPMENT TOOLS Addition of A.5.2 When using on-chip debug emulator QB-78K0MINI 3rd Addition of chapter APPENDIX B NOTES ON TARGET SYSTEM DESIGN Addition of chapter APPENDIX D REVISION HISTORY Extending value range of capacitor ("0.47 F: target" "0.47 to 1 F: recommended") Throughout Addition of following related documents of device * 78K0/Kx2 Flash Memory Programming (Programmer) Application Note * 78K0/Kx2 Flash Memory Self Programming User's Manual * PG-FPL3 Flash Memory Programmer User's Manual INTRODUCTION Deletion of description concerning production process division management from 1.1 Features CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE Change of 1.3 Ordering Information Deletion of description concerning production process division management from 1.5 78K0/Kx2 Series Lineup Deletion of description concerning production process division management from 1.7 Outline of Functions User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 725 APPENDIX E REVISION HISTORY (8/11) Edition 3rd Description Addition of Caution 2, Note, and Remark 1 to 2.2.4 P30 to P33 (port 3) Addition of Caution, Note, and Remark 1 to 2.2.8 P120 to P124 (port 12) Chapter CHAPTER 2 PIN FUNCTIONS Addition of following contents to Table 2-2 Pin I/O Circuit Types * Addition of Notes 2 and 3 and Remark to P31/INTP2/OCD1A pin * Addition of Notes 2 and 5 and Remark to P121/X1/OCD0A pin * Addition of Note 4 to FLMD0 pin * Addition of connection of RESET pin when not used Addition of Remark and block number figure to Figures 3-1 Memory Map (PD78F0511) to 3-7 Memory Map (PD78F0515D) CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Addition of Table 3-2 Correspondence Between Address Values and Block Numbers of Flash Memory Change of setting of digital input and output in Table 4-4 Setting Functions of P20/ANI0 to P27/ANI7 Pins CHAPTER 4 PORT FUNCTIONS Addition of Caution to 4.2.3 Port 2 Addition of Caution 2, Note, and Remark 1 to 4.2.4 Port 3 Addition of Caution 2, Note, and Remark 1 to 4.2.8 Port 12 Addition of Note 2 to Figure 4-22 Format of Port Register Change of setting of digital input and output in Table 4-6 Setting Functions of ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 Pins Addition of 4.6 Cautions on 1-bit Manipulation Instruction for Port Register n (Pn) Addition of OR circuit to Figure 5-1 Block Diagram of Clock Generator Change of Cautions 2 and 3 (description concerning stopping time of supplying CPU clock) in Figure 5-2 Format of Clock Operation Mode Select Register (OSCCTL) CHAPTER 5 CLOCK GENERATOR Addition of description of external clock input to 5.4.1 X1 oscillator and 5.4.2 XT1 oscillator Change of voltage oscillation stabilization time and reset processing time in and addition of Note 1 concerning waiting for oscillation accuracy stabilization to Figure 5-12 Clock Generator Operation When Power Supply Voltage Is Turned On (When 1.59 V POC Mode Is Set (Option Byte: POCMODE = 0)) Addition of Caution 1 and waiting time for oscillation accuracy stabilization to and change of reset processing time in Figure 5-13 Clock Generator Operation When Power Supply Voltage Is Turned On (When 2.7 V/1.59 V POC Mode Is Set (Option Byte: POCMODE = 1)) Partial change (CPU clock supply stop time when AMPH = 1) of Note in 5.6.1 (1) <1> Setting frequency (OSCCTL register) and 5.6.1 (2) <1> Setting frequency (OSCCTL register) Change of Remark in Figure 5-14 CPU Clock Status Transition Diagram (When 1.59 V POC Mode Is Set (Option Byte: POCMODE = 0)) Change of CPU clock supply stop time when AMPH = 1 in Table 5-6 Changing CPU Clock Change of Remark 2 in Table 5-7 Time Required for Switchover of CPU Clock and Main System Clock Cycle Division Factor Addition of (iii) Setting range when CR000 or CR010 is used as a compare register Partial change of description of bits 3 and 2 (TMC003, TMC002) in Figure 6-5 Format of 16-bit Timer Mode Control Register 00 (TMC00) Change of (c) 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00) of Figure 6-17 Example of Register Settings for Square-Wave Output Operation Change of timing chart in Figure 6-18 Example of Software Processing for Square-Wave Output Function Change of (c) 16-bit timer output control register 00 (TOC00) of Figure 6-20 Example of Register Settings in External Event Counter Mode 726 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 APPENDIX E REVISION HISTORY (9/11) Edition 3rd Description Change of Figure 6-21 Example of Software Processing in External Event Counter Mode Change of Figure 6-35 Timing Example of Free-Running Timer Mode (CR000: Compare Register, CR010: Capture Register) (change of figure to that where CR000 = 0000H) Chapter CHAPTER 6 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTER 00 Change of Caution in Figure 6-41 Example of Register Settings for PPG