Application Note Ver.2.2
Thank you for purchasing this product.
To ensure safety, keep the following warnings and cautions in mind at all times when using this IC.
Warning !Improper handling may result in death, serious injury, or significant property damage.
Caution !Improper handling may result in minor injuries or minor damage to property.
While we strive to improve quality and reliability at all times, semiconductor products will
malfunction at a certain rate. To prevent or limit the scope of injury, fire, or other societal damage that
may result from product malfunctions, it is your responsibility to take steps to ensure that your designs
incorporate suitable safety factors, including appropriate redundancy, fire prevention, and false
operation prevention measures.
The semiconductor product described in this document is not designed or manufactured for use in
devices or systems in which malfunctions would threaten human life or result in injury. Nor is it
designed or manufactured for use in other devices or systems requiring mission-critical quality and
reliability. Please consult with us before using the product in any of the following special or specific
Special applications
Transport equipment (e.g., automobiles and ships), communications equipment for backbone
networks, traffic signal equipment, disaster or crime prevention equipment, medical devices, various
types of safety equipment
Specific applications
Nuclear power control systems, aircraft equipment, aerospace equipment, submarine repeaters,
life-support medical equipment
Please consult with us before using any IC products in equipment expected to run continuously for
extended periods, even if the application in question has no special requirements.
Never repair or modify the product. Doing so may result in serious accidents.
<<Electric shock, destruction, fire, or malfunction may result.>>
In the event of problems, an excessive voltage may arise at the output terminal, or the voltage may
drop. Try to anticipate malfunctions and load issues and confirm that the end equipment is adequately
protected (e.g., by overvoltage or overcurrent protection).
Check the polarity of the input and output terminals. Make sure they are correctly connected before
turning on power.
<<The protective element may blow, or smoke or fire may result.>>
Use the specified input voltage. Provide a protective element in the input line.
<<Smoke or fire may result in event of a problem.>>
In the event of a malfunction or other anomaly, turn power off immediately and contact us.
The contents of this document are subject to change without notice due to product improvements.
You must provide written agreement concerning the specifications before starting to use the device.
We have made every effort to confirm that all information provided in this document is correct and reliable. However, we take no
responsibility for losses or damages incurred or infringements of patents or other rights resulting from use of the information.
This document neither warrants nor authorizes the right to exercise intellectual property rights or any other rights belonging to
Shindengen or third parties.
No part of this document may be duplicated or reproduced in any form without prior consent from Shindengen.