Output Operation Change of Caution in Figure 6-44 Example of Register Settings for One-Shot Pulse Output Operation Change of restrictions on operations as external event counter, as PPG output, and as oneshot pulse output in Table 6-3 Restrictions for Each Channel of 16-bit Timer/Event Counter 00 Change of Caution 3 in Figure 7-7 Format of 8-bit Timer Mode Control Register 50 (TMC50) and Figure 7-8 Format of 8-bit Timer Mode Control Register 51 (TMC51) Change of set value of TMC5n in Setting <1> in 7.4.2 Operation as external event counter Change of Caution in Figure 8-3 Format of 8-bit Timer H Compare Register 0n (CMP0n) Partial addition of description to 8.2 (2) 8-bit timer H compare register 1n (CMP1n) Change of Caution 1 of Figure 8-5 Format of 8-bit Timer H Mode Register 0 (TMHMD0) and Figure 8-6 Format of 8-bit Timer H Mode Register 1 (TMHMD1) CHAPTER 7 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS 50 AND 51 CHAPTER 8 8-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS H0 AND H1 Partial change of description of RMC1 and NRZB1 bits in and addition of Caution to Figure 8-7 Format of 8-bit Timer H Carrier Control Register 1 (TMCYC1) Change of (c) Operation when CMP0n = 00H in Figure 8-10 Timing of Interval Timer/Square-Wave Output Operation Partial change of description of RMC1 and NRZB1 bits in 8.4.3 (2) Carrier output control Change of setting of digital input and output in Table 12-3 Setting Functions of ANI0/P20 to ANI7/P27 Pins CHAPTER 12 A/D CONVERTER Change of maximum transfer rate in 13.1 Functions of Serial Interface UART0 CHAPTER 13 SERIAL INTERFACE UART0 Addition of setting data when target baud rate is 312500 bps and 625000 bps to Table 13-5 Set Data of Baud Rate Generator Change of maximum transfer rate in 14.1 Functions of Serial Interface UART6 Change of output clock selection range and Remark 2 in Figure 14-9 Format of Baud Rate Generator Control Register 6 (BRGC6) CHAPTER 14 SERIAL INTERFACE UART6 Partial change of description in 14.4.3 (2) Generation of serial clock Addition of data to be set where target baud rate is 625000 bps to and change of Remark 2 in Table 14-5 Set Data of Baud Rate Generator Addition of error if division ratio (k) is 4 to Table 14-6 Maximum/Minimum Permissible Baud Rate Error Partial change of condition in which STCEN bit is cleared in Figure 16-7 Format of IIC Flag Register 0 (IICF0) Addition of descriptions (1) Master operation in single master system, (2) Master operation in multimaster system, and (3) Slave operation to 16.5.16 Communication operations CHAPTER 16 SERIAL INTERFACE IIC0 Partial change of Figure 16-23 Master Operation in Single-Master System Partial change of Figure 16-25 Slave Operation Flowchart (1) Addition of oscillation accuracy stabilization time to and change of reset processing time in Figure 20-4 HALT Mode Release by Reset Change of Caution 4 in 20.2.2 (1) STOP mode setting and operating statuses CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION Change of Figure 20-5 Operation Timing When STOP Mode Is Released User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 727 APPENDIX E REVISION HISTORY (10/11) Edition 3rd Description Change of Figure 20-6 STOP Mode Release by Interrupt Request Generation Addition of oscillation accuracy stabilization time to and change of reset processing time in Figure 20-7 STOP Mode Release by Reset Chapter CHAPTER 20 STANDBY FUNCTION Addition of oscillation accuracy stabilization time to Figures 21-2 Timing of Reset by RESET Input to 21-4 Timing of Reset in STOP Mode by RESET Input, change of reset processing time CHAPTER 21 RESET FUNCTION Partial change of description in 22.1 Functions of Power-on-Clear Circuit and 22.3 Operation of Power-on-Clear Circuit CHAPTER 22 POWER-ON-CLEAR CIRCUIT Change of voltage stabilization wait time and reset processing time in and addition of oscillation accuracy stabilization wait time and Note 3 to (1) In 1.59 V POC mode (option byte: POCMODE = 0) in Figure 22-2 Timing of Generation of Internal Reset Signal by Power-on-Clear Circuit and Low-Voltage Detector Change of reset processing time in and addition of oscillation accuracy stabilization wait time and Caution 2 to (2) In 2.7 V/1.59 V POC mode (option byte: POCMODE = 1) in Figure 22-2 Timing of Generation of Internal Reset Signal by Power-on-Clear Circuit and LowVoltage Detector Change and addition of description in 23.1 Functions of Low-Voltage Detector Change of description of LVIMD bit in Figure 23-2 Format of Low-Voltage Detection Register (LVIM) CHAPTER 23 LOWVOLTAGE DETECTOR Change and addition of description in 23.4 Operation of Low-Voltage Detector Change of description in 23.4.2 When used as interrupt Change of Figure 23-7 Timing of Low-Voltage Detector Interrupt Signal Generation (Detects Level of Supply Voltage (VDD)) and Figure 23-8 Timing of Low-Voltage Detector Interrupt Signal Generation (Detects Level of Input Voltage from External Input Pin (EXLVI)) Change of description in (2) When used as interrupt in 23.5 Cautions for Low-Voltage Detector Addition of Caution to (1) 0080H/1080H and (2) 0081H/1081H in 24.1 Functions of Option Bytes CHAPTER 24 OPTION BYTE Change of Note 2 in Table 25-3 Wiring Between 78K0/KC2 and Dedicated Flash Memory Programmer CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY Addition of Note to Figure 25-4 Example of Wiring Adapter for Flash Memory Writing in UART (UART6) Mode (44-pin products) and Figure 25-6 Example of Wiring Adapter for Flash Memory Writing in UART (UART6) Mode (48-pin products) Addition of Note to Figure 25-9 Communication with Dedicated Flash Memory Programmer (UART6) Change of Note 1 in Table 25-4 Pin Connection Change of Figure 25-10 FLMD0 Pin Connection Example and change of description Addition of Caution 3, Note, and Remark to 25.6.6 Other signal pins Change of Table 25-7 Communication Modes Change of Table 25-8 Flash Memory Control Commands Partial change of description in and addition of description to 25.8 Security Settings Change of Table 25-10 Relationship Between Enabling Security Function and Command Change of Table 25-11 Setting Security in Each Programming Mode Addition of 25.9 Processing Time for Each Command When PG-FP4 Is Used (Reference) Deletion of Caution 5 from 25.10 Flash Memory Programming by Self Programming Change of Figure 25-18 Flow of Self Programming (Rewriting Flash Memory) 728 User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD APPENDIX E REVISION HISTORY (11/11) Edition 3rd Description Addition of Table 25-13 Processing Time and Interrupt Response Time for Self Programming Sample Library Chapter CHAPTER 25 FLASH MEMORY Partial change of boot start position in Figure 25-19 Boot Swap Function Addition of recommended resistance to Note of Figure 26-1 Connection Example of QB78K0MINI and PD78F0513D, 78F0515D (When OCD0A/X1 and OCD0B/X2 Are Used) and Figure 26-2 Connection Example of QB-78K0MINI and PD78F0513D, 78F0515D (When OCD1A/P31 and OCD1B/P32 Are Used) Addition of Figure 26-3 Connection of FLMD0 Pin for Self Programming or On-Chip Debugging Change of following items of Absolute Maximum Ratings * Output current, high (addition of values of P20 to P27 and P121 to P124) * Output current, low (addition of values of P20 to P27 and P121 to P124) Addition of value when RSTS = 0 to 8 MHz internal oscillator in Internal Oscillator Characteristics CHAPTER 26 ONCHIP DEBUG FUNCTION (PD78F0513D AND 78F0515D ONLY) CHAPTER 28 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (STANDARD PRODUCTS) Addition of recommended oscillator for X1 oscillation and XT1 oscillation and oscillator constants Change of following items of DC Characteristics * Input voltage, high (change of values of P60 to P63) * Input voltage, low (change of values of P60 to P62) * Output voltage, low (addition of values in this condition: P60 to P63, 2.7 V VDD < 4.0 V, IOL1 = 5.0 mA) * Supply current (change of values when square wave is input in operation mode and HALT mode, and addition of values for oscillator connection). Addition of values where TA = -40 to +70C in STOP mode. Addition of Note 2. Change of Notes 1 and 5 * A/D converter operating current (addition of values while converter is not operating (when comparator operates). Addition of Note 2) Change of following items of AC Characteristics * TI000, TI010, TI001, TI011 input high-level width, low-level width (addition of values in condition where 1.8 V VDD < 2.7 V) in (1) Basic operation * Transfer rate (change of values) in (2) Serial interface (a) UART6 and (b) UART0 Addition of MIN. and MAX. values as detection voltages of external input pin in LVI Circuit Characteristics Addition of Note 1 and value of write time to Basic Characteristics of Flash Memory Programming Characteristics. Deletion of "(2) Serial write operation characteristics" of old edition, and introduction of other manual Addition of chapter CHAPTER 30 RECOMMENDED SOLDERING CONDITIONS Addition of FP-LITE3, FA-78F0547GC-UBT-MX and FA-78F0547GK-8EU-MX and Remark 2 to A.4 Flash Memory Programming Tools APPENDIX A DEVELOPMENT TOOLS Addition of chapter APPENDIX D LIST OF CAUTIONS Addition of E.2 Revision History of Preceding Editions APPENDIX E REVISION HISTORY User's Manual U17336EJ5V0UD 729 For further information, please contact: NEC Electronics Corporation 1753, Shimonumabe, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-8668, Japan Tel: 044-435-5111 [America] [Europe] [Asia & Oceania] NEC Electronics America, Inc. 2880 Scott Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95050-2554, U.S.A. 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